added build folder added build script for release build of ANX.Framework and all RenderSystems fixed some issues in projects regarding compiler directives removed StockShaderCodeGenerator from Pre-Build-Events. Build the Stock shaders using NAnt target build_stock_shaders. started Wiki documentation for custom build switches (e.g. extended mode)
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<?xml version="1.0"?>
<member name="T:NAnt.VSNet.Everett.Solution">
Analyses Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003 (Everett) solution files.
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.SolutionBase.GetProjectFileFromGuid(System.String)">
Gets the project file of the project with the given unique identifier.
<param name="projectGuid">The unique identifier of the project for which the project file should be retrieves.</param>
The project file of the project with the given unique identifier.
<exception cref="T:NAnt.Core.BuildException">No project with unique identifier <paramref name="projectGuid"/> could be located.</exception>
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.SolutionBase.Log(NAnt.Core.Level,System.String)">
Logs a message with the given priority.
<param name="messageLevel">The message priority at which the specified message is to be logged.</param>
<param name="message">The message to be logged.</param>
The actual logging is delegated to the underlying task.
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.SolutionBase.Log(NAnt.Core.Level,System.String,System.Object[])">
Logs a message with the given priority.
<param name="messageLevel">The message priority at which the specified message is to be logged.</param>
<param name="message">The message to log, containing zero or more format items.</param>
<param name="args">An <see cref="T:System.Object"/> array containing zero or more objects to format.</param>
The actual logging is delegated to the underlying task.
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.SolutionBase.LoadProjects(NAnt.Core.Util.GacCache,NAnt.VSNet.ReferencesResolver,System.Collections.Hashtable)">
Loads the projects from the file system and stores them in an
instance variable.
<param name="gacCache"><see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Util.GacCache"/> instance to use to determine whether an assembly is located in the Global Assembly Cache.</param>
<param name="refResolver"><see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.ReferencesResolver"/> instance to use to determine location and references of assemblies.</param>
<param name="explicitProjectDependencies">TODO</param>
<exception cref="T:NAnt.Core.BuildException">A project GUID in the solution file does not match the actual GUID of the project in the project file.</exception>
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.SolutionBase.TranslateProjectPath(System.String,System.String)">
Translates a project path, in the form of a relative file path or
a URL, to an absolute file path.
<param name="solutionDir">The directory of the solution.</param>
<param name="projectPath">The project path to translate to an absolute file path.</param>
The project path translated to an absolute file path.
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.SolutionBase.FixProjectReferences(NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBase,NAnt.VSNet.Configuration,System.Collections.Hashtable,System.Collections.Hashtable)">
Converts assembly references to projects to project references, adding
a build dependency.c
<param name="project">The <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBase"/> to analyze.</param>
<param name="solutionConfiguration">The solution configuration that is built.</param>
<param name="builtProjects"><see cref="T:System.Collections.Hashtable"/> containing list of projects that have been built.</param>
<param name="failedProjects"><see cref="T:System.Collections.Hashtable"/> containing list of projects that failed to build.</param>
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.SolutionBase.HasDirtyProjectDependency(NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBase,System.Collections.Hashtable)">
Determines whether any of the project dependencies of the specified
project still needs to be built.
<param name="project">The <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBase"/> to analyze.</param>
<param name="builtProjects"><see cref="T:System.Collections.Hashtable"/> containing list of projects that have been built.</param>
<see langword="true"/> if one of the project dependencies has not
yet been built; otherwise, <see langword="false"/>.
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.Extensibility.IProjectBuildProvider.IsSupported(System.String,System.Xml.XmlElement)">
Returns a number representing how much this file fits this project type.
<param name="projectExt"></param>
<param name="xmlDefinition"></param>
This enables the override in other providers. Do not return big numbers, mainly when compring only on filename.
<member name="T:NAnt.VSNet.Rainier.Solution">
Analyses Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2002 (Rainier) solution files.
<member name="T:NAnt.VSNet.Tasks.SolutionTask">
Compiles VS.NET solutions (or sets of projects), automatically determining
project dependencies from inter-project references.
This task support the following projects:
<list type="bullet">
<description>Visual Basic .NET</description>
<description>Visual C# .NET</description>
<description>Visual J# .NET</description>
<description>Visual C++ .NET</description>
Right now, only Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2002 and 2003 solutions
and projects are supported. Support for .NET Compact Framework projects
is also not available at this time.
The <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.Tasks.SolutionTask"/> also supports the model of referencing
projects by their output filenames, rather than referencing them inside
the solution. It will automatically detect the existance of a file
reference and convert it to a project reference. For example, if project
"A" references the file in the release output directory of
project "B", the <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.Tasks.SolutionTask"/> will automatically
convert this to a project dependency on project "B" and will
reference the appropriate configuration output directory at the final
build time (ie: reference the debug version of "B" if the
solution is built as debug).
The <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.Tasks.SolutionTask"/> expects all project files to be valid
XML files.
<h3>Resx Files</h3>
When building a project for a down-level target framework, special care
should be given to resx files. Resx files (can) contain references to
a specific version of CLR types, and as such are only upward compatible.
For example: if you want to be able to build a project both as a .NET 1.0
and .NET 1.1 assembly, the resx files should only contain references to
.NET 1.0 CLR types. Failure to do this may result in a <see cref="T:System.InvalidCastException"/>
failure at runtime on machines with only the .NET Framework 1.0 installed.
Compiles all of the projects in <c>test.sln</c>, in release mode, in
the proper order.
<solution configuration="release" solutionfile="test.sln" />
Compiles all of the projects in <c>projects.txt</c>, in the proper
<solution configuration="release">
<includesfile name="projects.txt" />
Compiles projects A, B and C, using the output of project X as a
<solution configuration="release">
<include name="A\A.csproj" />
<include name="B\b.vbproj" />
<include name="C\c.csproj" />
<include name="X\x.csproj" />
Compiles all of the projects in the solution except for project A.
<solution solutionfile="test.sln" configuration="release">
<include name="A\A.csproj" />
Compiles all of the projects in the solution mapping the specific project at
http://localhost/A/A.csproj to c:\inetpub\wwwroot\A\A.csproj and any URLs under
http://localhost/B/[remainder] to c:\other\B\[remainder]. This allows the build
to work without WebDAV.
<solution solutionfile="test.sln" configuration="release">
<map url="http://localhost/A/A.csproj" path="c:\inetpub\wwwroot\A\A.csproj" />
<map url="http://localhost/B" path="c:\other\B" />
Compiles all of the projects in the solution placing compiled outputs
in <c>c:\temp</c>.</para>
<solution solutionfile="test.sln" configuration="release" outputdir="c:\temp" />
<member name="F:NAnt.VSNet.Tasks.SolutionTask._customproperties">
Private var containing custom properties.
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.Tasks.SolutionTask.#ctor">
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.Tasks.SolutionTask"/> class.
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.Tasks.SolutionTask.ExpandMacro(System.String)">
Expands the given macro.
<param name="macro">The macro to expand.</param>
The expanded macro or <see langword="null"/> if the macro is not
<exception cref="T:NAnt.Core.BuildException">The macro cannot be expanded.</exception>
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.Tasks.SolutionTask.BuildAssemblyFolders">
Builds the list of folders that should be scanned for assembly
The list of folders that should be scanned for assembly references.
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.Tasks.SolutionTask.Projects">
The projects to build.
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.Tasks.SolutionTask.ReferenceProjects">
The projects to scan, but not build.
These projects are used to resolve project references and are
generally external to the solution being built. References to
these project's output files are converted to use the appropriate
solution configuration at build time.
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.Tasks.SolutionTask.SolutionFile">
The name of the VS.NET solution file to build.
The <see cref="P:NAnt.VSNet.Tasks.SolutionTask.Projects"/> can be used instead to supply a list
of Visual Studio.NET projects that should be built.
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.Tasks.SolutionTask.Configuration">
The name of the solution configuration to build.
Generally <c>release</c> or <c>debug</c>. Not case-sensitive.
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.Tasks.SolutionTask.Platform">
The name of platform to build the solution for.
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.Tasks.SolutionTask.SolutionConfig">
Gets the solution configuration to build.
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.Tasks.SolutionTask.OutputDir">
The directory where compiled targets will be placed. This
overrides path settings contained in the solution/project.
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.Tasks.SolutionTask.WebMaps">
WebMap of URL's to project references.
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.Tasks.SolutionTask.ExcludeProjects">
Fileset of projects to exclude.
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.Tasks.SolutionTask.AssemblyFolders">
Set of folders where references are searched when not found in path
from project file (HintPath).
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.Tasks.SolutionTask.IncludeVSFolders">
Includes Visual Studio search folders in reference search path.
The default is <see langword="true" />.
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.Tasks.SolutionTask.EnableWebDav">
Allow the task to use WebDAV for retrieving/compiling the projects within solution. Use of
<see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.Types.WebMap"/> is preferred over WebDAV. The default is <see langword="false"/>.
<para>WebDAV support requires permission changes to be made on your project server. These changes may affect
the security of the server and should not be applied to a public installation.</para>
<para>Consult your web server or the NAnt Wiki documentation for more information.</para>
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.Tasks.SolutionTask.CustomProperties">
Set of properties set at solution level. Builders for projects in solution may or may not use them.
TODO: some documentataion which properties could be defined here.
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.Tasks.SolutionTask.AssemblyFolderList">
Gets the list of folders to scan for assembly references.
The list of folders to scan for assembly references.
<member name="T:NAnt.VSNet.Types.UseOfATL">
Defines how the project is using the ATL library.
<member name="F:NAnt.VSNet.Types.UseOfATL.NotUsing">
Don't use ATL.
<member name="F:NAnt.VSNet.Types.UseOfATL.Static">
Use ATL in a Static Library.
<member name="F:NAnt.VSNet.Types.UseOfATL.Shared">
Use ATL in a Shared DLL.
<member name="T:NAnt.VSNet.Types.UseOfMFC">
Defines how the project is using the MFC library.
<member name="F:NAnt.VSNet.Types.UseOfMFC.NotUsing">
Don't use MFC.
<member name="F:NAnt.VSNet.Types.UseOfMFC.Static">
Use MFC in a Static Library.
<member name="F:NAnt.VSNet.Types.UseOfMFC.Shared">
Use MFC in a Shared DLL.
<member name="T:NAnt.VSNet.Types.UsePrecompiledHeader">
Indicates the possible ways in which precompiled header file use is
specified in a Visual C++ project.
The integer values assigned match those specified in the Visual C++
project file for each setting.
<member name="F:NAnt.VSNet.Types.UsePrecompiledHeader.Unspecified">
Precompiled header file use not specified.
<member name="F:NAnt.VSNet.Types.UsePrecompiledHeader.No">
Don't use a precompiled header file.
For further information on the use of this option
see the Microsoft documentation on the C++ compiler flag /Yc.
<member name="F:NAnt.VSNet.Types.UsePrecompiledHeader.Create">
Create precompiled header file.
For further information on the use of this option
see the Microsoft documentation on the C++ compiler flag /Yc.
<member name="F:NAnt.VSNet.Types.UsePrecompiledHeader.AutoCreate">
Automatically create precompiled header file if necessary.
For further information on the use of this option
see the Microsoft documentation on the C++ compiler flag /Yc.
<member name="F:NAnt.VSNet.Types.UsePrecompiledHeader.Use">
Use a precompiled header file.
For further information on the use of this option
see the Microsoft documentation on the C++ compiler flag /Yu.
