<?xml version="1.0"?>
        <member name="T:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.AbstractCvsTask">
            A base class for creating tasks for executing CVS client commands on a
            CVS repository.
        <member name="T:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.AbstractSourceControlTask">
            A base class for creating tasks for executing CVS client commands on a 
            CVS repository.
        <member name="F:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.AbstractSourceControlTask.EnvHome">
            Name of the environmental variable specifying a users' home
                in a *nix environment.
        <member name="F:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.AbstractSourceControlTask.AppData">
            Used on windows to specify the location of application data.
        <member name="F:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.AbstractSourceControlTask.PathVariable">
            The environment variable that holds path information.
        <member name="F:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.AbstractSourceControlTask.CvsPassFileVariable">
            The environment variable that holds the location of the
            .cvspass file.
        <member name="F:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.AbstractSourceControlTask.PropExeName">
            Property name used to specify the source control executable.  This is 
                used as a readonly property.
        <member name="M:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.AbstractSourceControlTask.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.AbstractCvsTask"/> 
        <member name="M:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.AbstractSourceControlTask.PrepareProcess(System.Diagnostics.Process)">
            Build up the command line arguments, determine which executable is being
            used and find the path to that executable and set the working 
            <param name="process">The process to prepare.</param>
        <member name="M:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.AbstractSourceControlTask.SetGlobalOption(System.String,System.String,System.Boolean)">
            Adds a new global option if none exists.  If one does exist then
            the use switch is toggled on or of.
            <param name="name">The common name of the option.</param>
            <param name="value">The option value or command line switch
                of the option.</param>
            <param name="on"><code>true</code> if the option should be
                appended to the commandline, otherwise <code>false</code>.</param>
        <member name="M:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.AbstractSourceControlTask.SetCommandOption(System.String,System.String,System.Boolean)">
            Adds a new command option if none exists.  If one does exist then
                the use switch is toggled on or of.
            <param name="name">The common name of the option.</param>
            <param name="value">The option value or command line switch
                of the option.</param>
            <param name="on"><code>true</code> if the option should be
                appended to the commandline, otherwise <code>false</code>.</param>
        <member name="M:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.AbstractSourceControlTask.SetEnvironment(System.Diagnostics.Process)">
            Set up the environment variables for a process.
            <param name="process">A process to setup.</param>
        <member name="M:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.AbstractSourceControlTask.AppendFiles">
            Append the files specified in the fileset to the command line argument.
            Files are changed to use a relative path from the working directory
            that the task is spawned in.
        <member name="M:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.AbstractSourceControlTask.DeriveVcsFromEnvironment">
            Derive the location of the version control system from the environment
                variable <code>PATH</code>.
            <returns>The file information of the version control system, 
                or <code>null</code> if this cannot be found.</returns>
        <member name="P:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.AbstractSourceControlTask.PassFileName">
            The name of the passfile, overriden for each version control system (VCS).
        <member name="P:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.AbstractSourceControlTask.VcsHome">
            The path to the specific home directory of the version control system,
                this can be where the binary files are kept, or other app
        <member name="P:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.AbstractSourceControlTask.VcsHomeEnv">
            The environment variable that defines where the version control system
                (VCS) home variable is kept.
        <member name="P:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.AbstractSourceControlTask.VcsExeName">
            The name of the version control system (VCS) executable file.
        <member name="P:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.AbstractSourceControlTask.Root">
            The root variable contains information on how to locate a repository.  
                Although this information is in different formats it typically must
                define the following:
                <list type="table">
                    <item>server location</item>
                    <item>protocol used to communicate with the repository</item>
                    <item>repository location on the server</item>
                    <item>project location in the repository</item>
        <member name="P:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.AbstractSourceControlTask.DestinationDirectory">
            Destination directory for the local sandbox.  If destination is not specified
            then the current directory is used.
            Root path of the local sandbox.
            Root path of the local sandbox.
        <member name="P:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.AbstractSourceControlTask.Password">
            The password for logging in to the repository.
            The password for logging in to the repository.
