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2020-08-26 11:23:24 +03:00
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Mono.Cecil;
using SpaceFlint.JavaBinary;
namespace SpaceFlint.CilToJava
public static class InterfaceBuilder
public static int CastableInterfaceCount(List<CilInterface> allInterfaces)
// a castable interface is an interface with generic parameters,
// except those that are already implemented by a base type,
// because those were already counted as castable in the base type.
// see also: InitInterfaceArrayField and BuildTryCastMethod.
int num = 0;
foreach (var ifc in allInterfaces)
if (ifc.GenericTypes != null && (! ifc.SuperImplements))
return num;
public static List<JavaClass> BuildProxyMethods(List<CilInterface> allInterfaces,
TypeDefinition fromType, CilType intoType,
JavaClass theClass)
// process only if the class (or interface) has any methods or super interfaces
var classMethods = theClass.Methods;
if (classMethods.Count == 0)
return null;
bool isInterface = intoType.IsInterface;
if ((! isInterface) && theClass.Interfaces == null)
return null;
var theMethods = CilInterfaceMethod.CollectAll(fromType);
// if any interfaces are marked [RetainName], make sure that
// all corresponding methods are also marked [RetainName]
CheckRetainNameMethods(theMethods, allInterfaces, intoType);
// if this is an abstract class but forced to an interface via [AddInterface]
// decoration, then we need to remove all constructors generated for the class
if (intoType.IsInterface)
if (! fromType.IsInterface)
for (int i = classMethods.Count; i-- > 0; )
if (classMethods[i].Name == "<init>")
if (intoType.HasGenericParameters)
// the RuntimeType constructor in baselib uses IGenericEntity
// marker interface to identify generic classes. note that
// real generic types implement IGenericObject -> IGenericEntity.
return null;
// for each implemented interface, build proxy methods
List<JavaClass> output = null;
int ifcNumber = 0;
foreach (var ifc in allInterfaces)
if ((! ifc.DirectReference) && ifc.SuperImplements)
// we don't have to build proxy for an interface if it is
// implemented by a super type and not by our primary type
if (ifc.GenericTypes == null)
foreach (var ifcMethod in ifc.Methods)
// build proxy methods: interface$method -> method
var newMethod = BuildPlainProxy(ifcMethod, intoType, theMethods);
if (newMethod != null)
newMethod.Class = theClass;
var ifcClass = CreateInnerClass(theClass, intoType, ++ifcNumber);
if (output == null)
output = new List<JavaClass>();
// if the class implements a generic interface for multiple types,
// then we need a method suffix to differentiate between the methods.
// see also: CilMethod::InsertMethodNamePrefix
2021-08-04 22:10:27 +03:00
/*string methodSuffix = "";
2020-08-26 11:23:24 +03:00
foreach (var genericType in ifc.GenericTypes)
2021-08-04 22:10:27 +03:00
methodSuffix += "--" + CilMethod.GenericParameterSuffixName(genericType);*/
2020-08-26 11:23:24 +03:00
foreach (var ifcMethod in ifc.Methods)
// build proxy classes: proxy sub-class -> this class
2021-08-04 22:10:27 +03:00
BuildGenericProxy(ifcMethod, /*methodSuffix,*/ intoType, theMethods, ifcClass);
2020-08-26 11:23:24 +03:00
return output;
JavaClass CreateInnerClass(JavaClass parentClass, CilType parentType, int ifcNumber)
// generic interfaces are implemented as proxy sub-classes which
// call methods on the parent class object. we need to define
// an inner class. this class has one instance field which is a
// reference to the parent class. the constructor takes this
// reference as a parameter and initializes the instance field.
