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                    <a title="NAnt home page" href="http://nant.sourceforge.net/"><b>NAnt</b></a> <img src="help/images/arrow.gif" alt="->" width="13" height="9" />
                    Release Notes
        <table width="100%">
                        <span class="N">N</span><span class="Ant">Ant</span>
                        Release Notes</h1>
                    <a href="http://nant.sourceforge.net/"><img style="border-top-width: 0px; border-left-width: 0px; border-bottom-width: 0px;
                    border-right-width: 0px" alt="NAnt logo (link to home page)" src="help/images/logo.gif" width="270" height="118" /></a>
        <h2>0.91 (October 22, 2011)</h2>
        <h3>Bug fixes</h3>
        <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
            <h5><a class="heading">XmlPeek</a></h5>
            <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                Fixed issue with XmlPeek not outputting results in xml format.
                (bugs <a href="https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=3366107&group_id=31650&atid=402868">#3366107</a> and
                <a href="https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=3390653&group_id=31650&atid=402868">#3390653</a>)
            <h5><a class="heading">App.config</a></h5>
            <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                Added necessary .NET 4.0 WPF and misc missing .NET 3.5 reference assemblies.
                (bug <a href="https://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=3314793&group_id=31650&atid=402868">3314793</a>)
			0.91-rc1 (October 8, 2011)</h2>
            Bug fixes</h3>
        <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                <a class="heading">App.config</a></h5>
            <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                    Fixed issue with NDoc when building NAnt from source.
                    (bug <a href="https://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=3416986&group_id=31650&atid=402868">#3416986</a>).
                <a class="heading">Makefile</a></h5>
            <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                    Fixed issue when building NAnt with older versions of GNU Make.
			0.91-beta1 (September 25, 2011)</h2>
		<div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                <a class="heading">App.Config</a></h5>
            <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                    Added mono-4.0 target
            <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                    Added initial support for Silverlight 3 and 4
                <a class="heading" href="http://logging.apache.org/log4net/">log4net</a></h5>
            <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                    Upgraded to log4net 1.2.10.
                <a class="heading">MSBuild</a></h5>
            <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                    Added initial support for 2008/2010 MSBuild/VS.NET project files.
            Bug fixes</h3>
        <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                <a class="heading">App.config</a></h5>
            <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                    Added WindowsBase.dll and PresentationFramework.dll to 4.0 target.
                <a class="heading">NAnt.xsd</a></h5>
            <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                    Changed the NAnt.Core.Tasks.DescriptionTask task to mixed.
                    (bug <a href="https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=3058913&group_id=31650&atid=402868">#3058913</a>).
				<a class="heading">BuildException</a></h5>
			<div style="margin-left: 20px;">
					Display correct registry hives in BuildException when Registry Path not found.
        <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                <a class="heading">ndoc</a></h5>
            <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                    Fixed ndoc task to find hhc.exe for chm generation on 64 bit machines through reflection.
            0.91-alpha2 (August 17, 2010)</h2>
            Bug fixes</h3>
        <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                <a class="heading">App.config</a></h5>
            <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                    Fixed typo that prevented System.Management.dll from being included.
        <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/include.html">&lt;include&gt;</a></h5>
            <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                    Fixed error with the &lt;include&gt; task when different build files include the same file. 
                    (bug <a href="https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=3016497&group_id=31650&atid=402868">#3016497</a>).
        <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                <a class="heading" href="help/functions/nant.get-assembly().html">NAnt::get-assembly()</a></h5>
            <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
					Using the NAnt::get-assembly() function causes an &quot;Object must implement IConvertible&quot; error.
                    (bug <a href="https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=3013492&group_id=31650&atid=402868">#3013492</a>).
            0.91-alpha1 (May 29, 2010)</h2>
        <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                    Added support for .NET Framework 4.0 (except for <code><a href="help/tasks/solution.html">&lt;solution&gt;</a></code> task).
            Bug fixes</h3>
        <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                <a class="heading">Coercion</a></h5>
            <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                    Coercion of arguments is not supported (bug <a href="http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&amp;aid=3013492&amp;group_id=31650&amp;atid=402868">#3013492</a>).
        <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/xmlpeek.html">&lt;xmlpeek&gt;</a></h5>
            <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                    Enhanced the &lt;xmlpeek&gt; task to support more advanced
                    XPath functions and syntax. It is now possible to use 
                    functions such as count() and to index the node using XPath
                    (feature request <a href="http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&amp;aid=1560566&amp;group_id=31650&amp;atid=402871">#1560566</a>).
            0.90 (May 8, 2010)</h2>
            Bug fixes</h3>
        <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/tar.html">&lt;tar&gt;</a></h5>
            <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                    When the "destfile" attribute specifies a non-existent path,
                    the base directory(ies) will be created.
                    (bug <a href="http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&amp;aid=2997300&amp;group_id=31650&amp;atid=402868">#2997300</a>).
            0.90-rc1 (May 2, 2010)</h2>
            Bug fixes</h3>
        <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                <a class="heading">&lt;PathScanner&gt;</a></h5>
            <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                    Catch UnauthorizedAccessException in PathScanner to prevent 
                    NAnt from crashing when using the Scan() function to search
                    for file(s) in directory with special permissions.
            0.90-beta1 (April 17, 2010)</h2>
            Bug fixes</h3>
        <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/csc.html">&lt;csc&gt;</a> / <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/jsc.html">&lt;jsc&gt;</a> / <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/vbc.html">&lt;vbc&gt;</a> / <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/vjc.html">&lt;vjc&gt;</a></h5>
            <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                    When the "output" attribute specifies a non-existent path,
                    the base directory(ies) will be created.
                    (bug <a href="http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&amp;aid=2985057&amp;group_id=31650&amp;atid=402868">#2985057</a>).
                <a class="heading">ExternalProgramBase</a></h5>
            <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                    For certain tasks (NDoc, Exec, MSBuild, etc) the console
                    output is unorganized and difficult to read.
                    (bug <a href="http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&amp;atid=402868&amp;aid=2981604&amp;group_id=31650">#2981604</a>).
                <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/script.html">&lt;script&gt;</a></h5>
            <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                    Cleanup the output to show assembly information and functions
                    only when "verbose" attribute is set to "true".
                    (bug <a href="http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&amp;aid=2981386&amp;group_id=31650&amp;atid=402868">#2981386</a>).
                <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/zip.html">&lt;zip&gt;</a></h5>
            <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                    When the "zipfile" attribute specifies a non-existent path,
                    the base directory(ies) will be created.
                    (bug <a href="http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&amp;aid=2981389&amp;group_id=31650&amp;atid=402868">#2981389</a>).
            0.90-alpha1 (April 1, 2010)</h2>
            Breaking changes</h3>
        <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                    Deprecated NAnt.Core.Element.InitializeElement(XmlNode) and
                    NAnt.Core.Task.InitializeTask(XmlNode) in favor of
                    NAnt.Core.Element.Initialize(). This was done to discourage direct access to
                    the XML node that was used to initialize the construct.
        <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/script.html">&lt;script&gt;</a></h5>
            <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                    As of this release, only the following namespaces are imported
                    by default:
                    <li style="text-decoration: line-through">System.Collections.Specialized</li>
                    <li style="text-decoration: line-through">System.Text.RegularExpressions</li>
                    Starting from this release, only <code>NAnt.Core</code>
                    and <code>mscorlib</code> will be referenced by default.
                    In previous releases, all loaded assemblies would implicitly
                    be referenced.
            Bug fixes</h3>
        <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                <a class="heading">DataTypeBaseBuilder / FilterBuilder / TaskBuilder</a></h5>
            <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                    Changes to constructors break backward compatibility (bug <a href="http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&amp;aid=2782705&amp;group_id=31650&amp;atid=402868">2782705</a>).
        <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                <a class="heading">Identifiers</a></h5>
            <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                    Identifiers containing a dot or backslash are falsely rejected.
        <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                <a class="heading">.NET Framework (All)</a></h5>
            <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                    The target framework cannot be initialized if the .NET
                    Framework SDK is not installed (bug <a href="http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&amp;atid=402868&amp;aid=1859708&amp;group_id=31650">#1859708</a>).
                <a class="heading">.NET Framework 1.1</a></h5>
            <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                    Added the following assemblies to the list of reference
                <ul type="square">
                    Fixes bug <a href="http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&amp;atid=402868&amp;aid=1848648&amp;group_id=31650">#1848648</a>.
                <a class="heading">.NET Framework 3.5</a></h5>
                Modified version (as returned by <a href="help/functions/framework.get-version().html">framework::get-version()</a>)
                to &quot;3.5&quot;.
                Added support for Windows SDK 6.1 (bug <a href="https://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&amp;aid=1986551&amp;group_id=31650&amp;atid=402868">#1986551</a>).
                Added support for Windows SDK 7.0
        <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/echo.html">&lt;echo&gt;</a></h5>
            <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                    A newline is implicitly added when writing a message to a file
                    (bug <a href="http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&amp;atid=402868&amp;aid=2807728&amp;group_id=31650">#2807728</a>).
                <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/exec.html">&lt;echo&gt;</a></h5>
            <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                    When "output" parameter is specified, standard output is redirected properly.
                    (bug <a href="https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=1010223&group_id=31650&atid=402868">#1010223</a>).
                <a class="heading">ExternalProgramBase</a></h5>
            <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                    The value of <code>UseRuntimeEngine</code> is not respected
                    when overriden by derived classes (bug <a href="http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&amp;atid=402868&amp;aid=1850383&amp;group_id=31650">#1850383</a>).
                <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/move.html">&lt;move&gt;</a></h5>
            <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                    When source file is newer than destination file, then an error
                    is reported if "overwrite" is not set to <b>true</b>.
                <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/solution.html">&lt;solution&gt;</a></h5>
            <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                    Solution Folders result in build failure (bug <a href="http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&amp;aid=1732361&amp;group_id=31650&amp;atid=402868">#1732361</a>).
                <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/xmlpeek.html">&lt;xmlpeek&gt;</a></h5>
            <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                    "verbose" feature is now worked as documented (bug <a href="http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&amp;aid=1911292&amp;group_id=31650&amp;atid=402868">#1911292</a>).
                <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/zip.html">&lt;zip&gt;</a></h5>
            <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                    Improved backward compatibility with older unzip implementations.
        <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                <a class="heading" href="help/types/fileset.html">&lt;fileset&gt;</a>
            <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                    Files matching the <code>**/vssver2.scc</code> pattern are not excluded by default
                    (bug <a href="https://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&amp;aid=2515816&amp;group_id=31650&amp;atid=402868">#2515816</a>).
        <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                <a class="heading" href="help/functions/environment.newline().html">environment::newline()</a></h5>
            <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                <p>Gets the newline string defined for this environment.</p>
                <a class="heading" href="help/functions/framework.get-description().html">framework::get-description()</a></h5>
            <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                <p>Gets the description of the current target framework.</p>
                <a class="heading" href="help/functions/framework.get-clr-version().html">framework::get-clr-version()</a></h5>
            <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                <p>Gets the CLR version of the current target framework.</p>
                <a class="heading" href="help/functions/framework.get-frameworks(NAnt.Core.FrameworkTypes).html">framework::get-frameworks(NAnt.Core.FrameworkTypes)</a></h5>
            <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                    Gets a comma-separated list of frameworks filtered by the
                    specified <a href="help/enums/NAnt.Core.FrameworkTypes.html">FrameworkTypes</a>.
                <p>For example:</p>
                <pre class="code">
    <span class="xmltext">&lt;</span><span class="xmlelement">target</span> <span class="xmlattribute">name</span><span class="xmltext">="build-all"&gt;</span>
        <span class="xmltext">&lt;</span><span class="xmlelement">foreach</span> <span class="xmlattribute">item</span><span class="xmltext">="String"</span> <span class="xmlattribute">in</span><span class="xmltext">="${framework::get-frameworks('installed compact')}"</span> <span class="xmlattribute">delim</span><span class="xmltext">=","</span> <span class="xmlattribute">property</span><span class="xmltext">="framework"&gt;</span>
            <span class="xmltext">&lt;</span><span class="xmlelement">property</span> <span class="xmlattribute">name</span><span class="xmltext">="nant.settings.currentframework"</span> <span class="xmlattribute">value</span><span class="xmltext">="${framework}" /&gt;</span>
            <span class="xmltext">&lt;</span><span class="xmlelement">call</span> <span class="xmlattribute">target</span><span class="xmltext">="${framework}" /&gt;</span>
        <span class="xmltext">&lt;/</span><span class="xmlelement">foreach</span><span class="xmltext">&gt;</span>
    <span class="xmltext">&lt;/</span><span class="xmlelement">target</span><span class="xmltext">&gt;</span>

    <span class="xmltext">&lt;</span><span class="xmlelement">target</span> <span class="xmlattribute">name</span><span class="xmltext">="build"&gt;</span>
    <span class="xmltext">&lt;/</span><span class="xmlelement">target</span><span class="xmltext">&gt;</span>
                <a class="heading" href="help/functions/framework.get-version().html">framework::get-version()</a></h5>
            <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                <p>Gets the version of the current target framework.</p>
                <a class="heading" href="help/functions/platform.is-windows().html">platform::is-windows()</a></h5>
            <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                <p>Return a value indicating whether NAnt is running on Windows.</p>
        <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/untar.html">&lt;untar&gt;</a></h5>
            <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                <p>Extracts files from a tar archive.</p>
        <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                <a class="heading">pkg-config</a></h5>
            <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                    When installing NAnt from source on Unix (using make install),
                    a <b>nant.pc</b> is now installed in $prefix/lib/pkgconfig.
                <a class="heading">DESTDIR</a></h5>
            <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                    To allow for staged installs, our makefile now also supports
                    the <a href="http://www.gnu.org/prep/standards/html_node/DESTDIR.html">DESTDIR</a> variable:
                <pre class="code">
    $ make DESTDIR=/tmp/local install
        <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                <a class="heading" href="help/functions/platform.is-win32().html">platform::is-win32()</a></h5>
            <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                <p>This function is deprecated, use <a href="help/functions/platform.is-windows().html">platform::is-windows()</a> instead.</p>
        <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/csc.html">&lt;csc&gt;</a> / <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/jsc.html">&lt;jsc&gt;</a> / <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/vbc.html">&lt;vbc&gt;</a> / <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/vjc.html">&lt;vjc&gt;</a></h5>
            <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                    Added &quot;winres&quot; attribute to specify a Win32 resource file.
