SharpDX.DirectInput No documentation. DIDEVCAPS Initializes a new instance of the class. No documentation. unsigned int dwSize No documentation. DIDC dwFlags No documentation. unsigned int dwDevType No documentation. unsigned int dwAxes No documentation. unsigned int dwButtons No documentation. unsigned int dwPOVs No documentation. unsigned int dwFFSamplePeriod No documentation. unsigned int dwFFMinTimeResolution No documentation. unsigned int dwFirmwareRevision No documentation. unsigned int dwHardwareRevision No documentation. unsigned int dwFFDriverVersion Gets the type of this device. The type. Gets the subtype of the device. The subtype. Gets a value indicating whether this instance is human interface device. true if this instance is human interface device; otherwise, false. This class describes a set of effect. It is passed in the of the structure. Custom data stored in . Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. Size of the buffer. The buffer pointer. Inits this instance from the specified buffer. Size of the buffer. The buffer pointer. Marshal this class from an unamanaged buffer. The size of the unmanaged buffer. The pointer to the unmanaged buffer. An instance of TypeSpecificParameters or null Free a previously allocated buffer. The buffer pointer. Marshals this class to its native/unmanaged counterpart. A pointer to an allocated buffer containing the unmanaged structure. Convert this instance to another typed instance: , , , . A class An instance of the T class Gets the size of this specific parameter. The size. Marshal this class from an unamanaged buffer. The size of the unmanaged buffer. The pointer to the unmanaged buffer. An instance of TypeSpecificParameters or null Marshals this class to its native/unmanaged counterpart. A pointer to an allocated buffer containing the unmanaged structure. Gets or sets the conditions. The conditions. Gets the size of this specific parameter. The size. This class describes a Constant force effect. It is passed in the of the structure. Marshal this class from an unamanaged buffer. The size of the unmanaged buffer. The pointer to the unmanaged buffer. An instance of TypeSpecificParameters or null Marshals this class to its native/unmanaged counterpart. A pointer to an allocated buffer containing the unmanaged structure. Gets or sets the magnitude. The magnitude of the effect, in the range from - 10,000 through 10,000. If an envelope is applied to this effect, the value represents the magnitude of the sustain. If no envelope is applied, the value represents the amplitude of the entire effect. The magnitude. Gets the size of this specific parameter. The size. No documentation. IDirectInputDevice8W Initializes a new instance of the class based on a given globally unique identifier (Guid). The direct input. The device GUID. Sends a hardware-specific command to the force-feedback driver. Driver-specific command number. Consult the driver documentation for a list of valid commands. Buffer containing the data required to perform the operation. Buffer in which the operation's output data is returned. Number of bytes written to the output buffer Because each driver implements different escapes, it is the application's responsibility to ensure that it is sending the escape to the correct driver by comparing the value of the guidFFDriver member of the structure against the value the application is expecting. Gets information about a device image for use in a configuration property sheet. A structure that receives information about the device image. Gets all effects. A collection of Gets the effects for a particular . Effect type. A collection of Gets the effects stored in a RIFF Force Feedback file. Name of the file. A collection of Gets the effects stored in a RIFF Force Feedback file. Name of the file. Flags used to filter effects. A collection of Gets information about a device object, such as a button or axis. The object type/instance identifier. This identifier is returned in the member of the structure returned from a previous call to the method. A information Gets information about a device object, such as a button or axis. the HID Usage Page and Usage values. A information Gets the properties about a device object, such as a button or axis. The object type/instance identifier. This identifier is returned in the member of the structure returned from a previous call to the method. an ObjectProperties Gets the properties about a device object, such as a button or axis. the HID Usage Page and Usage values. an ObjectProperties Retrieves a collection of objects on the device. A collection of all device objects on the device. Retrieves a collection of objects on the device. A filter for the returned device objects collection. A collection of device objects matching the specified filter. Runs the DirectInput control panel associated with this device. If the device does not have a control panel associated with it, the default device control panel is launched. A object describing the result of the operation. Runs the DirectInput control panel associated with this device. If the device does not have a control panel associated with it, the default device control panel is launched. The parent control. A object describing the result of the operation. Requests the cooperative level for this instance of the inpute device. The cooperative level determines how this instance of the device interacts with other instances of the device and the rest of the system. Window control to be associated with the device. This parameter must be a valid top-level window handle that belongs to the process. The window associated with the device must not be destroyed while it is still active in a DirectInput device. Flags that specify the cooperative level to associate with the input device. If the method succeeds, the return value is . If the method fails, a is raised with the following error code values: , , . Applications cannot specify and at the same time. This apply as well to and . When the mouse is acquired with exclusive access, the mouse pointer is removed from the screen until the device is unacquired. Applications that select the background exclusive mode cooperative level are not guaranteed to retain access to the device if another application requests exclusive access. When a background exclusive mode application loses access, calls to DirectInput device methods will fail and return . The application can regain access to the device by manually unacquiring the device and reaquiring it. Applications must call this method before acquiring the device by using the method. HRESULT IDirectInputDevice8W::SetCooperativeLevel([In] HWND arg0,[In] DISCL arg1) Specifies an event that is to be set when the device state changes. It is also used to turn off event notification. Handle to the event that is to be set when the device state changes. DirectInput uses the Microsoft Win32 SetEvent function on the handle when the state of the device changes. If the eventHandle parameter is null, notification is disabled. A object describing the result of the operation. Writes the effects to a file. Name of the file. The effects. A object describing the result of the operation. Writes the effects to file. Name of the file. The effects. if set to true [include nonstandard effects]. A object describing the result of the operation. Initializes a new instance of the class. The native pointer. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. HRESULT IDirectInputDevice8W::GetCapabilities([Out] DIDEVCAPS* arg0) No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. HRESULT IDirectInputDevice8W::EnumObjects([In] __function__stdcall* arg0,[In] void* arg1,[In] unsigned int arg2) No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. HRESULT IDirectInputDevice8W::GetProperty([In] const void& arg0,[In] void* arg1) No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. HRESULT IDirectInputDevice8W::SetProperty([In] const void& arg0,[In] const void* arg1) No documentation. No documentation. HRESULT IDirectInputDevice8W::Acquire() No documentation. No documentation. HRESULT IDirectInputDevice8W::Unacquire() No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. HRESULT IDirectInputDevice8W::GetDeviceState([In] unsigned int arg0,[In] void* arg1) No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. HRESULT IDirectInputDevice8W::GetDeviceData([In] unsigned int arg0,[In, Buffer] void* arg1,[InOut] unsigned int* arg2,[In] unsigned int arg3) No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. HRESULT IDirectInputDevice8W::SetDataFormat([In] const DIDATAFORMAT* arg0) No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. HRESULT IDirectInputDevice8W::SetEventNotification([In] void* arg0) Requests the cooperative level for this instance of the inpute device. The cooperative level determines how this instance of the device interacts with other instances of the device and the rest of the system. Window handle to be associated with the device. This parameter must be a valid top-level window handle that belongs to the process. The window associated with the device must not be destroyed while it is still active in a DirectInput device.Flags that specify the cooperative level to associate with the input device.If the method succeeds, the return value is . If the method fails, a is raised with the following error code values: , , . Applications cannot specify and at the same time. This apply as well to and . When the mouse is acquired with exclusive access, the mouse pointer is removed from the screen until the device is unacquired. Applications that select the background exclusive mode cooperative level are not guaranteed to retain access to the device if another application requests exclusive access. When a background exclusive mode application loses access, calls to DirectInput device methods will fail and return . The application can regain access to the device by manually unacquiring the device and reaquiring it. Applications must call this method before acquiring the device by using the method. HRESULT IDirectInputDevice8W::SetCooperativeLevel([In] HWND arg0,[In] DISCL arg1) No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. HRESULT IDirectInputDevice8W::GetObjectInfo([Out] DIDEVICEOBJECTINSTANCEW* arg0,[In] unsigned int arg1,[In] DIPH arg2) No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. HRESULT IDirectInputDevice8W::GetDeviceInfo([Out] DIDEVICEINSTANCEW* arg0) No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. HRESULT IDirectInputDevice8W::RunControlPanel([In] HWND arg0,[In] unsigned int arg1) No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. HRESULT IDirectInputDevice8W::Initialize([In] HINSTANCE arg0,[In] unsigned int arg1,[In] const GUID& arg2) No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. HRESULT IDirectInputDevice8W::CreateEffect([In] const GUID& arg0,[In] const DIEFFECT* arg1,[Out, Fast] IDirectInputEffect** arg2,[In] IUnknown* arg3) No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. HRESULT IDirectInputDevice8W::EnumEffects([In] __function__stdcall* arg0,[In] void* arg1,[In] DIEFT arg2) No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. HRESULT IDirectInputDevice8W::GetEffectInfo([Out] DIEFFECTINFOW* arg0,[In] const GUID& arg1) No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. HRESULT IDirectInputDevice8W::GetForceFeedbackState([In] unsigned int* arg0) No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. HRESULT IDirectInputDevice8W::SendForceFeedbackCommand([In] unsigned int arg0) No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. HRESULT IDirectInputDevice8W::EnumCreatedEffectObjects([In] __function__stdcall* arg0,[In] void* arg1,[In] unsigned int arg2) No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. HRESULT IDirectInputDevice8W::Escape([In] DIEFFESCAPE* arg0) No documentation. No documentation. HRESULT IDirectInputDevice8W::Poll() No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. HRESULT IDirectInputDevice8W::SendDeviceData([In] unsigned int arg0,[In, Buffer] const DIDEVICEOBJECTDATA* arg1,[InOut] unsigned int* arg2,[In] unsigned int arg3) No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. HRESULT IDirectInputDevice8W::EnumEffectsInFile([In] const wchar_t* arg0,[In] __function__stdcall* arg1,[In] void* arg2,[In] DIFEF arg3) No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. HRESULT IDirectInputDevice8W::WriteEffectToFile([In] const wchar_t* arg0,[In] unsigned int arg1,[In, Buffer] DIFILEEFFECT* arg2,[In] unsigned int arg3) No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. HRESULT IDirectInputDevice8W::BuildActionMap([In] DIACTIONFORMATW* arg0,[In] const wchar_t* arg1,[In] unsigned int arg2) No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. HRESULT IDirectInputDevice8W::SetActionMap([In] DIACTIONFORMATW* arg0,[In] const wchar_t* arg1,[In] unsigned int arg2) No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. HRESULT IDirectInputDevice8W::GetImageInfo([InOut] DIDEVICEIMAGEINFOHEADERW* arg0) Gets the device properties. The device properties. Gets the created effects. The created effects. No documentation. GetCapabilities HRESULT IDirectInputDevice8W::GetCapabilities([Out] DIDEVCAPS* arg0) No documentation. SetDataFormat HRESULT IDirectInputDevice8W::SetDataFormat([In] const DIDATAFORMAT* arg0) No documentation. SetEventNotification HRESULT IDirectInputDevice8W::SetEventNotification([In] void* arg0) No