var newClass = CilMain.CreateInnerClass(parentClass,
2021-08-04 22:10:27 +03:00
parentClass.Name + "$$generic" + ifcNumber.ToString(),
markGenericEntity: true);
2020-08-26 11:23:24 +03:00
var fld = new JavaField();
fld.Name = ParentFieldName;
fld.Type = parentType;
fld.Class = newClass;
fld.Flags = JavaAccessFlags.ACC_PRIVATE;
var code = CilMain.CreateHelperMethod(newClass,
new JavaMethodRef("<init>", JavaType.VoidType, JavaType.ObjectType),
2, 2);
code.Method.Flags &= ~JavaAccessFlags.ACC_BRIDGE; // invalid for constructor
code.NewInstruction(0x19 /* aload */, null, (int) 0);
code.NewInstruction(0xB7 /* invokespecial */, JavaType.ObjectType,
new JavaMethodRef("<init>", JavaType.VoidType));
code.NewInstruction(0x19 /* aload */, null, (int) 0);
code.NewInstruction(0x19 /* aload */, null, (int) 1);
code.NewInstruction(0xC0 /* checkcast */, parentType, null);
code.NewInstruction(0xB5 /* putfield */, new JavaType(0, 0, newClass.Name),
new JavaFieldRef(ParentFieldName, parentType));
code.NewInstruction(JavaType.VoidType.ReturnOpcode, null, null);
return newClass;
void CreateInterfaceArrayField(JavaClass parentClass)
// the parent class has a helper array field that is used to track
// the proxy objects generated for implemented generic interfaces.
// see also: InitInterfaceArrayField, below.
var fld = new JavaField();
fld.Name = InterfaceArrayField.Name;
fld.Type = InterfaceArrayField.Type;
fld.Class = parentClass;
fld.Flags = JavaAccessFlags.ACC_PRIVATE;
if (parentClass.Fields == null)
parentClass.Fields = new List<JavaField>(1);
// InitInterfaceArrayField
public static void InitInterfaceArrayField(CilType toType, int numCastableInterfaces,
2021-08-04 22:10:27 +03:00
JavaCode code, int objectIndex)
2020-08-26 11:23:24 +03:00
// if a type has castable interface (as counted by CastableInterfaceCount),
// then we need to initialize the helper array field, for use by the
// implementation of the IGenericObject.TryCast helper method
if (numCastableInterfaces == 0)
2021-08-04 22:10:27 +03:00
// objectIndex specifies the local index for the object reference,
// e.g. 0 for the 'this' object, or -1 for top of stack.
if (objectIndex == -1)
code.NewInstruction(0x59 /* dup */, null, null);
code.NewInstruction(0x19 /* aload */, null, objectIndex);
2020-08-26 11:23:24 +03:00
2021-08-04 22:10:27 +03:00
2020-08-26 11:23:24 +03:00
code.NewInstruction(0xBB /* new */, AtomicReferenceArrayType, null);
code.NewInstruction(0x59 /* dup */, null, null);
code.NewInstruction(0x12 /* ldc */, null, numCastableInterfaces);
code.NewInstruction(0xB7 /* invokespecial */, AtomicReferenceArrayType,
new JavaMethodRef("<init>", JavaType.VoidType, JavaType.IntegerType));
code.NewInstruction(0xB5 /* putfield */, toType, InterfaceArrayField);
// if any interfaces are marked [RetainName], make sure that
// all corresponding methods are also marked [RetainName]
static void CheckRetainNameMethods(List<CilInterfaceMethod> theMethods,
List<CilInterface> theInterfaces,
CilType checkedType)
List<CilInterface> retainNameInterfaces = null;
foreach (var myInterface in theInterfaces)
if (myInterface.InterfaceType.IsRetainName)
if (retainNameInterfaces == null)
retainNameInterfaces = new List<CilInterface>();
if (retainNameInterfaces == null)
foreach (var myMethod in theMethods)
// if the method was not declared on the type itself, skip it.
if (myMethod.Method.DeclType != checkedType)
// methods may be marked with [RetainName] to avoid shadow renaming
// (via CilMethod::MethodIsShadowing), as well as to match methods
// from [RetainName] interfaces. so if the method is marked so,
// then we can just skip it.
if (myMethod.Method.IsRetainName)
// if the method is an explicit method implementation, then it cannot
// implement a method from a [RetainName] interface (checked in
// CilMethod::InsertMethodNamePrefix) and cannot be marked [RetainName]
// (checked in CilMethod::SetMethodType).
