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Copyright 2010,2011 Kevin Glynn (kevin.glynn@twigletsoftware.com)
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.IO;
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.Serialization;
using Twiglet.CS2J.Translator.Utils;
// These Template classes are in-memory versions of the xml translation templates
// (we use C# to directly persist to / from files).
// We have overloaded Equals to test value equality for these template objects. For now its only
// used by unit tests (to check that the object survives xml serialization / deserialization
// unscathed). But it might be useful down the road.
// By overloading Equals, we also have to overload GetHashCode (well, its highly reccomended)...
namespace Twiglet.CS2J.Translator.TypeRep
public class TemplateUtilities
public static string Substitute(string c, Dictionary<string,TypeRepTemplate> argMap)
String ret = c;
if (argMap.ContainsKey(c))
ret = argMap[c].TypeName;
return ret;
private class TypeVarMapper
private Dictionary<string,TypeRepTemplate> myArgMap;
public TypeVarMapper(Dictionary<string,TypeRepTemplate> inArgMap)
myArgMap = inArgMap;
public string ReplaceFromMap(Match m)
if (myArgMap.ContainsKey(m.Value))
return myArgMap[m.Value].mkSafeTypeName();
return m.Value;
public static string SubstituteInType(String type, Dictionary<string,TypeRepTemplate> argMap)
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(type))
return type;
TypeVarMapper mapper = new TypeVarMapper(argMap);
return Regex.Replace(type, @"([\w|\.]+)*", new MatchEvaluator(mapper.ReplaceFromMap));
private static string OldSubstituteInType(String type, Dictionary<string,TypeRepTemplate> argMap)
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(type))
return type;
string ret = type;
// type is either "string" or "string*[type,type,...]*" or string[]
// Match match = Regex.Match(type, @"^([\w|\.]+)(?:\s*\*\[\s*([\w|\.]+)(?:\s*,\s*([\w|\.]+))*\s*\]\*)?$");
Match match = Regex.Match(type, @"([\w|\.]+)*");
if (match.Success)
CaptureCollection captures = match.Captures;
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
buf.Append(Substitute(captures[0].Value, argMap));
if ( captures.Count > 1)
bool first = true;
for (int i = 1; i < captures.Count; i++)
if (!first)
buf.Append(", ");
buf.Append(Substitute(captures[i].Value, argMap));
first = false;
ret = buf.ToString();
return ret;
public interface IApplyTypeArgs
// Instantiate type arguments "in-situ"
void Apply(Dictionary<string,TypeRepTemplate> args);
public enum Javastyle
Clean, MarkAuto
// Simple <type> <name> pairs to represent formal parameters
public class ParamRepTemplate : IEquatable<ParamRepTemplate>, IApplyTypeArgs
private string _type;
public string Type {
get { return _type; }
set {
public string Name { get; set; }
// ref or out param?
public bool IsByRef{ get; set; }
public ParamRepTemplate ()
IsByRef = false;
public ParamRepTemplate(ParamRepTemplate copyFrom)
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(copyFrom.Type))
Type = copyFrom.Type;
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(copyFrom.Name))
Name = copyFrom.Name;
IsByRef = copyFrom.IsByRef;
public ParamRepTemplate (string t, string a)
Type = t;
Name = a;
IsByRef = false;
public ParamRepTemplate (string t, string a, bool isbyref)
Type = t;
Name = a;
IsByRef = isbyref;
public void Apply(Dictionary<string,TypeRepTemplate> args)
Type = TemplateUtilities.SubstituteInType(Type, args);
#region Equality
public bool Equals (ParamRepTemplate other)
if (other == null)
return false;
return Type == other.Type && Name == other.Name && IsByRef == other.IsByRef;
public override bool Equals (object obj)
ParamRepTemplate temp = obj as ParamRepTemplate;
if (!Object.ReferenceEquals (temp, null))
return this.Equals (temp);
return false;
public static bool operator == (ParamRepTemplate a1, ParamRepTemplate a2)
return Object.Equals (a1, a2);
public static bool operator != (ParamRepTemplate a1, ParamRepTemplate a2)
return !(a1 == a2);
public override int GetHashCode ()
return (Type ?? String.Empty).GetHashCode () ^ (Name ?? String.Empty).GetHashCode () ^ IsByRef.GetHashCode();
// A namespace alias entry.
public class AliasRepTemplate : IEquatable<AliasRepTemplate>
public string Alias { get; set; }
public string Namespace { get; set; }
public AliasRepTemplate()
Alias = null;
Namespace = null;
public AliasRepTemplate(AliasRepTemplate copyFrom)
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(copyFrom.Alias))
Alias = copyFrom.Alias;
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(copyFrom.Namespace))
Namespace = copyFrom.Namespace;
public AliasRepTemplate (string a, string u)
Alias = a;
Namespace = u;
#region Equality
public bool Equals (AliasRepTemplate other)
if (other == null)
return false;
return Alias == other.Alias && Namespace == other.Namespace;
public override bool Equals (object obj)
AliasRepTemplate temp = obj as AliasRepTemplate;
if (!Object.ReferenceEquals (temp, null))
return this.Equals (temp);
return false;
public static bool operator == (AliasRepTemplate a1, AliasRepTemplate a2)
return Object.Equals (a1, a2);
public static bool operator != (AliasRepTemplate a1, AliasRepTemplate a2)
return !(a1 == a2);
public override int GetHashCode ()
return (Alias ?? String.Empty).GetHashCode () ^ (Namespace ?? String.Empty).GetHashCode ();
// Never directly create a TranslationBase. Its a common root for translatable language entities
public abstract class TranslationBase : IEquatable<TranslationBase>, IApplyTypeArgs
// Java imports required to make Java translation run
private string[] _imports = null;
public virtual string[] Imports {
get {
// if _java is not set then see if we have default imports, otherwise
// assume imports is already correctly (un)set
if (_imports == null && _java == null) {
return mkImports();
return _imports;
set { _imports = value; }
// The Java translation for this C# entity
protected string _java = null;
public virtual string Java {
get {
if (_java == null) {
return mkJava();
else {
return _java;
set { _java = value; }
// Optional, but if present will let mkJava generate better java guess in some cases
private string _surroundingTypeName;
public string SurroundingTypeName {
get { return _surroundingTypeName; }
set {
public virtual string[] mkImports() {
return null;
public string[] mkImports(Javastyle style) {
string[] imports = mkImports();
if (style == Javastyle.MarkAuto) {
for (int i = 0; i < imports.Length; i++) {
imports[i] = imports[i] + " /*auto*/";
return imports;
public abstract string mkJava();
public string mkJava(Javastyle style) {
string unAdornedJava = mkJava();
if (style == Javastyle.MarkAuto) {
return "/*auto (/*" + unAdornedJava + "/*)*/";
else {
return unAdornedJava;
protected TranslationBase()
Imports = null;
protected TranslationBase(TranslationBase copyFrom)
int len = 0;
if (copyFrom.Imports != null)
len = copyFrom.Imports.Length;
Imports = new String[len];
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
Imports[i] = copyFrom.Imports[i];
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(copyFrom.Java))
Java = copyFrom.Java;
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(copyFrom.SurroundingTypeName))
SurroundingTypeName = copyFrom.SurroundingTypeName;
protected TranslationBase(string java)
Imports = null;
Java = java;
protected TranslationBase (string[] imps, string java)
Imports = imps;
Java = java;
protected string mkJavaParams(IList<ParamRepTemplate> pars) {
StringBuilder parStr = new StringBuilder();
foreach (ParamRepTemplate p in pars) {
if (parStr[parStr.Length-1] == ',') {
return parStr.ToString();
// Instantiate type arguments
public virtual void Apply(Dictionary<string,TypeRepTemplate> args)
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(SurroundingTypeName))
SurroundingTypeName = TemplateUtilities.SubstituteInType(SurroundingTypeName, args);
#region Equality
public bool Equals (TranslationBase other)
if (other == null)
return false;
if (Imports != other.Imports) {
if (Imports == null || other.Imports == null || Imports.Length != other.Imports.Length)
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < Imports.Length; i++) {
if (Imports[i] != other.Imports[i])
return false;
return Java == other.Java;
public override bool Equals (object obj)
TranslationBase temp = obj as TranslationBase;
if (!Object.ReferenceEquals (temp, null))
return this.Equals (temp);
return false;
public static bool operator == (TranslationBase a1, TranslationBase a2)
return Object.Equals (a1, a2);
public static bool operator != (TranslationBase a1, TranslationBase a2)
return !(a1 == a2);
public override int GetHashCode ()
int hashCode = 0;
if (Imports != null) {
foreach (string e in Imports) {
hashCode ^= e.GetHashCode();
return (Java ?? String.Empty).GetHashCode () ^ hashCode;
public class IterableRepTemplate : TranslationBase, IEquatable<IterableRepTemplate>
public String ElementType {
get; set;
public override string mkJava() {
return "${expr}";
public IterableRepTemplate () : base()
public IterableRepTemplate(String ty)
: base()
ElementType = ty;
public IterableRepTemplate(IterableRepTemplate copyFrom)
: base(copyFrom)
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(copyFrom.ElementType))
ElementType = copyFrom.ElementType;
