spaceflint 9181b2ab62 Several small changes
- Tidy-up value-type methods
- Improved enums
- Support default interface methods
- Re-added executable directory as a search directory
2020-08-30 09:24:52 +03:00

818 lines
32 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Mono.Cecil;
using Mono.Cecil.Cil;
using SpaceFlint.JavaBinary;
using Instruction = SpaceFlint.JavaBinary.JavaCode.Instruction;
namespace SpaceFlint.CilToJava
public static class GenericUtil
public static JavaClass MakeGenericClass(JavaClass fromClass, CilType fromType)
// if the generic class has static fields or a static initializer
// then we need to move those into a separate class that can be
// instantiated multiple times for multiple separate instances,
// one for each concrete implementation of the generic type.
int numGeneric = fromType.GenericParameters.Count;
var dataClass = MoveStaticFields(fromClass, null);
dataClass = MoveStaticInit(fromClass, dataClass);
if (dataClass != null)
FixConstructorInData(dataClass, numGeneric);
// a generic class implements the IGenericObject interface,
// and has a generic-type field for the concrete implementation
// of the generic type and generic arguments
CreateGenericTypeFields(fromClass, numGeneric);
BuildGetTypeMethod(fromClass, fromType);
return dataClass;
// move any static fields from the generic class,
// as instance fields in a new class
JavaClass MoveStaticFields(JavaClass fromClass, JavaClass dataClass)
var fields = fromClass.Fields;
if (fields == null)
return dataClass;
int n = fields.Count;
for (int i = 0; i < n; )
var fld = fields[i];
if ((fld.Flags & JavaAccessFlags.ACC_STATIC) == 0)
if (((CilType) fld.Type).IsLiteral)
if (dataClass == null)
dataClass = CreateClass(fromClass);
if (fld.Constant != null)
throw CilMain.Where.Exception($"initializer in static field '{fld.Name}' in generic class");
fld.Flags &= ~JavaAccessFlags.ACC_STATIC;
return dataClass;
// move the static constructor/initializer
// from the generic class to the new data class
JavaClass MoveStaticInit(JavaClass fromClass, JavaClass dataClass)
var methods = fromClass.Methods;
int n = methods.Count;
for (int i = 0; i < n; )
var mth = methods[i];
if (mth.Name != "<clinit>")
if (dataClass == null)
dataClass = CreateClass(fromClass);
mth.Name = "<init>";
mth.Class = dataClass;
mth.Flags = JavaAccessFlags.ACC_PUBLIC;
return dataClass;
// create a constructor if there was no static initializer,
// or inject a call to super class constructor
void FixConstructorInData(JavaClass dataClass, int numGeneric)
JavaCode code;
bool insertReturn;
if (dataClass.Methods.Count == 0)
code = CilMethod.CreateConstructor(dataClass, numGeneric, true);
insertReturn = true;
code.MaxStack = 1;
code.MaxLocals = 1 + numGeneric;
code = dataClass.Methods[0].Code;
if (code.MaxStack < 1)
code.MaxStack = 1;
insertReturn = false;
code.Instructions.Insert(0, new Instruction(
0x19 /* aload */, null, (int) 0, 0xFFFF));
code.Instructions.Insert(1, new Instruction(
0xB7 /* invokespecial */, JavaType.ObjectType,
new JavaMethodRef("<init>", JavaType.VoidType), 0xFFFF));
// the static initializer can call static methods on its own type,
// and those methods can invoke system.RuntimeType.GetType() to get
// a reference to the generic type that is still being initialized.
// and more importantly, a reference to the the static-generic data
// object that is constructed by this method. to make the object
// available to such access, we call system.RuntimeType.SetStatic().
// see also system.RuntimeType.MakeGenericType/MakeGenericType().
