mirror of https://github.com/twiglet/cs2j.git synced 2025-01-18 13:15:17 +01:00

more output

This commit is contained in:
Kevin Glynn 2010-12-07 15:30:04 +01:00
parent 81c3d13cf2
commit 41c4479473
2 changed files with 65 additions and 36 deletions

View File

@ -196,11 +196,11 @@ primary_expression:
| ^(POSTINC expression) | ^(POSTINC expression)
| ^(POSTDEC expression) | ^(POSTDEC expression)
| primary_expression_start -> { $primary_expression_start.st } | primary_expression_start -> { $primary_expression_start.st }
| ^(access_operator expression type_or_generic) | ^(access_operator expression type_or_generic) -> op(pre={ $expression.st }, op={ $access_operator.st }, post={ $type_or_generic.st })
// ('this' brackets) => 'this' brackets primary_expression_part* // ('this' brackets) => 'this' brackets primary_expression_part*
// | ('base' brackets) => 'this' brackets primary_expression_part* // | ('base' brackets) => 'this' brackets primary_expression_part*
// | primary_expression_start primary_expression_part* // | primary_expression_start primary_expression_part*
| ^(NEW type argument_list? object_or_collection_initializer?) | ^(NEW type argument_list? object_or_collection_initializer?) -> construct(type = {$type.st}, args = {$argument_list.st}, inits = {$object_or_collection_initializer.st})
| 'new' ( | 'new' (
// try the simple one first, this has no argS and no expressions // try the simple one first, this has no argS and no expressions
// symantically could be object creation // symantically could be object creation
@ -232,9 +232,10 @@ primary_expression:
// ; // ;
primary_expression_start: primary_expression_start:
predefined_type predefined_type -> { $predefined_type.st }
| (identifier generic_argument_list) => identifier generic_argument_list | (identifier generic_argument_list) => identifier generic_argument_list -> op(pre={ $identifier.st }, post={ $generic_argument_list.st})
| identifier ('::' identifier)? | i1=identifier -> { $i1.st }
| primary_expression_extalias -> unsupported(reason = {"external aliases are not yet supported"}, text= { $primary_expression_extalias.st } )
| 'this' | 'this'
| 'base' | 'base'
| ^(TEMPPARENS expression) -> parens(e={$expression.st}) | ^(TEMPPARENS expression) -> parens(e={$expression.st})
@ -242,6 +243,11 @@ primary_expression_start:
| literal -> { $literal.st } | literal -> { $literal.st }
; ;
i1=identifier '::' i2=identifier -> op(pre={ $i1.st }, op = { "::" }, post={ $i2.st })
primary_expression_part: primary_expression_part:
access_identifier access_identifier
| brackets_or_arguments | brackets_or_arguments
@ -260,15 +266,17 @@ paren_expression:
arguments: arguments:
'(' argument_list? ')' ; '(' argument_list? ')' ;
argument_list: argument_list:
^(ARGS argument+); ^(ARGS args+=argument+) -> list(items= {$args}, sep={", "});
// 4.0 // 4.0
argument: argument:
argument_name argument_value argument_name argument_value
| argument_value; | argument_value -> { $argument_value.st };
argument_name: argument_name:
identifier ':'; argument_name_unsupported -> unsupported(reason={ "named parameters are not yet supported"}, text = { $argument_name_unsupported.st } );
identifier ':' -> op(pre={$identifier.st}, op={":"});
argument_value: argument_value:
expression expression -> { $expression.st }
| ref_variable_reference | ref_variable_reference
| 'out' variable_reference ; | 'out' variable_reference ;
ref_variable_reference: ref_variable_reference:
@ -824,7 +832,7 @@ type_variable_name:
return_type: return_type:
type -> { $type.st } ; type -> { $type.st } ;
formal_parameter_list: formal_parameter_list:
^(PARAMS fps+=formal_parameter+) -> commalist(items= {$fps} ); ^(PARAMS fps+=formal_parameter+) -> list(items= {$fps}, sep={", "});
formal_parameter: formal_parameter:
attributes? (fixed_parameter -> { $fixed_parameter.st }| parameter_array) attributes? (fixed_parameter -> { $fixed_parameter.st }| parameter_array)
| '__arglist'; // __arglist is undocumented, see google | '__arglist'; // __arglist is undocumented, see google
@ -1008,18 +1016,18 @@ invocation_part:
// keving: split statement into two parts, there seems to be a problem with the state // keving: split statement into two parts, there seems to be a problem with the state
// machine if we combine statement and statement_plus. // machine if we combine statement and statement_plus.
statement: statement:
(declaration_statement) => declaration_statement (declaration_statement) => declaration_statement -> statement(statement = { $declaration_statement.st })
| statement_plus | statement_plus -> statement(statement = { $statement_plus.st })
; ;
statement_plus: statement_plus:
(identifier ':') => labeled_statement (identifier ':') => labeled_statement -> statement(statement = { $labeled_statement.st })
