From 479bd90a838165491734019144ce5d5a3499399e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: FunkyFr3sh Date: Fri, 23 Jul 2021 14:29:10 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] #102 add German translation made by helgo1506 --- config/ConfigFormUnit.cpp | 52 ++- config/ConfigFormUnit.dfm | 690 +++++++++++++++++++------------------- 2 files changed, 395 insertions(+), 347 deletions(-) diff --git a/config/ConfigFormUnit.cpp b/config/ConfigFormUnit.cpp index 751db8c..7575a08 100644 --- a/config/ConfigFormUnit.cpp +++ b/config/ConfigFormUnit.cpp @@ -119,7 +119,55 @@ __fastcall TConfigForm::TConfigForm(TComponent* Owner) MaxgameticksCbx->AddItem(L"30 tics por segundo", NULL); MaxgameticksCbx->AddItem(L"25 tics por segundo", NULL); MaxgameticksCbx->AddItem(L"15 tics por segundo", NULL); - } + } + else if (SysLocale.PriLangID == LANG_GERMAN) { + /* -German- made by helgo1506 @ github */ + + ConfigForm->Caption = L"cnc-ddraw Konfiguration"; + DisplayBtn->Caption = L"Anzeigeeinstellungen"; + AdvancedBtn->Caption = L"Erweiterte Einstellungen"; + CompatibilityBtn->Caption = L"Kompatibilitätseinstellungen"; + PresentationLbl->Caption = L"Presentation"; + MaintasLbl->Caption = L"Erhalte Seitenverhältnis"; + VsyncLbl->Caption = L"VSync aktiveren"; + AdjmouseLbl->Caption = L"Mausempfindlichkeit anpassen"; + DevmodeLbl->Caption = L"Sperre Cursor zu Fenster / Bildschirm"; //Not 100% sure, if not a better translation exists + RendererLbl->Caption = L"Renderer"; + BorderLbl->Caption = L"Zeige Fensterränder in Fenstermodus"; + SavesettingsLbl->Caption = L"Fensterposition und Größe merken"; + ShaderLbl->Caption = L"OpenGL shader"; + MaxfpsLbl->Caption = L"Limitiere Aktualisierungsrate"; + BoxingLbl->Caption = L"Fensterboxing / Integer Skalierung aktivieren"; //Not 100% sure if "windowboxing" can be translated better. + MaxgameticksLbl->Caption = L"Spielgeschwindigkeit limitieren"; + NoactivateappLbl->Caption = L"Fehlerhaftes Alt+Tab reparieren"; //The first word can be ignored if its to long (eng word "Fix" + HookLbl->Caption = L"Fehlerhafter Fenstermodus oder Hochskalierung reparieren"; //The first word can be ignored if its to long (eng word "Fix") + MinfpsLbl->Caption = L"Erzwinge Hohe FPS / Repariere Stottern bei Freesync/G-Sync"; + FixpitchLbl->Caption = L"Diagonal dargestellte Zeichnungsfehler reparieren"; + NonexclusiveLbl->Caption = L"Unsichtbare Videos / UI Elemente reparieren"; + + RendererCbx->Items->Clear(); + RendererCbx->AddItem(L"Automatisch", NULL); + RendererCbx->AddItem(L"Direct3D9", NULL); + RendererCbx->AddItem(L"OpenGL", NULL); + RendererCbx->AddItem(L"GDI", NULL); + + PresentationCbx->Items->Clear(); + PresentationCbx->AddItem(L"Vollbild", NULL); + PresentationCbx->AddItem(L"Hochskaliertes Vollbild", NULL); + PresentationCbx->AddItem(L"Ränderfreies Fenster", NULL); + PresentationCbx->AddItem(L"Fenster", NULL); + + MaxgameticksCbx->Items->Clear(); + MaxgameticksCbx->AddItem(L"Unlimitiert", NULL); + MaxgameticksCbx->AddItem(L"Sync mit Bildschirmaktualisierungsrate", NULL); + MaxgameticksCbx->AddItem(L"Emuliere 60hz Bildschirmaktualisierungsrate", NULL); + MaxgameticksCbx->AddItem(L"1000 Ticks pro Sekunde", NULL); + MaxgameticksCbx->AddItem(L"500 Ticks pro Sekunde", NULL); + MaxgameticksCbx->AddItem(L"60 Ticks pro Sekunde", NULL); + MaxgameticksCbx->AddItem(L"30 