#include #include #include #include "fps_limiter.h" #include "config.h" #include "dd.h" #include "render_d3d9.h" #include "render_gdi.h" #include "render_ogl.h" #include "hook.h" #include "debug.h" #include "dllmain.h" #include "ini.h" #include "versionhelpers.h" static void cfg_init(); static void cfg_create_ini(); static BOOL cfg_get_bool(LPCSTR key, BOOL default_value); static int cfg_get_int(LPCSTR key, int default_value); static DWORD cfg_get_string(LPCSTR key, LPCSTR default_value, LPSTR out_string, DWORD out_size); #define GET_INT(a,b,c) a = cfg_get_int(b, c); TRACE("%s=%d\n", b, a) #define GET_BOOL(a,b,c) a = cfg_get_bool(b, c); TRACE("%s=%s\n", b, a ? "true" : "false") #define GET_STRING(a,b,c,d) cfg_get_string(a, b, c, d); TRACE("%s=%s\n", a, c) CNCDDRAWCONFIG g_config = { .window_rect = {.left = -32000, .top = -32000, .right = 0, .bottom = 0 }, .window_state = -1, .upscaled_state = -1 }; void cfg_load() { cfg_init(); /* Optional settings */ GET_INT(g_config.window_rect.right, "width", 0); GET_INT(g_config.window_rect.bottom, "height", 0); GET_BOOL(g_config.fullscreen, "fullscreen", FALSE); GET_BOOL(g_config.windowed, "windowed", FALSE); GET_BOOL(g_config.maintas, "maintas", FALSE); GET_BOOL(g_config.boxing, "boxing", FALSE); GET_INT(g_config.maxfps, "maxfps", -1); GET_BOOL(g_config.vsync, "vsync", FALSE); GET_BOOL(g_config.adjmouse, "adjmouse", TRUE); GET_STRING("shader", "Shaders\\interpolation\\catmull-rom-bilinear.glsl", g_config.shader, sizeof(g_config.shader)); GET_INT(g_config.window_rect.left, "posX", -32000); GET_INT(g_config.window_rect.top, "posY", -32000); GET_STRING("renderer", "auto", g_config.renderer, sizeof(g_config.renderer)); GET_BOOL(g_config.devmode, "devmode", FALSE); GET_BOOL(g_config.border, "border", TRUE); GET_INT(g_config.save_settings, "savesettings", 1); GET_BOOL(g_config.resizable, "resizable", TRUE); GET_INT(g_config.d3d9_filter, "d3d9_filter", FILTER_CUBIC); GET_BOOL(g_config.vhack, "vhack", FALSE); GET_STRING("screenshotdir", ".\\Screenshots\\", g_config.screenshot_dir, sizeof(g_config.screenshot_dir)); GET_BOOL(g_config.toggle_borderless, "toggle_borderless", FALSE); GET_BOOL(g_config.toggle_upscaled, "toggle_upscaled", FALSE); /* Compatibility settings */ GET_BOOL(g_config.noactivateapp, "noactivateapp", FALSE); GET_INT(g_config.maxgameticks, "maxgameticks", 0); GET_INT(g_config.minfps, "minfps", 0); GET_BOOL(g_config.nonexclusive, "nonexclusive", FALSE); GET_BOOL(g_config.singlecpu, "singlecpu", TRUE); GET_INT(g_config.resolutions, "resolutions", RESLIST_NORMAL); GET_INT(g_config.fixchilds, "fixchilds", FIX_CHILDS_DETECT_PAINT); GET_BOOL(g_config.hook_peekmessage, "hook_peekmessage", FALSE); GET_BOOL(g_config.hook_getmessage, "hook_getmessage", FALSE); /* Undocumented settings */ GET_BOOL(g_config.releasealt, "releasealt", FALSE); GET_BOOL(GameHandlesClose, "game_handles_close", FALSE); GET_BOOL(g_config.fixnotresponding, "fixnotresponding", FALSE); GET_INT(g_config.hook, "hook", 4); GET_INT(g_config.guard_lines, "guard_lines", 200); GET_INT(g_config.max_resolutions, "max_resolutions", 0); GET_BOOL(g_config.limit_bltfast, "limit_bltfast", FALSE); GET_BOOL(g_config.lock_surfaces, "lock_surfaces", FALSE); GET_BOOL(g_config.allow_wmactivate, "allow_wmactivate", FALSE); GET_BOOL(g_config.flipclear, "flipclear", FALSE); GET_BOOL(g_config.fixmousehook, "fixmousehook", FALSE); GET_BOOL(g_config.rgb555, "rgb555", FALSE); GET_BOOL(g_config.no_dinput_hook, "no_dinput_hook", FALSE); GET_INT(g_config.refresh_rate, "refresh_rate", 0); GET_INT(g_config.anti_aliased_fonts_min_size, "anti_aliased_fonts_min_size", 13); GET_INT(g_config.custom_width, "custom_width", 0); GET_INT(g_config.custom_height, "custom_height", 0); GET_INT(g_config.min_font_size, "min_font_size", 