891 lines
32 KiB
891 lines
32 KiB
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using Mono.Cecil;
using SpaceFlint.JavaBinary;
namespace SpaceFlint.CilToJava
public class CilType : JavaType
static ConditionalWeakTable<TypeReference, CilType> _Types =
new ConditionalWeakTable<TypeReference, CilType>();
public string JavaName;
public List<CilType> SuperTypes;
public List<CilType> GenericParameters;
int Flags;
public static CilType From(TypeReference fromType)
if (! _Types.TryGetValue(fromType, out var converted))
converted = GetCachedPrimitive(fromType);
if (converted != null)
return converted;
CilMain.Where.Push($"type '{fromType.FullName}'");
converted = new CilType();
if ((converted.Flags & DONT_CACHE) == 0)
// do not cache GenericInstanceMethod objects,
// as each instance stands for a single use of the generic type
_Types.Add(fromType, converted);
return converted;
public static CilType From(JavaType oldType)
var newType = new CilType();
if (newType.IsReference)
newType.JavaName = newType.ClassName;
string s;
switch (newType.PrimitiveType)
case TypeCode.Empty: s = "system.Void"; break;
case TypeCode.Boolean: s = "system.Boolean"; break;
case TypeCode.Char: s = "system.Char"; break;
case TypeCode.SByte: s = "system.SByte"; break;
case TypeCode.Byte: s = "system.Byte"; break;
case TypeCode.Int16: s = "system.Int16"; break;
case TypeCode.UInt16: s = "system.UInt16"; break;
case TypeCode.Int32: s = "system.Int32"; break;
case TypeCode.UInt32: s = "system.UInt32"; break;
case TypeCode.Int64: s = "system.Int64"; break;
case TypeCode.UInt64: s = "system.UInt64"; break;
case TypeCode.Single: s = "system.Single"; break;
case TypeCode.Double: s = "system.Double"; break;
default: throw new ArgumentException();
newType.JavaName = s;
return newType;
void Import(TypeReference fromType)
if (fromType is TypeSpecification fromTypeSpec)
else if (fromType.IsGenericParameter)
ImportGenericParameter((GenericParameter) fromType);
var defType = AsDefinition(fromType);
var metadataType = defType.MetadataType;
bool isValueType = (metadataType == MetadataType.ValueType);
if (isValueType || (metadataType == MetadataType.Class))
ImportClass(fromType, defType, isValueType);
ImportPrimitive(metadataType, fromType.Name);
void ImportTypeSpec(TypeSpecification fromType)
if (fromType.IsByReference)
Flags |= BYREF;
else if (fromType.IsPointer || fromType.IsPinned)
if (fromType.FullName == "System.Void*")
throw CilMain.Where.Exception($"Void* pointers are not supported");
Flags |= POINTER;
else if (fromType.IsArray)
ArrayRank += (fromType as ArrayType).Rank;
if (fromType.ElementType.IsArray)
Flags |= JAGGED;
else if (fromType.IsRequiredModifier || fromType.IsOptionalModifier)
var modifier = (fromType as IModifierType).ModifierType.FullName;
if (modifier == "System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IsVolatile")
Flags |= VOLATILE;
throw CilMain.Where.Exception($"unknown modifier '{modifier}'");
else if (fromType.IsGenericInstance)
Flags |= DONT_CACHE;
throw CilMain.Where.Exception("unknown type");
void ImportClass(TypeReference fromType, TypeDefinition defType, bool isValue)
int numGeneric = ImportGenericParameters(fromType);
if (defType.HasCustomAttribute(
"System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts.SynchronizationAttribute", true))
throw CilMain.Where.Exception($"attribute [Synchronization] is not supported");
if (defType.HasCustomAttribute("RetainName"))
if (isValue)
Flags |= VALUE;
