<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<Project ToolsVersion="4.0" DefaultTargets="Build" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003">
    <!--                                                                                   -->
    <!-- ILMerge project-specific settings. Almost never need to be set explicitly.       -->
    <!-- for details, see http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/people/mbarnett/ilmerge.aspx -->
    <!--                                                                                   -->
    <!-- *** set this file to Type=None, CopyToOutput=Never ***                            -->

    <!-- If True, all copy local dependencies will also be merged from referenced projects whether they are referenced in the current project explicitly or not -->

    <!-- Extra ILMerge library paths (semicolon-separated). Dont put your package dependencies here, they will be added automagically -->

    <!-- The solution NuGet package directory if not standard 'SOLUTION\packages' -->

    <!-- The merge order file name if differs from standard 'ILMergeOrder.txt' -->

    <!-- The strong key file name if not specified in the project -->

    <!-- The assembly version if differs for the version of the main assembly -->

    <!-- added in Version 1.0.4 -->

    <!-- added in Version 1.0.4, default=none -->

    <!-- If the <see cref="CopyAttributes"/> is also set, any assembly-level attributes names that have the same type are copied over into the target assembly -->

    <!-- See ILMerge documentation -->

    <!-- The assembly level attributes of each input assembly are copied over into the target assembly -->

    <!-- Creates a .pdb file for the output assembly and merges into it any .pdb files found for input assemblies, default=true -->

    <!-- Target assembly will be delay signed -->

    <!-- Types in assemblies other than the primary assembly have their visibility modified -->

    <!-- The path name of the file that will be used to identify types that are not to have their visibility modified -->

    <!-- XML documentation files are merged to produce an XML documentation file for the target assembly -->

    <!-- External assembly references in the manifest of the target assembly will use full public keys (false) or public key tokens (true, default value) -->

    <!-- Types with the same name are all merged into a single type in the target assembly -->

    <!-- The version of the target framework, default 40 (works for 45 too) -->