Replaced the old VS templates with ones that offer more flexiblity. Started replacing the Content Project for the samples with our custom project type. Inlcuded a basic not yet working AssimpImporter.
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/* ****************************************************************************
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
* This source code is subject to terms and conditions of the Apache License, Version 2.0. A
* copy of the license can be found in the License.html file at the root of this distribution. If
* you cannot locate the Apache License, Version 2.0, please send an email to
* By using this source code in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound
* by the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0.
* You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
* ***************************************************************************/
using System;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.OLE.Interop;
using OleConstants = Microsoft.VisualStudio.OLE.Interop.Constants;
using VsCommands2K = Microsoft.VisualStudio.VSConstants.VSStd2KCmdID;
namespace Microsoft.VisualStudio {
public static class CommonConstants {
/// <summary>
/// <see cref="VsConstants.UICONTEXT_NoSolution"/>.
/// </summary>
public const string UIContextNoSolution = "ADFC4E64-0397-11D1-9F4E-00A0C911004F";
/// <summary>
/// <see cref="VsConstants.UICONTEXT_SolutionExists"/>.
/// </summary>
public const string UIContextSolutionExists = "f1536ef8-92ec-443c-9ed7-fdadf150da82";
/// <summary>
/// Do not change this constant. It is a guid of the Visual Studio "Recent" page in
/// the "Add Reference" dialog.
/// </summary>
public const string AddReferenceMRUPageGuid = "{19B97F03-9594-4c1c-BE28-25FF030113B3}";
/// <summary>
/// Do not change this constant. This is Visual Studio core text editor GUID.
/// </summary>
public static readonly Guid CMDUIGUID_TextEditor = new Guid("{8B382828-6202-11d1-8870-0000F87579D2}");
public const string LibraryGuid = "c0000061-2c33-4277-bf44-7e5f2677d6b8";
public const string FileNodePropertiesGuid = "c000008b-a973-4d60-9518-5ea1411ccd67";
public const string SearchPathsPropertiesGuid = "D94E2410-B416-4CB2-B892-AE83D7BF7356";
public const string FolderNodePropertiesGuid = "c0000081-fb55-4d5d-901b-ee624db34961";
public const string ProjectNodePropertiesGuid = "c0000016-9ab0-4d58-80e6-54f29e8d3144";
public static readonly Guid NoSharedCommandsGuid = new Guid("{C4EBB0A2-969D-49D9-B87A-DCA1D3DF3A5B}");
public static readonly Guid SearchPathItemTypeGuid = new Guid("{245F8B38-B204-4676-8F59-7415C34C06EA}");
//"Set As StartUp File" command
public const string StartupFile = "StartupFile";
public const uint SetAsStartupFileCmdId = 0x3001;
// Constants to handle the scrollbars.
public const int ConsoleHorizontalScrollbar = 0;
public const int ConsoleVerticalScrollbar = 1;
//Search Paths container node context menu
public const int AddSearchPathCommandId = 0x4002;
public const int AddSearchPathZipCommandId = 0x4003;
//Start Without Debugging command
public const int StartWithoutDebuggingCmdId = 0x4004;
//Start Debugging command
public const int StartDebuggingCmdId = 0x4005;
//Search Path project property
public const string SearchPath = "SearchPath";
//Interpreter Path project property
public const string InterpreterPath = "InterpreterPath";
//Working Directory project property
public const string WorkingDirectory = "WorkingDirectory";
//"Open Folder in Windows Explorer" command ID.
//Don't change this! This is Visual Studio constant.
public const VsCommands2K OpenFolderInExplorerCmdId = (VsCommands2K)1635;
//Sort priority for the Working Directory node
//We want this node to be the first node in the Search Path subtree
public const int WorkingDirectorySortPriority = 100;
//Sort priority for the Search Path container node
//We want this node to come after References, but before project home folders
public const int SearchPathContainerNodeSortPriority = 400;
//Maximal sort priority for Search Path nodes
public const int SearchPathNodeMaxSortPriority = 110;
//Project Home project property
public const string ProjectHome = "ProjectHome";
//TODO: Is there a constant in the SDK for this?
public const int SizeOfVariant = 16;
//"Command line arguments" project property
public const string CommandLineArguments = "CommandLineArguments";
public const string IsWindowsApplication = "IsWindowsApplication";
public const string PublishUrl = "PublishUrl";
public const string InterpreterArguments = "InterpreterArguments";
//These are VS public constants - don't change them
public static readonly Guid Std97CmdGroupGuid = typeof(VSConstants.VSStd97CmdID).GUID;
public static readonly Guid Std2KCmdGroupGuid = typeof(VSConstants.VSStd2KCmdID).GUID;
//Command statuses
public const int NotSupportedInvisibleCmdStatus = (int)OleConstants.OLECMDERR_E_NOTSUPPORTED |
public const int SupportedEnabledCmdStatus = (int)(OLECMDF.OLECMDF_SUPPORTED |
public const int SupportedCmdStatus = (int)OLECMDF.OLECMDF_SUPPORTED;
/// <summary>
/// Show all files is enabled, we show the merged view of project + files
/// </summary>
public const string ShowAllFiles = "ShowAllFiles";
/// <summary>
/// Show all files is disabled, we show the project
/// </summary>
public const string ProjectFiles = "ProjectFiles";
/// <summary>
/// ProjectView property name for project file to enable / disable show all files setting
/// </summary>
public const string ProjectView = "ProjectView";