                <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/echo.html">&lt;echo&gt;</a></h5>
            <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                    The &quot;encoding&quot; attribute can be used to specify
                    the encoding when writing messages to a file.
                <pre class="code">
    <span class="xmltext">&lt;</span><span class="xmlelement">echo</span> <span class="xmlattribute">file</span><span class="xmltext">="build.cmd"</span> <span class="xmlattribute">encoding</span><span class="xmltext">="ascii"&gt;</span>...<span class="xmltext">&lt;/</span><span class="xmlelement">echo</span><span class="xmltext">&gt;</span>
                <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/link.html">&lt;link&gt;</a></h5>
            <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                    Added &quot;moduledefinition&quot; parameter to allow the
                    name of the module definition file to be set.
                <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/nunit2.html">&lt;nunit2&gt;</a></h5>
            <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                    Allow referenced assemblies to be specified using <span class="xmltext">&lt;</span><span class="xmlelement">references</span><span class="xmltext">&gt;</span>
                    element on <span class="xmltext">&lt;</span><span class="xmlelement">test</span><span class="xmltext">&gt;</span>:
                <pre class="code">
    <span class="xmltext">&lt;</span><span class="xmlelement">nunit2</span><span class="xmltext">&gt;</span>
        <span class="xmltext">&lt;</span><span class="xmlelement">test</span><span class="xmltext">&gt;</span>
            <span class="xmltext">&lt;</span><span class="xmlelement">assemblies</span> <span class="xmlattribute">basedir</span><span class="xmltext">="build/tests"&gt;</span>
                <span class="xmltext">&lt;</span><span class="xmlelement">include</span> <span class="xmlattribute">name</span><span class="xmltext">="Cegeka.HealthCare.DocGen.Tests.dll" /&gt;</span>
                <span class="xmltext">&lt;</span><span class="xmlelement">include</span> <span class="xmlattribute">name</span><span class="xmltext">="Cegeka.HealthCare.Util.Tests.dll" /&gt;</span>
            <span class="xmltext">&lt;/</span><span class="xmlelement">assemblies</span><span class="xmltext">&gt;</span>
            <span class="xmltext">&lt;</span><span class="xmlelement">references</span> <span class="xmlattribute">basedir</span><span class="xmltext">="build/lib"&gt;</span>
                <span class="xmltext">&lt;</span><span class="xmlelement">include</span> <span class="xmlattribute">name</span><span class="xmltext">="Cegeka.HealthCare.Common.dll" /&gt;</span>
                <span class="xmltext">&lt;</span><span class="xmlelement">include</span> <span class="xmlattribute">name</span><span class="xmltext">="Cegeka.HealthCare.DocGen.dll" /&gt;</span>
                <span class="xmltext">&lt;</span><span class="xmlelement">include</span> <span class="xmlattribute">name</span><span class="xmltext">="Cegeka.HealthCare.Util.dll" /&gt;</span>
            <span class="xmltext">&lt;/</span><span class="xmlelement">assemblies</span><span class="xmltext">&gt;</span>
        <span class="xmltext">&lt;/</span><span class="xmlelement">test</span><span class="xmltext">&gt;</span>
    <span class="xmltext">&lt;/</span><span class="xmlelement">nunit2</span><span class="xmltext">&gt;</span>
                 Previously, all referenced assemblies needed to be either
                 in the GAC, or in the directory containing the test
                <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/solution.html">&lt;solution&gt;</a></h5>
            <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                    Introduced support for targeting a specific platform,
                    as defined in the solution or project.
                <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/xmlpoke.html">&lt;xmlpoke&gt;</a></h5>
            <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                    Added &quot;preserveWhitespace&quot; parameter to retain
                    the original format of the XML files.
                <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/unzip.html">&lt;unzip&gt;</a></h5>
            <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                    Added &quot;overwrite&quot; parameter to control whether to
                    overwrite files even if they are newer than corresponding
                    entries in the archive.
        <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                <a class="heading" href="http://www.icsharpcode.net/OpenSource/SharpZipLib/">#ziplib</a></h5>
                    Upgraded to <a href="http://wiki.sharpdevelop.net/SharpZipLib_ReleaseHistory.ashx">v0.85.5.452</a>.
        <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                <a class="heading" href="help/types/fileset.html">&lt;fileset&gt;</a> / <a class="heading" href="help/types/patternset.html">&lt;patternset&gt;</a></h5>
            <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                    For patterns specified using <span class="xmltext">&lt;</span><span class="xmlelement">includesfile</span><span class="xmltext">&gt;</span>
                    or <span class="xmltext">&lt;</span><span class="xmlelement">excludesfile</span><span class="xmltext">&gt;</span>, lines that have a number sign (#) as the first non-blank
                    character in a line are now ignored.
            0.86-beta1 (December 8, 2007)</h2>
            Breaking changes</h3>
        <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                <a class="heading">nant.tasks properties</a></h5>
            <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                    Prior to NAnt 0.85, build authors would use a &quot;nant.tasks.*&quot;
                    property to check whether a given task was available.
                    With the introduction of expression support in NAnt 0.85, we
                    provided a more powerful alternative through the
                    <a href="help/functions/task.exists(System.String).html">task::exists</a>
                    As of this release, the &quot;nant.tasks.*&quot; properties are
                    therefore no longer set by NAnt.
                <a class="heading">nant.failure</a></h5>
            <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                    Removed support for the &quot;nant.failure&quot; property to
                    set the target that should be executed when the build fails.
                    This property was deprecated in NAnt 0.83 in favor of the
                    &quot;nant.onfailure&quot; attribute.
                    As of this release, setting the &quot;nant.failure&quot;
                    attribute will no longer have any effect.
        <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                <a class="heading">= operator</a></h5>
            <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                    In NAnt 0.85, support for the '=' operator to check for equality was
                    deprecated in favor of the '==' operator.
                    As from this release, the '=' operator is no longer
        <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/style.html">&lt;style&gt;</a></h5>
                    Removed support for &lt;param&gt; child element, which was
                    deprecated in NAnt 0.84 in favor of a &lt;parameters&gt;
            Bug fixes</h3>
        <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                <a class="heading" href="help/fundamentals/listeners.html#MailLogger">MailLogger</a></h5>
                    If &quot;MailLogger.smtp.username&quot;, &quot;MailLogger.smtp.port&quot;
                    or &quot;MailLogger.smtp.enablessl&quot; are set, messages must be delivered
                    using the SMTP protocol over the network. [.NET 1.1 or higher]
                <a class="heading">Response File</a></h5>
                    Quoted arguments are not parsed correctly from response files
                    (bug <a href="https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&amp;atid=402868&amp;aid=1736526&amp;group_id=31650">#1736526</a>).
                <a class="heading">Document Type Definition</a></h5>
                    Executing a project with a DTD can lead to an internal error.
                    (bug <a href="https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&atid=402868&aid=1809994&group_id=31650">#1809994</a>).
        <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                <a class="heading">Mono/Cygwin</a></h5>
                    In <a href="http://www.cygwin.com/">Cygwin</a>, the directory
                    containing the Mono configuration files was not correctly
                    constructed from pkg-config info, leading to errors when
                    running applications that use System.Configuration.
        <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/call.html">&lt;call&gt;</a></h5>
                    Target is not re-executed if &quot;cascade&quot; is <b>false</b>
                    (bug <a href="http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&amp;atid=402868&amp;aid=1474159&amp;group_id=31650">#1474159</a>).
                <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/csc.html">&lt;csc&gt;</a></h5>
                    Satellite assemblies are not signed when signing key is
                    specified using &quot;keyfile&quot; attribute (bug <a href="http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&amp;aid=1587739&amp;group_id=31650&amp;atid=402868">#1587739</a>).
                <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/exec.html">&lt;exec&gt;</a></h5>
                    Empty lines written to standard output or standard error by
                    external program are ignored.
                <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/resgen.html">&lt;resgen&gt;</a></h5>
                    If the embedded resource compiler for the target framework does
                    not support assembly references, then copy both the compiler
                    and related files (based on pattern matching) to the
                    intermediary compile directory
                    (bug <a href="http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&amp;atid=402868&amp;aid=1591991&amp;group_id=31650">#1591991</a>).
                <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/solution.html">&lt;solution&gt;</a></h5>
                    Visual C++
                    <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                                Custom build steps are not supported (bug <a href="http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&amp;aid=1082374&amp;group_id=31650&amp;atid=402868">#1082374</a>).
                                Unexpected error when name of project configuration
                                differs from solution configuration (bug <a href="https://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&amp;aid=1607209&amp;group_id=31650&amp;atid=402868">#1607209</a>).
        <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                <a class="heading" href="http://www.icsharpcode.net/OpenSource/SharpZipLib/">#ziplib</a></h5>
                    Files with a compressed size of over 4GB cannot be added to zip archive
                    (bug <a href="https://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1698336&group_id=31650&atid=402868">#1698336</a>).
        <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                <a class="heading" href="help/types/fileset.html">&lt;fileset&gt;</a></h5>
                    Case differences are not always ignored on a case-insensitive filesystem
                    (bug <a href="https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&amp;atid=402868&amp;aid=1776101&amp;group_id=31650">#1776101</a>).
                    Pattern mathing for files in the root directory of a volume is
                    always case-sensitive (bug <a href="https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&amp;atid=402868&amp;aid=1761377&amp;group_id=31650">#1761377</a>).
        <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                <a class="heading">Version operators</a></h5>
            <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                    Introduced support for <a href="help/fundamentals/expressions.html#version-operators">relational operators</a>
                    between version values.
        <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                <a class="heading">Tool paths</a></h5>
            <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                    Since NAnt 0.84, task authors have been able to specify the
                    location of the command-line tool by applying a <code>ProgramLocationAttribute</code> to
                    classes deriving from <code>ExternalProgramBase</code>.
                    The <code>ProgramLocationAttribute</code> allows task authors
                    to specify whether the tool is located in the framework directory
                    (eg. C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4432) or the
                    SDK directory (eg. C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\SDK\v1.1)
                    without actually having to deal with the complexity of knowing
                    the actual path to these directories (for each supported framework).
                    In NAnt 0.86, we've taken this one step further. Each defined
                    framework now has a (ordered) list of directories that can be
                    scanned to locate a framework tool. The list of directories
                    can be easily tuned for each framework by modifying the
                    <span class="xmltext">&lt;</span><span class="xmlelement">tool-paths</span><span class="xmltext">&gt;</span>
                    nodes in the NAnt configuration file.
                <p>An example of such a node for the Mono 3.5 profile:</p>
                <pre class="code">
    <span class="xmltext">&lt;</span><span class="xmlelement">tool-paths</span><span class="xmltext">&gt;</span>
        <span class="xmltext">&lt;</span><span class="xmlelement">directory</span> <span class="xmlattribute">name</span><span class="xmltext">="${path::combine(prefix, 'lib/mono/3.5')}" /&gt;</span>
        <span class="xmltext">&lt;</span><span class="xmlelement">directory</span> <span class="xmlattribute">name</span><span class="xmltext">="${path::combine(prefix, 'lib/mono/2.0')}" /&gt;</span>
        <span class="xmltext">&lt;</span><span class="xmlelement">directory</span> <span class="xmlattribute">name</span><span class="xmltext">="${path::combine(prefix, 'lib/mono/1.0')}" /&gt;</span>
    <span class="xmltext">&lt;/</span><span class="xmlelement">tool-paths</span><span class="xmltext">&gt;</span>
                    The directories configured in the <span class="xmltext">&lt;</span><span class="xmlelement">tool-paths</span><span class="xmltext">&gt;</span>
                    node of the current target framework will be scanned in the
                    order in which they are defined.
                    The tool paths are implicitly used when a given tool cannot
                    be located on the location specified by the <code>ProgramLocationAttribute</code>.
                    As such, this only applies to tasks deriving from <code>ExternalProgramBase</code>.
                    To expose this functionality to build authors, we've added a
                    <a href="help/functions/framework.get-tool-path(System.String).html">framework::get-tool-path</a>
                    function that can be used to search for a given tool.
                <p>For example:</p>
                <pre class="code">
    <span class="xmltext">&lt;</span><span class="xmlelement">exec</span> <span class="xmlattribute">program</span><span class="xmltext">="${framework::get-tool-path('gacutil.exe')}"</span> <span class="xmlattribute">managed</span><span class="xmltext">="strict"&gt;</span>
        <span class="xmltext">&lt;</span><span class="xmlelement">arg</span> <span class="xmlattribute">value</span><span class="xmltext">="/i" /&gt;</span>
        <span class="xmltext">&lt;</span><span class="xmlelement">arg</span> <span class="xmlattribute">file</span><span class="xmltext">="Cegeka.HealthFramework.dll" /&gt;</span>
    <span class="xmltext">&lt;/</span><span class="xmlelement">exec</span><span class="xmltext">&gt;</span>
                <a class="heading">Strict execution</a></h5>
            <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                    Introduced support for forcing a managed application to run
                    on the currently targeted CLR.
                    This was previously only possible by modifying the &lt;startup&gt;
                    section of the application configuration file or by using
                    constructs specific to each CLR (eg. using <b>COMPLUS_VERSION</b>
                    environment variable for the MS CLR), which made build scripts
                    Developers extending NAnt, can now control this by setting the
                    <code>Managed</code> property for tasks deriving from
                    For build authors, forcing a managed application to run on a
                    specific version of a CLR can be done by setting the
                    &quot;managed&quot; attribute of <code><a href="help/tasks/exec.html">&lt;exec&gt;</a></code>
                    to <b>strict</b>.
