diff --git a/CSharpTranslator/antlr3/src/cs2j/AntlrUtils/AntlrUtils.cs b/CSharpTranslator/antlr3/src/cs2j/AntlrUtils/AntlrUtils.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..80bbeb1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CSharpTranslator/antlr3/src/cs2j/AntlrUtils/AntlrUtils.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Text;
+using Antlr.Runtime.Tree;
+namespace RusticiSoftware.Translator.AntlrUtils
+ public class AntlrUtils
+ {
+ /// DumpNodes
+ /// The CommonTreeNodeStream has a tree in "flat form". The UP and DOWN tokens represent the branches of the
+ /// tree. Dump these out in tree form to the console.
+ ///
+ public static void DumpNodes(CommonTreeNodeStream nodes)
+ {
+ Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Magenta;
+ Console.WriteLine("Nodes");
+ int spaces = 0;
+ string str_spaces = " ";
+ object o_prev = string.Empty;
+ //for (int n = 0; n < nodes.Count; ++n)
+ object o = nodes.NextElement();
+ while (!nodes.IsEndOfFile(o))
+ {
+ //object o = nodes.Get(n);
+ //object o = nodes[n];
+ if (o.ToString() == "DOWN")
+ {
+ spaces += 2;
+ if (o_prev.ToString() != "UP" && o_prev.ToString() != "DOWN")
+ Console.Write("\r\n{0} {1}", str_spaces.Substring(0, spaces), o_prev);
+ }
+ else if (o.ToString() == "UP")
+ {
+ spaces -= 2;
+ if (o_prev.ToString() != "UP" && o_prev.ToString() != "DOWN")
+ Console.Write(" {0}\r\n{1}", o_prev, str_spaces.Substring(0, spaces));
+ }
+ else if (o_prev.ToString() != "UP" && o_prev.ToString() != "DOWN")
+ Console.Write(" {0}", o_prev.ToString());
+ o_prev = o;
+ o = nodes.NextElement();
+ }
+ if (o_prev.ToString() != "UP" && o_prev.ToString() != "DOWN")
+ Console.WriteLine(" {0}", o_prev.ToString());
+ Console.ResetColor();
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/CSharpTranslator/antlr3/src/cs2j/CSharp/csCrawl.g b/CSharpTranslator/antlr3/src/cs2j/CSharp/csCrawl.g
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d109429
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CSharpTranslator/antlr3/src/cs2j/CSharp/csCrawl.g
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+// csCrawl.g
+// CSharp AST Crawler
+// Kevin Glynn
+// kevin.glynn@twigletsoftware.com
+// June 2010
+tree grammar csCrawl;
+options {
+ tokenVocab=cs;
+ ASTLabelType=CommonTree;
+ language=CSharp2;
+ backtrack=true;
+@namespace { RusticiSoftware.Translator.CSharp }
+ using System.Text;
+ Parser section
+ { Console.Out.WriteLine("Debug: start"); } using_directives2
+ ;
+ ^(USING_DIRECTIVE 'using' { Console.Out.WriteLine("Debug: using"); } namespace_name2 ';')
+ ;
+ ^(NAMESPACE_OR_TYPE_NAME namespace_component2)
+ ;
+ ^(NSTN identifier2)
+ ;
+ ^(ID id=IDENTIFIER { Console.Out.WriteLine("Identifier: " + id.Text);})
+ ;
+// extern_alias_directives?
+ using_directives?
+// global_attributes?
