start + (end - start) * amount
Passing start + (end - start) * amount
Passing s = det([o_2 - o_1, d_2, d_1 x d_2]) / ||d_1 x d_2||^2
t = det([o_2 - o_1, d_1, d_1 x d_2]) / ||d_1 x d_2||^2
Where o_1 is the position of the first ray, o_2 is the position of the second ray,
d_1 is the normalized direction of the first ray, d_2 is the normalized direction
of the second ray, det denotes the determinant of a matrix, x denotes the cross
product, [ ] denotes a matrix, and || || denotes the length or magnitude of a vector.
start + (end - start) * amount
Passing start + (end - start) * amount
Passing start + (end - start) * amount
Passing start + (end - start) * amount
Passing Driver type options.
The driver type is required when calling
The driver type is unknown.
A hardware driver, which implements Direct3D features in hardware. This is the primary driver that you should use in your Direct3D applications because it provides the best performance. A hardware driver uses hardware acceleration (on supported hardware) but can also use software for parts of the pipeline that are not supported in hardware. This driver type is often referred to as a hardware abstraction layer or HAL.
A reference driver, which is a software implementation that supports every Direct3D feature. A reference driver is designed for accuracy rather than speed and as a result is slow but accurate. The rasterizer portion of the driver does make use of special CPU instructions whenever it can, but it is not intended for retail applications; use it only for feature testing, demonstration of functionality, debugging, or verifying bugs in other drivers. This driver is installed by the DirectX SDK. This driver may be referred to as a REF driver, a reference driver or a reference rasterizer.
A software driver, which is a driver implemented completely in software. The software implementation is not intended for a high-performance application due to its very slow performance.
A WARP driver, which is a high-performance software rasterizer. The rasterizer supports feature levels 9_1 through level 10.1 with a high performance software implementation. For information about limitations creating a WARP device on certain feature levels, see Limitations Creating WARP and Reference Devices. For more information about using a WARP driver, see Windows Advanced Rasterization Platform (WARP) In-Depth Guide.
Describes the set of features targeted by a Direct3D device.
For an overview of the capabilities of each feature level, see Overview For Each Feature Level.
For information about limitations creating nonhardware-type devices on certain feature levels, see Limitations Creating WARP and Reference Devices.
Targets features supported by feature level 9.1 including shader model 2.
Targets features supported by feature level 9.2 including shader model 2.
Targets features supported by feature level 9.3 including shader model 2.0b.
Targets features supported by Direct3D 10.0 including shader model 4.
Targets features supported by Direct3D 10.1 including shader model 4.
Targets features supported by Direct3D 11.0 including shader model 5.
Targets features supported by Direct3D 11.1 including Direct3D device sharing. Device sharing enables Direct3D 10 and Direct3D 11 APIs to use one underlying rendering device. For more information about device sharing, see
Values that indicate how the pipeline interprets vertex data that is bound to the input-assembler stage. These primitive topology values determine how the vertex data is rendered on screen.
Use the
The following diagram shows the various primitive types for a geometry shader object.
Values that identify the type of resource to be viewed as a shader resource.
The type is unknown.
The resource is a buffer.
The resource is a 1D texture.
The resource is an array of 1D textures.
The resource is a 2D texture.
The resource is an array of 2D textures.
The resource is a multisampling 2D texture.
The resource is an array of multisampling 2D textures.
The resource is a 3D texture.
The resource is a cube texture.
The resource is an array of cube textures.
The resource is an extended buffer.
This interface is used to return arbitrary length data.
The ID3DBlob interface is type defined in the D3DCommon.h header file as a
Blobs can be used as a data buffer, storing vertex, adjacency, and material information during mesh optimization and loading operations. Also, these objects are used to return object code and error messages in APIs that compile vertex, geometry and pixel shaders.
Get a reference to the data.
Returns a reference.
Get the size.
The size of the data, in bytes.
Get a reference to the data.
Get the size.
Defines a shader macro.
You can use shader macros in your shaders. The
Shader_Macros[1] = { "zero", "0" };
The following shader or effect creation functions take an array of shader macros as an input parameter:
The macro name.
The macro definition.
The IAudioClient::Initialize and IAudioClient::IsFormatSupported methods use the constants defined in the
In shared mode, the client can share the audio endpoint device with clients that run in other user-mode processes. The audio engine always supports formats for client streams that match the engine's mix format. In addition, the audio engine might support another format if the Windows audio service can insert system effects into the client stream to convert the client format to the mix format.
In exclusive mode, the Windows audio service attempts to establish a connection in which the client has exclusive access to the audio endpoint device. In this mode, the audio engine inserts no system effects into the local stream to aid in the creation of the connection point. Either the audio device can handle the specified format directly or the method fails.
For more information about shared-mode and exclusive-mode streams, see User-Mode Audio Components.
The audio stream will run in shared mode. For more information, see Remarks.
The audio stream will run in exclusive mode. For more information, see Remarks.
The AudioSessionState enumeration defines constants that indicate the current state of an audio session.