code.Instructions.Insert(2, new Instruction(
0x19 /* aload */, null, (int) 0, 0xFFFF));
code.Instructions.Insert(3, new Instruction(
0xB8 /* invokestatic */, CilType.SystemRuntimeTypeType,
new JavaMethodRef("SetStatic",
JavaType.VoidType, JavaType.ObjectType), 0xFFFF));
if (insertReturn)
code.NewInstruction(JavaType.VoidType.ReturnOpcode, null, null, 0xFFFF);
// create the new data class
JavaClass CreateClass(JavaClass fromClass) =>
CilMain.CreateInnerClass(fromClass, fromClass.Name + "$$static", 0);
// create a private instance field to hold the runtime type
// for a particular combination of generic type and arguments
void CreateGenericTypeFields(JavaClass fromClass, int numGeneric)
var fld = new JavaField();
fld.Name = ConcreteTypeField.Name;
fld.Type = ConcreteTypeField.Type;
fld.Class = fromClass;
fld.Flags = JavaAccessFlags.ACC_PRIVATE;
if (fromClass.Fields == null)
fromClass.Fields = new List<JavaField>();
// create the IGenericObject methods
public static void BuildGetTypeMethod(JavaClass theClass, CilType theType)
var methodRef = new JavaMethodRef("system-IGenericObject-GetType",
var code = CilMain.CreateHelperMethod(theClass, methodRef, 1, 1);
if (theType.HasGenericParameters)
// this is a proper generic type with a -generic-type field
// created by MakeGenericClass, which also invoked us.
code.NewInstruction(0x19 /* aload */, null, (int) 0);
code.NewInstruction(0xB4 /* getfield */, theType, ConcreteTypeField);
code.NewInstruction(JavaType.ObjectType.ReturnOpcode, null, null);
// this is a non-generic type, but has a generic base type
// which implements the GetType method, so we want to provide
// an overriding implementation that returns the correct type.
// we are invoked by TypeBuilder.
code.StackMap = new JavaStackMap();
LoadMaybeGeneric(theType, code);
code.NewInstruction(JavaType.ObjectType.ReturnOpcode, null, null);
// create a java generic class signature, this is used by
// system.RuntimeType in baselib to provide more accurate reflection
public static string MakeGenericSignature(TypeDefinition fromType, string superName)
string signature = "<";
foreach (var prm in fromType.GenericParameters)
signature += prm.Name + ":Ljava/lang/Object;";
signature += ">" + ClassSignature(superName, fromType.BaseType);
if (fromType.HasInterfaces)
foreach (var ifc in fromType.Interfaces)
var name = CilType.From(ifc.InterfaceType).JavaName;
if (name != "system.ValueMethod")
signature += ClassSignature(name, ifc.InterfaceType);
return signature;
string ClassSignature(string className, TypeReference fromType)
var signature = "L" + className.Replace('.', '/');
if (fromType is GenericInstanceType fromGenericType)
signature += "<";
foreach (var arg in fromGenericType.GenericArguments)
if (arg is GenericParameter genericArg)
signature += "T" + arg.Name + ";";
signature += ClassSignature(CilType.From(arg).JavaName, arg);
signature += ">";
return signature + ";";
// create a dummy method that is used to extract information
// about this generic type: the number of type arguments
// it takes, and the data class type. this is used by the
// CreateGeneric method in the system.RuntimeType constructor.
public static void CreateGenericInfoMethod(JavaClass theClass, JavaClass dataClass,
CilType fromType)
int numGeneric = fromType.GenericParameters.Count;
var parameters = new List<JavaFieldRef>(numGeneric);
for (int i = 0; i < numGeneric; i++)
parameters.Add(new JavaFieldRef("", SystemGenericType));
var (returnType, maxStack) = (dataClass == null)
? (JavaType.VoidType, 0)
: (new JavaType(0, 0, dataClass.Name), 1);
var methodRef = new JavaMethodRef("-generic-info-method", returnType, parameters);
var code = CilMain.CreateHelperMethod(theClass, methodRef, numGeneric, maxStack);
code.Method.Flags |= JavaAccessFlags.ACC_STATIC
| JavaAccessFlags.ACC_FINAL
| JavaAccessFlags.ACC_SYNTHETIC;
if (dataClass != null)
code.NewInstruction(0x01 /* aconst_null */, null, null);
code.NewInstruction(returnType.ReturnOpcode, null, null);
public static void CreateGenericVarianceField(JavaClass theClass, CilType fromType,
TypeDefinition defType)
// check if any of the generic parameters are variant.
