#ifndef DPLITE_DIRECTPLAY8PEER_HPP #define DPLITE_DIRECTPLAY8PEER_HPP #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "AsyncHandleAllocator.hpp" #include "HostEnumerator.hpp" #include "network.hpp" #include "packet.hpp" #include "SendQueue.hpp" class DirectPlay8Peer: public IDirectPlay8Peer { private: std::atomic * const global_refcount; ULONG local_refcount; PFNDPNMESSAGEHANDLER message_handler; PVOID message_handler_ctx; enum { STATE_NEW, STATE_INITIALISED, STATE_HOSTING, STATE_CONNECTED, } state; AsyncHandleAllocator handle_alloc; std::map host_enums; GUID instance_guid; GUID application_guid; DWORD max_players; std::wstring session_name; std::wstring password; std::vector application_data; int udp_socket; /* UDP socket, used for general send/recv operations. */ int listener_socket; /* TCP listener socket. */ int discovery_socket; /* Discovery UDP sockets, RECIEVES broadcasts only. */ unsigned char recv_buf[MAX_PACKET_SIZE]; SendQueue udp_sq; SendQueue discovery_sq; HANDLE io_event; std::thread io_thread; std::atomic io_run; struct Player { enum PlayerState { /* Peer has connected to us, we're waiting for the initial message from it. */ PS_INIT, /* We are the host and the peer has sent the initial connect request, we are waiting * for the application to process DPN_MSGID_INDICATE_CONNECT before we either add the * player to the session or reject it. */ PS_CONNECTING, /* This is a fully-fledged peer. */ PS_CONNECTED, /* This peer is closing down. Discard any future messages received from it, but flush * anything waiting to be sent and keep the player DPNID valid until after the * application has processed the DPN_MSGID_DESTROY_PLAYER message and any outstanding * operations have completed or been cancelled. */ PS_CLOSING, }; enum PlayerState state; /* This is the TCP socket to the peer, we may have connected to it, or it * may have connected to us depending who joined the session first, that * doesn't really matter. */ int sock; uint32_t ip; /* IPv4 address, network byte order. */ uint16_t port; /* TCP and UDP port, host byte order. */ DPNID id; /* Player ID, not initialised before state PS_CONNECTED. */ unsigned char recv_buf[MAX_PACKET_SIZE]; size_t recv_buf_cur; SendQueue sq; SendQueue::Buffer *sqb; const unsigned char *send_buf; size_t send_remain; Player(int sock, uint32_t ip, uint16_t port): state(PS_INIT), sock(sock), ip(ip), port(port), recv_buf_cur(0), send_buf(NULL) {} }; std::list peers; std::map::iterator> other_player_ids; /* Serialises access to: * * host_enums * pending_peers * peers */ std::mutex lock; void io_main(); void io_udp_recv(int sock); void io_udp_send(int sock, SendQueue &q); void io_listener_accept(int sock); bool io_tcp_recv(Player *player); bool io_tcp_send(Player *player); void handle_host_enum_request(const PacketDeserialiser &pd, const struct sockaddr_in *from_addr); public: DirectPlay8Peer(std::atomic *global_refcount); virtual ~DirectPlay8Peer(); /* IUnknown */ virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QueryInterface(REFIID riid, void **ppvObject) override; virtual ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE AddRef(void) override; virtual ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE Release(void) override; /* IDirectPlay8Peer */ virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE Initialize(PVOID CONST pvUserContext, CONST PFNDPNMESSAGEHANDLER pfn, CONST DWORD dwFlags) override; virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE EnumServiceProviders(CONST GUID* CONST pguidServiceProvider, CONST GUID* CONST pguidApplication, DPN_SERVICE_PROVIDER_INFO* CONST pSPInfoBuffer, DWORD* CONST pcbEnumData, DWORD* CONST pcReturned, CONST DWORD dwFlags) override; virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CancelAsyncOperation(CONST DPNHANDLE hAsyncHandle, CONST DWORD dwFlags) override; virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE Connect(CONST DPN_APPLICATION_DESC* CONST pdnAppDesc, IDirectPlay8Address* CONST pHostAddr, IDirectPlay8Address* CONST pDeviceInfo, CONST DPN_SECURITY_DESC* CONST pdnSecurity, CONST DPN_SECURITY_CREDENTIALS* CONST pdnCredentials, CONST void* CONST pvUserConnectData, CONST DWORD dwUserConnectDataSize, void* CONST pvPlayerContext, void* CONST pvAsyncContext, DPNHANDLE* CONST phAsyncHandle, CONST DWORD dwFlags) override; virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE SendTo(CONST DPNID dpnid, CONST DPN_BUFFER_DESC* CONST prgBufferDesc, CONST DWORD cBufferDesc, CONST DWORD dwTimeOut, void* CONST pvAsyncContext, DPNHANDLE* CONST phAsyncHandle, CONST DWORD dwFlags) override; virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetSendQueueInfo(CONST DPNID dpnid, DWORD* CONST pdwNumMsgs, DWORD* CONST pdwNumBytes, CONST DWORD dwFlags) override; virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE Host(CONST DPN_APPLICATION_DESC* CONST pdnAppDesc, IDirectPlay8Address **CONST prgpDeviceInfo, CONST DWORD cDeviceInfo, CONST DPN_SECURITY_DESC* CONST pdnSecurity, CONST