public IterableRepTemplate (String ty, string[] imps, string javaRep) : base(imps, javaRep)
ElementType = ty;
public override void Apply(Dictionary<string,TypeRepTemplate> args)
if (ElementType != null)
ElementType = TemplateUtilities.SubstituteInType(ElementType, args);
#region Equality
public bool Equals (IterableRepTemplate other)
if (other == null)
return false;
return ElementType == other.ElementType && base.Equals(other);
public override bool Equals (object obj)
IterableRepTemplate temp = obj as IterableRepTemplate;
if (!Object.ReferenceEquals (temp, null))
return this.Equals (temp);
return false;
public static bool operator == (IterableRepTemplate a1, IterableRepTemplate a2)
return Object.Equals (a1, a2);
public static bool operator != (IterableRepTemplate a1, IterableRepTemplate a2)
return !(a1 == a2);
public override int GetHashCode ()
return base.GetHashCode () ^ ElementType.GetHashCode();
public class ConstructorRepTemplate : TranslationBase, IEquatable<ConstructorRepTemplate>
private List<ParamRepTemplate> _params = null;
public List<ParamRepTemplate> Params {
get {
if (_params == null)
_params = new List<ParamRepTemplate> ();
return _params;
public override string mkJava() {
string constructorName = "CONSTRUCTOR";
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(SurroundingTypeName)) {
constructorName = SurroundingTypeName.Substring(SurroundingTypeName.LastIndexOf('.') + 1);
return "new " + constructorName + mkJavaParams(Params);
public override string[] mkImports() {
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(SurroundingTypeName)) {
return new string[] {SurroundingTypeName};
else {
return null;
public ConstructorRepTemplate()
: base()
public ConstructorRepTemplate(ConstructorRepTemplate copyFrom)
: base(copyFrom)
foreach (ParamRepTemplate p in copyFrom.Params)
Params.Add(new ParamRepTemplate(p));
public ConstructorRepTemplate (List<ParamRepTemplate> pars) : base()
_params = pars;
public ConstructorRepTemplate (List<ParamRepTemplate> pars, string[] imps, string javaRep) : base(imps, javaRep)
_params = pars;
public override void Apply(Dictionary<string,TypeRepTemplate> args)
if (Params != null)
foreach(ParamRepTemplate p in Params)
#region Equality
public bool Equals (ConstructorRepTemplate other)
if (other == null)
return false;
if (Params != other.Params) {
if (Params == null || other.Params == null || Params.Count != other.Params.Count)
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < Params.Count; i++) {
if (Params[i] != other.Params[i])
return false;
return base.Equals(other);
public override bool Equals (object obj)
ConstructorRepTemplate temp = obj as ConstructorRepTemplate;
if (!Object.ReferenceEquals (temp, null))
return this.Equals (temp);
return false;
public static bool operator == (ConstructorRepTemplate a1, ConstructorRepTemplate a2)
return Object.Equals (a1, a2);
public static bool operator != (ConstructorRepTemplate a1, ConstructorRepTemplate a2)
return !(a1 == a2);
public override int GetHashCode ()
int hashCode = 0;
foreach (ParamRepTemplate o in Params) {
hashCode = hashCode ^ o.GetHashCode() ;
return base.GetHashCode () ^ hashCode;
// Method has the same info as a delegate as a constructor plus a name and return type
public class MethodRepTemplate : ConstructorRepTemplate, IEquatable<ConstructorRepTemplate>
// Method name
public string Name { get; set; }
private string[] _typeParams = null;
public string[] TypeParams {
if (_typeParams == null)
TypeParams = new string[0];
return _typeParams;
// First time that TypeParams is set then create InstantiatedTypes as corresponding list of TypeVars
if (value != null && InstantiatedTypes == null)
InstantiatedTypes = new TypeRepTemplate[value.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < value.Length; i++)
InstantiatedTypes[i] = new TypeVarRepTemplate(value[i]);
_typeParams = value;
public TypeRepTemplate[] InstantiatedTypes { get; set; }
// Return type
private string _return;
public string Return {
get { return _return; }
set {
// isStatic method?
public bool IsStatic{ get; set; }
public MethodRepTemplate()
IsStatic = false;
public MethodRepTemplate(MethodRepTemplate copyFrom) : base(copyFrom)
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(copyFrom.Name))
Name = copyFrom.Name;
int len = 0;
if (copyFrom.TypeParams != null)
len = copyFrom.TypeParams.Length;
TypeParams = new String[len];
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
TypeParams[i] = copyFrom.TypeParams[i];
if (copyFrom.InstantiatedTypes != null)
len = copyFrom.InstantiatedTypes.Length;
InstantiatedTypes = new TypeRepTemplate[len];
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
InstantiatedTypes[i] = copyFrom.InstantiatedTypes[i].Instantiate(null);
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(copyFrom.Return))
Return = copyFrom.Return;
IsStatic = copyFrom.IsStatic;
public MethodRepTemplate(string retType, string methodName, string[] tParams, List<ParamRepTemplate> pars, string[] imps, string javaRep)
: base(pars, imps, javaRep)
Name = methodName;
TypeParams = tParams;
Return = retType;
IsStatic = false;
public MethodRepTemplate (string retType, string methodName, string[] tParams, List<ParamRepTemplate> pars) : this(retType, methodName, tParams, pars, null, null)
public override string[] mkImports() {
if (IsStatic && SurroundingTypeName != null) {
return new string[] {SurroundingTypeName};
else {
return null;
public override string mkJava() {
StringBuilder methStr = new StringBuilder();
if (IsStatic) {
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(SurroundingTypeName)) {
methStr.Append(SurroundingTypeName.Substring(SurroundingTypeName.LastIndexOf('.') + 1) + ".");
else {
else {
// special for ToString -> tostring
if (Name == "ToString" && Params.Count == 0)
return methStr.ToString() + mkJavaParams(Params);
// TODO: filter out redefined type names
public override void Apply(Dictionary<string,TypeRepTemplate> args)
if (Return != null)
Return = TemplateUtilities.SubstituteInType(Return,args);
#region Equality
public bool Equals (MethodRepTemplate other)
if (other == null)
return false;
if (TypeParams != other.TypeParams) {
if (TypeParams == null || other.TypeParams == null || TypeParams.Length != other.TypeParams.Length)
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < TypeParams.Length; i++) {
if (TypeParams[i] != other.TypeParams[i])
return false;
if (InstantiatedTypes != other.InstantiatedTypes) {
if (InstantiatedTypes == null || other.InstantiatedTypes == null || InstantiatedTypes.Length != other.InstantiatedTypes.Length)
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < InstantiatedTypes.Length; i++) {
if (InstantiatedTypes[i] != other.InstantiatedTypes[i])
return false;
return Return == other.Return && Name == other.Name && IsStatic == other.IsStatic && base.Equals(other);
public override bool Equals (object obj)
MethodRepTemplate temp = obj as MethodRepTemplate;
if (!Object.ReferenceEquals (temp, null))
return this.Equals (temp);
return false;
public static bool operator == (MethodRepTemplate a1, MethodRepTemplate a2)
return Object.Equals (a1, a2);
public static bool operator != (MethodRepTemplate a1, MethodRepTemplate a2)
return !(a1 == a2);
public override int GetHashCode ()
int hashCode = 0;
if (TypeParams != null) {
foreach (string o in TypeParams) {
hashCode = hashCode ^ o.GetHashCode() ;
if (InstantiatedTypes != null) {
foreach (TypeRepTemplate o in InstantiatedTypes) {
hashCode = hashCode ^ o.GetHashCode() ;
return hashCode ^ (Return ?? String.Empty).GetHashCode () ^ (Name ?? String.Empty).GetHashCode () ^ IsStatic.GetHashCode() ^ base.GetHashCode();
// A user-defined cast from one type to another
public class CastRepTemplate : TranslationBase, IEquatable<CastRepTemplate>
// From and To are fully qualified types
private string _from;
public string From {
get { return _from; }
set {
private string _to;
public string To {
get { return _to; }
set {
public CastRepTemplate()
: base()
public CastRepTemplate(CastRepTemplate copyFrom)
: base(copyFrom)
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(copyFrom.From))
From = copyFrom.From;
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(copyFrom.To))
To = copyFrom.To;
public CastRepTemplate (string fType, string tType, string[] imps, string java) : base(imps, java)
From = fType;
To = tType;
public CastRepTemplate (string fType, string tType) : this(fType, tType, null, null)
public override string[] mkImports() {
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(SurroundingTypeName)) {
return new string[] {SurroundingTypeName};
else {
return null;
public override string mkJava() {
if (From == null || To == null) {
return null;
else {
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(SurroundingTypeName)) {
String myType = SurroundingTypeName.Substring(SurroundingTypeName.LastIndexOf('.') + 1);
String toType = To.Substring(To.LastIndexOf('.') + 1);
if (myType == toType)
// just overload various casts to my type
return myType + ".__cast(${expr})";
return myType + ".__cast${TYPEOF_totype}(${expr})";
return "__cast_" + To.Replace('.','_') + "(${expr})";
public override void Apply(Dictionary<string,TypeRepTemplate> args)
if (From != null)
From = TemplateUtilities.SubstituteInType(From, args);
if (To != null)
To = TemplateUtilities.SubstituteInType(To, args);
#region Equality
