Defines constraints and return values for arguments of a mock.
Only use Arg inside a method call on a mock that is recording.
Use Arg.Text for string specific constraints
Use Arg<ListClass>.List for list specific constraints
Register the predicate as a constraint for the current call.
The predicate.
Allow you to use code to create constraints
demo.AssertWasCalled(x => x.Bar(Arg{string}.Matches(a => a.StartsWith("b") && a.Contains("ba"))));
Define a complex constraint for this argument by passing several constraints
combined with operators. (Use Is in simple cases.)
Example: Arg<string>.Matches(Is.Equal("Hello") || Text.EndsWith("u"));
Constraints using Is, Text and List
Dummy to satisfy the compiler
Define a Ref argument.
Constraints for this argument
value returned by the mock
Define a out parameter. Use it together with the keyword out and use the
Dummy field available by the return value.
Example: mock.foo( out Arg<string>.Out("hello").Dummy );
Define a simple constraint for this argument. (Use Matches in simple cases.)
Define Constraints on list arguments.
Use the Arg class (without generic) to define Text constraints
Evaluate an equal constraint for .
The object the parameter should equal to
Define constraints on text arguments.
Used to manage the static state of the Arg<T> class"/>
Resets the static state
Returns return values for the out and ref parameters
Note: the array returned has the size of the number of out and ref
argument definitions
Returns the constraints for all arguments.
Out arguments have an Is.Anything constraint and are also in the list.
What should BackToRecord clear
Retain all expectations and behaviors and return to mock
All expectations
Event subscribers for this instance
Methods that should be forwarded to the base class implementation
Properties that should behave like properties
Remove all the behavior of the object
Interface for constraints
Determines if the object pass the constraints
And operator for constraints
Not operator for constraints
Or operator for constraints
Allow overriding of || or &&
Allow overriding of || or &&
Gets the message for this constraint
Constrain that the public field has a specified value
Constrain that the public field matches another constraint.
Creates a new instance.
Name of the public field.
Constraint to place on the public field value.
Creates a new instance, specifying a disambiguating
for the public field.
The type that declares the public field, used to disambiguate between public fields.
Name of the public field.
Constraint to place on the public field value.
Determines if the object passes the constraint.
Gets the message for this constraint
Creates a new instance.
Name of the public field.
Expected value.
Creates a new instance, specifying a disambiguating
for the public field.
The type that declares the public field, used to disambiguate between public fields.
Name of the public field.
Expected value.
Constrain that the property has a specified value
Constrain that the property matches another constraint.
Creates a new instance.
Name of the property.
Constraint to place on the property value.
Creates a new instance, specifying a disambiguating
for the property.
The type that declares the property, used to disambiguate between properties.
Name of the property.
Constraint to place on the property value.
Determines if the object passes the constraint.
Gets the message for this constraint
Creates a new instance.
Name of the property.
Expected value.
Creates a new instance, specifying a disambiguating
for the property.
The type that declares the property, used to disambiguate between properties.
Name of the property.
Expected value.
Constrain that the parameter must be of the specified type
Creates a new instance.
Determines if the object pass the constraints
Gets the message for this constraint
Constraint that determines whether an object is the same object as another.
Creates a new instance.
Determines if the object passes the constraints.
Gets the message for this constraint.
Evaluate a parameter using constraints
Create new instance
Determines if the object pass the constraints
Gets the message for this constraint
A constraint based on lambda expression, we are using Expression{T}
because we want to be able to get good error reporting on that.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The expr.
Determines if the object pass the constraints
Gets the message for this constraint
Constrain that the list contains the same items as the parameter list
Creates a new instance.
In list.
Determines if the object pass the constraints
Gets the message for this constraint
Constrain that the parameter is one of the items in the list
Creates a new instance.
In list.
Determines if the object pass the constraints
Gets the message for this constraint
Constrain that the object is inside the parameter list
Creates a new instance.
In list.
Determines if the object pass the constraints
Gets the message for this constraint
Applies another AbstractConstraint to the collection count.
Creates a new instance.
The constraint that should be applied to the collection count.
Determines if the parameter conforms to this constraint.
Gets the message for this constraint.
Applies another AbstractConstraint to a specific list element.
Creates a new instance.
The zero-based index of the list element.
The constraint that should be applied to the list element.
Determines if the parameter conforms to this constraint.
Gets the message for this constraint
Applies another AbstractConstraint to a specific generic keyed list element.
Creates a new instance.
The key of the list element.
The constraint that should be applied to the list element.
Determines if the parameter conforms to this constraint.
Gets the message for this constraint
Constrains that all elements are in the parameter list
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The these.
