mirror of https://github.com/twiglet/cs2j.git synced 2025-01-18 13:15:17 +01:00

structs need default constructors

This commit is contained in:
Kevin Glynn 2010-12-21 17:11:10 +01:00
parent 4e2e1fb46b
commit 9c303dedce
4 changed files with 25 additions and 26 deletions

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@ -282,12 +282,12 @@ class_member_declaration:
m=modifiers? m=modifiers?
( c='const' ct=type constant_declarators ';' -> ^(FIELD[$c.token, "FIELD"] $a? $m? { addConstModifiers($c.token, $m.modList) } $ct constant_declarators) ( c='const' ct=type constant_declarators ';' -> ^(FIELD[$c.token, "FIELD"] $a? $m? { addConstModifiers($c.token, $m.modList) } $ct constant_declarators)
| ed=event_declaration -> ^(EVENT[$ed.start.Token, "EVENT"] $a? $m? $ed) | ed=event_declaration -> ^(EVENT[$ed.start.Token, "EVENT"] $a? $m? $ed)
| p='partial' { Warning($p.line, "[UNSUPPORTED] 'partial' definition"); } (v1=void_type m3=method_declaration[$a.tree, $m.tree, $m.modList, $v1.tree, $v1.text] -> $m3 //-> ^(METHOD[$v1.token, "METHOD"] $a? $m? ^(TYPE $v1) $m3) | p='partial' { Warning($p.line, "[UNSUPPORTED] 'partial' definition"); } (v1=void_type m3=method_declaration[$a.tree, $m.tree, $m.modList, $v1.tree, $v1.text] -> $m3
| i1=interface_declaration -> ^(INTERFACE[$i1.start.Token, "INTERFACE"] $a? $m? $i1) | i1=interface_declaration -> ^(INTERFACE[$i1.start.Token, "INTERFACE"] $a? $m? $i1)
| c1=class_declaration -> ^(CLASS[$c1.start.Token, "CLASS"] $a? $m? $c1) | c1=class_declaration -> ^(CLASS[$c1.start.Token, "CLASS"] $a? $m? $c1)
| s1=struct_declaration) -> ^(CLASS[$s1.start.Token, "CLASS"] $a? $m? $s1) | s1=struct_declaration) -> ^(CLASS[$s1.start.Token, "CLASS"] $a? $m? $s1)
| i2=interface_declaration -> ^(INTERFACE[$i2.start.Token, "INTERFACE"] $a? $m? $i2) // 'interface' | i2=interface_declaration -> ^(INTERFACE[$i2.start.Token, "INTERFACE"] $a? $m? $i2) // 'interface'
| v2=void_type m1=method_declaration[$a.tree, $m.tree, $m.modList, $v2.tree, $v2.text] -> $m1 //-> ^(METHOD[$v.token, "METHOD"] $a? $m? ^(TYPE[$v.token, "TYPE"] $v) $m1) | v2=void_type m1=method_declaration[$a.tree, $m.tree, $m.modList, $v2.tree, $v2.text] -> $m1
| t=type ( (member_name type_parameter_list? '(') => m2=method_declaration[$a.tree, $m.tree, $m.modList, $t.tree, $t.text] -> $m2 | t=type ( (member_name type_parameter_list? '(') => m2=method_declaration[$a.tree, $m.tree, $m.modList, $t.tree, $t.text] -> $m2
| (member_name '{') => pd=property_declaration[$a.tree, $m.tree, $t.tree] -> $pd | (member_name '{') => pd=property_declaration[$a.tree, $m.tree, $t.tree] -> $pd
| (member_name '.' 'this') => type_name '.' ix1=indexer_declaration[$a.tree, $m.tree, $t.tree] -> $ix1 | (member_name '.' 'this') => type_name '.' ix1=indexer_declaration[$a.tree, $m.tree, $t.tree] -> $ix1
@ -1165,8 +1165,11 @@ interface_accessor_declaration [CommonTree atts, CommonTree mods, CommonTree typ
struct_declaration returns [string name] struct_declaration returns [string name]
scope TypeContext; scope TypeContext;