When a client opens a session by assigning the first stream to the session (by calling the IAudioClient::Initialize method), the initial session state is inactive. The session state changes from inactive to active when a stream in the session begins running (because the client has called the IAudioClient::Start method). The session changes from active to inactive when the client stops the last running stream in the session (by calling the IAudioClient::Stop method). The session state changes to expired when the client destroys the last stream in the session by releasing all references to the stream object.
The system volume-control program, Sndvol, displays volume controls for both active and inactive sessions. Sndvol stops displaying the volume control for a session when the session state changes to expired. For more information about Sndvol, see Audio Sessions.
The IAudioSessionControl::GetState and IAudioSessionEvents::OnStateChanged methods use the constants defined in the AudioSessionState enumeration.
For more information about session states, see Audio Sessions.
The audio session is inactive. (It contains at least one stream, but none of the streams in the session is currently running.)
The audio session is active. (At least one of the streams in the session is running.)
The audio session has expired. (It contains no streams.)
[This documentation is preliminary and is subject to change.]
Specifies the category of an audio stream.
Media, such as music or streaming audio.
Real-time communications, such as VOIP or chat.
Voice narration, such as a screen reader or ebook reader.
Alert sounds.
Sound effects.
Game sound effects.
Background audio for games.
Other audio stream.
The methods in this interface present your object's data as a contiguous sequence of bytes that you can read or write. There are also methods for committing and reverting changes on streams that are open in transacted mode and methods for restricting access to a range of bytes in the stream.
Streams can remain open for long periods of time without consuming file-system resources. The IUnknown::Release method is similar to a close function on a file. Once released, the stream object is no longer valid and cannot be used.
Clients of asynchronous monikers can choose between a data-pull or data-push model for driving an asynchronous
IMoniker::BindToStorage operation and for receiving asynchronous notifications. See
URL Monikers for more information. The following table compares the behavior of asynchronous
The Read method reads a specified number of bytes from the stream object into memory, starting at the current seek reference.
A reference to the buffer which the stream data is read into.
The number of bytes of data to read from the stream object.
A reference to a ULONG variable that receives the actual number of bytes read from the stream object.
Note??The number of bytes read may be zero.
This method reads bytes from this stream object into memory. The stream object must be opened in STGM_READ mode. This method adjusts the seek reference by the actual number of bytes read.
The number of bytes actually read is also returned in the pcbRead parameter.
Notes to CallersThe actual number of bytes read can be less than the number of bytes requested if an error occurs or if the end of the stream is reached during the read operation. The number of bytes returned should always be compared to the number of bytes requested. If the number of bytes returned is less than the number of bytes requested, it usually means the Read method attempted to read past the end of the stream.
The application should handle both a returned error and
The Write method writes a specified number of bytes into the stream object starting at the current seek reference.
A reference to the buffer that contains the data that is to be written to the stream. A valid reference must be provided for this parameter even when cb is zero.
The number of bytes of data to attempt to write into the stream. This value can be zero.
A reference to a ULONG variable where this method writes the actual number of bytes written to the stream object. The caller can set this reference to
If the seek reference is currently past the end of the stream and the byte count is nonzero, this method increases the size of the stream to the seek reference and writes the specified bytes starting at the seek reference. The fill bytes written to the stream are not initialized to any particular value. This is the same as the end-of-file behavior in the MS-DOS FAT file system.
With a zero byte count and a seek reference past the end of the stream, this method does not create the fill bytes to increase the stream to the seek reference. In this case, you must call the
The pcbWritten parameter can have a value even if an error occurs.
In the COM-provided implementation, stream objects are not sparse. Any fill bytes are eventually allocated on the disk and assigned to the stream.
The methods in this interface present your object's data as a contiguous sequence of bytes that you can read or write. There are also methods for committing and reverting changes on streams that are open in transacted mode and methods for restricting access to a range of bytes in the stream.
Streams can remain open for long periods of time without consuming file-system resources. The IUnknown::Release method is similar to a close function on a file. Once released, the stream object is no longer valid and cannot be used.
Clients of asynchronous monikers can choose between a data-pull or data-push model for driving an asynchronous
IMoniker::BindToStorage operation and for receiving asynchronous notifications. See
URL Monikers for more information. The following table compares the behavior of asynchronous
The Seek method changes the seek reference to a new location. The new location is relative to either the beginning of the stream, the end of the stream, or the current seek reference.
The displacement to be added to the location indicated by the dwOrigin parameter. If dwOrigin is STREAM_SEEK_SET, this is interpreted as an unsigned value rather than a signed value.
The origin for the displacement specified in dlibMove. The origin can be the beginning of the file (STREAM_SEEK_SET), the current seek reference (STREAM_SEEK_CUR), or the end of the file (STREAM_SEEK_END). For more information about values, see the STREAM_SEEK enumeration.
A reference to the location where this method writes the value of the new seek reference from the beginning of the stream.
You can set this reference to
You can also use this method to obtain the current value of the seek reference by calling this method with the dwOrigin parameter set to STREAM_SEEK_CUR and the dlibMove parameter set to 0 so that the seek reference is not changed. The current seek reference is returned in the plibNewPosition parameter.
The SetSize method changes the size of the stream object.
Specifies the new size of the stream as a number of bytes.