<member name="T:NAnt.VSNet.Types.WebMap">
Represents a single mapping from URL project path to physical project
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.Types.WebMap.Url">
Specifies the URL of the project file, or a URL fragment to match.
The URL of the project file or the URL fragment to match.
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.Types.WebMap.Path">
Specifies the actual path to the project file, or the path fragment
to replace.
The actual path to the project file or the path fragment to replace
the URL fragment with.
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.Types.WebMap.CaseSensitive">
Specifies whether the mapping is case-sensitive or not.
A boolean flag representing the case-sensitivity of the mapping. Default is <see langword="true" />.
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.Types.WebMap.IfDefined">
Indicates if the URL of the project file should be mapped.
<see langword="true" /> if the URL of the project file should be
mapped; otherwise, <see langword="false" />.
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.Types.WebMap.UnlessDefined">
Indicates if the URL of the project file should not be mapped.
<see langword="true" /> if the URL of the project file should not
be mapped; otherwise, <see langword="false" />.
<member name="T:NAnt.VSNet.Types.WebMapCollection">
Contains a strongly typed collection of <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.Types.WebMap"/>
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.Types.WebMapCollection.#ctor">
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.Types.WebMapCollection"/> class.
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.Types.WebMapCollection.#ctor(NAnt.VSNet.Types.WebMapCollection)">
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.Types.WebMapCollection"/> class
with the specified <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.Types.WebMapCollection"/> instance.
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.Types.WebMapCollection.#ctor(NAnt.VSNet.Types.WebMap[])">
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.Types.WebMapCollection"/> class
with the specified array of <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.Types.WebMap"/> instances.
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.Types.WebMapCollection.FindBestMatch(System.String)">
Find the best matching <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.Types.WebMap"/> for the given Uri.
<param name="uri">The value to match against the <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.Types.WebMap"/> objects in the collection.</param>
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.Types.WebMapCollection.Add(NAnt.VSNet.Types.WebMap)">
Adds a <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.Types.WebMap"/> to the end of the collection.
<param name="item">The <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.Types.WebMap"/> to be added to the end of the collection.</param>
<returns>The position into which the new element was inserted.</returns>
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.Types.WebMapCollection.AddRange(NAnt.VSNet.Types.WebMap[])">
Adds the elements of a <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.Types.WebMap"/> array to the end of the collection.
<param name="items">The array of <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.Types.WebMap"/> elements to be added to the end of the collection.</param>
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.Types.WebMapCollection.AddRange(NAnt.VSNet.Types.WebMapCollection)">
Adds the elements of a <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.Types.WebMapCollection"/> to the end of the collection.
<param name="items">The <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.Types.WebMapCollection"/> to be added to the end of the collection.</param>
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.Types.WebMapCollection.Contains(NAnt.VSNet.Types.WebMap)">
Determines whether a <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.Types.WebMap"/> is in the collection.
<param name="item">The <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.Types.WebMap"/> to locate in the collection.</param>
<see langword="true"/> if <paramref name="item"/> is found in the
collection; otherwise, <see langword="false"/>.
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.Types.WebMapCollection.Contains(System.String)">
Determines whether a <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.Types.WebMap"/> with the specified
value is in the collection.
<param name="value">The argument value to locate in the collection.</param>
<see langword="true"/> if a <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.Types.WebMap"/> with value
<paramref name="value"/> is found in the collection; otherwise,
<see langword="false"/>.
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.Types.WebMapCollection.CopyTo(NAnt.VSNet.Types.WebMap[],System.Int32)">
Copies the entire collection to a compatible one-dimensional array, starting at the specified index of the target array.
<param name="array">The one-dimensional array that is the destination of the elements copied from the collection. The array must have zero-based indexing.</param>
<param name="index">The zero-based index in <paramref name="array"/> at which copying begins.</param>
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.Types.WebMapCollection.IndexOf(NAnt.VSNet.Types.WebMap)">
Retrieves the index of a specified <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.Types.WebMap"/> object in the collection.
<param name="item">The <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.Types.WebMap"/> object for which the index is returned.</param>
The index of the specified <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.Types.WebMap"/>. If the <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.Types.WebMap"/> is not currently a member of the collection, it returns -1.
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.Types.WebMapCollection.Insert(System.Int32,NAnt.VSNet.Types.WebMap)">
Inserts a <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.Types.WebMap"/> into the collection at the specified index.
<param name="index">The zero-based index at which <paramref name="item"/> should be inserted.</param>
<param name="item">The <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.Types.WebMap"/> to insert.</param>
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.Types.WebMapCollection.GetEnumerator">
Returns an enumerator that can iterate through the collection.
A <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.Types.WebMapEnumerator"/> for the entire collection.
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.Types.WebMapCollection.Remove(NAnt.VSNet.Types.WebMap)">
Removes a member from the collection.
<param name="item">The <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.Types.WebMap"/> to remove from the collection.</param>
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.Types.WebMapCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
Gets or sets the element at the specified index.
<param name="index">The zero-based index of the element to get or set.</param>
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.Types.WebMapCollection.Item(System.String)">
Gets the <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.Types.WebMap"/> with the specified value.
<param name="value">The value of the <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.Types.WebMap"/> to get.</param>
<member name="T:NAnt.VSNet.Types.WebMapEnumerator">
Enumerates the <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.Types.WebMap"/> elements of a <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.Types.WebMapCollection"/>.
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.Types.WebMapEnumerator.#ctor(NAnt.VSNet.Types.WebMapCollection)">
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.Types.WebMapEnumerator"/> class
with the specified <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.Types.WebMapCollection"/>.
<param name="arguments">The collection that should be enumerated.</param>
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.Types.WebMapEnumerator.MoveNext">
Advances the enumerator to the next element of the collection.
<see langword="true" /> if the enumerator was successfully advanced
to the next element; <see langword="false" /> if the enumerator has
passed the end of the collection.
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.Types.WebMapEnumerator.Reset">
Sets the enumerator to its initial position, which is before the
first element in the collection.
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.Types.WebMapEnumerator.Current">
Gets the current element in the collection.
The current element in the collection.
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.ReferenceBase.GetPrimaryOutputFile(NAnt.VSNet.Configuration)">
Gets the output path of the reference, without taking the "copy local"
setting into consideration.
<param name="solutionConfiguration">The solution configuration that is built.</param>
The full output path of the reference.
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.ReferenceBase.GetOutputFiles(NAnt.VSNet.Configuration,System.Collections.Hashtable)">
Gets the complete set of output files of the reference for the
specified configuration.
<param name="solutionConfiguration">The solution configuration that is built.</param>
<param name="outputFiles">The set of output files to be updated.</param>
The key of the case-insensitive <see cref="T:System.Collections.Hashtable"/> is the
full path of the output file and the value is the path relative to
the output directory.
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.ReferenceBase.GetAssemblyReferences(NAnt.VSNet.Configuration)">
Gets the complete set of assemblies that need to be referenced when
a project references this component.
<param name="solutionConfiguration">The solution configuration that is built.</param>
The complete set of assemblies that need to be referenced when a
project references this component.
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.ReferenceBase.GetTimestamp(NAnt.VSNet.Configuration)">
Gets the timestamp of the reference.
<param name="solutionConfiguration">The solution configuration that is built.</param>
The timestamp of the reference.
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.ReferenceBase.IsManaged(NAnt.VSNet.Configuration)">
Gets a value indicating whether the reference is managed for the
specified configuration.
<param name="solutionConfiguration">The solution configuration that is built.</param>
<see langword="true" /> if the reference is managed for the
specified configuration; otherwise, <see langword="false" />.
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.ReferenceBase.GetFileTimestamp(System.String)">
Returns the date and time the specified file was last written to.
<param name="fileName">The file for which to obtain write date and time information.</param>
A <see cref="T:System.DateTime"/> structure set to the date and time that
the specified file was last written to, or
<see cref="F:System.DateTime.MaxValue"/> if the specified file does not
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.ReferenceBase.Log(NAnt.Core.Level,System.String)">
Logs a message with the given priority.
<param name="messageLevel">The message priority at which the specified message is to be logged.</param>
<param name="message">The message to be logged.</param>
The actual logging is delegated to the underlying task.
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.ReferenceBase.Log(NAnt.Core.Level,System.String,System.Object[])">
Logs a message with the given priority.
<param name="messageLevel">The message priority at which the specified message is to be logged.</param>
<param name="message">The message to log, containing zero or more format items.</param>
<param name="args">An <see cref="T:System.Object"/> array containing zero or more objects to format.</param>
The actual logging is delegated to the underlying task.
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.ReferenceBase.CopyLocal">
Gets a value indicating whether the output file(s) of this reference
should be copied locally.
<see langword="true" /> if the output file(s) of this reference
should be copied locally; otherwise, <see langword="false" />.
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.ReferenceBase.IsSystem">
Gets a value indicating whether this reference represents a system
<see langword="true" /> if this reference represents a system
assembly; otherwise, <see langword="false" />.
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.ReferenceBase.Parent">
Gets the project in which the reference is defined.
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.FileReferenceBase.IsManaged(NAnt.VSNet.Configuration)">
Gets a value indicating whether the reference is managed for the
specified configuration.
<param name="config">The build configuration of the reference.</param>
<see langword="true" />.
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.FileReferenceBase.GetAssemblyOutputFiles(System.String,System.Collections.Hashtable)">
Gets the complete set of output files for the specified assembly
and adds them to <paremref name="outputFiles"/> collection.
<param name="assemblyFile">The path of the assembly to get the output files for.</param>
<param name="outputFiles">The set of output files to be updated.</param>
The key of the case-insensitive <see cref="T:System.Collections.Hashtable"/> is the
full path of the output file and the value is the path relative to
the output directory.
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.AssemblyReferenceBase.GetPrimaryOutputFile(NAnt.VSNet.Configuration)">
Gets the path of the reference, without taking the "copy local"
setting into consideration.
<param name="solutionConfiguration">The solution configuration that is built.</param>
The output path of the reference.
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.AssemblyReferenceBase.GetOutputFiles(NAnt.VSNet.Configuration,System.Collections.Hashtable)">
Gets the complete set of output files for the referenced project.
<param name="solutionConfiguration">The solution configuration that is built.</param>
<param name="outputFiles">The set of output files to be updated.</param>
The key of the case-insensitive <see cref="T:System.Collections.Hashtable"/> is the
full path of the output file and the value is the path relative to
the output directory.
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.AssemblyReferenceBase.GetAssemblyReferences(NAnt.VSNet.Configuration)">
Gets the complete set of assemblies that need to be referenced when
a project references this component.
<param name="solutionConfiguration">The solution configuration that is built.</param>
The complete set of assemblies that need to be referenced when a
project references this component.
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.AssemblyReferenceBase.GetTimestamp(NAnt.VSNet.Configuration)">
Gets the timestamp of the reference.
<param name="solutionConfiguration">The solution configuration that is built.</param>
The timestamp of the reference.
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.AssemblyReferenceBase.ResolveAssemblyReference">
Resolves an assembly reference.
The full path to the resolved assembly, or <see langword="null" />
if the assembly reference could not be resolved.
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.AssemblyReferenceBase.ResolveFromFolderList(System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection,System.String)">
Searches for the given file in all paths in <paramref name="folderList" />.
<param name="folderList">The folders to search.</param>
<param name="fileName">The file to search for.</param>
The path of the assembly if <paramref name="fileName" /> was found
in <paramref name="folderList" />; otherwise, <see langword="null" />.