documentation. GetDeviceInfo HRESULT IDirectInputDevice8W::GetDeviceInfo([Out] DIDEVICEINSTANCEW* arg0) Retrieves buffered data from the device. A collection of buffered input events. Dumps the DataFormat in native form in order to verify it against the unmanaged version. The format. This class describes a Custom force effect. It is passed in the of the structure. Marshal this class from an unamanaged buffer. The size of the unmanaged buffer. The pointer to the unmanaged buffer. An instance of TypeSpecificParameters or null Marshals this class to its native/unmanaged counterpart. A pointer to an allocated buffer containing the unmanaged structure. Free a previously allocated buffer. The buffer pointer. Gets or sets the number of channels (axes) affected by this force. The first channel is applied to the first axis associated with the effect, the second to the second, and so on. If there are fewer channels than axes, nothing is associated with the extra axes. If there is only a single channel, the effect is rotated in the direction specified by the of the structure. If there is more than one channel, rotation is not allowed. Not all devices support rotation of custom effects. The channel count. Gets or sets the sample period, in microseconds. The sample period. Gets or sets the total number of samples in the . It must be an integral multiple of the . The sample count. Gets or sets an array of force values representing the custom force. If multiple channels are provided, the values are interleaved. For example, if is 3, the first element of the array belongs to the first channel, the second to the second, and the third to the third. The force data. Gets the size of this specific parameter. The size. No documentation. DIDATAFORMAT No documentation. unsigned int dwSize No documentation. unsigned int dwObjSize Flags describing other attributes of the data format. DIDF dwFlags No documentation. unsigned int dwDataSize No documentation. unsigned int dwNumObjs No documentation. void* rgodf Attributes that describes a device data format specification. Gets or sets the dataformat flags. The flags. Attribute to describe a custom format for a field. Gets or sets the name of the field. Default is using the field name. Gets or sets Guid for the axis, button, or other input source. When requesting a data format, making this member empty indicates that any type of object is permissible. The GUID. Gets or sets the array count. The array count. Gets or sets the device type that describes the object. The type. Gets or sets the extra flags used to describe the data format. The flags. Gets or sets the instance number. The instance number. DirectInput device data format. No documentation. DIDEVICEIMAGEINFOHEADERW Initializes a new instance of the class. No documentation. unsigned int dwSize No documentation. unsigned int dwSizeImageInfo No documentation. unsigned int dwcViews No documentation. unsigned int dwcButtons No documentation. unsigned int dwcAxes No documentation. unsigned int dwcPOVs No documentation. unsigned int dwBufferSize No documentation. unsigned int dwBufferUsed No documentation. DIDEVICEIMAGEINFOW* lprgImageInfoArray No documentation. DIDEVICEINSTANCEW Initializes a new instance of the class. No documentation. unsigned int dwSize No documentation. GUID guidInstance No documentation. GUID guidProduct No documentation. unsigned int dwDevType No documentation. wchar_t tszInstanceName[260] No documentation. wchar_t tszProductName[260] No documentation. GUID guidFFDriver No documentation. HID_USAGE_PAGE wUsagePage No documentation. HID_USAGE_ID wUsage Gets the type of this device. The type. Gets the subtype of the device. The subtype. Gets a value indicating whether this instance is human interface device. true if this instance is human interface device; otherwise, false. No documentation. DIDEVICEOBJECTINSTANCEW No documentation. unsigned int dwSize No documentation. GUID guidType No documentation. unsigned int dwOfs No documentation. DIDFT dwType No documentation. DIDOI dwFlags No documentation. wchar_t tszName[260] No documentation. unsigned int dwFFMaxForce No documentation. unsigned int dwFFForceResolution No documentation. unsigned short wCollectionNumber No documentation. unsigned short wDesignatorIndex No documentation. unsigned short wUsagePage No documentation. unsigned short wUsage No documentation. unsigned int dwDimension No documentation. unsigned short wExponent No documentation. unsigned short wReportId Propertyies for a . Initializes a new instance of the class. The device. The code. Howtype. Initializes a new instance of the class by offset inside a structure. The device. The name of the property inside dataFormat type. The data format. Gets or sets the device. The device. Gets or sets the code. The code. Gets or sets the how type. The how type. Gets the key code for a keyboard key. An exception is raised if the property cannot resolve specialized keys on USB keyboards because they do not exist in scan code form. For all other failures, an exception is also returned. The key id. The key code Gets the localized key name for a keyboard key. Using this property on devices other than a keyboard will return unexpected names. The key. Gets or sets a value indicating whether device objects are self centering. true if device objects are self centering; otherwise, false. Gets or sets the axis mode. The axis mode. Gets or sets the input buffer size. The buffer size determines the amount of data that the buffer can hold between calls to the method before data is lost. You can set this value to 0 to indicate that the application does not read buffered data from the device. If the buffer size is too large for the device to support it, then the largest possible buffer size is set. However, this property always returns the buffer size set using the property, even if the buffer cannot be supported because it is too large. The size of the buffer. Gets the class GUID for the device. This property lets advanced applications perform operations on a human interface device that are not supported by DirectInput. The class GUID. Gets or sets the dead zone of a joystick, in the range from 0 through 10,000, where 0 indicates that there is no dead zone, 5,000 indicates that the dead zone extends over 50 percent of the physical range of the axis on both sides of center, and 10,000 indicates that the entire physical range of the axis is dead. When the axis is within the dead zone, it is reported as being at the center of its range. The dead zone. Gets or sets the force feedback gain of the device. The gain value is applied to all effects created on the device. The value is an integer in the range from 0 through 10,000, specifying the amount by which effect magnitudes should be scaled for the device. For example, a value of 10,000 indicates that all effect magnitudes are to be taken at face value. A value of 9,000 indicates that all effect magnitudes are to be reduced to 90 percent of their nominal magnitudes. DirectInput always checks the gain value before setting the gain property. If the gain is outside of the range (less than zero or greater than 10,000), setting this propery will raise an exception. Otherwise, no exception if successful, even if the device does not support force feedback. Setting a gain value is useful when an application wants to scale down the strength of all force-feedback effects uniformly, based on user preferences. Unlike other properties, the gain can be set when the device is in an acquired state. The force feedback gain. Gets the input granularity. Granularity represents the smallest distance over which the object reports movement. Most axis objects have a granularity of one; that is, all values are possible. Some axes have a larger granularity. For example, the wheel axis on a mouse can have a granularity of 20; that is, all reported changes in position are multiples of 20. In other words, when the user turns the wheel slowly, the device reports a position of 0, then 20, then 40, and so on. This is a read-only property. The granularity. Gets or sets the friendly instance name of the device. This property exists for advanced applications that want to change the friendly instance name of a device (as returned in the tszInstanceName member of the structure) to distinguish it from similar devices that are plugged in simultaneously. Most applications should have no need to change the friendly name. The name of the instance. Gets the device interface path for the device. This property lets advanced applications perform operations on a human interface device that are not supported by DirectInput. The interface path. Gets the instance number of a joystick. This property is not implemented for the mouse or keyboard. The joystick id. Gets the memory load for the device. This setting applies to the entire device, rather than to any particular object. The retrieved value is in the range from 0 through 100, indicating the percentage of device memory in use. The device must be acquired in exclusive mode. If it is not, the method will fail with an exception. The memory load. Gets the human-readable display name of the port to which this device is connected. Not generally used by applications. The human-readable display name of the port to which this device is connected. Gets the vendor identity (ID) and product ID of a HID device. This property is of type int and contains both values. These two short values are combined. This property applies to the entire device, rather than to any particular object. The product id. Gets or sets the friendly product name of the device. This property exists for advanced applications that want to change the friendly product name of a device (as returned in the tszProductName member of the structure) to distinguish it from similar devices which are plugged in simultaneously. Most applications should have no need to change the friendly name. This setting applies to the entire device. Setting the product name is only useful for changing the user-defined name of an analog joystick on Microsoft Windows 98, Windows 2000, and Windows Millennium Edition (Windows Me) computers. In other cases, attempting to set this property will still return ok. However, the name is not stored in a location used by the getter of this property. The name of the product. Gets the range of values an object can possibly report. The range. Gets or sets the saturation zones of a joystick, in the range from 0 through 10,000. The saturation level is the point at which the axis is considered to be at its most extreme position. For example, if the saturation level is set to 9,500, the axis reaches the extreme of its range when it has moved 95 percent of the physical distance from its center position (or from the dead zone). The saturation. Gets the user name for a user currently assigned to a device. User names are set by calling . If no user name is set, the method throws an exception. The name of the user. Gets the vendor identity (ID) and product ID of a HID device. This property is of type int and contains both values. These two short values are combined. This property applies to the entire device, rather than to any particular object. The product id. No documentation. IDirectInput8W Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets all devices. A collection of Gets the devices for a particular and . Class of the device. The device enum flags. A collection of Gets the devices for a particular and . Type of the device. The device enum flags. A collection of Determines whether a device with the specified Guid is attached. The device Guid. true if the device with the specified device Guid is attached ; otherwise, false. Runs Control Panel to enable the user to install a new input device or modify configurations. Runs Control Panel to enable the user to install a new input device or modify configurations. Handle of the window to be used as the parent window for the subsequent user interface. If this parameter is NULL, no parent window is used. Initializes a new instance of the class. The native pointer. