The IPX/SPX protocol versions in 98/2000/XP only require the second socket to
have SO_REUSEADDR when attempting to bind to an already-used address. The state
of the option on the first socket is ignored.
The ADDR_TABLE_ENTRY_REUSE flag is kept and set on all sockets in the address
table to keep compatibility with previous versions.
multiple IPXWrapper processes without needing a shared router thread.
Replaced router/rclient code with a single, per-process router thread.
Add addresses to the cache in the router main loop rather than winsock recv
Packets are no longer preceeded by an rpacket_header structure when relayed to
the local UDP sockets.
Each IPXWrapper instance creates a "private" UDP socket bound to a random port
on INADDR_ANY which is used for sending all packets and receiving unicast.
Bugfix: Check source socket number before relaying to a connected socket.