DPN_SECURITY_CREDENTIALS* CONST pdnCredentials, void* CONST pvPlayerContext, CONST DWORD dwFlags) override; virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetApplicationDesc(DPN_APPLICATION_DESC* CONST pAppDescBuffer, DWORD* CONST pcbDataSize, CONST DWORD dwFlags) override; virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE SetApplicationDesc(CONST DPN_APPLICATION_DESC* CONST pad, CONST DWORD dwFlags) override; virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CreateGroup(CONST DPN_GROUP_INFO* CONST pdpnGroupInfo, void* CONST pvGroupContext, void* CONST pvAsyncContext, DPNHANDLE* CONST phAsyncHandle, CONST DWORD dwFlags) override; virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE DestroyGroup(CONST DPNID idGroup, PVOID CONST pvAsyncContext, DPNHANDLE* CONST phAsyncHandle, CONST DWORD dwFlags) override; virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE AddPlayerToGroup(CONST DPNID idGroup, CONST DPNID idClient, PVOID CONST pvAsyncContext, DPNHANDLE* CONST phAsyncHandle, CONST DWORD dwFlags) override; virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE RemovePlayerFromGroup(CONST DPNID idGroup, CONST DPNID idClient, PVOID CONST pvAsyncContext, DPNHANDLE* CONST phAsyncHandle, CONST DWORD dwFlags) override; virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE SetGroupInfo(CONST DPNID dpnid, DPN_GROUP_INFO* CONST pdpnGroupInfo,PVOID CONST pvAsyncContext, DPNHANDLE* CONST phAsyncHandle, CONST DWORD dwFlags) override; virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetGroupInfo(CONST DPNID dpnid, DPN_GROUP_INFO* CONST pdpnGroupInfo, DWORD* CONST pdwSize, CONST DWORD dwFlags) override; virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE EnumPlayersAndGroups(DPNID* CONST prgdpnid, DWORD* CONST pcdpnid, CONST DWORD dwFlags) override; virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE EnumGroupMembers(CONST DPNID dpnid, DPNID* CONST prgdpnid, DWORD* CONST pcdpnid, CONST DWORD dwFlags) override; virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE SetPeerInfo(CONST DPN_PLAYER_INFO* CONST pdpnPlayerInfo,PVOID CONST pvAsyncContext, DPNHANDLE* CONST phAsyncHandle, CONST DWORD dwFlags) override; virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetPeerInfo(CONST DPNID dpnid, DPN_PLAYER_INFO* CONST pdpnPlayerInfo, DWORD* CONST pdwSize, CONST DWORD dwFlags) override; virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetPeerAddress(CONST DPNID dpnid, IDirectPlay8Address** CONST pAddress, CONST DWORD dwFlags) override; virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetLocalHostAddresses(IDirectPlay8Address** CONST prgpAddress, DWORD* CONST pcAddress, CONST DWORD dwFlags) override; virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE Close(CONST DWORD dwFlags) override; virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE EnumHosts(PDPN_APPLICATION_DESC CONST pApplicationDesc, IDirectPlay8Address* CONST pAddrHost, IDirectPlay8Address* CONST pDeviceInfo,PVOID CONST pUserEnumData, CONST DWORD dwUserEnumDataSize, CONST DWORD dwEnumCount, CONST DWORD dwRetryInterval, CONST DWORD dwTimeOut,PVOID CONST pvUserContext, DPNHANDLE* CONST pAsyncHandle, CONST DWORD dwFlags) override; virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE DestroyPeer(CONST DPNID dpnidClient, CONST void* CONST pvDestroyData, CONST DWORD dwDestroyDataSize, CONST DWORD dwFlags) override; virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE ReturnBuffer(CONST DPNHANDLE hBufferHandle, CONST DWORD dwFlags) override; virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetPlayerContext(CONST DPNID dpnid,PVOID* CONST ppvPlayerContext, CONST DWORD dwFlags) override; virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetGroupContext(CONST DPNID dpnid,PVOID* CONST ppvGroupContext, CONST DWORD dwFlags) override; virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetCaps(DPN_CAPS* CONST pdpCaps, CONST DWORD dwFlags) override; virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE SetCaps(CONST DPN_CAPS* CONST pdpCaps, CONST DWORD dwFlags) override; virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE SetSPCaps(CONST GUID* CONST pguidSP, CONST DPN_SP_CAPS* CONST pdpspCaps, CONST DWORD dwFlags ) override; virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetSPCaps(CONST GUID* CONST pguidSP, DPN_SP_CAPS* CONST pdpspCaps, CONST DWORD dwFlags) override; virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetConnectionInfo(CONST DPNID dpnid, DPN_CONNECTION_INFO* CONST pdpConnectionInfo, CONST DWORD dwFlags) override; virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE RegisterLobby(CONST DPNHANDLE dpnHandle, struct IDirectPlay8LobbiedApplication* CONST pIDP8LobbiedApplication, CONST DWORD dwFlags) override; virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE TerminateSession(void* CONST pvTerminateData, CONST DWORD dwTerminateDataSize, CONST DWORD dwFlags) override; }; #endif /* !DPLITE_DIRECTPLAY8PEER_HPP */