#define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #include #include #include #include "main.h" #include "opengl.h" #include "render_d3d9.h" #include "hook.h" static char SettingsIniPath[MAX_PATH]; static char ProcessFileName[96]; static BOOL GetBool(LPCSTR key, BOOL defaultValue); static int GetInt(LPCSTR key, int defaultValue); static DWORD GetString(LPCSTR key, LPCSTR defaultValue, LPSTR outString, DWORD outSize); static void CreateSettingsIni(); void Settings_Load() { //set up settings ini char cwd[MAX_PATH]; char tmp[256]; GetCurrentDirectoryA(sizeof(cwd), cwd); _snprintf(SettingsIniPath, sizeof(SettingsIniPath), "%s\\ddraw.ini", cwd); if (GetFileAttributes(SettingsIniPath) == INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) CreateSettingsIni(); //get process filename char ProcessFilePath[MAX_PATH] = { 0 }; GetModuleFileNameA(NULL, ProcessFilePath, MAX_PATH); _splitpath(ProcessFilePath, NULL, NULL, ProcessFileName, NULL); //load settings from ini ddraw->windowed = GetBool("windowed", FALSE); ddraw->border = GetBool("border", TRUE); ddraw->boxing = GetBool("boxing", FALSE); ddraw->maintas = GetBool("maintas", FALSE); ddraw->adjmouse = GetBool("adjmouse", FALSE); ddraw->devmode = GetBool("devmode", FALSE); ddraw->vsync = GetBool("vsync", FALSE); ddraw->noactivateapp = GetBool("noactivateapp", FALSE); ddraw->vhack = GetBool("vhack", FALSE); ddraw->accurateTimers = GetBool("accuratetimers", FALSE); ddraw->resizable = GetBool("resizable", TRUE); ddraw->tm2hack = GetBool("tm2hack", FALSE); // Twisted Metal 2 hack ddraw->sierrahack = GetBool("sierrahack", FALSE); // Sierra Caesar III, Pharaoh, and Zeus hack WindowRect.right = GetInt("width", 0); WindowRect.bottom = GetInt("height", 0); WindowRect.left = GetInt("posX", -32000); WindowRect.top = GetInt("posY", -32000); #ifdef _MSC_VER HookingMethod = GetInt("hook", 4); #endif ddraw->render.maxfps = GetInt("maxfps", 60); if (ddraw->render.maxfps) ddraw->render.forcefps = GetBool("forcefps", FALSE); if (ddraw->accurateTimers || ddraw->vsync) ddraw->fpsLimiter.hTimer = CreateWaitableTimer(NULL, TRUE, NULL); //can't fully set it up here due to missing ddraw->mode.dmDisplayFrequency int maxTicks = GetInt("maxgameticks", 0); if (maxTicks > 0 && maxTicks <= 1000) { if (ddraw->accurateTimers) ddraw->ticksLimiter.hTimer = CreateWaitableTimer(NULL, TRUE, NULL); float len = 1000.0f / maxTicks; ddraw->ticksLimiter.tickLengthNs = len * 10000; ddraw->ticksLimiter.ticklength = len + 0.5f; } //always using 60 fps for flip... if (ddraw->accurateTimers) ddraw->flipLimiter.hTimer = CreateWaitableTimer(NULL, TRUE, NULL); float flipLen = 1000.0f / 60; ddraw->flipLimiter.tickLengthNs = flipLen * 10000; ddraw->flipLimiter.ticklength = flipLen + 0.5f; if ((ddraw->fullscreen = GetBool("fullscreen", FALSE))) WindowRect.left = WindowRect.top = -32000; if (!