This method can return one of the following values.
The size of the stream object was successfully changed.
Asynchronous Storage only: Part or all of the stream's data is currently unavailable. For more information see IFillLockBytes and Asynchronous Storage.
The stream size is not changed because there is no space left on the storage device.
The value of the libNewSize parameter is not valid. Since streams cannot be greater than 232 bytes in the COM-provided implementation, the high DWORD data type of libNewSize must be 0. If it is nonzero, this parameter is not valid.
The object has been invalidated by a revert operation above it in the transaction tree.
If the libNewSize parameter is smaller than the current stream, the stream is truncated to the indicated size.
The seek reference is not affected by the change in stream size.
The CopyTo method copies a specified number of bytes from the current seek reference in the stream to the current seek reference in another stream.
A reference to the destination stream. The stream pointed to by pstm can be a new stream or a clone of the source stream.
The number of bytes to copy from the source stream.
A reference to the location where this method writes the actual number of bytes written to the destination. You can set this reference to
A reference to the location where this method writes the actual number of bytes read from the source. You can set this reference to
The CopyTo method copies the specified bytes from one stream to another. It can also be used to copy a stream to itself. The seek reference in each stream instance is adjusted for the number of bytes read or written. This method is equivalent to reading cb bytes into memory using
The destination stream can be a clone of the source stream created by calling the
To copy the remainder of the source from the current seek reference, specify the maximum large integer value for the cb parameter. If the seek reference is the beginning of the stream, this operation copies the entire stream.
The Commit method ensures that any changes made to a stream object open in transacted mode are reflected in the parent storage. If the stream object is open in direct mode,
Controls how the changes for the stream object are committed. See the
This method can return one of the following values.
Changes to the stream object were successfully committed to the parent level.
Asynchronous Storage only: Part or all of the stream's data is currently unavailable. For more information see IFillLockBytes and Asynchronous Storage.
The commit operation failed due to lack of space on the storage device.
The object has been invalidated by a revert operation above it in the transaction tree.
The Commit method ensures that changes to a stream object opened in transacted mode are reflected in the parent storage. Changes that have been made to the stream since it was opened or last committed are reflected to the parent storage object. If the parent is opened in transacted mode, the parent may revert at a later time, rolling back the changes to this stream object. The compound file implementation does not support the opening of streams in transacted mode, so this method has very little effect other than to flush memory buffers. For more information, see
If the stream is open in direct mode, this method ensures that any memory buffers have been flushed out to the underlying storage object. This is much like a flush in traditional file systems.
The Revert method discards all changes that have been made to a transacted stream since the last
This method can return one of the following values.
The stream was successfully reverted to its previous version.
Asynchronous Storage only: Part or all of the stream's data is currently unavailable. For more information see IFillLockBytes and Asynchronous Storage.
The Revert method discards changes made to a transacted stream since the last commit operation.
The LockRegion method restricts access to a specified range of bytes in the stream. Supporting this functionality is optional since some file systems do not provide it.
Integer that specifies the byte offset for the beginning of the range.
Integer that specifies the length of the range, in bytes, to be restricted.
Specifies the restrictions being requested on accessing the range.
This method can return one of the following values.
The specified range of bytes was locked.
Asynchronous Storage only: Part or all of the stream's data is currently unavailable. For more information, see IFillLockBytes and Asynchronous Storage.
Locking is not supported at all or the specific type of lock requested is not supported.
Requested lock is supported, but cannot be granted because of an existing lock.
The object has been invalidated by a revert operation above it in the transaction tree.
The byte range of the stream can be extended. Locking an extended range for the stream is useful as a method of communication between different instances of the stream without changing data that is actually part of the stream.
Three types of locking can be supported: locking to exclude other writers, locking to exclude other readers or writers, and locking that allows only one requester to obtain a lock on the given range, which is usually an alias for one of the other two lock types. A given stream instance might support either of the first two types, or both. The lock type is specified by dwLockType, using a value from the
Any region locked with
Since the type of locking supported is optional and can vary in different implementations of
The LockRegion method has no effect in the compound file implementation, because the implementation does not support range locking.
Notes to ImplementersSupport for this method is optional for implementations of stream objects since it may not be supported by the underlying file system. The type of locking supported is also optional. The STG_E_INVALIDFUNCTION error is returned if the requested type of locking is not supported.
The Stat method retrieves the
The Clone method creates a new stream object with its own seek reference that references the same bytes as the original stream.
When successful, reference to the location of an
The Clone method creates a new stream object for accessing the same bytes but using a separate seek reference. The new stream object sees the same data as the source-stream object. Changes written to one object are immediately visible in the other. Range locking is shared between the stream objects.
The initial setting of the seek reference in the cloned stream instance is the same as the current setting of the seek reference in the original stream at the time of the clone operation.
start + (end - start) * amount
Passing start + (end - start) * amount
Passing start + (end - start) * amount
Passing start + (end - start) * amount
Passing start + (end - start) * amount
Passing start + (end - start) * amount
Passing start + (end - start) * amount
Passing start + (end - start) * amount
Passing start + (end - start) * amount
Passing start + (end - start) * amount