+ namespace_body? // specific namespace or in the global namespace
+ ;
+ ^(NAMESPACE_DECL 'namespace' qualified_identifier namespace_block ';'?) ;
+ '{' namespace_body '}' ;
+ extern_alias_directives? using_directives? namespace_member_declarations? ;
+ extern_alias_directive+ ;
+ 'extern' 'alias' identifier ';' ;
+ using_directive+ ;
+ ^(USING_DIRECTIVE using_alias_directive? using_namespace_directive?);
+ 'using' identifier '=' namespace_or_type_name ';' ;
+ 'using' namespace_name ';' ;
+ namespace_member_declaration+ ;
+ namespace_declaration
+ /*| type_declaration */;
+// class_declaration
+// | struct_declaration
+// | interface_declaration
+// | enum_declaration
+// | delegate_declaration ;
+ identifier '::' identifier generic_argument_list? ;
+// Identifiers
+ identifier ('.' identifier)* ;
+qid: // qualified_identifier v2
+ qid_start qid_part* ;
+ identifier ('::' identifier)? generic_argument_list?
+ | 'this'
+ | 'base'
+ | predefined_type
+ | literal ; // 0.ToString() is legal
+ ^(QID_PART access_operator identifier generic_argument_list?) ;
+// B.2.1 Basic Concepts
+ : namespace_or_type_name ;
+ ^(TYPE_NAME namespace_or_type_name) ;
+ ^(NSTN identifier generic_argument_list?)
+ ) ;
+ // ^(NSTN '::' identifier generic_argument_list?)?
+ // ^(NSTN identifier generic_argument_list?)*
+ // ) ;
+// | qualified_alias_member (the :: part)
+ //;
+ ^(TYPE type_name? predefined_type? rank_specifiers '*'*)
+ | ^(TYPE type_name '*'+)
+ | ^(TYPE type_name '?')
+ | ^(TYPE type_name)
+ | ^(TYPE predefined_type '*'+)
+ | ^(TYPE predefined_type '?')
+ | ^(TYPE predefined_type)
+ | ^(TYPE 'void' '*'+) ;
+ rank_specifier+ ;
+ '[' dim_separators? ']' ;
+ ','+ ;
+ type (',' type)* ;
+ type_argument+
+ ;
+ type ;
+ identifier ;
+ '<' type_arguments '>' ;
+ '.' | '->' ;
+ ^(PREDEFINED_TYPE 'bool' )
+ | ^(PREDEFINED_TYPE 'byte' )
+ | ^(PREDEFINED_TYPE 'char' )
+ | ^(PREDEFINED_TYPE 'decimal')
+ | ^(PREDEFINED_TYPE 'double' )
+ | ^(PREDEFINED_TYPE 'float' )
+ | ^(PREDEFINED_TYPE 'int' )
+ | ^(PREDEFINED_TYPE 'long' )
+ | ^(PREDEFINED_TYPE 'object' )
+ | ^(PREDEFINED_TYPE 'sbyte' )
+ | ^(PREDEFINED_TYPE 'short' )
+ | ^(PREDEFINED_TYPE 'string' )
+ | ^(PREDEFINED_TYPE 'uint' )
+ | ^(PREDEFINED_TYPE 'ulong' )
+ | ^(PREDEFINED_TYPE 'ushort' );
+ ^(ID id=IDENTIFIER { Console.Out.WriteLine("Identifier: " + id.Text);})
+ | ^(ID also_keyword);
+ Real_literal
+ | Hex_number
+ | Character_literal
+ | Verbatim_string_literal
+ | TRUE
+ | NULL
+ ;
+ 'abstract' | 'as' | 'base' | 'bool' | 'break' | 'byte' | 'case' | 'catch' | 'char' | 'checked' | 'class' | 'const' | 'continue' | 'decimal' | 'default' | 'delegate' | 'do' | 'double' | 'else' | 'enum' | 'event' | 'explicit' | 'extern' | 'false' | 'finally' | 'fixed' | 'float' | 'for' | 'foreach' | 'goto' | 'if' | 'implicit' | 'in' | 'int' | 'interface' | 'internal' | 'is' | 'lock' | 'long' | 'namespace' | 'new' | 'null' | 'object' | 'operator' | 'out' | 'override' | 'params' | 'private' | 'protected' | 'public' | 'readonly' | 'ref' | 'return' | 'sbyte' | 'sealed' | 'short' | 'sizeof' | 'stackalloc' | 'static' | 'string' | 'struct' | 'switch' | 'this' | 'throw' | 'true' | 'try' | 'typeof' | 'uint' | 'ulong' | 'unchecked' | 'unsafe' | 'ushort' | 'using' | 'virtual' | 'void' | 'volatile' ;