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.AssemblyReferenceBase.ResolveFromFramework(System.String)">
Resolves an assembly reference in the framework assembly directory
of the target framework.
<param name="fileName">The file to search for.</param>
The full path of the assembly file if the assembly could be located
in the framework assembly directory; otherwise, <see langword="null" />.
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.AssemblyReferenceBase.ResolveFromRelativePath(System.String)">
Resolves an assembly reference using a path relative to the project
The full path of the assembly, or <see langword="null"/> if
<paramref name="relativePath"/> is <see langword="null"/> or an
empty <see cref="T:System.String"/>.
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.AssemblyReferenceBase.CopyLocal">
Gets a value indicating whether the output file(s) of this reference
should be copied locally.
<see langword="true" /> if the output file(s) of this reference
should be copied locally; otherwise, <see langword="false" />.
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.AssemblyReferenceBase.IsSystem">
Gets a value indicating whether this reference represents a system
<see langword="true" /> if this reference represents a system
assembly; otherwise, <see langword="false" />.
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.ConfigurationBase.#ctor(NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBase)">
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.ConfigurationBase"/>
class with the given <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBase"/>.
<param name="project">The project of the configuration.</param>
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.ConfigurationBase.ExpandMacro(System.String)">
Expands the given macro.
<param name="macro">The macro to expand.</param>
The expanded macro.
<exception cref="T:NAnt.Core.BuildException">
<para>The macro is not supported.</para>
<para>The macro is not implemented.</para>
<para>The macro cannot be expanded.</para>
<exception cref="T:System.NotImplementedException">
<para>Expansion of a given macro is not yet implemented.</para>
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.ConfigurationBase.EvaluateMacro(System.Text.RegularExpressions.Match)">
Is called each time a regular expression match is found during a
<see cref="M:Regex.Replace(string, MatchEvaluator)"/> operation.
<param name="m">The <see cref="T:System.Text.RegularExpressions.Match"/> resulting from a single regular expression match during a <see cref="M:Regex.Replace(string, MatchEvaluator)"/>.</param>
The expanded <see cref="T:System.Text.RegularExpressions.Match"/>.
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.ConfigurationBase.Project">
Gets the project.
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.ConfigurationBase.Name">
Gets the name of the configuration.
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.ConfigurationBase.ObjectDir">
Get the directory in which intermediate build output will be stored
for this configuration.
This is a directory relative to the project directory named
<c>obj\<configuration name></c>.
<c>.resx</c> and <c>.licx</c> files will only be recompiled if the
compiled resource files in the <see cref="P:NAnt.VSNet.ConfigurationBase.ObjectDir"/> are not
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.ConfigurationBase.OutputDir">
Gets the output directory.
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.ConfigurationBase.OutputPath">
Gets the path for the output file.
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.ConfigurationBase.BuildPath">
Gets the path in which the output file will be created before its
copied to the actual output path.
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.ConfigurationBase.RelativeOutputDir">
Get the path of the output directory relative to the project
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.ConfigurationBase.PlatformName">
Gets the platform that the configuration targets.
The platform targeted by the configuration.
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.ConfigurationBase.ExtraOutputFiles">
Gets the set of output files that is specific to the project
The set of output files that is specific to the project
The key of the case-insensitive <see cref="T:System.Collections.Hashtable"/> is the
full path of the output file and the value is the path relative to
the output directory.
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.ConfigurationDictionary.#ctor">
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.ConfigurationDictionary"/> class.
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.ConfigurationMap.#ctor">
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.ConfigurationMap"/> class.
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.ConfigurationMap.#ctor(System.Int32)">
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.ConfigurationMap"/>
class with the specified initial capacity.
<param name="capacity">The appropriate number of entries that the <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.ConfigurationMap"/> can initially contain.</param>
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.ConfigurationSettings.PlatformName">
Gets the platform that the configuration targets.
The platform targeted by the configuration.
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.ConfigurationSettings.BuildPath">
Gets the path in which the output file will be created before its
copied to the actual output path.
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.ConfigurationSettings.RegisterForComInterop">
Gets a value indicating whether to register the project output for
use with COM components.
<see langword="true" /> if the project output should be registered
for use with COM components; otherwise, <see langword="false" />.
<member name="T:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBase">
Base class for all project classes.
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBase.#ctor(System.Xml.XmlElement,NAnt.VSNet.Tasks.SolutionTask,System.CodeDom.Compiler.TempFileCollection,NAnt.Core.Util.GacCache,NAnt.VSNet.ReferencesResolver,System.IO.DirectoryInfo)">
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBase"/> class.
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBase.GetOutputFiles(NAnt.VSNet.Configuration,System.Collections.Hashtable)">
Gets the complete set of output files for the project configuration
matching the specified solution configuration.
<param name="solutionConfiguration">The solution configuration that is built.</param>
<param name="outputFiles">The set of output files to be updated.</param>
The key of the case-insensitive <see cref="T:System.Collections.Hashtable"/> is the
full path of the output file and the value is the path relative to
the output directory.
If the project is not configured to be built for the specified
solution configuration, then no output files are added.
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBase.IsManaged(NAnt.VSNet.Configuration)">
Gets a value indicating whether building the project for the specified
build configuration results in managed output.
<param name="configuration">The build configuration.</param>
<see langword="true" /> if the project output for the given build
configuration is managed; otherwise, <see langword="false" />.
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBase.ExpandMacro(System.String)">
Expands the given macro.
<param name="macro">The macro to expand.</param>
The expanded macro or <see langword="null" /> if the macro is not
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBase.DetermineProductVersion(System.Xml.XmlElement)">
Returns the Visual Studio product version of the specified project
XML fragment.
<param name="docElement">XML fragment representing the project file.</param>
The Visual Studio product version of the specified project XML
<exception cref="T:NAnt.Core.BuildException">
<para>The product version could not be determined.</para>
<para>The product version is not supported.</para>
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBase.VerifyProjectXml(System.Xml.XmlElement)">
Verifies whether the specified XML fragment represents a valid project
that is supported by this <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBase"/>.
<param name="docElement">XML fragment representing the project file.</param>
<exception cref="T:NAnt.Core.BuildException">
<para>The XML fragment is not supported by this <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBase"/>.</para>
<para>The XML fragment does not represent a valid project (for this <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBase"/>).</para>
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBase.Prepare(NAnt.VSNet.Configuration)">
Prepares the project for being built.
<param name="solutionConfiguration">The solution configuration that is built.</param>
The default implementation will ensure that none of the output files
are marked read-only.
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBase.CopyFile(System.IO.FileInfo,System.IO.FileInfo,NAnt.Core.Task)">
Copies the specified file if the destination file does not exist, or
the source file has been modified since it was previously copied.
<param name="srcFile">The file to copy.</param>
<param name="destFile">The destination file.</param>
<param name="parent">The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Task"/> in which context the operation will be performed.</param>
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBase.Log(NAnt.Core.Level,System.String)">
Logs a message with the given priority.
<param name="messageLevel">The message priority at which the specified message is to be logged.</param>
<param name="message">The message to be logged.</param>
The actual logging is delegated to the underlying task.
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBase.Log(NAnt.Core.Level,System.String,System.Object[])">
Logs a message with the given priority.
<param name="messageLevel">The message priority at which the specified message is to be logged.</param>
<param name="message">The message to log, containing zero or more format items.</param>
<param name="args">An <see cref="T:System.Object"/> array containing zero or more objects to format.</param>
The actual logging is delegated to the underlying task.
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBase.ProductVersion">
Gets the Visual Studio product version of the project.
The Visual Studio product version of the project.
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBase.Name">
Gets the name of the VS.NET project.
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBase.Type">
Gets the type of the project.
The type of the project.
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBase.ProjectPath">
Gets the path of the VS.NET project.
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBase.ProjectDirectory">
Gets the directory containing the VS.NET project.
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBase.ProjectLocation">
Get the location of the project.
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBase.ObjectDir">
Get the directory in which intermediate build output that is not
specific to the build configuration will be stored.
For <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectLocation.Local" /> projects, this is defined
as <c><Project Directory<\obj</c>.
For <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectLocation.Web" /> projects, this is defined
as <c>%HOMEPATH%\VSWebCache\<Machine Name>\<Project Directory>\obj</c>.
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBase.Guid">
Gets or sets the unique identifier of the VS.NET project.
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBase.ProjectConfigurations">
Gets a list of all configurations defined in the project.
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBase.BuildConfigurations">
Gets a list of project configurations that can be build.
Project configurations that are not in this list do not need to be
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBase.ExtraOutputFiles">
Gets the extra set of output files for the project.
The extra set of output files for the project.
The key of the case-insensitive <see cref="T:System.Collections.Hashtable"/> is the
full path of the output file and the value is the path relative to
the output directory.
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBase.ProjectDependencies">
Gets the set of projects that the project depends on.
The set of projects that the project depends on.
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBase.ProductVersionNumber">
TODO: refactor this !!!
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.ManagedProjectBase.IsManaged(NAnt.VSNet.Configuration)">
Gets a value indicating whether building the project for the specified
build configuration results in managed output.
<param name="solutionConfiguration">The solution configuration that is built.</param>
<see langword="true" />.
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.ManagedProjectBase.Prepare(NAnt.VSNet.Configuration)">
Prepares the project for being built.
<param name="solutionConfiguration">The solution configuration that is built.</param>
Ensures the configuration-level object directory exists and ensures
that none of the output files are marked read-only.
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.ManagedProjectBase.GetOutputFiles(NAnt.VSNet.Configuration,System.Collections.Hashtable)">
Gets the complete set of output files for the project configuration
matching the specified solution configuration.
<param name="solutionConfiguration">The solution configuration that is built.</param>
<param name="outputFiles">The set of output files to be updated.</param>
The key of the case-insensitive <see cref="T:System.Collections.Hashtable"/> is the
full path of the output file and the value is the path relative to
the output directory.
If the project is not configured to be built for the specified
solution configuration, then no output files are added.
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.ManagedProjectBase.GetProcessStartInfo(NAnt.VSNet.ConfigurationBase,System.String)">
Returns a <see cref="T:System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo"/> for launching the compiler
for this project.
<param name="config">The configuration to build.</param>
<param name="responseFile">The response file for the compiler.</param>
A <see cref="T:System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo"/> for launching the compiler for
this project.
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.ManagedProjectBase.DetermineProjectLocation(System.Xml.XmlElement)">
Returns the project location from the specified project XML fragment.
<param name="docElement">XML fragment representing the project file.</param>
The project location of the specified project XML file.
<exception cref="T:NAnt.Core.BuildException">
<para>The project location could not be determined.</para>
<para>The project location is invalid.</para>
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.ManagedProjectBase.GetTypeLibraryPath(NAnt.VSNet.ConfigurationSettings)">
Gets the absolute path of the type library for the project
<param name="config">The configuration to build.</param>
The absolute path of the type library for the project output.
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.ManagedProjectBase.RegisterForComInterop(NAnt.VSNet.ConfigurationSettings,NAnt.VSNet.Configuration,System.String)">
Generates a type library for the specified assembly, registers it.
<param name="config">The project configuration that is built.</param>
<param name="solutionConfiguration">The solution configuration that is built.</param>
<param name="typelibPath">The path of the type library to generate.</param>
The <c>regasm</c> tool is used to generate the type library.
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.ManagedProjectBase.UnregisterForComInterop(NAnt.VSNet.ConfigurationSettings,NAnt.VSNet.Configuration)">
Unregister a type library for the specified assembly, and the types
in that assembly.