        <member name="P:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.AbstractSourceControlTask.PassFile">
            The full path to the cached password file.  If not specified then the
            environment variables are used to try and locate the file.
        <member name="P:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.AbstractSourceControlTask.GlobalOptions">
            Holds a collection of globally available options.
        <member name="P:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.AbstractSourceControlTask.CommandOptions">
            A collection of options that can be used to modify the default behavoir
            of the version control commands.  See the sub-tasks for implementation
        <member name="P:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.AbstractSourceControlTask.CommandLineArguments">
            Command-line arguments for the program.  The command line arguments are used to specify
            any cvs command options that are not available as attributes.  These are appended
            after the command itself and are additive to whatever attributes are currently specified.
                &lt;cvs-checkout    cvsroot=":pserver:anonymous@cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/nant" 
                                    cvsfullpath="C:\Program Files\TortoiseCVS\cvs.exe"
                <br />
                Produces the cvs command:
                <code>c:\Program Files\TortoiseCVS\cvs.exe -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/nant -q checkout -n nant</code>
        <member name="P:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.AbstractSourceControlTask.CommandName">
            The name of the command that is going to be executed.
        <member name="P:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.AbstractSourceControlTask.VcsFileSet">
            Used to specify the version control system (VCS) files that are going
            to be acted on.
        <member name="P:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.AbstractSourceControlTask.Ssh">
            The executable to use for ssh communication.
        <member name="P:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.AbstractSourceControlTask.SshEnv">
            The environment name for the ssh variable.
        <member name="P:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.AbstractSourceControlTask.ExeName">
            The name of the version control system executable.
        <member name="P:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.AbstractSourceControlTask.ProgramArguments">
            Get the command line arguments for the task.
        <member name="F:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.AbstractCvsTask.DefaultRecursive">
            Default value for the recursive directive.  The default is
            <see langword="false" />.
        <member name="F:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.AbstractCvsTask.DefaultQuiet">
            Default value for the quiet command.
        <member name="F:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.AbstractCvsTask.DefaultReallyQuiet">
            Default value for the really quiet command.
        <member name="F:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.AbstractCvsTask.CvsHome">
            An environment variable that holds path information about where
                cvs is located.
        <member name="F:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.AbstractCvsTask.CvsPassfile">
            Name of the password file that cvs stores pserver
                cvsroot/ password pairings.
        <member name="F:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.AbstractCvsTask.DefaultCompressionLevel">
            The default compression level to use for cvs commands.
        <member name="F:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.AbstractCvsTask.DefaultUseSharpCvsLib">
            The default use of binaries, defaults to use sharpcvs.
        <member name="F:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.AbstractCvsTask.CvsExe">
            The name of the cvs executable.
        <member name="F:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.AbstractCvsTask.SharpCvsExe">
            The temporary name of the sharpcvslib binary file, to avoid
            conflicts in the path variable.
        <member name="F:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.AbstractCvsTask.CvsRsh">
            Environment variable that holds the executable name that is used for
            ssh communication.
        <member name="F:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.AbstractCvsTask.UseSharpCvsLibProp">
            Property name used to specify on a project level whether sharpcvs is
            used or not.
        <member name="M:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.AbstractCvsTask.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.AbstractCvsTask"/>
        <member name="M:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.AbstractCvsTask.ToCvsDateTimeString(System.DateTime)">
            Converts a <see cref="T:System.DateTime"/> value to a <see cref="T:System.String"/>
            representation that can be interpreted by cvs.
            <param name="item"><see cref="T:System.DateTime"/> to convert.</param>
            <see cref="T:System.String"/> interpretation of <paramref name="item"/>.
        <member name="M:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.AbstractCvsTask.PrepareProcess(System.Diagnostics.Process)">
            Build up the command line arguments, determine which executable is being
                used and find the path to that executable and set the working
            <param name="process">The process to prepare.</param>
        <member name="M:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.AbstractCvsTask.AppendSubCommandArgs">
            Override to append any commands before the modele and files.
        <member name="M:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.AbstractCvsTask.AppendCommandOptions">
            Append the command line options or commen names for the options
                to the generic options collection.  This is then piped to the
                command line as a switch.