public bool Equals (CastRepTemplate other)
if (other == null)
return false;
return From == other.From && To == other.To && base.Equals(other);
public override bool Equals (object obj)
CastRepTemplate temp = obj as CastRepTemplate;
if (!Object.ReferenceEquals (temp, null))
return this.Equals (temp);
return false;
public static bool operator == (CastRepTemplate a1, CastRepTemplate a2)
return Object.Equals (a1, a2);
public static bool operator != (CastRepTemplate a1, CastRepTemplate a2)
return !(a1 == a2);
public override int GetHashCode ()
return (From ?? String.Empty).GetHashCode() ^ (To ?? String.Empty).GetHashCode() ^ base.GetHashCode();
// A member field definition
public class FieldRepTemplate : TranslationBase, IEquatable<FieldRepTemplate>
private string _type;
public string Type {
get { return _type; }
set {
public string Name { get; set; }
public FieldRepTemplate()
: base()
public FieldRepTemplate(FieldRepTemplate copyFrom)
: base(copyFrom)
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(copyFrom.Name))
Name = copyFrom.Name;
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(copyFrom.Type))
Type = copyFrom.Type;
public FieldRepTemplate(string fType, string fName, string[] imps, string javaGet)
: base(imps, javaGet)
Type = fType;
Name = fName;
public FieldRepTemplate (string fType, string fName) : this(fType, fName, null, null)
public override string mkJava() {
return "${this:16}." + Name;
public override void Apply(Dictionary<string,TypeRepTemplate> args)
if (Type != null)
Type = TemplateUtilities.SubstituteInType(Type, args);
#region Equality
public bool Equals (FieldRepTemplate other)
if (other == null)
return false;
return Type == other.Type && Name == other.Name && base.Equals(other);
public override bool Equals (object obj)
FieldRepTemplate temp = obj as FieldRepTemplate;
if (!Object.ReferenceEquals (temp, null))
return this.Equals (temp);
return false;
public static bool operator == (FieldRepTemplate a1, FieldRepTemplate a2)
return Object.Equals (a1, a2);
public static bool operator != (FieldRepTemplate a1, FieldRepTemplate a2)
return !(a1 == a2);
public override int GetHashCode ()
return (Type ?? String.Empty).GetHashCode() ^ (Name ?? String.Empty).GetHashCode() ^ base.GetHashCode();
// A property definition. We need separate java translations for getter and setter. If JavaGet is null
// then we can use Java (from TranslationBase) as the translation for gets.
// Imports are shared between getter and setter (might lead to some unneccessary extra imports, but I'm
// guessing that normally imports will be the same for both)
public class PropRepTemplate : FieldRepTemplate, IEquatable<PropRepTemplate>
protected string _javaGet = null;
public virtual string JavaGet {
get {
if (!CanRead) return null;
if (_javaGet == null) {
if (_java == null) {
return (CanRead ? "${this:16}.get" + Name + "()" : null);
else {
return _java;
else {
return _javaGet;
set { _javaGet = value; }
public override string Java
return JavaGet;
protected string _javaSet = null;
public virtual string JavaSet {
get {
if (_javaSet == null) {
return (CanWrite ? "${this:16}.set" + Name + "(${value})" : null);
else {
return _javaSet;
set { _javaSet = value; }
// canRead?
private bool _canRead = true;
public bool CanRead {
get { return _canRead; }
set { _canRead = value; }
// canWrite?
private bool _canWrite = true;
public bool CanWrite {
get { return _canWrite; }
set { _canWrite = value; }
public PropRepTemplate()
: base()
public PropRepTemplate(PropRepTemplate copyFrom)
: base(copyFrom)
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(copyFrom.JavaGet))
JavaGet = copyFrom.JavaGet;
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(copyFrom.JavaSet))
JavaSet = copyFrom.JavaSet;
CanRead = copyFrom.CanRead;
CanWrite = copyFrom.CanWrite;
public PropRepTemplate(string fType, string fName, string[] imps, string javaGet, string javaSet)
: base(fType, fName, imps, null)
JavaGet = javaGet;
JavaSet = javaSet;
public PropRepTemplate (string fType, string fName) : this(fType, fName, null, null, null)
public override string mkJava ()
// favour JavaGet
return null;
#region Equality
public bool Equals (PropRepTemplate other)
if (other == null)
return false;
return JavaGet == other.JavaGet && JavaSet == other.JavaSet && base.Equals(other);
public override bool Equals (object obj)
PropRepTemplate temp = obj as PropRepTemplate;
if (!Object.ReferenceEquals (temp, null))
return this.Equals (temp);
return false;
public static bool operator == (PropRepTemplate a1, PropRepTemplate a2)
return Object.Equals (a1, a2);
public static bool operator != (PropRepTemplate a1, PropRepTemplate a2)
return !(a1 == a2);
public override int GetHashCode ()
return (JavaGet ?? String.Empty).GetHashCode () ^ (JavaSet ?? String.Empty).GetHashCode () ^ base.GetHashCode ();
// An indexer is like a unnamed property that has params
public class IndexerRepTemplate : PropRepTemplate, IEquatable<IndexerRepTemplate>
private List<ParamRepTemplate> _params = null;
public List<ParamRepTemplate> Params {
get {
if (_params == null)
_params = new List<ParamRepTemplate> ();
return _params;
private List<ParamRepTemplate> _setParams = null;
private List<ParamRepTemplate> SetParams {
get {
if (_setParams == null)
_setParams = new List<ParamRepTemplate> ();
foreach (ParamRepTemplate p in Params)
_setParams.Add(new ParamRepTemplate(Type,"value"));
return _setParams;
public override string JavaGet {
get {
if (!CanRead) return null;
if (_javaGet == null) {
if (_java == null) {
return (CanRead ? "${this:16}.get___idx" + mkJavaParams(Params) : null);
else {
return _java;
else {
return _javaGet;
set { _javaGet = value; }
public override string JavaSet {
get {
if (_javaSet == null) {
return (CanWrite ? "${this:16}.set___idx" + mkJavaParams(SetParams): null);
else {
return _javaSet;
set { _javaSet = value; }
public IndexerRepTemplate()
: base()
public IndexerRepTemplate(IndexerRepTemplate copyFrom)
: base(copyFrom)
foreach (ParamRepTemplate p in copyFrom.Params)
Params.Add(new ParamRepTemplate(p));
foreach (ParamRepTemplate p in copyFrom.SetParams)
SetParams.Add(new ParamRepTemplate(p));
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(copyFrom.JavaGet))
JavaGet = copyFrom.JavaGet;
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(copyFrom.JavaSet))
JavaSet = copyFrom.JavaSet;
public IndexerRepTemplate(string fType, List<ParamRepTemplate> pars)
: base(fType, "this")
_params = pars;
public IndexerRepTemplate (string fType, List<ParamRepTemplate> pars, string[] imps, string javaGet, string javaSet) : base(fType, "this",imps,javaGet,javaSet)
_params = pars;
public override void Apply(Dictionary<string,TypeRepTemplate> args)
if (Params != null)
foreach(ParamRepTemplate p in Params)
if (_setParams != null)
foreach(ParamRepTemplate p in _setParams)
#region Equality
public bool Equals (IndexerRepTemplate other)
if (other == null)
return false;
if (Params != other.Params) {
if (Params == null || other.Params == null || Params.Count != other.Params.Count)
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < Params.Count; i++) {
if (Params[i] != other.Params[i])
return false;
return base.Equals(other);
public override bool Equals (object obj)
IndexerRepTemplate temp = obj as IndexerRepTemplate;
if (!Object.ReferenceEquals (temp, null))
return this.Equals (temp);
return false;
public static bool operator == (IndexerRepTemplate a1, IndexerRepTemplate a2)
return Object.Equals (a1, a2);
public static bool operator != (IndexerRepTemplate a1, IndexerRepTemplate a2)
return !(a1 == a2);
public override int GetHashCode ()
int hashCode = 0;
foreach (ParamRepTemplate o in Params) {
hashCode = hashCode ^ o.GetHashCode() ;
return base.GetHashCode () ^ hashCode;
// A member of an enum, may also have a numeric value
public class EnumMemberRepTemplate : TranslationBase, IEquatable<EnumMemberRepTemplate>
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Value { get; set; }
public EnumMemberRepTemplate() : base()
public EnumMemberRepTemplate(EnumMemberRepTemplate copyFrom)
: base(copyFrom)
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(copyFrom.Name))
Name = copyFrom.Name;
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(copyFrom.Value))
Value = copyFrom.Value;
public EnumMemberRepTemplate (string n) : this(n, null, null, null)
public EnumMemberRepTemplate (string n, string v) : this(n, v, null, null)
public EnumMemberRepTemplate (string n, string v, string[] imps, string java) : base(imps, java)
Name = n;
Value = v;
public override string mkJava() {
return "${this:16}." + Name;
#region Equality
public bool Equals (EnumMemberRepTemplate other)
if (other == null)
return false;
return Name == other.Name && Value == other.Value && base.Equals(other);
public override bool Equals (object obj)
EnumMemberRepTemplate temp = obj as EnumMemberRepTemplate;
if (!Object.ReferenceEquals (temp, null))
return this.Equals (temp);
return false;
public static bool operator == (EnumMemberRepTemplate a1, EnumMemberRepTemplate a2)
return Object.Equals (a1, a2);
public static bool operator != (EnumMemberRepTemplate a1, EnumMemberRepTemplate a2)
return !(a1 == a2);
public override int GetHashCode ()
return (Name ?? String.Empty).GetHashCode () ^ (Value ?? String.Empty).GetHashCode () ^ base.GetHashCode ();
// Base Template for classes, interfaces, enums, etc.