if (myMethod.Method.IsExplicitImpl)
// if the method is not marked [RetainName], then make sure it is not
// overriding an interface method marked [RetainName]
var (foundInterface, foundMethod) =
FindMethod(retainNameInterfaces, myMethod);
if (foundMethod != null)
var interfaceName = foundInterface.InterfaceType.JavaName;
throw CilMain.Where.Exception(
$"method '{myMethod}' (for interface '{interfaceName}') "
+ $"should be decorated with [java.attr.RetainName]");
(CilInterface, CilInterfaceMethod) FindMethod(List<CilInterface> haystack,
CilInterfaceMethod needle)
foreach (var ifc in haystack)
var mth = CilInterfaceMethod.FindMethod(ifc.Methods, needle);
if (mth != null)
return (ifc, mth);
return (null, null);
public static JavaMethod BuildPlainProxy(CilInterfaceMethod ifcMethod, CilType intoType,
List<CilInterfaceMethod> classMethods)
CilMethod targetMethod = null;
foreach (var clsMethod in classMethods)
if (clsMethod.Method.IsExplicitImpl)
// no need for a proxy if we already have an override method,
// which has the same name as the proxy: interface$method
if (ifcMethod.Method.Name == clsMethod.Method.Name)
return null;
else if (ifcMethod.PlainCompare(clsMethod))
// more than one method may match, if a derived type overrides
// or hides a method that also exists in a base type. but the
// derived (primary) type methods always come first.
if (targetMethod == null)
targetMethod = clsMethod.Method;
if (targetMethod == null)
throw CilMain.Where.Exception(
$"missing method '{ifcMethod.Method}' "
+ $"(for interface '{ifcMethod.Method.DeclType}')");
if (targetMethod.IsRetainName)
// method retains is name, so it doesn't require a proxy bridge
return null;
// create proxy method
var newMethod = new JavaMethod(null, targetMethod);
newMethod.Name = ifcMethod.Method.Name;
newMethod.Flags = JavaAccessFlags.ACC_PUBLIC | JavaAccessFlags.ACC_BRIDGE;
var code = newMethod.Code = new JavaCode();
code.Method = newMethod;
code.Instructions = new List<JavaCode.Instruction>();
// push 'this' and all other parameters
code.NewInstruction(0x19 /* aload */, null, (int) 0);
int numArgs = newMethod.Parameters.Count;
int index = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < numArgs; i++)
var arg = targetMethod.Parameters[i].Type;
code.NewInstruction(arg.LoadOpcode, null, (int) index);
index += arg.Category;
// invoke proxy target method and return
code.NewInstruction(0xB6 /* invokevirtual */, intoType, targetMethod);
code.NewInstruction(targetMethod.ReturnType.ReturnOpcode, null, null);
code.MaxLocals = code.MaxStack = index;
return newMethod;
2021-08-04 22:10:27 +03:00
public static void BuildGenericProxy(CilInterfaceMethod ifcMethod, /*string methodSuffix,*/
2020-08-26 11:23:24 +03:00
CilType intoType, List<CilInterfaceMethod> classMethods,
JavaClass ifcClass)
CilMethod targetMethod = null;
//Console.WriteLine("\n***** LOOKING FOR INTERFACE METHOD " + ifcMethod + " (SUFFIX " + methodSuffix + ") AKA " + ifcMethod.Method);
foreach (var clsMethod in classMethods)
/*Console.WriteLine("> LOOKING AT "
+ (clsMethod.Method.IsExplicitImpl ? "EXPLICIT " : "")
+ "CLASS METHOD " + clsMethod + " AKA " + clsMethod.Method);*/
if (ifcMethod.GenericCompare(clsMethod))
if (clsMethod.Method.IsExplicitImpl)
// a matching explicit override method is the best match,
// and we can immediately stop searching
targetMethod = clsMethod.Method;
// more than one method may match, if a derived type overrides
// or hides a method that also exists in a base type. but the
2021-08-04 22:10:27 +03:00
// derived (primary) type methods always come first
2020-08-26 11:23:24 +03:00
if (targetMethod == null)
targetMethod = clsMethod.Method;
2021-08-04 22:10:27 +03:00
// if a second method matches, and the set of generic types
// in its signature exactly matches the interface method we
// are looking for, then prefer this method. when a class
// implements same-name methods from multiple interfaces,
// this is needed to pick the right method.
