;; This Configuration file shows all user-settable configuration options for CS2J with their default values. [General] ; Debug / Verbosity flags verbose = 0 debug = 1 debug-template-extraction = true ; Control warnings warnings = true warnings-resolve-failures = false ; Dump internal structures during translation show-csharp = false show-javasyntax = false show-java = false show-tokens = false ; Preprocessor tokens define = ; Output enum list, parsed translation files dump-enums = false out-enum-dir = dump-xmls = true out-xml-dir = /Users/keving/tmp/xml/smj ; Source and output for translation files and templates cheat-dir = net-templates-dir = /Users/keving/gitrepos/cs2j/CS2JLibrary/NetFramework/ ex-net-templates-dir = app-dir = /Users/keving/Clients/smj ex-app-dir = cs-dir = /Users/keving/Clients/smj ex-cs-dir = out-java-dir = /Users/keving/tmp/java/smj/src ; Enable Alternate Translation Templates alt-translations = ; Boolean flags keep-parens = false timestamp-files = false blanket-throw = true exception-is-throwable = false make-javadoc-comments = true make-java-naming-conventions = true ; These are experimental settings. ; They may change (or disappear, or move to General section, or ....) in future releases [Experimental] enums-to-numeric-consts = false unsigned-to-signed = false unsigned-to-bigger-signed = false transforms = false ; These are internal settings used for development. ; You should not need (or want) to touch them. [Internal] isjavaish = false