// note that generic parameter variance is only supported
// on interfaces and delegates.
if (! (fromType.IsInterface || fromType.IsDelegate))
bool anyVariance = false;
foreach (var gp in defType.GenericParameters)
if ((gp.Attributes & GenericParameterAttributes.VarianceMask) != 0)
anyVariance = true;
if (! anyVariance)
// build a string that describes the generic variance
var chars = new char[defType.GenericParameters.Count];
int idx = 0;
foreach (var gp in defType.GenericParameters)
var v = gp.Attributes & GenericParameterAttributes.VarianceMask;
chars[idx++] = (v == GenericParameterAttributes.Covariant) ? 'O'
: (v == GenericParameterAttributes.Contravariant) ? 'I'
: ' ';
var varianceField = new JavaField();
varianceField.Name = "-generic-variance";
varianceField.Type = JavaType.StringType;
varianceField.Flags = JavaAccessFlags.ACC_STATIC
| JavaAccessFlags.ACC_FINAL
| JavaAccessFlags.ACC_PUBLIC
| JavaAccessFlags.ACC_TRANSIENT
| JavaAccessFlags.ACC_SYNTHETIC;
varianceField.Constant = new string(chars);
varianceField.Class = theClass;
if (theClass.Fields == null)
theClass.Fields = new List<JavaField>();
// generate code to initialize the generic type field
public static void InitializeTypeField(CilType declType, JavaCode code)
code.NewInstruction(0x19 /* aload */, null, (int) 0);
LoadMaybeGeneric(declType, code);
code.NewInstruction(0xC0 /* checkcast */, CilType.SystemRuntimeTypeType, null);
code.NewInstruction(0xB5 /* putfield */, declType, ConcreteTypeField);
public static CilType CastMaybeGeneric(CilType castType, bool valueOnly, JavaCode code)
if (! castType.IsGenericParameter)
return castType;
if (! valueOnly)
var genericMark = CilMain.GenericStack.Mark();
var (resolvedType, resolvedIndex) = CilMain.GenericStack.Resolve(castType.JavaName);
if (resolvedIndex == 0)
if (valueOnly)
// this flag is set when called from LoadFieldAddress. we can cast
// the generic field to the actual type only if it is a value type
if (resolvedType.IsValueClass)
castType = resolvedType;
code.NewInstruction(0xC0 /* checkcast */, castType.AsWritableClass, null);
else if (castType.IsByReference)
var boxedType = new BoxedType(resolvedType, false);
code.NewInstruction(0xC0 /* checkcast */, boxedType, null);
castType = boxedType;
// this flag is clear whe called from LoadFieldValue and
// PushMethodReturnType. we can cast to any known actual types.
var arrayRank = castType.GetMethodGenericParameter()?.ArrayRank ?? 0;
castType = (arrayRank == 0) ? resolvedType : resolvedType.AdjustRank(arrayRank);
if (! castType.IsReference)
var boxedType = new BoxedType(castType, false);
code.NewInstruction(0xC0 /* checkcast */, boxedType, null);
code.NewInstruction(0xC0 /* checkcast */, castType.AsWritableClass, null);
return castType;
public static void LoadGeneric(string loadName, JavaCode code)
var genericMark = CilMain.GenericStack.Mark();
var (loadType, loadIndex) = CilMain.GenericStack.Resolve(loadName);
LoadGeneric(loadType, loadIndex, code);
static void LoadGeneric(CilType loadType, int loadIndex, JavaCode code)
if (loadIndex < 0)
// generic type is accessible through the generic-type member field
code.NewInstruction(0x19 /* aload */, null, (int) 0);
code.NewInstruction(0xB4 /* getfield */, loadType, ConcreteTypeField);
code.NewInstruction(0x12 /* ldc */, null, -loadIndex - 1);
// call system.RuntimeType.Argument(int typeArgumentIndex)
code.NewInstruction(0xB6 /* invokevirtual */, CilType.SystemRuntimeTypeType,
new JavaMethodRef("Argument", CilType.SystemTypeType, JavaType.IntegerType));
code.StackMap.PopStack(CilMain.Where); // integer
code.StackMap.PopStack(CilMain.Where); // generic type field
code.StackMap.PushStack(CilType.SystemTypeType); // type result
else if (loadIndex > 0)
// generic type is accessible through a parameter
code.NewInstruction(0x19 /* aload */, null, (int) (loadIndex - 1));
// generic type is known to be a constant
LoadMaybeGeneric(loadType, code);
static void LoadGenericInstance(CilType loadType, List<JavaFieldRef> parameters, JavaCode code)
int count = loadType.GenericParameters.Count;
if (count == 1)
// specific handling for the common case of a generic instance
// with just one type argument. if this is a concrete argument,
// call GetType(class, class). if this is a generic argument,
// call GetType(class, type). note that the first class argument
// to GetType was alredy inserted by our caller, LoadMaybeGeneric
var genericMark = CilMain.GenericStack.Mark();
var (argType, argIndex) = CilMain.GenericStack.Resolve(
if (argIndex == 0 && (! argType.HasGenericParameters))
// GetType(java.lang.Class, java.lang.Class)
code.NewInstruction(0x12 /* ldc */, argType.AsWritableClass, null);
// second parameter of type java.lang.Class
// GetType(java.lang.Class, system.Type)
LoadGeneric(argType, argIndex, code);
// second parameter of type system.Type
parameters.Add(new JavaFieldRef("", CilType.SystemTypeType));
// generic handling for the less common case of a generic instace
// with more than one argument. we don't check if the provided
// type arguments are concrete or generic. we build an array of
// system.Type references, and call GetType(class, system.Type[]).
