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359 lines
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Copyright 2010-2013 Kevin Glynn (kevin.glynn@twigletsoftware.com)
Copyright 2007-2013 Rustici Software, LLC
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the MIT/X Window System License
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
You should have received a copy of the MIT/X Window System License
along with this program. If not, see
using System;
namespace Twiglet.CS2J.Translator
public class Templates
private static string _javaTemplateGroup = @"
// version 1.1
group JavaPrettyPrintTemplates;
itsmine(now, includeDate) ::= <<
// Translated by CS2J (http://www.cs2j.com): <now><\n>
package(now, includeDate, packageName, imports, comments, modifiers, type, endComments) ::= <<
<if(packageName)>package <packageName>;<endif>
<comments; separator=""\n"">
<endComments; separator=""\n"">
import_list(nss) ::= <<
<nss:{x | import <x>;}; separator=""\n"">
import_template(ns) ::= ""import <ns>;""
// ******* CLASSES ***********
class(modifiers, comments, attributes, type, name, typeparams, extends, imps, body, partial_types, end_comments) ::= <<
<comments; separator=""\n"">
<modifiers><if(type)><type><else>class<endif> <name> <typeparams> <extends> <imps>
<end_comments; separator=""\n"">
class_body(entries) ::= <<
<entries; separator=""\n"">
class_member(comments, member) ::= <<
<comments; separator=""\n"">
constructor(modifiers, name, params, exceptions, body, bodyIsSemi) ::= <<
<modifiers><name>(<params; separator="", "">)<if(exceptions)> throws <exceptions; separator="", ""><endif> <if(bodyIsSemi)>;
static_constructor(modifiers, body, bodyIsSemi) ::= <<
method(modifiers, typeparams, type, name, params, exceptions, body, bodyIsSemi) ::= <<
<modifiers><typeparams><type> <name>(<params>)<if(exceptions)> throws <exceptions; separator="", ""><endif> <if(bodyIsSemi)>;
field(modifiers, type, field, comments, init) ::= ""<comments><modifiers><type> <field>;""
variable_declarators(varinits) ::= ""<varinits; separator=\"", \"">""
variable_declarator(typename,init) ::= ""<typename><if(init)> = <init><endif>""
primary_expression_start_parts(start,follows) ::= ""<start><follows>""
type_param_constraint(param, constraints) ::= ""<param> extends <constraints; separator=\"" & \"">""
fixed_parameter(mod,type,name,def) ::= <<
<mod><type> <name><if(def)> = <def><endif>
varargs(type,name) ::= <<
<type>... <name>
identifier(id, id2) ::= ""<id><if(id2)>::<id2><endif>""
statement_list(statements) ::= <<
<statements; separator=""\n"">
statement(statement) ::= <<
annotation(modifiers, comments, attributes, name, body) ::= <<
<comments; separator=""\n"">
<modifiers>@interface <name>
//***** local var declarations:
local_variable_declaration(type,decs) ::= ""<type> <decs>""
local_variable_declarator(name, init) ::= ""<name><if(init)> = <init><endif>""
return(exp) ::= ""return <exp>;""
throw(exp) ::= ""throw <exp>;""
// ******* ENUMS ***********
enum(modifiers,comments, attributes, name, body) ::= <<
<comments; separator=""\n"">
<modifiers>enum <name>
enum_body(values) ::= ""<values; separator=\"",\n\"">""
enum_member(comments, value) ::= <<
<comments; separator=""\n"">
type(name, rs, stars, opt) ::= ""<name><rs><stars><opt>""
namespace_or_type(type1, type2, types) ::= ""<type1><if(type2)>::<type2><endif><if(types)>.<types; separator=\"".\""><endif>""
modifiers(mods) ::= <<
<if(mods)><mods; separator="" ""> <endif>
type_parameter_list(items) ::= <<
\<<items; separator="", "">\>
extends(types) ::= ""<if(types)>extends <types; separator=\"", \""><endif>""
imps(types) ::= ""<if(types)>implements <types; separator=\"", \""><endif>""
// ******* STATEMENTS *******
if_template(comments, cond, then, thenindent, else, elseindent, elseisif) ::= <<
<comments; separator=""\n"">
if (<cond>)
<block(statements = then, indent = thenindent)>
