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synced 2024-12-30 16:45:37 +01:00
Dump most of the old "unit" tests which were more system tests and only tested a small amount of functionality against the host. The new test suite is a lot more thorough and tests an arbitrary Windows version over the network rather than testing within the host's WinSock environment. More documentation detailing how to run this will follow.
254 lines
4.9 KiB
254 lines
4.9 KiB
use strict;
use warnings;
package NetPacket::IPX;
use parent qw(NetPacket);
use Carp;
sub new
my ($class, %packet) = @_;
foreach my $key(qw(tc type dest_network dest_node dest_socket
src_network src_node src_socket data))
croak("Missing $key argument") unless(defined($packet{$key}));
croak("Invalid tc argument") unless($packet{tc} =~ m/^\d+$/ && $packet{tc} <= 255);
croak("Invalid type argument") unless($packet{type} =~ m/^\d+$/ && $packet{type} <= 255);
_check_address("destination", $packet{dest_network}, $packet{dest_node}, $packet{dest_socket});
_check_address("source", $packet{src_network}, $packet{src_node}, $packet{src_socket});
return bless(\%packet, $class);
sub _check_address
my ($direction, $network, $node, $socket) = @_;
my $OCTET = qr/[0-9A-F][0-9A-F]?/i;
croak("Invalid $direction network") unless($network =~ m/^$OCTET(:$OCTET){3}$/);
croak("Invalid $direction node") unless($node =~ m/^$OCTET(:$OCTET){5}$/);
croak("Invalid $direction socket") unless($socket =~ m/^\d+$/ && $socket <= 65535);
# Decode the packet
sub decode
my ($class, $pkt, $parent) = @_;
my $self = bless({
_parent => $parent,
_frame => $pkt,
}, $class);
if(length($pkt) < 30)
carp("Truncated packet (incomplete header)");
return $self;
# Use array slices to capture the appropriate number of bytes
# from each address field.
my (
$checksum, $length, $tc, $type,
@dst_network, @dst_node, $dst_socket,
@src_network, @src_node, $src_socket,
$checksum, $length, $tc, $type,
@dst_network[0..3], @dst_node[0..5], $dst_socket,
@src_network[0..3], @src_node[0..5], $src_socket,
) = unpack("nnCC C4C6n C4C6n", $pkt);
$self->{tc} = $tc;
$self->{type} = $type;
$self->{dest_network} = _addr_to_string(@dst_network);
$self->{dest_node} = _addr_to_string(@dst_node);
$self->{dest_socket} = $dst_socket;
$self->{src_network} = _addr_to_string(@src_network);
$self->{src_node} = _addr_to_string(@src_node);
$self->{src_socket} = $src_socket;
if($length < 30)
carp("Invalid packet (length < 30)");
return $self;
if(length($pkt) < $length)
carp("Truncated packet (data truncated)");
$self->{data} = substr($pkt, 30);
$self->{data} = substr($pkt, 30, ($length - 30));
return $self;
# Strip header from packet and return the data contained in it
sub strip {
my ($pkt) = @_;
return NetPacket::IPX->decode($pkt)->{data};
# Encode a packet
sub encode
my ($self) = @_;
return pack("nnCC", 0xFFFF, 30 + length($self->{data}), $self->{tc}, $self->{type})
.pack("n", $self->{dest_socket})
.pack("n", $self->{src_socket})
sub _addr_to_string
my (@bytes) = @_;
return join(":", map { sprintf("%02X", $_) } @bytes);
sub _addr_from_string
my ($string) = @_;
return join("", map { pack("C", hex($_)) } split(m/:/, $string));
=head1 NAME
NetPacket::IPX - Assemble and disassemble IPX packets.
use NetPacket::IPX;
my $ipx = NetPacket::IPX->decode($raw_pkt);
my $raw_pkt = $ipx->encode();
my $ipx = NetPacket::IPX->new(
tc => 0,
type => 1,
dest_network => "00:00:00:01",
dest_node => "FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF",
dest_socket => 1234,
src_network => "00:00:00:01",
src_node => "12:34:56:78:90:AB",
src_socket => 5678,
data => "...",
C<NetPacket::IPX> is a C<NetPacket> class for encoding and decoding IPX packets.
=head1 METHODS
=head2 decode($raw_pkt)
Decode a packet and return a C<NetPacket::IPX> instance.
=head2 encode()
Return the encoded form of a C<NetPacket::IPX> instance.
=head2 new(%options)
Construct a C<NetPacket::IPX> instance with arbitrary contents. All arguments
listed in the SYNOPSIS are mandatory.
Throws an exception on missing/invalid arguments.
The following fields are available in a C<NetPacket::IPX> instance:
=item tc
Traffic Control field, the number of routers an IPX packet has passed through.
=item type
Type field.
=item dest_network
Destination network number, in the format C<XX:XX:XX:XX>.
=item dest_node
Destination node number, in the format C<XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX>.
=item dest_socket
Destination socket number.
=item src_network
Source network number, in the format C<XX:XX:XX:XX>.
=item dest_node
Source node number, in the format C<XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX>.
=item dest_socket
Source socket number.
=item data
Packet payload.
Copyright (C) 2014 Daniel Collins
This module is free software. You can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
=head1 AUTHOR
Daniel Collins E<lt>solemnwarning@solemnwarning.netE<gt>