This is in a half-broken state, but Translation Template is now more how I want it.
Major things for TranslationTemplate:
- re-org of classes to be better aligned with reality
- Value equality implemented (and days of my life wasted)
- Many collections are lists so that we can add to them as we parse code
- The start of a unit test suite (yay!)
The Antlr.Runtime source is taken from the AntlrCSharp source repository.
A readme.txt there says:
*** WARNING ***
This project uses Tree Pattern Matching, which was added to ANTLR 3.2. The CSharp 3.1 runtime has no support for
Tree Pattern Matching. There is no CSharp 3.2 Runtime :) There will not be a CSharp 3.2 Runtime.
Build Instructions:
- To build this project from the .g grammar files you must use the included antlr-3.3.jar. The antlr-3.2.jar does
not have string templates (used to generate the parser/lexer) that work with the updated runtime. Your
parser/lexer will not compile if you do not use the included antlr3.3.jar.
- You must use this solution's custom Antlr3.Runtime (already done for you). This is a snapshot of the source, with
bug fixes I have made. The runtime pieces I use seem to work just fine. YMMV if you use others. Good luck with that :)