var arrayOfType = CilType.SystemTypeType.AdjustRank(1);
parameters.Add(new JavaFieldRef("", arrayOfType));
code.NewInstruction(0x12 /* ldc */, null, count);
code.NewInstruction(0xBD /* anewarray */, CilType.SystemTypeType, null);
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
code.NewInstruction(0x59 /* dup */, null, null);
code.NewInstruction(0x12 /* ldc */, null, i);
LoadMaybeGeneric(loadType.GenericParameters[i], code);
code.NewInstruction(0x53 /* aastore */, null, null);
public static void LoadMaybeGeneric(CilType loadType, JavaCode code)
if (loadType.IsGenericParameter)
LoadGeneric(loadType.JavaName, code);
// all GetType variants take a first parameter of type java.lang.Class
List<JavaFieldRef> parameters = new List<JavaFieldRef>();
parameters.Add(new JavaFieldRef("", JavaType.ClassType));
int arrayRank = loadType.ArrayRank;
if (arrayRank == 0 || (! loadType.IsGenericParameter))
code.NewInstruction(0x12 /* ldc */, loadType.AsWritableClass, null);
// for a generic type T[], we want to load just the element T,
// and then (see below) call MakeArrayType on the result
var loadTypeElem = loadType.AdjustRank(-arrayRank);
code.NewInstruction(0x12 /* ldc */, loadTypeElem.AsWritableClass, null);
if (loadType.HasGenericParameters)
LoadGenericInstance(loadType, parameters, code);
code.NewInstruction(0xB8 /* invokestatic */, CilType.SystemRuntimeTypeType,
new JavaMethodRef("GetType", CilType.SystemTypeType, parameters));
for (int i = 0; i < parameters.Count; i++)
if (arrayRank != 0 && loadType.IsGenericParameter)
code.NewInstruction(0x12 /* ldc */, null, (int) arrayRank);
code.NewInstruction(0xB6 /* invokevirtual */, CilType.SystemTypeType,
new JavaMethodRef("MakeArrayType",
CilType.SystemTypeType, JavaType.IntegerType));
public static void LoadParameterlessGeneric(CilType loadType, JavaCode code)
code.NewInstruction(0x12 /* ldc */, loadType.AsWritableClass, null);
code.NewInstruction(0xB8 /* invokestatic */, CilType.SystemRuntimeTypeType,
new JavaMethodRef("GetType", CilType.SystemTypeType, JavaType.ClassType));
public static CilType LoadStaticData(CilType fldClass, JavaCode code)
LoadMaybeGeneric(fldClass, code);
code.NewInstruction(0xB8 /* invokestatic */, CilType.SystemRuntimeTypeType,
new JavaMethodRef("GetStatic",
JavaType.ObjectType, CilType.SystemTypeType));
var returnType = PushStaticDataType(fldClass, code);
code.NewInstruction(0xC0 /* checkcast */, returnType, null);
return returnType;
public static CilType PushStaticDataType(CilType fldClass, JavaCode code)
var returnType = CilType.From(new JavaType(0, 0, fldClass.ClassName + "$$static"));
return returnType;
public static void ValueLoad(JavaCode code)
code.NewInstruction(0xB8 /* invokestatic */, SystemGenericType, GenericLoad);
public static void ValueClone(JavaCode code)
code.NewInstruction(0xB8 /* invokestatic */, SystemGenericType, GenericClone);
public static void ValueCopy(CilType valueType, JavaCode code, bool swap = false)
// if 'from' value is pushed before 'into' object, call with swap == false
// if 'into' object is pushed before 'from' value, call with swap == true
if (valueType.IsGenericParameter)
if (swap)
code.NewInstruction(0x5F /* swap */, null, null);
// if storing a primitive value into a generic type,
// and the generic type can be resolved to a primitive type,
// then use a boxed-set method call
var stackArray = code.StackMap.StackArray();
int stackArrayLen = stackArray.Length;
if (stackArrayLen > 0 && (! stackArray[stackArrayLen - 1].IsReference))
var genericMark = CilMain.GenericStack.Mark();
var (primitiveType, _) = CilMain.GenericStack.Resolve(valueType.JavaName);
