Glatzemann 40c951e02b added licensing information to tools files
added a shader folder for the stock shaders
started the StockShaderCodeGenerator tool
added a tools solution file
added a bin folder in tools folder for precompiled tools and changed tools project files
removed StockEffects content project from solution and added the effect files to the shader folder for reference
2011-11-15 06:46:22 +00:00

195 lines
4.2 KiB

// AlphaTestEffect.fx
// Microsoft XNA Community Game Platform
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
#include "Macros.fxh"
float4 DiffuseColor _vs(c0) _cb(c0);
float4 AlphaTest _ps(c0) _cb(c1);
float3 FogColor _ps(c1) _cb(c2);
float4 FogVector _vs(c5) _cb(c3);
float4x4 WorldViewProj _vs(c1) _cb(c0);
#include "Structures.fxh"
#include "Common.fxh"
// Vertex shader: basic.
VSOutputTx VSAlphaTest(VSInputTx vin)
VSOutputTx vout;
CommonVSOutput cout = ComputeCommonVSOutput(vin.Position);
vout.TexCoord = vin.TexCoord;
return vout;
// Vertex shader: no fog.
VSOutputTxNoFog VSAlphaTestNoFog(VSInputTx vin)
VSOutputTxNoFog vout;
CommonVSOutput cout = ComputeCommonVSOutput(vin.Position);
vout.TexCoord = vin.TexCoord;
return vout;
// Vertex shader: vertex color.
VSOutputTx VSAlphaTestVc(VSInputTxVc vin)
VSOutputTx vout;
CommonVSOutput cout = ComputeCommonVSOutput(vin.Position);
vout.TexCoord = vin.TexCoord;
vout.Diffuse *= vin.Color;
return vout;
// Vertex shader: vertex color, no fog.
VSOutputTxNoFog VSAlphaTestVcNoFog(VSInputTxVc vin)
VSOutputTxNoFog vout;
CommonVSOutput cout = ComputeCommonVSOutput(vin.Position);
vout.TexCoord = vin.TexCoord;
vout.Diffuse *= vin.Color;
return vout;
// Pixel shader: less/greater compare function.
float4 PSAlphaTestLtGt(PSInputTx pin) : SV_Target0
float4 color = SAMPLE_TEXTURE(Texture, pin.TexCoord) * pin.Diffuse;
clip((color.a < AlphaTest.x) ? AlphaTest.z : AlphaTest.w);
ApplyFog(color, pin.Specular.w);
return color;
// Pixel shader: less/greater compare function, no fog.
float4 PSAlphaTestLtGtNoFog(PSInputTxNoFog pin) : SV_Target0
float4 color = SAMPLE_TEXTURE(Texture, pin.TexCoord) * pin.Diffuse;
clip((color.a < AlphaTest.x) ? AlphaTest.z : AlphaTest.w);
return color;
// Pixel shader: equal/notequal compare function.
float4 PSAlphaTestEqNe(PSInputTx pin) : SV_Target0
float4 color = SAMPLE_TEXTURE(Texture, pin.TexCoord) * pin.Diffuse;
clip((abs(color.a - AlphaTest.x) < AlphaTest.y) ? AlphaTest.z : AlphaTest.w);
ApplyFog(color, pin.Specular.w);
return color;
// Pixel shader: equal/notequal compare function, no fog.
float4 PSAlphaTestEqNeNoFog(PSInputTxNoFog pin) : SV_Target0
float4 color = SAMPLE_TEXTURE(Texture, pin.TexCoord) * pin.Diffuse;
clip((abs(color.a - AlphaTest.x) < AlphaTest.y) ? AlphaTest.z : AlphaTest.w);
return color;
VertexShader VSArray[4] =
compile vs_2_0 VSAlphaTest(),
compile vs_2_0 VSAlphaTestNoFog(),
compile vs_2_0 VSAlphaTestVc(),
compile vs_2_0 VSAlphaTestVcNoFog(),
int VSIndices[8] =
0, // lt/gt
1, // lt/gt, no fog
2, // lt/gt, vertex color
3, // lt/gt, vertex color, no fog
0, // eq/ne
1, // eq/ne, no fog
2, // eq/ne, vertex color
3, // eq/ne, vertex color, no fog
PixelShader PSArray[4] =
compile ps_2_0 PSAlphaTestLtGt(),
compile ps_2_0 PSAlphaTestLtGtNoFog(),
compile ps_2_0 PSAlphaTestEqNe(),
compile ps_2_0 PSAlphaTestEqNeNoFog(),
int PSIndices[8] =
0, // lt/gt
1, // lt/gt, no fog
0, // lt/gt, vertex color
1, // lt/gt, vertex color, no fog
2, // eq/ne
3, // eq/ne, no fog
2, // eq/ne, vertex color
3, // eq/ne, vertex color, no fog
int ShaderIndex = 0;
Technique AlphaTestEffect
VertexShader = (VSArray[VSIndices[ShaderIndex]]);
PixelShader = (PSArray[PSIndices[ShaderIndex]]);