        <member name="M:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.AbstractCvsTask.AddArg(System.String)">
            Add the given argument to the command line options.  Note that are not explicitly
            quoted are split into seperate arguments.  This is to resolve a recent issue
            with quoting command line arguments.
            <param name="arg"></param>
        <member name="P:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.AbstractCvsTask.SshEnv">
            The environment name for the ssh variable.
        <member name="P:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.AbstractCvsTask.VcsExeName">
            The name of the cvs binary, or <c>cvs.exe</c> at the time this
            was written.
        <member name="P:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.AbstractCvsTask.PassFileName">
            The name of the pass file, or <c>.cvspass</c> at the time
            of this writing.
        <member name="P:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.AbstractCvsTask.VcsHomeEnv">
            The name of the version control system specific home environment
        <member name="P:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.AbstractCvsTask.IsModuleNeeded">
            Specify if the module is needed for this cvs command.  It is
            only needed if there is no module information on the local file
        <member name="P:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.AbstractCvsTask.CvsFileSet">
            Used to specify the version control system (VCS) files that are going
            to be acted on.
        <member name="P:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.AbstractCvsTask.VcsFileSet">
            Get the cvs file set.
        <member name="P:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.AbstractCvsTask.ExeName">
            The name of the cvs executable.
        <member name="P:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.AbstractCvsTask.CvsFullPath">
            The full path to the cvs binary used.  The cvs tasks will attempt to
            "guess" the location of your cvs binary based on your path.  If the
            task is unable to resolve the location, or resolves it incorrectly
            this can be used to manually specify the path.
            A full path (i.e. including file name) of your cvs binary:
                On Windows: c:\vcs\cvs\cvs.exe
                On *nix: /usr/bin/cvs
        <member name="P:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.AbstractCvsTask.Root">
            The cvs root variable has the following components:
                <code>[protocol]:[username]@[servername]:[server path]</code>
                    <li>protocol:       ext, pserver, ssh (sharpcvslib); if you are not using sharpcvslib consult your cvs documentation.</li>
                    <li>username:       [username]</li>
                    <li>servername:     cvs.sourceforge.net</li>
                    <li>server path:    /cvsroot/nant</li>
              <para>NAnt anonymous cvsroot:</para>
        <member name="P:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.AbstractCvsTask.Module">
            The module to perform an operation on.
            The module to perform an operation on.  This is a normal file/folder
            name without path information.
              <para>In NAnt the module name would be:</para>
        <member name="P:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.AbstractCvsTask.UseSharpCvsLib">
            <see langword="true" /> if the SharpCvsLib binaries that come bundled
            with NAnt should be used to perform the cvs commands, <see langword="false" />
            You may also specify an override value for all cvs tasks instead
            of specifying a value for each.  To do this set the property
            <c>sourcecontrol.usesharpcvslib</c> to <see langword="false" />.
            If you choose not to use SharpCvsLib to checkout from cvs you will
            need to include a cvs.exe binary in your path.
                To use a cvs client in your path instead of sharpcvslib specify
                    the property:
                &gt;property name="sourcecontrol.usesharpcvslib" value="false"&lt;
                            The default settings is to use sharpcvslib and the setting closest
                to the task execution is used to determine which value is used
                to execute the process.
                            For instance if the attribute usesharpcvslib was set to false
                and the global property was set to true, the usesharpcvslib is
                closes to the point of execution and would be used and is false.
                Therefore the sharpcvslib binary would NOT be used.
        <member name="P:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.AbstractCvsTask.Ssh">
            The executable to use for ssh communication.
        <member name="P:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.AbstractCvsTask.Quiet">
            Indicates if the output from the cvs command should be supressed.
            The default is <see langword="false" />.
        <member name="P:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.AbstractCvsTask.ReallyQuiet">
            Indicates if the output from the cvs command should be stopped.
            The default is <see langword="false" />.
        <member name="P:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.AbstractCvsTask.ReadOnly">
            <see langword="true" /> if the sandbox files should be checked out in
            read only mode. The default is <see langword="false" />.