<param name="config">The project configuration that is built.</param>
<param name="solutionConfiguration">The solution configuration that is built.</param>
The <c>regasm</c> tool is used to unregister the type library, and
remove the COM registration for types in the specified assembly.
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.ManagedProjectBase.GetLocalizedResources">
Returns <see cref="T:System.Collections.Hashtable"/> containing culture-specific resources.
A <see cref="T:System.Collections.Hashtable"/> containing culture-specific resources.
The key of the <see cref="T:System.Collections.Hashtable"/> is <see cref="T:System.Globalization.CultureInfo"/>
and the value is an <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.ManagedProjectBase.LocalizedResourceSet"/> instance
for that culture.
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.ManagedProjectBase.CreateRegAsmTask">
Creates and initializes a <see cref="T:NAnt.Win32.Tasks.RegAsmTask"/> instance.
An initialized <see cref="T:NAnt.Win32.Tasks.RegAsmTask"/> instance.
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.ManagedProjectBase.GetProductVersion(System.Xml.XmlNode)">
Returns the Visual Studio product version of the specified project
XML fragment.
<param name="projectNode">XML fragment representing the project to check.</param>
The Visual Studio product version of the specified project XML
<exception cref="T:NAnt.Core.BuildException">
<para>The product version could not be determined.</para>
<para>The product version is not supported.</para>
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.ManagedProjectBase.GetProjectLocation(System.Xml.XmlNode)">
Returns the <see cref="P:NAnt.VSNet.ManagedProjectBase.ProjectLocation"/> of the specified project
XML fragment.
<param name="projectNode">XML fragment representing the project to check.</param>
The <see cref="P:NAnt.VSNet.ManagedProjectBase.ProjectLocation"/> of the specified project XML
<exception cref="T:NAnt.Core.BuildException">
<para>The project location could not be determined.</para>
<para>The project location is invalid.</para>
<member name="F:NAnt.VSNet.ManagedProjectBase._sourceFiles">
Holds a case-insensitive list of source files.
The key of the <see cref="T:System.Collections.Hashtable"/> is the full path of the
source file and the value is <see langword="null"/>.
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.ManagedProjectBase.FileExtension">
Gets the default file extension of sources for this project.
The default file extension of sources for this project.
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.ManagedProjectBase.IsWebProject">
Gets a value indicating if this is a web project.
<see langword="true" /> if this is a web project; otherwise,
<see langword="false" />.
If the url of a web project has been mapped to a local path
(using the <webmap> element), then this property will return
<see langword="false" /> for a <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectLocation.Web" />
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.ManagedProjectBase.Name">
Gets the name of the VS.NET project.
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.ManagedProjectBase.ProjectPath">
Gets the path of the VS.NET project.
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.ManagedProjectBase.ProjectDirectory">
Gets the directory containing the VS.NET project.
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.ManagedProjectBase.ProjectLocation">
Get the location of the project.
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.ManagedProjectBase.Guid">
Gets or sets the unique identifier of the VS.NET project.
<member name="T:NAnt.VSNet.ManagedProjectBase.LocalizedResourceSet">
Groups a set of <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.Resource"/> instances for a specific
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.ManagedProjectBase.LocalizedResourceSet.#ctor(System.Globalization.CultureInfo)">
Initializes a new <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.ManagedProjectBase.LocalizedResourceSet"/> instance
for the specified culture.
<param name="culture">A <see cref="T:System.Globalization.CultureInfo"/>.</param>
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.ManagedProjectBase.LocalizedResourceSet.GetBuildDirectory(NAnt.VSNet.ConfigurationSettings)">
Gets the intermediate build directory in which the satellite
assembly is built.
<param name="projectConfig">The project build configuration.</param>
The intermediate build directory in which the satellite assembly
is built.
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.ManagedProjectBase.LocalizedResourceSet.GetSatelliteAssemblyPath(NAnt.VSNet.ConfigurationSettings,NAnt.VSNet.ProjectSettings)">
Gets a <see cref="T:System.IO.FileInfo"/> representing the path to the
intermediate file location of the satellite assembly.
<param name="projectConfig">The project build configuration.</param>
<param name="projectSettings">The project settings.</param>
A <see cref="T:System.IO.FileInfo"/> representing the path to the
intermediate file location of the satellite assembly.
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.ManagedProjectBase.LocalizedResourceSet.GetRelativePath(NAnt.VSNet.ProjectSettings)">
Gets path of the satellite assembly, relative to the output
<param name="projectSettings">The project settings.</param>
The path of the satellite assembly, relative to the output
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.ManagedProjectBase.LocalizedResourceSet.Culture">
Gets the <see cref="T:System.Globalization.CultureInfo"/> of the
<see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.ManagedProjectBase.LocalizedResourceSet"/>.
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.ManagedProjectBase.LocalizedResourceSet.Resources">
Gets the set of localized resources.
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.CSharpProject.VerifyProjectXml(System.Xml.XmlElement)">
Verifies whether the specified XML fragment represents a valid project
that is supported by this <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBase"/>.
<param name="docElement">XML fragment representing the project file.</param>
<exception cref="T:NAnt.Core.BuildException">
<para>The XML fragment is not supported by this <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBase"/>.</para>
<para>The XML fragment does not represent a valid project (for this <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBase"/>).</para>
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.CSharpProject.DetermineProductVersion(System.Xml.XmlElement)">
Returns the Visual Studio product version of the specified project
XML fragment.
<param name="docElement">The document element of the project.</param>
The Visual Studio product version of the specified project XML
<exception cref="T:NAnt.Core.BuildException">
<para>The product version could not be determined.</para>
<para>The product version is not supported.</para>
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.CSharpProject.GetProcessStartInfo(NAnt.VSNet.ConfigurationBase,System.String)">
Returns a <see cref="T:System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo"/> for launching the compiler
for this project.
<param name="config">The configuration to build.</param>
<param name="responseFile">The response file for the compiler.</param>
A <see cref="T:System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo"/> for launching the compiler for
this project.
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.CSharpProject.DetermineProjectLocation(System.Xml.XmlElement)">
Returns the project location from the specified project XML fragment.
<param name="docElement">XML fragment representing the project file.</param>
The project location of the specified project XML file.
<exception cref="T:NAnt.Core.BuildException">
<para>The project location could not be determined.</para>
<para>The project location is invalid.</para>
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.CSharpProject.IsSupported(System.Xml.XmlElement)">
Returns a value indicating whether the project represented by the
specified XML fragment is supported by <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.CSharpProject"/>.
<param name="docElement">XML fragment representing the project to check.</param>
<see langword="true"/> if <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.CSharpProject"/> supports
the specified project; otherwise, <see langword="false"/>.
A project is identified as as C# project, if the XML fragment at
least has the following information:
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.CSharpProject.Type">
Gets the type of the project.
The type of the project.
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.CSharpProject.FileExtension">
Gets the default file extension of sources for this project.
For C# projects, the default file extension is ".cs".
<member name="T:NAnt.VSNet.GenericSolution">
Supports grouping of individual projects, and treating them as a solution.
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.JSharpProject.VerifyProjectXml(System.Xml.XmlElement)">
Verifies whether the specified XML fragment represents a valid project
that is supported by this <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBase"/>.
<param name="docElement">XML fragment representing the project file.</param>
<exception cref="T:NAnt.Core.BuildException">
<para>The XML fragment is not supported by this <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBase"/>.</para>
<para>The XML fragment does not represent a valid project (for this <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBase"/>).</para>
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.JSharpProject.DetermineProductVersion(System.Xml.XmlElement)">
Returns the Visual Studio product version of the specified project
XML fragment.
<param name="docElement">The document element of the project.</param>
The Visual Studio product version of the specified project XML
<exception cref="T:NAnt.Core.BuildException">
<para>The product version could not be determined.</para>
<para>The product version is not supported.</para>
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.JSharpProject.Prepare(NAnt.VSNet.Configuration)">
Prepares the project for being built.
<param name="solutionConfiguration">The solution configuration that is built.</param>
Ensures the configuration-level object directory exists and ensures
that none of the output files are marked read-only.
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.JSharpProject.GetProcessStartInfo(NAnt.VSNet.ConfigurationBase,System.String)">
Returns a <see cref="T:System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo"/> for launching the compiler
for this project.
<param name="config">The configuration to build.</param>
<param name="responseFile">The response file for the compiler.</param>
A <see cref="T:System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo"/> for launching the compiler for
this project.
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.JSharpProject.DetermineProjectLocation(System.Xml.XmlElement)">
Returns the project location from the specified project XML fragment.
<param name="docElement">XML fragment representing the project file.</param>
The project location of the specified project XML file.
<exception cref="T:NAnt.Core.BuildException">
<para>The project location could not be determined.</para>
<para>The project location is invalid.</para>
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.JSharpProject.IsSupported(System.Xml.XmlElement)">
Returns a value indicating whether the project represented by the
specified XML fragment is supported by <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.JSharpProject"/>.
<param name="docElement">XML fragment representing the project to check.</param>
<see langword="true"/> if <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.CSharpProject"/> supports
the specified project; otherwise, <see langword="false"/>.
A project is identified as as J# project, if the XML fragment at
least has the following information:
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.JSharpProject.Type">
Gets the type of the project.
The type of the project.
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.JSharpProject.FileExtension">
Gets the default file extension of sources for this project.
For J# projects, the default file extension is ".jsl".
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.ManagedAssemblyReference.ResolveAssemblyReference">
Resolves an assembly reference.
The full path to the resolved assembly, or <see langword="null" />
if the assembly reference could not be resolved.
Visual Studio .NET uses the following search mechanism :
<list type="number">
The project directory.
The directories specified in the "ReferencePath" property,
which is stored in the .USER file.
The .NET Framework directory (see KB306149)
The directories specified under the following registry
<list type="bullet">
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\VisualStudio\<major version>.<minor version>\AssemblyFolders
HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\VisualStudio\<major version>.<minor version>\AssemblyFolders
Future versions of Visual Studio .NET will also check
<list type="bullet">
The HintPath.
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.ManagedAssemblyReference.Name">
Gets the name of the referenced assembly.
The name of the referenced assembly, or <see langword="null" /> if
the name could not be determined.
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.ManagedAssemblyReference.AssemblyFoldersKey">
Gets the Visual Studio .NET AssemblyFolders registry key matching
the current target framework.
The Visual Studio .NET AssemblyFolders registry key matching the
current target framework.
<exception cref="T:NAnt.Core.BuildException">The current target framework is not supported.</exception>
We use the target framework instead of the product version of the
containing project file to determine what registry key to scan, as
we don't want to use assemblies meant for uplevel framework versions.
<member name="T:NAnt.VSNet.ManagedOutputType">
Indentifies the different output types of a managed project.
Visual Studio .NET does not support modules.
<member name="F:NAnt.VSNet.ManagedOutputType.Library">
A class library.
<member name="F:NAnt.VSNet.ManagedOutputType.Executable">
A console application.
<member name="F:NAnt.VSNet.ManagedOutputType.WindowsExecutable">
A Windows program.
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectReferenceBase.GetPrimaryOutputFile(NAnt.VSNet.Configuration)">
Gets the output path of the reference, without taking the "copy local"
setting into consideration.
<param name="solutionConfiguration">The solution configuration that is built.</param>
The output path of the reference.
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectReferenceBase.GetOutputFiles(NAnt.VSNet.Configuration,System.Collections.Hashtable)">
Gets the complete set of output files for the referenced project.
<param name="solutionConfiguration">The solution configuration that is built.</param>
<param name="outputFiles">The set of output files to be updated.</param>
The complete set of output files for the referenced project.