Determines if the object pass the constraints
Gets the message for this constraint
Combines two constraints, constraint pass if either is fine.
Creates a new instance.
Determines if the object pass the constraints
Gets the message for this constraint
Negate a constraint
Creates a new instance.
Determines if the object pass the constraints
Gets the message for this constraint
Combines two constraints
Creates a new instance.
Determines if the object pass the constraints
Gets the message for this constraint
Constrain the argument to validate according to regex pattern
Creates a new instance.
Determines if the object pass the constraints
Gets the message for this constraint
Constraint that evaluate whatever an argument contains the specified string.
Creates a new instance.
Inner string.
Determines if the object pass the constraints
Gets the message for this constraint
Constraint that evaluate whatever an argument ends with the specified string
Creates a new instance.
Determines if the object pass the constraints
Gets the message for this constraint
Constraint that evaluate whatever an argument start with the specified string
Creates a new instance.
Determines if the object pass the constraints
Gets the message for this constraint
Constraint that evaluate whatever an object equals another
Creates a new instance.
Determines if the object pass the constraints
Gets the message for this constraint
Constraint that always returns true
Determines if the object pass the constraints
Gets the message for this constraint
Constraint that evaluate whatever a comparable is greater than another
Creates a new instance.
Determines if the object pass the constraints
Gets the message for this constraint
Initializes a new constraint object.
The expected object, The actual object is passed in as a parameter to the method
Evaluate this constraint.
The actual object that was passed in the method call to the mock.
True when the constraint is met, else false.
Checks if the properties of the object
are the same as the properies of the object.
The expected object
The actual object
True when both objects have the same values, else False.
This is the real heart of the beast.
Used by CheckReferenceType to check all properties of the reference type.
The expected object
The actual object
True when both objects have the same values, else False.
Used by CheckReferenceType to check all fields of the reference type.
The expected object
The actual object
True when both objects have the same values, else False.
Checks the items of both collections
The expected collection
True if both collections contain the same items in the same order.
Builds a propertyname from the Stack _properties like 'Order.Product.Price'
to be used in the error message.
A nested property name.
Rhino.Mocks uses this property to generate an error message.
A message telling the tester why the constraint failed.
Provides access to the constraintes defined in the class to be used in context
with the syntax.
The type of the argument
Evaluate a greater than constraint for .
The object the parameter should be greater than
Evaluate a less than constraint for .
The object the parameter should be less than
Evaluate a less than or equal constraint for .
The object the parameter should be less than or equal to
Evaluate a greater than or equal constraint for .
The object the parameter should be greater than or equal to
Evaluate an equal constraint for .
The object the parameter should equal to
Evaluate a not equal constraint for .
The object the parameter should not equal to
Evaluate a same as constraint.
The object the parameter should the same as.
Evaluate a not same as constraint.
The object the parameter should not be the same as.
Throws NotSupportedException. Don't use Equals to define constraints. Use Equal instead.
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
A hash code for the current .
A constraints that accept anything
A constraint that accept only nulls
A constraint that accept only non null values
A constraint that accept only value of the specified type.
The check is performed on the type that has been defined
as the argument type.
Provides access to the constraints defined in the class to be used in context
with the syntax.
Determines whether the specified object is in the parameter.
The parameter must be IEnumerable.
Determines whatever the parameter is in the collection.
Determines that the parameter collection is identical to the specified collection
Determines that the parameter collection has the specified number of elements.
The constraint that should be applied to the collection count.
Determines that an element of the parameter collections conforms to another AbstractConstraint.
The zero-based index of the list element.
The constraint which should be applied to the list element.
Determines that all elements of the specified collection are in the the parameter collection
The collection to compare against
The constraint which should be applied to the list parameter.
Throws NotSupportedException. Don't use Equals to define constraints. Use Equal instead.
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
A hash code for the current .
Provides a dummy field to pass as out or ref argument.
Dummy field to satisfy the compiler. Used for out and ref arguments.
Central location for constraints for object's public fields
Constrains the parameter to have a public field with the specified value
Name of the public field.
Expected value.
Constrains the parameter to have a public field with the specified value.
The type that declares the public field, used to disambiguate between public fields.
Name of the public field.
Expected value.
Constrains the parameter to have a public field satisfying a specified constraint.
Name of the public field.
Constraint for the public field.
Constrains the parameter to have a public field satisfying a specified constraint.
The type that declares the public field, used to disambiguate between public fields.
Name of the public field.
Constraint for the public field.
Determines whether the parameter has the specified public field and that it is null.
Name of the public field.
Determines whether the parameter has the specified public field and that it is null.
The type that declares the public field, used to disambiguate between public fields.
Name of the public field.