0); GET_BOOL(g_config.direct3d_passthrough, "direct3d_passthrough", FALSE); GET_BOOL(g_config.center_cursor_fix, "center_cursor_fix", FALSE); /* Hotkeys */ GET_INT(g_config.hotkeys.toggle_fullscreen, "keytogglefullscreen", VK_RETURN); GET_INT(g_config.hotkeys.toggle_maximize, "keytogglemaximize", VK_NEXT); GET_INT(g_config.hotkeys.unlock_cursor1, "keyunlockcursor1", VK_TAB); GET_INT(g_config.hotkeys.unlock_cursor2, "keyunlockcursor2", VK_RCONTROL); GET_INT(g_config.hotkeys.screenshot, "keyscreenshot", VK_SNAPSHOT); /* Game specific settings */ GET_BOOL(g_config.remove_menu, "remove_menu", FALSE); /* Added for HoMM4 */ GET_BOOL(g_config.armadahack, "armadahack", FALSE); GET_BOOL(g_config.tshack, "tshack", FALSE); GET_BOOL(g_config.infantryhack, "infantryhack", FALSE); GET_BOOL(g_config.stronghold_hack, "stronghold_hack", FALSE); GET_BOOL(g_config.mgs_hack, "mgs_hack", FALSE); GET_BOOL(g_config.vermeer_hack, "vermeer_hack", FALSE); GameHandlesClose = GameHandlesClose || g_config.infantryhack; ini_free(&g_config.ini); } void cfg_save() { if (!g_config.save_settings) return; char buf[16]; char* section = g_config.save_settings == 1 ? "ddraw" : g_config.process_file_name; if (g_config.window_rect.right) { sprintf(buf, "%ld", g_config.window_rect.right); WritePrivateProfileString(section, "width", buf, g_config.ini_path); } if (g_config.window_rect.bottom) { sprintf(buf, "%ld", g_config.window_rect.bottom); WritePrivateProfileString(section, "height", buf, g_config.ini_path); } if (g_config.window_rect.left != -32000) { sprintf(buf, "%ld", g_config.window_rect.left); WritePrivateProfileString(section, "posX", buf, g_config.ini_path); } if (g_config.window_rect.top != -32000) { sprintf(buf, "%ld", g_config.window_rect.top); WritePrivateProfileString(section, "posY", buf, g_config.ini_path); } if (g_config.window_state != -1) { WritePrivateProfileString(section, "windowed", g_config.window_state ? "true" : "false", g_config.ini_path); } if (g_config.upscaled_state != -1) { WritePrivateProfileString(section, "fullscreen", g_config.upscaled_state ? "true" : "false", g_config.ini_path); } } static void cfg_create_ini() { FILE* fh = fopen(g_config.ini_path, "w"); if (fh) { fputs( "; cnc-ddraw - https://github.com/FunkyFr3sh/cnc-ddraw\n" "\n" "[ddraw]\n" "; ### Optional settings ###\n" "; Use the following settings to adjust the look and feel to your liking\n" "\n" "\n" "; Stretch to custom resolution, 0 = defaults to the size game requests\n" "width=0\n" "height=0\n" "\n" "; Override the width/height settings shown above and always stretch to fullscreen\n" "; Note: Can be combined with 'windowed=true' to get windowed-fullscreen aka borderless mode\n" "fullscreen=false\n" "\n" "; Run in windowed mode rather than going fullscreen\n" "windowed=false\n" "\n" "; Maintain aspect ratio\n" "maintas=false\n" "\n" "; Windowboxing / Integer Scaling\n" "boxing=false\n" "\n" "; Real rendering rate, -1 = screen rate, 0 = unlimited, n = cap\n" "; Note: Does not have an impact on the game speed, to limit your game speed use 'maxgameticks='\n" "maxfps=-1\n" "\n" "; Vertical synchronization, enable if you get tearing - (Requires 'renderer=auto/opengl*/direct3d9*')\n" "; Note: vsync=true can fix tearing but it will cause input lag\n" "vsync=false\n" "\n" "; Automatic mouse sensitivity scaling\n" "; Note: Only works if stretching is enabled. Sensitivity will be adjusted according to the size of the window\n" "adjmouse=true\n" "\n" "; Preliminary libretro shader support - (Requires 'renderer=opengl*') https://github.com/libretro/glsl-shaders\n" "; 2x scaling example: https://imgur.com/a/kxsM1oY - 4x scaling example: https://imgur.com/a/wjrhpFV\n" "; You can specify a full path to a .glsl shader file here or use one of the values listed below\n" "; Possible