public abstract class TypeRepTemplate : TranslationBase, IEquatable<TypeRepTemplate>
// Type Name
public string TypeName { get; set; }
private string[] _typeParams = null;
public string[] TypeParams {
if (_typeParams == null)
TypeParams = new string[0];
return _typeParams;
// First time that TypeParams is set then create InstantiatedTypes as corresponding list of TypeVars
if (value != null && InstantiatedTypes == null)
InstantiatedTypes = new TypeRepTemplate[value.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < value.Length; i++)
InstantiatedTypes[i] = new TypeVarRepTemplate(value[i]);
_typeParams = value;
public TypeRepTemplate[] InstantiatedTypes { get; set; }
public Dictionary<string,TypeRepTemplate> TyVarMap
{ get
Dictionary<string,TypeRepTemplate> ret = new Dictionary<string,TypeRepTemplate>(TypeParams.Length);
for (int i = 0; i < TypeParams.Length; i++)
ret[TypeParams[i]] = InstantiatedTypes[i];
return ret;
// Path to use when resolving types
public string[] Uses { get; set; }
// Aliases for namespaces
public AliasRepTemplate[] Aliases { get; set; }
protected List<CastRepTemplate> _casts = null;
public virtual List<CastRepTemplate> Casts {
get {
if (_casts == null)
_casts = new List<CastRepTemplate> ();
return _casts;
private string[] _inherits;
public string[] Inherits {
get {
if (_inherits == null)
_inherits = new string[] { "System.Object" };
return _inherits;
set {
if (value != null) {
_inherits= new string[value.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < value.Length; i++) {
_inherits[i] = (value[i] != null ? value[i].Replace("<","*[").Replace(">","]*") : null);
else {
_inherits = null;
// Client can set IsExplicitNull. If so then null IsA anytype
private bool _isExplicitNull = false;
public bool IsExplicitNull
return _isExplicitNull;
_isExplicitNull = value;
// Client can set _isUnboxedType. If so then we know the expression / type is inboxed
private bool _isUnboxedType = false;
public bool IsUnboxedType
return _isUnboxedType;
_isUnboxedType = value;
// Equivalent to "this is TypeVarRepTemplate"
public virtual bool IsTypeVar
return (this is TypeVarRepTemplate);
// Equivalent to "this is UnknownRepTemplate"
public virtual bool IsUnknownType
return (this is UnknownRepTemplate);
public TypeRepTemplate()
: base()
TypeName = null;
Uses = null;
Aliases = null;
protected TypeRepTemplate(string typeName)
: this()
TypeName = typeName;
protected TypeRepTemplate(TypeRepTemplate copyFrom)
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(copyFrom.TypeName))
TypeName = copyFrom.TypeName;
int len = 0;
if (copyFrom.TypeParams != null)
len = copyFrom.TypeParams.Length;
TypeParams = new String[len];
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
TypeParams[i] = copyFrom.TypeParams[i];
if (copyFrom.InstantiatedTypes != null)
len = copyFrom.InstantiatedTypes.Length;
InstantiatedTypes = new TypeRepTemplate[len];
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
InstantiatedTypes[i] = copyFrom.InstantiatedTypes[i].Instantiate(null);
if (copyFrom.Uses != null)
len = copyFrom.Uses.Length;
Uses = new String[len];
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
Uses[i] = copyFrom.Uses[i];
if (copyFrom.Aliases != null)
len = copyFrom.Aliases.Length;
Aliases = new AliasRepTemplate[len];
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
Aliases[i] = new AliasRepTemplate(copyFrom.Aliases[i]);
foreach (CastRepTemplate c in copyFrom.Casts)
Casts.Add(new CastRepTemplate(c));
if (copyFrom.Inherits != null)
len = copyFrom.Inherits.Length;
Inherits = new String[len];
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
Inherits[i] = copyFrom.Inherits[i];
IsExplicitNull = copyFrom.IsExplicitNull;
IsUnboxedType = copyFrom.IsUnboxedType;
protected TypeRepTemplate(string tName, string[] tParams, string[] usePath, AliasRepTemplate[] aliases, string[] imports, string javaTemplate)
: base(imports, javaTemplate)
TypeName = tName;
TypeParams = tParams;
Uses = usePath;
Aliases = aliases;
public override string mkJava() {
if (TypeName == null || TypeName == String.Empty) {
return null;
return TypeName.Substring(TypeName.LastIndexOf('.') + 1);
public override string[] mkImports() {
if (TypeName != null) {
return new string[] {TypeName};
else {
return null;
// IMPORTANT: Call this on the fresh copy because it has the side effect of updating this type's TypeParams.
protected Dictionary<string,TypeRepTemplate> mkTypeMap(ICollection<TypeRepTemplate> args) {
Dictionary<string,TypeRepTemplate> ret = new Dictionary<string,TypeRepTemplate>();
if (args != null && args.Count == TypeParams.Length)
InstantiatedTypes = new TypeRepTemplate[args.Count];
int i = 0;
foreach (TypeRepTemplate sub in args)
ret[TypeParams[i]] = sub;
InstantiatedTypes[i] = sub;
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Incorrect number of type arguments supplied when instantiating generic type");
return ret;
// Make a copy of 'this' and instantiate type variables with types and type variables.
public abstract TypeRepTemplate Instantiate(ICollection<TypeRepTemplate> args);
public override void Apply(Dictionary<string,TypeRepTemplate> args)
if (Casts != null)
foreach(CastRepTemplate c in Casts)
if (Inherits != null)
for(int i = 0; i < Inherits.Length; i++)
Inherits[i] = TemplateUtilities.SubstituteInType(Inherits[i],args);
// Resolve a method call (name and arg types)
public virtual ResolveResult Resolve(String name, List<TypeRepTemplate> args, DirectoryHT<TypeRepTemplate> AppEnv)
if (Inherits != null)
foreach (String b in Inherits)
TypeRepTemplate baseType = BuildType(b, AppEnv);
if (baseType != null)
ResolveResult ret = baseType.Resolve(name,args,AppEnv);
if (ret != null)
return ret;
return null;
// Resolve a field or property access
public virtual ResolveResult Resolve(String name, bool forWrite, DirectoryHT<TypeRepTemplate> AppEnv)
if (Inherits != null)
foreach (String b in Inherits)
TypeRepTemplate baseType = BuildType(b, AppEnv);
if (baseType != null)
ResolveResult ret = baseType.Resolve(name, forWrite, AppEnv);
if (ret != null)
return ret;
return null;
// Resolve a indexer call (arg types)
public virtual ResolveResult ResolveIndexer(List<TypeRepTemplate> args, DirectoryHT<TypeRepTemplate> AppEnv)
if (Inherits != null)
foreach (String b in Inherits)
TypeRepTemplate baseType = BuildType(b, AppEnv);
if (baseType != null)
ResolveResult ret = baseType.ResolveIndexer(args,AppEnv);
if (ret != null)
return ret;
return null;
// Resolve a cast from this type to castTo
public virtual ResolveResult ResolveCastTo(TypeRepTemplate castTo, DirectoryHT<TypeRepTemplate> AppEnv)
if (Casts != null)
foreach (CastRepTemplate c in Casts)
if (c.To != null)
// Is this a cast from us?