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. HRESULT IDirectInput8W::CreateDevice([In] const GUID& arg0,[Out] void** arg1,[In] IUnknown* arg2) No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. HRESULT IDirectInput8W::EnumDevices([In] unsigned int arg0,[In] __function__stdcall* arg1,[In] void* arg2,[In] DIEDFL arg3) No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. HRESULT IDirectInput8W::GetDeviceStatus([In] const GUID& arg0) No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. HRESULT IDirectInput8W::RunControlPanel([In] HWND arg0,[In] unsigned int arg1) No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. HRESULT IDirectInput8W::Initialize([In] HINSTANCE arg0,[In] unsigned int arg1) No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. HRESULT IDirectInput8W::FindDevice([In] const GUID& arg0,[In] const wchar_t* arg1,[Out] GUID* arg2) No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. HRESULT IDirectInput8W::EnumDevicesBySemantics([In] const wchar_t* arg0,[In] DIACTIONFORMATW* arg1,[In] __function__stdcall* arg2,[In] void* arg3,[In] unsigned int arg4) No documentation. IDirectInputEffect Initializes a new instance of the class. The device. The GUID. The parameters. Sends a hardware-specific command to the force-feedback driver. Driver-specific command number. Consult the driver documentation for a list of valid commands. Buffer containing the data required to perform the operation. Buffer in which the operation's output data is returned. Number of bytes written to the output buffer Because each driver implements different escapes, it is the application's responsibility to ensure that it is sending the escape to the correct driver by comparing the value of the guidFFDriver member of the structure against the value the application is expecting. Gets the characteristics of an effect. The current parameters of this effect. Sets the characteristics of an effect. The parameters of this effect. A object describing the result of the operation. Begins playing an effect infinitely. If the effect is already playing, it is restarted from the beginning. If the effect has not been downloaded or has been modified since its last download, it is downloaded before being started. This default behavior can be suppressed by passing the flag. A object describing the result of the operation. Begins playing an effect infinitely. If the effect is already playing, it is restarted from the beginning. If the effect has not been downloaded or has been modified since its last download, it is downloaded before being started. This default behavior can be suppressed by passing the flag. Flags that describe how the effect should be played by the device. A object describing the result of the operation. Begins playing an effect. If the effect is already playing, it is restarted from the beginning. If the effect has not been downloaded or has been modified since its last download, it is downloaded before being started. This default behavior can be suppressed by passing the flag. Number of times to play the effect in sequence. The envelope is re-articulated with each iteration. To play the effect exactly once, pass 1. To play the effect repeatedly until explicitly stopped, pass -1. To play the effect until explicitly stopped without re-articulating the envelope, modify the effect parameters with the method, and change the Duration member to -1. A object describing the result of the operation. Initializes a new instance of the class. The native pointer. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. HRESULT IDirectInputEffect::Initialize([In] HINSTANCE arg0,[In] unsigned int arg1,[In] const GUID& arg2) No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. HRESULT IDirectInputEffect::GetEffectGuid([Out] GUID* arg0) No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. HRESULT IDirectInputEffect::GetParameters([Out] DIEFFECT* arg0,[In] DIEP arg1) No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. HRESULT IDirectInputEffect::SetParameters([In] const DIEFFECT* arg0,[In] DIEP arg1) No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. HRESULT IDirectInputEffect::Start([In] unsigned int arg0,[In] DIES arg1) No documentation. No documentation. HRESULT IDirectInputEffect::Stop() No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. HRESULT IDirectInputEffect::GetEffectStatus([Out] DIEGES* arg0) No documentation. No documentation. HRESULT IDirectInputEffect::Download() No documentation. No documentation. HRESULT IDirectInputEffect::Unload() No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. HRESULT IDirectInputEffect::Escape([In] DIEFFESCAPE* arg0) No documentation. GetEffectGuid HRESULT IDirectInputEffect::GetEffectGuid([Out] GUID* arg0) No documentation. GetEffectStatus HRESULT IDirectInputEffect::GetEffectStatus([Out] DIEGES* arg0) No documentation. DIFILEEFFECT Initializes a new instance of the class. No documentation. unsigned int dwSize No documentation. GUID GuidEffect No documentation. const DIEFFECT* lpDiEffect No documentation. char szFriendlyName[260] Gets or sets the parameters. The parameters. No documentation. DIEFFECTINFOW Initializes a new instance of the class. No documentation. unsigned int dwSize No documentation. GUID guid No documentation. DIEFT dwEffType No documentation. DIEP dwStaticParams No documentation. DIEP dwDynamicParams No documentation. wchar_t tszName[260] No documentation. DIEFFECT Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets the axes. See and . The axes. The directions. Sets the axes. See and . The axes. The directions. No documentation. unsigned int dwSize No documentation. DIEFF dwFlags No documentation. unsigned int dwDuration No documentation. unsigned int dwSamplePeriod No documentation. unsigned int dwGain No documentation. unsigned int dwTriggerButton No documentation. unsigned int dwTriggerRepeatInterval No documentation. unsigned int cAxes No documentation. unsigned int* rgdwAxes No documentation. int* rglDirection No documentation. DIENVELOPE* lpEnvelope No documentation. unsigned int cbTypeSpecificParams No documentation. void* lpvTypeSpecificParams No documentation. unsigned int dwStartDelay Optional Envelope structure that describes the envelope to be used by this effect. Not all effect types use envelope. If no envelope is to be applied, the member should be set to null. Gets or sets an array containing identifiers or offsets identifying the axes to which the effect is to be applied. The flags and determine the semantics of the values in the array. The list of axes associated with an effect cannot be changed once it has been set. No more than 32 axes can be associated with a single effect. The axes. Gets or sets an array containing either Cartesian coordinates, polar coordinates, or spherical coordinates. The flags , , and determine the semantics of the values in the array. If Cartesian, each value in Directions is associated with the corresponding axis in Axes. If polar, the angle is measured in hundredths of degrees from the (0, - 1) direction, rotated in the direction of (1, 0). This usually means that north is away from the user, and east is to the user's right. The last element is not used. If spherical, the first angle is measured in hundredths of a degree from the (1, 0) direction, rotated in the direction of (0, 1). The second angle (if the number of axes is three or more) is measured in hundredths of a degree toward (0, 0, 1). The third angle (if the number of axes is four or more) is measured in hundredths of a degree toward (0, 0, 0, 1), and so on. The last element is not used. The directions. Gets or sets the type specific parameter. Reference to a type-specific parameters, or null if there are no type-specific parameters. If the effect is of type , this member contains an indirect reference to a ConditionSet structures that define the parameters for the condition. A single structure may be used, in which case the condition is applied in the direction specified in the Directions array. Otherwise, there must be one structure for each axis, in the same order as the axes in rgdwAxes array. If a structure is supplied for each axis, the effect should not be rotated; you should use the following values in the Directions array: : 0, 0, ... / : 9000, 0, ... / : 1, 0, ... If the effect is of type , this member contains an indirect reference to a that defines the parameters for the custom force. If the effect is of type , this member contains a pointer to a that defines the parameters for the effect. If the effect is of type , this member contains a pointer to a that defines the parameters for the constant force. If the effect is of type , this member contains a pointer to a that defines the parameters for the ramp force. To gain access to the underlying structure, you need to call the method . The type specific parameter. Enumerator callback for DirectInput EnumCreatedEffects. Initializes a new instance of the class. Natives the pointer. Gets or sets the informations. The informations. Enumerator callback for DirectInput EnumDevices. Initializes a new instance of the class. Natives the pointer. Gets or sets the informations. The informations. Enumerator callback for DirectInput EnumEffects. Initializes a new instance of the class. Natives the pointer. Gets or sets the informations. The informations. Enumerator callback for DirectInput EnumEffectsInFile. Initializes a new instance of the class. Natives the pointer. Gets or sets the informations. The informations. Enumerator callback for DirectInput EnumObjects. Initializes a new instance of the class. Natives the pointer. Gets or sets the informations. The informations. No documentation. DIENVELOPE No documentation. unsigned int dwSize No documentation. unsigned int dwAttackLevel No documentation. unsigned int dwAttackTime No documentation. unsigned int dwFadeLevel No documentation. unsigned int dwFadeTime Flags that specify the cooperative level to associate with the input device. This flag is used by method. DISCL The application is requesting an exclusive access to the device. If the exclusive access is authorized, no other instance of the device can get an exclusive access to the device while it is acquired. Note that non-exclusive access to the input device is always authorized, even when another application has an exclusive access. In exclusive mode, an application that acquires the mouse or keyboard device must unacquire the input device when it receives a windows event message WM_ENTERSIZEMOVE or WM_ENTERMENULOOP. Otherwise, the user won't be able to access to the menu or move and resize the window. DISCL_EXCLUSIVE The application is requesting a non-exclusive access to the device. There is no interference even if another application is using the same device. DISCL_NONEXCLUSIVE The application is requesting a foreground access to the device. If the foreground access is authorized and the associated window moves to the background, the device is automatically unacquired. DISCL_FOREGROUND The application is requesting a background access to the device. If background access is authorized, the device can be acquired even when the associated window is not the active window. DISCL_BACKGROUND The application is requesting to disable the Windows logo key effect. When this flag is set, the user cannot perturbate the application. However, when the default action mapping UI is displayed, the Windows logo key is operating as long as that UI is opened. Consequently, this flag has no effect in this situation. DISCL_NOWINKEY Flags describing other attributes of the . DIDF The axes are specified in absolute mode. Specifying this flag in equals to manually setting the axis mode property, using the property on the . xUsage of this flag is exclusive with flag. DIDF_ABSAXIS The axes are specified in relative mode. Specifying this flag in equals to manually setting the axis mode property using the property on the . Usage of this flag is exclusive with flag. DIDF_RELAXIS Device Axis mode. This flag is used by the property on the . DIPROPAXISMODE The axes are specified in absolute mode for the whole device. DIPROPAXISMODE_ABS The axes are specified in relative mode for the whole device. DIPROPAXISMODE_REL Device class filter used by method. DI8DEVCLASS All devices. DI8DEVCLASS_ALL All devices that do not fall into another class. DI8DEVCLASS_DEVICE All devices of type and . DI8DEVCLASS_POINTER All keyboards. Equivalent to . DI8DEVCLASS_KEYBOARD All game controllers. DI8DEVCLASS_GAMECTRL Flags that refine the scope of the enumeration used by and methods. DIEDFL All installed devices are enumerated. This is the default behavior. DIEDFL_ALLDEVICES Only attached and installed devices. DIEDFL_ATTACHEDONLY Only devices that support force feedback. DIEDFL_FORCEFEEDBACK Include devices that are aliases for other devices. DIEDFL_INCLUDEALIASES Include hidden devices. For more information about hidden devices, see . DIEDFL_INCLUDEPHANTOMS Include phantom (placeholder) devices. DIEDFL_INCLUDEHIDDEN Flags associated with the device. DIDC The device is physically attached to the user's computer. DIDC_ATTACHED At least one object on the device is polled, rather than interrupt-driven. For these objects, the application must explicitly call the Interface method to obtain data. HID devices can contain a mixture of polled and nonpolled objects. DIDC_POLLEDDEVICE If this flag is set, the data is coming from a user mode device interface, such as a Human Interface Device (human interface device), or by some other ring 3 means. If it is not set, the data is coming directly from a kernel mode driver. DIDC_EMULATED At least one object in the current data format is polled, rather than interrupt-driven. For these objects, the application must explicitly call the Interface method to obtain data. DIDC_POLLEDDATAFORMAT The device supports force feedback. DIDC_FORCEFEEDBACK The force-feedback system supports the attack parameter for at least one effect. If the device does not support attack, the attack level and attack time members of the structure are ignored by the device. After a call to the method, an individual effect sets the flag if attack is supported for that effect. DIDC_FFATTACK The force-feedback system supports the fade parameter for at least one effect. If the device does not support fade, the fade level and fade time members of the structure are ignored by the device. After a call to the method, an individual effect sets the flag if fade is supported for that effect. DIDC_FFFADE The force-feedback system supports the saturation of condition effects for at least one condition. If the device does not support saturation, the force generated by a condition is limited only by the maximum force that the