Windows: git bash: -- cd My Documents\cs2jCentral -- git pull --- is it clean? -- ./mkit (will fail after translating grammar files) -- Load solution in VS2010 -- Rebuild Solution (fails in UpdateTxFiles) DOS prompt: cd "C:\Documents and Settings\developer" -- "My Documents\gitrepos\cs2jCentral\CSharpTranslator\antlr3\src\cs2j\bin\Debug\cs2j.exe" -translator-timestamp-files=false -translator-keep-parens=false -netdir=z:\keving\gitrepos\cs2j\CS2JLibrary\NetFramework -dumpxmls -xmldir=z:\keving\tmp\xml\se -odir=z:\keving\tmp\java\se\src -appdir="My Documents\svnrepos\ScormEngineNet\src\app\ScormEngine.Core" "My Documents\svnrepos\ScormEngineNet\src\app\ScormEngine.Core" -- use git diff to check there are no differences (comments are diff actually) On mac: git checkout ClientReleases git merge master git status git push git tag git tag -a HengtianSoft-Devel-2 git push --tags On Windows git bash: -- cd ~/My Documents/gitrepos/cs2jCentral/CS2JLibrary -- git pull -- ant src makes a source delivery of cs2jlibrary cs2j\NetFramework cs2j\c2jTranslator\bin -- copy from "My Documents\gitrepos\cs2jCentral\CSharpTranslator\antlr3\src\cs2j\bin" -- delete *vhost* -- rename cs2j.exe to cs2j.exe.removeme cs2j\cs2jlibrary-src-release2010.1.0.13824-197-gfd0bee8 (name changes depending on last tag) cs2j\cs2j_A_Developer_s_Guide.pdf