TypeRepTemplate fromTy = null;
if (c.From != null)
fromTy = BuildType(c.From, AppEnv);
if (c.From == null || (fromTy != null && fromTy.TypeName == TypeName))
// cast from us
TypeRepTemplate toTy = BuildType(c.To, AppEnv);
if (toTy.IsA(castTo, AppEnv))
ResolveResult res = new ResolveResult();
res.Result = c;
res.ResultType = toTy;
return res;
if (Inherits != null)
foreach (String b in Inherits)
TypeRepTemplate baseType = BuildType(b, AppEnv);
if (baseType != null)
ResolveResult ret = baseType.ResolveCastTo(castTo,AppEnv);
if (ret != null)
return ret;
return null;
// Resolve a cast to this type from castFrom
public virtual ResolveResult ResolveCastFrom(TypeRepTemplate castFrom, DirectoryHT<TypeRepTemplate> AppEnv)
if (Casts != null)
foreach (CastRepTemplate c in Casts)
if (c.From != null)
// Is this a cast to us?
TypeRepTemplate toTy = null;
if (c.To != null)
toTy = BuildType(c.To, AppEnv);
if (c.To == null || (toTy != null && toTy.TypeName == TypeName))
// cast to us
TypeRepTemplate fromTy = BuildType(c.From, AppEnv);
if (castFrom.IsA(fromTy, AppEnv))
ResolveResult res = new ResolveResult();
res.Result = c;
res.ResultType = toTy;
return res;
return null;
public virtual ResolveResult ResolveIterable(DirectoryHT<TypeRepTemplate> AppEnv)
if (Inherits != null)
foreach (String b in Inherits)
TypeRepTemplate baseType = BuildType(b, AppEnv);
if (baseType != null)
ResolveResult ret = baseType.ResolveIterable(AppEnv);
if (ret != null)
return ret;
return null;
// Returns true if other is a subclass, or implements our interface
public virtual bool IsA (TypeRepTemplate other, DirectoryHT<TypeRepTemplate> AppEnv) {
if (this.IsExplicitNull)
return true;
if (other.TypeName == this.TypeName)
// See if generic arguments 'match'
if (InstantiatedTypes != null && other.InstantiatedTypes != null && InstantiatedTypes.Length == other.InstantiatedTypes.Length)
bool isA = true;
for (int i = 0; i < InstantiatedTypes.Length; i++)
if (!InstantiatedTypes[i].IsA(other.InstantiatedTypes[i],AppEnv))
isA = false;
return isA;
return InstantiatedTypes == other.InstantiatedTypes;
else if (Inherits != null)
foreach (String ibase in Inherits)
TypeRepTemplate tbase = BuildType(ibase, AppEnv, new UnknownRepTemplate(ibase));
if (tbase.IsA(other,AppEnv))
return true;
return false;
// Builds a type rep from a string representation
// "type_name"
// "<type>[]"
// "<type>[<type>, ...]"
public TypeRepTemplate BuildType(string typeRep, DirectoryHT<TypeRepTemplate> AppEnv)
return BuildType(typeRep, AppEnv, null);
public TypeRepTemplate BuildType(string typeRep, DirectoryHT<TypeRepTemplate> AppEnv, TypeRepTemplate def)
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(typeRep))
return def;
if (typeRep.EndsWith("[]"))
string baseType = typeRep.Substring(0, typeRep.Length - 2);
TypeRepTemplate baseTypeRep = BuildType(baseType, AppEnv);
if (baseTypeRep == null)
return def;
TypeRepTemplate arrayType = AppEnv.Search("System.Array'1");
return arrayType.Instantiate(new TypeRepTemplate[] { baseTypeRep });
// todo: search for type[type, ...]
return AppEnv.Search(Uses, typeRep, def);
#region deserialization
private static object Deserialize (Stream fs, System.Type t)
object o = null;
XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer (t, Constants.TranslationTemplateNamespace);
o = serializer.Deserialize (fs);
return o;
private static TypeRepTemplate Deserialize (Stream s)
TypeRepTemplate ret = null;
XmlReaderSettings settings = new XmlReaderSettings ();
settings.IgnoreWhitespace = true;
settings.IgnoreComments = true;
XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create (s, settings);
//XmlTextReader reader = new XmlTextReader(s);
string typeType = null;
// class, interface, enum, etc.
bool found = false;
try {
while (reader.Read () && !found) {
if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element) {
switch (reader.LocalName) {
case "Class":
typeType = "Twiglet.CS2J.Translator.TypeRep.ClassRepTemplate";
case "Struct":
typeType = "Twiglet.CS2J.Translator.TypeRep.StructRepTemplate";
case "Interface":
typeType = "Twiglet.CS2J.Translator.TypeRep.InterfaceRepTemplate";
case "Enum":
typeType = "Twiglet.CS2J.Translator.TypeRep.EnumRepTemplate";
case "Delegate":
typeType = "Twiglet.CS2J.Translator.TypeRep.DelegateRepTemplate";
typeType = "UnknownType";
found = true;
s.Seek (0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
ret = (TypeRepTemplate)Deserialize (s, System.Type.GetType (typeType));
} catch (Exception e) {
Console.WriteLine ("WARNING -- (Deserialize) " + e.Message);
return ret;
public static TypeRepTemplate newInstance (Stream s)
return (TypeRepTemplate)Deserialize (s);
#endregion deserialization
#region Equality
public bool Equals (TypeRepTemplate other)
if (other == null)
return false;
if (Uses != other.Uses) {
if (Uses == null || other.Uses == null || Uses.Length != other.Uses.Length)
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < Uses.Length; i++) {
if (Uses[i] != other.Uses[i])
return false;
if (Aliases != other.Aliases) {
if (Aliases == null || other.Aliases == null || Aliases.Length != other.Aliases.Length)
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < Aliases.Length; i++) {
if (Aliases[i] != other.Aliases[i])
return false;
if (TypeParams != other.TypeParams) {
if (TypeParams == null || other.TypeParams == null || TypeParams.Length != other.TypeParams.Length)
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < TypeParams.Length; i++) {
if (TypeParams[i] != other.TypeParams[i])
return false;
if (Casts != other.Casts) {
if (Casts == null || other.Casts == null || Casts.Count != other.Casts.Count)
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < Casts.Count; i++) {
if (Casts[i] != other.Casts[i])
return false;
if (InstantiatedTypes != other.InstantiatedTypes)
if (InstantiatedTypes == null || other.InstantiatedTypes == null || InstantiatedTypes.Length != other.InstantiatedTypes.Length)
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < InstantiatedTypes.Length; i++)
if (InstantiatedTypes[i] != other.InstantiatedTypes[i])
return false;
return IsExplicitNull == other.IsExplicitNull && IsUnboxedType == other.IsUnboxedType && TypeName == other.TypeName && base.Equals(other);
public override bool Equals (object obj)
TypeRepTemplate temp = obj as TypeRepTemplate;
if (!Object.ReferenceEquals (temp, null))
return this.Equals (temp);
return false;
public static bool operator == (TypeRepTemplate a1, TypeRepTemplate a2)
return Object.Equals (a1, a2);
public static bool operator != (TypeRepTemplate a1, TypeRepTemplate a2)
return !(a1 == a2);
public override int GetHashCode ()
int hashCode = base.GetHashCode ();
if (Uses != null) {
foreach (string e in Uses) {
hashCode ^= e.GetHashCode();
if (Aliases != null) {
foreach (AliasRepTemplate e in Aliases) {
hashCode ^= e.GetHashCode();
if (TypeParams != null) {
foreach (string e in TypeParams) {
hashCode ^= e.GetHashCode();
if (Casts != null) {
foreach (CastRepTemplate e in Casts) {
hashCode ^= e.GetHashCode();
if (InstantiatedTypes != null)
foreach (TypeRepTemplate ty in InstantiatedTypes)
hashCode ^= ty.GetHashCode();
return (Java ?? String.Empty).GetHashCode() ^ IsExplicitNull.GetHashCode() ^ IsUnboxedType.GetHashCode() ^ hashCode;
private string _formattedTypeName = null;
protected string mkFormattedTypeName(bool incNameSpace)
if (_formattedTypeName == null)
StringBuilder fmt = new StringBuilder();
if (TypeName == "System.Array")
fmt.Append(TypeName.Substring(incNameSpace ? 0 : TypeName.LastIndexOf('.')+1));
if (InstantiatedTypes != null && InstantiatedTypes.Length > 0)
bool isFirst = true;
foreach (TypeRepTemplate t in InstantiatedTypes)
if (!isFirst)
fmt.Append(", ");
isFirst = false;
_formattedTypeName = fmt.ToString();
return _formattedTypeName;
protected string mkFormattedTypeName()
return mkFormattedTypeName(true);
public override String ToString()
return mkFormattedTypeName();
public class EnumRepTemplate : TypeRepTemplate, IEquatable<EnumRepTemplate>
private List<EnumMemberRepTemplate> _members = null;