device can generate. After a call to the method, an individual condition sets the flag if saturation is supported for that condition. DIDC_SATURATION The force-feedback system supports two coefficient values for conditions (one for the positive displacement of the axis and one for the negative displacement of the axis) for at least one condition. If the device does not support both coefficients, the negative coefficient in the structure is ignored. After a call to the method, an individual condition sets the flag if separate positive and negative coefficients are supported for that condition. DIDC_POSNEGCOEFFICIENTS The force-feedback system supports a maximum saturation for both positive and negative force output for at least one condition. If the device does not support both saturation values, the negative saturation in the structure is ignored. After a call to the IDirectInputDevice8::GetEffectInfo method, an individual condition sets the flag if separate positive and negative saturation are supported for that condition. DIDC_POSNEGSATURATION The device supports deadband for at least one force-feedback condition. DIDC_DEADBAND The force-feedback system supports the start delay parameter for at least one effect. If the device does not support start delays, the member of the structure is ignored. DIDC_STARTDELAY The device is a alias to another DirectInput device. Alias devices are by default not returned by . DIDC_ALIAS Placeholder. Phantom devices are by default not enumerated by . DIDC_PHANTOM Fictitious device created by a device driver so that it can generate keyboard and mouse events. Such devices are not normally returned by . DIDC_HIDDEN No documentation. DIDFT_FLAGS All objects. DIDFT_ALL A relative axis. DIDFT_RELAXIS An absolute axis. DIDFT_ABSAXIS An axis, either absolute or relative. DIDFT_AXIS A push button. A push button is reported as down when the user presses it, and as up when the user releases it. DIDFT_PSHBUTTON A toggle button. A toggle button is reported as down when the user presses it and remains so until the user presses the button a second time. DIDFT_TGLBUTTON A push button or a toggle button. DIDFT_BUTTON A point-of-view controller. DIDFT_POV A HID link collection. HID link collections do not generate data of their own. DIDFT_COLLECTION An object that does not generate any data. DIDFT_NODATA Any instance mask. DIDFT_ANYINSTANCE An object that contains a force-feedback actuator. In other words, forces can be applied to this object. DIDFT_FFACTUATOR An object that can be used to trigger force-feedback effects. DIDFT_FFEFFECTTRIGGER An object that supports output. Not supported. DIDFT_OUTPUT An object of a type defined by the manufacturer. DIDFT_VENDORDEFINED Controls identified by a Human Interface Device alias. This flag applies only to HID-compliant USB devices. DIDFT_ALIAS Specify that this type is optional. DIDFT_OPTIONAL No documentation. DI8DEVTYPE No documentation. DI8DEVTYPE_DEVICE No documentation. DI8DEVTYPE_MOUSE No documentation. DI8DEVTYPE_KEYBOARD No documentation. DI8DEVTYPE_JOYSTICK No documentation. DI8DEVTYPE_GAMEPAD No documentation. DI8DEVTYPE_DRIVING No documentation. DI8DEVTYPE_FLIGHT First-person action game device. The following subtypes are defined. DI8DEVTYPE_1STPERSON No documentation. DI8DEVTYPE_DEVICECTRL No documentation. DI8DEVTYPE_SCREENPOINTER No documentation. DI8DEVTYPE_REMOTE No documentation. DI8DEVTYPE_SUPPLEMENTAL No documentation. DIFEF No documentation. DIFEF_DEFAULT No documentation. DIFEF_INCLUDENONSTANDARD No documentation. DIFEF_MODIFYIFNEEDED No documentation. DIEFF No documentation. DIEFF_OBJECTIDS No documentation. DIEFF_OBJECTOFFSETS No documentation. DIEFF_CARTESIAN No documentation. DIEFF_POLAR No documentation. DIEFF_SPHERICAL None. None No documentation. DIEP No documentation. DIEP_DURATION No documentation. DIEP_SAMPLEPERIOD No documentation. DIEP_GAIN No documentation. DIEP_TRIGGERBUTTON No documentation. DIEP_TRIGGERREPEATINTERVAL No documentation. DIEP_AXES No documentation. DIEP_DIRECTION No documentation. DIEP_ENVELOPE No documentation. DIEP_TYPESPECIFICPARAMS No documentation. DIEP_STARTDELAY No documentation. DIEP_ALLPARAMS_DX5 No documentation. DIEP_ALLPARAMS No documentation. DIEP_START No documentation. DIEP_NORESTART No documentation. DIEP_NODOWNLOAD None. None No documentation. DIES No documentation. DIES_SOLO No documentation. DIES_NODOWNLOAD None. None No documentation. DIEGES No documentation. DIEGES_PLAYING No documentation. DIEGES_EMULATED None. None No documentation. DIEFT No documentation. DIEFT_ALL No documentation. DIEFT_CONSTANTFORCE No documentation. DIEFT_RAMPFORCE No documentation. DIEFT_PERIODIC No documentation. DIEFT_CONDITION No documentation. DIEFT_CUSTOMFORCE No documentation. DIEFT_HARDWARE No documentation. DIEFT_FFATTACK No documentation. DIEFT_FFFADE No documentation. DIEFT_SATURATION No documentation. DIEFT_POSNEGCOEFFICIENTS No documentation. DIEFT_POSNEGSATURATION No documentation. DIEFT_DEADBAND No documentation. DIEFT_STARTDELAY None. None No documentation. DIDIFT No documentation. DIDIFT_CONFIGURATION No documentation. DIDIFT_OVERLAY No documentation. DIJOFS No documentation. DIJOFS_X No documentation. DIJOFS_Y No documentation. DIJOFS_Z No documentation. DIJOFS_RX No documentation. DIJOFS_RY No documentation. DIJOFS_RZ No documentation. DIJOFS_BUTTON0 No documentation. DIJOFS_BUTTON1 No documentation. DIJOFS_BUTTON2 No documentation. DIJOFS_BUTTON3 No documentation. DIJOFS_BUTTON4 No documentation. DIJOFS_BUTTON5 No documentation. DIJOFS_BUTTON6 No documentation. DIJOFS_BUTTON7 No documentation. DIJOFS_BUTTON8 No documentation. DIJOFS_BUTTON9 No documentation. DIJOFS_BUTTON10 No documentation. DIJOFS_BUTTON11 No documentation. DIJOFS_BUTTON12 No documentation. DIJOFS_BUTTON13 No documentation. DIJOFS_BUTTON14 No documentation. DIJOFS_BUTTON15 No documentation. DIJOFS_BUTTON16 No documentation. DIJOFS_BUTTON17 No documentation. DIJOFS_BUTTON18 No documentation. DIJOFS_BUTTON19 No documentation. DIJOFS_BUTTON20 No documentation. DIJOFS_BUTTON21 No documentation. DIJOFS_BUTTON22 No documentation. DIJOFS_BUTTON23 No documentation. DIJOFS_BUTTON24 No documentation. DIJOFS_BUTTON25 No documentation. DIJOFS_BUTTON26 No documentation. DIJOFS_BUTTON27 No documentation. DIJOFS_BUTTON28 No documentation. DIJOFS_BUTTON29 No documentation. DIJOFS_BUTTON30 No documentation. DIJOFS_BUTTON31 No documentation. DIJOFS_SLIDER0 No documentation. DIJOFS_SLIDER1 No documentation. DIJOFS_POINT_OF_VIEW0 No documentation. DIJOFS_POINT_OF_VIEW1 No documentation. DIJOFS_POINT_OF_VIEW2 No documentation. DIJOFS_POINT_OF_VIEW3 No documentation. DIK No documentation. DIK_ESCAPE No documentation. DIK_1 No documentation. DIK_2 No documentation. DIK_3 No documentation. DIK_4 No documentation. DIK_5 No documentation. DIK_6 No documentation. DIK_7 No documentation. DIK_8 No documentation. DIK_9 No documentation. DIK_0 No documentation. DIK_MINUS No documentation. DIK_EQUALS No documentation. DIK_BACK No documentation. DIK_TAB No documentation. DIK_Q No documentation. DIK_W No documentation. DIK_E No documentation. DIK_R No documentation. DIK_T No documentation. DIK_Y No documentation. DIK_U No documentation. DIK_I No documentation. DIK_O No documentation. DIK_P No documentation. DIK_LBRACKET No documentation. DIK_RBRACKET No documentation. DIK_RETURN No documentation. DIK_LCONTROL No documentation. DIK_A No documentation. DIK_S No documentation. DIK_D No documentation. DIK_F No documentation. DIK_G No documentation. DIK_H No documentation. DIK_J No documentation. DIK_K No documentation. DIK_L No documentation. DIK_SEMICOLON No documentation. DIK_APOSTROPHE No documentation. DIK_GRAVE No documentation. DIK_LSHIFT No documentation. DIK_BACKSLASH No documentation. DIK_Z No documentation. DIK_X No documentation. DIK_C No documentation. DIK_V No documentation. DIK_B No documentation. DIK_N No documentation. DIK_M No documentation. DIK_COMMA No documentation. DIK_PERIOD No documentation. DIK_SLASH No documentation. DIK_RSHIFT No documentation. DIK_MULTIPLY No documentation. DIK_LMENU No documentation. DIK_SPACE No documentation. DIK_CAPITAL No documentation. DIK_F1 No documentation. DIK_F2 No documentation. DIK_F3 No documentation. DIK_F4 No documentation. DIK_F5 No documentation. DIK_F6 No documentation. DIK_F7 No documentation. DIK_F8 No documentation. DIK_F9 No documentation. DIK_F10 No documentation. DIK_NUMLOCK No documentation. DIK_SCROLL No documentation. DIK_NUMPAD7 No documentation. DIK_NUMPAD8 No documentation. DIK_NUMPAD9 No documentation. DIK_SUBTRACT No documentation. DIK_NUMPAD4 No documentation. DIK_NUMPAD5 No documentation. DIK_NUMPAD6 No documentation. DIK_ADD No documentation. DIK_NUMPAD1 No documentation. DIK_NUMPAD2 No documentation. DIK_NUMPAD3 No documentation. DIK_NUMPAD0 No documentation. DIK_DECIMAL No documentation. DIK_OEM_102 No documentation. DIK_F11 No documentation. DIK_F12 No documentation. DIK_F13 No documentation. DIK_F14 No documentation. DIK_F15 No documentation. DIK_KANA No documentation. DIK_ABNT_C1 No documentation. DIK_CONVERT No documentation. DIK_NOCONVERT No documentation. DIK_YEN No documentation. DIK_ABNT_C2 No documentation. DIK_NUMPADEQUALS No documentation. DIK_PREVTRACK No documentation. DIK_AT No documentation. DIK_COLON No documentation. DIK_UNDERLINE No documentation. DIK_KANJI No documentation. DIK_STOP No documentation. DIK_AX No documentation. DIK_UNLABELED No documentation. DIK_NEXTTRACK No documentation. DIK_NUMPADENTER No documentation. DIK_RCONTROL No documentation. DIK_MUTE No documentation. DIK_CALCULATOR No documentation. DIK_PLAYPAUSE No documentation. DIK_MEDIASTOP No documentation. DIK_VOLUMEDOWN No documentation. DIK_VOLUMEUP No documentation. DIK_WEBHOME No documentation. DIK_NUMPADCOMMA No documentation. DIK_DIVIDE No documentation. DIK_SYSRQ No documentation. DIK_RMENU No documentation. DIK_PAUSE No documentation. DIK_HOME No documentation. DIK_UP No documentation. DIK_PRIOR No documentation. DIK_LEFT No documentation. DIK_RIGHT No documentation. DIK_END No documentation. DIK_DOWN No documentation. DIK_NEXT No documentation. DIK_INSERT No documentation. DIK_DELETE No documentation. DIK_LWIN No documentation. DIK_RWIN No documentation. DIK_APPS No documentation. DIK_POWER No documentation. DIK_SLEEP No documentation. DIK_WAKE No documentation. DIK_WEBSEARCH No documentation. DIK_WEBFAVORITES No documentation. DIK_WEBREFRESH No documentation. DIK_WEBSTOP No documentation. DIK_WEBFORWARD No documentation. DIK_WEBBACK No documentation. DIK_MYCOMPUTER No documentation. DIK_MAIL No documentation. DIK_MEDIASELECT No documentation. DIK_UNKNOWN No documentation. DIMOFS No documentation. DIMOFS_X No documentation. DIMOFS_Y No documentation. DIMOFS_Z No documentation. DIMOFS_BUTTON0 No documentation. DIMOFS_BUTTON1 No documentation. DIMOFS_BUTTON2 No documentation. DIMOFS_BUTTON3 No documentation. DIMOFS_BUTTON4 No documentation. DIMOFS_BUTTON5 No documentation. DIMOFS_BUTTON6 No documentation. DIMOFS_BUTTON7 No documentation. DIDOI No documentation. DIDOI_FFACTUATOR No documentation. DIDOI_FFEFFECTTRIGGER No documentation. DIDOI_POLLED No documentation. DIDOI_ASPECTPOSITION No documentation. DIDOI_ASPECTVELOCITY No documentation. DIDOI_ASPECTACCEL No documentation. DIDOI_ASPECTFORCE No documentation. DIDOI_ASPECTMASK No documentation. DIDOI_GUIDISUSAGE No documentation. DIPH No documentation. DIPH_DEVICE No documentation. DIPH_BYOFFSET No documentation. DIPH_BYID No documentation. DIPH_BYUSAGE No documentation. DIDAL No documentation. DIDAL_CENTERED No documentation. DIDAL_LEFTALIGNED No documentation. DIDAL_RIGHTALIGNED No documentation. DIDAL_MIDDLE No documentation. DIDAL_TOPALIGNED No documentation. DIDAL_BOTTOMALIGNED Functions Constant AirCombatGenre. DIVIRTUAL_FLYING_MILITARY Constant Flaps. DIAXIS_FLYINGM_FLAPS Constant Pitch. DIAXIS_FLYINGM_PITCH Constant Bank. DIAXIS_FLYINGM_BANK Constant Rudder. DIAXIS_FLYINGM_RUDDER Constant Brake. DIAXIS_FLYINGM_BRAKE Constant Throttle. DIAXIS_FLYINGM_THROTTLE Constant FireSecondary. DIBUTTON_FLYINGM_FIRESECONDARY Constant GlanceLeftLink. DIBUTTON_FLYINGM_GLANCE_LEFT_LINK Constant Target. DIBUTTON_FLYINGM_TARGET Constant GlanceRightLink. DIBUTTON_FLYINGM_GLANCE_RIGHT_LINK Constant Fire. DIBUTTON_FLYINGM_FIRE Constant Gear. DIBUTTON_FLYINGM_GEAR Constant Display. DIBUTTON_FLYINGM_DISPLAY Constant GlanceUpLink. DIBUTTON_FLYINGM_GLANCE_UP_LINK Constant Counter. DIBUTTON_FLYINGM_COUNTER Constant SlowerLink. DIBUTTON_FLYINGM_SLOWER_LINK Constant Menu. DIBUTTON_FLYINGM_MENU Constant Flapsup. DIBUTTON_FLYINGM_FLAPSUP Constant Weapons. DIBUTTON_FLYINGM_WEAPONS Constant View. DIBUTTON_FLYINGM_VIEW Constant Pause. DIBUTTON_FLYINGM_PAUSE Constant Device. DIBUTTON_FLYINGM_DEVICE Constant GlanceDownLink. DIBUTTON_FLYINGM_GLANCE_DOWN_LINK Constant Flapsdown. DIBUTTON_FLYINGM_FLAPSDOWN Constant BrakeLink. DIBUTTON_FLYINGM_BRAKE_LINK Constant FasterLink. DIBUTTON_FLYINGM_FASTER_LINK Constant Glance. DIHATSWITCH_FLYINGM_GLANCE Functions Constant XAxis1. DIAXIS_ANY_X_1 Constant XAxis2. DIAXIS_ANY_X_2 Constant YAxis1. DIAXIS_ANY_Y_1 Constant YAxis2. DIAXIS_ANY_Y_2 Constant ZAxis1. DIAXIS_ANY_Z_1 Constant ZAxis2. DIAXIS_ANY_Z_2 Constant RAxis1. DIAXIS_ANY_R_1 Constant RAxis2. DIAXIS_ANY_R_2 Constant UAxis1. DIAXIS_ANY_U_1 Constant UAxis2. DIAXIS_ANY_U_2 Constant VAxis1. DIAXIS_ANY_V_1 Constant VAxis2. DIAXIS_ANY_V_2 Constant Accelerator1. DIAXIS_ANY_A_1 