mirror of
synced 2025-01-18 13:15:17 +01:00
delegates are rewritten to interfaces
This commit is contained in:
@ -1238,9 +1238,10 @@ delegate_declaration[CommonTree atts, CommonTree mods] returns [string name]
scope TypeContext;
scope TypeContext;
d='delegate' return_type identifier { $name = $identifier.text; $TypeContext::typeName = $identifier.text; } variant_generic_parameter_list?
d='delegate' return_type identifier { $name = $identifier.text; $TypeContext::typeName = $identifier.text; } variant_generic_parameter_list?
'(' formal_parameter_list? ')' type_parameter_constraints_clauses? ';' ->
'(' formal_parameter_list? ')' type_parameter_constraints_clauses? ';' magicInvoker[$d.token, $return_type.tree, $identifier.tree, $formal_parameter_list.tree] ->
^(DELEGATE[$d.token, "DELEGATE"] { dupTree($atts) } { dupTree($mods) } return_type identifier type_parameter_constraints_clauses? variant_generic_parameter_list?
// ^(DELEGATE[$d.token, "DELEGATE"] { dupTree($atts) } { dupTree($mods) } return_type identifier type_parameter_constraints_clauses? variant_generic_parameter_list?
'(' formal_parameter_list? ')' );
// '(' formal_parameter_list? ')' );
^(INTERFACE[$d.token, "interface"] { dupTree($atts) } { dupTree($mods) } identifier type_parameter_constraints_clauses? variant_generic_parameter_list? magicInvoker);
modifier+ ;
modifier+ ;
// 4.0
// 4.0
@ -1324,7 +1325,7 @@ scope TypeContext;
c='interface' identifier { $name = $identifier.text; $TypeContext::typeName = $identifier.text; } variant_generic_parameter_list?
c='interface' identifier { $name = $identifier.text; $TypeContext::typeName = $identifier.text; } variant_generic_parameter_list?
interface_base? type_parameter_constraints_clauses? interface_body ';'?
interface_base? type_parameter_constraints_clauses? interface_body ';'?
-> ^(INTERFACE[$c.Token] { dupTree($atts) } { dupTree($mods) } identifier type_parameter_constraints_clauses? variant_generic_parameter_list? interface_base? interface_body );
-> ^(INTERFACE[$c.Token, "interface"] { dupTree($atts) } { dupTree($mods) } identifier type_parameter_constraints_clauses? variant_generic_parameter_list? interface_base? interface_body );
c=':' ts+=type (',' ts+=type)* -> ^(EXTENDS[$c.token,"extends"] $ts)*;
c=':' ts+=type (',' ts+=type)* -> ^(EXTENDS[$c.token,"extends"] $ts)*;
@ -1916,3 +1917,9 @@ magicThrowsException[bool isOn, IToken tok]:
magicInvoker[IToken tok, CommonTree return_type, CommonTree identifier, CommonTree formal_parameter_list]:
magicThrowsException[true, tok]
-> OPEN_BRACE[tok, "{"]
^(METHOD[tok, "METHOD"] { dupTree(return_type) } IDENTIFIER[tok,"Invoke"] { dupTree(formal_parameter_list) } magicThrowsException)
CLOSE_BRACE[tok, "}"]
@ -307,7 +307,7 @@ type_declaration:
| interface_declaration -> { $interface_declaration.st }
| interface_declaration -> { $interface_declaration.st }
| enum_declaration -> { $enum_declaration.st }
| enum_declaration -> { $enum_declaration.st }
| annotation_declaration -> { $annotation_declaration.st }
| annotation_declaration -> { $annotation_declaration.st }
| delegate_declaration -> { $delegate_declaration.st };
// Identifiers
// Identifiers
identifier ('.' identifier)*;
identifier ('.' identifier)*;
@ -342,7 +342,6 @@ class_member_declaration returns [List<string> preComments]:
| ^(OPERATOR attributes? modifiers? type { $preComments = CollectedComments; } operator_declaration)
| ^(OPERATOR attributes? modifiers? type { $preComments = CollectedComments; } operator_declaration)