// see also ResolvedGenericTypes in CilInterfaceMethod.
else if ( clsMethod.ResolvedGenericTypes.Length != 0
&& clsMethod.ResolvedGenericTypes
== ifcMethod.ResolvedGenericTypes)
targetMethod = clsMethod.Method;
2020-08-26 11:23:24 +03:00
if (targetMethod == null)
throw CilMain.Where.Exception(
$"missing method '{ifcMethod.Method}' "
+ $"(for interface '{ifcMethod.Method.DeclType}')");
// Console.WriteLine("INTERFACE METHOD " + ifcMethod.Method + " TARGET " + targetMethod);
BuildGenericProxy2(ifcMethod, targetMethod, true, intoType, ifcClass);
public static void BuildGenericProxy2(CilInterfaceMethod ifcMethod, CilMethod targetMethod,
bool parentField, CilType intoType, JavaClass ifcClass)
// create proxy method
var targetMethod2 = targetMethod.WithGenericParameters;
var ifcMethod2 = ifcMethod.Method.WithGenericParameters;
var newMethod = new JavaMethod(ifcClass, targetMethod2);
newMethod.Name = ifcMethod2.Name;
newMethod.Flags = JavaAccessFlags.ACC_PUBLIC | JavaAccessFlags.ACC_BRIDGE;
var code = newMethod.Code = new JavaCode();
code.Method = newMethod;
code.Instructions = new List<JavaCode.Instruction>();
// push a reference to the parent object
code.NewInstruction(0x19 /* aload */, null, (int) 0);
if (parentField)
code.NewInstruction(0xB4 /* getfield */, new JavaType(0, 0, ifcClass.Name),
new JavaFieldRef(ParentFieldName, intoType));
// push all other parameters
int numArgs = newMethod.Parameters.Count;
int index = 1;
int maxStack = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < numArgs; i++)
var ifcArg = ifcMethod2.Parameters[i].Type;
code.NewInstruction(ifcArg.LoadOpcode, null, (int) index);
index += ifcArg.Category;
var clsArg = (CilType) targetMethod2.Parameters[i].Type;
if (JavaType.ObjectType.Equals(ifcArg))
if (! clsArg.IsReference)
var boxedArg = new BoxedType(clsArg, false);
code.NewInstruction(0xC0 /* checkcast */, boxedArg, null);
else if (! JavaType.ObjectType.Equals(clsArg))
code.NewInstruction(0xC0 /* checkcast */, clsArg, null);
// a parameter in the target method may be a concrete type,
// but if it is a generic java.lang.Object in the interface,
// then it must be a generic java.lang.Object in the proxy
newMethod.Parameters[i] = new JavaFieldRef("", ifcArg);
maxStack += clsArg.Category;
// invoke proxy target method
code.NewInstruction(0xB6 /* invokevirtual */, intoType, targetMethod2);
// return value from method
var clsRet = (CilType) targetMethod2.ReturnType;
var ifcRet = ifcMethod2.ReturnType;
if (JavaType.ObjectType.Equals(ifcRet))
if (! clsRet.IsReference)
var boxedArg = new BoxedType(clsRet, false);
// the return value in the target method may be a concrete type,
// but if it is a generic java.lang.Object in the interface,
// then it must also be a generic java.lang.Object in the proxy
newMethod.ReturnType = ifcRet;
code.NewInstruction(ifcRet.ReturnOpcode, null, null);
code.NewInstruction(clsRet.ReturnOpcode, null, null);
code.MaxLocals = index;
code.MaxStack = maxStack;
public static void BuildOverloadProxy(TypeDefinition fromType, MethodDefinition fromMethod,
CilMethod targetMethod, JavaClass intoClass)
// create a proxy bridge to forward invocations of a virtual method from
// the base class, to an implementation in a derived class. this is needed
// where the base virtual method has generic parameters or return type,
// for example: virtual T SomeMethod(T arg) will be translated as:
// java.lang.Object SomeMethod(-generic-$)(java.lang.Object arg)
// and in a derived class that specializes T as String:
// java.lang.String SomeMethod(java.lang.String arg)
// so the derived class must also include a proxy bridge method with the
// same name as in the base class, and forward the call.
