#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* Durations specified in milliseconds. */ #define STATS_INTERVAL (30 * 1000) static const int MESSAGE_SIZES[] = { 17, 33, 257, 1025, 4097, 8193, 16385, 70000 }; static const GUID APP_GUID = { 0x8723c2c6, 0x0b89, 0x4ea0, { 0xad, 0xe8, 0xec, 0x53, 0x66, 0x51, 0x68, 0x9f } }; struct phase { int phase_duration_ms; int reconstruct_interval_ms; int reinitialise_interval_ms; int concurrent_messages; }; static const struct phase PHASES[] = { /* Generate statistics with varying numbers of concurrent SendTo() operations. */ { 300000, 999999999, 999999999, 1 }, { 300000, 999999999, 999999999, 2 }, { 300000, 999999999, 999999999, 4 }, { 300000, 999999999, 999999999, 8 }, { 300000, 999999999, 999999999, 16 }, { 300000, 999999999, 999999999, 32 }, { 300000, 999999999, 999999999, 64 }, { 300000, 999999999, 999999999, 128 }, /* Long running IDirectPlay8Peer instance and session. */ { 3600000, 999999999, 999999999, 2 }, /* Long running IDirectPlay8Peer instance, frequent session reconnects. */ { 3600000, 999999999, 60000, 2 }, /* Frequently recreated IDirectPlay8Peer instance. */ { 3600000, 60000, 999999999, 2 }, }; struct message_header { int64_t timestamp_us; int64_t msg_size_idx; }; static int64_t pc_freq; static int64_t now_ms(); static int64_t now_us(); static int64_t start_time; static int64_t usage_time; static IDirectPlay8Peer *instance; static bool disconnected; static const struct phase *phase; static std::atomic msg_num_complete; static std::atomic msg_total_send_us; static std::atomic msg_total_rtt_us; static std::atomic msg_total_recv_bytes; static std::atomic msg_stats_start; static HRESULT CALLBACK callback(PVOID pvUserContext, DWORD dwMessageType, PVOID pMessage); static void print_stats(); static void timed_fprintf(FILE *fh, const char *fmt, ...); #define timed_printf(...) timed_fprintf(stdout, __VA_ARGS__) int main(int argc, char **argv) { { LARGE_INTEGER li; QueryPerformanceFrequency(&li); pc_freq = li.QuadPart; } HRESULT res = CoInitialize(NULL); if(res != S_OK) { timed_fprintf(stderr, "CoInitialize failed with HRESULT %08x", (unsigned)(res)); return 1; } start_time = now_ms(); msg_num_complete = 0; for(int i = 0; i < (sizeof(PHASES) / sizeof(*PHASES)); ++i) { phase = &(PHASES[i]); int64_t phase_end_ms = now_ms() + phase->phase_duration_ms; while(now_ms() < phase_end_ms) { timed_printf("Constructing DirectPlay8Peer instance..."); res = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_DirectPlay8Peer, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IDirectPlay8Peer, (void**)(&instance)); if(res != S_OK) { timed_fprintf(stderr, "Failed to construct DirectPlay8Peer instance (HRESULT %08x)", (unsigned)(res)); return 1; } int64_t construct_time = now_ms(); int64_t destruct_time = construct_time + phase->reconstruct_interval_ms; while(now_ms() < destruct_time && now_ms() < phase_end_ms) { timed_printf("Initialising DirectPlay8Peer instance..."); disconnected = false; msg_num_complete = 0; msg_total_send_us = 0; msg_total_rtt_us = 0; msg_total_recv_bytes = 0; int64_t initialise_time = now_ms(); int64_t close_time = now_ms() + phase->reinitialise_interval_ms; res = instance->Initialize(NULL, &callback, 0); if(res != S_OK) { timed_fprintf(stderr, "IDirectPlay8Peer::Initialize failed with HRESULT %08x", (unsigned)(res)); return 1; } bool connected = false; while(!disconnected && now_ms() < close_time && now_ms() < destruct_time && now_ms() < phase_end_ms) { if(!connected) { timed_printf("Enumerating sessions..."); DPN_APPLICATION_DESC app_desc; memset(&app_desc, 0, sizeof(app_desc)); app_desc.dwSize = sizeof(app_desc); app_desc.guidApplication = APP_GUID; IDirectPlay8Address *enum_address; res = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_DirectPlay8Address, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IDirectPlay8Address, (void**)(&enum_address)); if(res != S_OK) { timed_fprintf(stderr, "Failed to construct DirectPlay8Address instance (HRESULT %08x)", (unsigned)(res)); return 1; } res = enum_address->SetSP(&CLSID_DP8SP_TCPIP); if(res != S_OK) { timed_fprintf(stderr, "IDirectPlay8Address::SetSP failed with HRESULT %08x", (unsigned)(res)); return 1; } IDirectPlay8Address *connect_address = NULL; res = instance->EnumHosts(&app_desc, NULL, enum_address, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, &connect_address, NULL, DPNENUMHOSTS_SYNC); if(res != S_OK) { timed_fprintf(stderr, "IDirectPlay8Peer::EnumHosts failed with HRESULT %08x", (unsigned)(res)); return 1; } enum_address->Release(); if(connect_address == NULL) { continue; } timed_printf("Connecting to session..."); res = instance->Connect( &app_desc, /* pdnAppDesc */ connect_address, /* pHostAddr */ NULL, /* pDeviceInfo */ NULL, /* pdnSecurity */ NULL, /* pdnCredentials */ NULL, /* pvUserConnectData */ 0, /* dwUserConnectDataSize */ (void*)(0xAAAA), /* pvPlayerContext */ NULL, /* pvAsyncContext */ NULL, /* phAsyncHandle */ DPNCONNECT_SYNC); /* dwFlags */ if(res != S_OK) { timed_fprintf(stderr, "IDirectPlay8Peer::Connect failed with HRESULT %08x", (unsigned)(res)); continue; } connected = true; msg_stats_start = now_ms(); connect_address->Release(); } int64_t sleep_until = std::min({ usage_time, close_time, destruct_time, phase_end_ms }); int64_t sleep_for = sleep_until - now_ms(); if(sleep_for > 0) { Sleep(sleep_for); } if(now_ms() >= usage_time) { print_stats(); } } timed_printf("Closing DirectPlay8Peer instance..."); /* Alternate between hard/soft closes. */ static bool hard_close = false; res = instance->Close(hard_close ? DPNCLOSE_IMMEDIATE : 0); if(res != S_OK) { timed_fprintf(stderr, "IDirectPlay8Peer::Close() failed with HRESULT %08x", (unsigned int)(res)); return 1; } hard_close = !hard_close; } timed_printf("Destroying DirectPlay8Peer instance..."); instance->Release(); instance = NULL; } } CoUninitialize(); return 0; } static int64_t now_ms() { return now_us() / 1000; } static int64_t now_us() { LARGE_INTEGER ticks; QueryPerformanceCounter(&ticks); return ticks.QuadPart / (pc_freq / 1000000); } static HRESULT CALLBACK callback(PVOID pvUserContext, DWORD dwMessageType, PVOID pMessage) { /* Pool of int64_t values used to pass the start time of any asyncronous SendTo() operation * back into the callback to time how long it took to complete. */ static const int SEND_BEGIN_SIZE = 1024; static int64_t send_begin_buf[SEND_BEGIN_SIZE]; static std::atomic send_begin_idx; switch(dwMessageType) { case DPN_MSGID_ENUM_HOSTS_RESPONSE: { DPNMSG_ENUM_HOSTS_RESPONSE *ehr = (DPNMSG_ENUM_HOSTS_RESPONSE*)(pMessage); IDirectPlay8Address **connect_address = (IDirectPlay8Address**)(ehr->pvUserContext); ehr->pAddressSender->AddRef(); *connect_address = ehr->pAddressSender; break; } case DPN_MSGID_TERMINATE_SESSION: { timed_printf("Lost connection to session"); disconnected = true; break; } case DPN_MSGID_CREATE_PLAYER: { DPNMSG_CREATE_PLAYER *cp = (DPNMSG_CREATE_PLAYER*)(pMessage); if(cp->pvPlayerContext == (void*)(0xAAAA)) { /* Ignore our own player. */ break; } timed_printf("New player ID: %u", (unsigned)(cp->dpnidPlayer)); for(int i = 0; i < phase->concurrent_messages; ++i) { int this_msg_size_idx = 0; std::vector buf(MESSAGE_SIZES[this_msg_size_idx]); assert(buf.size() >= sizeof(struct message_header)); struct message_header *header = (struct message_header*)(buf.data()); int64_t now = now_us(); header->timestamp_us = now; header->msg_size_idx = this_msg_size_idx; DPN_BUFFER_DESC bd = { buf.size(), (BYTE*)(buf.data()) }; int64_t *now_p = &(send_begin_buf[++send_begin_idx % SEND_BEGIN_SIZE]); *now_p = now; DPNHANDLE s_handle; HRESULT res = instance->SendTo(cp->dpnidPlayer, &bd, 1, 0, now_p, &s_handle, DPNSEND_GUARANTEED); if(res != DPNSUCCESS_PENDING) { timed_fprintf(stderr, "IDirectPlay8Peer::SendTo() failed with HRESULT %08x", (unsigned int)(res)); } } break; } case DPN_MSGID_DESTROY_PLAYER: { DPNMSG_DESTROY_PLAYER *dp = (DPNMSG_DESTROY_PLAYER*)(pMessage); timed_printf("Destroyed player ID: %u", (unsigned)(dp->dpnidPlayer)); break; } case DPN_MSGID_SEND_COMPLETE: { DPNMSG_SEND_COMPLETE *sc = (DPNMSG_SEND_COMPLETE*)(pMessage); int64_t now = now_us(); int64_t then = *(int64_t*)(sc->pvUserContext); msg_total_send_us += now - then; break; } case DPN_MSGID_RECEIVE: { DPNMSG_RECEIVE *r = (DPNMSG_RECEIVE*)(pMessage); int64_t now = now_us(); assert(r->dwReceiveDataSize >= sizeof(struct message_header)); struct message_header *r_header = (struct message_header*)(r->pReceiveData); int64_t rtt = now - r_header->timestamp_us; assert(rtt >= 0); msg_total_rtt_us += rtt; msg_total_recv_bytes += r->dwReceiveDataSize; ++msg_num_complete; { int this_msg_size_idx = r_header->msg_size_idx + 1; if(this_msg_size_idx >= sizeof(MESSAGE_SIZES) / sizeof(*MESSAGE_SIZES)) { this_msg_size_idx = 0; } std::vector buf(MESSAGE_SIZES[this_msg_size_idx]); assert(buf.size() >= sizeof(struct message_header)); struct message_header *header = (struct message_header*)(buf.data()); int64_t now = now_us(); header->timestamp_us = now; header->msg_size_idx = this_msg_size_idx; DPN_BUFFER_DESC bd = { buf.size(), (BYTE*)(buf.data()) }; int64_t *now_p = &(send_begin_buf[++send_begin_idx % SEND_BEGIN_SIZE]); *now_p = now; DPNHANDLE s_handle; HRESULT res = instance->SendTo(r->dpnidSender, &bd, 1, 0, now_p, &s_handle, DPNSEND_GUARANTEED); if(res != DPNSUCCESS_PENDING) { timed_fprintf(stderr, "IDirectPlay8Peer::SendTo() failed with HRESULT %08x", (unsigned int)(res)); } } break; } default: { break; } } return S_OK; } static void print_stats() { PROCESS_MEMORY_COUNTERS_EX mc; mc.cb = sizeof(mc); GetProcessMemoryInfo(GetCurrentProcess(), (PROCESS_MEMORY_COUNTERS*)(&mc), sizeof(mc)); timed_printf("memory usage = %u KiB", (unsigned)(mc.PrivateUsage / 1024)); /* Take copies of the msg_XXX variables so another thread can't change them under us. * Slight inaccuracies from the variables going out of sync as they are copied is fine, but * we don't want any division by zero errors. */ uint64_t l_msg_num_complete = msg_num_complete; uint64_t l_msg_total_send_us = msg_total_send_us; uint64_t l_msg_total_rtt_us = msg_total_rtt_us; uint64_t l_msg_total_recv_bytes = msg_total_recv_bytes; int64_t l_msg_stats_start = msg_stats_start; int stats_period_s = (now_ms() - l_msg_stats_start) / 1000; if(l_msg_num_complete > 0 && stats_period_s > 0) { /* Reset the stats so they don't smooth out to be almost static over a long run. */ msg_num_complete = 0; msg_total_send_us = 0; msg_total_rtt_us = 0; msg_total_recv_bytes = 0; msg_stats_start = now_ms(); unsigned send_avg = l_msg_total_send_us / l_msg_num_complete; unsigned rtt_avg = l_msg_total_rtt_us / l_msg_num_complete; unsigned bps = l_msg_total_recv_bytes / stats_period_s; timed_printf("concurrent = %d, msg/sec = %u, send us = %u, rtt us = %u, KiB/s = %u", phase->concurrent_messages, (unsigned)(l_msg_num_complete / stats_period_s), send_avg, rtt_avg, (bps / 1024)); } usage_time = now_ms() + STATS_INTERVAL; } static void timed_fprintf(FILE *fh, const char *fmt, ...) { static std::mutex lock; std::unique_lock l(lock); int64_t now = now_ms(); fprintf(fh, "[T+%06u.%03us] ", (unsigned)((now - start_time) / 1000), (unsigned)((now - start_time) % 1000)); va_list argv; va_start(argv, fmt); vfprintf(fh, fmt, argv); va_end(argv); fprintf(fh, "\n"); }