Konstantin Koch 8287c54432 Included the Visual Studio extension and made the necessary changes to make it run.
Replaced the old VS templates with ones that offer more flexiblity.
Started replacing the Content Project for the samples with our custom project type.
Inlcuded a basic not yet working AssimpImporter.
2015-04-08 14:50:03 +02:00

135 lines
6.0 KiB

/* ****************************************************************************
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
* This source code is subject to terms and conditions of the Apache License, Version 2.0. A
* copy of the license can be found in the License.html file at the root of this distribution. If
* you cannot locate the Apache License, Version 2.0, please send an email to
* vspython@microsoft.com. By using this source code in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound
* by the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0.
* You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
* ***************************************************************************/
using System;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.OLE.Interop;
using OleConstants = Microsoft.VisualStudio.OLE.Interop.Constants;
using VsCommands2K = Microsoft.VisualStudio.VSConstants.VSStd2KCmdID;
namespace Microsoft.VisualStudio {
public static class CommonConstants {
/// <summary>
/// <see cref="VsConstants.UICONTEXT_NoSolution"/>.
/// </summary>
public const string UIContextNoSolution = "ADFC4E64-0397-11D1-9F4E-00A0C911004F";
/// <summary>
/// <see cref="VsConstants.UICONTEXT_SolutionExists"/>.
/// </summary>
public const string UIContextSolutionExists = "f1536ef8-92ec-443c-9ed7-fdadf150da82";
/// <summary>
/// Do not change this constant. It is a guid of the Visual Studio "Recent" page in
/// the "Add Reference" dialog.
/// </summary>
public const string AddReferenceMRUPageGuid = "{19B97F03-9594-4c1c-BE28-25FF030113B3}";
/// <summary>
/// Do not change this constant. This is Visual Studio core text editor GUID.
/// </summary>
public static readonly Guid CMDUIGUID_TextEditor = new Guid("{8B382828-6202-11d1-8870-0000F87579D2}");
public const string LibraryGuid = "c0000061-2c33-4277-bf44-7e5f2677d6b8";
public const string FileNodePropertiesGuid = "c000008b-a973-4d60-9518-5ea1411ccd67";
public const string SearchPathsPropertiesGuid = "D94E2410-B416-4CB2-B892-AE83D7BF7356";
public const string FolderNodePropertiesGuid = "c0000081-fb55-4d5d-901b-ee624db34961";
public const string ProjectNodePropertiesGuid = "c0000016-9ab0-4d58-80e6-54f29e8d3144";
public static readonly Guid NoSharedCommandsGuid = new Guid("{C4EBB0A2-969D-49D9-B87A-DCA1D3DF3A5B}");
public static readonly Guid SearchPathItemTypeGuid = new Guid("{245F8B38-B204-4676-8F59-7415C34C06EA}");
//"Set As StartUp File" command
public const string StartupFile = "StartupFile";
public const uint SetAsStartupFileCmdId = 0x3001;
// Constants to handle the scrollbars.
public const int ConsoleHorizontalScrollbar = 0;
public const int ConsoleVerticalScrollbar = 1;
//Search Paths container node context menu
public const int AddSearchPathCommandId = 0x4002;
public const int AddSearchPathZipCommandId = 0x4003;
//Start Without Debugging command
public const int StartWithoutDebuggingCmdId = 0x4004;
//Start Debugging command
public const int StartDebuggingCmdId = 0x4005;
//Search Path project property
public const string SearchPath = "SearchPath";
//Interpreter Path project property
public const string InterpreterPath = "InterpreterPath";
//Working Directory project property
public const string WorkingDirectory = "WorkingDirectory";
//"Open Folder in Windows Explorer" command ID.
//Don't change this! This is Visual Studio constant.
public const VsCommands2K OpenFolderInExplorerCmdId = (VsCommands2K)1635;
//Sort priority for the Working Directory node
//We want this node to be the first node in the Search Path subtree
public const int WorkingDirectorySortPriority = 100;
//Sort priority for the Search Path container node
//We want this node to come after References, but before project home folders
public const int SearchPathContainerNodeSortPriority = 400;
//Maximal sort priority for Search Path nodes
public const int SearchPathNodeMaxSortPriority = 110;
//Project Home project property
public const string ProjectHome = "ProjectHome";
//TODO: Is there a constant in the SDK for this?
public const int SizeOfVariant = 16;
//"Command line arguments" project property
public const string CommandLineArguments = "CommandLineArguments";
public const string IsWindowsApplication = "IsWindowsApplication";
public const string PublishUrl = "PublishUrl";
public const string InterpreterArguments = "InterpreterArguments";
//These are VS public constants - don't change them
public static readonly Guid Std97CmdGroupGuid = typeof(VSConstants.VSStd97CmdID).GUID;
public static readonly Guid Std2KCmdGroupGuid = typeof(VSConstants.VSStd2KCmdID).GUID;
//Command statuses
public const int NotSupportedInvisibleCmdStatus = (int)OleConstants.OLECMDERR_E_NOTSUPPORTED |
public const int SupportedEnabledCmdStatus = (int)(OLECMDF.OLECMDF_SUPPORTED |
public const int SupportedCmdStatus = (int)OLECMDF.OLECMDF_SUPPORTED;
/// <summary>
/// Show all files is enabled, we show the merged view of project + files
/// </summary>
public const string ShowAllFiles = "ShowAllFiles";
/// <summary>
/// Show all files is disabled, we show the project
/// </summary>
public const string ProjectFiles = "ProjectFiles";
/// <summary>
/// ProjectView property name for project file to enable / disable show all files setting
/// </summary>
public const string ProjectView = "ProjectView";