using System.Collections.Generic; using Mono.Cecil; using SpaceFlint.JavaBinary; namespace SpaceFlint.CilToJava { public static class TypeBuilder { internal static void BuildJavaClass(TypeDefinition cilType, JavaClass parentClass) { CilMain.Where.Push($"class '{cilType.FullName}'"); var genericMark = CilMain.GenericStack.Mark(); var myType = CilMain.GenericStack.EnterType(cilType); var jclass = new JavaClass(); jclass.Name = myType.JavaName; jclass.Flags = AttributesToAccessFlags(cilType.Attributes, myType.IsInterface); if (myType.IsInterface) jclass.Super = JavaType.ObjectType.ClassName; // java.lang.Object else if (cilType.BaseType != null) { var myBaseType = CilType.From(cilType.BaseType); jclass.Super = myBaseType.Equals(JavaType.ObjectType) ? JavaType.ObjectType.ClassName // java.lang.Object : myBaseType.JavaName; } else throw CilMain.Where.Exception("missing base class"); var myInterfaces = ImportInterfaces(jclass, myType, cilType); int numCastableInterfaces = myType.IsGenericThisOrSuper ? InterfaceBuilder.CastableInterfaceCount(myInterfaces) : 0; ImportFields(jclass, cilType, myType.IsRetainName); ImportMethods(jclass, cilType, numCastableInterfaces); ValueUtil.InitializeStaticFields(jclass, myType); if (myType.IsValueClass) { ValueUtil.MakeValueClass(jclass, myType, numCastableInterfaces); } else if (myType.IsEnum) { ValueUtil.MakeEnumClass(jclass, myType, cilType.HasCustomAttribute("System.FlagsAttribute", true)); } else if (myType.IsDelegate) { var delegateInterface = Delegate.FixClass(jclass, myType); CilMain.JavaClasses.Add(delegateInterface); } // if derives directly from object, and does not implement ToString CodeBuilder.CreateToStringMethod(jclass); ResetFieldReferences(jclass); LinkClasses(jclass, parentClass, cilType); var interfaceClasses = InterfaceBuilder.BuildProxyMethods( myInterfaces, cilType, myType, jclass); if (interfaceClasses != null) { foreach (var childClass in interfaceClasses) CilMain.JavaClasses.Add(childClass); } if (myType.HasGenericParameters) { JavaClass dataClass; if (! myType.IsInterface) { dataClass = GenericUtil.MakeGenericClass(jclass, myType); if (dataClass != null) CilMain.JavaClasses.Add(dataClass); } else dataClass = null; JavaClass infoClass = jclass; if (myType.IsInterface) { // Android 'D8' desugars static methods on an interface by // moving into a separate class, so we do it ourselves. // see also system.RuntimeType.CreateGeneric() in baselib infoClass = CilMain.CreateInnerClass(jclass, jclass.Name + "$$info"); CilMain.JavaClasses.Add(infoClass); } GenericUtil.CreateGenericInfoMethod(infoClass, dataClass, myType); GenericUtil.CreateGenericVarianceField(infoClass, myType, cilType); } if (myType.IsGenericThisOrSuper) { jclass.Signature = GenericUtil.MakeGenericSignature(cilType, jclass.Super); if (! myInterfaces.Exists(x => x.InterfaceType.JavaName == "system.IGenericObject")) { if (! myType.IsInterface) { // create IGenericObject methods GetType and TryCast // only if class did not already implement IGenericObject if (! myType.HasGenericParameters) { GenericUtil.BuildGetTypeMethod(jclass, myType); } InterfaceBuilder.BuildTryCastMethod( myInterfaces, myType, numCastableInterfaces, jclass); } } } CilMain.GenericStack.Release(genericMark); CilMain.Where.Pop(); } static JavaAccessFlags AttributesToAccessFlags(TypeAttributes attrs, bool isInterface) { var attrs0 = attrs; JavaAccessFlags flags = 0; var visibilityMask = attrs & TypeAttributes.VisibilityMask; if (visibilityMask == TypeAttributes.NestedPrivate) { flags |= JavaAccessFlags.ACC_PRIVATE; } else if ( visibilityMask == TypeAttributes.NestedFamily || visibilityMask == TypeAttributes.NestedFamANDAssem) { flags |= JavaAccessFlags.ACC_PROTECTED; } else { // an assembly can include more than one package namespace, // so even assembly-private-internal types must be made public flags |= JavaAccessFlags.ACC_PUBLIC; } attrs &= ~TypeAttributes.VisibilityMask; if (isInterface) { flags |= JavaAccessFlags.ACC_INTERFACE | JavaAccessFlags.ACC_ABSTRACT; } else { flags |= JavaAccessFlags.ACC_SUPER; if ((attrs & TypeAttributes.Abstract) != 0) { flags |= JavaAccessFlags.ACC_ABSTRACT; } else if ((attrs & TypeAttributes.Sealed) != 0) { flags |= JavaAccessFlags.ACC_FINAL; } } attrs &= ~( TypeAttributes.Abstract | TypeAttributes.Sealed | TypeAttributes.SpecialName | TypeAttributes.Interface | TypeAttributes.LayoutMask | TypeAttributes.Serializable | TypeAttributes.StringFormatMask | TypeAttributes.BeforeFieldInit | TypeAttributes.HasSecurity); if (attrs != 0) throw CilMain.Where.Exception($"unrecognized attributes {attrs0:X}"); return flags; } public static List ImportInterfaces(JavaClass jclass, CilType myType, TypeDefinition cilType) { var myInterfaces = CilInterface.CollectAll(cilType); int n = myInterfaces.Count; if (n > 0) { jclass.Interfaces = new List(n); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (myInterfaces[i].DirectReference) { var ifcJavaName = myInterfaces[i].InterfaceType.JavaName; if (ifcJavaName != "system.ValueMethod") { jclass.AddInterface(ifcJavaName); } } } } if ((cilType.Attributes & TypeAttributes.Serializable) != 0) { jclass.AddInterface(""); } if ((cilType.Attributes & TypeAttributes.Interface) != 0) { // super of interface is always java.lang.Object, per JLS 4.1 jclass.Super = JavaType.ObjectType.ClassName; } return myInterfaces; } public static void ImportFields(JavaClass jclass, TypeDefinition cilType, bool isRetainName) { if (cilType.HasFields) { int n = cilType.Fields.Count; if (n > 0) { if (isRetainName) throw CilMain.Where.Exception("fields not supported in a [RetainName] type"); jclass.Fields = new List(n); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { var cilField = cilType.Fields[i]; CilMain.Where.Push($"field '{cilField.Name}'"); if (cilField.InitialValue.Length != 0) throw CilMain.Where.Exception("unsupported InitialValue in field"); var myField = new JavaField(); myField.Name = CilMain.MakeValidMemberName(cilField.Name); myField.Class = jclass; myField.Flags = AttributesToAccessFlags( cilField.Attributes, (cilType.HasNestedTypes || cilType.HasGenericParameters)); if (cilType.IsEnum) { myField.Type = CilType.From(cilField.FieldType); if (cilField.Constant != null) myField.InitConstant(cilField.Constant, CilMain.Where); } else { myField.Type = ValueUtil.GetBoxedFieldType(null, cilField); if (((CilType) myField.Type).IsValueClass) myField.Constant = cilField; else { if (cilField.Constant != null) myField.InitConstant(cilField.Constant, CilMain.Where); if (((CilType) myField.Type).IsVolatile) myField.Flags |= JavaAccessFlags.ACC_VOLATILE; } } jclass.Fields.Add(myField); CilMain.Where.Pop(); } } } } public static void ResetFieldReferences(JavaClass jclass) { // reset all references to FieldDefinition, which were stored by // ImportFields (see above) in the Constant field of each JavaField if (jclass.Fields != null) { foreach (var fld in