| enum_declaration -> { $enum_declaration.st }
| enum_declaration -> { $enum_declaration.st }
| annotation_declaration -> { $annotation_declaration.st }
| annotation_declaration -> { $annotation_declaration.st }
| delegate_declaration -> { $delegate_declaration.st }
| ^(CONSTRUCTOR attributes? modifiers? identifier formal_parameter_list? { $preComments = CollectedComments; } block exception*)
| ^(CONSTRUCTOR attributes? modifiers? identifier formal_parameter_list? { $preComments = CollectedComments; } block exception*)
-> constructor(modifiers={$modifiers.st}, name={ $identifier.st }, params={ $formal_parameter_list.st }, exceptions = { $exception.st}, bodyIsSemi = { $block.isSemi }, body={ $block.st })
-> constructor(modifiers={$modifiers.st}, name={ $identifier.st }, params={ $formal_parameter_list.st }, exceptions = { $exception.st}, bodyIsSemi = { $block.isSemi }, body={ $block.st })
| ^(STATIC_CONSTRUCTOR attributes? modifiers? block)
| ^(STATIC_CONSTRUCTOR attributes? modifiers? block)
@ -1054,12 +1053,6 @@ enum_member_declaration:
'sbyte' | 'byte' | 'short' | 'ushort' | 'int' | 'uint' | 'long' | 'ulong' | 'char' ;
'sbyte' | 'byte' | 'short' | 'ushort' | 'int' | 'uint' | 'long' | 'ulong' | 'char' ;
// B.2.12 Delegates
^(DELEGATE attributes? modifiers? return_type identifier type_parameter_constraints_clauses? variant_generic_parameter_list[$type_parameter_constraints_clauses.tpConstraints]?
'(' formal_parameter_list? ')' );
modifier+ ;
// 4.0
// 4.0
variant_generic_parameter_list [Dictionary<string,StringTemplate> tpConstraints]:
variant_generic_parameter_list [Dictionary<string,StringTemplate> tpConstraints]:
(ps+=variant_generic_parameter[$tpConstraints])+ -> type_parameter_list(items={$ps});
(ps+=variant_generic_parameter[$tpConstraints])+ -> type_parameter_list(items={$ps});
@ -545,7 +545,7 @@ type_declaration:
| interface_declaration
| interface_declaration
| enum_declaration
| enum_declaration
| delegate_declaration ;
// Identifiers
// Identifiers
identifier ('.' identifier)*;
identifier ('.' identifier)*;
@ -568,7 +568,6 @@ class_member_declaration:
| ^(FIELD attributes? modifiers? type field_declaration[$type.tree, $type.dotNetType])
| ^(FIELD attributes? modifiers? type field_declaration[$type.tree, $type.dotNetType])
| ^(OPERATOR attributes? modifiers? type operator_declaration)
| ^(OPERATOR attributes? modifiers? type operator_declaration)
| enum_declaration
| enum_declaration
| delegate_declaration
| ^(CONVERSION_OPERATOR attributes? modifiers? conversion_operator_declaration[$attributes.tree, $modifiers.tree]) -> conversion_operator_declaration
| ^(CONVERSION_OPERATOR attributes? modifiers? conversion_operator_declaration[$attributes.tree, $modifiers.tree]) -> conversion_operator_declaration
| constructor_declaration
| constructor_declaration
@ -639,40 +638,61 @@ scope {
| (^(APPLY (^('.' expression identifier)|identifier) argument_list?)) =>
| (^(APPLY (^('.' expression identifier)|identifier) argument_list?)) =>
^(APPLY (^(d0='.' e2=expression {expType = $e2.dotNetType; implicitThis = false;} i2=identifier)|i2=identifier) argument_list?)
^(APPLY (^(d0='.' e2=expression {expType = $e2.dotNetType; implicitThis = false;} i2=identifier)|i2=identifier) argument_list?)
if (expType == null) {
if (implicitThis && SymTabLookup($i2.thetext) != null) {
expType = new UnknownRepTemplate("APPLY.BASE");
// we have a delegate reference (I hope ...)?