                <p>For example:</p>
                <pre class="code">
    <span class="xmltext">&lt;</span><span class="xmlelement">exec</span> <span class="xmlattribute">program</span><span class="xmltext">="nunit-console.exe"</span> <span class="xmlattribute">managed</span><span class="xmltext">="strict"&gt;</span>
        <span class="xmltext">&lt;</span><span class="xmlelement">arg</span> <span class="xmlattribute">value</span><span class="xmltext">="/noshadow" /&gt;</span>
        <span class="xmltext">&lt;</span><span class="xmlelement">arg</span> <span class="xmlattribute">file</span><span class="xmltext">="Cegeka.HealthFramework.Tests.dll" /&gt;</span>
    <span class="xmltext">&lt;/</span><span class="xmlelement">exec</span><span class="xmltext">&gt;</span>
                <a class="heading">.NET Framework 3.5</a></h5>
            <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                    Support for targeting .NET Framework 3.5 and Mono 3.5
                    Profile is now available.
                    <b>Note:</b> this does not apply to the <code><a href="help/tasks/solution.html">&lt;solution&gt;</a></code>
                <a class="heading">Silverlight 2.0</a></h5>
            <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                    Added experimental support for targeting Silverlight 2.0
                    and Moonlight 2.0.
                    <b>Note:</b> this does not apply to the <code><a href="help/tasks/solution.html">&lt;solution&gt;</a></code>
        <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                <a class="heading" href="help/types/patternset.html">&lt;patternset&gt;</a></h5>
            <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                    Defines a set of patterns, mostly used to include or exclude certain files.
                    Patterns can be grouped to sets, and later be referenced by their
                <p>For example:</p>
                <pre class="code">
    <span class="xmltext">&lt;</span><span class="xmlelement">patternset</span> <span class="xmlattribute">id</span><span class="xmltext">="binaries"&gt;</span>
        <span class="xmltext">&lt;</span><span class="xmlelement">include</span> <span class="xmlattribute">name</span><span class="xmltext">="bin/**/*" /&gt;</span>
        <span class="xmltext">&lt;</span><span class="xmlelement">exclude</span> <span class="xmlattribute">name</span><span class="xmltext">="bin/*.tmp" /&gt;</span>
    <span class="xmltext">&lt;/</span><span class="xmlelement">patternset</span><span class="xmltext">&gt;</span>

    <span class="xmltext">&lt;</span><span class="xmlelement">patternset</span> <span class="xmlattribute">id</span><span class="xmltext">="docs"&gt;</span>
        <span class="xmltext">&lt;</span><span class="xmlelement">include</span> <span class="xmlattribute">name</span><span class="xmltext">="requirements/**/*" /&gt;</span>
        <span class="xmltext">&lt;</span><span class="xmlelement">exclude</span> <span class="xmlattribute">name</span><span class="xmltext">="design/**/*.doc" /&gt;</span>
    <span class="xmltext">&lt;/</span><span class="xmlelement">patternset</span><span class="xmltext">&gt;</span>

    <span class="xmltext">&lt;</span><span class="xmlelement">patternset</span> <span class="xmlattribute">id</span><span class="xmltext">="client.sources"&gt;</span>
        <span class="xmltext">&lt;</span><span class="xmlelement">include</span> <span class="xmlattribute">name</span><span class="xmltext">="client/**/*.cs" /&gt;</span>
        <span class="xmltext">&lt;</span><span class="xmlelement">exclude</span> <span class="xmlattribute">name</span><span class="xmltext">="client/**/*.vb" /&gt;</span>
    <span class="xmltext">&lt;/</span><span class="xmlelement">patternset</span><span class="xmltext">&gt;</span>

    <span class="xmltext">&lt;</span><span class="xmlelement">patternset</span> <span class="xmlattribute">id</span><span class="xmltext">="server.sources"&gt;</span>
        <span class="xmltext">&lt;</span><span class="xmlelement">include</span> <span class="xmlattribute">name</span><span class="xmltext">="server/**/*.cs" /&gt;</span>
        <span class="xmltext">&lt;</span><span class="xmlelement">exclude</span> <span class="xmlattribute">name</span><span class="xmltext">="server/**/*.vb" /&gt;</span>
    <span class="xmltext">&lt;/</span><span class="xmlelement">patternset</span><span class="xmltext">&gt;</span>

    <span class="xmltext">&lt;</span><span class="xmlelement">patternset</span> <span class="xmlattribute">id</span><span class="xmltext">="sources"&gt;</span>
        <span class="xmltext">&lt;</span><span class="xmlelement">patternset</span> <span class="xmlattribute">refid</span><span class="xmltext">="client.sources" /&gt;</span>
        <span class="xmltext">&lt;</span><span class="xmlelement">patternset</span> <span class="xmlattribute">refid</span><span class="xmltext">="server.sources" /&gt;</span>
    <span class="xmltext">&lt;/</span><span class="xmlelement">patternset</span><span class="xmltext">&gt;</span>

    <span class="xmltext">&lt;</span><span class="xmlelement">target</span> <span class="xmlattribute">name</span><span class="xmltext">="deploy"&gt;</span>
        <span class="xmltext">&lt;</span><span class="xmlelement">copy</span> <span class="xmlattribute">todir</span><span class="xmltext">="${dist.path}"&gt;</span>
            <span class="xmltext">&lt;</span><span class="xmlelement">fileset</span> <span class="xmlattribute">basedir</span><span class="xmltext">="${build.path}"&gt;</span>
                <span class="xmltext">&lt;</span><span class="xmlelement">patternset</span> <span class="xmlattribute">refid</span><span class="xmltext">="binaries" /&gt;</span>
                <span class="xmltext">&lt;</span><span class="xmlelement">patternset</span> <span class="xmlattribute">refid</span><span class="xmltext">="docs" /&gt;</span>
                <span class="xmltext">&lt;</span><span class="xmlelement">patternset</span> <span class="xmlattribute">refid</span><span class="xmltext">="sources" /&gt;</span>

                <span class="xmltext">&lt;</span><span class="xmlelement">exclude</span> <span class="xmlattribute">name</span><span class="xmltext">="**/*.sdf" /&gt;</span>
            <span class="xmltext">&lt;/</span><span class="xmlelement">fileset</span><span class="xmltext">&gt;</span>
        <span class="xmltext">&lt;/</span><span class="xmlelement">copy</span><span class="xmltext">&gt;</span>
    <span class="xmltext">&lt;/</span><span class="xmlelement">target</span><span class="xmltext">&gt;</span>
        <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                <a class="heading">Performance</a></h5>
            <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                    Initial start-up time and project initialization have been
                    reduced dramatically by lazy configuration of supported
                    target frameworks.
        <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                <a class="heading">.NET Compact Framework 2.0</a></h5>
            <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                    Compiler options that were introduced in .NET Framework 2.0
                    are now also available when targeting .NET Compact Framework
        <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/al.html">&lt;al&gt;</a></h5>
                    Modules to compile into an assembly can now be specified
                    using the <span class="xmltext">&lt;</span><span class="xmlelement">modules</span><span class="xmltext">&gt;</span> child element.
                <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/csc.html">&lt;csc&gt;</a></h5>
                    Added &quot;delaysign&quot attribute which specified whether
                    to delay sign the assembly using only the public portion of
                    the strong name key.
                <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/exec.html">&lt;exec&gt;</a></h5>
                    The &quot;useruntimeengine&quot; attribute has been deprecated
                    in favor of a &quot;managed&quot; attribute.
                <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/jsc.html">&lt;jsc&gt;</a></h5>
                    Added &quot;autoref&quot attribute to enable automatically
                    referencing of assemblies if they have the same name as an
                    imported namespace or as a type annotation when declaring a
                    Added &quot;nostdlib&quot attribute which instructs the
                    compiler not to import standard library.
                    Added &quot;versionsafe&quot attribute which causes the
                    compiler to generate errors for implicit method overrides.
                    Now uses <code>mjs</code> when targeting Mono.
                <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/vbc.html">&lt;vbc&gt;</a></h5>
                    Added &quot;delaysign&quot attribute which specified whether
                    to delay sign the assembly using only the public portion of
                    the strong name key.
                <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/vjc.html">&lt;vjc&gt;</a></h5>
                    Added &quot;delaysign&quot attribute which specified whether
                    to delay sign the assembly using only the public portion of
                    the strong name key.
        <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                <a class="heading" href="http://www.icsharpcode.net/OpenSource/SharpZipLib/">#ziplib</a></h5>
                    Upgraded to v0.85.1 which, amongst other things, adds support for ZIP64.
        <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                <a class="heading" href="help/types/assemblyfileset.html">&lt;assemblyfileset&gt;</a></h5>
            <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                    The reference assemblies of a given target framework are
                    no longer limited to the assemblies in, what is known as,
                    the framework assembly directory.
                    Instead, these are now defined using one or more <span class="xmltext">&lt;</span><span class="xmlelement">reference-assemblies</span><span class="xmltext">&gt;</span>
                    filesets in the <span class="xmltext">&lt;</span><span class="xmlelement">framework</span><span class="xmltext">&gt;</span>
                    node of the NAnt configuration file.
                <a class="heading" href="help/types/fileset.html">&lt;fileset&gt;</a></h5>
            <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                    Added a &quot;casesensitive&quot; attribute to control whether
                    pattern matching must be case-sensitive.
                    The default is <b>true</b> on Unix and <b>false</b> on on
                    other platforms.
            0.85 (October 14, 2006)</h2>
            Bug fixes</h3>
        <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                <a class="heading">.NET Compact Framework 2.0</a></h5>
                    Embedded resource files cannot be compiled when targeting
                    .NET Compact Framework 2.0 (bug <a href="https://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&amp;aid=1533924&amp;group_id=31650&amp;atid=402868">#1533924</a>).
        <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                <a class="heading" href="help/functions/file.is-assembly(System.String).html">file::is-assembly</a></h5>
                    Function call fails when a file name that does not correspond
                    with an assembly is specified as argument.
        <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/aximp.html">&lt;aximp&gt;</a></h5>
                    The value of the &quot;rcw&quot; attribute should be ignored when
                    targeting .NET 1.0.
                <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/csc.html">&lt;csc&gt;</a></h5>
                    Output is always rebuilt when &quot;keyfile&quot; attribute is set
                    (bug <a href="https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&amp;atid=402868&amp;aid=1550736&amp;group_id=31650">#1550736</a>).
                <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/resgen.html">&lt;regen&gt;</a></h5>
                    Assembly reference are not taken into account to determine
                    if the maximum length of the command line is exceeded
                    (bug <a href="https://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&amp;aid=1415272&amp;group_id=31650&amp;atid=402868">#1415272</a>).
                <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/solution.html">&lt;solution&gt;</a></h5>
                    Runtime callable wrapper is not used when generating Windows
                    Forms control for ActiveX component that has no Primary
                    Interop Assembly.
                    When importing a type library, [out, retval] parameters of
                    methods on dispatch-only interfaces (dispinterfaces) are
                    not transformed into return values (bug <a href="https://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&amp;aid=1527210&amp;group_id=31650&amp;atid=402868">#1527210</a>).
                    Dependencies are not handled properly for Enterprise Template
                    projects in Visual Studio .NET 2003 solutions (bug <a href="https://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&amp;aid=1534864&amp;group_id=31650&amp;atid=402868">#1534864</a>).
                <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/unzip.html">&lt;unzip&gt;</a></h5>
                    Zip file containing zero-length files fails to extract
                    (bug <a href="http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1503678&group_id=31650&atid=402868">#1503678</a>).
        <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/tlbimp.html">&lt;tlbimp&gt;</a></h5>
                    Added &quot;transform&quot; attribute which sets the name
                    of transform to use for transforming the metadata. [.NET 1.1 or higher]
        <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/vbc.html">&lt;vbc&gt;</a></h5>
                    Added &quot;nostdlib&quot; attribute which can be used to
                    instruct the compiler not to reference standard libraries
                    (system.dll and VBC.RSP). [.NET 2.0 or higher]
            0.85-rc 4 (June 2, 2006)</h2>
        <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                    Added support for .NET Framework 2.0 (except for <code><a href="help/tasks/solution.html">&lt;solution&gt;</a></code> task).
        <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/delete.html">&lt;delete&gt;</a></h5>
                    Attempting to delete a file or directory that does not exist,
                    no longer results in a build failure.
            Bug fixes</h3>
        <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                <a class="heading" href="help/fundamentals/listeners.html#XmlLogger">XmlLogger</a></h5>
                    <code><a href="help/fundamentals/listeners.html#XmlLogger">XmlLogger</a></code>
                    produced invalid XML for elements that are not closed
                    (bug <a href="https://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&amp;aid=1220439&amp;group_id=31650&amp;atid=402868">#1220439</a>).
        <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                <a class="heading" href="help/filters/replacetokens.html">&lt;replacetokens&gt;</a></h5>
                    Empty value is not supported for token (bug <a href="https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&amp;atid=402868&amp;aid=1192677&amp;group_id=31650">
        <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/cl.html">&lt;cl&gt;</a></h5>
                    Logic for determining whether compilation is necessary is not correct when PCH
                    file is specified (bug <a href="http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&amp;aid=1191185&amp;group_id=31650&amp;atid=402868">
                    All sources are compiled if any of the specified sources is not up-to-date (bug <a href="http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&amp;aid=1191285&amp;group_id=31650&amp;atid=402868">
                    Macro definitions specified using the <span class="xmltext">&lt;</span><span class="xmlelement">defines</span><span class="xmltext">&gt;</span> collection
                    are passed to the compiler, regardless of the value of the &quot;if&quot; and
                    &quot;unless&quot; attributes (bug <a href="http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&amp;aid=1221945&amp;group_id=31650&amp;atid=402868">
        <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/rc.html">&lt;rc&gt;</a></h5>
                    Modification of an external file does not trigger a rebuilt of the resource
                    (bug <a href="https://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&amp;aid=1195320&amp;group_id=31650&amp;atid=402868">
                    Macro definitions specified using the <span class="xmltext">&lt;</span><span class="xmlelement">defines</span><span class="xmltext">&gt;</span> collection
                    are passed to the compiler, regardless of the value of the &quot;if&quot; and
                    &quot;unless&quot; attributes (bug <a href="http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&amp;aid=1221945&amp;group_id=31650&amp;atid=402868">
        <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/script.html">&lt;script&gt;</a></h5>
                    Defining custom extensions (eg. tasks) using multiple <a href="help/tasks/script.html">
                        <code>&lt;script&gt;</code></a> instances results in an INTERNAL ERROR (bug <a href="http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&amp;aid=1187957&amp;group_id=31650&amp;atid=402868">
        <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/solution.html">&lt;solution&gt;</a></h5>
                    Compilation of embedded resources is slow.