if (defType.IsEnum)
if (defType.HasFields && numGeneric == 0)
var type = From(defType.Fields[0].FieldType);
if ((! type.IsReference) && type.PrimitiveType >= TypeCode.Boolean
&& type.PrimitiveType <= TypeCode.UInt64)
JavaName = ImportName(defType, 0);
Flags |= ENUM;
throw CilMain.Where.Exception("bad enum");
if (fromType.Namespace == "System")
if (fromType.Name == "RuntimeTypeHandle")
Flags &= ~VALUE;
if (fromType.Name == "RuntimeFieldHandle")
JavaName = ClassName;
Flags &= ~VALUE;
if (fromType.Name == "RuntimeMethodHandle")
JavaName = ClassName;
Flags &= ~VALUE;
if (fromType.Namespace == "System")
if (fromType.Name == "Exception")
JavaName = "system.Exception";
if (fromType.Name == "MarshalByRefObject")
JavaName = "system.MarshalByRefObject";
if (defType.IsInterface)
else if (defType.IsAbstract && defType.HasCustomAttribute("AsInterface"))
else if (IsDelegateClass(defType))
Flags |= DELEGATE;
PrimitiveType = TypeCode.Empty;
ArrayRank = 0;
ClassName = ImportName(fromType, numGeneric);
JavaName = ClassName;
if (IsDelegate && defType.HasCustomAttribute("AsInterface")
&& ClassName.EndsWith("$Delegate"))
// check for an artificial delegate, generated to represent a
// java functional interface: (BuildDelegate in DotNetImporter),
// and change to our baselib type -- FunctionalInterfaceDelegate.
// see also: LoadFunction in Delegate module.
JavaName = ClassName = "system.FunctionalInterfaceDelegate";
static string ImportName(TypeReference fromType, int numGeneric)
string name = CilMain.MakeValidTypeName(fromType.Name);
if (fromType.IsNested)
var parent = CilType.From(AsDefinition(fromType.DeclaringType));
name = parent.ClassName + "$" + name;
else if (! string.IsNullOrEmpty(fromType.Namespace))
name = CilMain.MakeValidTypeName(fromType.Namespace.ToLowerInvariant())
+ "." + name;
if (numGeneric != 0)
// the apostrophe character may get replaced in MakeValidTypeName(),
// so we look for it in the original name string
int index = fromType.Name.IndexOf('`');
if (index != -1)
index = index - fromType.Name.Length + name.Length;
name = name.Substring(0, index) + "$$" + numGeneric;
return name;
int ImportGenericParameters(TypeReference fromType)
if (! fromType.HasGenericParameters)
return 0;
int numGeneric = fromType.GenericParameters.Count;
if (numGeneric != 0)
GenericParameters = new List<CilType>(numGeneric);
for (int i = 0; i < numGeneric; i++)
var genericParameter = CilType.From(fromType.GenericParameters[i]);
Flags |= HAS_GEN_PRM;
return numGeneric;
void ImportGenericParameter(GenericParameter fromType)
JavaName = GenericParameterFullName(fromType);
Flags |= IS_GEN_PRM | VALUE;
public static CilType WrapMethodGenericParameter(CilType fromType, string newJavaName = null)
var newType = new CilType();
newType.Flags = fromType.Flags | IS_GEN_PRM;
newType.JavaName = newJavaName ?? fromType.JavaName;
newType.GenericParameters = new List<CilType>();
return newType;
public CilType GetMethodGenericParameter()
if (IsGenericParameter)
// if wrapped by WrapMethodGenericParameter, then will have
// a single entry in GenericParameters, without flag HAS_GEN_PRM
if ((! HasGenericParameters) && GenericParameters != null)
return GenericParameters[0];
return null;
public static string GenericParameterFullName(GenericParameter genericParameter)
string name = genericParameter.Name;
string prefix;
if (genericParameter.Type == GenericParameterType.Method)
prefix = "M!" + genericParameter.DeclaringMethod.FullName;
if (name.StartsWith("!!"))
