mirror of https://github.com/solemnwarning/ipxwrapper synced 2024-12-30 16:45:37 +01:00
Daniel Collins 5ff0855485 Replace test suite.
Dump most of the old "unit" tests which were more system tests and only tested
a small amount of functionality against the host.

The new test suite is a lot more thorough and tests an arbitrary Windows version
over the network rather than testing within the host's WinSock environment.

More documentation detailing how to run this will follow.
2014-10-04 14:46:11 +01:00

129 lines
2.7 KiB

use strict;
use warnings;
package NetPacket::IPXWrapper;
use parent qw(NetPacket);
use Carp;
sub new
my ($class, %packet) = @_;
foreach my $key(qw(type dest_network dest_node dest_socket
src_network src_node src_socket data))
croak("Missing $key argument") unless(defined($packet{$key}));
croak("Invalid type argument") unless($packet{type} =~ m/^\d+$/ && $packet{type} <= 255);
_check_address("destination", $packet{dest_network}, $packet{dest_node}, $packet{dest_socket});
_check_address("source", $packet{src_network}, $packet{src_node}, $packet{src_socket});
return bless(\%packet, $class);
sub _check_address
my ($direction, $network, $node, $socket) = @_;
my $OCTET = qr/[0-9A-F][0-9A-F]?/i;
croak("Invalid $direction network") unless($network =~ m/^$OCTET(:$OCTET){3}$/);
croak("Invalid $direction node") unless($node =~ m/^$OCTET(:$OCTET){5}$/);
croak("Invalid $direction socket") unless($socket =~ m/^\d+$/ && $socket <= 65535);
# Decode the packet
sub decode
my ($class, $pkt, $parent) = @_;
my $self = bless({
_parent => $parent,
_frame => $pkt,
}, $class);
# Use array slices to capture the appropriate number of bytes
# from each address field.
my (
@dst_network, @dst_node, $dst_socket,
@src_network, @src_node, $src_socket,
@dst_network[0..3], @dst_node[0..5], $dst_socket,
@src_network[0..3], @src_node[0..5], $src_socket,
) = unpack("C C4C6n C4C6n n", $pkt);
$self->{type} = $type;
$self->{dest_network} = _addr_to_string(@dst_network);
$self->{dest_node} = _addr_to_string(@dst_node);
$self->{dest_socket} = $dst_socket;
$self->{src_network} = _addr_to_string(@src_network);
$self->{src_node} = _addr_to_string(@src_node);
$self->{src_socket} = $src_socket;
$self->{data} = substr($pkt, 27);
return undef if($length != length($self->{data}));
return $self;
# Strip header from packet and return the data contained in it
sub strip {
my ($pkt) = @_;
return NetPacket::IPX->decode($pkt)->{data};
# Encode a packet
sub encode
my ($self) = @_;
return pack("C", $self->{type})
.pack("n", $self->{dest_socket})
.pack("n", $self->{src_socket})
.pack("n", length($self->{data}))
sub _addr_to_string
my (@bytes) = @_;
return join(":", map { sprintf("%02X", $_) } @bytes);
sub _addr_from_string
my ($string) = @_;
return join("", map { pack("C", hex($_)) } split(m/:/, $string));