SharpDX.XACT3 The assembly provides managed XACT3 API. hh405049 XACT3 XACT3 Settings for the .

Runtime parameters for initialization of the XACT engine.

microsoft.directx_sdk.struct.xact_runtime_parameters XACT_RUNTIME_PARAMETERS XACT_RUNTIME_PARAMETERS
Default value for property (250ms). Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the struct. The settings.
Interactive audio and branch event look-ahead time, in milliseconds. This specifies how far ahead the XACT engine will look ahead when determining when to transition to another sound. XACT_ENGINE_LOOKAHEAD_DEFAULT is a good default value to use for this member.
microsoft.directx_sdk.struct.xact_runtime_parameters unsigned int lookAheadTime unsigned int lookAheadTime
Buffer containing the global file data. This file is generated when you build an XACT project file. It contains category, variable, and RPC information.
Xbox 360

Memory for this member must be allocated using XMemAlloc when specifying the XACT_FLAG_ENGINE_CREATE_MANAGEDATA flag.


Memory for this member must be allocated using CoTaskMemAlloc when specifying the XACT_FLAG_ENGINE_CREATE_MANAGEDATA flag.

microsoft.directx_sdk.struct.xact_runtime_parameters void* pGlobalSettingsBuffer void pGlobalSettingsBuffer
Size of the data buffer associated with pGlobalSettingsBuffer.
microsoft.directx_sdk.struct.xact_runtime_parameters unsigned int globalSettingsBufferSize unsigned int globalSettingsBufferSize
Flag values indicating how global file data should be handled by XACT. This member can be zero or the value shown in the following table.

Indicates that XACT should free the buffer pointed to by pGlobalSettingsBuffer when initialization is complete.

Note XACT will not attempt to free the memory if the buffer allocation fails. ?
microsoft.directx_sdk.struct.xact_runtime_parameters unsigned int globalSettingsFlags unsigned int globalSettingsFlags
Flag values that indicate the attributes of the memory buffer pointed to by pGlobalSettingsBuffer.
Xbox 360

This member is needed only if XACT_FLAG_ENGINE_CREATE_MANAGEDATA is specified in globalSettingsFlags, so that XMemFree can receive the correct values when XACT frees the buffer. Otherwise, globalSettingsAllocAttributes is ignored.

These flags should match the XALLOC_ATTRIBUTES values that were specified to XMemAlloc when the memory buffer pointed to by pGlobalSettingsBuffer was allocated.


This parameter has no relevance and is ignored.

microsoft.directx_sdk.struct.xact_runtime_parameters unsigned int globalSettingsAllocAttributes unsigned int globalSettingsAllocAttributes
File I/O callbacks.
microsoft.directx_sdk.struct.xact_runtime_parameters XACT_FILEIO_CALLBACKS fileIOCallbacks XACT_FILEIO_CALLBACKS fileIOCallbacks
Callback that receives notifications.
microsoft.directx_sdk.struct.xact_runtime_parameters __function__stdcall* fnNotificationCallback __function__stdcall fnNotificationCallback
Pointer to the ID for the audio renderer the engine should connect to.
Xbox 360

This parameter is undefined.

microsoft.directx_sdk.struct.xact_runtime_parameters wchar_t* pRendererID wchar_t pRendererID
Pointer to the interface used by the engine. If this member is null, the XACT engine will create the XAudio2 object.
microsoft.directx_sdk.struct.xact_runtime_parameters IXAudio2* pXAudio2 IXAudio2 pXAudio2
Pointer to the interface, representing the mastering voice that should be used by the XACT engine. If pXAudio2 is null, this member must also be null.
microsoft.directx_sdk.struct.xact_runtime_parameters IXAudio2MasteringVoice* pMasteringVoice IXAudio2MasteringVoice pMasteringVoice
Gets or sets the settings file. The settings file. Gets or sets the XAudio2 engine to use with XACT3 engine. The XAudio2 engine. Gets or sets the MasteringVoice to use with XACT3 engine. The MasteringVoice. field must also be set to a valid XAudio2 instance.

Retrieves the properties of the cue.


GetProperties will allocate memory for the structure.

Xbox 360

GetProperties performs memory allocation using XMemAlloc.

The caller should free the memory using XMemFree. As an example:

            if ( FAILED( pCue->GetProperties( &pCueProperties ) ) )	
            { // Error	
            XMemFree( pCueProperties, pCueProperties->allocAttributes ); 

The caller should free the memory using CoTaskMemAlloc. The caller should free the memory using CoTaskMemFree. As an example:

            if ( FAILED( pCue->GetProperties( &pCueProperties ) ) )	
            { // Error	
            CoTaskMemFree( (void*)pCueProperties ); 
microsoft.directx_sdk.ixact3cue.ixact3cue.getproperties IXACT3Cue IXACT3Cue
Called when an internal notification occured. The notification. Registers this instance to notify for a type of notification. Type of the notification. Unregisters this instance to notify for a type of notification. Type of the notification. Initializes a new instance of the class. The native pointer. Performs an explicit conversion from to . (This method is a shortcut to ) The native pointer. The result of the conversion.

Plays a prepared cue.


Returns if successful, an error code otherwise.

ee418387 HRESULT IXACT3Cue::Play() IXACT3Cue::Play

Stops a cue.


[in] Flag specifying how the cue should be stopped. The flag value may be 0 or the following:
Indicates the cue should stop immediately, ignoring any release phase or transition specified in the content.?
Specifying a value of 0 causes Stop to account for the release phase and/or transition specified in the XACT.

Returns if successful, an error code otherwise.

ee418392 HRESULT IXACT3Cue::Stop([In] XACT_STOP_FLAGS dwFlags) IXACT3Cue::Stop

Retrieves the current operating state of a cue.


Flags indicating the state of the cue. The flags are as follows:
Created, but nothing else?
Preparing to play?
Prepared, but not yet played?
Playing, but can be paused?
States represented by these flags are not necessarily mutually exclusive. Therefore, test states using the & (and) operation rather than the == (equals) operation.

Returns if successful, an error code otherwise.

This function informs the caller what activity the cue is performing at the moment the call is made. The state returned from GetState indicates only the current condition.

Only is used in combination with other state flags. In other words, the GetState might return a state value with set or set, but never with both (since both conditions cannot both be true at the same time). However, GetState may return a state value with both and flags set, to signify that the cue is paused while playing.

ee418383 HRESULT IXACT3Cue::GetState([Out] XACT_CUE_STATE* pdwState) IXACT3Cue::GetState

Destroys the cue.


Returns if successful, an error code otherwise.

will synchronously destroy the cue, stopping the playback immediately, and frees resources allocated for the cue.

ee418381 HRESULT IXACT3Cue::Destroy() IXACT3Cue::Destroy

Sets the volume level that each source channel of the cue should play in each of its destination channels.


[in] Number of source channels. This must equal the number of emitter channels.
[in] Number of destination channels. This must equal the number of final mix channels.
[in] Matrix coefficient table. This is an array that represents the volume level of each source channel present in each destination channel. The source channels are the column index and the destination channels are the row index of the table. The table must have at least uSrcChannelCount * uDstChannelCount elements.

Returns if successful, an error code otherwise.

The SetMatrixCoefficients method is primarily used for creating the illusion of the cue being played at some position in 3D space. However, it is recommended to use the XACT methods provided for interacting with X3DAudio instead of calling SetMatrixCoefficients directly. The XACT's X3DAudio helper methods handle calculating and applying a cue's matrix coefficients by calling SetMatrixCoefficients. See How To: Integrate X3DAudio with XACT for more information.

microsoft.directx_sdk.ixact3cue.ixact3cue.setmatrixcoefficients HRESULT IXACT3Cue::SetMatrixCoefficients([In] unsigned int uSrcChannelCount,[In] unsigned int uDstChannelCount,[In, Buffer] float* pMatrixCoefficients) IXACT3Cue::SetMatrixCoefficients

Retrieves the corresponding index for a variable name string.


[in] String containing the "friendly name" of the variable, as specified in the XACT.

The index of the variable if it exists, or XACTVARIABLEINDEX_INVALID otherwise.

ee418385 unsigned short IXACT3Cue::GetVariableIndex([In] const char* szFriendlyName) IXACT3Cue::GetVariableIndex

Stores a new value to a variable, referenced by its index.


[in] Assigned index of the variable in which to store nValue.
[in] Value to store in the variable.

Returns if successful, an error code otherwise.

If the variable is private or read-only, SetVariable returns XACTENGINE_E_INVALIDVARIABLEINDEX.

