/* ipxwrapper - Winsock functions * Copyright (C) 2008 Daniel Collins * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by * the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for * more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 * Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "ipxwrapper.h" #include "common.h" #include "interface.h" #include "router.h" typedef struct _PROTOCOL_INFOA { DWORD dwServiceFlags ; INT iAddressFamily ; INT iMaxSockAddr ; INT iMinSockAddr ; INT iSocketType ; INT iProtocol ; DWORD dwMessageSize ; LPSTR lpProtocol ; } PROTOCOL_INFOA; INT APIENTRY EnumProtocolsA(LPINT protocols, LPVOID buf, LPDWORD bsptr) { int bufsize = *bsptr, rval, i, want_ipx = 0; PROTOCOL_INFOA *pinfo = buf; rval = r_EnumProtocolsA(protocols, buf, bsptr); if(rval == -1) { return -1; } if(!protocols) { want_ipx = 1; }else{ for(i = 0; protocols[i]; i++) { if(protocols[i] == NSPROTO_IPX) { want_ipx = 1; break; } } } if(want_ipx) { for(i = 0; i < rval; i++) { if(pinfo[i].iProtocol == NSPROTO_IPX) { break; } } if(i == rval) { *bsptr += sizeof(PROTOCOL_INFOA); rval++; } if(*bsptr > bufsize) { SetLastError(ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER); return -1; } pinfo[i].dwServiceFlags = 5641; pinfo[i].iAddressFamily = AF_IPX; pinfo[i].iMaxSockAddr = 16; pinfo[i].iMinSockAddr = 14; pinfo[i].iSocketType = SOCK_DGRAM; pinfo[i].iProtocol = NSPROTO_IPX; pinfo[i].dwMessageSize = 576; pinfo[i].lpProtocol = "IPX"; } return rval; } typedef struct _PROTOCOL_INFOW { DWORD dwServiceFlags ; INT iAddressFamily ; INT iMaxSockAddr ; INT iMinSockAddr ; INT iSocketType ; INT iProtocol ; DWORD dwMessageSize ; LPWSTR lpProtocol ; } PROTOCOL_INFOW; INT APIENTRY EnumProtocolsW(LPINT protocols, LPVOID buf, LPDWORD bsptr) { int bufsize = *bsptr, rval, i, want_ipx = 0; PROTOCOL_INFOW *pinfo = buf; rval = r_EnumProtocolsW(protocols, buf, bsptr); if(rval == -1) { return -1; } if(!protocols) { want_ipx = 1; }else{ for(i = 0; protocols[i]; i++) { if(protocols[i] == NSPROTO_IPX) { want_ipx = 1; break; } } } if(want_ipx) { for(i = 0; i < rval; i++) { if(pinfo[i].iProtocol == NSPROTO_IPX) { break; } } if(i == rval) { *bsptr += sizeof(PROTOCOL_INFOW); rval++; } if(*bsptr > bufsize) { SetLastError(ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER); return -1; } pinfo[i].dwServiceFlags = 5641; pinfo[i].iAddressFamily = AF_IPX; pinfo[i].iMaxSockAddr = 16; pinfo[i].iMinSockAddr = 14; pinfo[i].iSocketType = SOCK_DGRAM; pinfo[i].iProtocol = NSPROTO_IPX; pinfo[i].dwMessageSize = 576; pinfo[i].lpProtocol = L"IPX"; } return rval; } SOCKET WSAAPI socket(int af, int type, int protocol) { log_printf("socket(%d, %d, %d)", af, type, protocol); if(af == AF_IPX) { ipx_socket *nsock = malloc(sizeof(ipx_socket)); if(!nsock) { RETURN_WSA(ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY, -1); } nsock->fd = r_socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0); if(nsock->fd == -1) { log_printf("Creating fake socket failed: %s", w32_error(WSAGetLastError())); free(nsock); RETURN(-1); } nsock->flags = IPX_SEND | IPX_RECV; nsock->s_ptype = (protocol ? NSPROTO_IPX - protocol : 0); lock_mutex(); nsock->next = sockets; sockets = nsock; log_printf("IPX socket created (fd = %d)", nsock->fd); RETURN(nsock->fd); }else{ return r_socket(af, type, protocol); } } int WSAAPI closesocket(SOCKET fd) { int ret = r_closesocket(fd); ipx_socket *ptr = get_socket(fd); ipx_socket *pptr = sockets; if(!ptr) { /* Not an IPX socket */ return ret; } if(ret == SOCKET_ERROR) { log_printf("closesocket(%d) failed: %s", fd, w32_error(WSAGetLastError())); RETURN(SOCKET_ERROR); } log_printf("IPX