2019-03-17 13:56:19 +00:00
/* DirectPlay Lite
2019-03-17 14:42:02 +00:00
* Copyright (C) 2018 Daniel Collins <solemnwarning@solemnwarning.net>
2019-03-17 13:56:19 +00:00
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
2018-09-23 15:43:15 +01:00
#include <winsock2.h>
#include <MinHook.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include "../src/DirectPlay8Address.hpp"
#include "../src/DirectPlay8Peer.hpp"
#include "../src/Factory.hpp"
2018-10-02 00:46:05 +01:00
#include "../src/Log.hpp"
2018-09-23 15:43:15 +01:00
static HMODULE dll_handle = NULL;
static unsigned int coinit_depth = 0;
static DWORD DirectPlay8Address_cookie;
static DWORD DirectPlay8Peer_cookie;
static HRESULT (__stdcall *real_CoInitialize)(LPVOID) = NULL;
static HRESULT (__stdcall *real_CoInitializeEx)(LPVOID, DWORD) = NULL;
static void (__stdcall *real_CoUninitialize)() = NULL;
static HRESULT __stdcall hook_CoInitialize(LPVOID pvReserved);
static HRESULT __stdcall hook_CoInitializeEx(LPVOID pvReserved, DWORD dwCoInit);
static void __stdcall hook_CoUninitialize();
2018-10-16 13:48:51 +01:00
template<typename CLASS, const CLSID &CLASS_ID, const IID &INTERFACE_ID> void register_class(const char *CLASS_NAME, DWORD *cookie);
2018-09-23 15:43:15 +01:00
extern "C" BOOL WINAPI DllMain(HINSTANCE hinstDLL, DWORD fdwReason, LPVOID lpvReserved)
if(fdwReason == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH)
if(MH_Initialize() != MH_OK)
2018-10-16 13:48:51 +01:00
log_printf("Unable to initialise MinHook");
2018-09-23 15:43:15 +01:00
return FALSE;
if(MH_CreateHook(&CoInitialize, &hook_CoInitialize, (LPVOID*)(&real_CoInitialize)) != MH_OK
|| MH_EnableHook(&CoInitialize) != MH_OK
|| MH_CreateHook(&CoInitializeEx, &hook_CoInitializeEx, (LPVOID*)(&real_CoInitializeEx)) != MH_OK
|| MH_EnableHook(&CoInitializeEx) != MH_OK
|| MH_CreateHook(&CoUninitialize, &hook_CoUninitialize, (LPVOID*)(&real_CoUninitialize)) != MH_OK
|| MH_EnableHook(&CoUninitialize) != MH_OK)
2018-10-16 13:48:51 +01:00
log_printf("Unable to hook COM initialisation functions");
2018-09-23 15:43:15 +01:00
else if(fdwReason == DLL_PROCESS_DETACH && lpvReserved == NULL)
if(MH_RemoveHook(&CoUninitialize) != MH_OK
|| MH_RemoveHook(&CoInitializeEx) != MH_OK
|| MH_RemoveHook(&CoInitialize) != MH_OK
|| MH_Uninitialize() != MH_OK)
2018-10-16 13:48:51 +01:00
log_printf("Unable to un-hook COM initialisation functions");
2018-09-23 15:43:15 +01:00
2018-10-02 00:46:05 +01:00
2018-09-23 15:43:15 +01:00
return TRUE;
extern "C" void* __stdcall find_sym(const char *dll_name, const char *sym_name)
if(dll_handle == NULL)
char path[512];
GetSystemDirectory(path, sizeof(path));
if(strlen(path) + strlen(dll_name) + 2 > sizeof(path))
strcat(path, "\\");
strcat(path, dll_name);
dll_handle = LoadLibrary(path);
if(dll_handle == NULL)
2018-10-16 13:48:51 +01:00
DWORD err = GetLastError();
log_printf("Unable to load %s: %s", path, win_strerror(err).c_str());
2018-09-23 15:43:15 +01:00
void *sym_addr = GetProcAddress(dll_handle, sym_name);
if(sym_addr == NULL)
2018-10-16 13:48:51 +01:00
DWORD err = GetLastError();
log_printf("Unable to get address of %s in %s: %s", sym_name, dll_name, win_strerror(err).c_str());
2018-09-23 15:43:15 +01:00
return sym_addr;
static HRESULT __stdcall hook_CoInitialize(LPVOID pvReserved)
HRESULT res = real_CoInitialize(pvReserved);
if((res == S_OK || res == S_FALSE) && ++coinit_depth == 1)
/* Register COM classes. */
2018-10-16 13:48:51 +01:00
register_class<DirectPlay8Address, CLSID_DirectPlay8Address, IID_IDirectPlay8Address>("DirectPlay8Address", &DirectPlay8Address_cookie);
register_class<DirectPlay8Peer, CLSID_DirectPlay8Peer, IID_IDirectPlay8Peer> ("DirectPlay8Peer", &DirectPlay8Peer_cookie);
2018-09-23 15:43:15 +01:00
return res;
static HRESULT __stdcall hook_CoInitializeEx(LPVOID pvReserved, DWORD dwCoInit)
HRESULT res = real_CoInitializeEx(pvReserved, dwCoInit);
if((res == S_OK || res == S_FALSE) && ++coinit_depth == 1)
/* Register COM classes. */
2018-10-16 13:48:51 +01:00
register_class<DirectPlay8Address, CLSID_DirectPlay8Address, IID_IDirectPlay8Address>("DirectPlay8Address", &DirectPlay8Address_cookie);
register_class<DirectPlay8Peer, CLSID_DirectPlay8Peer, IID_IDirectPlay8Peer> ("DirectPlay8Peer", &DirectPlay8Peer_cookie);
2018-09-23 15:43:15 +01:00
return res;
static void __stdcall hook_CoUninitialize()
if(--coinit_depth == 0)
/* Unregister COM classes. */
2018-10-16 13:48:51 +01:00
template<typename CLASS, const CLSID &CLASS_ID, const IID &INTERFACE_ID> void register_class(const char *CLASS_NAME, DWORD *cookie)
2018-09-23 15:43:15 +01:00
IClassFactory *factory = new Factory<CLASS, INTERFACE_ID>(NULL);
2018-10-16 13:48:51 +01:00
HRESULT result = CoRegisterClassObject(CLASS_ID, factory, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, REGCLS_MULTIPLEUSE, cookie);
if(result != S_OK)
2018-09-23 15:43:15 +01:00
2018-10-16 13:48:51 +01:00
log_printf("Unable to register COM class object for %s (result = %08x)", CLASS_NAME, (unsigned)(result));
2018-09-23 15:43:15 +01:00
/* CoRegisterClassObject() calls AddRef(), release our reference to the factory. */