Determines whether the parameter has the specified public field and that it is not null.
Name of the public field.
Determines whether the parameter has the specified public field and that it is not null.
The type that declares the public field, used to disambiguate between public fields.
Name of the public field.
Central location for constraints
Evaluate a greater than constraint for .
The object the parameter should be greater than
Evaluate a less than constraint for .
The object the parameter should be less than
Evaluate a less than or equal constraint for .
The object the parameter should be less than or equal to
Evaluate a greater than or equal constraint for .
The object the parameter should be greater than or equal to
Evaluate an equal constraint for .
The object the parameter should equal to
Evaluate a not equal constraint for .
The object the parameter should not equal to
Evaluate a same as constraint.
The object the parameter should the same as.
Evaluate a not same as constraint.
The object the parameter should not be the same as.
A constraints that accept anything
A constraint that accept only nulls
A constraint that accept only non null values
A constraint that accept only value of the specified type
A constraint that accept only value of the specified type
Evaluate a parameter using a predicate
The predicate to use
Central location for constraints about lists and collections
Determines whether the specified obj is in the parameter.
The parameter must be IEnumerable.
Determines whatever the parameter is in the collection.
Determines that the parameter collection is identical to the specified collection
Determines that the parameter collection has the specified number of elements.
The constraint that should be applied to the collection count.
Determines that an element of the parameter collections conforms to another AbstractConstraint.
The zero-based index of the list element.
The constraint which should be applied to the list element.
Determines that an element of the parameter collections conforms to another AbstractConstraint.
The key of the element.
The constraint which should be applied to the element.
Determines that all elements of the specified collection are in the the parameter collection
The collection to compare against
The constraint which should be applied to the list parameter.
Central location for constraints for object's properties
Constrains the parameter to have property with the specified value
Name of the property.
Expected value.
Constrains the parameter to have property with the specified value.
The type that declares the property, used to disambiguate between properties.
Name of the property.
Expected value.
Constrains the parameter to have a property satisfying a specified constraint.
Name of the property.
Constraint for the property.
Constrains the parameter to have a property satisfying a specified constraint.
The type that declares the property, used to disambiguate between properties.
Name of the property.
Constraint for the property.
Determines whether the parameter has the specified property and that it is null.
Name of the property.
Determines whether the parameter has the specified property and that it is null.
The type that declares the property, used to disambiguate between properties.
Name of the property.
Determines whether the parameter has the specified property and that it is not null.
Name of the property.
Determines whether the parameter has the specified property and that it is not null.
The type that declares the property, used to disambiguate between properties.
Name of the property.
constraints the parameter to have the exact same property values as the expected object.
An object, of the same type as the parameter, whose properties are set with the expected values.
An instance of the constraint that will do the actual check.
The parameter's public property values and public field values will be matched against the expected object's
public property values and public field values. The first mismatch will be reported and no further matching is done.
The matching is recursive for any property or field that has properties or fields of it's own.
Collections are supported through IEnumerable, which means the constraint will check if the actual and expected
collection contain the same values in the same order, where the values contained by the collection can have properties
and fields of their own that will be checked as well because of the recursive nature of this constraint.
Central location for all text related constraints
Constrain the argument to starts with the specified string
Constrain the argument to end with the specified string
Constrain the argument to contain the specified string
Constrain the argument to validate according to regex pattern
Provides access to the constraintes defined in the class to be used in context
with the syntax.
Constrain the argument to starts with the specified string
Constrain the argument to end with the specified string
Constrain the argument to contain the specified string
Constrain the argument to validate according to regex pattern
Throws NotSupportedException. Don't use Equals to define constraints. Use Equal instead.
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
A hash code for the current .
This class defines a lot of method signatures, which we will use
to allow compatability on net-2.0
Allows expectations to be set on methods that should never be called.
For methods with void return value, you need to use LastCall or
DoNotExpect.Call() with a delegate.
Sets LastCall.Repeat.Never() on /any/ proxy on /any/ repository on the current thread.
This method if not safe for multi threading scenarios.
Accepts a delegate that will execute inside the method which
LastCall.Repeat.Never() will be applied to.
It is expected to be used with anonymous delegates / lambda expressions and only one
method should be called.
IService mockSrv = mocks.CreateMock(typeof(IService)) as IService;
DoNotExpect.Call(delegate{ mockSrv.Stop(); });
An expectaton violation was detected.
Creates a new instance.
Serialization constructor
Signals that an object was call on a mock repository which doesn't
belong to this mock repository or not a mock
Creates a new instance.
Serialization constructor
Allows to set expectation on methods that has return values.
For methods with void return value, you need to use LastCall
The method options for the last call on /any/ proxy on /any/ repository on the current thread.