//Console.WriteLine($"CHECK OVERRIDE {fromMethod}");
int targetMethodCount = targetMethod.Parameters.Count;
for (;;)
var baseType = fromType.BaseType;
if (baseType == null)
fromType = CilType.AsDefinition(baseType);
if (! baseType.IsGenericInstance)
foreach (var fromMethod2 in fromType.Methods)
//Console.WriteLine($"\tCOMPARE {fromMethod2} {fromMethod2.IsVirtual} {fromMethod2.Name == fromMethod.Name} {targetMethodCount == fromMethod2.Parameters.Count}");
if ( fromMethod2.IsVirtual && fromMethod2.Name == fromMethod.Name
&& targetMethodCount == fromMethod2.Parameters.Count)
if (CilMethod.CompareMethods(fromMethod, fromMethod2))
//Console.WriteLine(">>>>>>>>>>>>> WARNING SAME: " + fromMethod.ToString() + " AND " + fromType);
var genericMark = CilMain.GenericStack.Mark();
var baseMethod = new CilInterfaceMethod(
//Console.WriteLine($"\twould compare with {fromMethod2} in class {baseType}");
if (targetMethodCount != baseMethod.Parameters.Count)
if (! IsGenericOrEqual(targetMethod.ReturnType, baseMethod.ReturnType))
bool sameParameters = true;
for (int i = 0; i < targetMethodCount; i++)
if (! IsGenericOrEqual(targetMethod.Parameters[i].Type,
bool equalsAfterUnboxing = (
targetMethod.Parameters[i].Type is BoxedType boxedType
&& boxedType.UnboxedType.Equals(baseMethod.Parameters[i]));
if (! equalsAfterUnboxing)
//Console.WriteLine($"\tMISMATCH {targetMethod.Parameters[i].Type} vs {baseMethod.Parameters[i]}/{baseMethod.Parameters[i].IsGenericParameter}");
sameParameters = false;
if (sameParameters)
2021-02-13 23:16:20 +02:00
if (baseMethod.Method.WithGenericParameters.ToString()
!= targetMethod.WithGenericParameters.ToString())
// the proxy method may have the same signature as the
// target method. for example in a generic class that
// inherits from a generic class:
// class A<T> { virtual T Method(T arg); }
// and class B<T> : A<T> { override T Method(T arg); }
// in such a case, we should not generate a specialized
// proxy for the generic method in class B.
//Console.WriteLine($"proxying {targetMethod} in class {targetMethod.DeclType}");
BuildGenericProxy2(baseMethod, targetMethod,
false, targetMethod.DeclType, intoClass);
2020-08-26 11:23:24 +03:00
static bool IsGenericOrEqual(JavaType pThis, CilType pBase)
=> pBase.IsGenericParameter || pThis.Equals(pBase);
// implement the method IGenericObject.TryCast(Type)
public static void BuildTryCastMethod(List<CilInterface> allInterfaces, CilType intoType,
int numCastableInterfaces, JavaClass intoClass)
var code = CilMain.CreateHelperMethod(intoClass,
new JavaMethodRef("system-IGenericObject-TryCast",
JavaType.ObjectType, CilType.SystemTypeType),
3, 0);
code.StackMap = new JavaStackMap();
code.StackMap.SetLocal(0, intoType);
code.StackMap.SetLocal(1, CilType.SystemTypeType);
code.StackMap.SaveFrame(0, false, CilMain.Where);
if (intoType.HasGenericParameters)
// if this type is a generic type, compare it to the input.
// see also: built GenericUtil::BuildGetTypeMethod()
code.NewInstruction(0x19 /* aload */, null, (int) 0);
code.NewInstruction(0xB4 /* getfield */,
intoType, GenericUtil.ConcreteTypeField);
code.NewInstruction(0x19 /* aload */, null, (int) 1);
code.NewInstruction(0xA5 /* if_acmpeq */, null, (ushort) 0xFFF1);
// branch to label 0xFFF1 to return 'this' reference
if (code.MaxStack < 2)
code.MaxStack = 2;
if (intoType.SuperTypes[0].IsGenericThisOrSuper)
// if the base type has IGenericObject::TryCast, call that.