values: Nearest neighbor, Bilinear, Bicubic, Lanczos, xBR-lv2\n" "shader=Shaders\\interpolation\\catmull-rom-bilinear.glsl\n" "\n" "; Window position, -32000 = center to screen\n" "posX=-32000\n" "posY=-32000\n" "\n" "; Renderer, possible values: auto, opengl, openglcore, gdi, direct3d9, direct3d9on12 (auto = try direct3d9/opengl, fallback = gdi)\n" "renderer=auto\n" "\n" "; Developer mode (don't lock the cursor)\n" "devmode=false\n" "\n" "; Show window borders in windowed mode\n" "border=true\n" "\n" "; Save window position/size/state on game exit and restore it automatically on next game start\n" "; Possible values: 0 = disabled, 1 = save to global 'ddraw' section, 2 = save to game specific section\n" "savesettings=1\n" "\n" "; Should the window be resizable by the user in windowed mode?\n" "resizable=true\n" "\n" "; Upscaling filter for the direct3d9* renderers\n" "; Possible values: 0 = nearest-neighbor, 1 = bilinear, 2 = bicubic, 3 = lanczos (bicubic/lanczos only support 16/32bit color depth games)\n" "d3d9_filter=2\n" "\n" "; Enable upscale hack for high resolution patches (Supports C&C1, Red Alert 1, Worms 2 and KKND Xtreme)\n" "vhack=false\n" "\n" "; Where should screenshots be saved\n" "screenshotdir=.\\Screenshots\\\n" "\n" "; Switch between windowed/borderless modes with alt+enter rather than windowed/fullscreen modes\n" "toggle_borderless=false\n" "\n" "; Switch between windowed/fullscreen upscaled modes with alt+enter rather than windowed/fullscreen modes\n" "toggle_upscaled=false\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "; ### Compatibility settings ###\n" "; Use the following settings in case there are any issues with the game\n" "\n" "\n" "; Hide WM_ACTIVATEAPP and WM_NCACTIVATE messages to prevent problems on alt+tab\n" "noactivateapp=false\n" "\n" "; Max game ticks per second, possible values: -1 = disabled, -2 = refresh rate, 0 = emulate 60hz vblank, 1-1000 = custom game speed\n" "; Note: Can be used to slow down a too fast running game, fix flickering or too fast animations\n" "; Note: Usually one of the following values will work: 60 / 30 / 25 / 20 / 15 (lower value = slower game speed)\n" "maxgameticks=0\n" "\n" "; Force minimum FPS, possible values: 0 = disabled, -1 = use 'maxfps=' value, -2 = same as -1 but force full redraw, 1-1000 = custom FPS\n" "; Note: Set this to a low value such as 5 or 10 if some parts of the game are not being displayed (e.g. menus or loading screens)\n" "minfps=0\n" "\n" "; Disable fullscreen-exclusive mode for the direct3d9*/opengl* renderers\n" "; Note: Can be used in case some GUI elements like buttons/textboxes/videos/etc.. are invisible\n" "nonexclusive=false\n" "\n" "; Force CPU0 affinity, avoids crashes/freezing, *might* have a performance impact\n" "; Note: Disable this if the game is not running smooth or there are sound issues\n" "singlecpu=true\n" "\n" "; Available resolutions, possible values: 0 = Small list, 1 = Very small list, 2 = Full list\n" "; Note: Set this to 2 if your chosen resolution is not working or does not show up in the list\n" "; Note: Set this to 1 if the game is crashing on startup\n" "resolutions=0\n" "\n" "; Child window handling, possible values: 0 = Disabled, 1 = Display top left, 2 = Display top left + repaint, 3 = Hide\n" "; Note: Disables upscaling if a child window was detected (to ensure the game is fully playable, may look weird though)\n" "fixchilds=2\n" "\n" "; Enable one of the following settings if your cursor doesn't work properly when upscaling is enabled\n" "hook_peekmessage=false\n" "hook_getmessage=false\n" "\n" "\n" "; Undocumented settings - You may or may not change these (You should rather focus on the settings