This method if not safe for multi threading scenarios, use .
Accepts a delegate that will execute inside the method, and then return the resulting
It is expected to be used with anonymous delegates / lambda expressions and only one
method should be called.
IService mockSrv = mocks.CreateMock(typeof(IService)) as IService;
Expect.Call(delegate{ mockSrv.Start(); }).Throw(new NetworkException());
Get the method options for the last method call on the mockInstance.
A delegate that can be used to get better syntax on Expect.Call(delegate { foo.DoSomething(); });
Abstract class that holds common information for
Interface to validate that a method call is correct.
Validate the arguments for the method.
This method can be called numerous times, so be careful about side effects
The arguments with which the method was called
Add an actual method call to this expectation
Returns the return value or throw the exception and setup any output / ref parameters
that has been set.
Builds the verification failure message.
Gets the error message.
Range of expected calls
Number of call actually made for this method
If this expectation is still waiting for calls.
The return value for a method matching this expectation
Gets or sets the exception to throw on a method matching this expectation.
Gets a value indicating whether this instance's action is staisfied.
A staisfied instance means that there are no more requirements from
this method. A method with non void return value must register either
a return value or an exception to throw.
Gets the method this expectation is for.
Gets or sets what special condtions there are for this method
Gets a value indicating whether this expectation was satisfied
Specify whatever this expectation has a return value set
You can't check ReturnValue for this because a valid return value include null.
An action to execute when the method is matched.
Set the out / ref parameters for the method call.
The indexing is zero based and ignores any non out/ref parameter.
It is possible not to pass all the parameters. This method can be called only once.
Documentation Message
Gets the invocation for this expectation
The invocation.
Occurs when the exceptation is match on a method call
Allow to set the return value in the future, if it was already set.
Number of actuall calls made that passed this expectation
Range of expected calls that should pass this expectation.
The return value for a method matching this expectation
The exception to throw on a method matching this expectation.
The method this expectation is for.
The return value for this method was set
Whether this method will repeat
unlimited number of times.
A delegate that will be run when the
expectation is matched.
The arguments that matched this expectation.
Documentation message
The method originalInvocation
Get the hash code
Add an actual actualMethodCall call to this expectation
Builds the verification failure message.
Returns the return value or throw the exception and setup output / ref parameters
Validate the arguments for the method on the child methods
The arguments with which the method was called
Creates a new instance.
The originalInvocation for this method, required because it contains the generic type infromation
Number of method calls for this expectations
Creates a new instance.
Validate the arguments for the method on the child methods
The arguments with which the method was called
Determines if this object equal to obj
The error message for these arguments
Asserts that the delegate has the same parameters as the expectation's method call
Setter for the outpur / ref parameters for this expecataion.
Can only be set once.
Specify whether this expectation has a return value set
You can't check ReturnValue for this because a valid return value include null.
Gets the method this expectation is for.
Gets the originalInvocation for this expectation
The originalInvocation.
Gets or sets what special condtions there are for this method
Range of expected calls
Number of call actually made for this method
If this expectation is still waiting for calls.
Gets a value indicating whether this expectation was satisfied
The return value for a method matching this expectation
An action to execute when the method is matched.
Gets or sets the exception to throw on a method matching this expectation.
Gets a value indicating whether this instance's action is staisfied.
A staisfied instance means that there are no more requirements from
this method. A method with non void return value must register either
a return value or an exception to throw or an action to execute.
Documentation message
Occurs when the exceptation is match on a method call
Allow to set the return value in the future, if it was already set.
Gets the error message.
Expectation that matches any arguments for the method.
Creates a new instance.
Invocation for this expectation
Number of method calls for this expectations
Creates a new instance.
Validate the arguments for the method.
The arguments with which the method was called
Determines if the object equal to expectation
Get the hash code
Gets the error message.
Summary description for ArgsEqualExpectation.
Creates a new instance.
Expected args.
The invocation for this expectation
Number of method calls for this expectations
Validate the arguments for the method.
The arguments with which the method was called
Determines if the object equal to expectation
Get the hash code
Gets the error message.
Get the expected args.
Call a specified callback to verify the expectation
Creates a new instance.
Creates a new instance.
Invocation for this expectation
Number of method calls for this expectations
Validate the arguments for the method on the child methods
The arguments with which the method was called
Determines if the object equal to expectation
Get the hash code
Gets the error message.
Expect the method's arguments to match the contraints
Creates a new instance.
Invocation for this expectation
Number of method calls for this expectations
Creates a new instance.
Validate the arguments for the method.
The arguments with which the method was called
Determines if the object equal to expectation
Get the hash code
Gets the error message.