The key of the case-insensitive <see cref="T:System.Collections.Hashtable"/> is the
full path of the output file and the value is the path relative to
the output directory.
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectReferenceBase.GetAssemblyReferences(NAnt.VSNet.Configuration)">
Gets the complete set of assemblies that need to be referenced when
a project references this project.
<param name="solutionConfiguration">The solution configuration that is built.</param>
The complete set of assemblies that need to be referenced when a
project references this project.
Apparently, there's some hack in VB.NET that allows a type to be used
that derives from a type in an assembly that is not referenced by the
When building from the command line (using vbc), the following error
is reported "error BC30007: Reference required to assembly 'X'
containing the base class 'X'. Add one to your project".
Somehow VB.NET can workaround this issue, without actually adding a
reference to that assembly. I verified this with both VS.NET 2003 and
VS.NET 2005.
For now, we have no other option than to return all assembly
references of the referenced project if the parent is a VB.NET
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectReferenceBase.GetTimestamp(NAnt.VSNet.Configuration)">
Gets the timestamp of the reference.
<param name="solutionConfiguration">The solution configuration that is built.</param>
The timestamp of the reference.
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectReferenceBase.CopyLocal">
Gets a value indicating whether the output file(s) of this reference
should be copied locally.
<see langword="true" /> if the output file(s) of this reference
should be copied locally; otherwise, <see langword="false" />.
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectReferenceBase.IsSystem">
Gets a value indicating whether this reference represents a system
<see langword="false" /> as a project by itself can never be a
system assembly.
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.ManagedProjectReference.IsManaged(NAnt.VSNet.Configuration)">
Gets a value indicating whether the reference is managed for the
specified configuration.
<param name="solutionConfiguration">The solution configuration that is built.</param>
<see langword="true" />.
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.WrapperReferenceBase.GetPrimaryOutputFile(NAnt.VSNet.Configuration)">
Gets the path of the reference, without taking the "copy local"
setting into consideration.
<param name="solutionConfiguration">The solution configuration that is built.</param>
The output path of the reference.
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.WrapperReferenceBase.GetOutputFiles(NAnt.VSNet.Configuration,System.Collections.Hashtable)">
Gets the complete set of output files for the referenced project.
<param name="solutionConfiguration">The solution configuration that is built.</param>
<param name="outputFiles">The set of output files to be updated.</param>
The key of the case-insensitive <see cref="T:System.Collections.Hashtable"/> is the
full path of the output file and the value is the path relative to
the output directory.
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.WrapperReferenceBase.GetAssemblyReferences(NAnt.VSNet.Configuration)">
Gets the complete set of assemblies that need to be referenced when
a project references this component.
<param name="solutionConfiguration">The solution configuration that is built.</param>
The complete set of assemblies that need to be referenced when a
project references this component.
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.WrapperReferenceBase.GetTimestamp(NAnt.VSNet.Configuration)">
Gets the timestamp of the reference.
<param name="solutionConfiguration">The solution configuration that is built.</param>
The timestamp of the reference.
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.WrapperReferenceBase.Sync(NAnt.VSNet.ConfigurationBase)">
Removes wrapper assembly from build directory, if wrapper assembly
no longer exists in output directory or is not in sync with build
directory, to force rebuild.
<param name="config">The project configuration.</param>
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.WrapperReferenceBase.CopyLocal">
Gets a value indicating whether the output file(s) of this reference
should be copied locally.
<see langword="false" /> if the reference wraps a Primary Interop
Assembly; otherwise, <see langword="true" />.
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.WrapperReferenceBase.IsSystem">
Gets a value indicating whether this reference represents a system
<see langword="false" /> as none of the system assemblies are wrappers
or Primary Interop Assemblies anyway.
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.WrapperReferenceBase.WrapperTool">
Gets the name of the tool that should be used to create the
<see cref="P:NAnt.VSNet.WrapperReferenceBase.WrapperAssembly"/>.
The name of the tool that should be used to create the
<see cref="P:NAnt.VSNet.WrapperReferenceBase.WrapperAssembly"/>.
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.WrapperReferenceBase.WrapperAssembly">
Gets the path of the wrapper assembly.
The path of the wrapper assembly.
The wrapper assembly is stored in the object directory of the
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.WrapperReferenceBase.IsCreated">
Gets a value indicating whether the wrapper assembly has already been
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.WrapperReferenceBase.PrimaryInteropAssembly">
Gets the path of the Primary Interop Assembly.
The path of the Primary Interop Assembly, or <see langword="null" />
if not available.
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.WrapperReferenceBase.TypeLibVersion">
Gets the hex version of the type library as defined in the definition
of the reference.
The hex version of the type library.
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.WrapperReferenceBase.TypeLibGuid">
Gets the GUID of the type library as defined in the definition
of the reference.
The GUID of the type library.
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.WrapperReferenceBase.TypeLibLocale">
Gets the locale of the type library in hex notation.
The locale of the type library.
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.WrapperReferenceBase.TypeLibraryName">
Gets the name of the type library.
The name of the type library.
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.ManagedWrapperReference.Name">
Gets the name of the referenced assembly.
The name of the referenced assembly, or <see langword="null" /> if
the name could not be determined.
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.ManagedWrapperReference.WrapperTool">
Gets the name of the tool that should be used to create the
<see cref="P:NAnt.VSNet.ManagedWrapperReference.WrapperAssembly"/>.
The name of the tool that should be used to create the
<see cref="P:NAnt.VSNet.ManagedWrapperReference.WrapperAssembly"/>.
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.ManagedWrapperReference.WrapperAssembly">
Gets the path of the wrapper assembly.
The path of the wrapper assembly.
The wrapper assembly is stored in the object directory of the
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.ManagedWrapperReference.PrimaryInteropAssembly">
Gets the path of the Primary Interop Assembly.
The path of the Primary Interop Assembly, or <see langword="null" />
if not available.
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.ManagedWrapperReference.TypeLibVersion">
Gets the hex version of the type library as defined in the definition
of the reference.
The hex version of the type library.
<exception cref="T:NAnt.Core.BuildException">
The definition of the reference does not contain a "VersionMajor" attribute.
The definition of the reference does not contain a "VersionMinor" attribute.
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.ManagedWrapperReference.TypeLibGuid">
Gets the GUID of the type library as defined in the definition
of the reference.
The GUID of the type library.
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.ManagedWrapperReference.TypeLibLocale">
Gets the locale of the type library in hex notation.
The locale of the type library.
<member name="T:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectType">
Specifies the type of the project.
<member name="F:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectType.VB">
A Visual Basic.NET project.
<member name="F:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectType.CSharp">
A Visual C# project.
<member name="F:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectType.VisualC">
A Visual C++ project.
<member name="F:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectType.JSharp">
A Visual J# project.
<member name="F:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectType.MSBuild">
MSBuild project.
<member name="T:NAnt.VSNet.BuildResult">
Specifies the result of the build.
<member name="F:NAnt.VSNet.BuildResult.Failed">
The build failed.
<member name="F:NAnt.VSNet.BuildResult.Success">
The build succeeded.
<member name="F:NAnt.VSNet.BuildResult.SuccessOutputUpdated">
The build succeeded and the output was updated.
<member name="F:NAnt.VSNet.ProductVersion.Rainier">
Visual Studio.NET 2002
<member name="F:NAnt.VSNet.ProductVersion.Everett">
Visual Studio.NET 2003
<member name="F:NAnt.VSNet.ProductVersion.Whidbey">
Visual Studio 2005
<member name="F:NAnt.VSNet.ProductVersion.Orcas">
Visual Studio 2008
<member name="F:NAnt.VSNet.ProductVersion.Rosario">
Visual Studio 2010
<member name="T:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectLocation">
Indentifies the physical location of a managed project.
<member name="F:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectLocation.Local">
A local project.
<member name="F:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectLocation.Web">
A web project.
<member name="T:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBaseCollection">
Contains a collection of <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBase"/> elements.
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBaseCollection.#ctor">
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBaseCollection"/> class.
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBaseCollection.#ctor(NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBaseCollection)">
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBaseCollection"/> class
with the specified <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBaseCollection"/> instance.
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBaseCollection.#ctor(NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBase[])">
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBaseCollection"/> class
with the specified array of <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBase"/> instances.
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBaseCollection.Add(NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBase)">
Adds a <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBase"/> to the end of the collection.
<param name="item">The <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBase"/> to be added to the end of the collection.</param>
<returns>The position into which the new element was inserted.</returns>
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBaseCollection.AddRange(NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBase[])">
Adds the elements of a <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBase"/> array to the end of the collection.
<param name="items">The array of <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBase"/> elements to be added to the end of the collection.</param>
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBaseCollection.AddRange(NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBaseCollection)">
Adds the elements of a <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBaseCollection"/> to the end of the collection.
<param name="items">The <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBaseCollection"/> to be added to the end of the collection.</param>
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBaseCollection.Contains(NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBase)">
Determines whether a <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBase"/> is in the collection.
<param name="item">The <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBase"/> to locate in the collection.</param>
<see langword="true"/> if <paramref name="item"/> is found in the
collection; otherwise, <see langword="false"/>.
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBaseCollection.Contains(System.String)">
Determines whether a <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBase"/> with the specified
GUID is in the collection, using a case-insensitive lookup.
<param name="value">The GUID to locate in the collection.</param>
<see langword="true"/> if a <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBase"/> with GUID
<paramref name="value"/> is found in the collection; otherwise,
<see langword="false"/>.
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBaseCollection.CopyTo(NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBase[],System.Int32)">
Copies the entire collection to a compatible one-dimensional array, starting at the specified index of the target array.
<param name="array">The one-dimensional array that is the destination of the elements copied from the collection. The array must have zero-based indexing.</param>
<param name="index">The zero-based index in <paramref name="array"/> at which copying begins.</param>
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBaseCollection.IndexOf(NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBase)">
Retrieves the index of a specified <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBase"/> object in the collection.
<param name="item">The <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBase"/> object for which the index is returned.</param>
The index of the specified <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBase"/>. If the <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBase"/> is not currently a member of the collection, it returns -1.
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBaseCollection.Insert(System.Int32,NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBase)">
Inserts a <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBase"/> into the collection at the specified index.
<param name="index">The zero-based index at which <paramref name="item"/> should be inserted.</param>
<param name="item">The <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBase"/> to insert.</param>
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBaseCollection.GetEnumerator">
Returns an enumerator that can iterate through the collection.
A <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBaseEnumerator"/> for the entire collection.
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBaseCollection.Remove(NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBase)">
Removes a member from the collection.
<param name="item">The <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBase"/> to remove from the collection.</param>
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBaseCollection.Remove(System.String)">
Remove items with the specified guid from the collection.
<param name="guid">The guid of the project to remove from the collection.</param>
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBaseCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
Gets or sets the element at the specified index.
<param name="index">The zero-based index of the element to get or set.</param>
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBaseCollection.Item(System.String)">
Gets the <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBase"/> with the specified GUID.
<param name="guid">The GUID of the <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBase"/> to get.</param>
Performs a case-insensitive lookup.
<member name="T:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBaseEnumerator">
Enumerates the <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBase"/> elements of a <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBaseCollection"/>.
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBaseEnumerator.#ctor(NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBaseCollection)">
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBaseEnumerator"/> class
with the specified <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBaseCollection"/>.
<param name="arguments">The collection that should be enumerated.</param>
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBaseEnumerator.MoveNext">
Advances the enumerator to the next element of the collection.