code.NewInstruction(0x19 /* aload */, null, (int) 0);
code.NewInstruction(0x19 /* aload */, null, (int) 1);
code.NewInstruction(0xB7 /* invokespecial */,
intoType.SuperTypes[0], code.Method);
code.NewInstruction(0x59 /* dup */, null, null);
code.NewInstruction(0xC7 /* ifnonnull */, null, (ushort) 0xFFF2);
// branch to label 0xFFF2 to return result from super TryCast
code.NewInstruction(0x57 /* pop */, null, null);
if (code.MaxStack < 2)
code.MaxStack = 2;
if (numCastableInterfaces != 0)
// compare the input type to any implemented generic interface,
// unless that interface is also implemented by a super type.
int ifcNumber = 0;
foreach (var ifc in allInterfaces)
if (ifc.GenericTypes != null && (! ifc.SuperImplements))
// this is a generic interface, not implemented by a super.
if (ifcNumber == 0)
// before processing the first such interface, make an
// easy to access reference to the array of interface
// types (see also CreateInterfaceArrayField).
code.NewInstruction(0x19 /* aload */, null, (int) 0);
code.NewInstruction(0xB4 /* getfield */,
intoType, InterfaceArrayField);
code.NewInstruction(0x3A /* astore */, null, (int) 2);
// set up parameters to call the GenericType::TryCast helper
code.NewInstruction(0x19 /* aload */, null, (int) 0);
code.NewInstruction(0x19 /* aload */, null, (int) 1);
code.NewInstruction(0x19 /* aload */, null, (int) 2);
code.NewInstruction(0x12 /* ldc */, null, (int) ifcNumber++);
var proxyClassName = intoType.JavaName
+ "$$generic" + ifcNumber.ToString();
code.NewInstruction(0x12 /* ldc */,
new JavaType(0, 0, proxyClassName), null);
foreach (var inst in ifc.LoadTypeCode.Instructions)
code.NewInstruction(0xB8 /* invokestatic */,
GenericUtil.SystemGenericType, TryCastHelperMethod);
code.NewInstruction(0x59 /* dup */, null, null);
code.NewInstruction(0xC7 /* ifnonnull */, null, (ushort) 0xFFF2);
code.NewInstruction(0x57 /* pop */, null, null);
// branch to label 0xFFF2 to return proxy object reference
int minStack = ifc.LoadTypeCode.MaxStack + 5;
if (code.MaxStack < minStack)
code.MaxStack = minStack;
// exit points. if control reaches this point, we return null, because
// no matching class or interface type was found. otherwise if there was
// a branch to label 0xFFF1, then we need to return the 'this' reference.
// and finally, a branch to label 0xFFF2, with a reference on the stack.
// label 0xFFF0 - return null
code.StackMap.SaveFrame(0xFFF0, true, CilMain.Where);
code.NewInstruction(0x01 /* aconst_null */, null, null, 0xFFF0);
code.NewInstruction(JavaType.ObjectType.ReturnOpcode, null, null);
// label 0xFFF1 - return 'this' reference
code.StackMap.SaveFrame(0xFFF1, true, CilMain.Where);
code.NewInstruction(0x19 /* aload */, null, (int) 0, 0xFFF1);
// label 0xFFF2 - return reference on the stack
code.StackMap.SaveFrame(0xFFF2, true, CilMain.Where);
code.NewInstruction(JavaType.ObjectType.ReturnOpcode, null, null, 0xFFF2);
// static variables
internal static readonly JavaType AtomicReferenceArrayType =
new JavaType(0, 0, "java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReferenceArray");
internal static readonly JavaFieldRef InterfaceArrayField =
new JavaFieldRef("-generic-interfaces", AtomicReferenceArrayType);
internal static readonly string ParentFieldName = "-generic-parent";
internal static readonly JavaMethodRef TryCastHelperMethod;
static InterfaceBuilder()
var parameters = new List<JavaFieldRef>(6);
parameters.Add(new JavaFieldRef("", JavaType.ObjectType));
parameters.Add(new JavaFieldRef("", CilType.SystemTypeType));
parameters.Add(new JavaFieldRef("", AtomicReferenceArrayType));
parameters.Add(new JavaFieldRef("", JavaType.IntegerType));
parameters.Add(new JavaFieldRef("", JavaType.ClassType));
parameters.Add(new JavaFieldRef("", CilType.SystemTypeType));
TryCastHelperMethod = new JavaMethodRef("TryCast", JavaType.ObjectType, parameters);