public List<EnumMemberRepTemplate> Members {
get {
if (_members == null)
_members = new List<EnumMemberRepTemplate> ();
return _members;
private List<CastRepTemplate> _enumCasts = null;
private List<CastRepTemplate> EnumCasts {
get {
if (_enumCasts == null)
_enumCasts = new List<CastRepTemplate> ();
CastRepTemplate kast = new CastRepTemplate();
kast.From = "System.Int32";
kast.Java = "${TYPEOF_totype:16}.values()[${expr}]";
kast = new CastRepTemplate();
kast.To = "System.Int32";
kast.Java = "((Enum)${expr}).ordinal()";
return _enumCasts;
public override List<CastRepTemplate> Casts {
get {
if (_casts == null)
return EnumCasts;
return _casts;
public EnumRepTemplate()
: base()
Inherits = new string[] { "System.Enum" };
public EnumRepTemplate(EnumRepTemplate copyFrom)
: base(copyFrom)
foreach (EnumMemberRepTemplate m in copyFrom.Members)
Members.Add(new EnumMemberRepTemplate(m));
public EnumRepTemplate (List<EnumMemberRepTemplate> ms) : base()
_members = ms;
public override ResolveResult Resolve(String name, bool forWrite, DirectoryHT<TypeRepTemplate> AppEnv)
if (Members != null)
foreach (EnumMemberRepTemplate m in Members)
if (m.Name == name)
ResolveResult res = new ResolveResult();
res.Result = m;
res.ResultType = this;
return res;
return base.Resolve(name, forWrite, AppEnv);
public override TypeRepTemplate Instantiate(ICollection<TypeRepTemplate> args)
EnumRepTemplate copy = new EnumRepTemplate(this);
return copy;
#region Equality
public bool Equals (EnumRepTemplate other)
if (other == null)
return false;
if (Members != other.Members) {
if (Members == null || other.Members == null || Members.Count != other.Members.Count)
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < Members.Count; i++) {
if (Members[i] != other.Members[i])
return false;
return base.Equals(other);
public override bool Equals (object obj)
EnumRepTemplate temp = obj as EnumRepTemplate;
if (!Object.ReferenceEquals (temp, null))
return this.Equals (temp);
return false;
public static bool operator == (EnumRepTemplate a1, EnumRepTemplate a2)
return Object.Equals (a1, a2);
public static bool operator != (EnumRepTemplate a1, EnumRepTemplate a2)
return !(a1 == a2);
public override int GetHashCode ()
int hashCode = base.GetHashCode ();
if (Members != null) {
foreach (EnumMemberRepTemplate e in Members) {
hashCode ^= e.GetHashCode();
return hashCode;
public class DelegateRepTemplate : TypeRepTemplate, IEquatable<DelegateRepTemplate>
private List<ParamRepTemplate> _params = null;
public List<ParamRepTemplate> Params {
get {
if (_params == null)
_params = new List<ParamRepTemplate> ();
return _params;
set {
_params = value;
private string _return;
public string Return {
get { return _return; }
set {
public DelegateRepTemplate()
: base()
public DelegateRepTemplate(DelegateRepTemplate copyFrom)
: base(copyFrom)
foreach (ParamRepTemplate p in copyFrom.Params)
Params.Add(new ParamRepTemplate(p));
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(copyFrom.Return))
Return = copyFrom.Return;
public DelegateRepTemplate(string retType, List<ParamRepTemplate> args)
: base()
Return = retType;
_params = args;
public override string mkJava() {
return "${delegate:16}.Invoke" + mkJavaParams(Params);
public override void Apply(Dictionary<string,TypeRepTemplate> args)
if (Params != null)
foreach(ParamRepTemplate p in Params)
if (Return != null)
Return = TemplateUtilities.SubstituteInType(Return, args);
public override TypeRepTemplate Instantiate(ICollection<TypeRepTemplate> args)
DelegateRepTemplate copy = new DelegateRepTemplate(this);
return copy;
#region Equality
public bool Equals (DelegateRepTemplate other)
if (other == null)
return false;
if (Params != other.Params) {
if (Params == null || other.Params == null || Params.Count != other.Params.Count)
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < Params.Count; i++) {
if (Params[i] != other.Params[i])
return false;
return Return == other.Return && base.Equals(other);
public override bool Equals (object obj)
DelegateRepTemplate temp = obj as DelegateRepTemplate;
if (!Object.ReferenceEquals (temp, null))
return this.Equals (temp);
return false;
public static bool operator == (DelegateRepTemplate a1, DelegateRepTemplate a2)
return Object.Equals (a1, a2);
public static bool operator != (DelegateRepTemplate a1, DelegateRepTemplate a2)
return !(a1 == a2);
public override int GetHashCode ()
int hashCode = base.GetHashCode ();
if (Params != null) {
foreach (ParamRepTemplate e in Params) {
hashCode ^= e.GetHashCode();
return (Return ?? String.Empty).GetHashCode() ^ hashCode;
// Base Template for classes, interfaces, etc.
public class InterfaceRepTemplate : TypeRepTemplate, IEquatable<InterfaceRepTemplate>
private List<MethodRepTemplate> _methods = null;
public List<MethodRepTemplate> Methods {
get {
if (_methods == null)
_methods = new List<MethodRepTemplate> ();
return _methods;
private List<PropRepTemplate> _properties = null;
public List<PropRepTemplate> Properties {
get {
if (_properties == null)
_properties = new List<PropRepTemplate> ();
return _properties;
private List<FieldRepTemplate> _events = null;
public List<FieldRepTemplate> Events {
get {
if (_events == null)
_events = new List<FieldRepTemplate> ();
return _events;
private List<IndexerRepTemplate> _indexers = null;
public List<IndexerRepTemplate> Indexers {
get {
if (_indexers == null)
_indexers = new List<IndexerRepTemplate> ();
return _indexers;
private IterableRepTemplate _iterable = null;
public IterableRepTemplate Iterable {
get {
return _iterable;
set {
_iterable = value;
public InterfaceRepTemplate () : base()
Inherits = null;
public InterfaceRepTemplate(InterfaceRepTemplate copyFrom)
: base(copyFrom)
foreach (MethodRepTemplate m in copyFrom.Methods)
Methods.Add(new MethodRepTemplate(m));
foreach (PropRepTemplate p in copyFrom.Properties)
Properties.Add(new PropRepTemplate(p));
foreach (FieldRepTemplate e in copyFrom.Events)
Events.Add(new FieldRepTemplate(e));
foreach (IndexerRepTemplate i in copyFrom.Indexers)
Indexers.Add(new IndexerRepTemplate(i));
if (copyFrom.Iterable != null)
Iterable = new IterableRepTemplate(copyFrom.Iterable);
public InterfaceRepTemplate(string typeName)
: base(typeName)
protected InterfaceRepTemplate(string tName, string[] tParams, string[] usePath, AliasRepTemplate[] aliases, string[] inherits, List<MethodRepTemplate> ms, List<PropRepTemplate> ps, List<FieldRepTemplate> es, List<IndexerRepTemplate> ixs, string[] imps, string javaTemplate)
: base(tName, tParams, usePath, aliases, imps, javaTemplate)
Inherits = inherits;
_methods = ms;
_properties = ps;
_events = es;
_indexers = ixs;
public override void Apply(Dictionary<string,TypeRepTemplate> args)
if (Methods != null)
foreach(MethodRepTemplate m in Methods)
if (Properties != null)
foreach(PropRepTemplate p in Properties)
if (Events != null)
foreach(FieldRepTemplate e in Events)
if (Indexers != null)
foreach (IndexerRepTemplate i in Indexers)
if (Iterable != null)
// Returns true if we are a subclass of other, or implements its interface
public override bool IsA (TypeRepTemplate other, DirectoryHT<TypeRepTemplate> AppEnv) {
InterfaceRepTemplate i = other as InterfaceRepTemplate;
if (i == null)
return false;
if (i.TypeName == this.TypeName)
return true;
return base.IsA(other,AppEnv);
public override ResolveResult Resolve(String name, bool forWrite, DirectoryHT<TypeRepTemplate> AppEnv)
if (Properties != null)
foreach (PropRepTemplate p in Properties)
if (p.Name == name && ((forWrite && p.CanWrite) || (!forWrite && p.CanRead)))
ResolveResult res = new ResolveResult();
res.Result = p;
res.ResultType = BuildType(p.Type, AppEnv);
return res;
return base.Resolve(name, forWrite, AppEnv);
public override ResolveResult Resolve(String name, List<TypeRepTemplate> args, DirectoryHT<TypeRepTemplate> AppEnv)
if (Methods != null)
foreach (MethodRepTemplate m in Methods)
if (m.Name == name)
bool matchingArgs = true;
// If either params are null then make sure both represent zero length args
if (m.Params == null || args == null)
// Are they both zero length?