                    Assembly signing fails for web projects.
                    Build fails if XML Documentation File does not exist (bug <a href="http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&amp;aid=1188394&amp;group_id=31650&amp;atid=402868">
                    Satellite assemblies of reference projects are not copied to the output
                    directory of referencing projects (bug <a href="http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&amp;aid=1212909&amp;group_id=31650&amp;atid=402868">
                    Changes in project file are not detected (bug <a href="http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&amp;aid=1209741&amp;group_id=31650&amp;atid=402868">
                    Error message that is output when a project does not exist, is misleading
                    (bug <a href="https://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&amp;aid=1396124&amp;group_id=31650&amp;atid=402868">#1396124</a>).
                    Large number of localized resources causes build failure
                    (bug <a href="https://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&amp;aid=1425251&amp;group_id=31650&amp;atid=402868">#1425251</a>).
                    Registering a project for COM interop fails for projects which reference other local assembly or projects
                    (bug <a href="https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&amp;atid=402868&amp;aid=1477827&amp;group_id=31650">#1477827</a>).
                    Unused assembly reference that cannot be resolved or does not exist results in
                    build failure (bug <a href="http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&amp;aid=1186176&amp;group_id=31650&amp;atid=402868">
                    Visual C++
                    <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                                File-level option to enable Managed Extensions is ignored (bug <a href="https://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&amp;aid=1190966&amp;group_id=31650&amp;atid=402868">
                                Linking fails if object file name is explictly set for a specific source file
                                (bug <a href="http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&amp;aid=1205728&amp;group_id=31650&amp;atid=402868">
                                Delay loaded DLLs option is ignored.
                                Output files of dependent or referenced projects are not included when linking
                                (bug <a href="http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&amp;aid=1186838&amp;group_id=31650&amp;atid=402868">
                                    #1186838</a> and <a href="http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&amp;aid=1124296&amp;group_id=31650&amp;atid=402868">
                                References to COM components are now supported (bug <a href="https://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&amp;aid=1437970&amp;group_id=31650&amp;atid=402868">#1437970</a>).
        <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/regasm.html">&lt;regasm&gt;</a></h5>
                    Registers an assembly, or set of assemblies for use from COM clients.
        <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                <a class="heading" href="http://logging.apache.org/log4net/">log4net</a></h5>
                    Upgraded to log4net 1.2.9.
                <a class="heading" href="help/fundamentals/listeners.html#MailLogger">MailLogger</a></h5>
                    Added &quot;MailLogger.success.attachments&quot; and
                    &quot;MailLogger.failure.attachments&quot; properties to allow a set of files
                    to be attached to the message that is sent.
            <h5>Define types in task containers.</h5>
            <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                    Global types can now be (re)defined in task containers
                    (such a <code><a href="help/tasks/if.html">&lt;if&gt;</a></code> ,
                    <code><a href="help/tasks/foreach.html">&lt;foreach&gt;</a></code>).
                <p>For example:</p>
                <pre class="code">
    <span class="xmltext">&lt;</span><span class="xmlelement">project</span> <span class="xmlattribute">name</span><span class="xmltext">="container-type"</span> <span class="xmlattribute">default</span><span class="xmltext">="build"&gt;</span>
        <span class="xmltext">&lt;</span><span class="xmlelement">if</span> <span class="xmlattribute">test</span><span class="xmltext">="${platform::is-win32()}"&gt;</span>
            <span class="xmltext">&lt;</span><span class="xmlelement">fileset</span> <span class="xmlattribute">id</span><span class="xmltext">="sources"&gt;</span>
                <span class="xmltext">&lt;</span><span class="xmlelement">include</span> <span class="xmlattribute">name</span><span class="xmltext">="**/*.cs" /&gt;</span>
                <span class="xmlcomment">&lt;!-- exclude Unix-specific classes --&gt;</span>
                <span class="xmltext">&lt;</span><span class="xmlelement">exclude</span> <span class="xmlattribute">name</span><span class="xmltext">="**/Unix/*.cs" /&gt;</span>
            <span class="xmltext">&lt;/</span><span class="xmlelement">fileset</span><span class="xmltext">&gt;</span>
        <span class="xmltext">&lt;/</span><span class="xmlelement">if</span><span class="xmltext">&gt;</span>
        <span class="xmltext">&lt;</span><span class="xmlelement">if</span> <span class="xmlattribute">test</span><span class="xmltext">="${platform::is-unix()}"&gt;</span>
            <span class="xmltext">&lt;</span><span class="xmlelement">fileset</span> <span class="xmlattribute">id</span><span class="xmltext">="sources"&gt;</span>
                <span class="xmltext">&lt;</span><span class="xmlelement">include</span> <span class="xmlattribute">name</span><span class="xmltext">="**/*.cs" /&gt;</span>
                <span class="xmlcomment">&lt;!-- exclude Win32-specific classes --&gt;</span>
                <span class="xmltext">&lt;</span><span class="xmlelement">exclude</span> <span class="xmlattribute">name</span><span class="xmltext">="**/Win32/*.cs" /&gt;</span>
            <span class="xmltext">&lt;/</span><span class="xmlelement">fileset</span><span class="xmltext">&gt;</span>
        <span class="xmltext">&lt;/</span><span class="xmlelement">if</span><span class="xmltext">&gt;</span>
        <span class="xmltext">&lt;</span><span class="xmlelement">target</span> <span class="xmlattribute">name</span><span class="xmltext">="build"&gt;</span>
            <span class="xmltext">&lt;</span><span class="xmlelement">csc</span> <span class="xmlattribute">output</span><span class="xmltext">="IvsController.dll"&gt;</span>
                <span class="xmltext">&lt;</span><span class="xmlelement">sources</span> <span class="xmlattribute">refid</span><span class="xmltext">="sources" /&gt;</span>
                <span class="xmltext">&lt;</span><span class="xmlelement">references</span><span class="xmltext">&gt;</span>
                    <span class="xmltext">&lt;</span><span class="xmlelement">include</span> <span class="xmlattribute">name</span><span class="xmltext">="System.dll" /&gt;</span>
                    <span class="xmltext">&lt;</span><span class="xmlelement">include</span> <span class="xmlattribute">name</span><span class="xmltext">="System.Data.dll" /&gt;</span>
                    <span class="xmltext">&lt;</span><span class="xmlelement">include</span> <span class="xmlattribute">name</span><span class="xmltext">="System.Xml.dll" /&gt;</span>
                <span class="xmltext">&lt;/</span><span class="xmlelement">references</span><span class="xmltext">&gt;</span>
            <span class="xmltext">&lt;/</span><span class="xmlelement">csc</span><span class="xmltext">&gt;</span>
        <span class="xmltext">&lt;/</span><span class="xmlelement">target</span><span class="xmltext">&gt;</span>
    <span class="xmltext">&lt;/</span><span class="xmlelement">project</span><span class="xmltext">&gt;</span>
                <p>Up until now, only tasks could be executed in these containers.</p>
        <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/csc.html">&lt;csc&gt;</a></h5>
                    The <code>/langversion</code> and <code>/platform</code>
                    commandline options of the C# compiler are now exposed as
                    Added support for <code>/keycontainer</code> and <code>/keyfile</code>
                    commandline options [Mono / .NET 2.0 or higher].
        <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/jsc.html">&lt;jsc&gt;</a></h5>
                    The <code>/platform</code> commandline option of the JScript.NET
                    compiler is now exposed using the "platform" attribute.
        <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/link.html">&lt;link&gt;</a></h5>
                    Introduced support for delay loaded DLLs.
        <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/nunit2.html">&lt;nunit2&gt;</a></h5>
                    Upgraded to NUnit 2.2.8.
        <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/unzip.html">&lt;unzip&gt;</a></h5>
                    The character encoding that has been used for file names
                    inside the zip file can now be set using the &quot;encoding&quot;
        <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/vbc.html">&lt;vbc&gt;</a></h5>
                    The <code>/platform</code> commandline option of the VB.NET
                    compiler is now exposed using the "platform" attribute. [.NET 2.0 or higher]
                    Added support for <code>/keycontainer</code> and <code>/keyfile</code>
                    commandline options. [.NET 2.0 or higher]
        <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/vjc.html">&lt;vjc&gt;</a></h5>
                    Added support for <code>/keycontainer</code> and <code>/keyfile</code>
                    commandline options.
        <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/zip.html">&lt;zip&gt;</a></h5>
                    Added &quot;duplicate&quot; parameter to allow build authors
                    to control how duplicate file entries are to be processed.
                    Introduced &quot;encoding&quot; parameter for setting the
                    encoding to be used for file names.
        <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                <a class="heading" href="help/elements/NAnt.Core.Types.Argument.html">&lt;arg&gt;</a></h5>
                    Added &quot;dir&quot; attribute for directory-based command-line arguments.
                    (feature request <a href="http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&amp;aid=1193982&amp;group_id=31650&amp;atid=402871">
            0.85-rc 3 (April 16, 2005)</h2>
        <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/nant.html">&lt;nant&gt;</a></h5>
                    References are no longer copied to the new projects by default. This is now
                    controlled using the &quot;inheritrefs&quot; attribute.
            Bug fixes</h3>
        <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
            <h5>XML Schema</h5>
                    &quot;if&quot; and &quot;unless&quot; attributes of &lt;target&gt; element are
                    not documented (bug <a href="https://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&amp;aid=1168170&amp;group_id=31650&amp;atid=402868">
        <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/copy.html">&lt;copy&gt;</a> / <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/move.html">
                    If &quot;flatten&quot; is set to <b>true</b> and multiple source files are
                    selected to be copied / moved to the same destination file, only the source
                    file that was last written to should actually be copied / moved (bug <a href="http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&amp;aid=1165252&amp;group_id=31650&amp;atid=402868">
        <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/link.html">&lt;link&gt;</a></h5>
                    Additional include directory containing spaces leads to build failures (bug <a href="http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&amp;aid=1117794&amp;group_id=31650&amp;atid=402868">
                        #1117794</a>). This bug also affects the <code><a href="help/tasks/solution.html">&lt;solution&gt;</a></code>
        <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/nant.html">&lt;nant&gt;</a></h5>
                    Default value of &quot;inheritall&quot; attribute does not match documentation
                    (bug <a href="https://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&amp;aid=1146121&amp;group_id=31650&amp;atid=402868">
                    Documentation does not describe behavior of <code><a href="help/tasks/nant.html">&lt;nant&gt;</a></code>
                    task for references (bug <a href="https://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&amp;aid=1146176&amp;group_id=31650&amp;atid=402868">
        <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/ndoc.html">&lt;ndoc&gt;</a></h5>
                    When executing the <code><a href="help/tasks/ndoc.html">&lt;ndoc&gt;</a></code>
                    task multiple times, the properties are not expanded again after the first
                    execution (bug <a href="http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&amp;aid=1124113&amp;group_id=31650&amp;atid=402868">
                    Additional directories specified (using the &lt;referencepaths&gt; element) to
                    search for assembly references were not correctly consumed.
        <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/resgen.html">&lt;resgen&gt;</a></h5>
                    The &quot;dynamicprefix&quot; attribute is not honored when determining the
                    name of the compiled resource file (bug <a href="http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&amp;aid=1150186&amp;group_id=31650&amp;atid=402868">
        <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/script.html">&lt;script&gt;</a></h5>
                    Now supports any CodeDom provider, not just the built in languages (C#, VB,
                    Allow lower case values ( c# and vb ) for the Language attribute.
        <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/servicecontroller.html">&lt;servicecontroller&gt;</a></h5>
                    Resources are leaked (bug <a href="https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&amp;atid=402868&amp;aid=1163461&amp;group_id=31650">
        <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/call.html">&lt;call&gt;</a>
                    Added a &quot;cascade&quot; attribute to allow calling a single task without
                    cascading all the dependencies. (bug <a href="http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&amp;aid=1077323&amp;group_id=31650&amp;atid=402868">
                        #1077323 </a>).
        <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/solution.html">&lt;solution&gt;</a></h5>
                    A relative path specified in the <a href="http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/cpref/html/frlrfSystemReflectionAssemblyKeyFileAttributeClassTopic.asp">
                        AssemblyKeyFile</a> attribute must be resolved using either the solution
                    directory or the intermediate output directory.
                    Configurations containing dashes are skipped (bug <a href="https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&amp;atid=402868&amp;aid=1184173&amp;group_id=31650">
                    Check for existance of specified solution file is performed even if task is not
                    to be executed (bug <a href="http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&amp;aid=1178810&amp;group_id=31650&amp;atid=402868">
                    Project configurations with names that do not match the solution configuration
                    are skipped (bug <a href="http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&amp;aid=947214&amp;group_id=31650&amp;atid=402868">
                    Projects are not always properly excluded (bug <a href="https://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&amp;aid=1143845&amp;group_id=31650&amp;atid=402868">
                        #1143845</a> and <a href="https://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&amp;aid=1182510&amp;group_id=31650&amp;atid=402868">
                    Stack overflow in case of circular project references (bug <a href="http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&amp;aid=1145670&amp;group_id=31650&amp;atid=402868">
                    BaseAddress not correctly passed to compilers (bug <a href="http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&amp;aid=1164709&amp;group_id=31650&amp;atid=402868">
                    Project dependencies that are no longer included in the solution file result in
                    a circular dependency error.