If nValue falls outside of it's assigned range (or XACTVARIABLEVALUE_MIN to XACTVARIABLEVALUE_MAX), SetVariable returns E_FAIL. In this case, the variable is clamped within valid range and a warning message is sent to the debugger.

ee418391 HRESULT IXACT3Cue::SetVariable([In] unsigned short nIndex,[In] float nValue) IXACT3Cue::SetVariable

Retrieves the value of a variable by its index.


[in] Assigned index of the variable to retrieve.
[out] Pointer to where to store the value currently held by the variable.
microsoft.directx_sdk.ixact3cue.ixact3cue.getvariable HRESULT IXACT3Cue::GetVariable([In] unsigned short nIndex,[Out] float* nValue) IXACT3Cue::GetVariable
No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. HRESULT IXACT3Cue::Pause([In] BOOL fPause) IXACT3Cue::Pause

Retrieves the properties of the cue.


[out] Pointer to an structure that contains the cue properties.
Returns if successful, an error code otherwise.

GetProperties will allocate memory for the structure.

Xbox 360

GetProperties performs memory allocation using XMemAlloc.

The caller should free the memory using XMemFree. As an example:

            if ( FAILED( pCue->GetProperties( &pCueProperties ) ) )	
            { // Error	
            XMemFree( pCueProperties, pCueProperties->allocAttributes ); 

The caller should free the memory using CoTaskMemAlloc. The caller should free the memory using CoTaskMemFree. As an example:

            if ( FAILED( pCue->GetProperties( &pCueProperties ) ) )	
            { // Error	
            CoTaskMemFree( (void*)pCueProperties ); 
microsoft.directx_sdk.ixact3cue.ixact3cue.getproperties HRESULT IXACT3Cue::GetProperties([Out] XACT_CUE_INSTANCE_PROPERTIES** ppProperties) IXACT3Cue::GetProperties

Sets the volume level of each channel of the final output for the voice. These channels are mapped to the input channels of a specified destination voice.

[in] Pointer to a destination for which to set volume levels.
If the voice sends to a single target voice specifying null will cause SetOutputVoiceMatrix to operate on that target voice.
[in] Confirms the output channel count of the voice. This is the number of channels that are produced by the last effect in the chain.
[in] Confirms the input channel count of the destination voice.
[in] Array of [SourceChannels ? DestinationChannels] volume levels sent to the destination voice. The level sent from source channel S to destination channel D is specified in the form pLevelMatrix[SourceChannels ? D + S].

For example, when rendering two-channel stereo input into 5.1 output that is weighted toward the front channels?but is absent from the center and low-frequency channels?the matrix might have the values shown in the following table.

OutputLeft InputRight Input
Front Center0.00.0
Rear Left0.80.0
Rear Right0.00.8

Note that the left and right input are fully mapped to the output left and right channels; 80 percent of the left and right input is mapped to the rear left and right channels.

See Remarks for more information on volume levels.

Returns if successful, an error code otherwise.

Volume levels are expressed as floating-point amplitude multipliers between - and (-224 to 224), with a maximum gain of 144.5 dB. A volume level of 1.0 means there is no attenuation or gain and 0 means silence. Negative levels can be used to invert the audio's phase.

microsoft.directx_sdk.ixact3cue.ixact3cue.setoutputvoicematrix HRESULT IXACT3Cue::SetOutputVoiceMatrix([In, Optional] IXAudio2Voice* pDestinationVoice,[In] unsigned int SourceChannels,[In] unsigned int DestinationChannels,[In, Buffer] const float* pLevelMatrix) IXACT3Cue::SetOutputVoiceMatrix
Gets or sets the audio engine. The audio engine. Occurs when a cue event occurs. Use to register types.

Retrieves the current operating state of a cue.


This function informs the caller what activity the cue is performing at the moment the call is made. The state returned from GetState indicates only the current condition.

Only is used in combination with other state flags. In other words, the GetState might return a state value with set or set, but never with both (since both conditions cannot both be true at the same time). However, GetState may return a state value with both and flags set, to signify that the cue is paused while playing.

ee418383 GetState GetState HRESULT IXACT3Cue::GetState([Out] XACT_CUE_STATE* pdwState)

Retrieves the properties of the cue.


GetProperties will allocate memory for the structure.

Xbox 360

GetProperties performs memory allocation using XMemAlloc.

The caller should free the memory using XMemFree. As an example:

            if ( FAILED( pCue->GetProperties( &pCueProperties ) ) )	
            { // Error	
            XMemFree( pCueProperties, pCueProperties->allocAttributes ); 

The caller should free the memory using CoTaskMemAlloc. The caller should free the memory using CoTaskMemFree. As an example:

            if ( FAILED( pCue->GetProperties( &pCueProperties ) ) )	
            { // Error	
            CoTaskMemFree( (void*)pCueProperties ); 
microsoft.directx_sdk.ixact3cue.ixact3cue.getproperties GetProperties GetProperties HRESULT IXACT3Cue::GetProperties([Out] XACT_CUE_INSTANCE_PROPERTIES** ppProperties)
Gui notification parameters. XACT_NOTIFICATION_GUI Generic notification event. Gets or sets the type. The type. Timestamp of notification, in milliseconds. int timeStamp Cue notification parameters. XACT_NOTIFICATION_CUE

This section contains information about the methods used with the interface.

microsoft.directx_sdk.ixact3engine.ixact3engine IXACT3Engine IXACT3Engine
Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The settings file. Initializes a new instance of the class. The creation flags. Initializes a new instance of the class. The creation flags. Settings for this audio engine Initializes this instance from a settings file and a renderer index. IXACT3Engine::Initialize Called when an internal notification occured. The notification. Registers this instance to notify for a type of notification. Type of the notification. Unregisters this instance to notify for a type of notification. Type of the notification. Internal dictionary to verify allowed notifications. Verifies a notification registration for a particular type. Type of the notification. The type. The notification callback. If this registration is invalid Initializes a new instance of the class. The native pointer. Performs an explicit conversion from to . (This method is a shortcut to ) The native pointer. The result of the conversion. Constant AuditionEngineGuid. CLSID_XACTAuditionEngine Constant EngineGuid. CLSID_XACTEngine Constant DebugEngineGuid. CLSID_XACTDebugEngine No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. HRESULT IXACT3Engine::GetRendererCount([Out] unsigned short* pnRendererCount) IXACT3Engine::GetRendererCount

Retrieves information about a specific renderer.

Xbox 360

This method is not supported on the Xbox 360 platform.


Index of the renderer to retrieve information from.
Pointer to an structure that contains details of the renderer.
ee418403 HRESULT IXACT3Engine::GetRendererDetails([In] unsigned short nRendererIndex,[Out] XACT_RENDERER_DETAILS* pRendererDetails) IXACT3Engine::GetRendererDetails
No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. HRESULT IXACT3Engine::GetFinalMixFormat([Out] WAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE* pFinalMixFormat) IXACT3Engine::GetFinalMixFormat

Initializes the XACT engine.


[in] Pointer to an structure that contains the XACT engine initialization parameters.

Returns if successful. Otherwise, an error code.

This function creates the XACT engine and data structures. It should be called in an application only once per instance.

If a title passes an instance of the XAudio2 engine to Initialize and uses auditioning the XAudio2 mastering voice must have a volume meter XAPO attached to it. See XAudio2CreateVolumeMeter for information on creating the volume meter and SetEffectChain for information on attaching the volume meter.

ee418404 HRESULT IXACT3Engine::Initialize([In] const XACT_RUNTIME_PARAMETERS* pParams) IXACT3Engine::Initialize

Shuts down the XACT engine and frees any resources in use.


Returns if successful. Otherwise, an error code.

This method destroys all existing cues, sound banks, and wave banks. It blocks until all cues are destroyed. The method also flushes all pending notifications and unregisters all notification descriptions. No XACT API or method calls can be made after calling this function.

microsoft.directx_sdk.ixact3engine.ixact3engine.shutdown HRESULT IXACT3Engine::ShutDown() IXACT3Engine::ShutDown

Performs periodic work that is required by the XACT engine.



Returns if successful. Otherwise, an error code.

This method drives the XACT engine and is typically called every 30 to 100 milliseconds (about once every one to four frames).

microsoft.directx_sdk.ixact3engine.ixact3engine.dowork HRESULT IXACT3Engine::DoWork() IXACT3Engine::DoWork

Creates a sound bank for use by the XACT engine.