Constant Accelerator2. DIAXIS_ANY_A_2 Constant Brake1. DIAXIS_ANY_B_1 Constant Brake2. DIAXIS_ANY_B_2 Constant Clutch1. DIAXIS_ANY_C_1 Constant Clutch2. DIAXIS_ANY_C_2 Constant SAxis1. DIAXIS_ANY_S_1 Constant SAxis2. DIAXIS_ANY_S_2 Constant Axis1. DIAXIS_ANY_1 Constant Axis2. DIAXIS_ANY_2 Constant Axis3. DIAXIS_ANY_3 Constant Axis4. DIAXIS_ANY_4 Constant PointOfView1. DIPOV_ANY_1 Constant PointOfView2. DIPOV_ANY_2 Constant PointOfView3. DIPOV_ANY_3 Constant PointOfView4. DIPOV_ANY_4 Functions Constant BaseballBattingGenre. DIVIRTUAL_SPORTS_BASEBALL_BAT Constant Lateral. DIAXIS_BASEBALLB_LATERAL Constant Move. DIAXIS_BASEBALLB_MOVE Constant Slide. DIBUTTON_BASEBALLB_SLIDE Constant LeftLink. DIBUTTON_BASEBALLB_LEFT_LINK Constant Menu. DIBUTTON_BASEBALLB_MENU Constant Contact. DIBUTTON_BASEBALLB_CONTACT Constant BackLink. DIBUTTON_BASEBALLB_BACK_LINK Constant Power. DIBUTTON_BASEBALLB_POWER Constant Nosteal. DIBUTTON_BASEBALLB_NOSTEAL Constant Select. DIBUTTON_BASEBALLB_SELECT Constant Box. DIBUTTON_BASEBALLB_BOX Constant Device. DIBUTTON_BASEBALLB_DEVICE Constant RightLink. DIBUTTON_BASEBALLB_RIGHT_LINK Constant Steal. DIBUTTON_BASEBALLB_STEAL Constant Normal. DIBUTTON_BASEBALLB_NORMAL Constant Bunt. DIBUTTON_BASEBALLB_BUNT Constant Burst. DIBUTTON_BASEBALLB_BURST Constant Pause. DIBUTTON_BASEBALLB_PAUSE Constant ForwardLink. DIBUTTON_BASEBALLB_FORWARD_LINK Functions Constant BaseballFieldingGenre. DIVIRTUAL_SPORTS_BASEBALL_FIELD Constant Lateral. DIAXIS_BASEBALLF_LATERAL Constant Move. DIAXIS_BASEBALLF_MOVE Constant Shiftin. DIBUTTON_BASEBALLF_SHIFTIN Constant Device. DIBUTTON_BASEBALLF_DEVICE Constant AimLeftLink. DIBUTTON_BASEBALLF_AIM_LEFT_LINK Constant Shiftout. DIBUTTON_BASEBALLF_SHIFTOUT Constant Throw1. DIBUTTON_BASEBALLF_THROW1 Constant AimRightLink. DIBUTTON_BASEBALLF_AIM_RIGHT_LINK Constant ForwardLink. DIBUTTON_BASEBALLF_FORWARD_LINK Constant Jump. DIBUTTON_BASEBALLF_JUMP Constant Menu. DIBUTTON_BASEBALLF_MENU Constant Nearest. DIBUTTON_BASEBALLF_NEAREST Constant Dive. DIBUTTON_BASEBALLF_DIVE Constant Pause. DIBUTTON_BASEBALLF_PAUSE Constant BackLink. DIBUTTON_BASEBALLF_BACK_LINK Constant Throw2. DIBUTTON_BASEBALLF_THROW2 Constant Burst. DIBUTTON_BASEBALLF_BURST Functions Constant BaseballPitchingGenre. DIVIRTUAL_SPORTS_BASEBALL_PITCH Constant Lateral. DIAXIS_BASEBALLP_LATERAL Constant Move. DIAXIS_BASEBALLP_MOVE Constant Device. DIBUTTON_BASEBALLP_DEVICE Constant Pitch. DIBUTTON_BASEBALLP_PITCH Constant RightLink. DIBUTTON_BASEBALLP_RIGHT_LINK Constant Base. DIBUTTON_BASEBALLP_BASE Constant Fake. DIBUTTON_BASEBALLP_FAKE Constant LeftLink. DIBUTTON_BASEBALLP_LEFT_LINK Constant ForwardLink. DIBUTTON_BASEBALLP_FORWARD_LINK Constant Look. DIBUTTON_BASEBALLP_LOOK Constant BackLink. DIBUTTON_BASEBALLP_BACK_LINK Constant Select. DIBUTTON_BASEBALLP_SELECT Constant Pause. DIBUTTON_BASEBALLP_PAUSE Constant Menu. DIBUTTON_BASEBALLP_MENU Constant Throw. DIBUTTON_BASEBALLP_THROW Constant Walk. DIBUTTON_BASEBALLP_WALK Functions Constant BasketballDefenseGenre. DIVIRTUAL_SPORTS_BASKETBALL_DEFENSE Constant Lateral. DIAXIS_BBALLD_LATERAL Constant Move. DIAXIS_BBALLD_MOVE Constant Device. DIBUTTON_BBALLD_DEVICE Constant Steal. DIBUTTON_BBALLD_STEAL Constant Play. DIBUTTON_BBALLD_PLAY Constant Burst. DIBUTTON_BBALLD_BURST Constant BackLink. DIBUTTON_BBALLD_BACK_LINK Constant RightLink. DIBUTTON_BBALLD_RIGHT_LINK Constant ForwardLink. DIBUTTON_BBALLD_FORWARD_LINK Constant Menu. DIBUTTON_BBALLD_MENU Constant Player. DIBUTTON_BBALLD_PLAYER Constant Fake. DIBUTTON_BBALLD_FAKE Constant Special. DIBUTTON_BBALLD_SPECIAL Constant LeftLink. DIBUTTON_BBALLD_LEFT_LINK Constant Jump. DIBUTTON_BBALLD_JUMP Constant Timeout. DIBUTTON_BBALLD_TIMEOUT Constant Substitute. DIBUTTON_BBALLD_SUBSTITUTE Constant Pause. DIBUTTON_BBALLD_PAUSE Constant Glance. DIHATSWITCH_BBALLD_GLANCE Functions Constant BasketballOffenseGenre. DIVIRTUAL_SPORTS_BASKETBALL_OFFENSE Constant Lateral. DIAXIS_BBALLO_LATERAL Constant Move. DIAXIS_BBALLO_MOVE Constant RightLink. DIBUTTON_BBALLO_RIGHT_LINK Constant Shoot. DIBUTTON_BBALLO_SHOOT Constant Substitute. DIBUTTON_BBALLO_SUBSTITUTE Constant Special. DIBUTTON_BBALLO_SPECIAL Constant ForwardLink. DIBUTTON_BBALLO_FORWARD_LINK Constant Pass. DIBUTTON_BBALLO_PASS Constant Timeout. DIBUTTON_BBALLO_TIMEOUT Constant Post. DIBUTTON_BBALLO_POST Constant Fake. DIBUTTON_BBALLO_FAKE Constant Dunk. DIBUTTON_BBALLO_DUNK Constant LeftLink. DIBUTTON_BBALLO_LEFT_LINK Constant BackLink. DIBUTTON_BBALLO_BACK_LINK Constant Pause. DIBUTTON_BBALLO_PAUSE Constant Jab. DIBUTTON_BBALLO_JAB Constant Play. DIBUTTON_BBALLO_PLAY Constant Device. DIBUTTON_BBALLO_DEVICE Constant Screen. DIBUTTON_BBALLO_SCREEN Constant Menu. DIBUTTON_BBALLO_MENU Constant Call. DIBUTTON_BBALLO_CALL Constant Player. DIBUTTON_BBALLO_PLAYER Constant Burst. DIBUTTON_BBALLO_BURST Constant Glance. DIHATSWITCH_BBALLO_GLANCE Functions Constant BrowserGenre. DIVIRTUAL_BROWSER_CONTROL Constant Move. DIAXIS_BROWSER_MOVE Constant View. DIAXIS_BROWSER_VIEW Constant Lateral. DIAXIS_BROWSER_LATERAL Constant Favorites. DIBUTTON_BROWSER_FAVORITES Constant Stop. DIBUTTON_BROWSER_STOP Constant Select. DIBUTTON_BROWSER_SELECT Constant Home. DIBUTTON_BROWSER_HOME Constant Device. DIBUTTON_BROWSER_DEVICE Constant Menu. DIBUTTON_BROWSER_MENU Constant Refresh. DIBUTTON_BROWSER_REFRESH Constant History. DIBUTTON_BROWSER_HISTORY Constant Next. DIBUTTON_BROWSER_NEXT Constant Search. DIBUTTON_BROWSER_SEARCH Constant Pause. DIBUTTON_BROWSER_PAUSE Constant Print. DIBUTTON_BROWSER_PRINT Constant Previous. DIBUTTON_BROWSER_PREVIOUS Functions Constant CivilianFlightGenre. DIVIRTUAL_FLYING_CIVILIAN Constant Flaps. DIAXIS_FLYINGC_FLAPS Constant Throttle. DIAXIS_FLYINGC_THROTTLE Constant Rudder. DIAXIS_FLYINGC_RUDDER Constant Bank. DIAXIS_FLYINGC_BANK Constant Brake. DIAXIS_FLYINGC_BRAKE Constant Pitch. DIAXIS_FLYINGC_PITCH Constant GlanceLeftLink. DIBUTTON_FLYINGC_GLANCE_LEFT_LINK Constant BrakeLink. DIBUTTON_FLYINGC_BRAKE_LINK Constant FasterLink. DIBUTTON_FLYINGC_FASTER_LINK Constant Menu. DIBUTTON_FLYINGC_MENU Constant Gear. DIBUTTON_FLYINGC_GEAR Constant Flapsup. DIBUTTON_FLYINGC_FLAPSUP Constant Display. DIBUTTON_FLYINGC_DISPLAY Constant SlowerLink. DIBUTTON_FLYINGC_SLOWER_LINK Constant GlanceDownLink. DIBUTTON_FLYINGC_GLANCE_DOWN_LINK Constant View. DIBUTTON_FLYINGC_VIEW Constant GlanceUpLink. DIBUTTON_FLYINGC_GLANCE_UP_LINK Constant Pause. DIBUTTON_FLYINGC_PAUSE Constant Device. DIBUTTON_FLYINGC_DEVICE Constant GlanceRightLink. DIBUTTON_FLYINGC_GLANCE_RIGHT_LINK Constant Flapsdown. DIBUTTON_FLYINGC_FLAPSDOWN Constant Glance. DIHATSWITCH_FLYINGC_GLANCE Functions Constant AirCombatGenre. DIVIRTUAL_DRIVING_COMBAT Constant Steer. DIAXIS_DRIVINGC_STEER Constant Accelerate. DIAXIS_DRIVINGC_ACCELERATE Constant BrakeAxis. DIAXIS_DRIVINGC_BRAKE Constant AccelerateAndBrake. DIAXIS_DRIVINGC_ACCEL_AND_BRAKE Constant Shiftup. DIBUTTON_DRIVINGC_SHIFTUP Constant Shiftdown. DIBUTTON_DRIVINGC_SHIFTDOWN Constant Fire. DIBUTTON_DRIVINGC_FIRE Constant Dashboard. DIBUTTON_DRIVINGC_DASHBOARD Constant Weapons. DIBUTTON_DRIVINGC_WEAPONS Constant Target. DIBUTTON_DRIVINGC_TARGET Constant GlanceRightLink. DIBUTTON_DRIVINGC_GLANCE_RIGHT_LINK Constant GlanceLeftLink. DIBUTTON_DRIVINGC_GLANCE_LEFT_LINK Constant Menu. DIBUTTON_DRIVINGC_MENU Constant AccelerateLink. DIBUTTON_DRIVINGC_ACCELERATE_LINK Constant SteerLeftLink. DIBUTTON_DRIVINGC_STEER_LEFT_LINK Constant Pause. DIBUTTON_DRIVINGC_PAUSE Constant Firesecondary. DIBUTTON_DRIVINGC_FIRESECONDARY Constant Aids. DIBUTTON_DRIVINGC_AIDS Constant Brake. DIBUTTON_DRIVINGC_BRAKE Constant Device. DIBUTTON_DRIVINGC_DEVICE Constant SteerRightLink. DIBUTTON_DRIVINGC_STEER_RIGHT_LINK Constant Glance. DIHATSWITCH_DRIVINGC_GLANCE Functions Constant SysMouse. GUID_SysMouse Constant SysKeyboard. GUID_SysKeyboard Constant Joystick. GUID_Joystick Constant SysMouseEm. GUID_SysMouseEm Constant SysMouseEm2. GUID_SysMouseEm2 Constant SysKeyboardEm. GUID_SysKeyboardEm Constant SysKeyboardEm2. GUID_SysKeyboardEm2 Functions Constant MouseUnknown. DI8DEVTYPEMOUSE_UNKNOWN Constant MouseAbsolute. DI8DEVTYPEMOUSE_ABSOLUTE Constant MouseTraditional. DI8DEVTYPEMOUSE_TRADITIONAL Constant MouseTouchpad. DI8DEVTYPEMOUSE_TOUCHPAD Constant MouseFingerstick. DI8DEVTYPEMOUSE_FINGERSTICK Constant MouseTrackball. DI8DEVTYPEMOUSE_TRACKBALL Constant KeyboardNec98106. DI8DEVTYPEKEYBOARD_NEC98106 Constant KeyboardJapanax. DI8DEVTYPEKEYBOARD_JAPANAX Constant KeyboardJapan106. DI8DEVTYPEKEYBOARD_JAPAN106 Constant KeyboardNec98. DI8DEVTYPEKEYBOARD_NEC98 Constant KeyboardPcat. DI8DEVTYPEKEYBOARD_PCAT Constant KeyboardOlivetti. DI8DEVTYPEKEYBOARD_OLIVETTI Constant KeyboardPcenh. DI8DEVTYPEKEYBOARD_PCENH Constant KeyboardUnknown. DI8DEVTYPEKEYBOARD_UNKNOWN Constant KeyboardPcxt. DI8DEVTYPEKEYBOARD_PCXT Constant KeyboardNokia1050. DI8DEVTYPEKEYBOARD_NOKIA1050 Constant KeyboardJ3100. DI8DEVTYPEKEYBOARD_J3100 Constant KeyboardNokia9140. DI8DEVTYPEKEYBOARD_NOKIA9140 Constant KeyboardNec98laptop. DI8DEVTYPEKEYBOARD_NEC98LAPTOP Constant JoystickLimited. DI8DEVTYPEJOYSTICK_LIMITED Constant JoystickStandard. DI8DEVTYPEJOYSTICK_STANDARD Constant GamepadLimited. DI8DEVTYPEGAMEPAD_LIMITED Constant GamepadTilt. DI8DEVTYPEGAMEPAD_TILT Constant GamepadStandard. DI8DEVTYPEGAMEPAD_STANDARD Constant DrivingHandheld. DI8DEVTYPEDRIVING_HANDHELD Constant DrivingDualpedals. DI8DEVTYPEDRIVING_DUALPEDALS Constant DrivingLimited. DI8DEVTYPEDRIVING_LIMITED Constant DrivingThreepedals. DI8DEVTYPEDRIVING_THREEPEDALS Constant DrivingCombinedpedals. DI8DEVTYPEDRIVING_COMBINEDPEDALS Constant FlightLimited. DI8DEVTYPEFLIGHT_LIMITED Constant FlightStick. DI8DEVTYPEFLIGHT_STICK Constant FlightYoke. DI8DEVTYPEFLIGHT_YOKE Constant FlightRc. DI8DEVTYPEFLIGHT_RC Constant FirstPersonLimited. DI8DEVTYPE1STPERSON_LIMITED Constant FirstPersonShooter. DI8DEVTYPE1STPERSON_SHOOTER Constant FirstPersonSixdof. DI8DEVTYPE1STPERSON_SIXDOF Constant FirstPersonUnknown. DI8DEVTYPE1STPERSON_UNKNOWN Constant ScreenPointerLightgun. DI8DEVTYPESCREENPTR_LIGHTGUN Constant ScreenPointerUnknown. DI8DEVTYPESCREENPTR_UNKNOWN Constant ScreenPointerTouch. DI8DEVTYPESCREENPTR_TOUCH Constant ScreenPointerLightpen. DI8DEVTYPESCREENPTR_LIGHTPEN Constant RemoteUnknown. DI8DEVTYPEREMOTE_UNKNOWN Constant DeviceControlUnknown. DI8DEVTYPEDEVICECTRL_UNKNOWN Constant DeviceControlCommsselection. DI8DEVTYPEDEVICECTRL_COMMSSELECTION Constant DeviceControlCommsselectionHardwired. DI8DEVTYPEDEVICECTRL_COMMSSELECTION_HARDWIRED Constant SupplementalDualpedals. DI8DEVTYPESUPPLEMENTAL_DUALPEDALS Constant Supplemental2ndhandcontroller. DI8DEVTYPESUPPLEMENTAL_2NDHANDCONTROLLER Constant SupplementalThreepedals. DI8DEVTYPESUPPLEMENTAL_THREEPEDALS Constant SupplementalHandtracker. DI8DEVTYPESUPPLEMENTAL_HANDTRACKER Constant SupplementalHeadtracker. DI8DEVTYPESUPPLEMENTAL_HEADTRACKER Constant SupplementalUnknown. DI8DEVTYPESUPPLEMENTAL_UNKNOWN Constant SupplementalRudderpedals. DI8DEVTYPESUPPLEMENTAL_RUDDERPEDALS Constant SupplementalShifter. DI8DEVTYPESUPPLEMENTAL_SHIFTER Constant SupplementalShiftstickgate. DI8DEVTYPESUPPLEMENTAL_SHIFTSTICKGATE Constant SupplementalThrottle. DI8DEVTYPESUPPLEMENTAL_THROTTLE Constant SupplementalCombinedpedals. DI8DEVTYPESUPPLEMENTAL_COMBINEDPEDALS Constant SupplementalSplitthrottle. DI8DEVTYPESUPPLEMENTAL_SPLITTHROTTLE Functions Constant SdkVersion. DIRECTINPUT_VERSION DLLs loaders No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. HRESULT DirectInput8Create([In] HINSTANCE hinst,[In] unsigned int dwVersion,[In] const GUID& riidltf,[Out] void** ppvOut,[In] IUnknown* punkOuter) Functions Constant ConstantForce. GUID_ConstantForce Constant RampForce. GUID_RampForce Constant Square. GUID_Square Constant Sine. GUID_Sine Constant Triangle. GUID_Triangle Constant SawtoothUp. GUID_SawtoothUp Constant SawtoothDown. GUID_SawtoothDown Constant Spring. GUID_Spring Constant Damper. GUID_Damper Constant Inertia. GUID_Inertia Constant Friction. GUID_Friction Constant CustomForce. GUID_CustomForce Functions Constant FishingGenre. DIVIRTUAL_SPORTS_FISHING Constant Lateral. DIAXIS_FISHING_LATERAL Constant Move. DIAXIS_FISHING_MOVE Constant Rotate. DIAXIS_FISHING_ROTATE Constant Glance. DIHATSWITCH_FISHING_GLANCE Functions Constant FootballDefenseGenre. DIVIRTUAL_SPORTS_FOOTBALL_DEFENSE Constant Move. DIAXIS_FOOTBALLD_MOVE Constant Lateral. DIAXIS_FOOTBALLD_LATERAL Constant Spin. DIBUTTON_FOOTBALLD_SPIN Constant Jump. DIBUTTON_FOOTBALLD_JUMP Constant Select. DIBUTTON_FOOTBALLD_SELECT Constant Fake. DIBUTTON_FOOTBALLD_FAKE Constant Swim. DIBUTTON_FOOTBALLD_SWIM Constant Audible. DIBUTTON_FOOTBALLD_AUDIBLE Constant Tackle. DIBUTTON_FOOTBALLD_TACKLE Constant Rip. DIBUTTON_FOOTBALLD_RIP Constant LeftLink. DIBUTTON_FOOTBALLD_LEFT_LINK Constant RightLink. DIBUTTON_FOOTBALLD_RIGHT_LINK Constant Supertackle. DIBUTTON_FOOTBALLD_SUPERTACKLE Constant Pause. DIBUTTON_FOOTBALLD_PAUSE Constant Substitute. DIBUTTON_FOOTBALLD_SUBSTITUTE Constant BackLink. DIBUTTON_FOOTBALLD_BACK_LINK Constant Device. DIBUTTON_FOOTBALLD_DEVICE Constant Play. DIBUTTON_FOOTBALLD_PLAY Constant Bullrush. DIBUTTON_FOOTBALLD_BULLRUSH Constant Menu. DIBUTTON_FOOTBALLD_MENU Constant ForwardLink. DIBUTTON_FOOTBALLD_FORWARD_LINK Constant Zoom. DIBUTTON_FOOTBALLD_ZOOM Functions Constant FootballOffenseGenre. DIVIRTUAL_SPORTS_FOOTBALL_OFFENSE Constant Lateral. DIAXIS_FOOTBALLO_LATERAL Constant Move. DIAXIS_FOOTBALLO_MOVE Constant Throw. DIBUTTON_FOOTBALLO_THROW Constant Menu. DIBUTTON_FOOTBALLO_MENU Constant