Doesn't log anything, just makes happy noises
Log expectations - allows to see what is going on inside Rhino Mocks
Logs the expectation as is was recorded
The invocation.
The expectation.
Logs the expectation as it was recorded
The invocation.
The expectation.
Logs the unexpected method call.
The invocation.
The message.
Logs the expectation as is was recorded
The invocation.
The expectation.
Logs the expectation as it was recorded
The invocation.
The expectation.
Logs the unexpected method call.
The invocation.
The message.
Operation on a remoting proxy
It is not possible to directly communicate to a real proxy via transparent proxy.
Transparent proxy impersonates a user type and only methods of that user type are callable.
The only methods that are guaranteed to exist on any transparent proxy are methods defined
in Object: namely ToString(), GetHashCode(), and Equals()).
These three methods are the only way to tell the real proxy to do something.
Equals() is the most suitable of all, since it accepts an arbitrary object parameter.
The RemotingProxy code is built so that if it is compared to an IRemotingProxyOperation,
transparentProxy.Equals(operation) will call operation.Process(realProxy).
This way we can retrieve a real proxy from transparent proxy and perform
arbitrary operation on it.
Generates remoting proxies and provides utility functions
Create the proxy using remoting
Check whether an object is a transparent proxy with a RemotingProxy behind it
Object to check
true if the object is a transparent proxy with a RemotingProxy instance behind it, false otherwise
We use Equals() method to communicate with the real proxy behind the object.
See IRemotingProxyOperation for more details
Retrieve a mocked object from a transparent proxy
Transparent proxy with a RemotingProxy instance behind it
Mocked object associated with the proxy
We use Equals() method to communicate with the real proxy behind the object.
See IRemotingProxyOperation for more details
Implementation of IInvocation based on remoting proxy
Some methods are marked NotSupported since they either don't make sense
for remoting proxies, or they are never called by Rhino Mocks
Rudimetry implementation that simply logs methods calls as text.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The writer.
Logs the expectation as it was recorded
The invocation.
The expectation.
Logs the expectation as it was recorded
The invocation.
The expectation.
Logs the unexpected method call.
The invocation.
The message.
Behave like a stub, all properties and events acts normally, methods calls
return default values by default (but can use expectations to set them up), etc.
Records all the expectations for a mock
Different actions on this mock
Add a method call for this state' mock.
The invocation for this method
The method that was called
The arguments this method was called with
Verify that this mock expectations have passed.
Verify that we can move to replay state and move
to the reply state.
Gets a mock state that match the original mock state of the object.
Get the options for the last method call
Set the exception to throw when Verify is called.
This is used to report exception that may have happened but where caught in the code.
This way, they are reported anyway when Verify() is called.
This method is called to indicate that a property behavior call.
This is done so we generate good error message in the common case of people using
Stubbed properties with Return().
Gets the matching verify state for this state
Get the options for the last method call
Get the options for the last method call
Set the exception to throw when Verify is called.
This is used to report exception that may have happened but where caught in the code.
This way, they are reported anyway when Verify() is called.
This method is called to indicate that a property behavior call.
This is done so we generate good error message in the common case of people using
Stubbed properties with Return().
Creates a new instance.
The proxy that generates the method calls
Add a method call for this state' mock.
The invocation for this method
The method that was called
The arguments this method was called with
Verify that we can move to replay state and move
to the reply state.
Verify that we can move to replay state and move
to the reply state.
Verify that this mock expectations have passed.
Gets a mock state that match the original mock state of the object.
Asserts the previous method is closed (had an expectation set on it so we can replay it correctly)
Get the default call count range expectation
Gets the last expectation.
Gets the total method calls count.
Get the options for the last method call
Gets the matching verify state for this state
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The proxy that generates the method calls
We don't care much about expectations here, so we will remove the expectation if
it is not closed.
Verify that we can move to replay state and move
to the reply state.
Get the default call count range expectation
Validate expectations on recorded methods, but in general completely ignoring them.
Similar to except that it would return a
when BackToRecord is called.
Validate all expectations on a mock
The repository for this state
The proxy object for this state
Get the options for the last method call
Creates a new instance.
The previous state for this method
Add a method call for this state' mock.
The invocation for this method
The method that was called
The arguments this method was called with
Add a method call for this state' mock.
This allows derived method to cleanly get a the setupresult behavior while adding
their own.
The invocation for this method
The method that was called
The arguments this method was called with
Set the exception to throw when Verify is called.
This is used to report exception that may have happened but where caught in the code.
This way, they are reported anyway when Verify() is called.
not relevant
Verify that this mock expectations have passed.