jclass.Fields) { if (fld.Constant is FieldDefinition) fld.Constant = null; } } } static JavaAccessFlags AttributesToAccessFlags(FieldAttributes attrs, bool hasInnerOrIsGeneric) { var attrs0 = attrs; JavaAccessFlags flags = 0; var fieldAccessMask = attrs & FieldAttributes.FieldAccessMask; attrs &= ~FieldAttributes.FieldAccessMask; switch (fieldAccessMask) { case FieldAttributes.Private: // .Net nested types can access private fields of parent type, // to emulate this in Java we use the default access modifier // of package-private, rather than ACC_PRIVATE if (! hasInnerOrIsGeneric) flags |= JavaAccessFlags.ACC_PRIVATE; break; case FieldAttributes.Family: case FieldAttributes.FamANDAssem: flags |= JavaAccessFlags.ACC_PROTECTED; break; case FieldAttributes.Assembly: case FieldAttributes.FamORAssem: // an assembly can include more than one package namespace default: flags |= JavaAccessFlags.ACC_PUBLIC; break; } if ((attrs & FieldAttributes.Static) != 0) { flags |= JavaAccessFlags.ACC_STATIC; attrs &= ~FieldAttributes.Static; } if ((attrs & FieldAttributes.InitOnly) != 0) { flags |= JavaAccessFlags.ACC_FINAL; attrs &= ~FieldAttributes.InitOnly; } if ((attrs & FieldAttributes.NotSerialized) != 0) { flags |= JavaAccessFlags.ACC_TRANSIENT; attrs &= ~FieldAttributes.NotSerialized; } attrs &= ~( FieldAttributes.Literal | FieldAttributes.HasFieldRVA | FieldAttributes.HasDefault | FieldAttributes.SpecialName | FieldAttributes.RTSpecialName); if (attrs != 0) throw CilMain.Where.Exception($"unrecognized attributes {attrs0:X}"); return flags; } public static void ImportMethods(JavaClass jclass, TypeDefinition cilType, int numCastableInterfaces) { if (cilType.HasMethods) { int n = cilType.Methods.Count; if (n > 0) { jclass.Methods = new List(n); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { var defMethod = cilType.Methods[i]; /* if (defMethod.HasCustomAttribute("Discard")) continue; // if decorated with [java.attr.Discard], don't export to java */ var genericMark = CilMain.GenericStack.Mark(); var myMethod = CilMain.GenericStack.EnterMethod(defMethod); var newMethod = new JavaMethod(jclass, myMethod.WithGenericParameters); newMethod.Flags = AttributesToAccessFlags( defMethod.Attributes, defMethod.HasOverrides, (cilType.HasNestedTypes || cilType.HasGenericParameters)); if (myMethod.IsStatic & myMethod.IsConstructor) { newMethod.Flags &= ~( JavaAccessFlags.ACC_PUBLIC | JavaAccessFlags.ACC_PRIVATE | JavaAccessFlags.ACC_PROTECTED); } if (defMethod.HasBody) { CilMain.Where.Push($"method '{defMethod.Name}'"); CodeBuilder.BuildJavaCode(newMethod, myMethod, defMethod, numCastableInterfaces); if ((defMethod.ImplAttributes & MethodImplAttributes.Synchronized) != 0) { // if method is decorated with [MethodImplOptions.Synchronized], // create a wrapper method that locks appropriately jclass.Methods.Add( CodeBuilder.CreateSyncWrapper(newMethod, myMethod.DeclType)); } else if ( defMethod.Name == "Finalize" && (! defMethod.HasParameters) && defMethod.IsVirtual) { // if method is a finalizer, create a wrapper method that // checks if finalization was suppressed for the object CodeBuilder.CreateSuppressibleFinalize( newMethod, myMethod.DeclType, jclass); } if (defMethod.IsVirtual) { InterfaceBuilder.BuildOverloadProxy( cilType, defMethod, myMethod, jclass); } else if (! myMethod.IsConstructor) { newMethod.Flags |= JavaAccessFlags.ACC_FINAL; } CilMain.Where.Pop(); } else { // clear ACC_STATIC and access, set ACC_ABSTRACT