        <member name="P:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.AbstractCvsTask.ReadWrite">
            <see langword="true" /> if the sandbox files should be checked out in
            read/write mode. The default is <see langword="true" />.
        <member name="P:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.AbstractCvsTask.CompressionLevel">
            Compression level to use for all net traffic.  This should be a value from 1-9.
            <br />
            <br />
            <bold>NOTE: This is not available on sharpcvslib.</bold>
        <member name="T:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.ChangeLogTask">
            Produces an XML report that represents the cvs changes from the given 
            start day, to a given end date.
              <para>Report changes in NAnt from 1st of June 2004 until 25th of July 2004.</para>
        <member name="F:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.ChangeLogTask.CvsCommandName">
            The command being executed.
        <member name="P:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.ChangeLogTask.DestFile">
            Name of the xml file that will contain the cvs log information.
        <member name="P:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.ChangeLogTask.StartDate">
            The earliest change to use in the cvs log command.
        <member name="P:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.ChangeLogTask.EndDate">
            The latest date to use in the cvs log command.
        <member name="P:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.ChangeLogTask.CommandName">
            The cvs command to execute.
        <member name="P:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.ChangeLogTask.UseSharpCvsLib">
            Override use of sharpcvslib, needs to be true.
        <member name="P:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.ChangeLogTask.Root">
            The cvs root variable has the following components:
                <code>[protocol]:[username]@[servername]:[server path]</code>
                    <li>protocol:       ext, pserver, ssh (sharpcvslib); if you are not using sharpcvslib consult your cvs documentation.</li>
                    <li>username:       [username]</li>
                    <li>servername:     cvs.sourceforge.net</li>
                    <li>server path:    /cvsroot/nant</li>
            If the cvsroot is not specified then the directory specified by the 
            <see cref="P:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.AbstractSourceControlTask.DestinationDirectory"/> attribute 
            is searched for CVS\Root.
              <para>NAnt anonymous cvsroot:</para>
        <member name="T:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.CheckoutTask">
            Checks out a CVS module to the required directory.
              <para>Checkout NAnt.</para>
                module="nant" />
              Checkout NAnt revision named <c>0_85</c> to the 
              folder <c>c:\src\nant\v0.85</c>.
                overridedir="v0.85" />
              <para>So the nant module tagged with revision 0_85 will be checked 
              out in the folder v0.85 under the working/ destination directory.
              <br/>This could be used to work on different 
              branches of a repository at the same time.</para>
              Checkout NAnt with specified revision date to the 
              folder <c>c:\src\nant\2003_08_16</c>.
                overridedir="2003_08_16" />
        <member name="F:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.CheckoutTask.CvsCommandName">
            The command being executed.
        <member name="M:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.CheckoutTask.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.CheckoutTask"/> class.
        <member name="P:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.CheckoutTask.Revision">
            Specify the revision to checkout.  This corresponds to the "sticky-tag"
            of the file.
        <member name="P:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.CheckoutTask.StickyTag">
            Sticky tag or revision to checkout.
        <member name="P:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.CheckoutTask.Date">
            Specify the revision date to checkout.  The date specified is validated
            and then passed to the cvs binary in a standard format recognized by
        <member name="P:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.CheckoutTask.OverrideDir">
            Specify a directory name to replace the module name.  Valid names
            include any valid filename, excluding path information.
        <member name="P:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.CheckoutTask.OverrideDirectory">
            Specify a directory name to replace the module name.  Valid names
            include any valid filename, excluding path information.
        <member name="P:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.CheckoutTask.CommandName">
            The name of the cvs command that is going to be executed.
        <member name="T:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.CvsPass">
            Executes the cvs login command which appends or updates an entry to the
            specified .cvspass file.
              <para>Update .cvspass file to include the NAnt anonymous login.</para>
            <cvs-pass cvsroot=":pserver:anonymous@cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/nant" 
                 passfile="C:\.cvspass" />
        <member name="M:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.CvsPass.Initialize">
            Ensures all information is available to execute the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Task"/>.
