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2020-12-28 10:33:13 +02:00

module PruneMerge
open System
open System.IO
open System.IO.Compression
open System.Collections.Generic
open SpaceFlint.JavaBinary
let private SuccessExitCode: int = 0
let private ErrorExitCode: int = 1
exception IoError of string * Exception
let readJar path =
use file = File.OpenRead path
use jar = new ZipArchive (file, ZipArchiveMode.Read)
jar.Entries |> Seq.choose (fun entry -> JavaReader.ReadClassEx (entry, false) |> Option.ofObj)
|> Seq.toList
| ex -> raise (IoError ((sprintf "reading '%s'" path), ex))
let readJarsIntoMap inputs =
let known = HashSet()
inputs |> List.map readJar |> List.concat
|> List.map (fun clsex ->
let cls = clsex.JavaClass
if not (known.Add cls.Name)
then failwithf "duplicate class '%s'" cls.Name
else (cls.Name, clsex))
|> Map.ofList
let writeListIntoJar (allClasses: Map<string, JavaReader.JavaClassEx>) keepClasses path =
use file = File.Open (path, FileMode.CreateNew)
use jar = new ZipArchive (file, ZipArchiveMode.Update)
keepClasses |> Set.iter (fun name ->
let bytes = (allClasses |> Map.find name).RawBytes
let name = name.Replace('.', '/') + ".class"
let entry = jar.CreateEntry (name, CompressionLevel.Optimal)
use entryStream = entry.Open()
entryStream.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length)
| ex -> raise (IoError ((sprintf "writing '%s'" path), ex))
let shrink (allClasses: Map<string, JavaReader.JavaClassEx>) (filterNames: string list) =
let getClassRefName (constpool: JavaConstantPool) idx =
match constpool.Get (idx) with
| :? JavaConstant.Class as c ->
match constpool.Get (int (c.stringIndex)) with
| :? JavaConstant.Utf8 as u -> u.str
| _ -> ""
| _ -> ""
let extractClassRefs name (constpool: JavaConstantPool) =
let mutable refs = List.empty
for i = constpool.Count - 1 downto 0 do
let name2 = getClassRefName constpool i
if name2.Length > 0
then refs <- name2.Replace('/', '.') :: refs
let rec addClass name keep important =
if Set.contains name keep then keep
else match allClasses |> Map.tryFind name with
| None -> if important
then failwithf "class '%s' not found in input" name
else keep
| Some clsex -> extractClassRefs name clsex.Constants
|> List.fold (fun keep name -> addClass name keep false)
(Set.add name keep)
filterNames |> List.fold (fun keep name -> addClass name keep true) Set.empty
let main args =
Cmdline.parse args |> Option.exists (fun cmd ->
if File.Exists cmd.Output then
Cmdline.print "error: output file '%s' already exists" cmd.Output
else try
let allClasses = readJarsIntoMap cmd.Inputs
let keepClasses = shrink allClasses cmd.Roots
Cmdline.print "%d classes in input, %d classes in output" allClasses.Count keepClasses.Count
writeListIntoJar allClasses keepClasses cmd.Output
| Failure msg -> Cmdline.print "error: %s" msg; false
| IoError (path, ex) -> Cmdline.print "error %s: %s: %s" path (ex.GetType().Name) ex.Message ; false
| (* any *) ex -> Cmdline.print "%s: %s" (ex.GetType().Name) ex.Message ; false
) |> (fun ok -> if ok then 0 else 1) // program exit code