above)\n" "releasealt=false\n" "game_handles_close=false\n" "fixnotresponding=false\n" "hook=4\n" "guard_lines=200\n" "max_resolutions=0\n" "limit_bltfast=false\n" "lock_surfaces=false\n" "allow_wmactivate=false\n" "flipclear=false\n" "fixmousehook=false\n" "rgb555=false\n" "no_dinput_hook=false\n" "refresh_rate=0\n" "anti_aliased_fonts_min_size=13\n" "custom_width=0\n" "custom_height=0\n" "min_font_size=0\n" "direct3d_passthrough=false\n" "center_cursor_fix=false\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "; ### Hotkeys ###\n" "; Use the following settings to configure your hotkeys, 0x00 = disabled\n" "; Virtual-Key Codes: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/inputdev/virtual-key-codes\n" "\n" "\n" "; Switch between windowed and fullscreen mode = [Alt] + ???\n" "keytogglefullscreen=0x0D\n" "\n" "; Maximize window = [Alt] + ???\n" "keytogglemaximize=0x22\n" "\n" "; Unlock cursor 1 = [Ctrl] + ???\n" "keyunlockcursor1=0x09\n" "\n" "; Unlock cursor 2 = [Right Alt] + ???\n" "keyunlockcursor2=0xA3\n" "\n" "; Screenshot\n" "keyscreenshot=0x2C\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "; ### Config program settings ###\n" "; The following settings are for cnc-ddraw config.exe\n" "\n" "\n" "; cnc-ddraw config program language, possible values: auto, english, chinese, german, spanish, russian, hungarian, french, italian\n" "configlang=auto\n" "\n" "; cnc-ddraw config program theme, possible values: Windows10, Cobalt XEMedia\n" "configtheme=Windows10\n" "\n" "; Hide the 'Compatibility Settings' tab in cnc-ddraw config\n" "hide_compat_tab=false\n" "\n" "; Allow the users to 'Restore default settings' via cnc-ddraw config\n" "allow_reset=true\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "; ### Game specific settings ###\n" "; The following settings override all settings shown above, section name = executable name\n" "\n" "\n" "; Atrox\n" "[Atrox]\n" "fixchilds=0\n" "allow_wmactivate=true\n" "\n" "; Atomic Bomberman\n" "[BM]\n" "maxgameticks=60\n" "\n" "; Age of Empires\n" "[empires]\n" "nonexclusive=true\n" "adjmouse=true\n" "resolutions=2\n" "\n" "; Age of Empires: The Rise of Rome\n" "[empiresx]\n" "nonexclusive=true\n" "adjmouse=true\n" "resolutions=2\n" "\n" "; Age of Empires II\n" "[EMPIRES2]\n" "nonexclusive=true\n" "adjmouse=true\n" "\n" "; Age of Empires II: The Conquerors\n" "[age2_x1]\n" "nonexclusive=true\n" "adjmouse=true\n" "\n" "; American Conquest / Cossacks\n" "[DMCR]\n" "resolutions=2\n" "guard_lines=300\n" "minfps=-2\n" "\n" "; Age of Wonders 2\n" "[AoW2]\n" "resolutions=2\n" "renderer=opengl\n" "singlecpu=false\n" "\n" "; Age of Wonders 2\n" "[AoW2Compat]\n" "resolutions=2\n" "renderer=opengl\n" "singlecpu=false\n" "\n" "; Age of Wonders 2 Config Tool\n" "[aow2Setup]\n" "resolutions=2\n" "\n" "; Age of Wonders: Shadow Magic\n" "[AoWSM]\n" "resolutions=2\n" "renderer=opengl\n" "singlecpu=false\n" "\n" "; Age of Wonders: Shadow Magic\n" "[AoWSMCompat]\n" "resolutions=2\n" "renderer=opengl\n" "singlecpu=false\n" "\n" "; Age of Wonders: Shadow Magic Config Tool\n" "[AoWSMSetup]\n" "resolutions=2\n" "\n" "; Anstoss 3\n" "[anstoss3]\n" "renderer=gdi\n" "adjmouse=true\n" "\n" "; Anno 1602\n" "[1602]\n" "adjmouse=true\n" "\n" "; Alien Nations\n" "[AN]\n" "adjmouse=true\n" "\n" "; Atlantis\n" "[ATLANTIS]\n" "renderer=opengl\n" "maxgameticks=60\n" "center_cursor_fix=true\n" "\n" "; Airline Tycoon Deluxe\n" "[AT]\n" "fixchilds=0\n" "\n" "; Baldur's Gate II\n" "; Note: 'Use 3D Acceleration' must be disabled and 'Full Screen' must be enabled in BGConfig.exe\n" "[BGMain]\n" "resolutions=2\n" "\n" "; BALDR FORCE EXE\n" "[BaldrForce]\n" "noactivateapp=true\n" "\n" "; Blade & Sword\n" "[comeon]\n" "maxgameticks=60\n" "fixchilds=3\n" "\n" "; Blood II - The Chosen / Shogo - Mobile Armor Division\n" "[Client]\n" "checkfile=.