                    <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                                Referencing the same assembly multiple times results in an ambiguous reference
                                (bug <a href="http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&amp;aid=1178862&amp;group_id=31650&amp;atid=402868">
                    Visual C++
                    <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                                Changes to source files or headers do not trigger a recompile (bug <a href="https://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&amp;aid=1155919&amp;group_id=31650&amp;atid=402868">
                                Additional dependencies and library directory are ignored for static libraries
                                (bug <a href="http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&amp;aid=1173529&amp;group_id=31650&amp;atid=402868">
                                IDL files without a type library are not supported (bug <a href="https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&amp;atid=402868&amp;aid=1160647&amp;group_id=31650">
                                Target macros are not correctly expanded if output file is not set (bug <a href="http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&amp;aid=1170100&amp;group_id=31650&amp;atid=402868">
                                References to Static Library projects are ignored when linking, and passed to
                                the compiler as Forced Using assemblies.
                                "Inherit project defaults" setting is ignored for Additional Dependencies of
                                Linker (bug <a href="https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&amp;atid=402868&amp;aid=1178007&amp;group_id=31650">
                                Additional project-level include directories are not merged with file-level
                                include directories (bug <a href="https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&amp;atid=402868&amp;aid=1160647&amp;group_id=31650">
                                Projects using precompiled header are always recompiled.
        <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                <a class="heading" href="help/types/link.html">&lt;fileset&gt;</a></h5>
                    Patterns are read from file specified using &lt;includesfile&gt; element
                    regardless of the value of conditional attributes (&quot;if&quot; and
        <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                <a class="heading" href="help/fundamentals/listeners.html#MailLogger">MailLogger</a></h5>
                    Added &quot;MailLogger.body.encoding&quot; property to allow the encoding of
                    the body of the message to be set.
            <h5>Response File</h5>
                    NAnt now supports the use of a response file. Passing @&lt;file&gt; on the
                    command line will cause the contents of &lt;file&gt; to be read as part of the
                    command line. Multiple @&lt;file&gt; arguments may be used.
                <a class="heading" href="help/fundamentals/listeners.html#XmlLogger">XmlLogger</a></h5>
                    Project, target and task timing information is now output in a &lt;duration&gt;
                    element in milliseconds (patch <a href="http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&amp;aid=1122583&amp;group_id=31650&amp;atid=402870">
        <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/csc.html">&lt;csc&gt;</a> / <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/vbc.html">
                    &lt;vbc&gt;</a> / <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/vjc.html">&lt;vjc&gt;</a></h5>
                    Changed &quot;debug&quot; attribute from boolean to <a href="help/enums/NAnt.DotNet.Types.DebugOutput.html">
                        DebugOutput</a> enum to allow more control over the type of debugging
                    information generated by the compiler.
                <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/lib.html">&lt;lib&gt;</a></h5>
                    Add &quot;moduledefinition&quot; attribute.
                <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/midl.html">&lt;midl&gt;</a></h5>
                    &quot;tlb&quot; attribute is no longer required.
            Developer information</h3>
        <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
            <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                    The <a href="sdk/NAnt.Core.Attributes.FileSetAttribute.html">NAnt.Core.Attributes.FileSetAttribute</a>
                    is obsolete. Task developers should use the <a href="sdk/NAnt.Core.Attributes.BuildElementAttribute.html">
                        NAnt.Core.Attributes.BuildElementAttribute</a> instead:
                <p>For example:</p>
                <pre class="code">
    [<span style="text-decoration: line-through; color: red;">FileSet</span><span style="color: blue; font-weight: bold;">BuildElement</span>("fileset")]
    public FileSet CopyFileSet {
        get { return _fileset; }
        set { _fileset = value; }
            0.85-rc 2 (February 12, 2005)</h2>
            General changes</h3>
        <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                Building NAnt</h5>
                    The source distribution of NAnt no longer contains pre-built binaries to build
                    a full version of NAnt. Instead, we now include GNU Make and NMake make files
                    to build a bootstrap version of NAnt, which is then used to build the full
                    version of NAnt. More information is available <a href="help/introduction/installation.html">
                    The special exception that is part of the NAnt license has been modified to
                    avoid confusion.
            Bug fixes</h3>
        <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                XML Schema</h5>
                    NAnt XML Schema definition for collection based elements was incorrect (bug <a href="http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&amp;aid=1076620&amp;group_id=31650&amp;atid=402868">
        <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                <a class="heading" href="help/functions/target.get-current-target().html">target::get-current-target()</a></h5>
                    Current target is incorrect after execution of target using <code><a href="help/tasks/call.html">
                            &lt;call&gt;</a></code> task (bug <a href="http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&amp;aid=1090260&amp;group_id=31650&amp;atid=402868">
        <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/cl.html">&lt;cl&gt;</a></h5>
                    <code><a href="help/tasks/cl.html">&lt;cl&gt;</a></code> does not recompile
                    although headers have been updated (bug <a href="http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&amp;aid=1079377&amp;group_id=31650&amp;atid=402868">
                <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/mail.html">&lt;mail&gt;</a></h5>
                    Names containing comma's are not supported (bug <a href="http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&amp;aid=961627&amp;group_id=31650&amp;atid=402868">
                <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/midl.html">&lt;midl&gt;</a></h5>
                    <code><a href="help/tasks/midl.html">&lt;midl&gt;</a></code> fails on second
                    run if "header" or "iid" attributes are not specified (bug <a href="http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&amp;aid=1078558&amp;group_id=31650&amp;atid=402868">
                <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/solution.html">&lt;solution&gt;</a></h5>
                    Manifest resource names of resources in J# projects do not match those
                    generated by Microsoft Visual Studio.NET.
                    For embedded resources that are dependent on a source file, namespace prefixing
                    is wrong when a namespace declaration is not present in the source file (bug <a href="http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&amp;aid=1077253&amp;group_id=31650&amp;atid=402868">
                    Users should be warned about possible issues with resx files when building a
                    project for a down-level target framework (bug <a href="http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&amp;aid=1077254&amp;group_id=31650&amp;atid=402868">
                    "App.config" should not be considered an output file for Class Library
                    Win32 resources in Visual C++ projects are not compiled (bug <a href="http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&amp;aid=1077712&amp;group_id=31650&amp;atid=402868">
                    Improve error reporting when a referenced component cannot be resolved (bug <a href="http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&amp;aid=1079777&amp;group_id=31650&amp;atid=402868">
                    MFC and ATL shared linking is not supported for Visual C++ projects (bug <a href="http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&amp;aid=1078636&amp;group_id=31650&amp;atid=402868">
                    <code><a href="help/tasks/solution.html">&lt;solution&gt;</a></code> task
                    doesn't support COM, OCX apps built in Visual C++ (bug <a href="http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&amp;aid=1078641&amp;group_id=31650&amp;atid=402868">
                    Support for some compile and link arguments is missing (bug <a href="http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&amp;aid=1080237&amp;group_id=31650&amp;atid=402868">
                    Project dependencies are not re-evaluated when assembly reference is converted
                    to project reference (bug <a href="http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&amp;aid=1076015&amp;group_id=31650&amp;atid=402868">
                    Resolution of assembly references does not match Visual Studio .NET (bug <a href="http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&amp;aid=1077869&amp;group_id=31650&amp;atid=402868">
                <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/style.html">&lt;style&gt;</a></h5>
                    Relative URI specified as argument for <code>document()</code> function is not
                    considered to be relative to the base URI of stylesheet containing the function
                    call (bug <a href="http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&amp;aid=1078896&amp;group_id=31650&amp;atid=402868">
                <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/sysinfo.html">&lt;sysinfo&gt;</a></h5>
                    Document behavior when environment variable is defined with a name that is not
                    a valid property name (bug <a href="http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&amp;aid=1082225&amp;group_id=31650&amp;atid=402868">
        <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/gunzip.html">&lt;gunzip&gt;</a></h5>
                    Expands a file packed using GZip compression.
                <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/setenv.html">&lt;setenv&gt;</a></h5>
                    Sets environment variables.
        <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                <a class="heading" href="help/types/categories.html">&lt;categories&gt;</a></h5>
                    Controls the categories of tests to execute using the <code><a href="help/tasks/nunit2.html">
                            &lt;nunit2&gt;</a></code> task.
        <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                <a class="heading">Data Type support</a></h5>
                    Added support for "long" data type for both relational and mathematical
        <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/al.html">&lt;al&gt;</a></h5>
                    Added numerous attributes. Eg. "version", "evidence", ... .
                <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/cl.html">&lt;cl&gt;</a></h5>
                    Added "pchthroughfile" and "pchmode" attributes to allow more control over
                    precompiled header files.
                    Added "objectfile" and "pdbfile" attributes.
                <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/csc.html">&lt;csc&gt;</a></h5>
                    Added "baseaddress" and "filealign" attributes.
                <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/lc.html">&lt;lc&gt;</a></h5>
                    Deprecated "licensetarget" attribute in favor of "target" attribute.
                <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/exec.html">&lt;exec&gt;</a></h5>
                    Deprecated nested &lt;option&gt; element in favor of &lt;variable&gt; element
                    for setting environment variables for the spawned process.
                <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/link.html">&lt;link&gt;</a></h5>
                    Added "debug" and "pdbfile" attributes.
                    Added &lt;modules&gt; child element to link modules in the assembly.
                    Added &lt;embeddedresources&gt; child element to embed resources in the
                <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/mail.html">&lt;mail&gt;</a></h5>
                    &quot;tolist&quot; is no longer a required attribute.
                    The &quot;tolist&quot;, &quot;cclist&quot; and &quot;bcclist&quot; attributes
                    are now semicolon-separated lists. The comma is no longer considered a
                    separator character.
                <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/ndoc.html">&lt;ndoc&gt;</a></h5>
                    Upgraded to NDoc 1.3.1 Release.
                <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/nunit2.html">&lt;nunit2&gt;</a></h5>
                    Added support including or excluding specific categories of test cases or
                <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/resgen.html">&lt;resgen&gt;</a></h5>
                    Added "usesourcepath" attribute to allow the source file's directory to be used
                    as current directory for resolving relative file paths. [.NET 2.0 or higher]
                    Improved dependency scanning for resx files.
                <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/solution.html">&lt;solution&gt;</a></h5>
                    Improved support for precompiled header files.
                    Added support for project-level build events.
                <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/style.html">&lt;style&gt;</a></h5>
                    Added support for extension objects.
        <div style="margin-left: 20px;">
                <a class="heading" href="help/elements/NAnt.Core.Types.NamespaceImport.html">&lt;import&gt;</a></h5>
                    The "name" attribute of the <code><a href="help/elements/NAnt.Core.Types.NamespaceImport.html">
                            &lt;import&gt;</a></code> element has been deprecated, and replaced by
                    a "namespace" attribute. This change affects the following tasks: <code><a href="help/tasks/asminfo.html">
                            &lt;asminfo&gt;</a></code>, <code><a href="help/tasks/script.html">&lt;script&gt;</a></code>
                    and <code><a href="help/tasks/vbc.html">&lt;vbc&gt;</a></code>.
            0.85-rc 1 (November 28, 2004)</h2>
                NAnt 0.85 adds support for the following frameworks (both as runtime and as
                target framework):
                        Mono (both 1.0 and 2.0 profile)
                        .NET 2.0 Beta 1
                By default, NAnt will now target the framework on which its running. For
                example, if NAnt is running on .NET 2.0, the assemblies built using the <code><a href="help/tasks/csc.html">
                        &lt;csc&gt;</a></code> task will target .NET 2.0. Previous versions of
                NAnt would target .NET 1.0 by default.</li>
                Information on how to override the target framework, can be found <a href="http://nant.sourceforge.net/faq.html#change-targetframework">
                In previous version of NAnt, the <code><a href="help/types/arg.html">&lt;arg&gt;</a></code>
                element (used by, for example, the <code><a href="help/tasks/exec.html">&lt;exec&gt;</a></code>
                task) would automatically add quotes for both "file" and "value" attributes in
                the command line generated by the task. That automatic quoting has been removed
                for "value" attributes (but not for "file" attributes). This change may break
                build files that assume that both arguments specified using the "file" and
                "value" attributes will automatically be quoted.</li>
                Overwriting of read-only properties in tasks other than the <a href="help/tasks/property.html">
                    &lt;property&gt;</a> task will now result in a build failure. Previous
                versions of NAnt would silently ignore an update of a read-only property.</li>
                The <code><a href="help/tasks/nunit2.html">&lt;nunit2&gt;</a></code> task been
                updated to support <a href="http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=10749&amp;package_id=89482&amp;release_id=259085">
                    NUnit 2.2</a>. Assemblies built using previous versions of NUnit should
                either be rebuilt using <a href="http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=10749&amp;package_id=89482&amp;release_id=259085">
                    NUnit 2.2</a> or a <a href="http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/cpguide/html/cpconAssemblyVersionRedirection.asp">
                    binding redirect</a> should be configured in the application configuration
                file of the test assembly.
                Improved error reporting when invalid values are specified for attibutes
                representing files or directories.</li>
                This release of NAnt introduces support for expressions. More information is
                available <a href="help/fundamentals/expressions.html">here</a>.</li>
                <a href="help/types/filterchain.html">FilterChain</a> support has been
                introduced to NAnt.</li>
                Enums that are used in tasks or types now have their own doc pages.</li>
                The default logger will now also output the number non-fatal errors and
                Output of the <code><a href="help/fundamentals/listeners.html#XmlLogger">XmlLogger</a></code>
                is now buffered until build has finished, and <code><a href="help/fundamentals/listeners.html#XmlLogger">
                        XmlLogger</a></code> can now also be used as a listener.</li>
                Added support for <a href="help/fundamentals/targets.html#wild-targets">wild
                Lots of built-in properties have been deprecated, and replaced by functions.
                More information is available <a href="help/fundamentals/properties.html">here</a>.</li>
                NAnt will now report unknown attributes and child elements when initializing
                build elements.
