Glatzemann 40c951e02b added licensing information to tools files
added a shader folder for the stock shaders
started the StockShaderCodeGenerator tool
added a tools solution file
added a bin folder in tools folder for precompiled tools and changed tools project files
removed StockEffects content project from solution and added the effect files to the shader folder for reference
2011-11-15 06:46:22 +00:00

59 lines
1.7 KiB

// Macros.fxh
// Microsoft XNA Community Game Platform
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
#ifdef SM4
// Macros for targetting shader model 4.0 (DX11)
#define BEGIN_CONSTANTS cbuffer Parameters : register(b0) {
#define MATRIX_CONSTANTS }; cbuffer ProjectionMatrix : register(b1) {
#define END_CONSTANTS };
#define _vs(r)
#define _ps(r)
#define _cb(r) : packoffset(r)
#define DECLARE_TEXTURE(Name, index) \
Texture2D<float4> Name : register(t##index); \
sampler Name##Sampler : register(s##index)
#define DECLARE_CUBEMAP(Name, index) \
TextureCube<float4> Name : register(t##index); \
sampler Name##Sampler : register(s##index)
#define SAMPLE_TEXTURE(Name, texCoord) Name.Sample(Name##Sampler, texCoord)
#define SAMPLE_CUBEMAP(Name, texCoord) Name.Sample(Name##Sampler, texCoord)
// Macros for targetting shader model 2.0 (DX9)
#define _vs(r) : register(vs, r)
#define _ps(r) : register(ps, r)
#define _cb(r)
#define DECLARE_TEXTURE(Name, index) \
texture2D Name; \
sampler Name##Sampler : register(s##index) = sampler_state { Texture = (Name); };
#define DECLARE_CUBEMAP(Name, index) \
textureCUBE Name; \
sampler Name##Sampler : register(s##index) = sampler_state { Texture = (Name); };
#define SAMPLE_TEXTURE(Name, texCoord) tex2D(Name##Sampler, texCoord)
#define SAMPLE_CUBEMAP(Name, texCoord) texCUBE(Name##Sampler, texCoord)