Jump. DIBUTTON_FOOTBALLO_JUMP Constant Turbo. DIBUTTON_FOOTBALLO_TURBO Constant BackLink. DIBUTTON_FOOTBALLO_BACK_LINK Constant Substitute. DIBUTTON_FOOTBALLO_SUBSTITUTE Constant Spin. DIBUTTON_FOOTBALLO_SPIN Constant LeftLink. DIBUTTON_FOOTBALLO_LEFT_LINK Constant Leftarm. DIBUTTON_FOOTBALLO_LEFTARM Constant Shoulder. DIBUTTON_FOOTBALLO_SHOULDER Constant RightLink. DIBUTTON_FOOTBALLO_RIGHT_LINK Constant Dive. DIBUTTON_FOOTBALLO_DIVE Constant Rightarm. DIBUTTON_FOOTBALLO_RIGHTARM Constant Zoom. DIBUTTON_FOOTBALLO_ZOOM Constant Pause. DIBUTTON_FOOTBALLO_PAUSE Constant Device. DIBUTTON_FOOTBALLO_DEVICE Constant ForwardLink. DIBUTTON_FOOTBALLO_FORWARD_LINK Constant Juke. DIBUTTON_FOOTBALLO_JUKE Functions Constant FootballPlayGenre. DIVIRTUAL_SPORTS_FOOTBALL_FIELD Constant Help. DIBUTTON_FOOTBALLP_HELP Constant Pause. DIBUTTON_FOOTBALLP_PAUSE Constant Menu. DIBUTTON_FOOTBALLP_MENU Constant Play. DIBUTTON_FOOTBALLP_PLAY Constant Device. DIBUTTON_FOOTBALLP_DEVICE Constant Select. DIBUTTON_FOOTBALLP_SELECT Functions Constant FootballQuarterbackGenre. DIVIRTUAL_SPORTS_FOOTBALL_QBCK Constant Lateral. DIAXIS_FOOTBALLQ_LATERAL Constant Move. DIAXIS_FOOTBALLQ_MOVE Constant ForwardLink. DIBUTTON_FOOTBALLQ_FORWARD_LINK Constant Slide. DIBUTTON_FOOTBALLQ_SLIDE Constant Menu. DIBUTTON_FOOTBALLQ_MENU Constant RightLink. DIBUTTON_FOOTBALLQ_RIGHT_LINK Constant Snap. DIBUTTON_FOOTBALLQ_SNAP Constant BackLink. DIBUTTON_FOOTBALLQ_BACK_LINK Constant Fakesnap. DIBUTTON_FOOTBALLQ_FAKESNAP Constant Pass. DIBUTTON_FOOTBALLQ_PASS Constant Motion. DIBUTTON_FOOTBALLQ_MOTION Constant Fake. DIBUTTON_FOOTBALLQ_FAKE Constant Pause. DIBUTTON_FOOTBALLQ_PAUSE Constant LeftLink. DIBUTTON_FOOTBALLQ_LEFT_LINK Constant Audible. DIBUTTON_FOOTBALLQ_AUDIBLE Constant Device. DIBUTTON_FOOTBALLQ_DEVICE Constant Jump. DIBUTTON_FOOTBALLQ_JUMP Constant Select. DIBUTTON_FOOTBALLQ_SELECT Functions Constant GolfGenre. DIVIRTUAL_SPORTS_GOLF Constant Move. DIAXIS_GOLF_MOVE Constant Lateral. DIAXIS_GOLF_LATERAL Constant ForwardLink. DIBUTTON_GOLF_FORWARD_LINK Constant Zoom. DIBUTTON_GOLF_ZOOM Constant Menu. DIBUTTON_GOLF_MENU Constant LeftLink. DIBUTTON_GOLF_LEFT_LINK Constant Device. DIBUTTON_GOLF_DEVICE Constant Flyby. DIBUTTON_GOLF_FLYBY Constant Terrain. DIBUTTON_GOLF_TERRAIN Constant Substitute. DIBUTTON_GOLF_SUBSTITUTE Constant Select. DIBUTTON_GOLF_SELECT Constant BackLink. DIBUTTON_GOLF_BACK_LINK Constant Up. DIBUTTON_GOLF_UP Constant Timeout. DIBUTTON_GOLF_TIMEOUT Constant Swing. DIBUTTON_GOLF_SWING Constant Pause. DIBUTTON_GOLF_PAUSE Constant Down. DIBUTTON_GOLF_DOWN Constant RightLink. DIBUTTON_GOLF_RIGHT_LINK Functions Constant HandToHandGenre. DIVIRTUAL_FIGHTING_HAND2HAND Constant Rotate. DIAXIS_FIGHTINGH_ROTATE Constant Lateral. DIAXIS_FIGHTINGH_LATERAL Constant Move. DIAXIS_FIGHTINGH_MOVE Constant Pause. DIBUTTON_FIGHTINGH_PAUSE Constant Dodge. DIBUTTON_FIGHTINGH_DODGE Constant Device. DIBUTTON_FIGHTINGH_DEVICE Constant Jump. DIBUTTON_FIGHTINGH_JUMP Constant Menu. DIBUTTON_FIGHTINGH_MENU Constant Special1. DIBUTTON_FIGHTINGH_SPECIAL1 Constant LeftLink. DIBUTTON_FIGHTINGH_LEFT_LINK Constant Block. DIBUTTON_FIGHTINGH_BLOCK Constant Select. DIBUTTON_FIGHTINGH_SELECT Constant ForwardLink. DIBUTTON_FIGHTINGH_FORWARD_LINK Constant Punch. DIBUTTON_FIGHTINGH_PUNCH Constant Display. DIBUTTON_FIGHTINGH_DISPLAY Constant Crouch. DIBUTTON_FIGHTINGH_CROUCH Constant RightLink. DIBUTTON_FIGHTINGH_RIGHT_LINK Constant Kick. DIBUTTON_FIGHTINGH_KICK Constant Special2. DIBUTTON_FIGHTINGH_SPECIAL2 Constant BackwardLink. DIBUTTON_FIGHTINGH_BACKWARD_LINK Constant Slide. DIHATSWITCH_FIGHTINGH_SLIDE Functions Constant HelicopterCombatGenre. DIVIRTUAL_FLYING_HELICOPTER Constant Torque. DIAXIS_FLYINGH_TORQUE Constant Collective. DIAXIS_FLYINGH_COLLECTIVE Constant Throttle. DIAXIS_FLYINGH_THROTTLE Constant Bank. DIAXIS_FLYINGH_BANK Constant Pitch. DIAXIS_FLYINGH_PITCH Constant Firesecondary. DIBUTTON_FLYINGH_FIRESECONDARY Constant FasterLink. DIBUTTON_FLYINGH_FASTER_LINK Constant Gear. DIBUTTON_FLYINGH_GEAR Constant SlowerLink. DIBUTTON_FLYINGH_SLOWER_LINK Constant GlanceLeftLink. DIBUTTON_FLYINGH_GLANCE_LEFT_LINK Constant Pause. DIBUTTON_FLYINGH_PAUSE Constant Weapons. DIBUTTON_FLYINGH_WEAPONS Constant GlanceDownLink. DIBUTTON_FLYINGH_GLANCE_DOWN_LINK Constant GlanceRightLink. DIBUTTON_FLYINGH_GLANCE_RIGHT_LINK Constant GlanceUpLink. DIBUTTON_FLYINGH_GLANCE_UP_LINK Constant Menu. DIBUTTON_FLYINGH_MENU Constant View. DIBUTTON_FLYINGH_VIEW Constant Counter. DIBUTTON_FLYINGH_COUNTER Constant Target. DIBUTTON_FLYINGH_TARGET Constant Fire. DIBUTTON_FLYINGH_FIRE Constant Device. DIBUTTON_FLYINGH_DEVICE Constant Glance. DIHATSWITCH_FLYINGH_GLANCE Functions Constant HockeyDefenseGenre. DIVIRTUAL_SPORTS_HOCKEY_DEFENSE Constant Lateral. DIAXIS_HOCKEYD_LATERAL Constant Move. DIAXIS_HOCKEYD_MOVE Constant Fake. DIBUTTON_HOCKEYD_FAKE Constant Burst. DIBUTTON_HOCKEYD_BURST Constant Pause. DIBUTTON_HOCKEYD_PAUSE Constant Steal. DIBUTTON_HOCKEYD_STEAL Constant Device. DIBUTTON_HOCKEYD_DEVICE Constant Strategy. DIBUTTON_HOCKEYD_STRATEGY Constant Menu. DIBUTTON_HOCKEYD_MENU Constant RightLink. DIBUTTON_HOCKEYD_RIGHT_LINK Constant Player. DIBUTTON_HOCKEYD_PLAYER Constant Timeout. DIBUTTON_HOCKEYD_TIMEOUT Constant Substitute. DIBUTTON_HOCKEYD_SUBSTITUTE Constant LeftLink. DIBUTTON_HOCKEYD_LEFT_LINK Constant ForwardLink. DIBUTTON_HOCKEYD_FORWARD_LINK Constant Zoom. DIBUTTON_HOCKEYD_ZOOM Constant BackLink. DIBUTTON_HOCKEYD_BACK_LINK Constant Block. DIBUTTON_HOCKEYD_BLOCK Constant Scroll. DIHATSWITCH_HOCKEYD_SCROLL Functions Constant HockeyGoalieGenre. DIVIRTUAL_SPORTS_HOCKEY_GOALIE Constant Move. DIAXIS_HOCKEYG_MOVE Constant Lateral. DIAXIS_HOCKEYG_LATERAL Constant Pass. DIBUTTON_HOCKEYG_PASS Constant Device. DIBUTTON_HOCKEYG_DEVICE Constant Block. DIBUTTON_HOCKEYG_BLOCK Constant Timeout. DIBUTTON_HOCKEYG_TIMEOUT Constant BackLink. DIBUTTON_HOCKEYG_BACK_LINK Constant Zoom. DIBUTTON_HOCKEYG_ZOOM Constant Pause. DIBUTTON_HOCKEYG_PAUSE Constant LeftLink. DIBUTTON_HOCKEYG_LEFT_LINK Constant Substitute. DIBUTTON_HOCKEYG_SUBSTITUTE Constant Menu. DIBUTTON_HOCKEYG_MENU Constant ForwardLink. DIBUTTON_HOCKEYG_FORWARD_LINK Constant Steal. DIBUTTON_HOCKEYG_STEAL Constant RightLink. DIBUTTON_HOCKEYG_RIGHT_LINK Constant Strategy. DIBUTTON_HOCKEYG_STRATEGY Constant Poke. DIBUTTON_HOCKEYG_POKE Constant Scroll. DIHATSWITCH_HOCKEYG_SCROLL Functions Constant HockeyOffenseGenre. DIVIRTUAL_SPORTS_HOCKEY_OFFENSE Constant Lateral. DIAXIS_HOCKEYO_LATERAL Constant Move. DIAXIS_HOCKEYO_MOVE Constant Pass. DIBUTTON_HOCKEYO_PASS Constant Shoot. DIBUTTON_HOCKEYO_SHOOT Constant Menu. DIBUTTON_HOCKEYO_MENU Constant LeftLink. DIBUTTON_HOCKEYO_LEFT_LINK Constant Timeout. DIBUTTON_HOCKEYO_TIMEOUT Constant Special. DIBUTTON_HOCKEYO_SPECIAL Constant Fake. DIBUTTON_HOCKEYO_FAKE Constant RightLink. DIBUTTON_HOCKEYO_RIGHT_LINK Constant Strategy. DIBUTTON_HOCKEYO_STRATEGY Constant Substitute. DIBUTTON_HOCKEYO_SUBSTITUTE Constant ForwardLink. DIBUTTON_HOCKEYO_FORWARD_LINK Constant Zoom. DIBUTTON_HOCKEYO_ZOOM Constant Pause. DIBUTTON_HOCKEYO_PAUSE Constant Device. DIBUTTON_HOCKEYO_DEVICE Constant BackLink. DIBUTTON_HOCKEYO_BACK_LINK Constant Burst. DIBUTTON_HOCKEYO_BURST Constant Scroll. DIHATSWITCH_HOCKEYO_SCROLL Functions Constant HuntingGenre. DIVIRTUAL_SPORTS_HUNTING Constant Lateral. DIAXIS_HUNTING_LATERAL Constant Rotate. DIAXIS_HUNTING_ROTATE Constant Move. DIAXIS_HUNTING_MOVE Constant BackLink. DIBUTTON_HUNTING_BACK_LINK Constant Device. DIBUTTON_HUNTING_DEVICE Constant RightLink. DIBUTTON_HUNTING_RIGHT_LINK Constant Pause. DIBUTTON_HUNTING_PAUSE Constant Firesecondary. DIBUTTON_HUNTING_FIRESECONDARY Constant Call. DIBUTTON_HUNTING_CALL Constant Special. DIBUTTON_HUNTING_SPECIAL Constant LeftLink. DIBUTTON_HUNTING_LEFT_LINK Constant Binocular. DIBUTTON_HUNTING_BINOCULAR Constant Menu. DIBUTTON_HUNTING_MENU Constant RotateLeftLink. DIBUTTON_HUNTING_ROTATE_LEFT_LINK Constant ForwardLink. DIBUTTON_HUNTING_FORWARD_LINK Constant Crouch. DIBUTTON_HUNTING_CROUCH Constant Aim. DIBUTTON_HUNTING_AIM Constant RotateRightLink. DIBUTTON_HUNTING_ROTATE_RIGHT_LINK Constant Map. DIBUTTON_HUNTING_MAP Constant Jump. DIBUTTON_HUNTING_JUMP Constant Display. DIBUTTON_HUNTING_DISPLAY Constant Fire. DIBUTTON_HUNTING_FIRE Constant Weapon. DIBUTTON_HUNTING_WEAPON Constant Glance. DIHATSWITCH_HUNTING_GLANCE Functions Constant MechanicalFightingGenre. DIVIRTUAL_DRIVING_MECHA Constant Steer. DIAXIS_MECHA_STEER Constant Throttle. DIAXIS_MECHA_THROTTLE Constant Torso. DIAXIS_MECHA_TORSO Constant Rotate. DIAXIS_MECHA_ROTATE Constant View. DIBUTTON_MECHA_VIEW Constant SlowerLink. DIBUTTON_MECHA_SLOWER_LINK Constant FasterLink. DIBUTTON_MECHA_FASTER_LINK Constant ForwardLink. DIBUTTON_MECHA_FORWARD_LINK Constant Target. DIBUTTON_MECHA_TARGET Constant Center. DIBUTTON_MECHA_CENTER Constant Pause. DIBUTTON_MECHA_PAUSE Constant Reverse. DIBUTTON_MECHA_REVERSE Constant BackLink. DIBUTTON_MECHA_BACK_LINK Constant Fire. DIBUTTON_MECHA_FIRE Constant RotateLeftLink. DIBUTTON_MECHA_ROTATE_LEFT_LINK Constant Firesecondary. DIBUTTON_MECHA_FIRESECONDARY Constant LeftLink. DIBUTTON_MECHA_LEFT_LINK Constant Device. DIBUTTON_MECHA_DEVICE Constant RotateRightLink. DIBUTTON_MECHA_ROTATE_RIGHT_LINK Constant Menu. DIBUTTON_MECHA_MENU Constant RightLink. DIBUTTON_MECHA_RIGHT_LINK Constant Zoom. DIBUTTON_MECHA_ZOOM Constant Jump. DIBUTTON_MECHA_JUMP Constant Weapons. DIBUTTON_MECHA_WEAPONS Constant Glance. DIHATSWITCH_MECHA_GLANCE Functions Constant Models3DGenre. DIVIRTUAL_CAD_MODEL Constant Move. DIAXIS_CADM_MOVE Constant Inout. DIAXIS_CADM_INOUT Constant Rotatey. DIAXIS_CADM_ROTATEY Constant Rotatez. DIAXIS_CADM_ROTATEZ Constant Rotatex. DIAXIS_CADM_ROTATEX Constant Lateral. DIAXIS_CADM_LATERAL Constant Special2. DIBUTTON_CADM_SPECIAL2 Constant Device. DIBUTTON_CADM_DEVICE Constant Select. DIBUTTON_CADM_SELECT Constant Display. DIBUTTON_CADM_DISPLAY Constant Pause. DIBUTTON_CADM_PAUSE Constant Special. DIBUTTON_CADM_SPECIAL Constant Special1. DIBUTTON_CADM_SPECIAL1 Constant Menu. DIBUTTON_CADM_MENU Constant Hatswitch. DIHATSWITCH_CADM_HATSWITCH Functions Constant MountainBikingGenre. DIVIRTUAL_SPORTS_BIKING_MOUNTAIN Constant Pedal. DIAXIS_BIKINGM_PEDAL Constant Turn. DIAXIS_BIKINGM_TURN Constant Brake. DIAXIS_BIKINGM_BRAKE Constant Camera. DIBUTTON_BIKINGM_CAMERA Constant Device. DIBUTTON_BIKINGM_DEVICE Constant Zoom. DIBUTTON_BIKINGM_ZOOM Constant Menu. DIBUTTON_BIKINGM_MENU Constant Jump. DIBUTTON_BIKINGM_JUMP Constant Special2. DIBUTTON_BIKINGM_SPECIAL2 Constant Select. DIBUTTON_BIKINGM_SELECT Constant RightLink. DIBUTTON_BIKINGM_RIGHT_LINK Constant SlowerLink. DIBUTTON_BIKINGM_SLOWER_LINK Constant BrakeButtonLink. DIBUTTON_BIKINGM_BRAKE_BUTTON_LINK Constant Pause. DIBUTTON_BIKINGM_PAUSE Constant FasterLink. DIBUTTON_BIKINGM_FASTER_LINK Constant Special1. DIBUTTON_BIKINGM_SPECIAL1 Constant LeftLink. DIBUTTON_BIKINGM_LEFT_LINK Constant Scroll. DIHATSWITCH_BIKINGM_SCROLL Functions Constant Navigation3DGenre. DIVIRTUAL_CAD_FLYBY Constant Rotatex. DIAXIS_CADF_ROTATEX Constant Move. DIAXIS_CADF_MOVE Constant Lateral. DIAXIS_CADF_LATERAL Constant Rotatez. DIAXIS_CADF_ROTATEZ Constant Inout. DIAXIS_CADF_INOUT Constant Rotatey. DIAXIS_CADF_ROTATEY Constant Pause. DIBUTTON_CADF_PAUSE Constant Special2. DIBUTTON_CADF_SPECIAL2 Constant Device. DIBUTTON_CADF_DEVICE Constant Menu. DIBUTTON_CADF_MENU Constant Display. DIBUTTON_CADF_DISPLAY Constant Special1. DIBUTTON_CADF_SPECIAL1 Constant Special. DIBUTTON_CADF_SPECIAL Constant Select. DIBUTTON_CADF_SELECT Constant Hatswitch. DIHATSWITCH_CADF_HATSWITCH Functions Constant XAxisStr. GUID_XAxis Constant YAxisStr. GUID_YAxis Constant ZAxisStr. GUID_ZAxis Constant RxAxisStr. GUID_RxAxis Constant RyAxisStr. GUID_RyAxis Constant RzAxisStr. GUID_RzAxis Constant ButtonStr. GUID_Button Constant KeyStr. GUID_Key Constant SliderStr. GUID_Slider Constant PovControllerStr. GUID_POV Constant UnknownStr. GUID_Unknown Constant XAxis. GUID_XAxis Constant YAxis. GUID_YAxis Constant ZAxis. GUID_ZAxis Constant RxAxis. GUID_RxAxis Constant RyAxis. GUID_RyAxis Constant RzAxis. GUID_RzAxis Constant Button. GUID_Button Constant Key. GUID_Key Constant Slider. GUID_Slider Constant PovController. GUID_POV Constant Unknown. GUID_Unknown Functions Constant Objects2DGenre. DIVIRTUAL_CAD_2DCONTROL Constant Lateral. DIAXIS_2DCONTROL_LATERAL Constant Move. DIAXIS_2DCONTROL_MOVE Constant Inout. DIAXIS_2DCONTROL_INOUT Constant Rotatez. DIAXIS_2DCONTROL_ROTATEZ Constant Special. DIBUTTON_2DCONTROL_SPECIAL Constant Display. DIBUTTON_2DCONTROL_DISPLAY Constant Special2. DIBUTTON_2DCONTROL_SPECIAL2 Constant Special1. DIBUTTON_2DCONTROL_SPECIAL1 Constant Select. DIBUTTON_2DCONTROL_SELECT Constant Device. DIBUTTON_2DCONTROL_DEVICE Constant Pause. DIBUTTON_2DCONTROL_PAUSE Constant Menu. DIBUTTON_2DCONTROL_MENU Constant Hatswitch. DIHATSWITCH_2DCONTROL_HATSWITCH Functions Constant Objects3DGenre. DIVIRTUAL_CAD_3DCONTROL Constant Rotatez. DIAXIS_3DCONTROL_ROTATEZ Constant Rotatex. DIAXIS_3DCONTROL_ROTATEX Constant Rotatey. DIAXIS_3DCONTROL_ROTATEY Constant Inout. DIAXIS_3DCONTROL_INOUT Constant Lateral. DIAXIS_3DCONTROL_LATERAL Constant Move. DIAXIS_3DCONTROL_MOVE Constant Device. DIBUTTON_3DCONTROL_DEVICE Constant Special1. DIBUTTON_3DCONTROL_SPECIAL1 Constant Select. DIBUTTON_3DCONTROL_SELECT Constant Display. DIBUTTON_3DCONTROL_DISPLAY Constant Special2. DIBUTTON_3DCONTROL_SPECIAL2 Constant Menu. DIBUTTON_3DCONTROL_MENU Constant Pause. DIBUTTON_3DCONTROL_PAUSE Constant Special. DIBUTTON_3DCONTROL_SPECIAL