(ddraw->handlemouse = GetBool("handlemouse", TRUE))) ddraw->adjmouse = TRUE; if (GetBool("singlecpu", TRUE)) { SetProcessAffinityMask(GetCurrentProcess(), 1); } else { DWORD systemAffinity; DWORD procAffinity; HANDLE proc = GetCurrentProcess(); if (GetProcessAffinityMask(proc, &procAffinity, &systemAffinity)) SetProcessAffinityMask(proc, systemAffinity); } ddraw->render.bpp = GetInt("bpp", 32); if (ddraw->render.bpp != 16 && ddraw->render.bpp != 24 && ddraw->render.bpp != 32) ddraw->render.bpp = 0; // to do: read .glslp config file instead of the shader and apply the correct settings GetString("shader", "", ddraw->shader, sizeof(ddraw->shader)); GetString("renderer", "auto", tmp, sizeof(tmp)); printf("Using %s renderer\n", tmp); if (tolower(tmp[0]) == 's' || tolower(tmp[0]) == 'g') //gdi { ddraw->renderer = render_soft_main; } else if (tolower(tmp[0]) == 'd') //direct3d9 { ddraw->renderer = render_d3d9_main; } else if (tolower(tmp[0]) == 'o') //opengl { if (OpenGL_LoadDll()) { ddraw->renderer = render_main; } else { ShowDriverWarning = TRUE; ddraw->renderer = render_soft_main; } } else //auto { LPDIRECT3D9 d3d = NULL; // Windows = Direct3D 9, Wine = OpenGL if (!ddraw->wine && (Direct3D9_hModule = LoadLibrary("d3d9.dll"))) { IDirect3D9 *(WINAPI *D3DCreate9)(UINT) = (IDirect3D9 *(WINAPI *)(UINT))GetProcAddress(Direct3D9_hModule, "Direct3DCreate9"); if (D3DCreate9 && (d3d = D3DCreate9(D3D_SDK_VERSION))) IDirect3D9_Release(d3d); } if (d3d) { ddraw->renderer = render_d3d9_main; } else if (OpenGL_LoadDll()) { ddraw->renderer = render_main; } else { ShowDriverWarning = TRUE; ddraw->renderer = render_soft_main; } } } void Settings_Save(RECT *lpRect, int windowState) { char buf[16]; if (lpRect->right) { sprintf(buf, "%ld", lpRect->right); WritePrivateProfileString(ProcessFileName, "width", buf, SettingsIniPath); } if (lpRect->bottom) { sprintf(buf, "%ld", lpRect->bottom); WritePrivateProfileString(ProcessFileName, "height", buf, SettingsIniPath); } if (lpRect->left != -32000) { sprintf(buf, "%ld", lpRect->left); WritePrivateProfileString(ProcessFileName, "posX", buf, SettingsIniPath); } if (lpRect->top != -32000) { sprintf(buf, "%ld", lpRect->top); WritePrivateProfileString(ProcessFileName, "posY", buf, SettingsIniPath); } if (windowState != -1) { WritePrivateProfileString(ProcessFileName, "windowed", windowState ? "true" : "false", SettingsIniPath); } } static void CreateSettingsIni() { FILE *fh = fopen(SettingsIniPath, "w"); if (fh) { fputs( "; cnc-ddraw - https://github.com/CnCNet/cnc-ddraw - https://cncnet.org\n" "\n" "[ddraw]\n" "; ### Optional settings ###\n" "; Use the following settings to adjust the look and feel to your liking\n" "\n" "\n" "; Stretch to custom resolution, 0 = defaults to the size game requests\n" "width=0\n" "height=0\n" "\n" "; Override the width/height settings shown above and always stretch to fullscreen\n" "; Note: Can be combined with 'windowed=true' to get windowed-fullscreen aka borderless mode\n" "fullscreen=false\n" "\n" "; Run in windowed mode rather than going fullscreen\n" "windowed=false\n" "\n" "; Maintain aspect ratio - (Requires 'handlemouse=true')\n" "maintas=false\n" "\n" "; Windowboxing / Integer Scaling - (Requires 'handlemouse=true')\n" "boxing=false\n" "\n" "; Real rendering rate, -1 = screen rate, 0 = unlimited, n = cap\n" "; Note: Does not have an impact on the game speed, to limit your game speed use 'maxgameticks='\n" "maxfps=60\n" "\n" "; Vertical synchronization, enable if you get tearing - (Requires 'renderer=auto/opengl/direct3d9')\n" "vsync=false\n" "\n" "; Automatic mouse sensitivity scaling - (Requires 'handlemouse=true')\n" "; Note: Only works if stretching is enabled. Sensitivity will be adjusted according to the size of the window\n" "adjmouse=false\n" "\n" "; Preliminary libretro shader support - (Requires 