name = CilMethod.AsDefinition(genericParameter.DeclaringMethod)
else if (name.StartsWith("!"))
throw new ArgumentException();
prefix = "T!" + genericParameter.DeclaringType.FullName;
if (name.StartsWith("!"))
name = CilType.AsDefinition(genericParameter.DeclaringType)
return (prefix + "<" + name + ">");
void ImportPrimitive(MetadataType meta, string name)
TypeCode primitiveType;
switch (meta)
case MetadataType.Void: primitiveType = TypeCode.Empty; break;
case MetadataType.Boolean: primitiveType = TypeCode.Boolean; break;
case MetadataType.Char: primitiveType = TypeCode.Char; break;
case MetadataType.SByte: primitiveType = TypeCode.SByte; break;
case MetadataType.Byte: primitiveType = TypeCode.Byte; break;
case MetadataType.Int16: primitiveType = TypeCode.Int16; break;
case MetadataType.UInt16: primitiveType = TypeCode.UInt16; break;
case MetadataType.Int32: primitiveType = TypeCode.Int32; break;
case MetadataType.UInt32: primitiveType = TypeCode.UInt32; break;
case MetadataType.Int64: primitiveType = TypeCode.Int64; break;
case MetadataType.UInt64: primitiveType = TypeCode.UInt64; break;
case MetadataType.Single: primitiveType = TypeCode.Single; break;
case MetadataType.Double: primitiveType = TypeCode.Double; break;
case MetadataType.String:
JavaName = "system.String";
if (meta == MetadataType.Object || meta == MetadataType.TypedByReference)
JavaName = "system.Object";
else if (meta == MetadataType.IntPtr)
primitiveType = TypeCode.Int64;
else if (meta == MetadataType.UIntPtr)
primitiveType = TypeCode.UInt64;
throw CilMain.Where.Exception($"bad metadata '{meta}'");
PrimitiveType = primitiveType;
ArrayRank = 0;
ClassName = null;
JavaName = "system." + name;
void LinkSuperTypes(TypeDefinition defType)
int n = defType.HasInterfaces ? defType.Interfaces.Count : 0;
SuperTypes = new List<CilType>(n + 1);
defType.BaseType ?? defType.Module.TypeSystem.Object));
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
for (int i = 0; i <= n; i++)
//if (SuperTypes[i].HasGenericParameters || SuperTypes[i].HasGenericSuperType)
if (SuperTypes[i].IsGenericThisOrSuper)
Flags |= HAS_GEN_SUP;
CilType Clone()
var newType = new CilType();
newType.JavaName = JavaName;
newType.SuperTypes = SuperTypes;
newType.GenericParameters = GenericParameters;
newType.Flags = Flags;
return newType;
public CilType AdjustRank(int rankAdjust)
var newType = Clone();
newType.ArrayRank += rankAdjust;
return newType;
public CilType MakeByRef()
if (! IsValueClass)
throw new ArgumentException();
var newType = Clone();
newType.Flags = Flags | BYREF;
return newType;
public CilType MakeClonedAtTop()
// indicates that a local is cloned at the top of a method
if (! IsValueClass)
throw new ArgumentException();
var newType = Clone();
newType.Flags = Flags | CLONED_TOP;
return newType;
public CilType MakeLiteral()
if (IsReference && (! Equals(JavaType.StringType)))
throw new ArgumentException();
var newType = Clone();
newType.Flags = Flags | LITERAL;
return newType;
public static CilType MakeSpanOf(CilType fromType)
if (! fromType.IsPointer)
throw new ArgumentException();
var newType = CodeSpan.SpanType.Clone();
newType.Flags |= VALUE;
// we add the original buffer type as a generic parameter,