[in] Pointer to the data that is used to create the sound bank.
Xbox 360

Memory for this member must be allocated by using XMemAlloc when specifying the XACT_FLAG_ENGINE_CREATE_MANAGEDATA flag.

Xbox 360 sound banks must be allocated from physical memory (and not the heap). The XALLOC_MEMTYPE_PHYSICAL memory type must be specified as dwMemoryType when memory is allocated through XMemAlloc.


Memory for this member must be allocated by using CoTaskMemAlloc when specifying the XACT_FLAG_ENGINE_CREATE_MANAGEDATA flag.

[in] Value that indicates the size of the data that is used to create the sound bank .
[in] Flag values that indicate how the sound bank is created. This parameter can be zero or the value shown in the following table.

Indicates that XACT should free the buffer that the pvBuffer parameter points to, when the sound bank data is released.

Note XACT does not attempt to free the memory if the buffer allocation fails. ?
[in] Flag values that indicate the attributes of the memory buffer that the pvBuffer parameter points to.
Xbox 360

This parameter is needed only if XACT_FLAG_ENGINE_CREATE_MANAGEDATA is specified in dwFlags. This is so that XMemFree can receive the correct values when the XACT frees the buffer. Otherwise, dwAllocAttributes is ignored.

These flags should match the XALLOC_ATTRIBUTES values that were specified to XMemAlloc when the memory buffer that pvBuffer points to was allocated.


This parameter has no relevance and is ignored.

[out] Pointer to an object that is returned.

Returns if successful. Otherwise, an error code.

microsoft.directx_sdk.ixact3engine.ixact3engine.createsoundbank HRESULT IXACT3Engine::CreateSoundBank([In] const void* pvBuffer,[In] unsigned int dwSize,[In] unsigned int dwFlags,[In] unsigned int dwAllocAttributes,[Out, Fast] IXACT3SoundBank** ppSoundBank) IXACT3Engine::CreateSoundBank

Creates an in-memory wave bank for use by the XACT engine.



[in] Pointer to the data that is used to create the wave bank.
Xbox 360

Memory for this member must be allocated by using XMemAlloc when you specify the XACT_FLAG_ENGINE_CREATE_MANAGEDATA flag.

Xbox 360 wavebanks must be created with caching enabled. The PAGE_WRITECOMBINE and PAGE_NOCACHE flags must not be used when calling XMemAlloc.

Xbox 360 wavebanks must be allocated from physical memory (and not the heap). The XALLOC_MEMTYPE_PHYSICAL memory type must be specified as dwMemoryType when memory is allocated through XMemAlloc.


Memory for this member must be allocated by using CoTaskMemAlloc when you specify the XACT_FLAG_ENGINE_CREATE_MANAGEDATA flag.

[in] Value that indicates the size of the data used to create the wave bank.
[in] Flag values that indicate how the wave bank is created. This parameter can be zero or the value shown in the following table.

Indicates that XACT frees the buffer that the pvBuffer parameter points to, when the wave bank data is released.

Note XACT does not attempt to free the memory if the buffer allocation fails. ?
[in] Flag values that indicate the attributes of the memory buffer that the pvBuffer parameter points to.
Xbox 360

This parameter is needed only if XACT_FLAG_ENGINE_CREATE_MANAGEDATA is specified in dwFlags. This is so that XMemFree can receive the correct values when the XACT engine frees the buffer. Otherwise, dwAllocAttributes is ignored.

These flags should match the XALLOC_ATTRIBUTES values that were specified to XMemAlloc when the memory buffer that pvBuffer points to was allocated.


This parameter has no relevance and is ignored.

[out] Pointer to an object that is returned.

Returns if successful. Otherwise, an error code.

microsoft.directx_sdk.ixact3engine.ixact3engine.createinmemorywavebank HRESULT IXACT3Engine::CreateInMemoryWaveBank([In] const void* pvBuffer,[In] unsigned int dwSize,[In] unsigned int dwFlags,[In] unsigned int dwAllocAttributes,[Out, Fast] IXACT3WaveBank** ppWaveBank) IXACT3Engine::CreateInMemoryWaveBank

Creates an instance.



No documentation. No documentation.

Returns if successful. Otherwise, an error code.

Do not use a sound that is associated with a streaming wave bank unless you know that the wave bank is prepared.

To ascertain that the wave bank is prepared, do one of the following:

  • Create an XACTNOTIFICATIONTYPE_WAVEBANKPREPARED notification by using .


  • Issue a query about the state of the wave bank by using . When the XACT_WAVEBANKSTATE_PREPARED bit is set, you can use the wave bank.

microsoft.directx_sdk.ixact3engine.ixact3engine.createstreamingwavebank HRESULT IXACT3Engine::CreateStreamingWaveBank([In] const XACT_STREAMING_PARAMETERS* pParms,[Out, Fast] IXACT3WaveBank** ppWaveBank) IXACT3Engine::CreateStreamingWaveBank

Prepares a wave object from a standard PCM, XMA (Xbox 360) file.


Flags that affect wave preparation:
XACT_FLAG_BACKGROUND_MUSICMarks the waves as background music.Xbox 360 This flag is supported only on the Xbox 360 platform. ?
XACT_FLAG_UNITS_MSIndicates that the units passed in are measured in milliseconds.?
XACT_FLAG_UNITS_SAMPLESIndicates that the units passed in are in samples.?
Path to the wave file.
Packet Size, in 2 KB increments. If wStreamingPacketSize is 0, the file is an in-memory wave. A fully prepared wave is returned. For streaming waves, the client needs to call to ensure that the wave is prepared before playback. Loop region information is read from the wave file.
Alignment of wave data on the media from which it is streamed. This must be at least 2048. Otherwise, it must be a multiple of 2048.
Play offset to use as the start of the wave. The offset can be described in milliseconds or in samples. The dwFlags argument determines the offset units.
Number of times to loop the file. If there is no loop region, and the loop count is nonzero, the entire wave is looped.
Pointer to an object that is returned.

Returns if successful. Otherwise, an error code.

If this API is used to prepare XMA content, the content must be encoded by using 64K block size.

PrepareWave does not support xWMA. xWMA content can be prepared using one of the following methods:

  • Prepare
  • Prepare
  • PrepareInMemoryWave
  • PrepareStreamingWave
ee418408 HRESULT IXACT3Engine::PrepareWave([In] unsigned int dwFlags,[In] const char* szWavePath,[In] unsigned short wStreamingPacketSize,[In] unsigned int dwAlignment,[In] unsigned int dwPlayOffset,[In] unsigned char nLoopCount,[Out, Fast] IXACT3Wave** ppWave) IXACT3Engine::PrepareWave

Creates an in-memory object from data that is already resident in memory.


No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation.

Returns if successful. Otherwise, an error code.

The application must make sure that the any buffers passed in (data, seek table) are valid through the lifetime of this wave.

Xbox 360

If this API is used to prepare XMA content, the content must be encoded with 64K block size. When using XMAEncode, specify "/b 64" on the command line to create 64K blocks.

ee418406 HRESULT IXACT3Engine::PrepareInMemoryWave([In] unsigned int dwFlags,[In] WAVEBANKENTRY entry,[In, Optional] unsigned int* pdwSeekTable,[In, Optional] unsigned char* pbWaveData,[In] unsigned int dwPlayOffset,[In] unsigned char nLoopCount,[Out, Fast] IXACT3Wave** ppWave) IXACT3Engine::PrepareInMemoryWave

Creates a streaming wave object for the file handle that is passed in.


Flags that affect wave preparation:
XACT_FLAG_BACKGROUND_MUSICMarks the waves as background music. Xbox 360 This flag is supported only on the Xbox 360 platform.?
XACT_FLAG_UNITS_MSIndicates that the units passed in are measured in milliseconds.?
XACT_FLAG_UNITS_SAMPLESIndicates that the units passed in are in samples.?
structure that describes the format, play region, and loop region for the wave.
structure with a valid file handle, packet size, etc.
Alignment of wave data on the media from which it is streamed. This must be at least 2048. Otherwise, it must be a multiple of 2048.
The seek table for XMA content. The first DWORD must be the count of entries in the table that follows it.
Play offset to use as the start of the wave. The offset can be described in milliseconds or in samples. The dwFlags argument determines the offset units.
Loop count for the wave.
Pointer an object that is returned.

Returns if successful. Otherwise, an error code.