| embedded_statement | embedded_statement -> statement(statement = { $embedded_statement.st })
; ;
embedded_statement: embedded_statement:
block block -> { $block.st }
| selection_statement // if, switch | selection_statement // if, switch
| iteration_statement // while, do, for, foreach | iteration_statement // while, do, for, foreach
| jump_statement // break, continue, goto, return, throw | jump_statement -> { $jump_statement.st } // break, continue, goto, return, throw
| try_statement | try_statement
| checked_statement | checked_statement
| unchecked_statement | unchecked_statement
@ -1028,7 +1036,7 @@ embedded_statement:
| yield_statement | yield_statement
| unsafe_statement | unsafe_statement
| fixed_statement | fixed_statement
| expression_statement // expression! | expression_statement -> { $expression_statement.st } // expression!
; ;
fixed_statement: fixed_statement:
'fixed' '(' pointer_type fixed_pointer_declarators ')' embedded_statement ; 'fixed' '(' pointer_type fixed_pointer_declarators ')' embedded_statement ;
@ -1044,28 +1052,30 @@ unsafe_statement:
labeled_statement: labeled_statement:
identifier ':' statement ; identifier ':' statement ;
declaration_statement: declaration_statement:
(local_variable_declaration (local_variable_declaration -> { $local_variable_declaration.st }
| local_constant_declaration) ';' ; | local_constant_declaration -> { $local_constant_declaration.st }) ';' ;
local_variable_declaration: local_variable_declaration:
local_variable_type local_variable_declarators ; local_variable_type local_variable_declarators -> local_variable_declaration(type={ $local_variable_type.st }, decs = { $local_variable_declarators.st } );
local_variable_type: local_variable_type:
('var') => 'var' ('var') => 'var' -> string(payload = {"/* [UNSUPPORTED] 'var' as type is unsupported */"} )
| ('dynamic') => 'dynamic' | ('dynamic') => 'dynamic' -> string(payload = {"/* [UNSUPPORTED] 'dynamic' as type is unsupported */"} )
| type -> { $type.st } ; | type -> { $type.st } ;
local_variable_declarators: local_variable_declarators:
local_variable_declarator (',' local_variable_declarator)* ; vs+=local_variable_declarator (',' vs+=local_variable_declarator)* -> list(items={$vs}, sep={", "});
local_variable_declarator: local_variable_declarator:
identifier ('=' local_variable_initializer)? ; identifier ('=' local_variable_initializer)? -> local_variable_declarator(name= { $identifier.st }, init = { $local_variable_initializer.st });
local_variable_initializer: local_variable_initializer:
expression expression -> { $expression.st }
| array_initializer | array_initializer
| stackalloc_initializer; | stackalloc_initializer;
stackalloc_initializer: stackalloc_initializer:
'stackalloc' unmanaged_type '[' expression ']' ; stackalloc_initializer_unsupported -> unsupported(reason={"'stackalloc' is unsupported"}, text={ $stackalloc_initializer_unsupported.st });
'stackalloc' unmanaged_type '[' expression ']' -> stackalloc(type={$unmanaged_type.st}, exp = { $expression.st });
local_constant_declaration: local_constant_declaration:
'const' type constant_declarators ; 'const' type constant_declarators ;
expression_statement: expression_statement:
expression ';' ; expression ';' -> { $expression.st };
// TODO: should be assignment, call, increment, decrement, and new object expressions // TODO: should be assignment, call, increment, decrement, and new object expressions
statement_expression: statement_expression:
@ -1117,21 +1127,21 @@ statement_expression_list:
foreach_statement: foreach_statement:
'foreach' '(' local_variable_type identifier 'in' expression ')' embedded_statement ; 'foreach' '(' local_variable_type identifier 'in' expression ')' embedded_statement ;
jump_statement: jump_statement:
break_statement break_statement-> { $break_statement.st }
| continue_statement | continue_statement-> { $continue_statement.st }
| goto_statement | goto_statement-> { $goto_statement.st }
| return_statement | return_statement -> { $return_statement.st }
| throw_statement ; | throw_statement -> { $throw_statement.st };
break_statement: break_statement:
'break' ';' ; 'break' ';' -> string(payload={"break"});
continue_statement: continue_statement:
'continue' ';' ; 'continue' ';' -> string(payload={"continue"});
goto_statement: goto_statement:
'goto' ( identifier 'goto' ( identifier
| 'case' constant_expression | 'case' constant_expression
| 'default') ';' ; | 'default') ';' ;
return_statement: return_statement:
'return' expression? ';' ; 'return' expression? ';' -> return(exp = { $expression.st });
throw_statement: throw_statement:
'throw' expression? ';' ; 'throw' expression? ';' ;
try_statement: try_statement:

