mirror of
synced 2025-03-25 10:07:47 +01:00
add hints to settings that require upscaling
This commit is contained in:
@ -117,6 +117,8 @@ void __fastcall TConfigForm::RestoreDefaultsBtnClick(TObject *Sender)
void TConfigForm::ApplyTranslation(TIniFile *ini)
Application->HintHidePause = 100 * 1000;
auto lang = LowerCase(ini->ReadString("ddraw", "configlang", "auto"));
int priID = SysLocale.PriLangID;
@ -178,6 +180,18 @@ void TConfigForm::ApplyTranslation(TIniFile *ini)
MaxgameticksCbx->AddItem(L"30tick每秒", NULL);
MaxgameticksCbx->AddItem(L"25tick每秒", NULL);
MaxgameticksCbx->AddItem(L"15tick每秒", NULL);
auto upscaleHint =
MaintasLbl->Hint = upscaleHint;
MaintasChk->Hint = upscaleHint;
AdjmouseLbl->Hint = upscaleHint;
AdjmouseChk->Hint = upscaleHint;
BoxingLbl->Hint = upscaleHint;
BoxingChk->Hint = upscaleHint;
else if (lang == "spanish" || (lang == "auto" && priID == LANG_SPANISH)) {
LanguageImg->Visible = true;
@ -237,6 +251,19 @@ void TConfigForm::ApplyTranslation(TIniFile *ini)
MaxgameticksCbx->AddItem(L"30 tics por segundo", NULL);
MaxgameticksCbx->AddItem(L"25 tics por segundo", NULL);
MaxgameticksCbx->AddItem(L"15 tics por segundo", NULL);
auto upscaleHint =
L"La ampliación debe estar habilitada para que esta configuración funcione. \n\n"
"Para habilitar la mejora, configura tu presentación en 'Sin bordes', \n"
"'Pantalla completa ampliada' o inicia el juego en modo 'Ventana' \n"
"y cambia el tamaño de la ventana.";
MaintasLbl->Hint = upscaleHint;
MaintasChk->Hint = upscaleHint;
AdjmouseLbl->Hint = upscaleHint;
AdjmouseChk->Hint = upscaleHint;
BoxingLbl->Hint = upscaleHint;
BoxingChk->Hint = upscaleHint;
else if (lang == "german" || (lang == "auto" && priID == LANG_GERMAN)) {
LanguageImg->Visible = true;
@ -296,6 +323,19 @@ void TConfigForm::ApplyTranslation(TIniFile *ini)
MaxgameticksCbx->AddItem(L"30 Ticks pro Sekunde", NULL);
MaxgameticksCbx->AddItem(L"25 Ticks pro Sekunde", NULL);
MaxgameticksCbx->AddItem(L"15 Ticks pro Sekunde", NULL);
auto upscaleHint =
L"Damit diese Einstellung funktioniert, muss die Hochskalierung aktiviert sein. \n\n"
"Um die Hochskalierung zu aktivieren, stellen Sie Ihre Präsentation \n"
"entweder auf 'Ränderfreies Fenster', 'Hochskaliertes Vollbild' ein \n"
"oder starten Sie das Spiel im 'Fenstermodus' und ändern Sie die Fenstergröße.";
MaintasLbl->Hint = upscaleHint;
MaintasChk->Hint = upscaleHint;
AdjmouseLbl->Hint = upscaleHint;
AdjmouseChk->Hint = upscaleHint;
BoxingLbl->Hint = upscaleHint;
BoxingChk->Hint = upscaleHint;
else if (lang == "russian" || (lang == "auto" && priID == LANG_RUSSIAN)) {
LanguageImg->Visible = true;
@ -356,6 +396,19 @@ void TConfigForm::ApplyTranslation(TIniFile *ini)
MaxgameticksCbx->AddItem(L"30 тиков в секунду", NULL);
MaxgameticksCbx->AddItem(L"25 тиков в секунду", NULL);
MaxgameticksCbx->AddItem(L"15 тиков в секунду", NULL);
auto upscaleHint =
L"Чтобы этот параметр работал, необходимо включить масштабирование. \n\n"
"Чтобы включить масштабирование, установите для презентации режим \n"
"'Без границ', 'Полноэкранный масштабированный' или запустите игру \n"
"в 'Оконный' режиме и измените размер окна.";
MaintasLbl->Hint = upscaleHint;
MaintasChk->Hint = upscaleHint;
AdjmouseLbl->Hint = upscaleHint;
AdjmouseChk->Hint = upscaleHint;
BoxingLbl->Hint = upscaleHint;
BoxingChk->Hint = upscaleHint;
else if (lang == "hungarian" || (lang == "auto" && priID == LANG_HUNGARIAN)) {
LanguageImg->Visible = true;
@ -415,6 +468,19 @@ void TConfigForm::ApplyTranslation(TIniFile *ini)
MaxgameticksCbx->AddItem(L"30 tick másodpercenként", NULL);
MaxgameticksCbx->AddItem(L"25 tick másodpercenként", NULL);
MaxgameticksCbx->AddItem(L"15 tick másodpercenként", NULL);
auto upscaleHint =
L"A beállítás működéséhez engedélyezni kell a felskálázást. \n\n"
"A felskálázás engedélyezéséhez állítsa be a prezentációt 'Keret nélkül', \n"
