# IPXWrapper test suite # Copyright (C) 2014-2017 Daniel Collins # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by # the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for # more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with # this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 # Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. use strict; use warnings; package IPXWrapper::Util; use Exporter qw(import); our @EXPORT = qw( run_remote_cmd reg_set_dword reg_set_addr reg_delete_key reg_delete_value send_ipx_over_udp send_ipx_packet_ethernet send_ipx_packet_novell send_ipx_packet_llc cmp_hashes_partial getsockopt_interfaces ); use Test::Spec; use Data::Dumper; use IO::Socket::INET; use IPC::Run; use Net::Libdnet::Eth; use NetPacket::IPX; use NetPacket::IPXWrapper; sub run_remote_cmd { my ($host_ip, $exe_name, @exe_args) = @_; my @command = ("ssh", $host_ip, $exe_name, @exe_args); note(join(" ", @command)); my $output = ""; my $ok = IPC::Run::run(\@command, ">&" => \$output); # Oh line endings, how do I hate thee? Let me count the ways. $output =~ s/\r//g; die("Failure running $exe_name:\n$output") unless($ok); return $output; } sub reg_set_dword { my ($host_ip, $key, $value, $data) = @_; run_remote_cmd($host_ip, "REG", "ADD", $key, "/v", $value, "/t", "REG_DWORD", "/d", $data, "/f"); } sub reg_set_addr { my ($host_ip, $key, $value, $data) = @_; $data =~ s/://g; run_remote_cmd($host_ip, "REG", "ADD", $key, "/v", $value, "/t", "REG_BINARY", "/d", $data, "/f"); } sub reg_delete_key { my ($host_ip, $key) = @_; # Attempting to delete a key which doesn't exist is considered to be an # error, so we touch the key beforehand. run_remote_cmd($host_ip, "REG", "ADD", $key, "/f"); run_remote_cmd($host_ip, "REG", "DELETE", $key, "/f"); } sub reg_delete_value { my ($host_ip, $key, $value) = @_; run_remote_cmd($host_ip, "REG", "ADD", $key, "/v", $value, "/t", "REG_SZ", "/f"); run_remote_cmd($host_ip, "REG", "DELETE", $key, "/v", $value, "/f"); } sub send_ipx_over_udp { my (%options) = @_; my $packet = NetPacket::IPXWrapper->new(%options); my $sock = IO::Socket::INET->new( Proto => "udp", ReuseAddr => 1, Broadcast => 1, LocalAddr => $options{src_ip}, (defined($options{src_port}) ? (LocalPort => $options{src_port}) : ()), PeerAddr => $options{dest_ip}, PeerPort => $options{dest_port}, ) or die("Can't create socket: $!"); $sock->send($packet->encode()) or die("Can't send data: $!"); } sub _send_ethernet_frame { my ($dev, $dest_mac, $src_mac, $type, $data) = @_; my $frame = pack("C6 C6 n", (map { hex($_) } split(m/:/, $dest_mac)), (map { hex($_) } split(m/:/, $src_mac)), $type).$data; my $eth = Net::Libdnet::Eth->new(device => $dev) or die("Couldn't open device $dev"); $eth->send($frame) or die("Couldn't transmit frame on device $dev"); } sub send_ipx_packet_ethernet { my ($dev, %options) = @_; my $packet = NetPacket::IPX->new(%options); _send_ethernet_frame($dev, $packet->{dest_node}, $packet->{src_node}, 0x8137, $packet->encode()); } sub send_ipx_packet_novell { my ($dev, %options) = @_; my $packet = NetPacket::IPX->new(%options); my $enc_packet = $packet->encode(); _send_ethernet_frame($dev, $packet->{dest_node}, $packet->{src_node}, length($enc_packet), $enc_packet); } sub send_ipx_packet_llc { my ($dev, %options) = @_; my $packet = NetPacket::IPX->new(%options); my $enc_packet = $packet->encode(); # Prefix IPX packet with LLC header $enc_packet = pack("C3", 0xE0, 0xE0, 0x03).$enc_packet; _send_ethernet_frame($dev, $packet->{dest_node}, $packet->{src_node}, length($enc_packet), $enc_packet); } sub cmp_hashes_partial { my ($got, $expect) = @_; my %missing = map { $_ => $expect->[$_] } (0 .. $#{$expect}); my @extra = (); HASH: foreach my $hash(@$got) { foreach my $key(keys(%missing)) { next if(grep { $hash->{$_} ne $missing{$key}->{$_} } keys(%{ $missing{$key} })); delete $missing{$key}; next HASH; } push(@extra, $hash); } my $ok = ok(!@extra && !%missing); unless($ok) { diag("Got: ".Dumper($got)); diag("Expect: ".Dumper($expect)); } return $ok; } sub getsockopt_interfaces { my ($host_ip) = @_; my $output = run_remote_cmd($host_ip, "Z:\\tools\\list-interfaces.exe"); my @addrs = (); foreach my $line(split(m/[\r\n]+/, $output)) { if($line =~ m/^netnum = (.+), nodenum = (.+), maxpkt = (\d+)$/) { push(@addrs, { net => $1, node => $2, maxpkt => $3 }); } } return @addrs; } 1;