<see langword="true" /> if the enumerator was successfully advanced
to the next element; <see langword="false" /> if the enumerator has
passed the end of the collection.
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBaseEnumerator.Reset">
Sets the enumerator to its initial position, which is before the
first element in the collection.
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBaseEnumerator.Current">
Gets the current element in the collection.
The current element in the collection.
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectEntry.Project">
Gets or sets the in memory representation of the project.
The in memory representation of the project, or <see langword="null" />
if the project is not (yet) loaded.
This property will always be <see langword="null" /> for
projects that are not supported.
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectEntry.BuildConfigurations">
Return a mapping between the configurations defined in the
solution file and the project build configurations.
Mapping between configurations defined in the solution file
and the project build configurations, or <see langword="null" />
if the project is not defined in a solution file.
This mapping only includes project build configurations that
are configured to be built for a given solution configuration.
<member name="T:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectEntryCollection">
Contains a collection of <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectEntry"/> elements.
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectEntryCollection.#ctor">
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectEntryCollection"/> class.
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectEntryCollection.#ctor(NAnt.VSNet.ProjectEntryCollection)">
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectEntryCollection"/> class
with the specified <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectEntryCollection"/> instance.
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectEntryCollection.#ctor(NAnt.VSNet.ProjectEntry[])">
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectEntryCollection"/> class
with the specified array of <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectEntry"/> instances.
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectEntryCollection.Add(NAnt.VSNet.ProjectEntry)">
Adds a <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectEntry"/> to the end of the collection.
<param name="item">The <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectEntry"/> to be added to the end of the collection.</param>
The position into which the new element was inserted.
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectEntryCollection.AddRange(NAnt.VSNet.ProjectEntry[])">
Adds the elements of a <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectEntry"/> array to the end of the collection.
<param name="items">The array of <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectEntry"/> elements to be added to the end of the collection.</param>
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectEntryCollection.AddRange(NAnt.VSNet.ProjectEntryCollection)">
Adds the elements of a <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectEntryCollection"/> to the end of the collection.
<param name="items">The <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectEntryCollection"/> to be added to the end of the collection.</param>
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectEntryCollection.Contains(NAnt.VSNet.ProjectEntry)">
Determines whether a <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectEntry"/> is in the collection.
<param name="item">The <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectEntry"/> to locate in the collection.</param>
<see langword="true"/> if <paramref name="item"/> is found in the
collection; otherwise, <see langword="false"/>.
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectEntryCollection.Contains(System.String)">
Determines whether a <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectEntry"/> with the specified
GUID is in the collection, using a case-insensitive lookup.
<param name="value">The GUID to locate in the collection.</param>
<see langword="true"/> if a <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectEntry"/> with GUID
<paramref name="value"/> is found in the collection; otherwise,
<see langword="false"/>.
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectEntryCollection.CopyTo(NAnt.VSNet.ProjectEntry[],System.Int32)">
Copies the entire collection to a compatible one-dimensional array, starting at the specified index of the target array.
<param name="array">The one-dimensional array that is the destination of the elements copied from the collection. The array must have zero-based indexing.</param>
<param name="index">The zero-based index in <paramref name="array"/> at which copying begins.</param>
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectEntryCollection.IndexOf(NAnt.VSNet.ProjectEntry)">
Retrieves the index of a specified <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectEntry"/> object in the collection.
<param name="item">The <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectEntry"/> object for which the index is returned.</param>
The index of the specified <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectEntry"/>. If the <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectEntry"/> is not currently a member of the collection, it returns -1.
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectEntryCollection.Insert(System.Int32,NAnt.VSNet.ProjectEntry)">
Inserts a <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectEntry"/> into the collection at the specified index.
<param name="index">The zero-based index at which <paramref name="item"/> should be inserted.</param>
<param name="item">The <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectEntry"/> to insert.</param>
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectEntryCollection.GetEnumerator">
Returns an enumerator that can iterate through the collection.
A <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectEntryEnumerator"/> for the entire collection.
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectEntryCollection.Remove(NAnt.VSNet.ProjectEntry)">
Removes a member from the collection.
<param name="item">The <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectEntry"/> to remove from the collection.</param>
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectEntryCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
Gets or sets the element at the specified index.
<param name="index">The zero-based index of the element to get or set.</param>
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectEntryCollection.Item(System.String)">
Gets the <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectEntry"/> with the specified GUID.
<param name="guid">The GUID of the <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectEntry"/> to get.</param>
Performs a case-insensitive lookup.
<member name="T:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectEntryEnumerator">
Enumerates the <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectEntry"/> elements of a <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectEntryCollection"/>.
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectEntryEnumerator.#ctor(NAnt.VSNet.ProjectEntryCollection)">
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectEntryEnumerator"/> class
with the specified <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectEntryCollection"/>.
<param name="arguments">The collection that should be enumerated.</param>
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectEntryEnumerator.MoveNext">
Advances the enumerator to the next element of the collection.
<see langword="true" /> if the enumerator was successfully advanced
to the next element; <see langword="false" /> if the enumerator has
passed the end of the collection.
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectEntryEnumerator.Reset">
Sets the enumerator to its initial position, which is before the
first element in the collection.
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectEntryEnumerator.Current">
Gets the current element in the collection.
The current element in the collection.
<member name="T:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectFactory">
Factory class for VS.NET projects.
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectFactory.#ctor(NAnt.VSNet.Tasks.SolutionTask)">
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectFactory"/>
<member name="F:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectFactory._cachedProjects">
Holds a case-insensitive list of cached projects.
The key of the <see cref="T:System.Collections.Hashtable"/> is the path of the project
file (for web projects this can be a URL) and the value is a
<see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Project"/> instance.
<member name="F:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectFactory._cachedProjectGuids">
Holds a case-insensitive list of cached project GUIDs.
The key of the <see cref="T:System.Collections.Hashtable"/> is the path of the project
file (for web projects this can be a URL) and the value is the GUID
of the project.
<member name="F:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectFactory._cachedProjectXml">
Holds a case-insensitive list of cached project GUIDs.
The key of the <see cref="T:System.Collections.Hashtable"/> is the path of the project
file (for web projects this can be a URL) and the value is the Xml
of the project.
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectSettings.GetOutputType(System.Xml.XmlElement)">
Determines the output type of the project from its XML definition.
<param name="settingsXml">The XML definition of the project settings.</param>
The output type of the project.
<exception cref="T:NAnt.Core.BuildException">
The output type of the project is not set in the specified XML
The output type of the project is not supported.
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectSettings.GetProjectGuid(System.String,System.Xml.XmlElement)">
Gets the project GUID from the given <see cref="T:System.Xml.XmlElement"/>
holding a <c><VisualStudioProject></c> node.
<param name="projectFile">The path of the project file.</param>
<param name="elemRoot">The <c><VisualStudioProject></c> node from which the project GUID should be retrieved.</param>
The project GUID from specified <c><VisualStudioProject></c> node.
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectSettings.ApplicationIcon">
Gets the .ico file to use as application icon.
The .ico file to use as application icon, or <see langword="null" />
if no application icon should be used.
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectSettings.AssemblyOriginatorKeyFile">
Gets the key file to use to sign ActiveX/COM wrappers.
The path of the key file to use to sign ActiveX/COM wrappers,
relative to the project root directory, or <see langword="null" />
if the wrapper assembly should not be signed using a key file.
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectSettings.AssemblyKeyContainerName">
Gets the key name to use to sign ActiveX/COM wrappers.
The name of the key container to use to sign ActiveX/COM wrappers,
or <see langword="null" /> if the wrapper assembly should not be
signed using a key container.
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectSettings.OutputType">
Gets the output type of this project.
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectSettings.RunPostBuildEvent">
Designates when the <see cref="P:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectSettings.PostBuildEvent"/> command line should
be run. Possible values are "OnBuildSuccess", "Always" or
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectSettings.PreBuildEvent">
Contains commands to be run before a build takes place.
Valid commands are those in a .bat file. For more info see MSDN.
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectSettings.PostBuildEvent">
Contains commands to be ran after a build has taken place.
Valid commands are those in a .bat file. For more info see MSDN.
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.ReferencesResolver.InitializeLifetimeService">
Obtains a lifetime service object to control the lifetime policy for
this instance.
An object of type <see cref="T:System.Runtime.Remoting.Lifetime.ILease"/> used to control the lifetime
policy for this instance. This is the current lifetime service object
for this instance if one exists; otherwise, a new lifetime service
object initialized with a lease that will never time out.
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.ReferencesResolver.GetAssemblyFileName(System.String)">
Gets the file name of the assembly with the given assembly name.
<param name="assemblyName">The assembly name of the assembly of which the file name should be returned.</param>
The file name of the assembly with the given assembly name.
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.Resource.Compile(NAnt.VSNet.Configuration)">
Compiles the resource file.
<param name="solutionConfiguration">The solution configuration that is built.</param>
A <see cref="T:System.IO.FileInfo"/> representing the compiled resource file.
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.Resource.GetCompiledResourceFile(NAnt.VSNet.Configuration)">
Returns a <see cref="T:System.IO.FileInfo"/> representing the compiled resource
<param name="solutionConfiguration">The solution configuration that is built.</param>
A <see cref="T:System.IO.FileInfo"/> representing the compiled resource file.
Calling this method does not force compilation of the resource file.
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.Resource.InputFile">
Gets a <see cref="T:System.IO.FileInfo"/> representing the physical location
of the resource file.
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.Resource.LogicalFile">
Gets a <see cref="T:System.IO.FileInfo"/> representing the logical location
of the resource file in the project.
When the resource file is not linked, this matches the
<see cref="P:NAnt.VSNet.Resource.InputFile"/>.
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.Resource.IsResX">
Gets a value indicating whether the resource is in fact a ResX file.
<see langword="true" /> if the resource is a ResX file; otherwise,
<see langword="false" />.
<member name="T:NAnt.VSNet.SolutionFactory">
Factory class for VS.NET solutions.
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.SolutionFactory.#ctor">
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.SolutionFactory"/>
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.VBProject.VerifyProjectXml(System.Xml.XmlElement)">
Verifies whether the specified XML fragment represents a valid project
that is supported by this <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBase"/>.
<param name="docElement">XML fragment representing the project file.</param>
<exception cref="T:NAnt.Core.BuildException">
<para>The XML fragment is not supported by this <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBase"/>.</para>
<para>The XML fragment does not represent a valid project (for this <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBase"/>).</para>
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.VBProject.DetermineProductVersion(System.Xml.XmlElement)">
Returns the Visual Studio product version of the specified project
XML fragment.
<param name="docElement">The document element of the project.</param>
The Visual Studio product version of the specified project XML
<exception cref="T:NAnt.Core.BuildException">
<para>The product version could not be determined.</para>
<para>The product version is not supported.</para>
This method is called from the <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBase"/> ctor, and
at that time we're not sure the XML that is passed in, is indeed a
valid Visual Basic project.
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.VBProject.DetermineProjectLocation(System.Xml.XmlElement)">
Returns the project location from the specified project XML fragment.
<param name="docElement">XML fragment representing the project file.</param>
The project location of the specified project XML file.