Verify that we can move to replay state and move
to the reply state.
Gets a mock state that match the original mock state of the object.
Get the options for the last method call
Gets the matching verify state for this state
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The previous state for this method
Add a method call for this state' mock.
The invocation for this method
The method that was called
The arguments this method was called with
Gets a mock state that matches the original mock state of the object.
Write rhino mocks log info to the trace
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
if set to true [log recorded].
if set to true [log replayed].
if set to true [log unexpected].
Logs the expectation as is was recorded
The invocation.
The expectation.
Logs the expectation as it was recorded
The invocation.
The expectation.
Logs the unexpected method call.
The invocation.
The message.
Writes log information as stack traces about rhino mocks activity
Allows to redirect output to a different location.
Logs the expectation as is was recorded
The invocation.
The expectation.
Logs the expectation as it was recorded
The invocation.
The expectation.
Logs the unexpected method call.
The invocation.
The message.
Marker interface used to indicate that this is a partial mock.
Options for CallOriginalMethod
No expectation is created, the method will be called directly
Normal expectation is created, but when the method is later called, it will also call the original method
This is a data structure that is used by
to pass
the current method to the relevant delegate
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The invocation.
Gets the args for this method invocation
Get the method that was caused this invocation
Gets or sets the return value for this method invocation
The return value.
Adds optional new usage:
using(mockRepository.Record()) {
using(mockRepository.Playback()) {
// Execute code
N.B. mockRepository.ReplayAll() and mockRepository.VerifyAll()
calls are taken care of by Record/Playback
Creates proxied instances of types.
Generates a stub without needing a
Arguments for 's constructor
The of stub to create.
The stub
Generates a stub without needing a
The of stub.
Arguments for the 's constructor.
The stub
Generate a mock object without needing a
type of mock object to create.
Arguments for 's constructor
the mock object
Generate a multi-mock object without needing a
The typeof object to generate a mock for.
A second interface to generate a multi-mock for.
Arguments for 's constructor
the multi-mock object
Generate a multi-mock object without without needing a
The typeof object to generate a mock for.
An interface to generate a multi-mock for.
A second interface to generate a multi-mock for.
Arguments for 's constructor
the multi-mock object
Creates a multi-mock without without needing a
The type of mock to create, this can be a class
Any extra interfaces to add to the multi-mock, these can only be interfaces.
Arguments for 's constructor
the multi-mock object
Creates a strict mock without without needing a
Any arguments required for the 's constructor
The type of mock object to create.
The mock object with strict replay semantics
Creates a strict multi-mock without needing a
Any arguments required for the 's constructor
The type of mock object to create, this can be a class.
An interface to generate a multi-mock for, this must be an interface!
The multi-mock object with strict replay semantics
Creates a strict multi-mock without needing a
Any arguments required for the 's constructor
The type of mock object to create, this can be a class.
An interface to generate a multi-mock for, this must be an interface!
A second interface to generate a multi-mock for, this must be an interface!
The multi-mock object with strict replay semantics
Creates a strict multi-mock without needing a
The type of mock object to create, this can be a class
Any extra interfaces to generate a multi-mock for, these must be interaces!
Any arguments for the 's constructor
The strict multi-mock object
Generate a mock object with dynamic replay semantics and remoting without needing the mock repository
Generate a mock object with strict replay semantics and remoting without needing the mock repository
Helper method to create a mock object without a repository instance and put the object back into replay mode.
The type of mock object to create
A delegate that uses a mock repository instance to create the underlying mock
The mock object in the replay mode.
This is a map of types to ProxyGenerators.
This is used to record the last repository that has a method called on it.
this is used to get to the last proxy on this repository.
For mock delegates, maps the proxy instance from intercepted invocations
back to the delegate that was originally returned to client code, if any.
All the proxies in the mock repositories
This is here because we can't put it in any of the recorders, since repeatable methods
have no orderring, and if we try to handle them using the usual manner, we would get into
wierd situations where repeatable method that was defined in an orderring block doesn't
exists until we enter this block.
Creates a new instance.
Move the repository to ordered mode
Move the repository to un-ordered mode
Creates a mock for the specified type.
Arguments for the class' constructor, if mocking a concrete class
Creates a strict mock for the specified type.
Arguments for the class' constructor, if mocking a concrete class
Creates a remoting mock for the specified type.
Arguments for the class' constructor, if mocking a concrete class
Creates a strict remoting mock for the specified type.
Arguments for the class' constructor, if mocking a concrete class
Creates a remoting mock for the specified type.
Arguments for the class' constructor, if mocking a concrete class
Creates a strict remoting mock for the specified type.
Arguments for the class' constructor, if mocking a concrete class
Creates a mock from several types, with strict semantics.