Constant Hatswitch. DIHATSWITCH_3DCONTROL_HATSWITCH Functions Constant PlatformGenre. DIVIRTUAL_ARCADE_PLATFORM Constant Lateral. DIAXIS_ARCADEP_LATERAL Constant Move. DIAXIS_ARCADEP_MOVE Constant ViewLeftLink. DIBUTTON_ARCADEP_VIEW_LEFT_LINK Constant ForwardLink. DIBUTTON_ARCADEP_FORWARD_LINK Constant LeftLink. DIBUTTON_ARCADEP_LEFT_LINK Constant Fire. DIBUTTON_ARCADEP_FIRE Constant Jump. DIBUTTON_ARCADEP_JUMP Constant Firesecondary. DIBUTTON_ARCADEP_FIRESECONDARY Constant Menu. DIBUTTON_ARCADEP_MENU Constant Crouch. DIBUTTON_ARCADEP_CROUCH Constant ViewUpLink. DIBUTTON_ARCADEP_VIEW_UP_LINK Constant ViewDownLink. DIBUTTON_ARCADEP_VIEW_DOWN_LINK Constant RightLink. DIBUTTON_ARCADEP_RIGHT_LINK Constant Select. DIBUTTON_ARCADEP_SELECT Constant Pause. DIBUTTON_ARCADEP_PAUSE Constant Special. DIBUTTON_ARCADEP_SPECIAL Constant BackLink. DIBUTTON_ARCADEP_BACK_LINK Constant ViewRightLink. DIBUTTON_ARCADEP_VIEW_RIGHT_LINK Constant Device. DIBUTTON_ARCADEP_DEVICE Constant View. DIHATSWITCH_ARCADEP_VIEW Functions Constant Appdata. DIPROP_APPDATA Constant Productname. DIPROP_PRODUCTNAME Constant Logicalrange. DIPROP_LOGICALRANGE Constant Buffersize. DIPROP_BUFFERSIZE Constant Range. DIPROP_RANGE Constant Calibration. DIPROP_CALIBRATION Constant Ffgain. DIPROP_FFGAIN Constant Vidpid. DIPROP_VIDPID Constant Joystickid. DIPROP_JOYSTICKID Constant Getportdisplayname. DIPROP_GETPORTDISPLAYNAME Constant Granularity. DIPROP_GRANULARITY Constant Ffload. DIPROP_FFLOAD Constant Cpoints. DIPROP_CPOINTS Constant Username. DIPROP_USERNAME Constant Guidandpath. DIPROP_GUIDANDPATH Constant Physicalrange. DIPROP_PHYSICALRANGE Constant Keyname. DIPROP_KEYNAME Constant Saturation. DIPROP_SATURATION Constant Instancename. DIPROP_INSTANCENAME Constant Autocenter. DIPROP_AUTOCENTER Constant Deadzone. DIPROP_DEADZONE Constant Scancode. DIPROP_SCANCODE Constant Axismode. DIPROP_AXISMODE Constant Calibrationmode. DIPROP_CALIBRATIONMODE Constant Typename. DIPROP_TYPENAME Functions Constant RacingGenre. DIVIRTUAL_DRIVING_RACE Constant Steer. DIAXIS_DRIVINGR_STEER Constant Accelerate. DIAXIS_DRIVINGR_ACCELERATE Constant BrakeAxis. DIAXIS_DRIVINGR_BRAKE Constant AccelerateAndBrake. DIAXIS_DRIVINGR_ACCEL_AND_BRAKE Constant SteerRightLink. DIBUTTON_DRIVINGR_STEER_RIGHT_LINK Constant Pause. DIBUTTON_DRIVINGR_PAUSE Constant Shiftdown. DIBUTTON_DRIVINGR_SHIFTDOWN Constant AccelerateLink. DIBUTTON_DRIVINGR_ACCELERATE_LINK Constant Brake. DIBUTTON_DRIVINGR_BRAKE Constant Device. DIBUTTON_DRIVINGR_DEVICE Constant View. DIBUTTON_DRIVINGR_VIEW Constant Menu. DIBUTTON_DRIVINGR_MENU Constant Shiftup. DIBUTTON_DRIVINGR_SHIFTUP Constant Pit. DIBUTTON_DRIVINGR_PIT Constant Dashboard. DIBUTTON_DRIVINGR_DASHBOARD Constant GlanceLeftLink. DIBUTTON_DRIVINGR_GLANCE_LEFT_LINK Constant GlanceRightLink. DIBUTTON_DRIVINGR_GLANCE_RIGHT_LINK Constant Boost. DIBUTTON_DRIVINGR_BOOST Constant Map. DIBUTTON_DRIVINGR_MAP Constant SteerLeftLink. DIBUTTON_DRIVINGR_STEER_LEFT_LINK Constant Aids. DIBUTTON_DRIVINGR_AIDS Constant Glance. DIHATSWITCH_DRIVINGR_GLANCE Functions Constant RacquetGenre. DIVIRTUAL_SPORTS_RACQUET Constant Move. DIAXIS_RACQUET_MOVE Constant Lateral. DIAXIS_RACQUET_LATERAL Constant Timeout. DIBUTTON_RACQUET_TIMEOUT Constant Pause. DIBUTTON_RACQUET_PAUSE Constant Smash. DIBUTTON_RACQUET_SMASH Constant Device. DIBUTTON_RACQUET_DEVICE Constant RightLink. DIBUTTON_RACQUET_RIGHT_LINK Constant Backswing. DIBUTTON_RACQUET_BACKSWING Constant Substitute. DIBUTTON_RACQUET_SUBSTITUTE Constant ForwardLink. DIBUTTON_RACQUET_FORWARD_LINK Constant Swing. DIBUTTON_RACQUET_SWING Constant LeftLink. DIBUTTON_RACQUET_LEFT_LINK Constant BackLink. DIBUTTON_RACQUET_BACK_LINK Constant Select. DIBUTTON_RACQUET_SELECT Constant Menu. DIBUTTON_RACQUET_MENU Constant Special. DIBUTTON_RACQUET_SPECIAL Constant Glance. DIHATSWITCH_RACQUET_GLANCE Functions Constant RacquetGenre. DIVIRTUAL_REMOTE_CONTROL Constant Slider2. DIAXIS_REMOTE_SLIDER2 Constant Slider. DIAXIS_REMOTE_SLIDER Constant Review. DIBUTTON_REMOTE_REVIEW Constant Digit8. DIBUTTON_REMOTE_DIGIT8 Constant Play. DIBUTTON_REMOTE_PLAY Constant Vcr. DIBUTTON_REMOTE_VCR Constant Menu. DIBUTTON_REMOTE_MENU Constant Adjust. DIBUTTON_REMOTE_ADJUST Constant Digit9. DIBUTTON_REMOTE_DIGIT9 Constant Digit6. DIBUTTON_REMOTE_DIGIT6 Constant Device. DIBUTTON_REMOTE_DEVICE Constant Digit3. DIBUTTON_REMOTE_DIGIT3 Constant Digit0. DIBUTTON_REMOTE_DIGIT0 Constant Cable. DIBUTTON_REMOTE_CABLE Constant Digit4. DIBUTTON_REMOTE_DIGIT4 Constant Record. DIBUTTON_REMOTE_RECORD Constant Pause. DIBUTTON_REMOTE_PAUSE Constant Tuner. DIBUTTON_REMOTE_TUNER Constant Select. DIBUTTON_REMOTE_SELECT Constant Change. DIBUTTON_REMOTE_CHANGE Constant Digit2. DIBUTTON_REMOTE_DIGIT2 Constant Digit7. DIBUTTON_REMOTE_DIGIT7 Constant Digit1. DIBUTTON_REMOTE_DIGIT1 Constant Dvd. DIBUTTON_REMOTE_DVD Constant Cd. DIBUTTON_REMOTE_CD Constant Cue. DIBUTTON_REMOTE_CUE Constant Mute. DIBUTTON_REMOTE_MUTE Constant Digit5. DIBUTTON_REMOTE_DIGIT5 Constant Tv. DIBUTTON_REMOTE_TV Functions Constant Ok. DI_OK Constant NotAttached. DI_NOTATTACHED Constant BufferOverflow. DI_BUFFEROVERFLOW Constant PropertyHadNoEffect. DI_PROPNOEFFECT Constant NoEffect. DI_NOEFFECT Constant PolledDevice. DI_POLLEDDEVICE Constant DownloadSkipped. DI_DOWNLOADSKIPPED Constant EffectRestarted. DI_EFFECTRESTARTED Constant Truncated. DI_TRUNCATED Constant SettingsNotSaved. DI_SETTINGSNOTSAVED Constant TruncatedAndRestarted. DI_TRUNCATEDANDRESTARTED Constant WriteProtect. DI_WRITEPROTECT Constant ReadOnly. DIERR_READONLY Constant NotFound. DIERR_NOTFOUND Constant MapFileFail. DIERR_MAPFILEFAIL Constant AlreadyInitialized. DIERR_ALREADYINITIALIZED Constant IncompleteEffect. DIERR_INCOMPLETEEFFECT Constant InvalidParam. DIERR_INVALIDPARAM Constant EffectPlaying. DIERR_EFFECTPLAYING Constant NotInitialized. DIERR_NOTINITIALIZED Constant NotAcquired. DIERR_NOTACQUIRED Constant HandleExists. DIERR_HANDLEEXISTS Constant HasEffects. DIERR_HASEFFECTS Constant OldDirectInputVersion. DIERR_OLDDIRECTINPUTVERSION Constant NoAggregation. DIERR_NOAGGREGATION Constant MoreData. DIERR_MOREDATA Constant DeviceFull. DIERR_DEVICEFULL Constant ReportFull. DIERR_REPORTFULL Constant NotDownloaded. DIERR_NOTDOWNLOADED Constant NotBuffered. DIERR_NOTBUFFERED Constant ObjectNotFound. DIERR_OBJECTNOTFOUND Constant InsufficientPrivileges. DIERR_INSUFFICIENTPRIVS Constant NoInterface. DIERR_NOINTERFACE Constant OutOfMemory. DIERR_OUTOFMEMORY Constant DeviceNotRegistered. DIERR_DEVICENOTREG Constant Generic. DIERR_GENERIC Constant OtherApplicationHasPriority. DIERR_OTHERAPPHASPRIO Constant NotExclusiveAcquired. DIERR_NOTEXCLUSIVEACQUIRED Constant InputLost. DIERR_INPUTLOST Constant BetaDirectInputVersion. DIERR_BETADIRECTINPUTVERSION Constant BadDriverVersion. DIERR_BADDRIVERVER Constant Acquired. DIERR_ACQUIRED Constant Unplugged. DIERR_UNPLUGGED Constant Unsupported. DIERR_UNSUPPORTED Functions Constant RolePlayingGenre. DIVIRTUAL_STRATEGY_ROLEPLAYING Constant Rotate. DIAXIS_STRATEGYR_ROTATE Constant Move. DIAXIS_STRATEGYR_MOVE Constant Lateral. DIAXIS_STRATEGYR_LATERAL Constant Crouch. DIBUTTON_STRATEGYR_CROUCH Constant Select. DIBUTTON_STRATEGYR_SELECT Constant Device. DIBUTTON_STRATEGYR_DEVICE Constant Get. DIBUTTON_STRATEGYR_GET Constant BackLink. DIBUTTON_STRATEGYR_BACK_LINK Constant Jump. DIBUTTON_STRATEGYR_JUMP Constant Map. DIBUTTON_STRATEGYR_MAP Constant Cast. DIBUTTON_STRATEGYR_CAST Constant Menu. DIBUTTON_STRATEGYR_MENU Constant LeftLink. DIBUTTON_STRATEGYR_LEFT_LINK Constant ForwardLink. DIBUTTON_STRATEGYR_FORWARD_LINK Constant Display. DIBUTTON_STRATEGYR_DISPLAY Constant Attack. DIBUTTON_STRATEGYR_ATTACK Constant Apply. DIBUTTON_STRATEGYR_APPLY Constant RightLink. DIBUTTON_STRATEGYR_RIGHT_LINK Constant Pause. DIBUTTON_STRATEGYR_PAUSE Constant RotateLeftLink. DIBUTTON_STRATEGYR_ROTATE_LEFT_LINK Constant RotateRightLink. DIBUTTON_STRATEGYR_ROTATE_RIGHT_LINK Constant Glance. DIHATSWITCH_STRATEGYR_GLANCE Functions Constant Rotate. DIAXIS_FPS_ROTATE Constant Lookupdown. DIAXIS_FPS_LOOKUPDOWN Constant Sidestep. DIAXIS_FPS_SIDESTEP Constant Move. DIAXIS_FPS_MOVE Constant GlanceDownLink. DIBUTTON_FPS_GLANCE_DOWN_LINK Constant Dodge. DIBUTTON_FPS_DODGE Constant Apply. DIBUTTON_FPS_APPLY Constant Fire. DIBUTTON_FPS_FIRE Constant Pause. DIBUTTON_FPS_PAUSE Constant Weapons. DIBUTTON_FPS_WEAPONS Constant Strafe. DIBUTTON_FPS_STRAFE Constant StepRightLink. DIBUTTON_FPS_STEP_RIGHT_LINK Constant StepLeftLink. DIBUTTON_FPS_STEP_LEFT_LINK Constant GlanceUpLink. DIBUTTON_FPS_GLANCE_UP_LINK Constant Glancer. DIBUTTON_FPS_GLANCER Constant Jump. DIBUTTON_FPS_JUMP Constant Firesecondary. DIBUTTON_FPS_FIRESECONDARY Constant ForwardLink. DIBUTTON_FPS_FORWARD_LINK Constant Crouch. DIBUTTON_FPS_CROUCH Constant Glancel. DIBUTTON_FPS_GLANCEL Constant Select. DIBUTTON_FPS_SELECT Constant Device. DIBUTTON_FPS_DEVICE Constant Menu. DIBUTTON_FPS_MENU Constant Display. DIBUTTON_FPS_DISPLAY Constant RotateRightLink. DIBUTTON_FPS_ROTATE_RIGHT_LINK Constant RotateLeftLink. DIBUTTON_FPS_ROTATE_LEFT_LINK Constant BackwardLink. DIBUTTON_FPS_BACKWARD_LINK Constant Glance. DIHATSWITCH_FPS_GLANCE Functions Constant SideToSideGenre. DIVIRTUAL_ARCADE_SIDE2SIDE Constant Lateral. DIAXIS_ARCADES_LATERAL Constant Move. DIAXIS_ARCADES_MOVE Constant ViewLeftLink. DIBUTTON_ARCADES_VIEW_LEFT_LINK Constant BackLink. DIBUTTON_ARCADES_BACK_LINK Constant Pause. DIBUTTON_ARCADES_PAUSE Constant Attack. DIBUTTON_ARCADES_ATTACK Constant Carry. DIBUTTON_ARCADES_CARRY Constant ViewUpLink. DIBUTTON_ARCADES_VIEW_UP_LINK Constant ForwardLink. DIBUTTON_ARCADES_FORWARD_LINK Constant LeftLink. DIBUTTON_ARCADES_LEFT_LINK Constant Select. DIBUTTON_ARCADES_SELECT Constant ViewRightLink. DIBUTTON_ARCADES_VIEW_RIGHT_LINK Constant Device. DIBUTTON_ARCADES_DEVICE Constant RightLink. DIBUTTON_ARCADES_RIGHT_LINK Constant Special. DIBUTTON_ARCADES_SPECIAL Constant Menu. DIBUTTON_ARCADES_MENU Constant ViewDownLink. DIBUTTON_ARCADES_VIEW_DOWN_LINK Constant Throw. DIBUTTON_ARCADES_THROW Constant View. DIHATSWITCH_ARCADES_VIEW Functions Constant SkiingGenre. DIVIRTUAL_SPORTS_SKIING Constant Turn. DIAXIS_SKIING_TURN Constant Speed. DIAXIS_SKIING_SPEED Constant Device. DIBUTTON_SKIING_DEVICE Constant SlowerLink. DIBUTTON_SKIING_SLOWER_LINK Constant Menu. DIBUTTON_SKIING_MENU Constant Special2. DIBUTTON_SKIING_SPECIAL2 Constant RightLink. DIBUTTON_SKIING_RIGHT_LINK Constant Zoom. DIBUTTON_SKIING_ZOOM Constant Camera. DIBUTTON_SKIING_CAMERA Constant FasterLink. DIBUTTON_SKIING_FASTER_LINK Constant LeftLink. DIBUTTON_SKIING_LEFT_LINK Constant Pause. DIBUTTON_SKIING_PAUSE Constant Jump. DIBUTTON_SKIING_JUMP Constant Select. DIBUTTON_SKIING_SELECT Constant Special1. DIBUTTON_SKIING_SPECIAL1 Constant Crouch. DIBUTTON_SKIING_CROUCH Constant Glance. DIHATSWITCH_SKIING_GLANCE Functions Constant SoccerDefenseGenre. DIVIRTUAL_SPORTS_SOCCER_DEFENSE Constant Lateral. DIAXIS_SOCCERD_LATERAL Constant Move. DIAXIS_SOCCERD_MOVE Constant Head. DIBUTTON_SOCCERD_HEAD Constant Substitute. DIBUTTON_SOCCERD_SUBSTITUTE Constant BackLink. DIBUTTON_SOCCERD_BACK_LINK Constant ForwardLink. DIBUTTON_SOCCERD_FORWARD_LINK Constant Player. DIBUTTON_SOCCERD_PLAYER Constant Slide. DIBUTTON_SOCCERD_SLIDE Constant Fake. DIBUTTON_SOCCERD_FAKE Constant Menu. DIBUTTON_SOCCERD_MENU Constant Pause. DIBUTTON_SOCCERD_PAUSE Constant Block. DIBUTTON_SOCCERD_BLOCK Constant Steal. DIBUTTON_SOCCERD_STEAL Constant Clear. DIBUTTON_SOCCERD_CLEAR Constant Device. DIBUTTON_SOCCERD_DEVICE Constant RightLink. DIBUTTON_SOCCERD_RIGHT_LINK Constant Goaliecharge. DIBUTTON_SOCCERD_GOALIECHARGE Constant Select. DIBUTTON_SOCCERD_SELECT Constant Foul. DIBUTTON_SOCCERD_FOUL Constant LeftLink. DIBUTTON_SOCCERD_LEFT_LINK Constant Special. DIBUTTON_SOCCERD_SPECIAL Constant Glance. DIHATSWITCH_SOCCERD_GLANCE Functions Constant SoccerOffenceGenre. DIVIRTUAL_SPORTS_SOCCER_OFFENSE Constant Lateral. DIAXIS_SOCCERO_LATERAL Constant Bend. DIAXIS_SOCCERO_BEND Constant Move. DIAXIS_SOCCERO_MOVE Constant LeftLink. DIBUTTON_SOCCERO_LEFT_LINK Constant Shoothigh. DIBUTTON_SOCCERO_SHOOTHIGH Constant Shoot. DIBUTTON_SOCCERO_SHOOT Constant Device. DIBUTTON_SOCCERO_DEVICE Constant Fake. DIBUTTON_SOCCERO_FAKE Constant ForwardLink. DIBUTTON_SOCCERO_FORWARD_LINK Constant Pause. DIBUTTON_SOCCERO_PAUSE Constant Substitute. DIBUTTON_SOCCERO_SUBSTITUTE Constant Menu. DIBUTTON_SOCCERO_MENU Constant Special1. DIBUTTON_SOCCERO_SPECIAL1 Constant Control. DIBUTTON_SOCCERO_CONTROL Constant Passthru. DIBUTTON_SOCCERO_PASSTHRU Constant Head. DIBUTTON_SOCCERO_HEAD Constant Player. DIBUTTON_SOCCERO_PLAYER Constant Sprint. DIBUTTON_SOCCERO_SPRINT Constant Select. DIBUTTON_SOCCERO_SELECT Constant Shootlow. DIBUTTON_SOCCERO_SHOOTLOW Constant Pass. DIBUTTON_SOCCERO_PASS Constant RightLink. DIBUTTON_SOCCERO_RIGHT_LINK Constant BackLink. DIBUTTON_SOCCERO_BACK_LINK Constant Glance. DIHATSWITCH_SOCCERO_GLANCE Functions Constant SpaceCombatGenre. DIVIRTUAL_SPACESIM Constant Climb. DIAXIS_SPACESIM_CLIMB Constant Lateral. DIAXIS_SPACESIM_LATERAL Constant Throttle. DIAXIS_SPACESIM_THROTTLE Constant Rotate. DIAXIS_SPACESIM_ROTATE Constant Move. DIAXIS_SPACESIM_MOVE Constant Fire. DIBUTTON_SPACESIM_FIRE Constant TurnLeftLink. DIBUTTON_SPACESIM_TURN_LEFT_LINK Constant LeftLink. DIBUTTON_SPACESIM_LEFT_LINK Constant ForwardLink. DIBUTTON_SPACESIM_FORWARD_LINK Constant Pause. DIBUTTON_SPACESIM_PAUSE Constant FasterLink. DIBUTTON_SPACESIM_FASTER_LINK Constant Firesecondary. DIBUTTON_SPACESIM_FIRESECONDARY Constant