<exception cref="T:NAnt.Core.BuildException">
<para>The project location could not be determined.</para>
<para>The project location is invalid.</para>
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.VBProject.GetProcessStartInfo(NAnt.VSNet.ConfigurationBase,System.String)">
Returns a <see cref="T:System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo"/> for launching the compiler
for this project.
<param name="config">The configuration to build.</param>
<param name="responseFile">The response file for the compiler.</param>
A <see cref="T:System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo"/> for launching the compiler for
this project.
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.VBProject.IsSupported(System.Xml.XmlElement)">
Returns a value indicating whether the project represented by the
specified XML fragment is supported by <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.VBProject"/>.
<param name="docElement">XML fragment representing the project to check.</param>
<see langword="true"/> if <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.VBProject"/> supports the
specified project; otherwise, <see langword="false"/>.
A project is identified as as Visual Basic project, if the XML
fragment at least has the following information:
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.VBProject.Type">
Gets the type of the project.
The type of the project.
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.VBProject.FileExtension">
Gets the default file extension of sources for this project.
For VB projects, the default file extension is ".vb".
<member name="T:NAnt.VSNet.VcArgumentMap">
A mapping from properties in the .vcproj file to command line arguments.
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.VcArgumentMap.#ctor">
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.VcArgumentMap"/>
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.VcArgumentMap.GetArgument(System.String,System.String,NAnt.VSNet.VcArgumentMap.ArgGroup)">
Gets the argument string corresponding with a configuration property
named <paramref name="propName" /> with value <paramref name="propValue" />.
An ignore mask can be used to eliminate some arguments from the search.
<param name="propName">The name of the configuration property.</param>
<param name="propValue">The value of the configuration property.</param>
<param name="useIgnoreGroup">Specify any groups that needs to be ignored.</param>
The argument string corresponding with a configuration property
named <paramref name="propName" /> with value <paramref name="propValue" />,
or <see langword="null" /> if no corresponding argument exists.
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.VcArgumentMap.CreateCLArgumentMap">
Creates a mapping between configuration properties for the Visual
C++ compiler and corresponding command-line arguments.
A mapping between configuration properties for the Visual C++
compiler and corresponding command-line arguments.
The following configuration properties are processed by
<see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.VcProject"/>:
<list type="table">
<description>Addtional Include Directories (/I[path])</description>
<description>Resolve #using References (/AI[path])</description>
<description>Preprocessor Definitions (/D[macro])</description>
<term>Code Generation</term>
<description>Enable C++ Exceptions (/EHsc)</description>
<term>Precompiled Headers</term>
<description>Create/Use Precompiled Header</description>
<term>Precompiled Headers</term>
<description>Create/Use PCH Through File</description>
<term>Precompiled Headers</term>
<description>Precompiled Header File</description>
<term>Output Files</term>
<description>Assembler Output</description>
<term>Output Files</term>
<description>ASM List Location</description>
<term>Browse Information</term>
<description>Enable Browse Information</description>
<term>Browse Information</term>
<description>Browse File</description>
<description>Force Includes (/FI[name])</description>
<description>Force #using (/FU[name])</description>
<description>Undefine Preprocessor Definitions (/U[macro])</description>
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.VcArgumentMap.CreateLinkerArgumentMap">
Creates a mapping between configuration properties for the Visual
C++ linker and corresponding command-line arguments.
A mapping between configuration properties for the Visual C++
linker and corresponding command-line arguments.
The following configuration properties are processed by
<see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.VcProject"/>:
<list type="table">
<description>Output File (/OUT:[file])</description>
<description>Additional Library Directories (/LIBPATH:[dir])</description>
<description>Additional Dependencies</description>
<description>Add Module to Assembly (/ASSEMBLYMODULE:file)</description>
<description>Embed Managed Resource File (/ASSEMBLYRESOURCE:file)</description>
<description>Generate Debug Info (/DEBUG)</description>
<description>Generate Program Database File (/PDB:name)</description>
<description>Generate Map File (/MAP)</description>
<description>Map File Name (/MAP:[filename])</description>
<description>Heap Reserve Size (/HEAP:reserve)</description>
<description>Heap Commit Size (/HEAP:reserve, commit)</description>
<description>Stack Reserve Size (/STACK:reserve)</description>
<description>Stack Commit Size (/STACK:reserve, commit)</description>
The following configuration properties are ignored:
<list type="table">
<description>Show Progress (/VERBOSE, /VERBOSE:LIB)</description>
<description>Suppress Startup Banner (/NOLOGO)</description>
Support for the following configuration properties still needs to
be implemented:
<list type="table">
<description>Ignore Import Library</description>
<description>Register Output</description>
<description>Delay Loaded DLLs (/DELAYLOAD:[dll_name])</description>
<term>Embedded IDL</term>
<description>MIDL Commands (/MIDL:[file])</description>
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.VcArgumentMap.VcArgument.Name">
Gets the name of the command-line argument.
The name of the command-line argument.
<member name="T:NAnt.VSNet.VcArgumentMap.LinkerStringArgument">
Represents a command-line arguments of which the trailing backslashes
in the value should be duplicated.
<member name="T:NAnt.VSNet.VcArgumentMap.QuotedLinkerStringArgument">
Represents a command-line argument of which the value should be
quoted, and of which trailing backslahes should be duplicated.
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.VcArgumentMap.VcBoolArgument.Match">
Gets the string that the configuration setting should match in
order for the command line argument to be set.
<member name="T:NAnt.VSNet.VcArgumentMap.ArgGroup">
Allow us to assign an argument to a specific group.
<member name="F:NAnt.VSNet.VcArgumentMap.ArgGroup.Unassigned">
The argument is not assigned to any group.
<member name="F:NAnt.VSNet.VcArgumentMap.ArgGroup.OptiIgnoreGroup">
The argument is ignored when the optimization level is set to
<b>Minimum Size</b> (1) or <b>Maximum Size</b> (2).
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.VcAssemblyReference.ResolveAssemblyReference">
Resolves an assembly reference.
The full path to the resolved assembly, or <see langword="null" />
if the assembly reference could not be resolved.
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.VcAssemblyReference.EvaluateMacro(System.Text.RegularExpressions.Match)">
Is called each time a regular expression match is found during a
<see cref="M:Regex.Replace(string, MatchEvaluator)"/> operation.
<param name="m">The <see cref="T:System.Text.RegularExpressions.Match"/> resulting from a single regular expression match during a <see cref="M:Regex.Replace(string, MatchEvaluator)"/>.</param>
The expanded <see cref="T:System.Text.RegularExpressions.Match"/>.
<exception cref="T:NAnt.Core.BuildException">The macro is not supported.</exception>
<exception cref="T:System.NotImplementedException">Expansion of a given macro is not yet implemented.</exception>
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.VcAssemblyReference.Name">
Gets the name of the referenced assembly.
The name of the referenced assembly, or <see langword="null" /> if
the name could not be determined.
<member name="T:NAnt.VSNet.VcConfigurationBase">
A single build configuration for a Visual C++ project or for a specific
file in the project.
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.VcConfigurationBase.ExpandMacro(System.String)">
Expands the given macro.
<param name="macro">The macro to expand.</param>
The expanded macro.
<exception cref="T:NAnt.Core.BuildException">
<para>The macro is not supported.</para>
<para>The macro is not implemented.</para>
<para>The macro cannot be expanded.</para>
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.VcConfigurationBase.GetToolSetting(System.String,System.String)">
Gets the value of a given setting for a specified tool.
<param name="toolName">The name of the tool.</param>
<param name="settingName">The name of the setting.</param>
The value of a setting for the specified tool, or <see langword="null"/>
if the setting is not defined for the specified tool.
An empty setting value, which is used as a means to override the
project default, will be returned as a empty <see cref="T:System.String"/>.
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.VcConfigurationBase.GetToolSetting(System.String,System.String,System.String)">
Gets the value of a given setting for a specified tool.
<param name="toolName">The name of the tool.</param>
<param name="settingName">The name of the setting.</param>
<param name="defaultValue">The value to return if setting is not defined.</param>
The value of a setting for the specified tool, or
<paramref name="defaultValue"/> if the setting is not defined for
the specified tool.
An empty setting value, which is used as a means to override the
project default, will be returned as a empty <see cref="T:System.String"/>.
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.VcConfigurationBase.IntermediateDir">
Gets the intermediate directory, specified relative to project
The intermediate directory, specified relative to project directory.
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.VcConfigurationBase.ReferencesPath">
Gets a comma-separated list of directories to scan for assembly
A comma-separated list of directories to scan for assembly
references, or <see langword="null" /> if no additional directories
should scanned.
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.VcConfigurationBase.FullName">
Gets the name of the configuration, including the platform it
Tthe name of the configuration, including the platform it targets.
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.VcConfigurationBase.OutputDir">
Gets the output directory.
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.VcConfigurationBase.BuildPath">
Gets the path in which the output file will be created before its
copied to the actual output path.
For Visual C++ projects, the output file will be immediately
created in the output path.
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.VcConfigurationBase.Name">
Gets the name of the configuration.
The name of the configuration.
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.VcConfigurationBase.PlatformName">
Gets the platform that the configuration targets.
The platform targeted by the configuration.
<member name="T:NAnt.VSNet.VcFileConfiguration">
Represents the configuration of a file.
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.VcFileConfiguration.ExpandMacro(System.String)">
Expands the given macro.
<param name="macro">The macro to expand.</param>
The expanded macro.
<exception cref="T:NAnt.Core.BuildException">
<para>The macro is not supported.</para>
<para>The macro is not implemented.</para>
<para>The macro cannot be expanded.</para>
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.VcFileConfiguration.GetToolSetting(System.String,System.String,System.String)">
Gets the value of a given setting for a specified tool.
<param name="toolName">The name of the tool.</param>
<param name="settingName">The name of the setting.</param>
<param name="projectDefault">The value to return if setting is not defined in both the file and project configuration.</param>
The value of a setting for the specified tool, or
<paramref name="settingName"/> if the setting is not defined in
both the file and project configuration.
If the setting is not defined in the file configuration, then
the project level setting will be used.
An empty setting value, which is used as a means to override the
project default, will be returned as a empty <see cref="T:System.String"/>.
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.VcFileConfiguration.ExcludeFromBuild">
Gets a value indication whether the file should be excluded from
the build for this configuration.
<see langword="true" /> if the file should be excluded from the
build for this configuration; otherwise, <see langword="false" />.
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.VcFileConfiguration.RelativePath">
Gets the relative path of the file.
The path of the file relative to the project directory.
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.VcFileConfiguration.RelativeOutputDir">
Get the path of the output directory relative to the project
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.VcFileConfiguration.IntermediateDir">
Gets the intermediate directory, specified relative to project
The intermediate directory, specified relative to project directory.
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.VcFileConfiguration.OutputPath">
Gets the path for the output file.
The path for the output file, or <see langword="null" /> if there's
no output file for this configuration.
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.VcFileConfiguration.ReferencesPath">
Gets a comma-separated list of directories to scan for assembly
A comma-separated list of directories to scan for assembly
references, or <see langword="null" /> if no additional directories
should scanned.
<member name="T:NAnt.VSNet.VcProject">
Visual C++ project.
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.VcProject.IsManaged(NAnt.VSNet.Configuration)">
Gets a value indicating whether building the project for the specified
build configuration results in managed output.
<param name="solutionConfiguration">The solution configuration that is built.</param>
<see langword="true" /> if the project output for the specified build
configuration is either a Dynamic Library (dll) or an Application
(exe), and Managed Extensions are enabled; otherwise,
<see langword="false" />.