        <member name="M:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.CvsPass.ExecuteTask">
            Update the .cvspass file with the given password.  If the passfile
            is not specified then the default search locations are used:
            <list type="list">
                <item>USERPROFILE/.cvspass  TODO: Confirm that this is valid
                    behavior or if it is going to give problems with the
                    cvsnt implementation.</item>
        <member name="P:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.CvsPass.Password">
            Password to append or update to the .cvspass file.
        <member name="P:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.CvsPass.PassFile">
            The full path to the .cvspass file.  The default is ~/.cvspass.
        <member name="P:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.CvsPass.DestinationDirectory">
            The current working directory.
        <member name="P:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.CvsPass.Root">
            The repository root string.
        <member name="T:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.CvsTask">
            Executes the cvs command specified by the command attribute.
              <para>Checkout NAnt.</para>
            <cvs command="checkout" 
                 module="nant" />
        <member name="P:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.CvsTask.CommandName">
            The cvs command to execute.
        <member name="P:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.CvsTask.IsModuleNeeded">
            Specify if the module is needed for this cvs command.  
        <member name="T:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.ExportTask">
            Exports a cvs module in preperation for a release (i.e. the CVS version
            folders are not exported).
              <para>Export the most recent NAnt sources from cvs.</para>
                module="nant" />
              Export NAnt revision named <c>your_favorite_revision_here</c> to the 
              folder <c>c:\src\nant\replacement_for_module_directory_name</c>.
              <warn>**NOTE**</warn>: filesets names for the export task must be 
              prefixed with the module name.  This is different than other tasks.
                    <include name="nant/bin/NAnt.exe"/>
                    <include name="nant/bin/NAnt.exe.config"/>
        <member name="F:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.ExportTask.CvsCommandName">
            The command being executed.
        <member name="M:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.ExportTask.#ctor">
            Create a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.ExportTask"/>.
            The following values are set by default:
                    <li>Recursive: <see langword="true"/></li>
        <member name="P:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.ExportTask.NoShortening">
            No shortening.  Do not shorten module paths if -d specified.
        <member name="P:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.ExportTask.ForceHead">
            Indicates whether the head revision should be used if the revison specified by
            <see cref="P:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.ExportTask.Revision"/> or the <see cref="P:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.ExportTask.Date"/> tags are not
            found. The default is <see langword="false"/>.
            <see langword="true"/> if the specified tag should be moved; 
            otherwise, <see langword="false"/>.  The default is <see langword="false"/>.
        <member name="P:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.ExportTask.Recursive">
            If a directory is specified indicates whether sub-directories should
            also be processed.
            <see langword="true" /> if the sub-directories should be tagged;
            otherwise, <see langword="false" />.  The default is <see langword="true" />.
        <member name="P:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.ExportTask.Revision">
            Specify the revision to update the file to.  This corresponds to the "sticky-tag"
            of the file.
        <member name="P:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.ExportTask.Date">
            Specify the revision date to update to.  The version of the file that
            existed at the date specified is retrieved.
            A valid date time value, which is then converted to a format that
            cvs can parse.
        <member name="P:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.ExportTask.OverrideDir">
            Specify a directory name to replace the module name.  Valid names
                include any valid filename, excluding path information.
        <member name="P:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.ExportTask.CommandName">
            The export command name for the cvs client.
        <member name="T:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.RTagTask">
            Tags all sources in the remote repository with a given tag.
            Unlike tag, the rtag command acts only on sources that are in the repository.  
            Any modified sources on the local file system will NOT be tagged with this
            command, so a commit should be performed before an rtag is done.
            NOTE: Although a working directory is not necessary to perform the command 
            one must be specified in order to remain in compliance with the cvs library.
              <para>Tag NAnt sources remotely.</para>
              <para>Remove a tag from the remote repository.</para>
        <member name="M:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.RTagTask.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.RTagTask"/> 
        <member name="M:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.RTagTask.AppendSubCommandArgs">
            Append the tag information to the commandline.
        <member name="P:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.RTagTask.Tag">
            The name of the tag to assign or remove.
            The name of the tag to assign or remove.
        <member name="P:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.RTagTask.Remove">
            Indicates whether the tag specified in <see cref="P:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.RTagTask.Tag"/> should
            be removed or not. 