Ticks pro Sekunde", NULL); + MaxgameticksCbx->AddItem(L"25 Ticks pro Sekunde", NULL); + MaxgameticksCbx->AddItem(L"15 Ticks pro Sekunde", NULL); + } else { /* ConfigForm->Caption = L"cnc-ddraw config"; @@ -167,7 +215,7 @@ __fastcall TConfigForm::TConfigForm(TComponent* Owner) MaxgameticksCbx->AddItem(L"25 ticks per second", NULL); MaxgameticksCbx->AddItem(L"15 ticks per second", NULL); */ - } + } } void __fastcall TConfigForm::DisplayBtnClick(TObject *Sender) diff --git a/config/ConfigFormUnit.dfm b/config/ConfigFormUnit.dfm index e231093..0ce5f57 100644 --- a/config/ConfigFormUnit.dfm +++ b/config/ConfigFormUnit.dfm @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ object ConfigForm: TConfigForm BorderStyle = bsSingle Caption = 'cnc-ddraw config' ClientHeight = 475 - ClientWidth = 698 + ClientWidth = 708 Color = clBlack Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText @@ -2682,343 +2682,8 @@ object ConfigForm: TConfigForm OnCreate = FormCreate PixelsPerInch = 96 TextHeight = 13 - object DisplayPnl: TPanel - Left = 191 - Top = 8 - Width = 499 - Height = 465 - BevelOuter = bvNone - Color = clWhite - ParentBackground = False - ShowCaption = False - TabOrder = 1 - StyleElements = [seFont, seBorder] - object PresentationLbl: TLabel - Left = 40 - Top = 28 - Width = 87 - Height = 21 - Caption = 'Presentation' - Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET - Font.Color = clWindowText - Font.Height = -16 - Font.Name = 'Segoe UI' - Font.Style = [] - ParentFont = False - StyleElements = [seClient, seBorder] - end - object MaintasLbl: TLabel - Left = 40 - Top = 105 - Width = 145 - Height = 21 - Margins.Top = 18 - Caption = 'Maintain aspect ratio' - Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET - Font.Color = clWindowText - Font.Height = -16 - Font.Name = 'Segoe UI' - Font.Style = [] - ParentFont = False - StyleElements = [seClient, seBorder] - end - object VsyncLbl: TLabel - Left = 40 - Top = 173 - Width = 93 - Height = 21 - Margins.Top = 18 - Caption = 'Enable VSync' - Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET - Font.Color = clWindowText - Font.Height = -16 - Font.Name = 'Segoe UI' - Font.Style = [] - ParentFont = False - StyleElements = [seClient, seBorder] - end - object AdjmouseLbl: TLabel - Left = 40 - Top = 241 - Width = 168 - Height = 21 - Margins.Top = 18 - Caption = 'Adjust mouse sensitivity' - Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET - Font.Color = clWindowText - Font.Height = -16 - Font.Name = 'Segoe UI' - Font.Style = [] - ParentFont = False - StyleElements = [seClient, seBorder] - end - object DevmodeLbl: TLabel - Left = 40 - Top = 309 - Width = 216 - Height = 21 - Margins.Top = 18 - Caption = 'Lock cursor to window / screen' - Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET - Font.Color = clWindowText - Font.Height = -16 - Font.Name = 'Segoe UI' - Font.Style = [] - ParentFont = False - StyleElements = [seClient, seBorder] - end - object PresentationPbox: TPaintBox - Left = 40 - Top = 54 - Width = 207 - Height = 31 - OnPaint = PboxPaint - end - object PresentationCbx: TComboBox - Left = 41 - Top = 55 - Width = 205 - Height = 29 - BevelEdges = [] - BevelInner = bvNone - BevelOuter = bvSpace - Style = csDropDownList - Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET - Font.Color = clWindowText - Font.Height = -16 - Font.Name = 'Segoe UI' - Font.Style = [] - ParentFont = False - TabOrder = 1 - OnChange = PresentationCbxChange - Items.Strings = ( - 'Fullscreen' - 'Fullscreen Upscaled' - 'Borderless' - 'Windowed') - end - object MaintasChk: TToggleSwitch - Left = 40 - Top = 132 - Width = 50 - Height = 20 - ShowStateCaption = False - TabOrder = 0 - OnClick = MaintasChkClick - end - object VsyncChk: TToggleSwitch - Left = 40 - Top = 200 - Width = 50 - Height = 20 - ShowStateCaption = False - TabOrder = 2 - OnClick = VsyncChkClick - end - object AdjmouseChk: TToggleSwitch - Left = 40 - Top = 268 - Width = 50 - Height = 20 - ShowStateCaption = False - TabOrder = 3 - OnClick = AdjmouseChkClick - end - object DevmodeChk: TToggleSwitch - Left = 40 - Top = 336 - Width = 50 - Height = 20 - ShowStateCaption = False - TabOrder = 4 - OnClick = DevmodeChkClick - end - end - object CompatibilityPnl: TPanel - Left = 191 - Top = 8 - Width = 499 - Height = 465 - BevelOuter = bvNone - Color = clWhite - ParentBackground = False - ShowCaption = False - TabOrder = 3 - Visible = False - StyleElements = [seFont, seBorder] - object MaxgameticksLbl: TLabel - Left = 40 - Top = 28 - Width = 123 - Height = 21 - Caption = 'Limit game speed' - Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET - Font.Color = clWindowText - Font.Height = -16 - Font.Name = 'Segoe UI' - Font.Style = [] - ParentFont = False - StyleElements = [seClient, seBorder] - end - object NoactivateappLbl: TLabel - Left = 40 - Top = 105 - Width = 129 - Height = 21 - Margins.Top = 18 - Caption = 'Fix broken Alt+Tab' - Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET - Font.Color = clWindowText - Font.Height = -16 - Font.Name = 'Segoe UI' - Font.Style = [] - ParentFont = False - StyleElements = [seClient, seBorder] - end - object HookLbl: TLabel - Left = 40 - Top = 173 - Width = 281 - Height = 21 - Margins.Top = 18 - Caption = 'Fix broken windowed mode or upscaling' - Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET - Font.Color = clWindowText - Font.Height = -16 - Font.Name = 'Segoe UI' - Font.Style = [] - ParentFont = False - StyleElements = [seClient, seBorder] - end - object MinfpsLbl: TLabel - Left = 40 - Top = 241 - Width = 350 - Height = 21 - Margins.Top = 18 - Caption = 'Force high FPS / Fix stuttering on Freesync/G-Sync' - Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET - Font.Color = clWindowText - Font.Height = -16 - Font.Name = 'Segoe UI' - Font.Style = [] - ParentFont = False - StyleElements = [seClient, seBorder] - end - object FixpitchLbl: TLabel - Left = 40 - Top = 309 - Width = 272 - Height = 21 - Margins.Top = 18 - Caption = 'Fix diagonally displayed drawing issues' - Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET - Font.Color = clWindowText - Font.Height = -16 - Font.Name = 'Segoe UI' - Font.Style = [] - ParentFont = False - StyleElements = [seClient, seBorder] - end - object NonexclusiveLbl: TLabel - Left = 40 - Top = 377 - Width = 225 - Height = 21 - Margins.Top = 18 - Caption = 'Fix invisible videos / UI elements' - Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET - Font.Color = clWindowText - Font.Height = -16 - Font.Name = 'Segoe UI' - Font.Style = [] - ParentFont = False - StyleElements = [seClient, seBorder] - end - object