group JavaPrettyPrintTemplates; itsmine(now, includeDate) ::= << // // // This file was translated from C# to Java by CS2J ( // // This code is to be used for evaluation of the CS2J tool ONLY. // // For more information about CS2J please contact // // Translated: <\n> // >> package(now, includeDate, packageName, imports, comments, modifiers, type, endComments) ::= << package ; >> import_template(ns) ::= "import ;" // ******* CLASSES *********** class(modifiers, comments, attributes, name, typeparams, extends, imps, body) ::= << class { } >> iface(modifiers, comments, attributes, name, imps, body) ::= << interface { } >> class_body(entries) ::= << >> class_member(comments, member) ::= << >> constructor(modifiers, name, params, exceptions, body, bodyIsSemi) ::= << () throws ; <\n> >> static_constructor(modifiers, body, bodyIsSemi) ::= << ; <\n> >> method(modifiers, typeparams, type, name, params, exceptions, body, bodyIsSemi) ::= << () throws ; <\n> >> field(modifiers, type, field, comments, init) ::= " ;" variable_declarators(varinits) ::= "" variable_declarator(typename,init) ::= " = " primary_expression_start_parts(start,follows) ::= "" type_param_constraint(param, constraints) ::= " extends " fixed_parameter(mod,type,name,def) ::= << = >> varargs(type,name) ::= << ... >> identifier(id, id2) ::= "::" statement_list(statements) ::= << >> statement(statement) ::= << >> annotation(modifiers, comments, attributes, name, body) ::= << @interface { } >> //***** local var declarations: local_variable_declaration(type,decs) ::= " " local_variable_declarator(name, init) ::= " = " return(exp) ::= "return ;" throw(exp) ::= "throw ;" // ******* ENUMS *********** enum(modifiers,comments, attributes, name, body) ::= << enum { } >> enum_body(values) ::= "" enum_member(comments, value) ::= << >> type(name, rs, stars, opt) ::= "" namespace_or_type(type1, type2, types) ::= "::." modifiers(mods) ::= " " type_parameter_list(items) ::= << \<\> >> extends(types) ::= "extends " imps(types) ::= "implements " // ******* STATEMENTS ******* if_template(comments, cond, then, thenindent, else, elseindent, elseisif) ::= << if () else >> while(comments,cond,block) ::= << while () >> do(comments,cond,block) ::= << do while (); >> for(comments,init,cond,iter,block,blockindent) ::= << for (;;) >> foreach(comments,type,loopid,fromexp,block,blockindent) ::= << for ( : ) >> try(comments,block, blockindent, catches, fin) ::= << try >> catch_template(type, id, block, blockindent) ::= << catch ( ) >> fin(block, blockindent) ::= << finally >> switch(comments,scrutinee, sections) ::= << switch() { } >> switch_section(labels,statements) ::= << >> case(what) ::= << case : >> default_template() ::= << default: >> lock(comments,exp,block, indent) ::= << lock() >> yield(comments,exp) ::= << yield return break; >> keyword_block(comments,keyword,block, indent) ::= << >> block(statements, indent) ::= << >> braceblock(statements) ::= << { } >> // ******* EXPRESSIONS ******* cast_expr(type, exp) ::= "()" construct(type, args, inits) ::= "new () /* [UNIMPLEMENTED] */" array_construct(type, args, inits) ::= "new []" array_initializer(init) ::= "{ }" application(func, funcparens, args) ::= "()" index(func, funcparens, args) ::= "[]" stackalloc(type, exp) ::= "stackalloc []" typeof(type) ::= ".class" cond(condexp,condparens,thenexp,thenparens,elseexp,elseparens) ::= << () ? () : () >> // ******* TYPES *********** void() ::= "void" // ******* MISC *********** optparens(parens, e) ::= "()" parens(e) ::= "()" rank_specifiers(rs) ::= "" op(comments,pre,op,post,preparen,postparen,space) ::= << (
member_access(comments,pre,op,access,access_tyargs,preparen) ::= <<

assign(lhs,lhsparen,assign,rhs,rhsparen) ::= "()  ()"
generic_args(args) ::= "\<\>"
parameter(annotation,param) ::=  "/*  */ "
inline_comment(payload, explanation) ::= "/*   */"
commalist(items) ::= ""
dotlist(items) ::= ""
//list(items,sep) ::= ""
list(items,sep) ::= <<

seplist(items,sep) ::= <<


unsupported(reason, text) ::= "/* [UNSUPPORTED]  \"\" */"

// ******* UTILITY ***********
string(payload) ::= ""

verbatim_string(payload) ::= <<