if (! primitiveType.IsReference)
var boxedType = new BoxedType(primitiveType, false);
code.NewInstruction(0xC0 /* checkcast */, boxedType, null);
code.NewInstruction(0xB8 /* invokestatic */, SystemGenericType,
new JavaMethod("Copy", JavaType.VoidType,
JavaType.ObjectType, JavaType.ObjectType));
if (swap)
code.NewInstruction(0x5F /* swap */, null, null);
CilMethod.ValueMethod(CilMethod.ValueCopyTo, code);
public static void CastToGenericType(TypeReference fromType, int throwBool, JavaCode code)
var genericMark = CilMain.GenericStack.Mark();
GenericUtil.LoadMaybeGeneric(CilMain.GenericStack.EnterType(fromType), code);
code.NewInstruction(0x12 /* ldc */, null, throwBool);
var parameters = new List<JavaFieldRef>();
parameters.Add(new JavaFieldRef("", JavaType.ObjectType));
parameters.Add(new JavaFieldRef("", CilType.SystemTypeType));
parameters.Add(new JavaFieldRef("", JavaType.BooleanType));
code.NewInstruction(0xB8 /* invokestatic */, GenericUtil.SystemGenericType,
new JavaMethodRef("TestCast",
JavaType.ObjectType, parameters));
public static bool ShouldCallGenericCast(CilType fromType, CilType intoType)
if (object.ReferenceEquals(fromType, intoType))
return false; // no, if same type (by reference)
if (intoType.PrimitiveType != 0 || intoType.ArrayRank != 0)
return false; // no, if casting to primitive or array
if (intoType.HasGenericParameters)
if (intoType.Equals(CodeSpan.SpanType))
return false;
return true; // yes, if type is generic
if (fromType.Equals(intoType))
return false; // no, if same type (by value)
// if casting to one of the types that any array should implememt,
// and the castee is an array, or 'object', or one of those types,
// then always call TestCast/CallCast, because we might have to
// create a helper proxy for an array object
bool fromTypeMayBeArray = ( fromType.ArrayRank != 0
|| fromType.Equals(JavaType.ObjectType)
|| IsArray(fromType.JavaName));
return (fromTypeMayBeArray && IsArray(intoType.JavaName));
bool IsArray(string clsnm) => (
clsnm == "system.Array"
|| clsnm == "system.ICloneable"
|| clsnm == "system.collections.IEnumerable"
|| clsnm == "system.collections.ICollection"
|| clsnm == "system.collections.IList"
|| clsnm == "system.collections.IStructuralComparable"
|| clsnm == "system.collections.IStructuralEquatable");
#if false
// if casting to an array, from System.Object, System.Array,
// or one of the interface types that any array should implement,
// then always call TestCast/CallCast, because we might have to
// "unbox" the proxy (see below), and extract the array
if (intoType.ArrayRank != 0)
if (fromType.ArrayRank != 0)
return false; // no, if casting from array to array
if ( fromType.Equals(JavaType.ObjectType)
|| IsArray(fromType.JavaName)
|| IsGenericArray(fromType.JavaName))
return true; // yes, if casting
bool IsGenericArray(string clsnm) => (
clsnm == "system.collections.generic.IEnumerable$$1"
|| clsnm == "system.collections.generic.ICollection$$1"
|| clsnm == "system.collections.generic.IList$$1"
|| clsnm == "system.collections.generic.IReadOnlyList$$1");
internal static readonly JavaFieldRef ConcreteTypeField =
new JavaFieldRef("-generic-type", CilType.SystemRuntimeTypeType);
internal static readonly JavaType SystemGenericType =
new JavaType(0, 0, "system.GenericType");
internal static readonly JavaMethodRef GenericLoad =
new JavaMethod("Load", JavaType.ObjectType, JavaType.ObjectType);
internal static readonly JavaMethodRef GenericClear =
new JavaMethod("Clear", JavaType.VoidType, JavaType.ObjectType);
internal static readonly JavaMethodRef GenericClone =
new JavaMethod("Clone", JavaType.ObjectType, JavaType.ObjectType);