If this API is used to prepare XMA content, the content must be encoded with 64K block size. ADPCM files are currently not supported.

ee418407 HRESULT IXACT3Engine::PrepareStreamingWave([In] unsigned int dwFlags,[In] WAVEBANKENTRY entry,[In] XACT_STREAMING_PARAMETERS streamingParams,[In] unsigned int dwAlignment,[In, Optional] unsigned int* pdwSeekTable,[In] unsigned int dwPlayOffset,[In] unsigned char nLoopCount,[Out, Fast] IXACT3Wave** ppWave) IXACT3Engine::PrepareStreamingWave

Registers an event notification.


[in] Pointer to an structure that describes the notification to register.

Returns if successful. Otherwise, an error code.

microsoft.directx_sdk.ixact3engine.ixact3engine.registernotification HRESULT IXACT3Engine::RegisterNotification([In] const XACT_NOTIFICATION_DESCRIPTION* pNotificationDesc) IXACT3Engine::RegisterNotification

Cancels registration of an event notification.


[in] Pointer to an structure that describes the notification to unregister.
Attempting to unregister a notification that has not been registered has no effect.

Returns if successful. Otherwise, an error code.

microsoft.directx_sdk.ixact3engine.ixact3engine.unregisternotification HRESULT IXACT3Engine::UnRegisterNotification([In] const XACT_NOTIFICATION_DESCRIPTION* pNotificationDesc) IXACT3Engine::UnRegisterNotification

Retrieves the sound category index that corresponds to a friendly name string.


[in] Pointer to a buffer that contains the zero-terminated string that describes the category's friendly name.

Returns a category index for the friendly name if successful. Otherwise, XACTCATEGORY_INVALID.

ee418398 unsigned short IXACT3Engine::GetCategory([In] const char* szFriendlyName) IXACT3Engine::GetCategory
No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. HRESULT IXACT3Engine::Stop([In] unsigned short nCategory,[In] XACT_STOP_FLAGS dwFlags) IXACT3Engine::Stop

Sets the volume of a sound category.


[in] Index of the category (XACTCATEGORY) for which to set the volume, as returned by .
[in] Volume level to set.

Returns if successful. Otherwise, an error code.

The volume is a floating point scale where 0.0 means -96db, 1.0 means 0db, and 2.0 means +6db.

ee418413 HRESULT IXACT3Engine::SetVolume([In] unsigned short nCategory,[In] float nVolume) IXACT3Engine::SetVolume

Pauses or resumes playback of a category.


[in] Index of the category (XACTCATEGORY) to pause, as returned by .
[in] Action to take. If TRUE, playback is paused. If , playback resumes.

Returns if successful. Otherwise, an error code.

A stopping or stopped cue cannot be paused.

microsoft.directx_sdk.ixact3engine.ixact3engine.pause HRESULT IXACT3Engine::Pause([In] unsigned short nCategory,[In] BOOL fPause) IXACT3Engine::Pause

Retrieves the corresponding index for a global variable name string.


[in] String that contains the friendly name of the global variable, as specified in the XACT engine.

The index of the global variable if it exists. Otherwise, XACTVARIABLEINDEX_INVALID.

ee418401 unsigned short IXACT3Engine::GetGlobalVariableIndex([In] const char* szFriendlyName) IXACT3Engine::GetGlobalVariableIndex

Stores a new value to a global variable, which is referenced by its index.


[in] Assigned index of the global variable in which to store nValue.
[in] Value to store in the global variable.

Returns if successful. Otherwise, an error code.

ee418412 HRESULT IXACT3Engine::SetGlobalVariable([In] unsigned short nIndex,[In] float nValue) IXACT3Engine::SetGlobalVariable

Retrieves the value of a global variable by its index.


[in] Assigned index of the global variable to retrieve.
[out] Pointer to the location of the value that is currently held by the global variable.
microsoft.directx_sdk.ixact3engine.ixact3engine.getglobalvariable HRESULT IXACT3Engine::GetGlobalVariable([In] unsigned short nIndex,[Out] float* nValue) IXACT3Engine::GetGlobalVariable

Wave bank segment identifiers.


Plays a cue. Optionally, returns an instance handle to the cue object for further control.


ee418422 IXACT3SoundBank IXACT3SoundBank
Initializes a new instance of the class. The native pointer. Performs an explicit conversion from to . (This method is a shortcut to ) The native pointer. The result of the conversion.

Retrieves a sound cue index based on a string that represents the friendly name of the cue.


[in] null-terminated string that represents the friendly name of a cue in the sound bank.
This string is case sensitive.

Returns the cue index that is associated with szFriendlyName. If the cue index is not found, XACTINDEX_INVALID is returned.

microsoft.directx_sdk.ixact3soundbank.ixact3soundbank.getcueindex unsigned short IXACT3SoundBank::GetCueIndex([In] const char* szFriendlyName) IXACT3SoundBank::GetCueIndex

Retrieves the number of cues in the sound bank.


Pointer to an XACTINDEX that returns the number of cues.

Returns if successful. If unsuccessful, an error code is returned.

ee418420 HRESULT IXACT3SoundBank::GetNumCues([Out] unsigned short* pnNumCues) IXACT3SoundBank::GetNumCues

Retrieves the properties of a cue.


Index of the cue to query.
Pointer to an structure that receives the cue properties.
ee418419 HRESULT IXACT3SoundBank::GetCueProperties([In] unsigned short nCueIndex,[Out] XACT_CUE_PROPERTIES* pProperties) IXACT3SoundBank::GetCueProperties

Prepares a cue instance for playback.


[in] Value that indicates the index of the cue to be prepared.
[in] Unused. Should be 0.
[in] Time offset into the cue to start from, in milliseconds.
[out] Pointer to the object that is returned.

This method returns a valid cue instance that is ready to be played. All allocations and stream priming, if necessary, are performed by this method.

ee418423 HRESULT IXACT3SoundBank::Prepare([In] unsigned short nCueIndex,[In] unsigned int dwFlags,[In] int timeOffset,[Out] IXACT3Cue** ppCue) IXACT3SoundBank::Prepare

Plays a cue. Optionally, returns an instance handle to the cue object for further control.


[in] Value that indicates the index of the cue to be played.
[in] Flags to pass to for cue playback.
[in] Time offset into the cue to start from, in milliseconds.
[out, optional] Pointer to the object that is returned. If null is specified, no cue instance object is returned. HRESULT IXACT3SoundBank::Play([In] unsigned short nCueIndex,[In] unsigned int dwFlags,[In] int timeOffset,[Out, Optional] IXACT3Cue** ppCue) IXACT3SoundBank::Play

Stops a cue.


[in] Index of the cue to be stopped.
All instances of the cue that are specified by nCueIndex are stopped.
[in] Flags affecting how the cue will be stopped. By default, the sound completes the release phase that the content has set up.
XACT_FLAG_SOUNDBANK_STOP_IMMEDIATECue stops immediately. It ignores any release phase or transition that is specified in the content.?

Returns if successful. Otherwise, an error code.

ee418424 HRESULT IXACT3SoundBank::Stop([In] unsigned short nCueIndex,[In] XACT_STOP_FLAGS dwFlags) IXACT3SoundBank::Stop

Destroys the sound bank.


Returns if successful, an error code otherwise.

synchronously destroys all cues that are associated with the sound bank. It stops the playback immediately, and frees resources that were allocated to the sound bank.

ee418417 HRESULT IXACT3SoundBank::Destroy() IXACT3SoundBank::Destroy

Retrieves the current state of the sound bank.


[out] Flags that indicate the state of the sound bank. The flags are as follows:
XACT_SOUNDBANKSTATE_INUSEIndicates that the sound bank is referenced by at least one valid cue instance or other client. For example, the game itself might reference the sound bank.?

Returns if successful. Otherwise, an error code.

ee418421 HRESULT IXACT3SoundBank::GetState([Out] unsigned int* pdwState) IXACT3SoundBank::GetState
Initializes a new instance of the class from a soundbank stream. The engine. The soundbank stream stream. HRESULT IXACT3Engine::CreateSoundBank([In] const void* pvBuffer,[In] unsigned int dwSize,[In] unsigned int dwFlags,[In] unsigned int dwAllocAttributes,[Out, Fast] IXACT3SoundBank** ppSoundBank) Called when an internal notification occured. The notification. Registers this instance to notify for a type of notification. Type of the notification. Unregisters this instance to notify for a type of notification. Type of the notification.

Retrieves the number of cues in the sound bank.


ee418420 GetNumCues GetNumCues HRESULT IXACT3SoundBank::GetNumCues([Out] unsigned short* pnNumCues)
Gets or sets the audio engine. The audio engine. Occurs when a Soundbank event occurs. Use to register types. Gets a value indicating whether this instance is referenced by at least one valid cue instance or other client. For example, the game itself might reference the sound bank. true if this instance is in use; otherwise, false.