            Commandline changes</h3>
                Added "-e[macs]" option, which can be used to produce logging information
                without adornments.</li>
                Added "-ext[ension]" option to allow loading of external assemblies. As a
                result, third party loggers or listeners no longer have to reside in the NAnt
                bin directory or the GAC in order to be used by NAnt.</li>
                Deprecated -[defaultframewor]k option in favor of -t[argetframework].
            New Tasks</h3>
            <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/aximp.html">&lt;aximp&gt;</a></h4>
                Generates a Windows Forms Control that wraps ActiveX Controls defined in an
            <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/cvs-pass.html">&lt;cvs-pass&gt;</a></h4>
                Creates or updates an entry in the specified .cvspass file. This should be used
                instead of the password attribute.
            <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/cvs-changelog.html">&lt;cvs-changelog&gt;</a></h4>
                Produces an XML report that represents the cvs changes from the given start
                day, to a given end date.
            <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/cvs-export.html">&lt;cvs-export&gt;</a></h4>
                Exports a cvs module in preperation for a release.
            <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/cvs-tag.html">&lt;cvs-tag&gt;</a></h4>
                Tags all local sources with the specified tag.
            <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/ilasm.html">&lt;ilasm&gt;</a></h4>
                Compiles ILASM programs.
            <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/ildasm.html">&lt;ildasm&gt;</a></h4>
                Disassembles any portable executable (PE) file that contains intermediate
                language (IL) code.
            <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/loadfile.html">&lt;loadfile&gt;</a></h4>
                Loads a text file into a property.
            <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/tar.html">&lt;tar&gt;</a></h4>
                Creates a tar file from the specified filesets.
            Task changes</h3>
            <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/asminfo.html">&lt;asminfo&gt;</a></h4>
                Use hash implementation to check whether AssemblyInfo needs to be rebuilt.
            <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/attrib.html">&lt;attrib&gt;</a></h4>
                Support setting attributes on directories.
            <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/available.html">&lt;available&gt;</a></h4>
                Deprecated in favor of expression support.
            <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/cl.html">&lt;cl&gt;</a></h4>
                Added support for passing character set to compiler.
            <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/csc.html">&lt;csc&gt;</a></h4>
                Added "rebuild" attribute, which instructs NAnt to recompile the output file
                regardless of the file timestamps.</li>
                "nowarn" attribute has been deprecated in favor of the <code><a href="help/tasks/csc.html#nowarn">
                        &lt;nowarn&gt;</a></code> child element.</li>
                Added support for suppressing/reporting specific warnings as errors using the <code>
                    <a href="help/tasks/csc.html#warnaserror">&lt;warnaserror&gt;</a></code> child
                element. [.NET 2.0 or higher]</li>
                Added support for package references. [Mono]</li>
                <code><a href="help/tasks/csc.html#lib">&lt;lib&gt;</a></code> element is
                obsolete, in favor of <code><a href="help/types/assemblyfileset.html#lib">&lt;lib&gt;</a></code>
                child element on <code><a href="help/tasks/csc.html#references">&lt;references&gt;</a></code>
                and <code><a href="help/tasks/csc.html#modules">&lt;modules&gt;</a></code> element.</li>
                Added support for /baseaddress compiler option.
            <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/copy.html">&lt;copy&gt;</a></h4>
                Added support for <a href="help/types/filterchain.html">filterchains</a>.
                Several bugs have been fixed in the <code>&lt;cvs&gt;</code> tasks.</li>
                Documentation updates.</li>
                Added "passfile" attribute.
            <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/exec.html">&lt;exec&gt;</a></h4>
                Fixed internal error when "program" attribute was assigned invalid file name.
                Added &quot;resultproperty&quot; attribute, which can be set to a
                name of a property in which the exit code of the program can be stored.
                The <a href="help/elements/NAnt.Core.Types.Argument.html">&lt;arg&gt;</a> element
                now supports line and PATH-like command-line arguments.
            <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/get.html">&lt;get&gt;</a></h4>
                Added support for client certificates (for HTTP requests) by means of the <code><a href="help/tasks/get.html#certificates">
                        &lt;certificates&gt;</a></code> elements.
            <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/jsc.html">&lt;jsc&gt;</a></h4>
                Added support for package references. [Mono]</li>
                Added "rebuild" attribute, which instructs NAnt to recompile the output file
                regardless of the file timestamps.
            <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/license.html">&lt;license&gt;</a></h4>
                Uses the <code>lc.exe</code> commandline tool to compile license files whenever
            <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/link.html">&lt;link&gt;</a></h4>
                Allow <code><a href="help/types/fileset.html">&lt;fileset&gt;</a></code> reference
                to be set for the <code><a href="help/tasks/link.html#sources">&lt;sources&gt;</a></code>
            <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/move.html">&lt;move&gt;</a></h4>
                Added support for <a href="help/types/filterchain.html">filterchains</a>.
            <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/nant.html">&lt;nant&gt;</a></h4>
                Added <code><a href="help/types/fileset.html">&lt;fileset&gt;</a></code> support
                for specifiying build files to execute.
            <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/ndoc.html">&lt;ndoc&gt;</a></h4>
                Upgraded to NDoc 1.3 Release Candidate 1.</li>
                Added support for reference paths.
            <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/nunit2.html">&lt;nunit&gt;</a></h4>
                The <code><a href="help/tasks/nunit2.html">&lt;nunit&gt;</a></code> task has
                been deprecated, and will be moved to <a href="http://nantcontrib.sourceforge.net">NAntContrib</a>
                in a future release. NUnit 1.0 test assemblies will remain supported through
                NAntContrib, but we strongly advise you to upgrade to NUnit 2.x.
            <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/nunit2.html">&lt;nunit2&gt;</a></h4>
                Upgraded to support <a href="http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=10749&amp;package_id=89482&amp;release_id=259085">
                    NUnit 2.2</a>.</li>
                If no explicit application configuration file is specified, a configuration
                file matching the name of the test assembly with extension ".config" will be
                used for the test domain.</li>
                Minor bug fixes.
            <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/regex.html">&lt;regex&gt;</a></h4>
                Added "options" attribute that takes a comma-separated list of options to pass
                to the regex engine.
            <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/resgen.html">&lt;resgen&gt;</a></h4>
                Added support for assembly references, in order to be abel to compile .resx
                file that reference assemblies that are not located in the GAC.
            <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/script.html">&lt;script&gt;</a></h4>
                Simplified definition of custom functions with the <code><a href="help/tasks/script.html">
                        &lt;script&gt;</a></code> task.</li>
                Added support for Visual J# (where available), and third party CodeDOM
                <code><a href="help/tasks/script.html">&lt;script&gt;</a></code> task is now
                supported on <a href="http://www.mono-project.com/">Mono</a>.</li>
                Assemblies emitted by the <code><a href="help/tasks/script.html">&lt;script&gt;</a></code>
                task will now also be scanned for functions and filters.
            <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/solution.html">&lt;solution&gt;</a></h4>
                Added support for Visual J# projects.</li>
                WebMaps are now case-insensitive (and added attribute to enable
                Added "enablewebdav" attribute to allow WebDAV access for web projects.</li>
                Added a few unit tests to reduce the likelyhood of regressions.</li>
                Fixed some minor issues with regards to Visual C++ support.</li>
                General performance has been improved, except for project with loads of
                Added support for exclusion of source files for Visual C++ projects.</li>
                No longer stop loading projects, when the first excluded project is encountered
                (bug #982685).</li>
                No longer automatically use Primary Interop Assemblies for references to type
                libraries, but output warning instead.</li>
                Added support for satellite assemblies.</li>
                Respect project build order set in VS.NET.</li>
                VB.NET specific settings are now processed.</li>
                Improved support for precompiled headers, better grouping of files that should
                be compiled in one go.</li>
                Added support for empty projects.</li>
                No longer attempt to build ignored projects.</li>
                Match behaviour of VS.NET when resolving assembly references.</li>
                Fixed lookup of type libraries in the registry.</li>
                Expansion of macros is now case-insensitive.</li>
                Zero-byte resx files are now skipped to match VS.NET.</li>
                Introduced support for nmake projects.</li>
                Added support for web projects nested in Enterprise Template Projects.</li>
                Compiled resource file are now stored in the <code>obj\&lt;configuration&gt;</code>
                directory relative to project directory. The compiled resource files will not
                be removed when the task finishes, by doing this resource files will now only
                be recompiled if the compiled resource file in the object directory is no
                longer up-to-date. This matches the behaviour of VS.NET.</li>
                Added support for deploying App.config to output directory.
            <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/sysinfo.html">&lt;sysinfo&gt;</a></h4>
                If "failonerror" is <b>false</b>, the <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/sysinfo.html">
                    &lt;sysinfo&gt;</a> task will output a warning message in the build log
                when a certain environment variable cannot be exposed as a property (because
                of, for example, more strict naming rules for properties) and continue
                processing other environment variables. In previous versions of NAnt, execution
                of the <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/sysinfo.html">&lt;sysinfo&gt;</a> task
                would halt on the first error.</li>
            <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/vbc.html">&lt;vbc&gt;</a></h4>
                Added support for suppressing specific warnings using the <code><a href="help/tasks/vbc.html#nowarn">
                        &lt;nowarn&gt;</a></code> child element. [.NET 2.0 or higher]</li>
                Added support for suppressing/reporting specific warnings as errors using the <code>
                    <a href="help/tasks/vbc.html#warnaserror">&lt;warnaserror&gt;</a></code> child
                element. [.NET 2.0 or higher]</li>
                Added support for generating XML documentation files, using "doc" attribute.
                [.NET 2.0 or higher]</li>
                Added support for package references. [Mono]</li>
                Added "rebuild" attribute, which instructs NAnt to recompile the output file
                regardless of the file timestamps.</li>
                Added <code><a href="help/tasks/vbc.html#imports">&lt;imports&gt;</a></code> child
                element, and deprecated "imports" attribute.</li>
                <code><a href="help/tasks/vbc.html#lib">&lt;lib&gt;</a></code> element is
                obsolete, in favor of <code><a href="help/types/assemblyfileset.html#lib">&lt;lib&gt;</a></code>
                child element on <code><a href="help/tasks/vbc.html#references">&lt;references&gt;</a></code>
                and <code><a href="help/tasks/vbc.html#modules">&lt;modules&gt;</a></code> element.
            <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/vjc.html">&lt;vjc&gt;</a></h4>
                Added support for suppressing specific warnings using the <code><a href="help/tasks/vjc.html#nowarn">
                        &lt;nowarn&gt;</a></code> child element. [.NET 2.0 or higher]</li>
                <code><a href="help/tasks/vjc.html#lib">&lt;lib&gt;</a></code> element is
                obsolete, in favor of <code><a href="help/types/assemblyfileset.html#lib">&lt;lib&gt;</a></code>
                child element on <code><a href="help/tasks/vjc.html#references">&lt;references&gt;</a></code>
                and <code><a href="help/tasks/vjc.html#modules">&lt;modules&gt;</a></code> element.</li>
                Added "rebuild" attribute, which instructs NAnt to recompile the output file
                regardless of the file timestamps.</li>
                Added support for /baseaddress compiler option.
            <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/xmlpeek.html">&lt;xmlpeek&gt;</a> / <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/xmlpoke.html">
                Added support for XPath expressions with namespace prefixes.
            <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/zip.html">&lt;zip&gt;</a> / <a class="heading" href="help/tasks/unzip.html">
                Added support for multiple filesets.</li>
                A top level directory prefix can be set on individual filesets.</li>
                Upgraded <a href="http://www.icsharpcode.net/OpenSource/SharpZipLib/">#ziplib</a>
                to v0.83.
            New types</h3>
            <a class="heading" href="help/types/assemblyfileset.html">&lt;assemblyfileset&gt;</a></h4>
                Specialized <code><a href="help/types/fileset.html">&lt;fileset&gt;</a></code> for
                managing assembly files.
            <a class="heading" href="help/types/warnaserror.html">&lt;warnaserror&gt;</a></h4>
                Controls the behaviour of a compiler with regards to the reporting of warnings.
            Type changes</h3>
            <a class="heading" href="help/types/fileset.html">&lt;fileset&gt;</a></h4>
                Deprecated <code><a href="help/types/fileset.html#includes">&lt;includes&gt;</a></code>
                and <code><a href="help/types/fileset.html#excludes">&lt;excludes&gt;</a></code>
                elements in favor of <code><a href="help/types/fileset.html#include">&lt;include&gt;</a></code>
                and <code><a href="help/types/fileset.html#exclude">&lt;exclude&gt;</a></code> elements.</li>
                Deprecated <code><a href="help/types/fileset.html#includesList">&lt;includesList&gt;</a></code>
                element in favor of <code><a href="help/types/fileset.html#includesfile">&lt;includesfile&gt;</a></code>.</li>
                Added <code><a href="help/types/fileset.html#excludesfile">&lt;excludesfile&gt;</a></code>
            Developer information</h3>
                The <code>Task.LogPrefix</code> property has been deprecated. Messages that are
                written to build log by a given task, will now automatically get prefixed with
                the task name. This behaviour can be disabled by the new <code>-e[macs]</code> commandline
            0.84 (December 26, 2003)</h2>
            Task changes</h3>
                Fixed issues with logging statements.</li>
                Added unit tests.
                Added unit tests.
            0.84-rc 2 (December 21, 2003)</h2>
                Specifying multiple targets on the command line will no longer cause all
                dependencies of these targets to be executed again.</li>
                The <code><a href="help/fundamentals/listeners.html#XmlLogger">XmlLogger</a></code>
                will now correctly handle null-characters in the build output.</li>
                Fixed issue with resources specified using the <code>&lt;resources&gt;</code> element
                of the compiler tasks.
            Task changes</h3>
                Fixed issues with web-projects.</li>
                Added support for generating strongly signed ActiveX/COM wrapper assemblies.
                <code>filename</code> attribute was renamed to <code>file</code> to improve
                consistency with other tasks.
                <code>filename</code> attribute was renamed to <code>file</code> to improve
                consistency with other tasks.