matchingArgs = (m.Params == null || m.Params.Count == 0) && (args == null || args.Count == 0);
// Are num args the same?
if (m.Params.Count != args.Count)
matchingArgs = false;
// check that for each argument in the caller its type 'IsA' the type of the formal argument
for (int idx = 0; idx < m.Params.Count; idx++) {
if (args[idx] == null || !args[idx].IsA(BuildType(m.Params[idx].Type, AppEnv, new UnknownRepTemplate(m.Params[idx].Type)),AppEnv))
matchingArgs = false;
if (matchingArgs)
ResolveResult res = new ResolveResult();
res.Result = m;
res.ResultType = BuildType(m.Return, AppEnv);
return res;
return base.Resolve(name, args, AppEnv);
public override ResolveResult ResolveIndexer(List<TypeRepTemplate> args, DirectoryHT<TypeRepTemplate> AppEnv)
if (Indexers != null)
foreach (IndexerRepTemplate i in Indexers)
bool matchingArgs = true;
// If either params are null then make sure both represent zero length args
if (i.Params == null || args == null)
// Are they both zero length?
matchingArgs = (i.Params == null || i.Params.Count == 0) && (args == null || args.Count == 0);
// Are num args the same?
if (i.Params.Count != args.Count)
matchingArgs = false;
// check that for each argument in the caller its type 'IsA' the type of the formal argument
for (int idx = 0; idx < i.Params.Count; idx++) {
if (args[idx] == null || !args[idx].IsA(BuildType(i.Params[idx].Type, AppEnv, new UnknownRepTemplate(i.Params[idx].Type)),AppEnv))
matchingArgs = false;
if (matchingArgs)
ResolveResult res = new ResolveResult();
res.Result = i;
res.ResultType = BuildType(i.Type, AppEnv);
return res;
return base.ResolveIndexer(args, AppEnv);
public override ResolveResult ResolveIterable(DirectoryHT<TypeRepTemplate> AppEnv)
if (Iterable != null)
ResolveResult res = new ResolveResult();
res.Result = Iterable;
res.ResultType = BuildType(Iterable.ElementType, AppEnv);
return res;
return base.ResolveIterable(AppEnv);
public override TypeRepTemplate Instantiate(ICollection<TypeRepTemplate> args)
InterfaceRepTemplate copy = new InterfaceRepTemplate(this);
return copy;
#region Equality
public bool Equals (InterfaceRepTemplate other)
if (other == null)
return false;
if (Inherits != other.Inherits) {
if (Inherits == null || other.Inherits == null || Inherits.Length != other.Inherits.Length)
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < Inherits.Length; i++) {
if (Inherits[i] != other.Inherits[i])
return false;
if (Methods != other.Methods) {
if (Methods == null || other.Methods == null || Methods.Count != other.Methods.Count)
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < Methods.Count; i++) {
if (Methods[i] != other.Methods[i])
return false;
if (Properties != other.Properties) {
if (Properties == null || other.Properties == null || Properties.Count != other.Properties.Count)
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < Properties.Count; i++) {
if (Properties[i] != other.Properties[i])
return false;
if (Events != other.Events) {
if (Events == null || other.Events == null || Events.Count != other.Events.Count)
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < Events.Count; i++) {
if (Events[i] != other.Events[i])
return false;
if (Indexers != other.Indexers) {
if (Indexers == null || other.Indexers == null || Indexers.Count != other.Indexers.Count)
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < Indexers.Count; i++) {
if (Indexers[i] != other.Indexers[i])
return false;
return base.Equals(other);
public override bool Equals (object obj)
InterfaceRepTemplate temp = obj as InterfaceRepTemplate;
if (!Object.ReferenceEquals (temp, null))
return this.Equals (temp);
return false;
public static bool operator == (InterfaceRepTemplate a1, InterfaceRepTemplate a2)
return Object.Equals (a1, a2);
public static bool operator != (InterfaceRepTemplate a1, InterfaceRepTemplate a2)
return !(a1 == a2);
public override int GetHashCode ()
int hashCode = base.GetHashCode ();
if (Inherits != null) {
foreach (string e in Inherits) {
hashCode ^= e.GetHashCode();
if (Methods != null) {
foreach (MethodRepTemplate e in Methods) {
hashCode ^= e.GetHashCode();
if (Properties != null) {
foreach (PropRepTemplate e in Properties) {
hashCode ^= e.GetHashCode();
if (Events != null) {
foreach (FieldRepTemplate e in Events) {
hashCode ^= e.GetHashCode();
if (Indexers != null) {
foreach (IndexerRepTemplate e in Indexers) {
hashCode ^= e.GetHashCode();
return hashCode;
public class ClassRepTemplate : InterfaceRepTemplate, IEquatable<ClassRepTemplate>
private List<ConstructorRepTemplate> _constructors = null;
public List<ConstructorRepTemplate> Constructors {
get {
if (_constructors == null)
_constructors = new List<ConstructorRepTemplate> ();
return _constructors;
private List<FieldRepTemplate> _fields = null;
public List<FieldRepTemplate> Fields {
get {
if (_fields == null)
_fields = new List<FieldRepTemplate> ();
return _fields;
private List<MethodRepTemplate> _unaryOps = null;
public List<MethodRepTemplate> UnaryOps {
get {
if (_unaryOps == null)
_unaryOps = new List<MethodRepTemplate> ();
return _unaryOps;
private List<MethodRepTemplate> _binaryOps = null;
public List<MethodRepTemplate> BinaryOps {
get {
if (_binaryOps == null)
_binaryOps = new List<MethodRepTemplate> ();
return _binaryOps;
public ClassRepTemplate ()
public ClassRepTemplate(ClassRepTemplate copyFrom)
: base(copyFrom)
foreach (ConstructorRepTemplate c in copyFrom.Constructors)
Constructors.Add(new ConstructorRepTemplate(c));
foreach (FieldRepTemplate f in copyFrom.Fields)
Fields.Add(new FieldRepTemplate(f));
foreach (MethodRepTemplate u in copyFrom.UnaryOps)
UnaryOps.Add(new MethodRepTemplate(u));
foreach (MethodRepTemplate b in copyFrom.BinaryOps)
BinaryOps.Add(new MethodRepTemplate(b));
public ClassRepTemplate(string typeName)
: base(typeName)
public ClassRepTemplate(string tName, string[] tParams, string[] usePath, AliasRepTemplate[] aliases, string[] inherits, List<ConstructorRepTemplate> cs, List<MethodRepTemplate> ms, List<PropRepTemplate> ps, List<FieldRepTemplate> fs, List<FieldRepTemplate> es, List<IndexerRepTemplate> ixs, List<CastRepTemplate> cts,
string[] imports, string javaTemplate)
: base(tName, tParams, usePath, aliases, inherits, ms, ps, es, ixs, imports, javaTemplate)
_constructors = cs;
_fields = fs;
_casts = cts;
public ClassRepTemplate (string tName, string[] tParams, string[] usePath, AliasRepTemplate[] aliases, string[] inherits, List<ConstructorRepTemplate> cs, List<MethodRepTemplate> ms, List<PropRepTemplate> ps, List<FieldRepTemplate> fs, List<FieldRepTemplate> es, List<IndexerRepTemplate> ixs, List<CastRepTemplate> cts)
: base(tName, tParams, usePath, aliases, inherits, ms, ps, es, ixs, null, null)
_constructors = cs;
_fields = fs;
_casts = cts;
public override void Apply(Dictionary<string,TypeRepTemplate> args)
if (Constructors != null)
foreach(ConstructorRepTemplate c in Constructors)
if (Fields != null)
foreach(FieldRepTemplate f in Fields)
if (UnaryOps != null)
foreach(MethodRepTemplate u in UnaryOps)
if (BinaryOps != null)
foreach(MethodRepTemplate b in BinaryOps)
public override ResolveResult Resolve(String name, bool forWrite, DirectoryHT<TypeRepTemplate> AppEnv)
if (Fields != null)
foreach (FieldRepTemplate f in Fields)
if (f.Name == name)
ResolveResult res = new ResolveResult();
res.Result = f;
res.ResultType = BuildType(f.Type, AppEnv);
return res;
return base.Resolve(name, forWrite, AppEnv);
public ResolveResult Resolve(List<TypeRepTemplate> args, DirectoryHT<TypeRepTemplate> AppEnv)
if (Constructors != null)
foreach (ConstructorRepTemplate c in Constructors)
bool matchingArgs = true;
// If either params are null then make sure both represent zero length args
if (c.Params == null || args == null)
// Are they both zero length?