Sets the volume value for each output of a wave.


The final output volume of any channel is the matrix coefficient volume multiplied by the value that is specified by .

ee418438 IXACT3Wave IXACT3Wave
Initializes a new instance of the class. The native pointer. Performs an explicit conversion from to . (This method is a shortcut to ) The native pointer. The result of the conversion. No documentation. No documentation. HRESULT IXACT3Wave::Destroy() IXACT3Wave::Destroy No documentation. No documentation. HRESULT IXACT3Wave::Play() IXACT3Wave::Play

Stops the wave.


Flags that affect how the wave is stopped:
XACT_FLAG_STOP_RELEASEPlays the wave to completion, then stops. For looping waves, this flag plays the current iteration to completion, then stops (ignoring any subsequent iterations). In either case, any release or tail is played. To stop the wave immediately, use the XACT_FLAG_STOP_IMMEDIATE flag.?
XACT_FLAG_STOP_IMMEDIATEStops the playback immediately.?

Returns if successful. Otherwise, an error code.

microsoft.directx_sdk.ixact3wave.ixact3wave.stop HRESULT IXACT3Wave::Stop([In] XACT_STOP_FLAGS dwFlags) IXACT3Wave::Stop
No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. HRESULT IXACT3Wave::Pause([In] BOOL fPause) IXACT3Wave::Pause

Returns the state of the wave object.


Pointer to a DWORD that receives the current wave state.
XACT_STATE_CREATEDCreated, but nothing else.?
XACT_STATE_PREPARINGIn the middle of preparing.?
XACT_STATE_PREPAREDPrepared, but not yet played.?
XACT_STATE_PLAYINGPlaying, but can be paused.?
XACT_STATE_PAUSEDPaused. Can be combined with some of the other state flags.?
XACT_STATE_INUSEObject is in use. Used by wave banks and sound banks.?
XACT_STATE_PREPAREFAILEDObject preparation failed.?

Returns if successful. If unsuccessful, an error code is returned.

ee418435 HRESULT IXACT3Wave::GetState([Out] XACT_WAVE_STATE* pdwState) IXACT3Wave::GetState

Sets the pitch of a wave.


XACTPITCH value that is used to set the pitch for playback of this wave.

Returns if successful. Otherwise, an error code.

The value of pitch may be between XACTPITCH_MIN (-1200) and XACTPITCH_MAX (1200), which is approximately one semitone.

ee418439 HRESULT IXACT3Wave::SetPitch([In] short pitch) IXACT3Wave::SetPitch

Sets the volume of a wave.


XACTVOLUME value that is used to set the volume for playback of this wave.

Returns if successful. Otherwise, an error code.

ee418440 HRESULT IXACT3Wave::SetVolume([In] float volume) IXACT3Wave::SetVolume

Sets the volume value for each output of a wave.


Number of source channels.
Number of destination channels.
Matrix coefficient table. This is an array that represents the volume level of each source channel that is present in each destination channel. The source channels are represented by the column index of the table. The destination channels are represented by the row index of the table. The table must have at least uSrcChannelCount?uDstChannelCount elements.

Returns if successful. Otherwise, an error code.

The final output volume of any channel is the matrix coefficient volume multiplied by the value that is specified by .

ee418438 HRESULT IXACT3Wave::SetMatrixCoefficients([In] unsigned int uSrcChannelCount,[In] unsigned int uDstChannelCount,[In, Buffer] float* pMatrixCoefficients) IXACT3Wave::SetMatrixCoefficients

Retrieves the properties of the wave object.


Pointer to an structure that is returned.

Returns if successful. Otherwise, an error code.

microsoft.directx_sdk.ixact3wave.ixact3wave.getproperties HRESULT IXACT3Wave::GetProperties([Out] XACT_WAVE_INSTANCE_PROPERTIES* pProperties) IXACT3Wave::GetProperties
Called when an internal notification occured. The notification. Registers this instance to notify for a type of notification. Type of the notification. Unregisters this instance to notify for a type of notification. Type of the notification.

Returns the state of the wave object.


ee418435 GetState GetState HRESULT IXACT3Wave::GetState([Out] XACT_WAVE_STATE* pdwState)

Sets the pitch of a wave.


The value of pitch may be between XACTPITCH_MIN (-1200) and XACTPITCH_MAX (1200), which is approximately one semitone.

ee418439 SetPitch SetPitch HRESULT IXACT3Wave::SetPitch([In] short pitch)

Sets the volume of a wave.


ee418440 SetVolume SetVolume HRESULT IXACT3Wave::SetVolume([In] float volume)

Retrieves the properties of the wave object.


microsoft.directx_sdk.ixact3wave.ixact3wave.getproperties GetProperties GetProperties HRESULT IXACT3Wave::GetProperties([Out] XACT_WAVE_INSTANCE_PROPERTIES* pProperties)
Gets or sets the audio engine. The audio engine. Occurs when a Wave event occurs. Use to register types.

This section contains information about the methods used with the interface.

microsoft.directx_sdk.ixact3wavebank.ixact3wavebank IXACT3WaveBank IXACT3WaveBank
Initializes a new instance of the class. The native pointer. Performs an explicit conversion from to . (This method is a shortcut to ) The native pointer. The result of the conversion.

Destroys the wave bank.


Returns if successful, an error code otherwise.

synchronously destroys any cues that are using the wavebank. It stops playback immediately, and frees resources that were allocated to the wavebank.

ee418425 HRESULT IXACT3WaveBank::Destroy() IXACT3WaveBank::Destroy

Returns the number of wave entries in the wave bank.


Pointer to an XACTINDEX that returns the number of waves in the wave bank.

Returns if successful. Otherwise, an error code.

ee418426 HRESULT IXACT3WaveBank::GetNumWaves([Out] unsigned short* pnNumWaves) IXACT3WaveBank::GetNumWaves

Returns the wave index for the friendly name of a wave in a wave bank.


Friendly name for the wave within the wave bank.

Wave index for the friendly name of a wave within a wave bank.

If the wave bank does not contain the friendly name, or if an entry does not exist for the name that is passed in, the method returns XACTINDEX_INVALID.

ee418428 unsigned short IXACT3WaveBank::GetWaveIndex([In] const char* szFriendlyName) IXACT3WaveBank::GetWaveIndex

Gets the properties of a specific wave in a wave bank.


Index of the wave for which to get properties.
Pointer to an structure that is returned.

Returns if successful. Otherwise, an error code.

ee418429 HRESULT IXACT3WaveBank::GetWaveProperties([In] unsigned short nWaveIndex,[Out] XACT_WAVE_PROPERTIES* pWaveProperties) IXACT3WaveBank::GetWaveProperties
No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. HRESULT IXACT3WaveBank::Prepare([In] unsigned short nWaveIndex,[In] XACT_CONTENT_PREPARATION_FLAGS dwFlags,[In] unsigned int dwPlayOffset,[In] unsigned char nLoopCount,[Out] IXACT3Wave** ppWave) IXACT3WaveBank::Prepare

Starts the playback for a wave that is indicated by the wave index.


Index of the wave.
Flags that affect wave preparation:
XACT_FLAG_BACKGROUND_MUSICMarks the waves as background music.Xbox 360 This flag is supported only on the Xbox 360 platform.?
XACT_FLAG_UNITS_MSIndicates that the units that are passed in are measured in milliseconds.?
XACT_FLAG_UNITS_SAMPLESIndicates that the units that are passed in are in samples.?
Play offset to use as the start of the wave. The offset can be described in milliseconds or in samples. The dwFlags argument determines the offset units.
Number of loops for playback.
Pointer to an object that is returned.
ee418430 HRESULT IXACT3WaveBank::Play([In] unsigned short nWaveIndex,[In] XACT_CONTENT_PREPARATION_FLAGS dwFlags,[In] unsigned int dwPlayOffset,[In] unsigned char nLoopCount,[Out] IXACT3Wave** ppWave) IXACT3WaveBank::Play
No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. HRESULT IXACT3WaveBank::Stop([In] unsigned short nWaveIndex,[In] XACT_STOP_FLAGS dwFlags) IXACT3WaveBank::Stop

Retrieves the current state of the wave bank.


[out] Flags that indicate the state of the wave bank. The flags are as follows:
XACT_WAVEBANKSTATE_INUSEIndicates that the wave bank is referenced by at least one valid cue instance or other client. For example, the game itself might reference the wave bank.?
XACT_WAVEBANKSTATE_PREPAREDIndicates that the wave is prepared for use by a cue instance.?