View File

@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ class_member(comments, member) ::= <<
method(modifiers, typeparams, type, name, params, exception="Throwable", bodyIsSemi, body) ::= << method(modifiers, typeparams, type, name, params, exception="Throwable", bodyIsSemi, body) ::= <<
<modifiers(modifiers)><typeparams> <type> <name>(<params; separator=", ">) throws <exception><if(!bodyIsSemi)> {<else>;<endif> <modifiers(modifiers)><typeparams> <type> <name>(<params; separator=", ">) throws <exception><if(!bodyIsSemi)> {<else>;<endif>
<body> <body>
<if(!bodyIsSemi)>}<endif> <if(!bodyIsSemi)>}<endif>
>> >>
@ -78,6 +78,18 @@ statement_list(statements) ::= <<
<statements; separator="\n"> <statements; separator="\n">
>> >>
statement(statement) ::= <<
//***** local var declarations:
local_variable_declaration(type,decs) ::= "<type> <decs>"
local_variable_declarator(name, init) ::= "<name><if(init)> = <init><endif>"
return(exp) ::= "return <exp>"
// ******* ENUMS *********** // ******* ENUMS ***********
enum(modifiers,comments, attributes, name, body) ::= << enum(modifiers,comments, attributes, name, body) ::= <<
@ -110,6 +122,9 @@ imps(types) ::= "<if(types)>implements <types; separator=\",\"><endif>"
// ******* EXPRESSIONS ******* // ******* EXPRESSIONS *******
cast_expr(type, exp) ::= "(<type>)<exp>" cast_expr(type, exp) ::= "(<type>)<exp>"
construct(type, args, inits) ::= "new <type>(<args>)<if(inits)> /* [UNIMPLEMENTED] <inits> */<endif>"
stackalloc(type, exp) ::= "stackalloc <type>[<exp>]"
// ******* MISC *********** // ******* MISC ***********
@ -121,6 +136,10 @@ parameter(annotation,param) ::= "/* <annotation> */ <param>"
inline_comment(payload, explanation) ::= "/* <explanation> <payload> */" inline_comment(payload, explanation) ::= "/* <explanation> <payload> */"
commalist(items) ::= "<items; separator=\", \">" commalist(items) ::= "<items; separator=\", \">"
dotlist(items) ::= "<items; separator=\".\">" dotlist(items) ::= "<items; separator=\".\">"
list(items,sep) ::= "<items;separator=sep>"
unsupported(reason, text) ::= "/* [UNSUPPORTED] <reason> \"<text>\" */"
// ******* UTILITY *********** // ******* UTILITY ***********
string(payload) ::= "<payload>" string(payload) ::= "<payload>"