matchingArgs = (c.Params == null || c.Params.Count == 0) && (args == null || args.Count == 0);
// Are num args the same?
if (c.Params.Count != args.Count)
matchingArgs = false;
// check that for each argument in the caller its type 'IsA' the type of the formal argument
for (int idx = 0; idx < c.Params.Count; idx++) {
if (args[idx] == null || !args[idx].IsA(BuildType(c.Params[idx].Type, AppEnv, new UnknownRepTemplate(c.Params[idx].Type)),AppEnv))
matchingArgs = false;
if (matchingArgs)
ResolveResult res = new ResolveResult();
res.Result = c;
res.ResultType = this;
return res;
// We don't search base, constructors aren't inherited
return null;
public override TypeRepTemplate Instantiate(ICollection<TypeRepTemplate> args)
ClassRepTemplate copy = new ClassRepTemplate(this);
return copy;
#region Equality
public bool Equals (ClassRepTemplate other)
if (other == null)
return false;
if (Constructors != other.Constructors) {
if (Constructors == null || other.Constructors == null || Constructors.Count != other.Constructors.Count)
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < Constructors.Count; i++) {
if (Constructors[i] != other.Constructors[i])
return false;
if (Fields != other.Fields) {
if (Fields == null || other.Fields == null || Fields.Count != other.Fields.Count)
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < Fields.Count; i++) {
if (Fields[i] != other.Fields[i])
return false;
if (UnaryOps != other.UnaryOps) {
if (UnaryOps == null || other.UnaryOps == null || UnaryOps.Count != other.UnaryOps.Count)
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < UnaryOps.Count; i++) {
if (UnaryOps[i] != other.UnaryOps[i])
return false;
if (BinaryOps != other.BinaryOps) {
if (BinaryOps == null || other.BinaryOps == null || BinaryOps.Count != other.BinaryOps.Count)
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < BinaryOps.Count; i++) {
if (BinaryOps[i] != other.BinaryOps[i])
return false;
return base.Equals(other);
public override bool Equals (object obj)
ClassRepTemplate temp = obj as ClassRepTemplate;
if (!Object.ReferenceEquals (temp, null))
return this.Equals (temp);
return false;
public static bool operator == (ClassRepTemplate a1, ClassRepTemplate a2)
return Object.Equals (a1, a2);
public static bool operator != (ClassRepTemplate a1, ClassRepTemplate a2)
return !(a1 == a2);
public override int GetHashCode ()
int hashCode = base.GetHashCode ();
if (Constructors != null) {
foreach (ConstructorRepTemplate e in Constructors) {
hashCode ^= e.GetHashCode();
if (Fields != null) {
foreach (FieldRepTemplate e in Fields) {
hashCode ^= e.GetHashCode();
return hashCode;
public class StructRepTemplate : ClassRepTemplate, IEquatable<StructRepTemplate>
public StructRepTemplate ()
public StructRepTemplate(StructRepTemplate copyFrom)
: base(copyFrom)
public StructRepTemplate(string typeName)
: base(typeName)
public StructRepTemplate (string tName, string[] tParams, string[] usePath, AliasRepTemplate[] aliases, string[] inherits, List<ConstructorRepTemplate> cs, List<MethodRepTemplate> ms, List<PropRepTemplate> ps, List<FieldRepTemplate> fs, List<FieldRepTemplate> es, List<IndexerRepTemplate> ixs, List<CastRepTemplate> cts,
string[] imports, string javaTemplate) : base(tName, tParams, usePath, aliases, inherits, cs, ms, ps, fs, es, ixs, cts,
imports, javaTemplate)
public StructRepTemplate (string tName, string[] tParams, string[] usePath, AliasRepTemplate[] aliases, string[] inherits, List<ConstructorRepTemplate> cs, List<MethodRepTemplate> ms, List<PropRepTemplate> ps, List<FieldRepTemplate> fs, List<FieldRepTemplate> es, List<IndexerRepTemplate> ixs, List<CastRepTemplate> cts)
: base(tName, tParams, usePath, aliases, inherits, cs, ms, ps, fs, es, ixs, cts, null, null)
public override ResolveResult Resolve(String name, bool forWrite, DirectoryHT<TypeRepTemplate> AppEnv)
return base.Resolve(name, forWrite, AppEnv);
#region Equality
public bool Equals (StructRepTemplate other)
return base.Equals(other);
public override bool Equals (object obj)
StructRepTemplate temp = obj as StructRepTemplate;
if (!Object.ReferenceEquals (temp, null))
return this.Equals (temp);
return false;
public static bool operator == (StructRepTemplate a1, StructRepTemplate a2)
return Object.Equals (a1, a2);
public static bool operator != (StructRepTemplate a1, StructRepTemplate a2)
return !(a1 == a2);
public override int GetHashCode ()
return base.GetHashCode ();
// For now, making as compatible as we can so inheriting from struct
public class UnknownRepTemplate : StructRepTemplate, IEquatable<UnknownRepTemplate>
public UnknownRepTemplate ()
public UnknownRepTemplate (string typeName) : base(typeName)
Inherits = new String[] { "System.Object" };
public UnknownRepTemplate (UnknownRepTemplate copyFrom) : base(copyFrom)
public override string[] Imports {
get {
return new string[0];
public override string mkJava() {
return TypeName;
public override TypeRepTemplate Instantiate(ICollection<TypeRepTemplate> args)
UnknownRepTemplate copy = new UnknownRepTemplate(this);
// don't instantiate, its an unknown type: copy.Apply(mkTypeMap(args));
return copy;
#region Equality
public bool Equals (UnknownRepTemplate other)
return base.Equals(other);
public override bool Equals (object obj)
UnknownRepTemplate temp = obj as UnknownRepTemplate;
if (!Object.ReferenceEquals (temp, null))
return this.Equals (temp);
return false;
public static bool operator == (UnknownRepTemplate a1, UnknownRepTemplate a2)
return Object.Equals (a1, a2);
public static bool operator != (UnknownRepTemplate a1, UnknownRepTemplate a2)
return !(a1 == a2);
public override int GetHashCode ()
return base.GetHashCode ();
// Represents Type Variables. We inherit from ClassRepTemplate to that
// Type Variables have the same interface as types, but we can override as
// neccessary
public class TypeVarRepTemplate : ClassRepTemplate, IEquatable<TypeVarRepTemplate>
public TypeVarRepTemplate ()
public TypeVarRepTemplate (string typeName) : base(typeName)
public TypeVarRepTemplate (TypeVarRepTemplate copyFrom) : base(copyFrom)
public override string[] Imports {
get {
return new string[0];
public override TypeRepTemplate Instantiate(ICollection<TypeRepTemplate> args)
TypeVarRepTemplate copy = new TypeVarRepTemplate(this);
if (args != null && args.Count > 0)
copy.TypeName = args.GetEnumerator().Current.TypeName;
return copy;
public override bool IsA (TypeRepTemplate other, DirectoryHT<TypeRepTemplate> AppEnv) {
return false;
#region Equality
public bool Equals (TypeVarRepTemplate other)
return base.Equals(other);
public override bool Equals (object obj)
TypeVarRepTemplate temp = obj as TypeVarRepTemplate;
if (!Object.ReferenceEquals (temp, null))
return this.Equals (temp);
return false;
public static bool operator == (TypeVarRepTemplate a1, TypeVarRepTemplate a2)
return Object.Equals (a1, a2);
public static bool operator != (TypeVarRepTemplate a1, TypeVarRepTemplate a2)
return !(a1 == a2);
public override int GetHashCode ()
return base.GetHashCode ();
public class ResolveResult
public TranslationBase Result
get; set;
public TypeRepTemplate ResultType
get; set;