: :
c='struct' identifier { $TypeContext::typeName = $identifier.text; } type_parameter_list? { $name = mkTypeName($identifier.text, $type_parameter_list.names); } class_base? type_parameter_constraints_clauses? class_body ';'? c='struct' identifier { $TypeContext::typeName = $identifier.text; } type_parameter_list? { $name = mkTypeName($identifier.text, $type_parameter_list.names); } class_base? type_parameter_constraints_clauses? struct_body[$identifier.text] ';'?
-> ^(CLASS[$c.Token, "class"] identifier type_parameter_constraints_clauses? type_parameter_list? class_base? class_body ); -> ^(CLASS[$c.Token, "class"] identifier type_parameter_constraints_clauses? type_parameter_list? class_base? struct_body );
struct_body [String structName]:
o='{' magicDefaultConstructor[$o.token, structName] class_member_declarations? '}' ;
// struct_modifiers: // struct_modifiers:
@ -1258,9 +1261,9 @@ operator_body:
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
constructor_declaration[CommonTree atts, CommonTree mods, List<String> modList]: constructor_declaration[CommonTree atts, CommonTree mods, List<String> modList]:
i=identifier '(' p=formal_parameter_list? ')' init=constructor_initializer? b=constructor_body[$init.tree] sb=magicSmotherExceptionsThrow[$b.tree, "ExceptionInInitializerError"] i=identifier '(' p=formal_parameter_list? ')' init=constructor_initializer? b=constructor_body[$init.tree] sb=magicSmotherExceptionsThrow[$b.tree, "ExceptionInInitializerError"] magicThrowable
-> {modList.Contains("static")}? ^(STATIC_CONSTRUCTOR[$i.tree.Token, "CONSTRUCTOR"] { dupTree($atts) } { dupTree($mods) } $sb) -> {modList.Contains("static")}? ^(STATIC_CONSTRUCTOR[$i.tree.Token, "CONSTRUCTOR"] { dupTree($atts) } { dupTree($mods) } $sb)
-> ^(CONSTRUCTOR[$i.tree.Token, "CONSTRUCTOR"] { dupTree($atts) } { dupTree($mods) } $i $p? $b); -> ^(CONSTRUCTOR[$i.tree.Token, "CONSTRUCTOR"] { dupTree($atts) } { dupTree($mods) } $i $p? $b magicThrowable);
constructor_initializer: constructor_initializer:
':' tok='this' '(' argument_list? ')' ':' tok='this' '(' argument_list? ')'
-> ^(APPLY[$tok.token, "APPLY"] $tok argument_list?) SEMI[$tok.token, ";"] -> ^(APPLY[$tok.token, "APPLY"] $tok argument_list?) SEMI[$tok.token, ";"]
@ -1675,7 +1678,7 @@ magicFinally[IToken tok, CommonTree statement_list]:
magicFinalize[IToken tok, CommonTree body]: magicFinalize[IToken tok, CommonTree body]:
-> ->
PUBLIC[tok, "protected"] PROTECTED[tok, "protected"]
^(TYPE[tok, "TYPE"] IDENTIFIER[tok, "void"]) IDENTIFIER[tok, "finalize"] ^(TYPE[tok, "TYPE"] IDENTIFIER[tok, "void"]) IDENTIFIER[tok, "finalize"]
OPEN_BRACE[tok, "{"] OPEN_BRACE[tok, "{"]
^(TRY[tok, "try"] { dupTree(body) } ^(TRY[tok, "try"] { dupTree(body) }
@ -1684,3 +1687,13 @@ magicFinalize[IToken tok, CommonTree body]:
EXCEPTION[tok, "Throwable"]) EXCEPTION[tok, "Throwable"])
; ;
magicDefaultConstructor[IToken tok, String name]:
PUBLIC[tok, "public"]
IDENTIFIER[tok, name]
OPEN_BRACE[tok, "{"]
CLOSE_BRACE[tok, "}"]