"'Teljes képernyő felskálázva' értékre, vagy indítsa el a játékot 'Ablakban' \n"
"módban, és méretezze át az ablakot.";
MaintasLbl->Hint = upscaleHint;
MaintasChk->Hint = upscaleHint;
AdjmouseLbl->Hint = upscaleHint;
AdjmouseChk->Hint = upscaleHint;
BoxingLbl->Hint = upscaleHint;
BoxingChk->Hint = upscaleHint;
else if (lang == "french" || (lang == "auto" && priID == LANG_FRENCH)) {
LanguageImg->Visible = true;
@ -474,6 +540,19 @@ void TConfigForm::ApplyTranslation(TIniFile *ini)
MaxgameticksCbx->AddItem(L"30 tics par seconde", NULL);
MaxgameticksCbx->AddItem(L"25 tics par seconde", NULL);
MaxgameticksCbx->AddItem(L"15 tics par seconde", NULL);
auto upscaleHint =
L"La mise à l'échelle doit être activée pour que ce paramètre fonctionne. \n\n"
"Pour activer la mise à l'échelle, définissez votre présentation sur 'Sans Bordure', \n"
"'Plein Écran Mis à l'Échelle' ou démarrez le jeu en mode 'Fenêtré' \n"
"et redimensionnez la fenêtre.";
MaintasLbl->Hint = upscaleHint;
MaintasChk->Hint = upscaleHint;
AdjmouseLbl->Hint = upscaleHint;
AdjmouseChk->Hint = upscaleHint;
BoxingLbl->Hint = upscaleHint;
BoxingChk->Hint = upscaleHint;
else if (lang == "italian" || (lang == "auto" && priID == LANG_ITALIAN)) {
LanguageImg->Visible = true;
@ -533,6 +612,19 @@ void TConfigForm::ApplyTranslation(TIniFile *ini)
MaxgameticksCbx->AddItem(L"30 tick al secondo", NULL);
MaxgameticksCbx->AddItem(L"25 tick al secondo", NULL);
MaxgameticksCbx->AddItem(L"15 tick al secondo", NULL);
auto upscaleHint =
L"Affinché questa impostazione funzioni, è necessario abilitare l'upscaling. \n\n"
"Per abilitare l'upscaling, imposta la presentazione su 'Senza Bordi', \n"
"'Schermo Intero Ridimensionato' oppure avvia il gioco in modalità \n"
"'In Finestra' e ridimensiona la finestra.";
MaintasLbl->Hint = upscaleHint;
MaintasChk->Hint = upscaleHint;
AdjmouseLbl->Hint = upscaleHint;
AdjmouseChk->Hint = upscaleHint;
BoxingLbl->Hint = upscaleHint;
BoxingChk->Hint = upscaleHint;
else {
IsEnglish = true;
@ -638,6 +730,19 @@ void TConfigForm::ApplyTranslation(TIniFile *ini)
MaxgameticksCbx->AddItem(L"25 ticks per second", NULL);
MaxgameticksCbx->AddItem(L"15 ticks per second", NULL);
auto upscaleHint =
L"Upscaling must be enabled for this setting to work. \n\n"
"To enable upscaling, set your presentation to either 'Borderless', \n"
"'Fullscreen Upscaled' or start the game in 'Windowed' mode and \n"
"resize the window.";
MaintasLbl->Hint = upscaleHint;
MaintasChk->Hint = upscaleHint;
AdjmouseLbl->Hint = upscaleHint;
AdjmouseChk->Hint = upscaleHint;
BoxingLbl->Hint = upscaleHint;
BoxingChk->Hint = upscaleHint;
ToggleWindowedKeyLbl->Caption = GetKeyText(VK_MENU) + L" +";
@ -2727,6 +2727,8 @@ object ConfigForm: TConfigForm
Font.Name = 'Segoe UI'
Font.Style = []
ParentFont = False
ParentShowHint = False
ShowHint = True
object VsyncLbl: TLabel
Left = 40
@ -2755,6 +2757,8 @@ object ConfigForm: TConfigForm
Font.Name = 'Segoe UI'
Font.Style = []
ParentFont = False
ParentShowHint = False
ShowHint = True
object DevmodeLbl: TLabel
Left = 40
@ -2834,6 +2838,8 @@ object ConfigForm: TConfigForm
Top = 132
Width = 50
Height = 20
ParentShowHint = False
ShowHint = True
ShowStateCaption = False
TabOrder = 0
OnClick = MaintasChkClick
@ -2852,6 +2858,8 @@ object ConfigForm: TConfigForm
Top = 268
Width = 50
Height = 20
ParentShowHint = False
ShowHint = True
ShowStateCaption = False
TabOrder = 3
OnClick = AdjmouseChkClick
@ -3159,6 +3167,8 @@ object ConfigForm: TConfigForm
Font.Name = 'Segoe UI'
Font.Style = []
ParentFont = False
ParentShowHint = False
ShowHint = True
object RendererPbox: TPaintBox
Left = 40
@ -3273,6 +3283,8 @@ object ConfigForm: TConfigForm
Top = 277
Width = 50
Height = 20
ParentShowHint = False
ShowHint = True
ShowStateCaption = False
TabOrder = 5
OnClick = BoxingChkClick
Reference in New Issue
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