            <see langword="true"/> if the specified tag should be removed; 
            otherwise, <see langword="false"/>.  The default is <see langword="false"/>.
        <member name="P:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.RTagTask.MoveIfExists">
            Indicates whether the tag specified in <see cref="P:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.RTagTask.Tag"/> should
            be moved to the current file revision.  If the tag does not exist
            then it is created. 
            <see langword="true"/> if the specified tag should be moved; 
            otherwise, <see langword="false"/>.  The default is <see langword="false"/>.
        <member name="P:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.RTagTask.Recursive">
            If a directory is specified indicates whether sub-directories should
            also be processed.
            <see langword="true" /> if the sub-directories should be tagged;
            otherwise, <see langword="false" />.  The default is <see langword="true" />.
        <member name="P:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.RTagTask.ActOnTag">
            Indicates the repository <see cref="P:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.RTagTask.Tag"/> that is acted on
            for the tag command.  Note if <see cref="P:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.RTagTask.MoveIfExists"/> is 
            <see langword="true"/> then the tag specified is moved to the revision
            of the file on the HEAD of the branch specified.
            The tag (or more likely) branch that should be used to apply the new tag.
        <member name="P:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.RTagTask.ActOnDate">
            Indicates the revision date of the file that the tag should be 
            applied to.
            A valid date which specifies the revision point that the tag will
            be applied to.
        <member name="P:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.RTagTask.ForceHead">
            Indicates whether the head revision should be used if the 
            <see cref="P:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.RTagTask.ActOnTag"/> or the <see cref="P:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.RTagTask.ActOnDate"/> tags are not
            <see langword="true"/> if the specified tag should be moved; 
            otherwise, <see langword="false"/>.  The default is <see langword="false"/>.
        <member name="P:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.RTagTask.CommandName">
            The name of the cvs command that is going to be executed.
        <member name="T:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.TagTask">
            Tags all local sources with the specified tag.  
            This differs from the
            <see cref="T:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.RTagTask"/> in that it acts on references to the cvs files
            contained in your local filesystem.  As such the sticky tags and local
            revisions can be considered in commits.  It also allows you to verify that
            all local files have been checked in before a tag is performed.    
              <para>Tag NAnt sources remotely.</para>
              <para>Remove a tag from the remote repository.</para>
        <member name="F:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.TagTask.CvsCommandName">
            Cvs command to be executed.
        <member name="M:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.TagTask.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.TagTask"/> 
        <member name="M:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.TagTask.AppendSubCommandArgs">
            Append the tag information to the commandline.
        <member name="P:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.TagTask.Tag">
            The name of the tag to assign or remove.
            The name of the tag to assign or remove.
        <member name="P:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.TagTask.Remove">
            Indicates whether the tag specified in <see cref="P:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.TagTask.Tag"/> should
            be removed or not. 
            <see langword="true"/> if the specified tag should be removed; 
            otherwise, <see langword="false"/>.  The default is <see langword="false"/>.
        <member name="P:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.TagTask.MoveIfExists">
            Indicates whether the tag specified in <see cref="P:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.TagTask.Tag"/> should
            be moved to the current file revision.  If the tag does not exist
            then it is created. 
            <see langword="true"/> if the specified tag should be moved; 
            otherwise, <see langword="false"/>.  The default is <see langword="false"/>.
        <member name="P:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.TagTask.Recursive">
            If a directory is specified indicates whether sub-directories should
            also be processed.
            <see langword="true" /> if the sub-directories should be tagged;
            otherwise, <see langword="false" />.  The default is <see langword="true" />.
        <member name="P:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.TagTask.ActOnTag">
            Indicates the repository <see cref="P:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.TagTask.Tag"/> that is acted on
            for the tag command.  Note if <see cref="P:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.TagTask.MoveIfExists"/> is 
            <see langword="true"/> then the tag specified is moved to the revision
            of the file on the HEAD of the branch specified.
            The tag (or more likely) branch that should be used to apply the new tag.