'renderer=opengl') https://github.com/libretro/glsl-shaders\n" "shader=Shaders\\bilinear.glsl\n" "\n" "; Window position, -32000 = center to screen\n" "posX=-32000\n" "posY=-32000\n" "\n" "; Renderer, possible values: auto, opengl, gdi, direct3d9 (auto = try direct3d9/opengl, fallback = gdi)\n" "renderer=auto\n" "\n" "; Developer mode (don't lock the cursor)\n" "devmode=false\n" "\n" "; Show window borders in windowed mode\n" "border=true\n" "\n" "; Enable C&C video resize hack - Stretches C&C cutscenes to fullscreen\n" "vhack=false\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "; ### Compatibility settings ###\n" "; Use the following settings in case there are any issues with the game\n" "\n" "\n" "; Hide WM_ACTIVATEAPP messages to prevent problems on alt+tab\n" "noactivateapp=false\n" "\n" "; Max game ticks per second, possible values: 0-1000\n" "; Note: Can be used to slow down a too fast running game, fix flickering or too fast animations\n" "maxgameticks=0\n" "\n" "; Gives cnc-ddraw full control over the mouse cursor (required for adjmouse/boxing/maintas)\n" "; Note: This option only works for games that draw their own cursor and it must be disabled for all other games\n" "handlemouse=true\n" "\n" "; Windows API Hooking, Possible values: 0 = disabled, 1 = IAT Hooking, 2 = Microsoft Detours, 3 = IAT+Detours Hooking (All Modules), 4 = IAT Hooking (All Modules)\n" "; Note: Can be used to fix issues related to new features added by cnc-ddraw such as windowed mode or stretching\n" "hook=4\n" "\n" "; Force consistent FPS (Requires 'maxfps=' to be set to a value other than 0)\n" "; Note: Fixes flickering cursor issues in C&C games\n" "forcefps=false\n" "\n" "; Force CPU0 affinity, avoids crashes/freezing, *might* have a performance impact\n" "singlecpu=true\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "; ### Game specific settings ###\n" "; The following settings override all settings shown above, section name = executable name\n" "\n" "\n" "; Command & Conquer: Red Alert - CnCNet\n" "[ra95-spawn]\n" "maxfps=125\n" "\n" "; Command & Conquer Gold - CnCNet\n" "[cnc95]\n" "maxfps=125\n" "\n" "; Carmageddon\n" "[CARMA95]\n" "renderer=opengl\n" "noactivateapp=true\n" "maxgameticks=60\n" "\n" "; Carmageddon\n" "[CARM95]\n" "renderer=opengl\n" "noactivateapp=true\n" "maxgameticks=60\n" "\n" "; Command & Conquer Gold\n" "[C&C95]\n" "maxgameticks=120\n" "maxfps=60\n" "forcefps=true\n" "\n" "; Command & Conquer: Red Alert\n" "[ra95]\n" "maxgameticks=120\n" "maxfps=60\n" "forcefps=true\n" "\n" "; Command & Conquer: Red Alert\n" "[ra95p]\n" "maxfps=60\n" "forcefps=true\n" "\n" "; Age of Empires\n" "[empires]\n" "handlemouse=false\n" "\n" "; Age of Empires: The Rise of Rome\n" "[empiresx]\n" "handlemouse=false\n" "\n" "; Age of Empires II\n" "[EMPIRES2]\n" "handlemouse=false\n" "\n" "; Age of Empires II: The Conquerors\n" "[age2_x1]\n" "handlemouse=false\n" "\n" "; Outlaws\n" "[olwin]\n" "noactivateapp=true\n" "maxgameticks=60\n" "handlemouse=false\n" "renderer=gdi\n" "\n" "; Dark Reign: The Future of War\n" "[DKReign]\n" "maxgameticks=60\n" "\n" "; Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds\n" "[battlegrounds]\n" "handlemouse=false\n" "\n" "; Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds: Clone Campaigns\n" "[battlegrounds_x1]\n" "handlemouse=false\n" "\n" "; Carmageddon 2\n" "[Carma2_SW]\n" "renderer=opengl\n" "noactivateapp=true\n" "maxgameticks=60\n" "\n" "; Atomic Bomberman\n" "[BM]\n" "maxgameticks=60\n" "\n" "; Dune 2000\n" "[dune2000]\n" "maxfps=59\n" "accuratetimers=true\n" "\n" "; Dune 2000 - CnCNet\n" "[dune2000-spawn]\n" "maxfps=59\n" "accuratetimers=true\n" "\n" "; Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun / Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2\n" "[game]\n" "checkfile=.