Gear. DIBUTTON_SPACESIM_GEAR Constant GlanceUpLink. DIBUTTON_SPACESIM_GLANCE_UP_LINK Constant Raise. DIBUTTON_SPACESIM_RAISE Constant SlowerLink. DIBUTTON_SPACESIM_SLOWER_LINK Constant Device. DIBUTTON_SPACESIM_DEVICE Constant GlanceLeftLink. DIBUTTON_SPACESIM_GLANCE_LEFT_LINK Constant Menu. DIBUTTON_SPACESIM_MENU Constant Weapons. DIBUTTON_SPACESIM_WEAPONS Constant Display. DIBUTTON_SPACESIM_DISPLAY Constant GlanceDownLink. DIBUTTON_SPACESIM_GLANCE_DOWN_LINK Constant Lower. DIBUTTON_SPACESIM_LOWER Constant RightLink. DIBUTTON_SPACESIM_RIGHT_LINK Constant GlanceRightLink. DIBUTTON_SPACESIM_GLANCE_RIGHT_LINK Constant View. DIBUTTON_SPACESIM_VIEW Constant BackwardLink. DIBUTTON_SPACESIM_BACKWARD_LINK Constant TurnRightLink. DIBUTTON_SPACESIM_TURN_RIGHT_LINK Constant Target. DIBUTTON_SPACESIM_TARGET Constant Glance. DIHATSWITCH_SPACESIM_GLANCE Functions Constant TankDrivingGenre. DIVIRTUAL_DRIVING_TANK Constant BrakeAxis. DIAXIS_DRIVINGT_BRAKE Constant AccelerateAndBrake. DIAXIS_DRIVINGT_ACCEL_AND_BRAKE Constant Rotate. DIAXIS_DRIVINGT_ROTATE Constant Barrel. DIAXIS_DRIVINGT_BARREL Constant Steer. DIAXIS_DRIVINGT_STEER Constant Accelerate. DIAXIS_DRIVINGT_ACCELERATE Constant BarrelDownLink. DIBUTTON_DRIVINGT_BARREL_DOWN_LINK Constant RotateLeftLink. DIBUTTON_DRIVINGT_ROTATE_LEFT_LINK Constant GlanceRightLink. DIBUTTON_DRIVINGT_GLANCE_RIGHT_LINK Constant Fire. DIBUTTON_DRIVINGT_FIRE Constant View. DIBUTTON_DRIVINGT_VIEW Constant Dashboard. DIBUTTON_DRIVINGT_DASHBOARD Constant Device. DIBUTTON_DRIVINGT_DEVICE Constant AccelerateLink. DIBUTTON_DRIVINGT_ACCELERATE_LINK Constant Pause. DIBUTTON_DRIVINGT_PAUSE Constant Menu. DIBUTTON_DRIVINGT_MENU Constant GlanceLeftLink. DIBUTTON_DRIVINGT_GLANCE_LEFT_LINK Constant SteerLeftLink. DIBUTTON_DRIVINGT_STEER_LEFT_LINK Constant Firesecondary. DIBUTTON_DRIVINGT_FIRESECONDARY Constant RotateRightLink. DIBUTTON_DRIVINGT_ROTATE_RIGHT_LINK Constant Target. DIBUTTON_DRIVINGT_TARGET Constant BarrelUpLink. DIBUTTON_DRIVINGT_BARREL_UP_LINK Constant Weapons. DIBUTTON_DRIVINGT_WEAPONS Constant Brake. DIBUTTON_DRIVINGT_BRAKE Constant SteerRightLink. DIBUTTON_DRIVINGT_STEER_RIGHT_LINK Constant Glance. DIHATSWITCH_DRIVINGT_GLANCE Functions Constant TankDrivingGenre. DIVIRTUAL_FIGHTING_THIRDPERSON Constant Move. DIAXIS_TPS_MOVE Constant Turn. DIAXIS_TPS_TURN Constant Step. DIAXIS_TPS_STEP Constant GlanceDownLink. DIBUTTON_TPS_GLANCE_DOWN_LINK Constant Menu. DIBUTTON_TPS_MENU Constant Run. DIBUTTON_TPS_RUN Constant Jump. DIBUTTON_TPS_JUMP Constant BackwardLink. DIBUTTON_TPS_BACKWARD_LINK Constant TurnLeftLink. DIBUTTON_TPS_TURN_LEFT_LINK Constant Dodge. DIBUTTON_TPS_DODGE Constant Action. DIBUTTON_TPS_ACTION Constant GlanceUpLink. DIBUTTON_TPS_GLANCE_UP_LINK Constant TurnRightLink. DIBUTTON_TPS_TURN_RIGHT_LINK Constant Stepright. DIBUTTON_TPS_STEPRIGHT Constant Select. DIBUTTON_TPS_SELECT Constant Inventory. DIBUTTON_TPS_INVENTORY Constant ForwardLink. DIBUTTON_TPS_FORWARD_LINK Constant GlanceRightLink. DIBUTTON_TPS_GLANCE_RIGHT_LINK Constant Device. DIBUTTON_TPS_DEVICE Constant Stepleft. DIBUTTON_TPS_STEPLEFT Constant View. DIBUTTON_TPS_VIEW Constant Pause. DIBUTTON_TPS_PAUSE Constant Use. DIBUTTON_TPS_USE Constant GlanceLeftLink. DIBUTTON_TPS_GLANCE_LEFT_LINK Constant Glance. DIHATSWITCH_TPS_GLANCE Functions Constant TankDrivingGenre. DIVIRTUAL_STRATEGY_TURN Constant Move. DIAXIS_STRATEGYT_MOVE Constant Lateral. DIAXIS_STRATEGYT_LATERAL Constant BackLink. DIBUTTON_STRATEGYT_BACK_LINK Constant Zoom. DIBUTTON_STRATEGYT_ZOOM Constant Menu. DIBUTTON_STRATEGYT_MENU Constant Select. DIBUTTON_STRATEGYT_SELECT Constant Device. DIBUTTON_STRATEGYT_DEVICE Constant Apply. DIBUTTON_STRATEGYT_APPLY Constant LeftLink. DIBUTTON_STRATEGYT_LEFT_LINK Constant Turn. DIBUTTON_STRATEGYT_TURN Constant Pause. DIBUTTON_STRATEGYT_PAUSE Constant ForwardLink. DIBUTTON_STRATEGYT_FORWARD_LINK Constant Map. DIBUTTON_STRATEGYT_MAP Constant Team. DIBUTTON_STRATEGYT_TEAM Constant Display. DIBUTTON_STRATEGYT_DISPLAY Constant Instruct. DIBUTTON_STRATEGYT_INSTRUCT Constant RightLink. DIBUTTON_STRATEGYT_RIGHT_LINK Gets or sets the dataformat flags. The flags. Gets the defined dataformat objects. The objects. Enumeration of identifiers for Joystick updatable objects. No documentation. DIMOUSESTATE2 No documentation. DIJOYSTATE2 No documentation. int lX No documentation. int lY No documentation. int lZ No documentation. int lRx No documentation. int lRy No documentation. int lRz No documentation. int rglSlider[2] No documentation. unsigned int rgdwPOV[4] No documentation. unsigned char rgbButtons[128] No documentation. int lVX No documentation. int lVY No documentation. int lVZ No documentation. int lVRx No documentation. int lVRy No documentation. int lVRz No documentation. int rglVSlider[2] No documentation. int lAX No documentation. int lAY No documentation. int lAZ No documentation. int lARx No documentation. int lARy No documentation. int lARz No documentation. int rglASlider[2] No documentation. int lFX No documentation. int lFY No documentation. int lFZ No documentation. int lFRx No documentation. int lFRy No documentation. int lFRz No documentation. int rglFSlider[2] No documentation. DIACTIONW No documentation. UINT_PTR uAppData No documentation. unsigned int dwSemantic No documentation. unsigned int dwFlags No documentation. const void* lptszActionName No documentation. GUID guidInstance No documentation. unsigned int dwObjID No documentation. unsigned int dwHow No documentation. DIACTIONFORMATW No documentation. unsigned int dwSize No documentation. unsigned int dwActionSize No documentation. unsigned int dwDataSize No documentation. unsigned int dwNumActions No documentation. DIACTIONW* rgoAction No documentation. GUID guidActionMap No documentation. unsigned int dwGenre No documentation. unsigned int dwBufferSize No documentation. int lAxisMin No documentation. int lAxisMax No documentation. HINSTANCE hInstString No documentation. FILETIME ftTimeStamp No documentation. unsigned int dwCRC No documentation. wchar_t tszActionMap[260] No documentation. DICONDITION No documentation. int lOffset No documentation. int lPositiveCoefficient No documentation. int lNegativeCoefficient No documentation. unsigned int dwPositiveSaturation No documentation. unsigned int dwNegativeSaturation No documentation. int lDeadBand No documentation. DIDEVICEIMAGEINFOW No documentation. wchar_t tszImagePath[260] No documentation. unsigned int dwFlags No documentation. unsigned int dwViewID No documentation. RECT rcOverlay No documentation. unsigned int dwObjID No documentation. unsigned int dwcValidPts No documentation. RECT rcCalloutRect No documentation. unsigned int dwTextAlign No documentation. POINT rgptCalloutLine[5] No documentation. DIEFFESCAPE No documentation. unsigned int dwSize No documentation. unsigned int dwCommand No documentation. void* lpvInBuffer No documentation. unsigned int cbInBuffer No documentation. void* lpvOutBuffer No documentation. unsigned int cbOutBuffer No documentation. DIDEVICEOBJECTDATA No documentation. unsigned int dwOfs No documentation. unsigned int dwData No documentation. unsigned int dwTimeStamp No documentation. unsigned int dwSequence No documentation. UINT_PTR uAppData No documentation. DIPROPCAL No documentation. DIPROPHEADER diph No documentation. int lMin No documentation. int lCenter No documentation. int lMax No documentation. DIPROPGUIDANDPATH No documentation. DIPROPHEADER diph No documentation. GUID guidClass No documentation. wchar_t wszPath[260] No documentation. DIPROPHEADER No documentation. unsigned int dwSize No documentation. unsigned int dwHeaderSize No documentation. unsigned int dwObj No documentation. DIPH dwHow No documentation. DIPROPDWORD No documentation. DIPROPHEADER diph No documentation. unsigned int dwData No documentation. DIPROPPOINTER No documentation. DIPROPHEADER diph No documentation. UINT_PTR uData No documentation. DIPROPRANGE No documentation. DIPROPHEADER diph No documentation. int lMin No documentation. int lMax No documentation. DIPROPSTRING No documentation. DIPROPHEADER diph No documentation. wchar_t wsz[260] No documentation. DICONSTANTFORCE No documentation. int lMagnitude No documentation. DICUSTOMFORCE No documentation. unsigned int cChannels No documentation. unsigned int dwSamplePeriod No documentation. unsigned int cSamples No documentation. int* rglForceData No documentation. DIPERIODIC No documentation. unsigned int dwMagnitude No documentation. int lOffset No documentation. unsigned int dwPhase No documentation. unsigned int dwPeriod No documentation. DIRAMPFORCE No documentation. int lStart No documentation. int lEnd Structure that describes a range value between a minimum and a maximum Minimum value of this range Maximum value of this range Name of this DataObjectFormat. Default is using field name. Gets or sets Guid for the axis, button, or other input source. When requesting a data format, making this member empty indicates that any type of object is permissible. The GUID. Gets or sets the field offset. This is used internally. The offset. Gets or sets the device type that describes the object. The type. Gets or sets the instance number. Setting -1 is applied to any object instance. The instance number. Gets or sets the extra flags used to describe the data format. The flags. Flags for a dataformat. The dataformat doesn't report any specific information. The dataformat must report acceleration information. The dataformat must report force information. The dataformat must report position information. The dataformat must report velocity information. Properties associated to an Object. Gets or sets the dead zone of a joystick, in the range from 0 through 10,000, where 0 indicates that there is no dead zone, 5,000 indicates that the dead zone extends over 50 percent of the physical range of the axis on both sides of center, and 10,000 indicates that the entire physical range of the axis is dead. When the axis is within the dead zone, it is reported as being at the center of its range. The dead zone. Gets the input granularity. Granularity represents the smallest distance over which the object reports movement. Most axis objects have a granularity of one; that is, all values are possible. Some axes have a larger granularity. For example, the wheel axis on a mouse can have a granularity of 20; that is, all reported changes in position are multiples of 20. In other words, when the user turns the wheel slowly, the device reports a position of 0, then 20, then 40, and so on. This is a read-only property. The granularity. Gets the range of the raw data returned for axes on a human interface device. Devices can return negative values. The logical range. Gets Retrieves the range of data for axes as suggested by the manufacturer of a human interface device. Values can be negative. Normally DirectInput returns values from 0 through 0xFFFF, but the range can be made to conform to the manufacturer's suggested range by using . The physical range. Gets the range of values an object can possibly report. For some devices, this is a read-only property. The range. Gets or sets the saturation zones of a joystick, in the range from 0 through 10,000. The saturation level is the point at which the axis is considered to be at its most extreme position. For example, if the saturation level is set to 9,500, the axis reaches the extreme of its range when it has moved 95 percent of the physical distance from its center position (or from the dead zone). The saturation. This class describes a Periodic force effect. It is passed in the of the structure. Marshal this class from an unamanaged buffer. The size of the unmanaged buffer. The pointer to the unmanaged buffer. An instance of TypeSpecificParameters or null Marshals this class to its native/unmanaged counterpart. A pointer to an allocated buffer containing the unmanaged structure. Gets or sets the magnitude. Magnitude of the effect, in the range from 0 through 10,000. If an envelope is applied to this effect, the value represents the magnitude of the sustain. If no envelope is applied, the value represents the amplitude of the entire effect. The magnitude. Gets or sets the offset of the effect. The range of forces generated by the effect is lOffset minus dwMagnitude to lOffset plus dwMagnitude. The value of the lOffset member is also the baseline for any envelope that is applied to the effect. The offset. Gets or sets the phase. Position in the cycle of the periodic effect at which playback begins, in the range from 0 through 35,999. A device driver cannot provide support for all values in the dwPhase member. In this case, the value is rounded off to the nearest supported value. The phase. Gets or sets the period of the effect, in microseconds. The period. Gets the size of this specific parameter. The size. This class describes a Ramp force effect. It is passed in the of the structure. Marshal this class from an unamanaged buffer. The size of the unmanaged buffer. The pointer to the unmanaged buffer. An instance of TypeSpecificParameters or null Marshals this class to its native/unmanaged counterpart. A pointer to an allocated buffer containing the unmanaged structure. Gets or sets the magnitude at the start of the effect, in the range from - 10,000 through 10,000. The start. Gets or sets the magnitude at the end of the effect, in the range from - 10,000 through 10,000. The end. Gets the size of this specific parameter. The size.