Only may be a class.
Creates a strict mock from several types, with strict semantics.
Only may be a class.
Creates a mock from several types, with strict semantics.
Only may be a class.
The main type to mock.
Extra interface types to mock.
Arguments for the class' constructor, if mocking a concrete class.
Creates a strict mock from several types, with strict semantics.
Only may be a class.
The main type to mock.
Extra interface types to mock.
Arguments for the class' constructor, if mocking a concrete class.
Creates a mock from several types, with dynamic semantics.
Only may be a class.
The main type to mock.
Extra interface types to mock.
Creates a mock from several types, with dynamic semantics.
Only may be a class.
The main type to mock.
Extra interface types to mock.
Arguments for the class' constructor, if mocking a concrete class.
Creates a dynamic mock for the specified type.
Arguments for the class' constructor, if mocking a concrete class
Creates a dynamic mock for the specified type.
Arguments for the class' constructor, if mocking a concrete class
Creates a dynamic mock for the specified type.
Arguments for the class' constructor, if mocking a concrete class
Creates a mock object that defaults to calling the class methods if no expectation is set on the method.
Arguments for the class' constructor.
Creates a mock object that defaults to calling the class methods.
Extra interface types to mock.
Creates a mock object that defaults to calling the class methods.
Extra interface types to mock.
Arguments for the class' constructor.
Creates a mock object using remoting proxies
Type to mock - must be MarshalByRefObject
Mock object
Proxy mock can mock non-virtual methods, but not static methods
Creates the mock state for this proxy
Cause the mock state to change to replay, any further call is compared to the
ones that were called in the record state.
This method *cannot* be called from inside an ordering.
the object to move to replay state
Cause the mock state to change to replay, any further call is compared to the
ones that were called in the record state.
the object to move to replay state
Move the mocked object back to record state.You can (and it's recommended) to run {Verify()} before you use this method.
Will delete all current expectations!
Move the mocked object back to record state.
Optionally, can delete all current expectations, but allows more granularity about how
it would behave with regard to the object state.
Verify that all the expectations for this object were fulfilled.
the object to verify the expectations for
Get the method options for the last call on
The mock object
Method options for the last call
Maps an invocation proxy back to the mock object instance that was originally
returned to client code which might have been a delegate to this proxy.
The mock object proxy from the intercepted invocation
The mock object
This is provided to allow advance extention functionality, where Rhino Mocks standard functionality is not enough.
The type to mock
Delegate that create the first state of the mocked object (usualy the record state).
Additional types to be implemented, this can be only interfaces
optional arguments for the constructor
Method: GetMockedObject
Get an IProxy from a mocked object instance, or throws if the
object is not a mock object.
Method: GetMockedObjectOrNull
Get an IProxy from a mocked object instance, or null if the
object is not a mock object.
Pops the recorder.
Pushes the recorder.
New recorder.
All the mock objects in this repository will be moved
to record state.
All the mock objects in this repository will be moved
to record state.
Replay all the mocks from this repository
Verify all the mocks from this repository
Gets the proxy generator for a specific type. Having a single ProxyGenerator
with multiple types linearly degrades the performance so this implementation
keeps one ProxyGenerator per type.
Set the exception to be thrown when verified is called.
Creates a mock for the spesified type with strict mocking semantics.
Strict semantics means that any call that wasn't explicitly recorded is considered an error and would cause an exception to be thrown.
Arguments for the class' constructor, if mocking a concrete class
Creates a mock for the spesified type with strict mocking semantics.
Strict semantics means that any call that wasn't explicitly recorded is considered an error and would cause an exception to be thrown.
Arguments for the class' constructor, if mocking a concrete class
Creates a dynamic mock for the specified type.
Arguments for the class' constructor, if mocking a concrete class
Creates a mock object from several types.
Creates a strict mock object from several types.
Create a mock object from several types with dynamic semantics.
Create a mock object from several types with partial semantics.
Create a mock object from several types with strict semantics.
Extra interface types to mock.
Arguments for the class' constructor, if mocking a concrete class
Create a strict mock object from several types with strict semantics.
Extra interface types to mock.
Arguments for the class' constructor, if mocking a concrete class
Create a mock object from several types with dynamic semantics.
Extra interface types to mock.
Arguments for the class' constructor, if mocking a concrete class
Create a mock object from several types with partial semantics.
Extra interface types to mock.
Arguments for the class' constructor, if mocking a concrete class
Create a mock object with from a class that defaults to calling the class methods
Arguments for the class' constructor, if mocking a concrete class
Create a stub object, one that has properties and events ready for use, and
can have methods called on it. It requires an explicit step in order to create
an expectation for a stub.