Returns if successful. Otherwise, an error code.

ee418427 HRESULT IXACT3WaveBank::GetState([Out] unsigned int* pdwState) IXACT3WaveBank::GetState
Initializes a new instance of the class from a wave bank stream. The engine. The wave bank stream. HRESULT IXACT3Engine::CreateInMemoryWaveBank([In] const void* pvBuffer,[In] unsigned int dwSize,[In] unsigned int dwFlags,[In] unsigned int dwAllocAttributes,[Out, Fast] IXACT3WaveBank** ppWaveBank) Initializes a new instance of the class from a file for async reading. The engine. Name of the file to load the wavebank from. The offset into the stream. Packet size used to load the stream. Called when an internal notification occured. The notification. Registers this instance to notify for a type of notification. Type of the notification. Unregisters this instance to notify for a type of notification. Type of the notification. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. HRESULT IXACT3WaveBank::Prepare([In] unsigned short nWaveIndex,[In] XACT_CONTENT_PREPARATION_FLAGS dwFlags,[In] unsigned int dwPlayOffset,[In] unsigned char nLoopCount,[Out] IXACT3Wave** ppWave) No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. HRESULT IXACT3WaveBank::Play([In] unsigned short nWaveIndex,[In] XACT_CONTENT_PREPARATION_FLAGS dwFlags,[In] unsigned int dwPlayOffset,[In] unsigned char nLoopCount,[Out] IXACT3Wave** ppWave)

Returns the number of wave entries in the wave bank.


ee418426 GetNumWaves GetNumWaves HRESULT IXACT3WaveBank::GetNumWaves([Out] unsigned short* pnNumWaves)

Retrieves the current state of the wave bank.


ee418427 GetState GetState HRESULT IXACT3WaveBank::GetState([Out] unsigned int* pdwState)
Gets or sets the audio engine. The audio engine. Occurs when a WaveBank event occurs. Use to register types. No documentation. XACT_CUE_INSTANCE_PROPERTIES XACT_CUE_INSTANCE_PROPERTIES No documentation. unsigned int allocAttributes unsigned int allocAttributes No documentation. XACT_CUE_PROPERTIES cueProperties XACT_CUE_PROPERTIES cueProperties No documentation. XACT_SOUND_VARIATION_PROPERTIES activeVariationProperties XACT_SOUND_VARIATION_PROPERTIES activeVariationProperties

Reports cue properties back to the client.

This structure returns the non-instance specific cue properties for a cue. That is, it returns the properties shared across all instances of a cue.

microsoft.directx_sdk.struct.xact_cue_properties XACT_CUE_PROPERTIES XACT_CUE_PROPERTIES
Friendly name of the cue. If the sound bank does not contain the friendly names, an empty string is returned.
microsoft.directx_sdk.struct.xact_cue_properties char friendlyName[255] char friendlyName
For interactive audio cues, the index of the variable to control the cue.
microsoft.directx_sdk.struct.xact_cue_properties unsigned short iaVariableIndex unsigned short iaVariableIndex
Number of sound variations for this cue.
microsoft.directx_sdk.struct.xact_cue_properties unsigned short numVariations unsigned short numVariations
Maximum number of instances that are allowed for this cue.
microsoft.directx_sdk.struct.xact_cue_properties unsigned char maxInstances unsigned char maxInstances
Number of currently active instances of this cue.
microsoft.directx_sdk.struct.xact_cue_properties unsigned char currentInstances unsigned char currentInstances
TRUE if the cue is an interactive audio cue and otherwise.
microsoft.directx_sdk.struct.xact_cue_properties BOOL interactive BOOL interactive

File I/O Callbacks

Pointer to the client (title) implementation of the XACT_READFILE_CALLBACK callback function.
ee419079 __function__stdcall* readFileCallback __function__stdcall readFileCallback
Pointer to the client (title) implementation of the XACT_GETOVERLAPPEDRESULT_CALLBACK callback function.
ee419079 __function__stdcall* getOverlappedResultCallback __function__stdcall getOverlappedResultCallback

Notification structure for all XACT cue notifications.

microsoft.directx_sdk.struct.xact_notification_cue XACT_NOTIFICATION_CUE XACT_NOTIFICATION_CUE
Cue index. XACTINDEX_INVALID signifies an invalid cue index.
microsoft.directx_sdk.struct.xact_notification_cue unsigned short cueIndex unsigned short cueIndex
Pointer to the instance. This reference is invalid when the notification type is XACTNOTIFICATIONTYPE_CUEDESTROYED.
microsoft.directx_sdk.struct.xact_notification_cue IXACT3SoundBank* pSoundBank IXACT3SoundBank pSoundBank
Pointer to the instance. This reference is invalid when the notification type is XACTNOTIFICATIONTYPE_CUEDESTROYED.
microsoft.directx_sdk.struct.xact_notification_cue IXACT3Cue* pCue IXACT3Cue pCue

Provides descriptions for registering, unregistering, and flushing notifications.

Notification type. Can be one of the following values:
Value Supported Fields
XACTNOTIFICATIONTYPE_CUEPREPARED None, sound bank, sound bank and cue index, cue instance
XACTNOTIFICATIONTYPE_CUEPLAY None, sound bank, sound bank and cue index, cue instance
XACTNOTIFICATIONTYPE_CUESTOP None, sound bank, sound bank and cue index, cue instance
XACTNOTIFICATIONTYPE_CUEDESTROYED None, sound bank, sound bank and cue index, cue instance
XACTNOTIFICATIONTYPE_MARKER None, sound bank, sound bank and cue index, cue instance
XACTNOTIFICATIONTYPE_LOCALVARIABLECHANGED None, sound bank, sound bank and cue index, cue instance
XACTNOTIFICATIONTYPE_WAVEPREPARED None, wave bank and wave index, wave instance
XACTNOTIFICATIONTYPE_WAVEPLAY None, sound bank, sound bank and cue index, cue instance, wave bank
XACTNOTIFICATIONTYPE_WAVESTOP None, sound bank, sound bank and cue index, cue instance, wave bank
XACTNOTIFICATIONTYPE_WAVELOOPED None, sound bank, sound bank and cue index, cue instance, wave bank, wave instance
XACTNOTIFICATIONTYPE_WAVEDESTROYED None, wave bank and wave index, wave instance
Flag that describes the notification behavior. Can be 0 or the following:
XACT_FLAG_NOTIFICATION_PERSISTSets the notification to persist. If this flag is not set, the user receives no more than one notification of the type registered.?
ee419084 unsigned char flags unsigned char flags
Pointer to the instance. If this entry is set to null, the notification applies to all sound banks.
ee419084 IXACT3SoundBank* pSoundBank IXACT3SoundBank pSoundBank
Pointer to the instance (optional). This entry can be null, if no wave bank applies.
ee419084 IXACT3WaveBank* pWaveBank IXACT3WaveBank pWaveBank
Pointer to the instance (optional). This entry can be null, if no cue applies.
ee419084 IXACT3Cue* pCue IXACT3Cue pCue
Pointer to the instance (optional). The entry can be null, if no wave applies.
ee419084 IXACT3Wave* pWave IXACT3Wave pWave
Cue index. If pSoundBank is null, this entry should contain the value XACTINDEX_INVALID.
ee419084 unsigned short cueIndex unsigned short cueIndex
Wave index.
ee419084 unsigned short waveIndex unsigned short waveIndex
User context (optional). The entry can be null, if no user context applies.
ee419084 void* pvContext void pvContext

Notification structure for all GUI notifications.

microsoft.directx_sdk.struct.xact_notification_gui XACT_NOTIFICATION_GUI XACT_NOTIFICATION_GUI
Reserved for future use.
microsoft.directx_sdk.struct.xact_notification_gui unsigned int reserved unsigned int reserved

Notification structure for all marker notifications.

microsoft.directx_sdk.struct.xact_notification_marker XACT_NOTIFICATION_MARKER XACT_NOTIFICATION_MARKER
Cue index. XACTINDEX_INVALID signifies an invalid cue index.
microsoft.directx_sdk.struct.xact_notification_marker unsigned short cueIndex unsigned short cueIndex
Pointer to the instance.
microsoft.directx_sdk.struct.xact_notification_marker IXACT3SoundBank* pSoundBank IXACT3SoundBank pSoundBank
Pointer to the instance.
microsoft.directx_sdk.struct.xact_notification_marker IXACT3Cue* pCue IXACT3Cue pCue
The ID of the marker.
microsoft.directx_sdk.struct.xact_notification_marker unsigned int marker unsigned int marker

