Release Notes (2012-11-20)

General Information

A new version 2.4.1 of SharpDX is available today for download.

This version is a maintenance version, mainly fixing several issues and improving the SharpDX Toolkit.

PrimitiveBatch from DirectXTk has been ported to the Toolkit. Also, there is a new convenient method to draw a full screen quad using GraphicsDevice.DrawQuad. See details about changes in the Toolkit below.

Note about using the Toolkit effect compiler (tkfxc.exe): You can use either the version from:

As It was explained in a previous post, SharpDX is now accepting code contribution from the community. This release is integrating contributions from early contributors to SharpDX on github!

Concerning the support, I'm focusing my primary support for the core functions of the following API:

For other API, I strongly encourage the community to participate to fix bugs and/or add improvements, as they have a lower priority support now in SharpDX.

Concerning the forum, my personnal investement to respond to API usage has now a much lower priority, as explained in the "Changes in Support and Community" post.

Also, as indicated on the contact form, I will not respond to any private inquiry about SharpDX bug notice or API usage.

Changes and bugfixes

Please find below an auto-generated list of all changes and fixes from previous 2.3 version.

Code contributed by SharpDX Community