// but we do not mark with HAS_GEN_PRM HasGenericParameters,
// similar to WrapMethodGenericParameter
newType.GenericParameters = new List<CilType>();
return newType;
bool IsDelegateClass(TypeDefinition def) =>
(! def.HasFields) && (def.BaseType != null) && (def.BaseType.Namespace == "System")
&& (def.BaseType.Name == "Delegate" || def.BaseType.Name == "MulticastDelegate");
public bool IsDerivedFrom(CilType otherBaseType)
var obj = this;
for (;;)
if (obj.JavaName.Equals(otherBaseType.JavaName))
return true;
if (obj.SuperTypes == null || obj.SuperTypes.Count == 0)
return false;
obj = obj.SuperTypes[0];
public override bool AssignableTo(JavaType other)
if (base.AssignableTo(other))
return true;
if (SuperTypes != null)
foreach (var sup in SuperTypes)
if ( (! sup.Equals(JavaType.ObjectType))
&& (other.Equals(sup) || sup.AssignableTo(other)))
return true;
return false;
public override JavaType ResolveConflict(JavaType other)
// the ternary operator ?: may produce code that causes a conflict:
// object x = flag ? (object) new A() : (object) new B();
// if we detect such a conflict at a branch target, we assume this
// is the cause, and set the stack elements to a common denominator
// or to the lowest common denominator, java.lang.Object
if (IsReference && other.IsReference && other is CilType other2)
return FindCommonSuperType(this, other2)
?? CilType.From(JavaType.ObjectType);
return null;
static CilType FindCommonSuperType(CilType type1, CilType type2)
if (type1.SuperTypes != null && type2.SuperTypes != null)
foreach (var sup1 in type1.SuperTypes)
if (! sup1.Equals(JavaType.ObjectType))
if (FindCommonSuperTypeRecursive(sup1, type2))
return sup1;
return null;
static bool FindCommonSuperTypeRecursive(CilType sup1, CilType type2)
if (type2.SuperTypes != null)
foreach (var sup2 in type2.SuperTypes)
if (sup2.Equals(sup1))
return true;
if (FindCommonSuperTypeRecursive(sup1, sup2))
return true;
return false;
public CilType AsWritableClass
=> (IsReference ? this : CilType.From(new JavaType(0, 0, JavaName)));
static Dictionary<TypeReference, TypeDefinition> _TypeDefs =
new Dictionary<TypeReference, TypeDefinition>();
internal static TypeDefinition AsDefinition(TypeReference _ref)
if (_ref.IsDefinition)
return _ref as TypeDefinition;
if (_TypeDefs.TryGetValue(_ref, out var def))
return def;
def = _ref.Resolve();
if (def == null && _ref.GetElementType() is GenericParameter)
def = AsDefinition(_ref.Module.TypeSystem.Object);
if (def != null)
_TypeDefs.Add(_ref, def);
return def;
throw CilMain.Where.Exception(
$"could not resolve type '{_ref}' from assembly '{_ref.Scope}'");
static CilType[] _Primitives = new CilType[32];
private static CilType GetCachedPrimitive(TypeReference fromType)
var metadataType = fromType.MetadataType;
switch (metadataType)
case MetadataType.Void:
case MetadataType.Boolean:
case MetadataType.Char:
case MetadataType.SByte:
case MetadataType.Byte:
case MetadataType.Int16:
case MetadataType.UInt16:
case MetadataType.Int32:
case MetadataType.UInt32:
case MetadataType.Int64:
case MetadataType.UInt64:
case MetadataType.Single:
case MetadataType.Double:
case MetadataType.String:
case MetadataType.IntPtr:
case MetadataType.UIntPtr:
case MetadataType.Object:
