2011-09-13 * revamped option names (sorry!). See user guide. added: -config= renamed: -dumpxmls --> -dump-xmls -xmldir --> -out-xml-dir -odir --> -out-java-dir -netdir --> -net-templates-dir -exnetdir --> -ex-net-templates-dir -appdir --> -app-dir -exappdir --> -ex-app-dir -csdir --> -cs-dir -excsdir --> -ex-cs-dir -showcsharp --> -show-csharp -showjavasyntax --> -show-javasyntax -showjava --> -show-java -showtokens --> -show-tokens -dumpenums --> -dump-enums -enumdir --> -out-enum-dir -cheatdir --> -cheat-dir -translator-keep-parens --> -keep-parens -translator-timestamp-files --> -timestamp-files -translator-blanket-throw --> -blanket-throw -translator-exception-is-throwable --> -exception-is-throwable -translator-make-javadoc-comments --> -make-javadoc-comments -translator-make-java-naming-conventions --> -make-java-naming-conventions -experimental-enums-numericconsts --> -experimental-enums-to-numeric-consts 2011-09-07 2011.2.4 * add option -experimental-unsigned-to-bigger-signed=true/false (default: false). If true then unsigned data types (byte, ushort etc.) are converted to the next larger signed type (short, int, etc.). * support for translation template variants. You can provide a number of alternative translation templates by adding a variant="" attribute in the template's root. These can be selected at runtime with the -alt-translations option. * support for methods, constructors, etc. with variable number of arguments (the params key word). Translation templates have a ParamArray section to describe these arguments. See, e.g., the translation template for System/Console.xml. * add option -translator-make-java-naming-conventions=true/false (default:true). If true then convert method names to follow Java conventions (e.g. ExecutePool() is rewritten to executePool()). This option enables the LCC translation template variant. See, e.g., System/LCC/IDisposable.xml. * rename Clone() methods to be clone() and so override default Object.clone(). * the usual bug fixes and improvements to translation templates.