MaxgameticksPbox: TPaintBox - Left = 40 - Top = 54 - Width = 342 - Height = 31 - OnPaint = PboxPaint - end - object MaxgameticksCbx: TComboBox - Left = 41 - Top = 55 - Width = 340 - Height = 29 - BevelEdges = [] - BevelInner = bvNone - BevelOuter = bvSpace - Style = csDropDownList - DropDownCount = 10 - Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET - Font.Color = clWindowText - Font.Height = -16 - Font.Name = 'Segoe UI' - Font.Style = [] - ParentFont = False - TabOrder = 0 - OnChange = MaxgameticksCbxChange - Items.Strings = ( - 'No limit' - 'Sync with monitor refresh rate' - 'Emulate 60hz refresh rate monitor' - '1000 ticks per second' - '500 ticks per second' - '60 ticks per second' - '30 ticks per second' - '25 ticks per second' - '15 ticks per second') - end - object NoactivateappChk: TToggleSwitch - Left = 40 - Top = 132 - Width = 50 - Height = 20 - ShowStateCaption = False - TabOrder = 1 - OnClick = NoactivateappChkClick - end - object HookChk: TToggleSwitch - Left = 40 - Top = 200 - Width = 50 - Height = 20 - ShowStateCaption = False - TabOrder = 2 - OnClick = HookChkClick - end - object MinfpsChk: TToggleSwitch - Left = 40 - Top = 268 - Width = 50 - Height = 20 - ShowStateCaption = False - TabOrder = 3 - OnClick = MinfpsChkClick - end - object FixpitchChk: TToggleSwitch - Left = 40 - Top = 336 - Width = 50 - Height = 20 - ShowStateCaption = False - TabOrder = 4 - OnClick = FixpitchChkClick - end - object NonexclusiveChk: TToggleSwitch - Left = 40 - Top = 404 - Width = 50 - Height = 20 - ShowStateCaption = False - TabOrder = 5 - OnClick = NonexclusiveChkClick - end - end object AdvancedPnl: TPanel - Left = 191 + Left = 201 Top = 8 Width = 499 Height = 465 @@ -3211,22 +2876,357 @@ object ConfigForm: TConfigForm OnClick = BoxingChkClick end end + object DisplayPnl: TPanel + Left = 201 + Top = 8 + Width = 499 + Height = 465 + BevelOuter = bvNone + Color = clWhite + ParentBackground = False + ShowCaption = False + TabOrder = 1 + StyleElements = [seFont, seBorder] + object PresentationLbl: TLabel + Left = 40 + Top = 28 + Width = 87 + Height = 21 + Caption = 'Presentation' + Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET + Font.Color = clWindowText + Font.Height = -16 + Font.Name = 'Segoe UI' + Font.Style = [] + ParentFont = False + StyleElements = [seClient, seBorder] + end + object MaintasLbl: TLabel + Left = 40 + Top = 105 + Width = 145 + Height = 21 + Margins.Top = 18 + Caption = 'Maintain aspect ratio' + Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET + Font.Color = clWindowText + Font.Height = -16 + Font.Name = 'Segoe UI' + Font.Style = [] + ParentFont = False + StyleElements = [seClient, seBorder] + end + object VsyncLbl: TLabel + Left = 40 + Top = 173 + Width = 93 + Height = 21 + Margins.Top = 18 + Caption = 'Enable VSync' + Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET + Font.Color = clWindowText + Font.Height = -16 + Font.Name = 'Segoe UI' + Font.Style = [] + ParentFont = False + StyleElements = [seClient, seBorder] + end + object AdjmouseLbl: TLabel + Left = 40 + Top = 241 + Width = 168 + Height = 21 + Margins.Top = 18 + Caption = 'Adjust mouse sensitivity' + Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET + Font.Color = clWindowText + Font.Height = -16 + Font.Name = 'Segoe UI' + Font.Style = [] + ParentFont = False + StyleElements = [seClient, seBorder] + end + object DevmodeLbl: TLabel + Left = 40 + Top = 309 + Width = 216 + Height = 21 + Margins.Top = 18 + Caption = 'Lock cursor to window / screen' + Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET + Font.Color = clWindowText + Font.Height = -16 + Font.Name = 'Segoe UI' + Font.Style = [] + ParentFont = False + StyleElements = [seClient, seBorder] + end + object PresentationPbox: TPaintBox + Left = 40 + Top = 54 + Width = 207 + Height = 31 + OnPaint = PboxPaint + end + object PresentationCbx: TComboBox + Left = 41 + Top = 55 + Width = 205 + Height = 29 + BevelEdges = [] + BevelInner = bvNone + BevelOuter = bvSpace + Style = csDropDownList + Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET + Font.Color = clWindowText + Font.Height = -16 + Font.Name = 'Segoe UI' + Font.Style = [] + ParentFont = False + TabOrder = 1 + OnChange = PresentationCbxChange + Items.Strings = ( + 'Fullscreen' + 'Fullscreen Upscaled' + 'Borderless' + 'Windowed') + end + object MaintasChk: TToggleSwitch + Left = 40 + Top = 132 + Width = 50 + Height = 20 + ShowStateCaption = False + TabOrder = 0 + OnClick = MaintasChkClick + end + object VsyncChk: TToggleSwitch + Left = 40 + Top = 200 + Width = 50 + Height = 20 + ShowStateCaption = False + TabOrder = 2 + OnClick = VsyncChkClick + end + object AdjmouseChk: TToggleSwitch + Left = 40 + Top = 268 + Width = 50 + Height = 20 + ShowStateCaption = False + TabOrder = 3 + OnClick = AdjmouseChkClick + end + object DevmodeChk: TToggleSwitch + Left = 40 + Top = 336 + Width = 50 + Height = 20 + ShowStateCaption = False + TabOrder = 4 + OnClick = DevmodeChkClick + end + end + object CompatibilityPnl: TPanel + Left = 201 + Top = 8 + Width = 499 + Height = 465 + BevelOuter = bvNone + Color = clWhite + ParentBackground = False + ShowCaption = False + TabOrder = 3 + Visible = False + StyleElements = [seFont, seBorder] + object MaxgameticksLbl: TLabel + Left = 40 + Top = 28 + Width = 123 + Height = 21 + Caption = 'Limit game speed' + Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET + Font.Color = clWindowText + Font.Height = -16 + Font.Name = 'Segoe UI' + Font.Style = [] + ParentFont = False + StyleElements = [seClient, seBorder] + end + object NoactivateappLbl: TLabel + Left = 40 + Top = 105 + Width = 129 + Height = 21 + Margins.Top = 18 + Caption = 'Fix broken Alt+Tab' + Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET + Font.Color = clWindowText + Font.Height = -16 + Font.Name = 'Segoe UI' + Font.Style = [] + ParentFont = False + StyleElements = [seClient, seBorder] + end + object HookLbl: TLabel + Left = 40 + Top = 173 + Width = 281 + Height = 21 + Margins.Top = 18 + Caption = 'Fix broken windowed mode or upscaling' + Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET + Font.Color = clWindowText + Font.Height = -16 + Font.Name = 'Segoe UI' + Font.Style = [] + ParentFont = False + StyleElements = [seClient, seBorder] + end + object MinfpsLbl: TLabel + Left = 40 + Top = 241 + Width = 350 + Height = 21 + Margins.Top = 18 + Caption = 'Force high FPS / Fix stuttering on Freesync/G-Sync' + Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET + Font.Color = clWindowText + Font.Height = -16 + Font.Name = 'Segoe UI' + Font.Style = [] + ParentFont = False + StyleElements = [seClient, seBorder] + end + object FixpitchLbl: TLabel + Left = 40 + Top = 309 + Width = 272 + Height = 21 + Margins.Top = 18 + Caption = 'Fix diagonally displayed drawing issues' + Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET + Font.Color = clWindowText + Font.Height = -16 + Font.Name = 'Segoe UI' + Font.Style = [] + ParentFont = False + StyleElements = [seClient, seBorder] + end + object NonexclusiveLbl: TLabel + Left = 40 + Top = 377 + Width = 225 + Height = 21 + Margins.Top = 18 + Caption = 'Fix invisible videos / UI elements' + Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET + Font.Color = clWindowText + Font.Height = -16 + Font.Name = 'Segoe UI' + Font.Style = [] + ParentFont = False + StyleElements = [seClient, seBorder] + end + object MaxgameticksPbox: TPaintBox + Left = 40 + Top = 54 + Width = 342 + Height = 31 + OnPaint = PboxPaint + end + object MaxgameticksCbx: TComboBox + Left = 41 + Top = 55 + Width = 340 + Height = 29 + BevelEdges = [] + BevelInner = bvNone + BevelOuter = bvSpace + Style = csDropDownList + DropDownCount = 10 + Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET + Font.Color = clWindowText + Font.Height = -16 + Font.Name = 'Segoe UI' + Font.Style = [] + ParentFont = False + TabOrder = 0 + OnChange = MaxgameticksCbxChange + Items.Strings = ( + 'No limit' + 'Sync with monitor refresh rate' + 'Emulate 60hz refresh rate monitor' + '1000 ticks per second' + '500 ticks per second' + '60 ticks per second' + '30 ticks per second' + '25 ticks per second' + '15 ticks per second') + end + object NoactivateappChk: TToggleSwitch + Left = 40 + Top = 132 + Width = 50 + Height = 20 + ShowStateCaption = False + TabOrder = 1 + OnClick = NoactivateappChkClick + end + object HookChk: TToggleSwitch + Left = 40 + Top = 200 + Width = 50 + Height = 20 + ShowStateCaption = False + TabOrder = 2 + OnClick = HookChkClick + end + object MinfpsChk: TToggleSwitch + Left = 40 + Top = 268 + Width = 50 + Height = 20 + ShowStateCaption = False + TabOrder = 3 + OnClick = MinfpsChkClick + end + object FixpitchChk: TToggleSwitch + Left = 40 + Top = 336 + Width = 50 + Height = 20 + ShowStateCaption = False + TabOrder = 4 + OnClick = FixpitchChkClick + end + object NonexclusiveChk: TToggleSwitch + Left = 40 + Top = 404 + Width = 50 + Height = 20 + ShowStateCaption = False + TabOrder = 5 + OnClick = NonexclusiveChkClick + end + end object MenuPnl: TPanel Left = 0 Top = 8 - Width = 185 + Width = 201 Height = 465 BevelOuter = bvNone Color = clBlack ParentBackground = False TabOrder = 0 DesignSize = ( - 185 + 201 465) object DisplayBtn: TSpeedButton - Left = 8 + Left = 5 Top = 8 - Width = 171 + Width = 187 Height = 41 Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight] Caption = 'Display Settings' @@ -3241,9 +3241,9 @@ object ConfigForm: TConfigForm OnClick = DisplayBtnClick end object AdvancedBtn: TSpeedButton - Left = 8 + Left = 5 Top = 55 - Width = 171 + Width = 187 Height = 41 Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight] Caption = 'Advanced Settings' @@ -3257,9 +3257,9 @@ object ConfigForm: TConfigForm OnClick = AdvancedBtnClick end object CompatibilityBtn: TSpeedButton - Left = 8 + Left = 5 Top = 102 - Width = 171 + Width = 187 Height = 41 Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight] Caption = 'Compatibility Settings'