            0.84-rc 1 (December 6, 2003)</h2>
            Breaking changes</h3>
            Some existing build scripts may stop working now or in the next release due to
            the following changes:</p>
                The NAntContrib binaries are no longer included in the NAnt distribution
                package. The NAntContrib distribution package can now be obtained <a href="http://nantcontrib.sourceforge.net/">
                The <code>&lt;call&gt;</code> task now executes the given target and all its
                dependencies. In previous versions of NAnt only the target itself would be
                The <code>todir</code> attribute of the <code>&lt;copy&gt;</code> and <code>&lt;move&gt;</code>
                tasks no longer defaults to the project base directory. It must now be set
                The <code>force</code> attribute of the <code>&lt;call&gt;</code> task has been
                deprecated and has no longer any effect. The <code>&lt;call&gt;</code> task
                will now always execute the specified target, regardless of the fact that this
                target has already been executed before.</li>
                The string-based <code>files</code> and <code>attachments</code> attributes of
                the <code>&lt;mail&gt;</code> task have been replaced by fileset support.</li>
                In previous versions of NAnt, the documentation stated that a target identified
                by the <code>nant.onfailure</code> property would be executed when the build
                fails. However, NAnt actually executed a target identified by the <code>nant.failure</code>
                property (if available). This has now been corrected and the old syntax (<code>nant.failure</code>)
                is now deprecated.</li>
                The <code>&lt;param&gt;</code> element of the <code>&lt;style&gt;</code> task
                has been deprecated in favor of a <code>&lt;parameters&gt;</code> collection
                with nested <code>&lt;parameter&gt;</code> elements. The <code>&lt;parameter&gt;</code>
                element now also supports a <code>namespaceuri</code>, <code>if</code> and <code>unless</code>
                attribute. See the documentation of the <code>&lt;style&gt;</code> task for
                more information.</li>
                In previous versions of NAnt, the <code>Plain</code> formatter was implicitly
                added in the <code>&lt;nunit2&gt;</code> task. In NAnt 0.8.4, the <code>Plain</code>
                formatter will only implicitly be added if no other formatters are specified.
                In this case, a warning message will be output to the build log encouraging
                build authors to explicitly add this formatter for forward compatibility. In
                future versions of NAnt, the <code>Plain</code> formatter will no longer
                implicitly be added.</li>
                The nested <code>&lt;param&gt;</code> child element of the <code>&lt;style&gt;</code>
                task has been deprecated in favor of a nested <code>&lt;parameters&gt;</code> collection.
                The user documentation has been overhauled. Nested elements are more clearly
                documented, documentation has been added for element types such as filesets and
                credentials, and the overall format is slightly cleaner and easier to use.</li>
                Improved bootstrapping NAnt on linux. Now supports Mono 0.28.</li>
                Localization support has been improved in the <code>&lt;csc&gt;</code>, <code>&lt;jsc&gt;</code>,
                <code>&lt;vbc&gt;</code> and <code>&lt;vjc&gt;</code> tasks: when dynamixprefix
                is set to "true" and prefix is set to the root namespace of the assembly for
                the nested <code>&lt;resources&gt;</code> element, the compiler tasks will now
                compile resources with IDs matching these generated by VS.NET. Support for the
                generation of satellite assemblies was also added to these tasks.</li>
                On systems with both the .NET Framework 1.0 and .NET Framework 1.1 installed,
                NAnt will now execute on the .NET Framework 1.1 by default. Note, the default
                target framework has remained unchanged, and is still .NET Framework 1.0.
            New Tasks</h3>
                Moved from <a href="http://nantcontrib.sourceforge.net">NAntContrib</a> to
                NAnt, and was rewritten to support multiple code languages and attribute types.
                Allows a Windows service to be controlled (started, stopped, ...).
                Supports delay-signing of strongly named assemblies.
            &lt;mc&gt;,&lt;rc&gt; and &lt;midl&gt;</h4>
                Moved from <a href="http://nantcontrib.sourceforge.net">NAntContrib</a> to
                NAnt. These tasks control compilation of service messages, resources, and IDL
                code respectively.
                Extracts text from an XML file at the location specified by an XPath
                Replaces text in an XML file at the location specified by an XPath expression.
            Task changes</h3>
                The <code>&lt;call&gt;</code> task now executes the given target and all its
                dependencies. In previous versions of NAnt only the target itself would be
                The <code>force</code> attribute of the <code>&lt;call&gt;</code> task has been
                deprecated and has no longer any effect. The <code>&lt;call&gt;</code> task
                will now always execute the specified target, regardless of the fact that this
                target has already been executed before.
                Added support for Managed Extensions.
                The <code>todir</code> attribute no longer defaults to the project base
                directory. It must now be set explicitly.</li>
                Added&nbsp;<code>flatten</code> attribute to allow all matching files to be
                copied to a single directory.
                Improved localization support.</li>
                Added support for additional search directories to resolve assembly references
                through a nested <code>&lt;lib&gt;</code> element.
                Added option to checkout a revision based on sticky tag, -r on the command line
                Added option to checkout a module to an alternate directory, -d on the command
                line client.</li>
                Fixed bug in parsing cvsnt date format.
                Fixed bug in parsing cvsnt date format.
                Added <code>level</code> attribute to allow messages to be output with a
                specific level.
                Allow reason of failure to be specified as inline content.
                The <code>httpproxy</code> attribute of the <code>&lt;get&gt;</code> task is
                deprecated, use the new <code>&lt;proxy&gt;</code> child element instead.</li>
                Added <code>&lt;credentials&gt;</code> child element used for authenticating
                the request with the Internet resource.</li>
                Deprecated the <code>ignoreerrors</code> attribute in favor of the <code>failonerror</code>
                Added <code>timeout</code> attribute to allow length of time to wait for a
                response or the request to timeout to be specified.
                Added <code>&lt;uptodatefiles</code> child element for uptodate fileset
                <code>&lt;if uptodatefile="..."&gt;</code> now behaves as documented, meaning
                that nested tasks will only be executed if the file specifies in the
                uptodatefile attribute actually exists and the file specified in the <code>uptodatefile</code>
                attribute is more recent or the same lastwritetime than the file(s) specifies
                in the <code>comparefile</code> attribute and <code>&lt;comparefiles&gt;</code>
                A verbose message will now be output to the build log when a file is included
                multiple times. In previous versions of NAnt, this would cause a build failure.
                Improved localization support.</li>
                Added support for additional search directories to resolve assembly references
                through a nested <code>&lt;lib&gt;</code> element.
                The string-based <code>files</code> and <code>attachments</code> attributes
                have been replaced by fileset support.</li>
                The <code>todir</code> attribute no longer defaults to the project base
                directory. It must now be set explicitly.</li>
                Added&nbsp;<code>flatten</code> attribute to allow all&nbsp;matching files to
                be moved to a single directory.
                Properties can now be added or overridden when calling a nested build using the
                new <code>&lt;properties&gt;</code> child element.</li>
                <code>buildfile</code> is now a required attribute, which makes it harder to
                accidently write an infinitely looping build.
                Currently the <code>&lt;nantschema&gt;</code> task does not generate the
                correct XML Schema definition for collections and arrays. This tasks needs to
                be updated. Please use with caution.
                Updated the <code>&lt;ndoc&gt;</code> task to using version 1.2 of NDoc.
                Updated the <code>&lt;nunit2&gt;</code> task to use version 2.1 of NUnit.</li>
                In previous versions of NAnt, the <code>Plain</code> formatter was implicitly
                added. In NAnt 0.8.4, the <code>Plain</code> formatter will only implicitly be
                added if no other formatters are specified. In this case, a warning message
                will be output to the build log encouraging build authors to explicitly add
                this formatter for forward compatibility. In future versions of NAnt, the <code>Plain</code>
                formatter will no longer implicitly be added.</li>
                Added <code>outputdir</code> attribute for <code>&lt;formatter&gt;</code> element
                to control the directory where the test result file will be stored (if the <code>usefile</code>
                attribute is "true").
                Added <code>overwrite</code> attribute to the <code>&lt;property&gt;</code> task
                to control whether the value of the specified property should be overwritten
                when the property already exists.</li>
                Added support for dynamic properties, meaning properties of which references to
                other properties are not expanded when the value is set.
                Added support for specifying a prefix to <code>&lt;resgen&gt;</code> task when
                using a fileset.
                Added nested <code>&lt;assemblyfolders&gt;</code> fileset element that allows a
                set of folders to be set, that should be searched to resolve assembly
                By default, the Visual Studio.NET assembly folders will be searched to resolve
                assembly references. An <code>includevsfolders</code> attribute was added to
                control whether these folders should be searched for assembly references.</li>
                Added <code>&lt;excludeprojects&gt;</code> fileset that allows a set of
                projects to be excluded.</li>
                An <code>outputdir</code> attribute can now be specified, which overrides the
                directory where compiled targets will be placed.</li>
                A nested <code>&lt;webmap&gt;</code> element was added that maps URL's of web
                projects to local path, thereby removing the need to configure the web server
                to allow access to these project files.</li>
                Added support for Visual C++ projects.</li>
                A large number of defect fixes and performance improvements have been applied.
                The nested <code>&lt;param&gt;</code> child element has been deprecated in
                favor of a nested <code>&lt;parameters&gt;</code> collection.
                If the file specified in the single-file case does not exist, it will now be
                Improved localization support.</li>
                Added support for additional search directories to resolve assembly references
                through a nested <code>&lt;lib&gt;</code> element.
                Improved localization support.</li>
                Added support for additional search directories to resolve assembly references
                through a nested <code>&lt;lib&gt;</code> element.
                Fixed issue when files were included that were not located beneath the basedir
                of the fileset.
                Added <code>includeemptydirs</code> attribute to control whether empty
                directories should be included in the generated zip file.
                Fixed failure when no <code>basedir</code> for fileset was specified.
                Fixed failure when <code>basedir</code> of fileset is set to the root directory
                of a drive in Windows.
            API changes</h3>
                Added <code>ProgramLocationAttribute</code> that can be assigned to a task to
                indicate that it wraps an executable that is part of either the .NET Framework
                or the .NET Framework SDK, and have NAnt figure out the full path to the
                executable using the framework settings in the NAnt configuration file.
                <code>FileSetAttribute</code> has been deprecated. The <code>BuildElementAttribute</code>
                should be used instead.
                Added <code>FrameworkConfigurableAttribute</code> that can be assigned to a
                task attribute to allow the default values of that attribute to be configured
                from the framework configuration section in the NAnt configuration file for the
                currently active framework.
                Added <code>&lt;proxy&gt;</code> and <code>&lt;credentials&gt;</code> data
                types that are used to provide proxy settings and authentication information
                for tasks that connect to external resources (eg. the <code>&lt;get&gt;</code> task).
                Added support for framework-specific third party libraries.</li>
                Updated <a href="http://log4net.sourceforge.net/">log4net</a> to version 1.2.0
                beta 8.
            0.8.3 (September 28, 2003)</h2>
            User-visible changes</h3>
                Included NAntContrib binaries are from a release build. In rc3 they were debug
            0.8.3-rc3 (August 29, 2003)</h2>
            User-visible changes</h3>
                Added test directory to distribution fixing the build failure in 0.8.3.
            0.8.3-rc2 (July 28, 2003)</h2>
            User-visible changes</h3>
                Built with .NET 1.0.
                <div style="margin-left: 20px">
                    This release candidate is built with version 1.0 of the .NET Framework. The
                    binaries for RC1 had been built with version 1.1, which had backwards
                    compatibility issues.
                Fixed defect: temp directory leak in &lt;solution&gt; task.
                <div style="margin-left: 20px">
                    Matthew Mastracci fixed a major temp directory leak. It was leaking approx. one
                    temp directory per project! You should clear your Local Settings\Temp directory
                    for the user you use to build your solutions.
                &lt;solution&gt; VB.NET support.
                <div style="margin-left: 20px">
                    The &lt;solution&gt; task now supports VB.NET projects. This was meant to be
                    part of the RC1 release.
                Matthew Mastracci has also checked in support for reading resources of VB
                projects and generating the appropriate dependent resource name.
                Documentation for NAntContrib.
                <div style="margin-left: 20px">
                    This release candidate includes the binaries and documentation for the
                    NAntContrib extensions. Note that the source is still distributed seperately
                    during this release cycle.
            0.8.3-rc1 (July 10, 2003)</h2>
            User-visible changes</h3>
                NAntContrib is now distributed with NAnt.
                <div style="margin-left: 20px">
                    To better support the frequently-used NAntContrib extensions, the library is
                    now distributed as part of the NAnt release.
                Preliminary Linux support.
                <div style="margin-left: 20px">
                    This is the first release with Linux support, so please report any issues you
                    encounter. The next release will be fully tested and documented on both Linux
                    and Windows.
                New Tasks.
                        &lt;cvs-checkout&gt; task : Checkout source from CVS.</li>
                        &lt;cvs-update:&gt; task : Update source from CVS.</li>
                        &lt;solution&gt; task : compile .sln directly. In most cases, this means you no
                        longer have to preprocess a solution with the slingshot tool. Supports both
                        Visual Studio .NET and Visual Studio 2003.
                Changed tasks.
                <div style="margin-left: 20px">
                    See the section below for details.
                FileSet references.
                <div style="margin-left: 20px">
                    You can now define a named FileSet and refer to it anywhere a FileSet is used.
            API changes</h3>
                Namespace changes
                        "SourceForge" is no longer part of the NAnt namespaces.</li>
                        Split classes up into Tasks and Types.</li>
                        Task assemblies now have their own namespaces.</li>
                        Removed Msft prefix from base classes.
                Logging framework changed
                        Refactored NAnt (build) logging system : moved to an event driven logging
                        system, and allow thresholds to be set. The build outcome is now completely
                        handled by the loggers.</li>
                        Replaced the LogListener with an IBuildLogger interface for loggers and an
                        IBuildListener interface for build listeners.</li>
                        The ConsoleLogger is replaced by a DefaultLogger, which always logs to the
                        console, and which can also be configured to log to a file (using the -logfile
                        The static Log class is removed and replaced by instance methods on the Project
                        and Task classes. These instance methods actually fire events that get handled
                        by the build logger and buid listeners.</li>
                        Added a Level enum that is used to assign a priority (level) to a message. This
                        allows messages to be filtered on their priority.</li>
                        Added a strongly typed collection for the build listeners.</li>
                        Updated all existing logging statements to use the new logging system instead
                        of the static Log class. Assigned levels to the existing logging statements.</li>
                        Added MailLogger that can be used to send the build results as an email, see
                        xml docs for how its to be configured.