else<if(elseisif)> <block(statements = else)><else>
<block(statements = else, indent = elseindent)>
while(comments,cond,block) ::= <<
<comments; separator=""\n"">
while (<cond>)
<block(statements = block)>
do(comments,cond,block) ::= <<
<comments; separator=""\n"">
<block(statements = block)>
while (<cond>);
for(comments,init,cond,iter,block,blockindent) ::= <<
<comments; separator=""\n"">
for (<init>;<cond>;<iter>)
<block(statements = block, indent=blockindent)>
foreach(comments,type,loopid,fromexp,block,blockindent) ::= <<
<comments; separator=""\n"">
for (<type> <loopid> : <fromexp>)
<block(statements = block,indent=blockindent)>
try(comments,block, blockindent, catches, fin) ::= <<
<comments; separator=""\n"">
<block(statements = block, indent=blockindent)>
catch_template(type, id, block, blockindent) ::= <<
catch (<type> <id>)
<block(statements = block, indent = blockindent)>
fin(block, blockindent) ::= <<
<block(statements = block, indent = blockindent)>
switch(comments,scrutinee, sections) ::= <<
<comments; separator=""\n"">
switch_section(labels,statements) ::= <<
<labels; separator=""\n"">
<statements; separator=""\n"">
case(what) ::= <<
case <what>:
default_template() ::= <<
synchstat(comments,exp,stat) ::= <<
<comments; separator=""\n"">
synchronized (<exp>)
<block(statements = stat, indent = indent)>
yield(comments,exp) ::= <<
<comments; separator=""\n"">
yield <if(exp)>return <exp><else>break<endif>;
keyword_block(comments,keyword,block, indent) ::= <<
<comments; separator=""\n"">
<block(statements = block, indent = indent)>
block(statements, indent) ::= <<
braceblock(statements) ::= <<
<statements; separator=""\n"">
// ******* EXPRESSIONS *******
cast_expr(type, exp) ::= ""(<type>)<exp>""
construct(type, args, inits) ::= ""new <type>(<args>)<if(inits)> /* [UNIMPLEMENTED] <inits> */<endif>""
delegate(type, args, body) ::= <<
new <type>(<args>)
lambda(args, body) ::= <<
(<args>) => <body>
array_construct(type, args, inits) ::= ""new <type>[<if(args)><args><endif>]<if(inits)><inits><endif>""
array_construct_nobracks(type, inits) ::= ""new <type><if(inits)><inits><endif>""
array_initializer(init) ::= ""{ <init> }""
application(func, funcparens, args) ::= ""<optparens(parens=funcparens,e=func)>(<args>)""
index(func, funcparens, args) ::= ""<optparens(parens=funcparens,e=func)>[<args>]""
stackalloc(type, exp) ::= ""stackalloc <type>[<exp>]""
typeof(type) ::= ""<type>.class""
cond(condexp,condparens,thenexp,thenparens,elseexp,elseparens) ::= <<
<if(condparens)>(<endif><condexp><if(condparens)>)<endif> ? <if(thenparens)>(<endif><thenexp><if(thenparens)>)<endif> : <if(elseparens)>(<endif><elseexp><if(elseparens)>)<endif>
// ******* TYPES ***********
void() ::= ""void""
// ******* MISC ***********
optparens(parens, e) ::= ""<if(parens)>(<endif><e><if(parens)>)<endif>""
parens(e) ::= ""(<e>)""
rank_specifiers(rs) ::= ""<rs>""
op(comments,pre,op,post,preparen,postparen,space) ::= <<
<comments; separator=""\n"">
member_access(comments,pre,op,access,access_tyargs,preparen) ::= <<
<comments; separator=""\n"">
assign(lhs,lhsparen,assign,rhs,rhsparen) ::= ""<if(lhsparen)>(<endif><lhs><if(lhsparen)>)<endif> <assign> <if(rhsparen)>(<endif><rhs><if(rhsparen)>)<endif>""
generic_args(args) ::= ""\<<args>\>""
parameter(annotation,param) ::= ""/* <annotation> */ <param>""
inline_comment(payload, explanation) ::= ""/* <explanation> <payload> */""
commalist(items) ::= ""<items; separator=\"", \"">""
dotlist(items) ::= ""<items; separator=\"".\"">""
//list(items,sep) ::= ""<items;separator=sep>""
list(items,sep) ::= <<
seplist(items,sep) ::= <<
unsupported(reason, text) ::= ""/* [UNSUPPORTED] <reason> \""<text>\"" */""
// ******* UTILITY ***********
string(payload) ::= ""<payload>""
verbatim_string(payload) ::= <<
""<payload; separator=""\"" + \n\"""">""
public static string JavaTemplateGroup { get
{ return _javaTemplateGroup; }