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*** Direct3D Notes ***
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Last updated September 5, 1996
Notes on the software emulation drivers
RAMP driver support
Optional Z buffering.
Color key and stippled transparency.
Mono interpolated rasterization only.
Point sampled perspective correct textures.
Flat and Gouraud shade modes.
Performance notes for the RAMP driver
Texture mapping performance is heavily gated by the speed of memory.
There are a number of ways of maximizing the cache performance of your
textures. The smaller the textures are, the better chance they have of being
maintained in the secondary cache. This is crucial for keeping performance
high. Also, changing the texture per primitive will thrash the cache. Try
and keep polygons grouped in order of the textures they use.
When using Z buffering and texturing, rendering your scene from front to
back will increase performance. The textured Z buffered primitives
pre-test the Z buffer on a scanline basis. If a scanline is hidden by a
previously rendered polygon it is trivially rejected. If this is the case, Z
buffering performance can exceed non-Z performance.
The retained mode API automatically orders its scenes from front to back
to facilitate this optimization.
In it often a good idea to use the D3DTest program to verify performance
results with different drivers, especially where hardware is involved.
RGB driver
There is now an MMX optimized version of the RGB driver.
If you have an MMX capable PC the RGB software emulation will automatically
be accelerated. There is an application included in the sdk\bin directory,
mmxtog.exe which allows you to switch MMX acceleration off and on for the
RGB driver.
Release notes for D3D MMX driver
1. D3D's external interfaces unchanged, all examples and all apps that
can use the RGB driver should be able to run with the RGB MMX driver.
2. Only 16-bit color depths have been optimised. There is a relatively
minor (2X) improvement in 8-bit dithered RGB rendering.
3. The following are yet-to-be-implemented: mip-mapping, 16-bit dithering.
4. The Z-buffer is 16-bit, but is signed, so the farthest Z-value is 0x7fff,
and the nearest is 0x8000. This should not affect you unless you examine
the Z-buffer directly.
5. There are still some accuracy problems with the rendering: these are
most clearly shown by the colored flashes that appear in the "twist"
example. We're working on this problem right now, and should have
fixes soon.
6. The driver only supports the PAL8 texture format. D3D apps should detect
this and create the texture appropriately. This format is the same as
the one supported by the ramp driver.
1. Performance is much better when all surfaces are in systemmemory, this
includes the rendering target and all textures.
2. The current MMX RGB driver is not complete, and there are several
major performance improvements that we plan to make. Expect another
improvement of about 10% in all benchmarks for the MMX RGB driver,
though the more sophisticated the rendering operation, the bigger the
improvement. The biggest improvement should be in Z-buffered
gouraud-shaded perspective-correct texture-mapping. Perspective
correction will be much faster in the next beta.
3. Performance is better than that of ramp mode in most situations.
There are some performance bottlenecks that we have yet to address.
We suggest you run the "tunnel" example with the MMX driver to get a
feel for the changed relative costs of rendering qualities: for
example, the speed of gouraud shading is now much closer to that of
flat-shading. To get the best performance from the tunnel, do the
Specular highlights OFF
Perspective Correction OFF
Gouraud shading ON
With these settings, you should be getting about 29Hz for the tunnel
running in systemmemory fullscreen at 640x400x16.
4. The existing ramp driver works best on textures that are 256x256.
This restriction has been removed in the MMX driver: it supports all
texture dimensions equally well. It is still important to keep the total
texture size as small as possible to reduce memory bandwidth. Note how
fast the tiny checker texture runs in the tunnel. The checker texture is
only 64 bytes instead of 64k like most of the other textures in the SDK.
256x2048 is a reasonable size for the texture in a game.
Known Issues
When using RGB software rasterisation, D3DRMMATERIALMODE_FROMFRAME
does not work correctly if the object is unlit.
It is not currently possible to load textures from resources if the code
resides in a dll.
Background depth images do not double buffer correctly in the retained
mode api (page flipping scenario). Use IDirect3DRMViewport::ForceUpdate()
to force the dirty region to be updated.
The following issues is not made clear in the documentation:
1) SetOrientation overrides any previous shear or scale applied to a
2) Texture Transparency. If the retained mode API has to sample down
the colors used in a texture in order to, for example, palettize it,
the color you're using as the transparent color may get remapped to
another close color and transparency will no longer work. In order to
stop this happening, pick a color to use for transparency that is not
close to any other color in the texture.
The Matrox Millenium driver does not render correctly fullscreen
unless Clear is called at least once. Since the Millenium does not
support texture mapping, this will not affect the types of application
which do not use Clear. A workaround for this issue is to call Clear
in your application once before entering the rendering loop.
When using the Retained Mode method IDirect3DRM::LoadTexture, the texture
is inverted when loaded from a BMP file. The simplest work around is to
reverse the meshs texture coordinates or load from a PPM file.