Notification structure for all sound bank notifications.

microsoft.directx_sdk.struct.xact_notification_soundbank XACT_NOTIFICATION_SOUNDBANK XACT_NOTIFICATION_SOUNDBANK
Pointer to the instance. This reference is invalid when the notification type is XACTNOTIFICATIONTYPE_SOUNDBANKDESTROYED.
microsoft.directx_sdk.struct.xact_notification_soundbank IXACT3SoundBank* pSoundBank IXACT3SoundBank pSoundBank

Notification structure for all variable notifications.

microsoft.directx_sdk.struct.xact_notification_variable XACT_NOTIFICATION_VARIABLE XACT_NOTIFICATION_VARIABLE
Cue index.
microsoft.directx_sdk.struct.xact_notification_variable unsigned short cueIndex unsigned short cueIndex
Soundbank instance.
microsoft.directx_sdk.struct.xact_notification_variable IXACT3SoundBank* pSoundBank IXACT3SoundBank pSoundBank
Cue instance.
microsoft.directx_sdk.struct.xact_notification_variable IXACT3Cue* pCue IXACT3Cue pCue
Variable index.
microsoft.directx_sdk.struct.xact_notification_variable unsigned short variableIndex unsigned short variableIndex
Variable value.
microsoft.directx_sdk.struct.xact_notification_variable float variableValue float variableValue
TRUE if a local variable.
microsoft.directx_sdk.struct.xact_notification_variable BOOL local BOOL local

Notification structure for all wave notifications.

microsoft.directx_sdk.struct.xact_notification_wave XACT_NOTIFICATION_WAVE XACT_NOTIFICATION_WAVE
Pointer to the instance.
microsoft.directx_sdk.struct.xact_notification_wave IXACT3WaveBank* pWaveBank IXACT3WaveBank pWaveBank
Wave index.
microsoft.directx_sdk.struct.xact_notification_wave unsigned short waveIndex unsigned short waveIndex
Cue index. XACTINDEX_INVALID signifies an invalid cue index.
microsoft.directx_sdk.struct.xact_notification_wave unsigned short cueIndex unsigned short cueIndex
Pointer to the instance.
microsoft.directx_sdk.struct.xact_notification_wave IXACT3SoundBank* pSoundBank IXACT3SoundBank pSoundBank
Pointer to the instance.
microsoft.directx_sdk.struct.xact_notification_wave IXACT3Cue* pCue IXACT3Cue pCue
Pointer to the instance.
microsoft.directx_sdk.struct.xact_notification_wave IXACT3Wave* pWave IXACT3Wave pWave

Notification structure for all wave bank notifications.

microsoft.directx_sdk.struct.xact_notification_wavebank XACT_NOTIFICATION_WAVEBANK XACT_NOTIFICATION_WAVEBANK
Pointer to the instance. This reference is invalid when the notification type is XACTNOTIFICATIONTYPE_WAVEBANKDESTROYED.
microsoft.directx_sdk.struct.xact_notification_wavebank IXACT3WaveBank* pWaveBank IXACT3WaveBank pWaveBank

Returns information about a particular renderer.

microsoft.directx_sdk.struct.xact_renderer_details XACT_RENDERER_DETAILS XACT_RENDERER_DETAILS
Wide character array containing the id of the renderer.
microsoft.directx_sdk.struct.xact_renderer_details wchar_t rendererID[255] wchar_t rendererID
Wide character array that contains the name of the renderer.
The friendly name is useful in presenting the audio devices that are available to the end user. However, the renderer id can be passed in the structure?which is used during XACT initialization?to connect to the renderer.
microsoft.directx_sdk.struct.xact_renderer_details wchar_t displayName[255] wchar_t displayName
TRUE if this renderer is the default renderer. Otherwise, .
microsoft.directx_sdk.struct.xact_renderer_details BOOL defaultDevice BOOL defaultDevice

Returns the properties for a sound that is referenced by the active variation.

The following is an example of iterating through the track properties represented by the arrTrackProperties member:

 void EnumerateTrackProperties(LPXACT_SOUND_PROPERTIES pSoundProperties)	
            { for (XACTINDEX nIndex = 0; nIndex < pSoundProperties->numTracks; ++nIndex) { // Do something with pSoundProperties->arrTrackProperties[nIndex]; }	
microsoft.directx_sdk.struct.xact_sound_properties XACT_SOUND_PROPERTIES XACT_SOUND_PROPERTIES
Category that this sound belongs to.
microsoft.directx_sdk.struct.xact_sound_properties unsigned short category unsigned short category
Priority that is assigned to this sound.
microsoft.directx_sdk.struct.xact_sound_properties unsigned char priority unsigned char priority
Current pitch of the sound.
microsoft.directx_sdk.struct.xact_sound_properties short pitch short pitch
Current volume of the sound.
microsoft.directx_sdk.struct.xact_sound_properties float volume float volume

Returns the properties of the sound variation that is currently active in a cue instance.

Properties of the currently active variation, represented by an structure.
ee419095 XACT_VARIATION_PROPERTIES variationProperties XACT_VARIATION_PROPERTIES variationProperties
Properties of the sound that the active variation references, represented by an structure.
ee419095 XACT_SOUND_PROPERTIES soundProperties XACT_SOUND_PROPERTIES soundProperties

Streaming parameters for a wave bank.

Xact.h also includes the following constant declaration:

microsoft.directx_sdk.struct.xact_streaming_parameters XACT_STREAMING_PARAMETERS XACT_STREAMING_PARAMETERS
File handle that is associated with the wave bank data.

The file that is referenced by this handle must be opened with the following CreateFile flags: FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED | FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING.

microsoft.directx_sdk.struct.xact_streaming_parameters void* file void file
Offset in the wave bank data file. This offset must be DVD sector aligned.
microsoft.directx_sdk.struct.xact_streaming_parameters unsigned int offset unsigned int offset
Flags. Reserved for future use. Set to 0.
microsoft.directx_sdk.struct.xact_streaming_parameters unsigned int flags unsigned int flags
Stream packet size, in sectors, to use for each stream. The minimum value is 2.

The size of a DVD sector is 2048 bytes. Therefore, setting this value to 2 results in a packet size of 4096 bytes. Setting it to 3 specifies packets of 6144 bytes, setting it to 4 specifies packets of 8192 bytes, and so on.

The optimal DVD size is a multiple of 16 (1 DVD block = 16 DVD sectors).

microsoft.directx_sdk.struct.xact_streaming_parameters unsigned short packetSize unsigned short packetSize

Returns the properties of a track in an active sound variation in a cue instance.

These properties are timing dependent. They may change when the call returns.

microsoft.directx_sdk.struct.xact_track_properties XACT_TRACK_PROPERTIES XACT_TRACK_PROPERTIES
Duration of the track in milliseconds.
microsoft.directx_sdk.struct.xact_track_properties int duration int duration
Total number of wave variations in the track.
microsoft.directx_sdk.struct.xact_track_properties unsigned short numVariations unsigned short numVariations
Maximum number of channels that are required to play the track.
microsoft.directx_sdk.struct.xact_track_properties unsigned char numChannels unsigned char numChannels
Index of the currently active wave variation.
microsoft.directx_sdk.struct.xact_track_properties unsigned short waveVariation unsigned short waveVariation
Current loop count on the track.
microsoft.directx_sdk.struct.xact_track_properties unsigned char loopCount unsigned char loopCount

Returns the properties for the variation that is currently active in a cue instance.

microsoft.directx_sdk.struct.xact_variation_properties XACT_VARIATION_PROPERTIES XACT_VARIATION_PROPERTIES
Index of the variation in the parent variation list.
microsoft.directx_sdk.struct.xact_variation_properties unsigned short index unsigned short index
Weight that is assigned to the variation. This member is used by noninteractive variations only.
microsoft.directx_sdk.struct.xact_variation_properties unsigned char weight unsigned char weight
Lower bound of the interactive variable that controls the variation. This member is used by interactive variations only.
microsoft.directx_sdk.struct.xact_variation_properties float iaVariableMin float iaVariableMin
Upper bound of the interactive variable that controls the variation. This member is used by interactive variations only.
microsoft.directx_sdk.struct.xact_variation_properties float iaVariableMax float iaVariableMax
Flag that indicates if the variation should linger. This member is used by interactive variations only.
microsoft.directx_sdk.struct.xact_variation_properties BOOL linger BOOL linger
No documentation. WAVEBANKDATA WAVEBANKDATA No documentation. unsigned int dwFlags unsigned int dwFlags No documentation. unsigned int dwEntryCount unsigned int dwEntryCount No documentation. char szBankName[64] char szBankName No documentation. unsigned int dwEntryMetaDataElementSize unsigned int dwEntryMetaDataElementSize No documentation. unsigned int dwEntryNameElementSize unsigned int dwEntryNameElementSize No documentation. unsigned int dwAlignment unsigned int dwAlignment No documentation. WAVEBANKMINIWAVEFORMAT CompactFormat WAVEBANKMINIWAVEFORMAT CompactFormat No documentation. FILETIME BuildTime FILETIME BuildTime