DelegateRepTemplate idType = SymTabLookup($i2.thetext) as DelegateRepTemplate;
if (expType.IsUnknownType) {
if (idType != null) {
WarningFailedResolve($i2.tree.Token.Line, "Could not find type needed to resolve method application");
Dictionary<string,CommonTree> myMap = new Dictionary<string,CommonTree>();
myMap["this"] = wrapExpression($i2.tree, $i2.tree.Token);
$dotNetType = new UnknownRepTemplate(expType.TypeName+".APPLY");
for (int idx = 0; idx < idType.Params.Count; idx++) {
ResolveResult methodResult = expType.Resolve($i2.thetext, $argument_list.argTypes ?? new List<TypeRepTemplate>(), AppEnv);
myMap[idType.Params[idx].Name] = wrapArgument($argument_list.argTrees[idx], $i2.tree.Token);
if (methodResult != null) {
if (idType.Params[idx].Name.StartsWith("TYPEOF") && $argument_list.argTreeTypeofTypes[idx] != null) {
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(methodResult.Result.Warning)) Warning($d0.line, methodResult.Result.Warning);
// if this argument is a typeof expression then add a TYPEOF_TYPEOF-> typeof's type mapping
DebugDetail($i2.tree.Token.Line + ": Found '" + $i2.thetext + "'");
myMap[idType.Params[idx].Name + "_TYPE"] = wrapTypeOfType($argument_list.argTreeTypeofTypes[idx], $i2.tree.Token);
// We are calling a method on an expression. If it has a primitive type then cast it to
// the appropriate Object type.
CommonTree e2InBox = expType.IsUnboxedType && Cfg.ExperimentalTransforms ? castToBoxedType(expType, $e2.tree, $d0.token) : $e2.tree;
MethodRepTemplate methodRep = methodResult.Result as MethodRepTemplate;
Dictionary<string,CommonTree> myMap = new Dictionary<string,CommonTree>();
if (!implicitThis) {
myMap["this"] = wrapExpression(e2InBox, $i2.tree.Token);
for (int idx = 0; idx < methodRep.Params.Count; idx++) {
myMap[methodRep.Params[idx].Name] = wrapArgument($argument_list.argTrees[idx], $i2.tree.Token);
if (methodRep.Params[idx].Name.StartsWith("TYPEOF") && $argument_list.argTreeTypeofTypes[idx] != null) {
// if this argument is a typeof expression then add a TYPEOF_TYPEOF-> typeof's type mapping
myMap[methodRep.Params[idx].Name + "_TYPE"] = wrapTypeOfType($argument_list.argTreeTypeofTypes[idx], $i2.tree.Token);
ret = mkJavaWrapper(methodResult.Result.Java, myMap, $i2.tree.Token);
ret = mkJavaWrapper(idType.JavaInvoke, myMap, $i2.tree.Token);
$dotNetType = AppEnv.Search(idType.Return);
$dotNetType = methodResult.ResultType;
else {
else {
WarningFailedResolve($i2.tree.Token.Line, "Could not resolve method application of " + $i2.thetext + " against " + expType.TypeName);
if (expType == null) {
expType = new UnknownRepTemplate("APPLY.BASE");
if (expType.IsUnknownType) {
WarningFailedResolve($i2.tree.Token.Line, "Could not find type needed to resolve method application");
$dotNetType = new UnknownRepTemplate(expType.TypeName+".APPLY");
ResolveResult methodResult = expType.Resolve($i2.thetext, $argument_list.argTypes ?? new List<TypeRepTemplate>(), AppEnv);
if (methodResult != null) {
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(methodResult.Result.Warning)) Warning($d0.line, methodResult.Result.Warning);
DebugDetail($i2.tree.Token.Line + ": Found '" + $i2.thetext + "'");
// We are calling a method on an expression. If it has a primitive type then cast it to
// the appropriate Object type.
