CS2J Trial Version ==== ===== ======= This archive contains a trial version of CS2J, a converter that translates C# applications into Java applications. It may be used for evaluation purposes only. It has two usage restrictions compared to the full product: - Java classes are truncated at 150 lines. - The XML translation files (under NetFrameworks) are signed. You can make modifications, or add new translation files, and these will be used by CS2J as long as there are 5 or less translation files without valid signatures. If you hit this limit, then just restore some of the original translation files and try again. In this directory you will find: - README: This file. - CS2JTranslator: A bin subdirectory contains the cs2j executable and required DLLs. - NETFramework: XML translation files for a portion of the .NET Framework. - cs2jlib-src-xxxxxxx.zip: CS2JLibrary is a Java source project. The translated Java files will have a dependency on this project. It is licensed under the Apache License 2.0, and so there should be no problem including it in your application. - THIRDPARTY-LICENSES: Information about third party software used by CS2J. - CS2JUserGuide.pdf: A manual for CS2J. We hope you have fun evaluating CS2J. If you have any questions or comments about CS2J just drop us an email. If you want to translate your software from C# to Java then please contact us for information about our translation services, or about licensing CS2J for your own use. email: info@twigletsoftware.com website: http://www.twigletsoftware.com Kevin Glynn (kevin.glynn@twigletsoftware.com) Twiglet Software, 2011