\\SOUND.REZ\n" "noactivateapp=true\n" "\n" "; Carmageddon\n" "[CARMA95]\n" "noactivateapp=true\n" "flipclear=true\n" "\n" "; Carmageddon\n" "[CARM95]\n" "noactivateapp=true\n" "flipclear=true\n" "\n" "; Carmageddon 2\n" "[Carma2_SW]\n" "noactivateapp=true\n" "\n" "; Captain Claw\n" "[claw]\n" "adjmouse=true\n" "noactivateapp=true\n" "nonexclusive=true\n" "\n" "; Command & Conquer: Sole Survivor\n" "[SOLE]\n" "maxgameticks=120\n" "maxfps=60\n" "minfps=-1\n" "\n" "; Command & Conquer Gold - CnCNet\n" "[cnc95]\n" "maxfps=125\n" "\n" "; Command & Conquer Gold\n" "[C&C95]\n" "maxgameticks=120\n" "maxfps=60\n" "minfps=-1\n" "\n" "; Command & Conquer: Red Alert - CnCNet\n" "[ra95-spawn]\n" "maxfps=125\n" "\n" "; Command & Conquer: Red Alert\n" "[ra95]\n" "maxgameticks=120\n" "maxfps=60\n" "minfps=-1\n" "\n" "; Command & Conquer: Red Alert\n" "[ra95_Mod-Launcher]\n" "maxgameticks=120\n" "maxfps=60\n" "minfps=-1\n" "\n" "; Command & Conquer: Red Alert\n" "[ra95p]\n" "maxfps=60\n" "minfps=-1\n" "\n" "; Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun / Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2\n" "[game]\n" "checkfile=.\\blowfish.dll\n" "tshack=true\n" "noactivateapp=true\n" "adjmouse=true\n" "maxfps=60\n" "minfps=-1\n" "maintas=false\n" "boxing=false\n" "\n" "; Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun Demo\n" "[SUN]\n" "noactivateapp=true\n" "tshack=true\n" "adjmouse=true\n" "maxfps=60\n" "minfps=-1\n" "maintas=false\n" "boxing=false\n" "\n" "; Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun - CnCNet\n" "[ts-spawn]\n" "noactivateapp=true\n" "tshack=true\n" "adjmouse=true\n" "maxfps=60\n" "minfps=-1\n" "maintas=false\n" "boxing=false\n" "\n" "; Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2 - XWIS\n" "[ra2]\n" "noactivateapp=true\n" "tshack=true\n" "maxfps=60\n" "minfps=-1\n" "maintas=false\n" "boxing=false\n" "\n" "; Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2 - XWIS\n" "[Red Alert 2]\n" "noactivateapp=true\n" "tshack=true\n" "maxfps=60\n" "minfps=-1\n" "maintas=false\n" "boxing=false\n" "\n" "; Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2: Yuri's Revenge\n" "[gamemd]\n" "noactivateapp=true\n" "tshack=true\n" "maxfps=60\n" "minfps=-1\n" "maintas=false\n" "boxing=false\n" "\n" "; Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2: Yuri's Revenge - ?ModExe?\n" "[ra2md]\n" "noactivateapp=true\n" "tshack=true\n" "maxfps=60\n" "minfps=-1\n" "maintas=false\n" "boxing=false\n" "\n" "; Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2: Yuri's Revenge - CnCNet\n" "[gamemd-spawn]\n" "noactivateapp=true\n" "tshack=true\n" "maxfps=60\n" "minfps=-1\n" "maintas=false\n" "boxing=false\n" "\n" "; Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2: Yuri's Revenge - XWIS\n" "[Yuri's Revenge]\n" "noactivateapp=true\n" "tshack=true\n" "maxfps=60\n" "minfps=-1\n" "maintas=false\n" "boxing=false\n" "\n" "; Commandos\n" "[comandos]\n" "maxgameticks=-1\n" "\n" "; Commandos\n" "[comandos_w10]\n" "maxgameticks=-1\n" "\n" "; Caesar III\n" "[c3]\n" "nonexclusive=true\n" "adjmouse=true\n" "\n" "; Chris Sawyer's Locomotion\n" "[LOCO]\n" "adjmouse=true\n" "\n" "; Cultures 2\n" "[Cultures2]\n" "adjmouse=true\n" "\n" "; Cultures 2 MP\n" "[Cultures2MP]\n" "adjmouse=true\n" "\n" "; Close Combat 2: A Bridge Too Far\n" "[cc2]\n" "adjmouse=true\n" "nonexclusive=true\n" "\n" "; Close Combat 3: The Russian Front\n" "[cc3]\n" "adjmouse=true\n" "nonexclusive=true\n" "\n" "; Close Combat 4: The Battle of the Bulge\n" "[cc4]\n" "adjmouse=true\n" "nonexclusive=true\n" "\n" "; Close Combat 5: Invasion: Normandy\n" "[cc5]\n" "adjmouse=true\n" "nonexclusive=true\n" "\n" "; Call To Power 2\n" "[ctp2]\n" "maintas=false\n" "boxing=false\n" "\n" "; Corsairs Gold\n" "[corsairs]\n" "adjmouse=true\n" "\n" "; Divine