var resultType = _Primitives[(int) metadataType];
if (resultType == null)
resultType = new CilType();
_Primitives[(int) metadataType] = resultType;
return resultType;
return null;
protected void SetBoxedFlags(bool clonedAtTop)
=> Flags |= (VALUE | BYREF) | (clonedAtTop ? CLONED_TOP : 0);
public bool IsByReference => (Flags & BYREF) != 0;
public bool IsPointer => (Flags & POINTER) != 0;
public bool IsVolatile => (Flags & VOLATILE) != 0;
public bool IsValue => (Flags & VALUE) != 0;
public bool IsValueClass => (Flags & VALUE) != 0 && ClassName != null && ArrayRank == 0;
public bool IsEnum => (Flags & ENUM) != 0;
public bool IsInterface => (Flags & INTERFACE) != 0;
public bool IsDelegate => (Flags & DELEGATE) != 0;
public bool IsRetainName => (Flags & RETAIN_NAME) != 0;
public bool IsLiteral => (Flags & LITERAL) != 0;
public bool IsJaggedArray => (Flags & JAGGED) != 0;
public bool IsGenericParameter => (Flags & IS_GEN_PRM) != 0;
public bool HasGenericParameters => (Flags & HAS_GEN_PRM) != 0;
public bool HasGenericSuperType => (Flags & HAS_GEN_SUP) != 0;
public bool IsGenericThisOrSuper => (Flags & (HAS_GEN_PRM | HAS_GEN_SUP)) != 0;
public bool IsClonedAtTop => (Flags & CLONED_TOP) != 0;
public int GenericParametersCount => (Flags & HAS_GEN_PRM) != 0 ? GenericParameters.Count : 0;
const int BYREF = 0x0001;
const int POINTER = 0x0002;
const int VOLATILE = 0x0004;
const int VALUE = 0x0008;
const int ENUM = 0x0010;
const int INTERFACE = 0x0020;
const int DELEGATE = 0x0040;
const int RETAIN_NAME = 0x0080;
const int IS_GEN_PRM = 0x0100;
const int HAS_GEN_PRM = 0x0200;
const int HAS_GEN_SUP = 0x0400;
const int LITERAL = 0x0800;
const int CLONED_TOP = 0x1000;
const int DONT_CACHE = 0x4000;
const int JAGGED = 0x8000;
internal static readonly CilType SystemEnumType = CilType.From(new JavaType(0, 0, "system.Enum"));
internal static readonly CilType SystemTypeType = CilType.From(new JavaType(0, 0, "system.Type"));
internal static readonly CilType SystemRuntimeTypeType =
CilType.From(new JavaType(0, 0, "system.RuntimeType"));
internal static readonly JavaType SystemUtilType = new JavaType(0, 0, "system.Util");
internal static readonly JavaType SystemValueType = new JavaType(0, 0, "system.ValueType");
/*internal static readonly CilType ReflectFieldType =
CilType.From(new JavaType(0, 0, "java.lang.reflect.Field"));*/
internal static readonly CilType ReflectMethodType =
CilType.From(new JavaType(0, 0, "java.lang.reflect.Method"));
public class BoxedType : CilType
public CilType UnboxedType;
public bool IsLocal;
public BoxedType(CilType fromType, bool isLocal)
if (fromType is BoxedType)
throw CilMain.Where.Exception("already boxed");
IsLocal = isLocal;
UnboxedType = fromType;
if (fromType.IsReference)
ClassName = "system.Reference";
ClassName = fromType.JavaName; // e.g., system.Int32
JavaName = ClassName;
protected virtual string BoxedClassName => ClassName;
public bool IsBoxedReference => (BoxedClassName == "system.Reference");
public bool IsBoxedIntPtr => ( BoxedClassName == "system.IntPtr"
|| BoxedClassName == "system.UIntPtr");
protected JavaType GetBaseClass(JavaType cls)
var name = cls.ClassName;
if (IsBoxedIntPtr || name == "system.UInt64")
// IntPtr, UIntPtr, UInt64 -> Int64
name = "system.Int64";