+ 'add' | 'alias' | 'assembly' | 'module' | 'field' | 'event' | 'method' | 'param' | 'property' | 'type'
+ | 'yield' | 'from' | 'into' | 'join' | 'on' | 'where' | 'orderby' | 'group' | 'by' | 'ascending'
+ | 'descending' | 'equals' | 'select' | 'pragma' | 'let' | 'remove' | 'set' | 'var' | '__arglist' | 'dynamic';
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/CSharpTranslator/antlr3/src/cs2j/CSharp/minDriver.cs b/CSharpTranslator/antlr3/src/cs2j/CSharp/minDriver.cs
index 83069c9..f85468a 100644
--- a/CSharpTranslator/antlr3/src/cs2j/CSharp/minDriver.cs
+++ b/CSharpTranslator/antlr3/src/cs2j/CSharp/minDriver.cs
@@ -38,8 +38,18 @@ namespace RusticiSoftware.Translator.CSharp
csParser.compilation_unit_return parser_rt;
parser_rt = p.compilation_unit();
+ ITree parse_tree = (ITree)parser_rt.Tree;
+ Console.Out.WriteLine(parse_tree.ToStringTree());
+ CommonTreeNodeStream display_nodes = new CommonTreeNodeStream(parse_tree);
+ AntlrUtils.AntlrUtils.DumpNodes(display_nodes);
+ BufferedTreeNodeStream nodes = new BufferedTreeNodeStream(parse_tree);
+ csCrawl walker = new csCrawl(nodes);
+ walker.compilation_unit2();
- Console.Out.WriteLine(((ITree)parser_rt.Tree).ToStringTree());
diff --git a/CSharpTranslator/antlr3/src/cs2j/README.txt b/CSharpTranslator/antlr3/src/cs2j/README.txt
index c3ab13c..13969cf 100644
--- a/CSharpTranslator/antlr3/src/cs2j/README.txt
+++ b/CSharpTranslator/antlr3/src/cs2j/README.txt
@@ -13,3 +13,6 @@ cd "C:\Documents and Settings\developer\My Documents\gitrepos\cs2j\CSharpTransla
src\cs2j\bin\Debug\cs2j.exe -netdir "c:\Documents and Settings\s\developer\My Documents\gitrepos\cs2j\CS2JLibrary\NetTranslations" -appdir "c:\Documents and Settings\developer\My Documents\Visual Studio 2005\Projects\ScormEngineNetTrunk\src\app\ScormEngine.Core" "c:\Documents and Settings\developer\My Documents\Visual Studio 2005\Projects\ScormEngineNetTrunk\src\app\ScormEngine.Core\Logic"
+-- arguments to VS Debug
+-dumpcsharp -dumpxml -xmldir c:\xmls -netdir "C:\Documents and Settings\developer\My Documents\gitrepos\cs2j\CS2JLibrary\NetTranslations" "C:\Documents and Settings\developer\My Documents\Visual Studio 2005\Projects\ScormEngineNetTrunk\src\app\ScormEngine.Core\Util\Encryption\DataProtection.cs"
diff --git a/CSharpTranslator/antlr3/src/cs2j/cs2j.csproj b/CSharpTranslator/antlr3/src/cs2j/cs2j.csproj
index 5161c35..3cd6af7 100644
--- a/CSharpTranslator/antlr3/src/cs2j/cs2j.csproj
+++ b/CSharpTranslator/antlr3/src/cs2j/cs2j.csproj
@@ -54,18 +54,21 @@