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.VcProject.VerifyProjectXml(System.Xml.XmlElement)">
Verifies whether the specified XML fragment represents a valid project
that is supported by this <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBase"/>.
<param name="docElement">XML fragment representing the project file.</param>
<exception cref="T:NAnt.Core.BuildException">
<para>The XML fragment is not supported by this <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBase"/>.</para>
<para>The XML fragment does not represent a valid project (for this <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBase"/>).</para>
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.VcProject.DetermineProductVersion(System.Xml.XmlElement)">
Returns the Visual Studio product version of the specified project
XML fragment.
<param name="docElement">The document element of the project.</param>
The Visual Studio product version of the specified project XML
<exception cref="T:NAnt.Core.BuildException">
<para>The product version could not be determined.</para>
<para>The product version is not supported.</para>
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.VcProject.ExpandMacro(System.String)">
Expands the given macro.
<param name="macro">The macro to expand.</param>
The expanded macro or <see langword="null" /> if the macro is not
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.VcProject.BuildResourceFiles(System.Collections.ArrayList,NAnt.VSNet.VcProjectConfiguration,NAnt.VSNet.VcConfigurationBase)">
Build resource files for the given configuration.
<param name="fileNames">The resource files to build.</param>
<param name="projectConfig">The project configuration.</param>
<param name="fileConfig">The build configuration.</param>
TODO: refactor this as we should always get only one element in the
<paramref name="fileNames" /> list. Each res file should be built
with its own file configuration.
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.VcProject.BuildIDLFiles(System.Collections.ArrayList,NAnt.VSNet.VcProjectConfiguration,NAnt.VSNet.VcConfigurationBase)">
Build Interface Definition Language files for the given
<param name="fileNames">The IDL files to build.</param>
<param name="projectConfig">The project configuration.</param>
<param name="fileConfig">The build configuration.</param>
TODO: refactor this as we should always get only one element in the
<paramref name="fileNames" /> list. Each IDL file should be built
with its own file configuration.
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.VcProject.MergeToolSetting(NAnt.VSNet.VcProjectConfiguration,NAnt.VSNet.VcConfigurationBase,System.String,System.String)">
Merges the specified tool setting of <paramref name="projectConfig" />
with <paramref name="fileConfig" />.
The merge is suppressed when the flag $(noinherit) is defined in
<paramref name="fileConfig" />.
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.VcProject.GetObjectFile(NAnt.VSNet.VcConfigurationBase)">
Gets the absolute path to the object file or directory.
<param name="fileConfig">The build configuration</param>
The absolute path to the object file or directory, or
We use an absolute path for the object file, otherwise
<c><cl></c> assumes a location relative to the output
directory - not the project directory.
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.VcProject.IsSupported(System.Xml.XmlElement)">
Returns a value indicating whether the project represented by the
specified XML fragment is supported by <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.VcProject"/>.
<param name="docElement">XML fragment representing the project to check.</param>
<see langword="true"/> if <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.VcProject"/> supports the
specified project; otherwise, <see langword="false"/>.
A project is identified as as Visual C++ project, if the XML
fragment at least has the following information:
ProjectType="Visual C++"
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.VcProject.CleanPath(System.String)">
Removes leading and trailing quotes from the specified path.
<param name="path">The path to clean.</param>
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.VcProject.GetProductVersion(System.Xml.XmlElement)">
Returns the Visual Studio product version of the specified project
XML fragment.
<param name="docElement">XML fragment representing the project to check.</param>
The Visual Studio product version of the specified project XML
<exception cref="T:NAnt.Core.BuildException">
<para>The product version could not be determined.</para>
<para>The product version is not supported.</para>
<member name="F:NAnt.VSNet.VcProject._projectFiles">
Holds the files included in the project.
For project files with no specific file configuration, the relative
path is added to the list.
For project files that have a specific file configuration, a
<see cref="T:System.Collections.Hashtable"/> containing the <see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.VcFileConfiguration"/>
instance representing the file configurations is added.
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.VcProject.Name">
Gets the name of the Visual C++ project.
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.VcProject.Type">
Gets the type of the project.
The type of the project.
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.VcProject.ProjectPath">
Gets the path of the Visual C++ project.
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.VcProject.ProjectDirectory">
Gets the directory containing the VS.NET project.
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.VcProject.ProjectLocation">
Get the location of the project.
<see cref="T:NAnt.VSNet.ProjectLocation.Local" />.
For now, we only support local Visual C++ projects.
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.VcProject.ObjectDir">
Get the directory in which intermediate build output that is not
specific to the build configuration will be stored.
This is a directory relative to the project directory,
named <c>temp\</c>.
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.VcProject.Guid">
Gets or sets the unique identifier of the Visual C++ project.
<member name="T:NAnt.VSNet.VcProjectConfiguration">
Represents a Visual C++ project configuration.
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.VcProjectConfiguration.ExpandMacro(System.String)">
Expands the given macro.
<param name="macro">The macro to expand.</param>
The expanded macro.
<exception cref="T:NAnt.Core.BuildException">
<para>The macro is not supported.</para>
<para>The macro is not implemented.</para>
<para>The macro cannot be expanded.</para>
<exception cref="T:System.NotImplementedException">
<para>Expansion of a given macro is not yet implemented.</para>
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.VcProjectConfiguration.GetXmlAttributeValue(System.Xml.XmlNode,System.String)">
Gets the value of the specified attribute from the specified node.
<param name="xmlNode">The node of which the attribute value should be retrieved.</param>
<param name="attributeName">The attribute of which the value should be returned.</param>
The value of the attribute with the specified name or <see langword="null" />
if the attribute does not exist or has no value.
<member name="F:NAnt.VSNet.VcProjectConfiguration._outputPath">
Holds the output path for this build configuration.
Lazy initialized by <see cref="M:NAnt.VSNet.VcProjectConfiguration.Initialize"/>.
<member name="F:NAnt.VSNet.VcProjectConfiguration._objFiles">
Holds list of files to link in the order in which they are defined
in the project file.
<member name="F:NAnt.VSNet.VcProjectConfiguration._sourceConfigs">
Holds the C++ sources for each build configuration.
The key of the hashtable is a build configuration, and the
value is an ArrayList holding the C++ source files for that
build configuration.
<member name="F:NAnt.VSNet.VcProjectConfiguration._rcConfigs">
Holds the resources for each build configuration.
The key of the hashtable is a build configuration, and the
value is an ArrayList holding the resources files for that
build configuration.
<member name="F:NAnt.VSNet.VcProjectConfiguration._idlConfigs">
Holds the IDL files for each build configuration.
The key of the hashtable is a build configuration, and the
value is an ArrayList holding the IDL files for that build
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.VcProjectConfiguration.CharacterSet">
Tells the compiler which character set to use.
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.VcProjectConfiguration.ManagedExtensions">
Gets a value indicating whether Managed Extensions for C++ are
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.VcProjectConfiguration.UseOfMFC">
Gets a value indicating how MFC is used by the configuration.
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.VcProjectConfiguration.UseOfATL">
Gets a value indicating how ATL is used by the configuration.
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.VcProjectConfiguration.ObjFiles">
Gets the list of files to link in the order in which they are
defined in the project file.
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.VcProjectConfiguration.SourceConfigs">
Holds the C++ sources for each build configuration.
The key of the hashtable is a build configuration, and the
value is an ArrayList holding the C++ source files for that
build configuration.
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.VcProjectConfiguration.RcConfigs">
Gets the resources for each build configuration.
The key of the hashtable is a build configuration, and the
value is an ArrayList holding the resources files for that
build configuration.
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.VcProjectConfiguration.IdlConfigs">
Get the IDL files for each build configuration.
The key of the hashtable is a build configuration, and the
value is an ArrayList holding the IDL files for that build
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.VcProjectConfiguration.TargetPath">
Gets the target path for usage in macro expansion.
The target path, or a zero-length string if there's no output file
for this configuration.
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.VcProjectConfiguration.ObjectDir">
Get the directory in which intermediate build output will be stored
for this configuration.
This is a directory relative to the project directory named
<c>obj\<configuration name></c>.
<c>.resx</c> and <c>.licx</c> files will only be recompiled if the
compiled resource files in the <see cref="P:NAnt.VSNet.VcProjectConfiguration.ObjectDir"/> are not
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.VcProjectConfiguration.RelativeOutputDir">
Get the path of the output directory relative to the project
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.VcProjectConfiguration.IntermediateDir">
Gets the intermediate directory, specified relative to project
The intermediate directory, specified relative to project directory.
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.VcProjectConfiguration.OutputPath">
Gets the absolute path for the output file.
The absolute path for the output file, or <see langword="null" />
if there's no output file for this configuration.
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.VcProjectConfiguration.ReferencesPath">
Gets a comma-separated list of directories to scan for assembly
A comma-separated list of directories to scan for assembly
references, or <see langword="null" /> if no additional directories
should scanned.
<member name="T:NAnt.VSNet.VcProjectConfiguration.ConfigurationType">
The type of output for a given configuration.
<member name="F:NAnt.VSNet.VcProjectConfiguration.ConfigurationType.Makefile">
A Makefile.
<member name="F:NAnt.VSNet.VcProjectConfiguration.ConfigurationType.Application">
Application (.exe).
<member name="F:NAnt.VSNet.VcProjectConfiguration.ConfigurationType.DynamicLibrary">
Dynamic Library (.dll).
<member name="F:NAnt.VSNet.VcProjectConfiguration.ConfigurationType.StaticLibrary">
Static Library (.lib).
<member name="F:NAnt.VSNet.VcProjectConfiguration.ConfigurationType.Utility">
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.VcProjectConfiguration.LinkerConfig.ImportLibrary">
Gets a <see cref="T:System.IO.FileInfo"/> instance representing the
absolute path to the import library to generate.
A <see cref="T:System.IO.FileInfo"/> representing the absolute path to the
import library to generate, or <see langword="null"/> if no
import library must be generated.
<member name="M:NAnt.VSNet.VcProjectReference.IsManaged(NAnt.VSNet.Configuration)">
Gets a value indicating whether the reference is managed for the
specified configuration.
<param name="config">The build configuration of the reference.</param>
<see langword="true" /> if the reference is managed for the
specified configuration; otherwise, <see langword="false" />.
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.VcWrapperReference.Name">
Gets the name of the referenced assembly.
The name of the referenced assembly.
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.VcWrapperReference.WrapperTool">
Gets the name of the tool that should be used to create the
<see cref="P:NAnt.VSNet.VcWrapperReference.WrapperAssembly"/>.
The name of the tool that should be used to create the
<see cref="P:NAnt.VSNet.VcWrapperReference.WrapperAssembly"/>.
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.VcWrapperReference.WrapperAssembly">
Gets the path of the wrapper assembly.
The path of the wrapper assembly.
The wrapper assembly is stored in the object directory of the
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.VcWrapperReference.PrimaryInteropAssembly">
Gets the path of the Primary Interop Assembly.
The path of the Primary Interop Assembly, or <see langword="null" />
if not available.
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.VcWrapperReference.TypeLibVersion">
Gets the hex version of the type library as defined in the definition
of the reference.
The hex version of the type library.
<exception cref="T:NAnt.Core.BuildException">The definition of the reference does not contain a "ControlVersion" attribute.</exception>
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.VcWrapperReference.TypeLibGuid">
Gets the GUID of the type library as defined in the definition
of the reference.
The GUID of the type library.
<member name="P:NAnt.VSNet.VcWrapperReference.TypeLibLocale">
Gets the locale of the type library in hex notation.
The locale of the type library.