else if (name == "system.UInt32")
name = "system.Int32";
else if (name == "system.UInt16")
name = "system.Int16";
else if (name == "system.Byte")
name = "system.SByte";
return cls;
return new JavaType(0, 0, name);
protected bool UnboxedTypeIsEnum
=> (UnboxedType.IsEnum && UnboxedType.ArrayRank == 0);
private JavaType ThisOrEnum
=> (UnboxedTypeIsEnum ? SystemEnumType : GetBaseClass(this));
protected JavaType UnboxedTypeInMethod =>
UnboxedType.IsIntLike ? JavaType.IntegerType
: UnboxedType.IsReference ? JavaType.ObjectType
: UnboxedType;
public virtual void BoxValue(JavaCode code)
if (UnboxedTypeIsEnum)
code.NewInstruction(0x12 /* ldc */, this, null);
code.NewInstruction(0xB8 /* invokestatic */, SystemEnumType,
new JavaMethodRef("Box", JavaType.ObjectType,
UnboxedTypeInMethod, JavaType.ClassType));
code.NewInstruction(0xC0 /* checkcast */, this, null);
code.NewInstruction(0xB8 /* invokestatic */, this,
new JavaMethodRef("Box", this, UnboxedTypeInMethod));
private string VolatileName(string nm, bool isVolatile)
=> ((UnboxedType.IsVolatile || isVolatile) ? ("Volatile" + nm) : nm);
public virtual void GetValue(JavaCode code, bool isVolatile = false)
code.NewInstruction(0xB6 /* invokevirtual */, ThisOrEnum,
new JavaMethodRef(VolatileName("Get", isVolatile),
if (UnboxedTypeInMethod.Category == 2)
public virtual void SetValueOV(JavaCode code, bool isVolatile = false)
code.NewInstruction(0xB6 /* invokevirtual */, ThisOrEnum,
new JavaMethodRef(VolatileName("Set", isVolatile),
JavaType.VoidType, UnboxedTypeInMethod));
public virtual void SetValueVO(JavaCode code, bool isVolatile = false)
var thisOrEnum = ThisOrEnum;
code.NewInstruction(0xB8 /* invokestatic */, thisOrEnum,
new JavaMethodRef(VolatileName("Set", isVolatile),
JavaType.VoidType, UnboxedTypeInMethod, thisOrEnum));
public class ThreadBoxedType : BoxedType
string OldClassName;
public ThreadBoxedType(CilType fromType)
: base(fromType, false)
OldClassName = ClassName;
ClassName = JavaName = "system.threading.ThreadLocal";
protected override string BoxedClassName => OldClassName;
public override void BoxValue(JavaCode code) => throw new NotImplementedException();
public JavaType GetInnerObject(JavaCode code)
var innerType = new JavaType(0, 0, OldClassName);
code.NewInstruction(0xB6 /* invokevirtual */, this,
new JavaMethodRef("get", JavaType.ObjectType));
code.NewInstruction(0xC0 /* checkcast */, innerType, null);
return (UnboxedTypeIsEnum ? SystemEnumType : GetBaseClass(innerType));
public override void GetValue(JavaCode code, bool isVolatile = false)
var innerOrEnum = GetInnerObject(code);
code.NewInstruction(0xB6 /* invokevirtual */, innerOrEnum,
new JavaMethodRef("Get", UnboxedTypeInMethod));
if (UnboxedTypeInMethod.Category == 2)
public override void SetValueOV(JavaCode code, bool isVolatile = false)
var innerOrEnum = GetInnerObject(code);
code.NewInstruction(0xB6 /* invokevirtual */, innerOrEnum,
new JavaMethodRef("Set", JavaType.VoidType, UnboxedTypeInMethod));
public override void SetValueVO(JavaCode code, bool isVolatile = false)
var innerOrEnum = GetInnerObject(code);
code.NewInstruction(0xB8 /* invokestatic */, innerOrEnum,
new JavaMethodRef("Set",
JavaType.VoidType, UnboxedTypeInMethod, innerOrEnum));