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@ -267,11 +267,10 @@ class_member_declaration returns [List<String> preComments]:
| ^(ENUM attributes? modifiers? { $preComments = CollectedComments; } enum_declaration[$modifiers.st]) | ^(ENUM attributes? modifiers? { $preComments = CollectedComments; } enum_declaration[$modifiers.st])
| ^(DELEGATE attributes? modifiers? { $preComments = CollectedComments; } delegate_declaration) | ^(DELEGATE attributes? modifiers? { $preComments = CollectedComments; } delegate_declaration)
| ^(CONVERSION_OPERATOR attributes? modifiers? conversion_operator_declaration) | ^(CONVERSION_OPERATOR attributes? modifiers? conversion_operator_declaration)
| ^(CONSTRUCTOR attributes? modifiers? identifier formal_parameter_list? { $preComments = CollectedComments; } block) | ^(CONSTRUCTOR attributes? modifiers? identifier formal_parameter_list? { $preComments = CollectedComments; } block exception*)
-> constructor(modifiers={$modifiers.st}, name={ $identifier.st }, params={ $formal_parameter_list.st }, bodyIsSemi = { $block.isSemi }, body={ $block.st }) -> constructor(modifiers={$modifiers.st}, name={ $identifier.st }, params={ $formal_parameter_list.st }, exceptions = { $exception.st}, bodyIsSemi = { $block.isSemi }, body={ $block.st })
| ^(STATIC_CONSTRUCTOR attributes? modifiers? block) | ^(STATIC_CONSTRUCTOR attributes? modifiers? block)
-> static_constructor(modifiers={$modifiers.st}, bodyIsSemi = { $block.isSemi }, body={ $block.st }) -> static_constructor(modifiers={$modifiers.st}, bodyIsSemi = { $block.isSemi }, body={ $block.st })
| ^(DESTRUCTOR attributes? modifiers? destructor_declaration)
; ;
// class_member_declaration: // class_member_declaration:
@ -1146,12 +1145,6 @@ operator_body:
//static_constructor_body: //static_constructor_body:
// block ; // block ;
'~' identifier '(' ')' destructor_body ;
block ;
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
invocation_expression: invocation_expression:
invocation_start (((arguments ('['|'.'|'->')) => arguments invocation_part) invocation_start (((arguments ('['|'.'|'->')) => arguments invocation_part)

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@ -46,9 +46,8 @@ class_member_declaration:
| ^(ENUM attributes? modifiers? enum_declaration) | ^(ENUM attributes? modifiers? enum_declaration)
| ^(DELEGATE attributes? modifiers? delegate_declaration) | ^(DELEGATE attributes? modifiers? delegate_declaration)
| ^(CONVERSION_OPERATOR attributes? modifiers? conversion_operator_declaration) | ^(CONVERSION_OPERATOR attributes? modifiers? conversion_operator_declaration)
| ^(CONSTRUCTOR attributes? modifiers? identifier formal_parameter_list? block) | ^(CONSTRUCTOR attributes? modifiers? identifier formal_parameter_list? block exception*)
| ^(STATIC_CONSTRUCTOR attributes? modifiers? block) | ^(STATIC_CONSTRUCTOR attributes? modifiers? block)
| ^(DESTRUCTOR attributes? modifiers? destructor_declaration)
; ;
// class_member_declaration: // class_member_declaration:
// attributes? // attributes?
@ -805,12 +804,6 @@ operator_body:
//static_constructor_body: //static_constructor_body:
// block ; // block ;
'~' identifier '(' ')' destructor_body ;
block ;
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
invocation_expression: invocation_expression:
invocation_start (((arguments ('['|'.'|'->')) => arguments invocation_part) invocation_start (((arguments ('['|'.'|'->')) => arguments invocation_part)

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@ -53,8 +53,8 @@ class_member(comments, member) ::= <<
<member> <member>
>> >>
constructor(modifiers, name, params, exception="Throwable", body, bodyIsSemi) ::= << constructor(modifiers, name, params, exceptions, body, bodyIsSemi) ::= <<
<modifiers(modifiers)><name>(<params; separator=", ">) throws <exception> <if(bodyIsSemi)>; <modifiers(modifiers)><name>(<params; separator=", ">)<if(exceptions)> throws <exceptions; separator=", "><endif> <if(bodyIsSemi)>;
<else> <else>
<body> <body>
<endif> <endif>