\\blowfish.dll\n" "noactivateapp=true\n" "handlemouse=false\n" "maxfps=60\n" "forcefps=true\n" "\n" "; Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun Demo\n" "[SUN]\n" "noactivateapp=true\n" "handlemouse=false\n" "maxfps=60\n" "forcefps=true\n" "\n" "; Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun - CnCNet\n" "[ts-spawn]\n" "noactivateapp=true\n" "handlemouse=false\n" "maxfps=60\n" "forcefps=true\n" "\n" "; Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2 - XWIS\n" "[ra2]\n" "noactivateapp=true\n" "handlemouse=false\n" "maxfps=60\n" "forcefps=true\n" "\n" "; Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2 - XWIS\n" "[Red Alert 2]\n" "noactivateapp=true\n" "handlemouse=false\n" "maxfps=60\n" "forcefps=true\n" "\n" "; Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2: Yuri's Revenge\n" "[gamemd]\n" "noactivateapp=true\n" "handlemouse=false\n" "maxfps=60\n" "forcefps=true\n" "\n" "; Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2: Yuri's Revenge - ?ModExe?\n" "[ra2md]\n" "noactivateapp=true\n" "handlemouse=false\n" "maxfps=60\n" "forcefps=true\n" "\n" "; Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2: Yuri's Revenge - CnCNet\n" "[gamemd-spawn]\n" "noactivateapp=true\n" "handlemouse=false\n" "maxfps=60\n" "forcefps=true\n" "\n" "; Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2: Yuri's Revenge - XWIS\n" "[Yuri's Revenge]\n" "noactivateapp=true\n" "handlemouse=false\n" "maxfps=60\n" "forcefps=true\n" "\n" "; Twisted Metal 2\n" "[Tm2]\n" "renderer=gdi\n" "maxgameticks=60\n" "handlemouse=false\n" "tm2hack=true\n" "\n" "; Caesar III\n" "[c3]\n" "handlemouse=false\n" "sierrahack=true\n" "\n" "; Pharaoh\n" "[Pharaoh]\n" "handlemouse=false\n" "sierrahack=true\n" "\n" "; Master of Olympus - Zeus\n" "[Zeus]\n" "handlemouse=false\n" "sierrahack=true\n" "renderer=gdi\n" "hook=2\n" "\n" , fh); fclose(fh); } } static DWORD GetString(LPCSTR key, LPCSTR defaultValue, LPSTR outString, DWORD outSize) { DWORD s = GetPrivateProfileStringA(ProcessFileName, key, "", outString, outSize, SettingsIniPath); if (s > 0) { char buf[MAX_PATH] = { 0 }; if (GetPrivateProfileStringA(ProcessFileName, "checkfile", "", buf, sizeof(buf), SettingsIniPath) > 0) { if (GetFileAttributes(buf) != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) return s; } else return s; } return GetPrivateProfileStringA("ddraw", key, defaultValue, outString, outSize, SettingsIniPath); } static BOOL GetBool(LPCSTR key, BOOL defaultValue) { char value[8]; GetString(key, defaultValue ? "Yes" : "No", value, sizeof(value)); return (_stricmp(value, "yes") == 0 || _stricmp(value, "true") == 0 || _stricmp(value, "1") == 0); } static int GetInt(LPCSTR key, int defaultValue) { char defvalue[16]; _snprintf(defvalue, sizeof(defvalue), "%d", defaultValue); char value[16]; GetString(key, defvalue, value, sizeof(value)); return atoi(value); }