Konstantin Koch a8588a30a5 Update ContentCompiler, make Visual Studio Extension work without having Anx Framework installed.
Make ContentCompilerGui compatible to recent changes in pipeline and did
some usability changes.
Make the Visual Studio Extension work even if the ANX Framework is not
installed additionally..
Improve that the path for assembly refernces in a content project
doesn't get automatically updated, only if the reference is actually
saved, this is so you can specify a relative path yourself.
Fix missing icon for ContentProject when it was opened with Visual
Made create_shaders.bat directly executable under windows by fixing the
directory separators.
2015-09-03 23:43:55 +02:00

246 lines
8.2 KiB

#region Using Statements
using System;
using System.ComponentModel.Design;
using System.IO;
using System.Threading;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using ANX.Framework;
using ANX.Framework.Content;
using ANX.Framework.Content.Pipeline;
using ANX.Framework.Content.Pipeline.Tasks;
using ANX.Framework.Graphics;
using ANX.Framework.NonXNA.Development;
using Point = System.Drawing.Point;
using Timer = System.Windows.Forms.Timer;
// This file is part of the EES Content Compiler 4,
// © 2008 - 2012 by Eagle Eye Studios.
// The EES Content Compiler 4 is released under the Ms-PL license.
// For details see: http://anxframework.codeplex.com/license
namespace ANX.ContentCompiler.GUI.Dialogues
[Developer("SilentWarrior/Eagle Eye Studios")]
public partial class PreviewScreen : Form
#region Fields
private Point _lastPos;
private bool _mouseDown;
private BuildItem _item;
private Thread _loaderThread;
private string _outputFile;
private string _outputDir;
private volatile bool _started;
private volatile bool _error;
private volatile string _errorMessage;
private string _processor;
private Timer _checkTimer;
private Timer _tickTimer;
private readonly GraphicsDevice _graphicsDevice;
private SpriteBatch _batch;
private ContentManager _contentManager;
private GameServiceContainer _services;
#region Constructor
public PreviewScreen()
_graphicsDevice = new GraphicsDevice(
new PresentationParameters
BackBufferWidth = drawSurface.Width,
BackBufferHeight = drawSurface.Height,
BackBufferFormat = SurfaceFormat.Color,
DeviceWindowHandle = new Framework.NonXNA.WindowHandle(drawSurface.Handle),
PresentationInterval = PresentInterval.Default,
_services = new GameServiceContainer();
_services.AddService(typeof(GraphicsDevice), _graphicsDevice);
_contentManager = new ContentManager(_services);
_checkTimer = new Timer { Interval = 1000 };
_checkTimer.Tick += CheckThread;
_tickTimer = new Timer { Interval = 120 };
_tickTimer.Tick += Tick;
_batch = new SpriteBatch(_graphicsDevice);
#region WindowMoveMethods
private void LabelTitleMouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
if (!_mouseDown) return;
int xoffset = MousePosition.X - _lastPos.X;
int yoffset = MousePosition.Y - _lastPos.Y;
Left += xoffset;
Top += yoffset;
_lastPos = MousePosition;
private void LabelTitleMouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
_mouseDown = true;
_lastPos = MousePosition;
private void LabelTitleMouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
_mouseDown = false;
#region Events
private void ButtonQuitClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
DialogResult = DialogResult.Cancel;
void CheckThread(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!_started)
((Timer)sender).Interval = 100;
_loaderThread = new Thread(CompileFile);
_started = true;
if (_loaderThread.IsAlive)
if (_error)
labelStatus.Text = "Loading of Preview failed with: \n" + _errorMessage;
labelStatus.Text = "Loading successful";
void Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!_outputFile.EndsWith(".xnb") && !File.Exists(_outputFile + ".xnb"))
File.Move(_outputFile, _outputFile + ".xnb");
if (_processor == "TextureProcessor")
var tex = _contentManager.Load<Texture2D>(_outputFile);
_batch.Draw(tex, Vector2.Zero, Color.White);
else if (_processor == "FontDescriptionProcessor")
var font = _contentManager.Load<SpriteFont>(_outputFile);
_batch.DrawString(font, "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. äöü@", Vector2.One, Color.DarkRed);
catch (Exception exc)
_error = true;
_errorMessage = exc.Message;
#region Public methods
public void CompileFile()
//TODO: use ContentBuilder instead
var builderTask = new BuildContentTask
TargetPlatform = TargetPlatform.Windows,
TargetProfile = GraphicsProfile.HiDef,
CompressContent = false,
BaseDirectory = new Uri(MainWindow.Instance.ProjectFolder, _item.AssetName)
builderTask.PrepareAssetBuildCallback = (BuildContentTask sender, BuildItem item, out ContentImporterContext importerContext, out ContentProcessorContext processorContext) =>
importerContext = new DefaultContentImporterContext(new CCompilerBuildLogger(), _outputDir, _outputDir);
processorContext = new DefaultContentProcessorContext(sender, MainWindow.Instance.ActiveConfiguration.Name, _outputDir, _outputDir, _outputFile);
var importerManager = new ImporterManager();
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(_item.ImporterName))
_item.ImporterName = importerManager.GuessImporterByFileExtension(_item.SourceFilename);
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(_item.ProcessorName))
_item.ProcessorName =
new ProcessorManager().GetProcessorForImporter(importerManager.GetInstance(_item.ImporterName));
_processor = _item.ProcessorName;
builderTask.Execute(new[] { _item });
catch (Exception ex)
_error = true;
_errorMessage = ex.Message;
public void SetFile(BuildItem item)
_started = false;
if (item != null)
_item = item;
_outputFile = Path.GetTempFileName();
_outputDir = Path.GetTempPath();
labelStatus.Text = "Loading Preview...";
labelStatus.Text = "No item selected";