Contains the entry information from an XACT wave bank.

microsoft.directx_sdk.struct.wavebankentry WAVEBANKENTRY WAVEBANKENTRY

DWORD value representing both the flags and duration.

microsoft.directx_sdk.struct.wavebankentry unsigned int dwFlagsAndDuration unsigned int dwFlagsAndDuration
structure describing the mini-wave format for the wave bank entry.
microsoft.directx_sdk.struct.wavebankentry WAVEBANKMINIWAVEFORMAT Format WAVEBANKMINIWAVEFORMAT Format
structure that describes the region within the wave data segment that contains this entry.
microsoft.directx_sdk.struct.wavebankentry WAVEBANKREGION PlayRegion WAVEBANKREGION PlayRegion
structure that describes the region within the wave data (in samples) that should loop.
microsoft.directx_sdk.struct.wavebankentry WAVEBANKSAMPLEREGION LoopRegion WAVEBANKSAMPLEREGION LoopRegion

Flags for the wave bank entry. Can be the following values.

WAVEBANKENTRY_FLAGS_READAHEADIndicates stream read-ahead is enabled.?
WAVEBANKENTRY_FLAGS_LOOPCACHEIndicates one or more looping sounds use this wave.?
WAVEBANKENTRY_FLAGS_REMOVELOOPTAILIndicates removal of data after the end of the loop region.?
microsoft.directx_sdk.struct.wavebankentry unsigned int dwFlags unsigned int dwFlags

Duration of the wave, in units of one sample. For instance, a ten second long wave sampled at 48KHz would have a duration of 480,000. This value is not affected by the number of channels, the number of bits per sample, or the compression format of the wave.

microsoft.directx_sdk.struct.wavebankentry unsigned int Duration unsigned int Duration
No documentation. WAVEBANKENTRYCOMPACT WAVEBANKENTRYCOMPACT No documentation. unsigned int dwOffset unsigned int dwOffset No documentation. unsigned int dwLengthDeviation unsigned int dwLengthDeviation

Contains the header information from an XACT wave bank.

microsoft.directx_sdk.struct.wavebankheader WAVEBANKHEADER WAVEBANKHEADER
File signature. In a valid file, this will equal WAVEBANK_HEADER_SIGNATURE.
microsoft.directx_sdk.struct.wavebankheader unsigned int dwSignature unsigned int dwSignature
Version of the tool that created the file. The version is XACT_CONTENT_VERSION, and is defined in XACT.h.
microsoft.directx_sdk.struct.wavebankheader unsigned int dwVersion unsigned int dwVersion
Version of the wave bank file format. The current file format version is WAVEBANK_HEADER_VERSION.
microsoft.directx_sdk.struct.wavebankheader unsigned int dwHeaderVersion unsigned int dwHeaderVersion
Array of structures representing the segment lookup table. The indices into this array are defined in . For example, you would use the index to find the bank data region.
microsoft.directx_sdk.struct.wavebankheader WAVEBANKREGION Segments[5] WAVEBANKREGION Segments

Contains the mini-wave format for an XACT wave bank.

microsoft.directx_sdk.struct.wavebankminiwaveformat WAVEBANKMINIWAVEFORMAT WAVEBANKMINIWAVEFORMAT
This member is unused.
microsoft.directx_sdk.struct.wavebankminiwaveformat unsigned int dwValue unsigned int dwValue

Format of the wave file. Can be one of the values in the following table.

Specifies PCM wave format.?
Specifies XMA2 format.?
Specifies ADPCM wave format.?
Specifies xWMA format.?
microsoft.directx_sdk.struct.wavebankminiwaveformat unsigned int wFormatTag unsigned int wFormatTag

Number of channels in the wave file. Can be a value from 1 to 6.

microsoft.directx_sdk.struct.wavebankminiwaveformat unsigned int nChannels unsigned int nChannels

Sampling rate of the wave file or sample rate of the decoded audio for compressed formats.

microsoft.directx_sdk.struct.wavebankminiwaveformat unsigned int nSamplesPerSec unsigned int nSamplesPerSec

Block alignment index. For xWMA the lower 6 bits are the block alignment index and the upper 2 bits are the bytes per second index.

microsoft.directx_sdk.struct.wavebankminiwaveformat unsigned int wBlockAlign unsigned int wBlockAlign

Bit depth of the wave file. Can be one of the values in the following table.

WAVEBANKMINIFORMAT_BITDEPTH_8Specifies 8-bit data. (PCM only)?

For xWMA this field indicates whether the format is in the WMA format (0) or the WMA Pro format (1).

microsoft.directx_sdk.struct.wavebankminiwaveformat unsigned int wBitsPerSample unsigned int wBitsPerSample

Contains the region information for an XACT wave bank.

microsoft.directx_sdk.struct.wavebankregion WAVEBANKREGION WAVEBANKREGION
Region offset in bytes.
microsoft.directx_sdk.struct.wavebankregion unsigned int dwOffset unsigned int dwOffset
Region length in bytes.
microsoft.directx_sdk.struct.wavebankregion unsigned int dwLength unsigned int dwLength
No documentation. WAVEBANKSAMPLEREGION WAVEBANKSAMPLEREGION No documentation. unsigned int dwStartSample unsigned int dwStartSample No documentation. unsigned int dwTotalSamples unsigned int dwTotalSamples No documentation. XACT_WAVE_INSTANCE_PROPERTIES XACT_WAVE_INSTANCE_PROPERTIES No documentation. XACT_WAVE_PROPERTIES properties XACT_WAVE_PROPERTIES properties No documentation. BOOL backgroundMusic BOOL backgroundMusic

Returns the properties that are common to all waves.

microsoft.directx_sdk.struct.xact_wave_properties XACT_WAVE_PROPERTIES XACT_WAVE_PROPERTIES
Friendly name for the wave. An empty string if the wave bank has been stripped of friendly names.
microsoft.directx_sdk.struct.xact_wave_properties char friendlyName[64] char friendlyName
Format for the wave.
microsoft.directx_sdk.struct.xact_wave_properties WAVEBANKMINIWAVEFORMAT format WAVEBANKMINIWAVEFORMAT format
Duration of the wave, in samples.
microsoft.directx_sdk.struct.xact_wave_properties unsigned int durationInSamples unsigned int durationInSamples
Loop region that is defined in samples.
microsoft.directx_sdk.struct.xact_wave_properties WAVEBANKSAMPLEREGION loopRegion WAVEBANKSAMPLEREGION loopRegion
TRUE if the wave is streaming. Otherwise, .
microsoft.directx_sdk.struct.xact_wave_properties BOOL streaming BOOL streaming
Marker notification parameters. XACT_NOTIFICATION_MARKER The namespace provides a managed XACT3 API. hh405049 XACT3 XACT3 Hand written version of XACT_NOTIFICATION in order to smoothly support compatible x86/x64 inner anonymous union. XACT_NOTIFICATION No documentation. XACT_NOTIFICATION_TYPE type No documentation. int timeStamp No documentation. void* pvContext Notification data specific to the . No documentation. XACT_NOTIFICATION_CUE cue No documentation. XACT_NOTIFICATION_MARKER marker No documentation. XACT_NOTIFICATION_SOUNDBANK soundBank No documentation. XACT_NOTIFICATION_WAVEBANK waveBank No documentation. XACT_NOTIFICATION_VARIABLE variable No documentation. XACT_NOTIFICATION_GUI gui No documentation. XACT_NOTIFICATION_WAVE wave SoundBank notification parameters. XACT_NOTIFICATION_SOUNDBANK Variable notification parameters. XACT_NOTIFICATION_VARIABLE Wavebank notification parameters. XACT_NOTIFICATION_WAVEBANK Wave notification parameters. XACT_NOTIFICATION_WAVE