Divinity\n" "[div]\n" "resolutions=2\n" "singlecpu=false\n" "\n" "; Dragon Throne: Battle of Red Cliffs\n" "[AdSanguo]\n" "maxgameticks=60\n" "noactivateapp=true\n" "limit_bltfast=true\n" "\n" "; Dark Reign: The Future of War\n" "[DKReign]\n" "maxgameticks=60\n" "\n" "; Dungeon Keeper 2\n" "[DKII]\n" "maxgameticks=60\n" "noactivateapp=true\n" "\n" "; Deadlock 2\n" "[DEADLOCK]\n" "fixchilds=0\n" "adjmouse=false\n" "maintas=false\n" "boxing=false\n" "\n" "; Diablo\n" "[Diablo]\n" "devmode=true\n" "\n" "; Diablo: Hellfire\n" "[hellfire]\n" "devmode=true\n" "\n" "; Escape Velocity Nova\n" "[EV Nova]\n" "nonexclusive=true\n" "hook_peekmessage=true\n" "rgb555=true\n" "keytogglefullscreen=0x46\n" "adjmouse=true\n" "\n" "; Economic War\n" "[EcoW]\n" "maxgameticks=60\n" "fixnotresponding=true\n" "\n" "; Enemy Infestation\n" "[EI]\n" "hook_getmessage=true\n" "\n" "; Fairy Tale About Father Frost, Ivan and Nastya\n" "[mrazik]\n" "guard_lines=0\n" "\n" "; Future Cop - L.A.P.D.\n" "[FCopLAPD]\n" "nonexclusive=true\n" "adjmouse=true\n" "\n" "; G-Police\n" "[GPOLICE]\n" "maxgameticks=60\n" "\n" "; Gangsters: Organized Crime\n" "[gangsters]\n" "adjmouse=true\n" "nonexclusive=true\n" "\n" "; Grand Theft Auto\n" "[Grand Theft Auto]\n" "singlecpu=false\n" "\n" "; Grand Theft Auto: London 1969\n" "[gta_uk]\n" "singlecpu=false\n" "\n" "; Grand Theft Auto: London 1961\n" "[Gta_61]\n" "singlecpu=false\n" "\n" "; Gruntz\n" "[GRUNTZ]\n" "adjmouse=true\n" "noactivateapp=true\n" "nonexclusive=true\n" "\n" "; Heroes of Might and Magic II: The Succession Wars\n" "[HEROES2W]\n" "adjmouse=true\n" "\n" "; Heroes of Might and Magic III\n" "[Heroes3]\n" "game_handles_close=true\n" "\n" "; Heroes of Might and Magic III HD Mod\n" "[Heroes3 HD]\n" "game_handles_close=true\n" "\n" "; Hard Truck: Road to Victory\n" "[htruck]\n" "maxgameticks=25\n" "renderer=opengl\n" "noactivateapp=true\n" "\n" "; Icewind Dale 2\n" "; Note: 'Full Screen' must be enabled in Config.exe\n" "; Note: 1070x602 is the lowest possible 16:9 resolution for the Widescreen patch (600/601 height will crash)\n" "[iwd2]\n" "resolutions=2\n" "custom_width=1070\n" "custom_height=602\n" "\n" "; Invictus\n" "[Invictus]\n" "adjmouse=true\n" "renderer=opengl\n" "\n" "; Interstate 76\n" "[i76]\n" "adjmouse=true\n" "\n" "; Infantry\n" "[infantry]\n" "resolutions=2\n" "infantryhack=true\n" "max_resolutions=90\n" "\n" "; Infantry Steam\n" "[FreeInfantry]\n" "resolutions=2\n" "infantryhack=true\n" "max_resolutions=90\n" "\n" "; Jagged Alliance 2\n" "[ja2]\n" "singlecpu=false\n" "fixmousehook=true\n" "noactivateapp=true\n" "releasealt=true\n" "\n" "; Jagged Alliance 2: Unfinished Business\n" "[JA2UB]\n" "singlecpu=false\n" "fixmousehook=true\n" "noactivateapp=true\n" "releasealt=true\n" "\n" "; Jagged Alliance 2: Wildfire\n" "[WF6]\n" "singlecpu=false\n" "fixmousehook=true\n" "noactivateapp=true\n" "releasealt=true\n" "\n" "; Jagged Alliance 2 - UC mod\n" "[JA2_UC]\n" "singlecpu=false\n" "fixmousehook=true\n" "noactivateapp=true\n" "releasealt=true\n" "\n" "; Jagged Alliance 2 - Vengeance Reloaded mod\n" "[JA2_Vengeance]\n" "singlecpu=false\n" "fixmousehook=true\n" "noactivateapp=true\n" "releasealt=true\n" "\n" "; Jedi Knight Dark Forces 2\n" "[JK]\n" "direct3d_passthrough=true\n" "\n" "; Kings Quest 8\n" "[Mask]\n" "renderer=opengl\n" "\n" "; Konung\n" "[konung]\n" "fixchilds=0\n" "\n" "; Konung 2\n" "[Konung2]\n" "fixchilds=0\n" "\n" "; KKND Xtreme (With high resolution patch)\n" "[KKNDgame]\n" "vhack=true\n" "\n" "; KKND2: Krossfire\n" "[KKND2]\n" "noactivateapp=true\n" "\n" "; Lionheart\n" "[Lionheart]\n" "hook_peekmessage=true\n" "\n" "; Majesty Gold\n" "[Majesty]\n" "minfps=-2\n" "\n" "; Majesty Gold HD\n" "[MajestyHD]\n" "adjmouse=true\n" "\n" "; Majesty Gold HD\n" "[MajestyHD - Old]\n" "adjmouse=true\n" "\n" "; Mech Warrior 3\n" "[Mech3]\n" "nonexclusive=true\n" "\n" "; Moorhuhn 2\n" "[Moorhuhn2]\n" "releasealt=true\n" "\n" "; New Robinson\n" "[ROBY]\n" "adjmouse=true\n" "hook_peekmessage=true\n" "\n" "; Nox\n" "[NOX]\n" "checkfile=.