        <member name="P:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.TagTask.ActOnDate">
            Indicates the revision date of the file that the tag should be 
            applied to.
            A valid date which specifies the revision point that the tag will
            be applied to.
        <member name="P:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.TagTask.ForceHead">
            Indicates whether the head revision should be used if the revision specified by
            <see cref="P:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.TagTask.ActOnTag"/> or the <see cref="P:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.TagTask.ActOnDate"/> tags are not
            <see langword="true"/> if the specified tag should be moved; 
            otherwise, <see langword="false"/>.  The default is <see langword="false"/>.
        <member name="P:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.TagTask.FailIfModified">
            Indicates whether the head revision should be used if the 
            <see cref="P:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.TagTask.ActOnTag"/> or the <see cref="P:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.TagTask.ActOnDate"/> tags are not
            <see langword="true"/> if the specified tag should be moved; 
            otherwise, <see langword="false"/>.  The default is <see langword="false"/>.
        <member name="P:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.TagTask.CommandName">
            The name of the cvs command that is going to be executed.
        <member name="P:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.TagTask.Module">
            Not used
        <member name="P:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.TagTask.IsModuleNeeded">
            Specify if the module is needed for this cvs command.  It is
            only needed if there is no module information on the local file
        <member name="T:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.UpdateTask">
            Updates a CVS module in a local working directory.
              <para>Update nant.</para>
                module="nant" />
              Update your NAnt revision named <c>your_favorite_revision_here</c> in 
              the folder <c>c:\src\nant\replacement_for_module_directory_name</c>.
                    <include name="build.number"/>
        <member name="F:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.UpdateTask.CvsCommandName">
            The command being executed.
        <member name="M:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.UpdateTask.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.UpdateTask"/> 
            Sets the build directory and prune empty directory properties to
            <see langword="true"/>.
        <member name="P:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.UpdateTask.BuildDirs">
            If <see langword="true" />. new directories will be created on the local
            sandbox. The default is <see langword="true" />.
        <member name="P:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.UpdateTask.PruneEmpty">
            If <see langword="true" /> empty directories copied down from the 
            remote repository will be removed from the local sandbox.
            The default is <see langword="true" />.
        <member name="P:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.UpdateTask.OverwriteLocal">
            If <see langword="true" /> the local copy of the file will be 
            overwritten with the copy from the remote repository. The default
            is <see langword="false" />.
        <member name="P:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.UpdateTask.Recursive">
            Specifies if the command should be executed recursively. The 
            default is <see langword="true" />.
            The <c>-R</c> option is on by default in cvs.
        <member name="P:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.UpdateTask.Revision">
            Specify the revision to update the file to.  This corresponds to the 
            "sticky-tag" of the file.
        <member name="P:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.UpdateTask.StickyTag">
            Sticky tag or revision to update the local file to.
            A valid cvs tag.
        <member name="P:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.UpdateTask.Date">
            Specify the revision date to update to.  The version of the file that
            existed at the date specified is retrieved.
            A valid date time value, which is then converted to a format that
            cvs can parse.
        <member name="P:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.UpdateTask.IsModuleNeeded">
            Specify if the module is needed for this cvs command.  It is
            only needed if there is no module information on the local file
        <member name="P:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.UpdateTask.CommandName">
            The name of the cvs command that is going to be executed.
        <member name="T:NAnt.SourceControl.Types.CvsFileSet">
            A <see cref="T:NAnt.SourceControl.Types.CvsFileSet"/> is a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.FileSet"/> with extra 
            attributes useful in the context of the <see cref="T:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.CvsTask"/>.
        <member name="M:NAnt.SourceControl.Types.CvsFileSet.Initialize">
            Initialize the <see cref="T:NAnt.SourceControl.Types.CvsFileSet"/> object and locate the .cvsignore
            files to add to the exclude list.
        <member name="P:NAnt.SourceControl.Types.CvsFileSet.UseCvsIgnore">
            Indicates whether the entires in the .cvsignore should be used to limit the 
            file list; <see langword="true"/> to exclude files in .cvsignore, otherwise
            <see langword="false"/>.  The default is <see langword="true"/>.