Note: If you use cnc-ddraw with a game that got its own windowed mode built in then **make sure you disable the games own windowed mode** first. If you want to play in windowed mode then start the game once in fullscreen and then press Alt+Enter to enable the cnc-ddraw windowed mode (Or modify ddraw.ini without using Alt+Enter).
**If the game starts but it doesn't work perfectly** then open ddraw.ini and search for **Compatibility settings**, one of the settings will usually fix the problem.
- If there are **problems on Alt+Tab** then try to set "noactivateapp=true" - If it still doesn't work also try "renderer=opengl" or "renderer=gdi".
- If the **game is running too fast** then try to set "maxgameticks=60" - If it's still too fast, try a lower value - If too slow, try a higher value.
- If **windowed mode or upscaling are not working properly** then try to set "hook=2" and "renderer=gdi" - opengl/direct3d could work as well in some games.
- If **videos or other GUI elements are invisible** then try to set "nonexclusive=true".
**If the game doesn't start at all or it's crashing**, [then please generate a debug log file and upload it.](