\\NOX.ICD\n" "renderer=direct3d9\n" "nonexclusive=false\n" "windowed=false\n" "maxgameticks=125\n" "\n" "; Nox Reloaded\n" "[NoxReloaded]\n" "maxgameticks=125\n" "\n" "; Nox GOG\n" "[Game/2]\n" "checkfile=.\\nox.cfg\n" "maxgameticks=125\n" "\n" "; Outlaws\n" "[olwin]\n" "noactivateapp=true\n" "maxgameticks=60\n" "adjmouse=true\n" "renderer=gdi\n" "\n" "; Pharaoh\n" "[Pharaoh]\n" "adjmouse=true\n" "\n" "; Pax Imperia\n" "[Pax Imperia]\n" "nonexclusive=true\n" "\n" "; Railroad Tycoon II\n" "[RT2]\n" "adjmouse=true\n" "\n" "; ROAD RASH\n" "[RoadRash]\n" "adjmouse=true\n" "nonexclusive=true\n" "\n" "; Sim Copter\n" "[SimCopter]\n" "nonexclusive=true\n" "\n" "; Settlers 3\n" "[s3]\n" "nonexclusive=true\n" "\n" "; Star Trek - Armada\n" "[Armada]\n" "armadahack=true\n" "nonexclusive=true\n" "adjmouse=true\n" "maintas=false\n" "boxing=false\n" "\n" "; Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds\n" "[battlegrounds]\n" "nonexclusive=true\n" "adjmouse=true\n" "\n" "; Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds: Clone Campaigns\n" "[battlegrounds_x1]\n" "nonexclusive=true\n" "adjmouse=true\n" "\n" "; Starcraft\n" "[StarCraft]\n" "game_handles_close=true\n" "\n" "; Space Rangers\n" "[Rangers]\n" "hook_peekmessage=true\n" "\n" "; Stronghold Crusader HD\n" "[Stronghold Crusader]\n" "resolutions=2\n" "stronghold_hack=true\n" "adjmouse=true\n" "\n" "; Stronghold Crusader Extreme HD\n" "[Stronghold_Crusader_Extreme]\n" "resolutions=2\n" "stronghold_hack=true\n" "adjmouse=true\n" "\n" "; Stronghold HD\n" "[Stronghold]\n" "resolutions=2\n" "stronghold_hack=true\n" "adjmouse=true\n" "\n" "; Sim City 3000\n" "[SC3]\n" "minfps=-2\n" "\n" "; Shadow Watch\n" "[sw]\n" "adjmouse=true\n" "\n" "; Shadow Flare\n" "[ShadowFlare]\n" "nonexclusive=true\n" "adjmouse=true\n" "maintas=false\n" "boxing=false\n" "\n" "; Total Annihilation (Unofficial Beta Patch v3.9.02)\n" "[TotalA]\n" "max_resolutions=32\n" "lock_surfaces=true\n" "singlecpu=false\n" "\n" "; Total Annihilation Replay Viewer (Unofficial Beta Patch v3.9.02)\n" "[Viewer]\n" "max_resolutions=32\n" "lock_surfaces=true\n" "singlecpu=false\n" "\n" "; Total Annihilation: Kingdoms\n" "[Kingdoms]\n" "game_handles_close=true\n" "max_resolutions=32\n" "\n" "; Three Kingdoms: Fate of the Dragon\n" "[sanguo]\n" "maxgameticks=60\n" "noactivateapp=true\n" "limit_bltfast=true\n" "\n" "; RollerCoaster Tycoon\n" "[rct]\n" "no_dinput_hook=true\n" "singlecpu=false\n" "maxfps=0\n" "adjmouse=true\n" "\n" "; Twisted Metal\n" "[TWISTED]\n" "nonexclusive=true\n" "maxgameticks=25\n" "minfps=5\n" "\n" "; Twisted Metal 2\n" "[Tm2]\n" "nonexclusive=true\n" "maxgameticks=60\n" "adjmouse=true\n" "fixchilds=1\n" "maintas=false\n" "boxing=false\n" "\n" "; Tzar: The Burden of the Crown\n" "; Note: Must set 'DIRECTXDEVICE=0' in 'Tzar.ini'\n" "[Tzar]\n" "adjmouse=true\n" "\n" "; Uprising\n" "[uprising]\n" "adjmouse=true\n" "\n" "; Uprising 2\n" "[Uprising 2]\n" "renderer=opengl\n" "adjmouse=true\n" "\n" "; Vermeer\n" "[vermeer]\n" "adjmouse=true\n" "vermeer_hack=true\n" "\n" "; Wizardry 8\n" "[Wiz8]\n" "fixmousehook=true\n" "noactivateapp=true\n" "releasealt=true\n" "\n" "; Worms 2\n" "[worms2]\n" "flipclear=true\n" "game_handles_close=true\n" "center_cursor_fix=true\n" "\n" "; Worms Armageddon\n" "[WA]\n" "adjmouse=true\n" "width=0\n" "height=0\n" "resizable=false\n" "\n" "; War Wind\n" "[WW]\n" "minfps=-1\n" "\n" "; Zeus and Poseidon\n" "[Zeus]\n" "adjmouse=true\n" "\n" , fh); fclose(fh); } } static void cfg_init() { /* get process filename and directory */ if (GetModuleFileNameA(NULL, g_config.game_path, sizeof(g_config.game_path) - 1) > 0) { _splitpath(g_config.game_path, NULL, NULL, g_config.process_file_name, g_config.process_file_ext); int len = strlen(g_config.game_path) - strlen(g_config.process_file_name) - strlen(g_config.process_file_ext); char* end = strstr(g_config.game_path + len, g_config.process_file_name); if (end) { *end = 0; } else { g_config.game_path[0] = 0; } } /* get dll filename and directory */ if (GetModuleFileNameA(g_ddraw_module, g_config.dll_path, sizeof(g_config.dll_path) - 1) > 0) { _splitpath(g_config.dll_path, NULL, NULL, g_config.dll_file_name, g_config.dll_file_ext); int len = strlen(g_config.dll_path) - strlen(g_config.dll_file_name) - strlen(g_config.dll_file_ext); char* end = strstr(g_config.dll_path + len, g_config.dll_file_name); if (end) { *end = 0; } else { g_config.dll_path[0] = 0; } } if (!GetEnvironmentVariableA("CNC_DDRAW_CONFIG_FILE", g_config.ini_path, sizeof(g_config.ini_path) - 1)) { if (strlen(g_config.dll_path) > 0 && strlen(g_config.dll_file_name) > 0) { _snprintf(g_config.ini_path, sizeof(g_config.ini_path) - 1, "%sddraw.ini", g_config.dll_path); /* Use this here instead to sync .ini filename with .dll filename - by egornovivan @ github */ //_snprintf(g_config.ini_path, sizeof(g_config.ini_path) - 1, "%s%s.ini", g_config.dll_path, g_config.dll_file_name); if (GetFileAttributes(g_config.ini_path) == INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) { cfg_create_ini(); } if (GetFileAttributes(g_config.ini_path) == INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) { /* This might not actually be needed, but we keep it for now */ strncpy(g_config.ini_path, ".\\ddraw.ini", sizeof(g_config.ini_path) - 1); } } else { strncpy(g_config.ini_path, ".\\ddraw.ini", sizeof(g_config.ini_path) - 1); } } if (GetFileAttributes(g_config.ini_path) == INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) { cfg_create_ini(); } ini_create(&g_config.ini, g_config.ini_path); } static DWORD cfg_get_string(LPCSTR key, LPCSTR default_value, LPSTR out_string, DWORD out_size) { char buf[MAX_PATH] = { 0 }; if (IsWine()) { char section[MAX_PATH] = { 0 }; _snprintf(section, sizeof(section) - 1, "%s/wine", g_config.process_file_name); if (ini_section_exists(&g_config.ini, section)) { DWORD x = ini_get_string(&g_config.ini, section, key, "", out_string, out_size); if (x > 0) return x; return ini_get_string(&g_config.ini, "ddraw", key, default_value, out_string, out_size); } } DWORD s = ini_get_string(&g_config.ini, g_config.process_file_name, key, "", out_string, out_size); if (s > 0) { if (ini_get_string(&g_config.ini, g_config.process_file_name, "checkfile", "", buf, sizeof(buf)) > 0) { if (FILE_EXISTS(buf)) return s; } else return s; } for (int i = 2; i < 10; i++) { char section[MAX_PATH] = { 0 }; _snprintf(section, sizeof(section) - 1, "%s/%d", g_config.process_file_name, i); DWORD s = ini_get_string(&g_config.ini, section, key, "", out_string, out_size); if (s > 0) { if (ini_get_string(&g_config.ini, section, "checkfile", "", buf, sizeof(buf)) > 0) { if (FILE_EXISTS(buf)) return s; } } } return ini_get_string(&g_config.ini, "ddraw", key, default_value, out_string, out_size); } static BOOL cfg_get_bool(LPCSTR key, BOOL default_value) { char value[8]; cfg_get_string(key, default_value ? "Yes" : "No", value, sizeof(value)); return (_stricmp(value, "yes") == 0 || _stricmp(value, "true") == 0 || _stricmp(value, "1") == 0); } static int cfg_get_int(LPCSTR key, int default_value) { char def_value[24]; _snprintf(def_value, sizeof(def_value) - 1, "%d", default_value); char value[20]; cfg_get_string(key, def_value, value, sizeof(value)); if (strstr(value, "0x")) { return (int)strtol(value, NULL, 0); } else { return atoi(value); } }