CommonTree e2InBox = expType.IsUnboxedType && Cfg.ExperimentalTransforms ? castToBoxedType(expType, $e2.tree, $d0.token) : $e2.tree;
MethodRepTemplate methodRep = methodResult.Result as MethodRepTemplate;
Dictionary<string,CommonTree> myMap = new Dictionary<string,CommonTree>();
if (!implicitThis) {
myMap["this"] = wrapExpression(e2InBox, $i2.tree.Token);
for (int idx = 0; idx < methodRep.Params.Count; idx++) {
myMap[methodRep.Params[idx].Name] = wrapArgument($argument_list.argTrees[idx], $i2.tree.Token);
if (methodRep.Params[idx].Name.StartsWith("TYPEOF") && $argument_list.argTreeTypeofTypes[idx] != null) {
// if this argument is a typeof expression then add a TYPEOF_TYPEOF-> typeof's type mapping
myMap[methodRep.Params[idx].Name + "_TYPE"] = wrapTypeOfType($argument_list.argTreeTypeofTypes[idx], $i2.tree.Token);
ret = mkJavaWrapper(methodResult.Result.Java, myMap, $i2.tree.Token);
$dotNetType = methodResult.ResultType;
else {
WarningFailedResolve($i2.tree.Token.Line, "Could not resolve method application of " + $i2.thetext + " against " + expType.TypeName);
| ^(APPLY {$primary_expression::parentIsApply = true; } expression {$primary_expression::parentIsApply = false; } argument_list?)
| ^(APPLY {$primary_expression::parentIsApply = true; } expression {$primary_expression::parentIsApply = false; } argument_list?)
@ -1918,7 +1938,7 @@ variable_declarator[CommonTree tyTree, TypeRepTemplate ty]
zeroEnum = enumRep.Members[0].Name;
zeroEnum = enumRep.Members[0].Name;
identifier { $SymTab::symtab[$identifier.thetext] = $ty; }
(e='=' variable_initializer { hasInit = true; constructStruct = false; constructEnum = false; } )?
(e='=' variable_initializer { hasInit = true; constructStruct = false; constructEnum = false; } )?
magicConstructStruct[constructStruct, $tyTree, $identifier.tree != null ? $identifier.tree.Token : null]
magicConstructStruct[constructStruct, $tyTree, $identifier.tree != null ? $identifier.tree.Token : null]
magicConstructDefaultEnum[constructEnum, $ty, zeroEnum, $identifier.tree != null ? $identifier.tree.Token : null]
magicConstructDefaultEnum[constructEnum, $ty, zeroEnum, $identifier.tree != null ? $identifier.tree.Token : null]
@ -1993,35 +2013,6 @@ enum_member_declaration:
'sbyte' | 'byte' | 'short' | 'ushort' | 'int' | 'uint' | 'long' | 'ulong' | 'char' ;
'sbyte' | 'byte' | 'short' | 'ushort' | 'int' | 'uint' | 'long' | 'ulong' | 'char' ;
// B.2.12 Delegates
scope NSContext,SymTab;
@init {
$NSContext::namespaces = new List<string>();
$NSContext::globalNamespaces = new List<string>(((NSContext_scope)$NSContext.ToArray()[1]).globalNamespaces);
$NSContext::typeVariables = new List<string>();
$NSContext::globalTypeVariables = new List<string>(((NSContext_scope)$NSContext.ToArray()[1]).globalTypeVariables);
$NSContext::IsGenericICollection = false;
$NSContext::IsICollection = false;
$SymTab::symtab = new Dictionary<string, TypeRepTemplate>();
^(DELEGATE attributes? modifiers? return_type identifier type_parameter_constraints_clauses? variant_generic_parameter_list?
{ $NSContext::currentNS = NSPrefix(ParentNameSpace) + mkGenericTypeAlias($identifier.thetext, $variant_generic_parameter_list.tyParams);
if (CompUnitName == null)
CompUnitName = $NSContext::currentNS;
if ($variant_generic_parameter_list.tyParams != null) {
'(' formal_parameter_list? ')' ) ;
modifier+ ;
// 4.0
// 4.0
variant_generic_parameter_list returns [List<string> tyParams]
variant_generic_parameter_list returns [List<string> tyParams]
@init {
@init {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user