socket closed (fd = %d)", fd); router_unbind(router, 0, fd); if(ptr == sockets) { sockets = ptr->next; free(ptr); }else{ while(ptr && pptr->next) { if(ptr == pptr->next) { pptr->next = ptr->next; free(ptr); } pptr = pptr->next; } } RETURN(0); } int WSAAPI bind(SOCKET fd, const struct sockaddr *addr, int addrlen) { ipx_socket *ptr = get_socket(fd); if(ptr) { struct sockaddr_ipx ipxaddr; char net_s[12], node_s[18]; if(addrlen < sizeof(ipxaddr)) { RETURN_WSA(WSAEFAULT, -1); } memcpy(&ipxaddr, addr, sizeof(ipxaddr)); NET_TO_STRING(net_s, ipxaddr.sa_netnum); NODE_TO_STRING(node_s, ipxaddr.sa_nodenum); log_printf("bind(%d, net=%s node=%s socket=%hu)", fd, net_s, node_s, ntohs(ipxaddr.sa_socket)); if(ptr->flags & IPX_BOUND) { log_printf("bind failed: socket already bound"); RETURN_WSA(WSAEINVAL, -1); } if(router_bind(router, 0, fd, &ipxaddr, &(ptr->nic_bcast)) == -1) { RETURN(-1); } NET_TO_STRING(net_s, ipxaddr.sa_netnum); NODE_TO_STRING(node_s, ipxaddr.sa_nodenum); log_printf("bind address: net=%s node=%s socket=%hu", net_s, node_s, ntohs(ipxaddr.sa_socket)); struct sockaddr_in bind_addr; bind_addr.sin_family = AF_INET; bind_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(""); bind_addr.sin_port = 0; if(r_bind(fd, (struct sockaddr*)&bind_addr, sizeof(bind_addr)) == -1) { log_printf("Binding local UDP socket failed: %s", w32_error(WSAGetLastError())); router_unbind(router, 0, fd); RETURN(-1); } int al = sizeof(bind_addr); if(r_getsockname(fd, (struct sockaddr*)&bind_addr, &al) == -1) { log_printf("getsockname failed: %s", w32_error(WSAGetLastError())); router_unbind(router, 0, fd); RETURN(-1); } memcpy(&(ptr->addr), &ipxaddr, sizeof(ipxaddr)); ptr->flags |= IPX_BOUND; router_set_port(router, 0, fd, bind_addr.sin_port); RETURN(0); }else{ RETURN(r_bind(fd, addr, addrlen)); } } /* Bind extra address of a socket, does not check if address is already in use * Attempts to bind socket 0 will really bind socket 0 */ int ipx_ex_bind(SOCKET fd, const struct sockaddr_ipx *ipxaddr) { return 0; } int WSAAPI getsockname(SOCKET fd, struct sockaddr *addr, int *addrlen) { ipx_socket *ptr = get_socket(fd); if(ptr) { if(ptr->flags & IPX_BOUND) { if(*addrlen < sizeof(struct sockaddr_ipx)) { *addrlen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_ipx); RETURN_WSA(WSAEFAULT, -1); } memcpy(addr, &(ptr->addr), sizeof(ptr->addr)); *addrlen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_ipx); RETURN(0); }else{ RETURN_WSA(WSAEINVAL, -1); } }else{ RETURN(r_getsockname(fd, addr, addrlen)); } } /* Recieve a packet from an IPX socket * addr must be NULL or a region of memory big enough for a sockaddr_ipx * * The mutex should be locked before calling and will be released before returning * The size of the packet will be returned on success, even if it was truncated */ static int recv_packet(ipx_socket *sockptr, char *buf, int bufsize, int flags, struct sockaddr_ipx *addr) { SOCKET fd = sockptr->fd; int is_bound = sockptr->flags & IPX_BOUND; unlock_mutex(); if(!is_bound) { WSASetLastError(WSAEINVAL); return -1; } struct ipx_packet *packet = malloc(PACKET_BUF_SIZE); if(!packet) { WSASetLastError(ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY); return -1; } int rval = r_recv(fd, (char*)packet, PACKET_BUF_SIZE, flags); if(rval == -1) { free(packet); return -1; } if(rval < sizeof(ipx_packet) || rval != packet->size + sizeof(ipx_packet) - 1) { log_printf("Invalid packet received on loopback port!"); free(packet); WSASetLastError(WSAEWOULDBLOCK); return -1; } /* Router thread replaces destination network number with source IP address */ add_host(packet->src_net, packet->src_node, *((uint32_t*)packet->dest_net)); if(addr) { addr->sa_family = AF_IPX; memcpy(addr->sa_netnum, packet->src_net, 4); memcpy(addr->sa_nodenum, packet->src_node, 6); addr->sa_socket = packet->src_socket; } memcpy(buf, packet->data, packet->size <= bufsize ? packet->size : bufsize); rval = packet->size; free(packet); return rval; } int WSAAPI recvfrom(SOCKET fd, char *buf, int len, int flags, struct sockaddr *addr, int *addrlen) { ipx_socket *sockptr = get_socket(fd); if(sockptr) { if(addr && addrlen && *addrlen < sizeof(struct sockaddr_ipx)) { unlock_mutex(); WSASetLastError(WSAEFAULT); return -1; } int rval = recv_packet(sockptr, buf, len, flags, (struct sockaddr_ipx*)addr); /* The value pointed to by addrlen is only set if the recv call was * successful, may not be correct. */ if(rval >= 0 && addr && addrlen) { *addrlen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_ipx); } if(rval > len) { WSASetLastError(WSAEMSGSIZE); return -1; } return rval; }else{ return r_recvfrom(fd, buf, len, flags, addr, addrlen); } } int WSAAPI recv(SOCKET fd, char *buf, int len, int flags) { ipx_socket *sockptr = get_socket(fd); if(sockptr) { int rval = recv_packet(sockptr, buf, len, flags, NULL); if(rval > len) { WSASetLastError(WSAEMSGSIZE); return -1; } return rval; }else{ return r_recv(fd, buf, len, flags); } } int PASCAL WSARecvEx(SOCKET fd, char *buf, int len, int *flags) { ipx_socket *sockptr = get_socket(fd); if(sockptr) { int rval = recv_packet(sockptr, buf, len, 0, NULL); if(rval > len) { *flags = MSG_PARTIAL; /* Wording of MSDN is unclear on what should be returned when * an incomplete message is read, I think it should return the * amount of data copied to the buffer. */ rval = len; }else if(rval != -1) { *flags = 0; } return rval; }else{ return r_WSARecvEx(fd, buf, len, flags); } } #define CHECK_OPTLEN(size) \ if(*optlen < size) {\ *optlen = size;\ RETURN_WSA(WSAEFAULT, -1);\ }\ *optlen = size; int WSAAPI getsockopt(SOCKET fd, int level, int optname, char FAR *optval, int FAR *optlen) { int* intval = (int*)optval; ipx_socket *ptr = get_socket(fd); if(ptr) { if(level == NSPROTO_IPX) { if(optname == IPX_PTYPE) { CHECK_OPTLEN(sizeof(int)); *intval = ptr->s_ptype; RETURN(0); } if(optname == IPX_FILTERPTYPE) { CHECK_OPTLEN(sizeof(int)); *intval = ptr->f_ptype; RETURN(0); } if(optname == IPX_MAXSIZE) { CHECK_OPTLEN(sizeof(int)); *intval = MAX_PACKET_SIZE; RETURN(0); } if(optname == IPX_ADDRESS) { CHECK_OPTLEN(sizeof(IPX_ADDRESS_DATA)); IPX_ADDRESS_DATA *ipxdata = (IPX_ADDRESS_DATA*)optval; struct ipx_interface *nic = nics; int i = 0; while(nic && i < ipxdata->adapternum) { nic = nic->next; i++; } if(!nic) { WSASetLastError(ERROR_NO_DATA); return -1; } memcpy(ipxdata->netnum, nic->ipx_net, 4); memcpy(ipxdata->nodenum, nic->ipx_node, 6); /* TODO: LAN/WAN detection, link speed detection */ ipxdata->wan = FALSE; ipxdata->status = FALSE; ipxdata->maxpkt = MAX_PACKET_SIZE; ipxdata->linkspeed = 100000; /* 10MBps */ RETURN(0); } /* NOTE: IPX_MAX_ADAPTER_NUM implies it may be the maximum index * for referencing an IPX interface. This behaviour makes no sense * and a code example in MSDN implies it should be the number of * IPX interfaces, this code follows the latter. */ if(optname == IPX_MAX_ADAPTER_NUM) { CHECK_OPTLEN(sizeof(int)); *intval = 0; struct ipx_interface *nic = nics; while(nic) { (*intval)++; nic = nic->next; } RETURN(0); } RETURN_WSA(WSAENOPROTOOPT, -1); } } RETURN(r_getsockopt(fd, level, optname, optval, optlen)); } int WSAAPI setsockopt(SOCKET fd, int level, int optname, const char FAR *optval, int optlen) { int *intval = (int*)optval; BOOL *bval = (BOOL*)optval; ipx_socket *sockptr = get_socket(fd); if(sockptr) { if(level == NSPROTO_IPX) { if(optname == IPX_PTYPE) { sockptr->s_ptype = *intval; RETURN(0); } if(optname == IPX_FILTERPTYPE) { sockptr->f_ptype = *intval; sockptr->flags |= IPX_FILTER; router_set_filter(router, 0, fd, *intval); RETURN(0); } if(optname == IPX_STOPFILTERPTYPE) { sockptr->flags &= ~IPX_FILTER; router_set_filter(router, 0, fd, -1); RETURN(0); } RETURN_WSA(WSAENOPROTOOPT, -1); } if(level == SOL_SOCKET) { if(optname == SO_BROADCAST) { if(*bval == TRUE) { sockptr->flags |= IPX_BROADCAST; }else{ sockptr->flags &= ~IPX_BROADCAST; } RETURN(0); } } } RETURN(r_setsockopt(fd, level, optname, optval, optlen)); } int WSAAPI sendto(SOCKET fd, const char *buf, int len, int flags, const struct sockaddr *addr, int addrlen) { struct sockaddr_ipx *ipxaddr = (struct sockaddr_ipx*)addr; ipx_socket *sockptr = get_socket(fd); if(sockptr) { if(!addr || addrlen < sizeof(struct sockaddr_ipx)) { RETURN_WSA(WSAEDESTADDRREQ, -1); } if(!(sockptr->flags & IPX_SEND)) { RETURN_WSA(WSAESHUTDOWN, -1); } if(!(sockptr->flags & IPX_BOUND)) { log_printf("sendto() on unbound socket, attempting implicit bind"); struct sockaddr_ipx bind_addr; bind_addr.sa_family = AF_IPX; memcpy(bind_addr.sa_netnum, ipxaddr->sa_netnum, 4); memset(bind_addr.sa_nodenum, 0, 6); bind_addr.sa_socket = 0; if(bind(fd, (struct sockaddr*)&bind_addr, sizeof(bind_addr)) == -1) { RETURN(-1); } } if(len > MAX_PACKET_SIZE) { RETURN_WSA(WSAEMSGSIZE, -1); } int psize = sizeof(ipx_packet)+len-1; ipx_packet *packet = malloc(psize); if(!packet) { RETURN_WSA(ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY, -1); } packet->ptype = sockptr->s_ptype; memcpy(packet->dest_net, ipxaddr->sa_netnum, 4); memcpy(packet->dest_node, ipxaddr->sa_nodenum, 6); packet->dest_socket = ipxaddr->sa_socket; unsigned char z6[] = {0,0,0,0,0,0}; if(memcmp(packet->dest_net, z6, 4) == 0) { memcpy(packet->dest_net, sockptr->addr.sa_netnum, 4); } memcpy(packet->src_net, sockptr->addr.sa_netnum, 4); memcpy(packet->src_node, sockptr->addr.sa_nodenum, 6); packet->src_socket = sockptr->addr.sa_socket; packet->size = htons(len); memcpy(packet->data, buf, len); ipx_host *host = find_host(packet->dest_net, packet->dest_node); struct sockaddr_in saddr; saddr.sin_family = AF_INET; saddr.sin_port = htons(global_conf.udp_port); saddr.sin_addr.s_addr = (host ? host->ipaddr : (global_conf.bcast_all ? INADDR_BROADCAST : sockptr->nic_bcast)); int sval = r_sendto(net_fd, (char*)packet, psize, 0, (struct sockaddr*)&saddr, sizeof(saddr)); if(sval == -1) { len = -1; } free(packet); RETURN(len); }else{ RETURN(r_sendto(fd, buf, len, flags, addr, addrlen)); } } int PASCAL shutdown(SOCKET fd, int cmd) { ipx_socket *sockptr = get_socket(fd); if(sockptr) { if(cmd == SD_SEND || cmd == SD_BOTH) { sockptr->flags &= ~IPX_SEND; } if(cmd == SD_RECEIVE || cmd == SD_BOTH) { sockptr->flags &= ~IPX_RECV; router_set_port(router, 0, fd, 0); } RETURN(0); }else{ RETURN(r_shutdown(fd, cmd)); } } int PASCAL ioctlsocket(SOCKET fd, long cmd, u_long *argp) { ipx_socket *sockptr = get_socket(fd); if(sockptr && cmd == FIONREAD) { ipx_packet packet; fd_set fdset; struct timeval tv = {0,0}; FD_ZERO(&fdset); FD_SET(sockptr->fd, &fdset); int r = select(1, &fdset, NULL, NULL, &tv); if(r == -1) { RETURN(-1); }else if(r == 0) { *(unsigned long*)argp = 0; RETURN(0); } r = r_recv(sockptr->fd, (char*)&packet, sizeof(packet), MSG_PEEK); if(r == -1 && WSAGetLastError() != WSAEMSGSIZE) { RETURN(-1); } *(unsigned long*)argp = packet.size; RETURN(0); }else{ RETURN(r_ioctlsocket(fd, cmd, argp)); } }