Replaced the old VS templates with ones that offer more flexiblity. Started replacing the Content Project for the samples with our custom project type. Inlcuded a basic not yet working AssimpImporter.
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/* ****************************************************************************
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using System.Diagnostics;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Interop;
namespace Microsoft.VisualStudio.Project
/// <summary>
/// Used by a project to query the environment for permission to add, remove, or rename a file or directory in a solution
/// </summary>
public class TrackDocumentsHelper
#region fields
private ProjectNode projectMgr;
#region properties
#region ctors
public TrackDocumentsHelper(ProjectNode project)
this.projectMgr = project;
#region helper methods
/// <summary>
/// Gets the IVsTrackProjectDocuments2 object by asking the service provider for it.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>the IVsTrackProjectDocuments2 object</returns>
private IVsTrackProjectDocuments2 GetIVsTrackProjectDocuments2()
Debug.Assert(this.projectMgr != null && !this.projectMgr.IsClosed && this.projectMgr.Site != null);
IVsTrackProjectDocuments2 documentTracker = this.projectMgr.Site.GetService(typeof(SVsTrackProjectDocuments)) as IVsTrackProjectDocuments2;
return documentTracker;
/// <summary>
/// Asks the environment for permission to add files.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="files">The files to add.</param>
/// <param name="flags">The VSQUERYADDFILEFLAGS flags associated to the files added</param>
/// <returns>true if the file can be added, false if not.</returns>
public bool CanAddItems(string[] files, VSQUERYADDFILEFLAGS[] flags)
// If we are silent then we assume that the file can be added, since we do not want to trigger this event.
if ((this.projectMgr.EventTriggeringFlag & ProjectNode.EventTriggering.DoNotTriggerTrackerEvents) != 0)
return true;
if (files == null || files.Length == 0)
return false;
int len = files.Length;
ErrorHandler.ThrowOnFailure(this.GetIVsTrackProjectDocuments2().OnQueryAddFiles(projectMgr.GetOuterInterface<IVsProject>(), len, files, flags, summary, null));
return false;
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Notify the environment about a file just added
/// </summary>
public void OnItemAdded(string file, VSADDFILEFLAGS flag)
if ((this.projectMgr.EventTriggeringFlag & ProjectNode.EventTriggering.DoNotTriggerTrackerEvents) == 0)
ErrorHandler.ThrowOnFailure(this.GetIVsTrackProjectDocuments2().OnAfterAddFilesEx(projectMgr.GetOuterInterface<IVsProject>(), 1, new string[1] { file }, new VSADDFILEFLAGS[1] { flag }));
/// <summary>
/// Notify the environment about a folder just added
/// </summary>
public void OnFolderAdded(string folder, VSADDDIRECTORYFLAGS flag) {
if ((this.projectMgr.EventTriggeringFlag & ProjectNode.EventTriggering.DoNotTriggerTrackerEvents) == 0) {
projectMgr.GetOuterInterface<IVsProject>(), 1, new string[1] { folder }, new VSADDDIRECTORYFLAGS[1] { flag }));
/// <summary>
/// Asks the environment for permission to remove files.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="files">an array of files to remove</param>
/// <param name="flags">The VSQUERYREMOVEFILEFLAGS associated to the files to be removed.</param>
/// <returns>true if the files can be removed, false if not.</returns>
public bool CanRemoveItems(string[] files, VSQUERYREMOVEFILEFLAGS[] flags)
// If we are silent then we assume that the file can be removed, since we do not want to trigger this event.
if ((this.projectMgr.EventTriggeringFlag & ProjectNode.EventTriggering.DoNotTriggerTrackerEvents) != 0)
return true;
if (files == null || files.Length == 0)
return false;
int length = files.Length;
ErrorHandler.ThrowOnFailure(this.GetIVsTrackProjectDocuments2().OnQueryRemoveFiles(projectMgr.GetOuterInterface<IVsProject>(), length, files, flags, summary, null));
return false;
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Notify the environment about a file just removed
/// </summary>
public void OnItemRemoved(string file, VSREMOVEFILEFLAGS flag)
if ((this.projectMgr.EventTriggeringFlag & ProjectNode.EventTriggering.DoNotTriggerTrackerEvents) == 0)
ErrorHandler.ThrowOnFailure(this.GetIVsTrackProjectDocuments2().OnAfterRemoveFiles(projectMgr.GetOuterInterface<IVsProject>(), 1, new string[1] { file }, new VSREMOVEFILEFLAGS[1] { flag }));
/// <summary>
/// Asks the environment for permission to rename files.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="oldFileName">Path to the file to be renamed.</param>
/// <param name="newFileName">Path to the new file.</param>
/// <param name="flag">The VSRENAMEFILEFLAGS associated with the file to be renamed.</param>
/// <returns>true if the file can be renamed. Otherwise false.</returns>
public bool CanRenameItem(string oldFileName, string newFileName, VSRENAMEFILEFLAGS flag)
// If we are silent then we assume that the file can be renamed, since we do not want to trigger this event.
if ((this.projectMgr.EventTriggeringFlag & (ProjectNode.EventTriggering.DoNotTriggerTrackerEvents | ProjectNode.EventTriggering.DoNotTriggerTrackerQueryEvents)) != 0)
return true;
int iCanContinue = 0;
ErrorHandler.ThrowOnFailure(this.GetIVsTrackProjectDocuments2().OnQueryRenameFile(projectMgr.GetOuterInterface<IVsProject>(), oldFileName, newFileName, flag, out iCanContinue));
return (iCanContinue != 0);
/// <summary>
/// Get's called to tell the env that a file was renamed
/// </summary>
public void OnItemRenamed(string strOldName, string strNewName, VSRENAMEFILEFLAGS flag)
if ((this.projectMgr.EventTriggeringFlag & ProjectNode.EventTriggering.DoNotTriggerTrackerEvents) == 0)
ErrorHandler.ThrowOnFailure(this.GetIVsTrackProjectDocuments2().OnAfterRenameFile(projectMgr.GetOuterInterface<IVsProject>(), strOldName, strNewName, flag));