and ACC_PUBLIC newMethod.Flags = (newMethod.Flags | JavaAccessFlags.ACC_ABSTRACT | JavaAccessFlags.ACC_PUBLIC) & ~( JavaAccessFlags.ACC_STATIC | JavaAccessFlags.ACC_PRIVATE | JavaAccessFlags.ACC_PROTECTED); } jclass.Methods.Add(newMethod); CilMain.GenericStack.Release(genericMark); if (myMethod.IsConstructor) { var dummyClass = CreateDummyClassForConstructor(myMethod, jclass); if (dummyClass != null) CilMain.JavaClasses.Add(dummyClass); } else if ( myMethod.WithGenericParameters != myMethod && (! myMethod.IsRetainName)) { jclass.Methods.Add( Delegate.CreateCapturingBridgeMethod( newMethod, myMethod.Parameters, cilType.IsInterface)); } } } } else jclass.Methods = new List(0); JavaClass CreateDummyClassForConstructor(CilMethod theMethod, JavaClass theClass) { if (! theMethod.HasDummyClassArg) return null; return CilMain.CreateInnerClass( theClass, theMethod.Parameters[ theMethod.Parameters.Count - 1].Type.ClassName); } } static JavaAccessFlags AttributesToAccessFlags(MethodAttributes attrs, bool hasOverrides, bool hasInnerOrIsGeneric) { var attrs0 = attrs; JavaAccessFlags flags = 0; var methodAccessMask = attrs & MethodAttributes.MemberAccessMask; attrs &= ~MethodAttributes.MemberAccessMask; if (hasOverrides) { // explicit interface implementation is private in cil, // but must be made public callable in the jvm flags |= JavaAccessFlags.ACC_PUBLIC; } else { switch (methodAccessMask) { case MethodAttributes.Private: // .Net nested types can access private methods of parent type, // to emulate this in Java we use the default access modifier // of package-private, rather than ACC_PRIVATE if (! hasInnerOrIsGeneric) flags |= JavaAccessFlags.ACC_PRIVATE; break; case MethodAttributes.Family: case MethodAttributes.FamANDAssem: flags |= JavaAccessFlags.ACC_PROTECTED; break; case MethodAttributes.Assembly: case MethodAttributes.FamORAssem: // an assembly can include more than one package namespace default: flags |= JavaAccessFlags.ACC_PUBLIC; break; } } if ((attrs & MethodAttributes.Static) != 0) { flags |= JavaAccessFlags.ACC_STATIC; attrs &= ~MethodAttributes.Static; } if ((attrs & MethodAttributes.PInvokeImpl) != 0) { // note that an extern (PInvoke) method would not have a body, // so ImportMethods would set ACC_ABSTRACT and clear ACC_STATIC attrs &= ~MethodAttributes.PInvokeImpl; } attrs &= ~( MethodAttributes.Final | MethodAttributes.Virtual | MethodAttributes.NewSlot | MethodAttributes.HideBySig | MethodAttributes.Abstract | MethodAttributes.CheckAccessOnOverride | MethodAttributes.SpecialName | MethodAttributes.RTSpecialName | MethodAttributes.HasSecurity | MethodAttributes.RequireSecObject); if (attrs != 0) throw CilMain.Where.Exception($"unrecognized attributes {attrs0:X}"); return flags; } static void LinkClasses(JavaClass thisClass, JavaClass parentClass, TypeDefinition cilType) { CilMain.JavaClasses.Add(thisClass); if (parentClass == null) { int lastDot = thisClass.Name.LastIndexOf('.'); if (lastDot != -1) thisClass.PackageNameLength = (short) lastDot; } else { thisClass.PackageNameLength = parentClass.PackageNameLength; parentClass.AddInnerClass(thisClass); } if (cilType.HasNestedTypes) { foreach (var nestedCilType in cilType.NestedTypes) { if ( nestedCilType.Name == "SynchronizedList" && cilType.Name == "List`1" && cilType.Namespace == "System.Collections.Generic") { // skip internal class SynchronizedList which is never used continue; } BuildJavaClass(nestedCilType, thisClass); } } } } }