                Many, many style/structure/documentation fixes. More that are worth listing
                Fixed NUnit2 support for FileSets.</li>
                Prevent warnings for using obsolete methods to allow NDoc Documenter.Nant to
                build on .NET 1.1 runtime.</li>
                Nightly.xml no longer depends on NAntContrib tasks.</li>
                Moved &lt;mail&gt; task and test back into core as its working fine on Linux
                New attribute-driven command-line parser.
            Command-line client changes</h3>
                Changed target back to the default argument.</li>
                Moved company information (http://nant.sourceforge.net) from help text to logo
                Added support for running default.build if there are multiple build files in a
                Added support for collection-based command-line options, with the following
                restrictions :
                        property type should implement ICollection</li>
                        collection should have an Add method with one parameter</li>
                        parameter of the Add method should be strongly-typed</li>
                        collection should have a default public constructor</li>
                        the property should have a setter if the collection is not initialized (null
                Fixed "bug" where ApplicationException would no longer be throw when no
                matching buildfile is found after searching the directory tree upwards.</li>
                Updated short form of buildfile to -f.</li>
                Added -q shortname for -quiet command-line option.</li>
                Changed description of -indent command-line option.</li>
                Added command-line option for adding build listeners.</li>
                Updated xml documentation.</li>
                Added command-line options for filtering build output (-debug and -quiet).</li>
                Jarek's patch to allow setting of the default framework from the command line,
                fixes bug 729778.</li>
                Always use identifier mono-1.0 for Mono framework, no use in always creating
                new framework configurations for every Mono release.
            Task changes</h3>
                Added support for an environment optionset to the &lt;exec&gt; task.</li>
                Fixed optionset so that it correctly returns optionvalues.</li>
                Remove Timeout from ExecTask, make Timeout in ExternalProgramBase a task
                attribute and make it writable.</li>
                Throw BuildException if process has not exited after timeout.
                Added attribute for setting the warninglevel (0-4).</li>
                Added attribute for specifiying list of warnings that should be suppressed by
                the compiler.
                Added support for codepage compiler flag.</li>
                Added attribute for setting the warninglevel (0-4).</li>
                Added support for codepage compiler flag.</li>
                Renamed optionoptimize attribute to optimize.</li>
                Added attribute for setting the warninglevel (0-4).</li>
                Added attribute for specifiying list of warnings that should be suppressed by
                the compiler.</li>
                Patch from Justin Santa Barbara to add optimize flag to csc.</li>
                Fixed csc example.
                Added makefile for building on Linux. Also a new bin directory for Linux
                specific binaries.
                Removed &lt;mcs&gt; task. the &lt;csc&gt; task in combination with the
                framework support should be used instead.
                Fixed problem with basedir in nested &lt;nant&gt; build being incorrect if
                basedir="." is used.</li>
                Have new project inherit the default framework from the current project.</li>
                Fix for &lt;copy&gt; task breakage on Linux.</li>
                Reenabled File.SetAttributes on Mono build as bug #41999 has been fixed.</li>
                Fixed logging bug with parenthesis instead of brace. Caused &lt;if
                uptodate...&gt; to fail erroneously.
            &lt;cl&gt; and &lt;link&gt;</h4>
                On demand compile support for &lt;link&gt; and &lt;cl&gt; tasks.</li>
                Added unit tests for the &lt;cl&gt; and &lt;link&gt; tasks.</li>
                Moved Visual C++ related tasks into Win32Assemblies so it doesn't get built in
                a Mono/Linux build.
                Added support for FileSet references. Framework for making all types
                referencable but only implemented for FileSets right now.
                Reenabled usage of StringWriter constructor with CultureInfo as this bug in
                Mono is fixed.</li>
                No longer have empty strings as default.</li>
                Bcc and cc are no longer set to an empty string when not specified in
                buildfile, thereby preventing problems with Mono bug #45746.
            0.8.2 (April 24, 2003)</h2>
                Misc bugfixes.
            0.8.2-rc3 (April 17, 2003)</h2>
                &lt;if&gt; task changes to support the uptodate test.</li>
                Changes for task item element initialization.</li>
                Read output of &lt;exec&gt;'d (and other external program) processes and insert
                into logfile.</li>
                Fixed logging for &lt;regex&gt; task.</li>
                Made NAnt errors less chatty.</li>
                NAnt now works without Framework SDK installed.</li>
                Fixed bugs in &lt;Copy&gt; and &lt;Move&gt; tasks which caused exceptions when
                using todir and a FileSet, in certain cases.</li>
                New &lt;unzip&gt; task.</li>
                New &lt;loadtasks&gt; task which replaces the functionality of taskdef (from
                &lt;foreach&gt; supports &lt;in&gt;&lt;items&gt; FileSet to work on files.
            0.8.2-rc2 (April 12, 2003)</h2>
                Fix for &lt;nunit2&gt; task using FileSet.</li>
                Fix for FileSet's &lt;includeList&gt; element.
            0.8.2-rc1 (April 12, 2003)</h2>
                Logging cleanups: use log4net for internal logging.</li>
                FxCop cleanups for correctness.</li>
                Support for multiple versions of .NET framework.</li>
                Changes to make NAnt more Mono-friendly.</li>
                Updated SharpZipLib library.</li>
                Makes error reporting more accurate - give line numbers for property expansion
                Multiple test assembly support for &lt;nunit2&gt; task.</li>
                General speed-up for directory/file scanning.</li>
                &lt;resgen&gt; task file generation correctness fixes.</li>
                Added support multiple delimiters and string trimming to LoopTask's file line
                More support for csc/vbc command-line options.
            0.8.1 (February 21, 2003)</h2>
                Added more command-line options (-f: to specify a buildfile).</li>
                Added case sensitivity checks.</li>
                Added &lt;vjc&gt; task.</li>
                Fixed NUnit2 support.</li>
                Misc bugfixes and cleanups from contributors.
            0.7.9 (June 11, 2002)</h2>
                If more than one build file matches the criteria, e.g. two files ending in
                .build than NAnt will report an error.</li>
                Added -find option, causes NAnt to search up the directory tree looking for the
                buildfile. Use in conjunction with -buildfile:foo.* to find the first foo.*
                file up the directory tree.</li>
                Added -projecthelp option, callable targets should now include a description
                attribute to describe briefly what they do.</li>
                CompilerBase tasks now check for changed resources and recompiles if out of
                Compiler tasks reportq what caused the rebuild when verbose is on, try 'NAnt
                Improved Log class.</li>
                Added PlainText NUnit formatter, see NAnt's build file for an example.</li>
                nant.onsuccess and nant.onfailure properties can now name a target to get
                executed at the end of a build.</li>
                FileSets now have an absolute element. Items inside an absolute element will
                always be included in the file set. This is useful for references that are in
                the system path. See the HelloWindowsForms build file for an example.</li>
                -set option changed to -D to be more like Ant.</li>
                Unknown command line arguments cause program help to be displayed.</li>
                FileSets now support absolute paths and parent directories.</li>
                *Tasks.dll assemblies that are in the same folder as NAnt are automatically
                loaded and scanned for tasks.</li>
                User manual available.</li>
                Help for tasks is auto-generated.</li>
                &lt;attrib&gt; task added.</li>
                &lt;gac&gt; task added and moved to NAntContrib project.</li>
                &lt;sysinfo&gt; task added.</li>
                Added failonerror, verbose, if and unless attributes to all tasks.</li>
                DESIGN DECISION: all elements and attributes will be lowercase</li>
                Major reworking of FileSet class (removed absolutes element, added asis
                Tasks/Targets/FileSet includes/excludes now have if/unless attributes.</li>
                New Unit Tests added.
                New Properties added during project initilization.
                        nant.location points to nant.exe directory</li>
                        nant.tasks.[TaskName].location points to [TaskName] host assembly
                &lt;nant&gt; task now inherits properties to new project.</li>
                Tasks moved to NAntContrib Project
                NUnit XML format updated.</li>
                Many, many, many bugs fixed.</li>
            0.7.749 (January 19, 2002)</h2>
                &lt;docnet&gt; task added, try 'NAnt doc' to build NAnt's documentation.</li>
                NUnitCore.dll added to project.</li>
                Fixed FileSet basedir attributes, they now expand macros.</li>
                &lt;script&gt; task and example added - thanks to Sergey Chaban.</li>
                Build file now extracts version number from AssemblyInfo.cs - thanks to Sergey
                CompilerBase now adds quotations to all referenced files - thanks to Mike
                BuildException is now serializable.</li>
                ExternalProgramBase reports differentiates between Process exceptions and
                program return codes now.</li>
                Unit tests are now run as part of the buid process.</li>
                &lt;touch&gt; task added - thanks to Jay Turpin.</li>
                NUnit overhaul.
                        camelCase'ed attributes, haltOnFailure, haltOnError</li>
                        renamed printsummary to verbose</li>
                        replaced SummaryResultFormatter with improved SummaryFormatter</li>
                        added VerboseFormatter
                &lt;get&gt; task added - thanks to Jay Turpin</li>
                &lt;docnet&gt; task renamed to &lt;ndoc&gt;.</li>
                NDoc.Core.dll and NDoc.Documenter.Msdn.dll added to project.</li>
                NAnt.exe split into NAnt.exe and NAnt.Core.dll.</li>
                &lt;al&gt; task added - thanks to Joe Jones.</li>
                &lt;resgen&gt; task added - thanks to Joe Jones.</li>
                &lt;zip&gt; task added - thanks to Mike Krueger.</li>
                &lt;cl&gt; task added - thanks to Shawn Van Ness.</li>
                Added support for .NET v1.0.3705 (RTM).
            0.6.0 (September 18, 2001)</h2>
                Report build file xml errors in a useful way.</li>
                Report error location when tasks are missing required attributes.</li>
                &lt;copy&gt; task updated - thanks to Ian MacLean.</li>
                **/*.cs type pattern matching now available in FileSets via DirectoryScanner
                Added all the environment variables to
                &lt;move&gt; task updated - thanks to Ian MacLean.</li>
                &lt;sleep&gt; task added - thanks to Ian MacLean.</li>
                DirectoryScanner and FileSet's scan for files AND directories now</li>
                FileSet's cache scan results, use Scan() to rescan.</li>
                FileSet's auto initialize to their containing task, this helps clean up the
                &lt;copy&gt; task can now copy full directory trees.</li>
                Added verbose attribute to &lt;copy&gt; task, default off, message gives number
                of files processed.</li>
                Fixed bug with any ExternalBase tasks hanging - thanks to Sergey Chaban for
                &lt;include&gt; task added.</li>
                &lt;call&gt; task added.</li>
                -verbose command line option added.</li>
                Build file can now build complete distribution, try 'NAnt dist'.
            0.5.0 (August 22, 2001)</h2>
                Complete overhaul of the web site and doc folder (all html files).</li>
                Made src a parent folder to be able to hold multiple assemblies in anticipation
                of the NAnt.Tests.dll assembly.</li>
                License changed to GNU General Public License.</li>
                Source code placed under CVS.</li>
                Tasks can now have attributes in base classes, see CompilerBase as an example -
                thanks to Mike Krueger.</li>
                Coding conventions posted on SourceForge in the document manager.</li>
                Task manager in SourceForge is now being used to track currently active tasks.</li>
                Namespace changed to SourceForge.NAnt.</li>
                Added basic command line parsing.</li>
                Added version resource.</li>
                Support for multiple build targets (try 'NAnt clean test').</li>
                BuildException added to report text position in the build file where errors
                occur - thanks to Ian MacLean.</li>
                &lt;style&gt; task (xslt processing) added - thanks to Serge.</li>
                Executable is now signed with the NAnt.key.</li>
                Converted all public/protected fields to properties.</li>
                Added support for user defined properties.</li>
                Added -set option (try 'NAnt -set:debug=true clean build').</li>
                Changed verions number to 0.5 to reflect the number of changes in the code
            0.1.5 (July 22, 2001)</h2>
                Only compiles program if source file last write time &gt; output last write
                Refactored compiler code into common CompilerBase class.</li>
                Refactored compiler and exec task into common ExternalProgramBase class.</li>
                Added &lt;arg value="/win32res:filename"/&gt; element to all external program
                Added Int32ValidatorAttribute and BooleanValidatorAttribute classes to perform
                error checking on task attributes after macro expansion but before task
                execution. Search for BooleanValidator or Int32Validator in tasks for examples.</li>
                Changed Task attribute names to TaskAttributeAttribute and FileSetAttribute.</li>
                Removed default value for task attributes (set with initial value).</li>
                Changes to Project class on how to initialize a project and run it.</li>
                Right aligned task prefixes to clean up output.</li>
                Added or enhanced these tasks
                        vbc, jsc, csc</li>
                        exec (failonerror attribute)
            0.1.4 (July 19, 2001)</h2>
                Added or enhanced these tasks
                        copy (respects basedir)</li>
                        delete (respects basedir)</li>
                        mkdir (respects basedir)</li>
            0.1.3 (July 18, 2001)</h2>
                Dependencies working via depends attribute on targets.</li>
                Changed name from NBuild to NAnt.</li>
                Using the name "Parameter" to refer to the xml attributes in tasks because it
                was conflicting badly with .NET Attributes.</li>
                Added FileSetParameterAttribute so that FileSet parameters would autoinit.</li>
                Renamed TaskAttributeAttribute to StringParameterAttribute.</li>
                Broke into seperate source files (one per class).</li>
                Changed default build file from Project.xml to the first file with a .build
            0.1.2 (July 16, 2001)</h2>
                Basic functionality to have NAnt build itself (&lt;csc&gt; task).
            0.1.1 (July 5, 2001)</h2>
                Initial test version.