The arguments for constructor.
Create a stub object, one that has properties and events ready for use, and
can have methods called on it. It requires an explicit step in order to create
an expectation for a stub.
The type.
The arguments for constructor.
The stub
Returns true if the passed mock is currently in replay mode.
The mock to test.
True if the mock is in replay mode, false otherwise.
Determines whether the specified proxy is a stub.
The proxy.
Register a call on a prperty behavior
Gets the recorder.
Gets the replayer for this repository.
Gets the last proxy which had a method call.
Delegate: CreateMockState
This is used internally to cleanly handle the creation of different
A set of extension methods that adds Arrange Act Assert mode to Rhino Mocks
Create an expectation on this mock for this action to occur
The mock.
The action.
Reset all expectations on this mock object
The mock.
Reset the selected expectation on this mock object
The mock.
The options to reset the expectations on this mock.
Cause the mock state to change to replay, any further call is compared to the
ones that were called in the record state.
the mocked object to move to replay state
Gets the mock repository for this specificied mock object
The mock.
Create an expectation on this mock for this action to occur
The mock.
The action.
Tell the mock object to perform a certain action when a matching
method is called.
Does not create an expectation for this method.
The mock.
The action.
Tell the mock object to perform a certain action when a matching
method is called.
Does not create an expectation for this method.
The mock.
The action.
Gets the arguments for calls made on this mock object and the method that was called
in the action.
The mock.
The action.
Here we will get all the arguments for all the calls made to DoSomething(int)
var argsForCalls = foo54.GetArgumentsForCallsMadeOn(x => x.DoSomething(0))
Gets the arguments for calls made on this mock object and the method that was called
in the action and matches the given constraints
The mock.
The action.
The setup constraints.
Here we will get all the arguments for all the calls made to DoSomething(int)
var argsForCalls = foo54.GetArgumentsForCallsMadeOn(x => x.DoSomething(0))
Asserts that a particular method was called on this mock object
The mock.
The action.
Asserts that a particular method was called on this mock object that match
a particular constraint set.
The mock.
The action.
The setup constraints.
Asserts that a particular method was called on this mock object that match
a particular constraint set.
The mock.
The action.
Asserts that a particular method was called on this mock object that match
a particular constraint set.
The mock.
The action.
The setup constraints.
Asserts that a particular method was NOT called on this mock object
The mock.
The action.
Asserts that a particular method was NOT called on this mock object that match
a particular constraint set.
The mock.
The action.
The setup constraints.
Asserts that a particular method was NOT called on this mock object
The mock.
The action.
Asserts that a particular method was NOT called on this mock object
The mock.
The action.
The setup constraints.
Finds the approprite implementation type of this item.
This is the class or an interface outside of the rhino mocks.
The mocked obj.
Verifies all expectations on this mock object
The mock object.
Gets the event raiser for the event that was called in the action passed
The type of the event source.
The mock object.
The event subscription.
Raise the specified event using the passed arguments.
The even is extracted from the passed labmda
The type of the event source.
The mock object.
The event subscription.
The sender.
The instance containing the event data.
Raise the specified event using the passed arguments.
The even is extracted from the passed labmda
The type of the event source.
The mock object.
The event subscription.
The args.
TODO: Make this better! It currently breaks down when mocking classes or
ABC's that call other virtual methods which are getting intercepted too. I wish
we could just walk Expression{Action{Action{T}} to assert only a single
method is being made.
The workaround is to not call foo.AssertWasCalled .. rather foo.VerifyAllExpectations()
The type of mock object
The mock repository
The actual mock object to assert expectations on.
Fake type that disallow creating it.
Should have been System.Type, but we can't use it.
Utility class for dealing with messing generics scenarios.
There are issues with trying to get this to work correctly with open generic types, since this is an edge case,
I am letting the runtime handle it.
Gets the real type, including de-constructing and constructing the type of generic
methods parameters.
The type.
The invocation.
Because we need to support complex types here (simple generics were handled above) we
need to be aware of the following scenarios:
List[T] and List[Foo[T]]
Dictionary class
Create a new instance of ProxyStateDictionary
Allows to call a method and immediately get it's options.
Interface to allow calling a method and immediately get it's options.
Get the method options for the call
The method call should go here, the return value is ignored
Creates a new instance.
Get the method options for the call
The method call should go here, the return value is ignored
Allows to call a method and immediately get it's options.
Set the expected number for the call to Any()
Creates a new instance.
Mocked instance.
Get the method options for the call
The method call should go here, the return value is ignored
This class is reponsible for taking a delegate and creating a wrapper
interface around it, so it can be mocked.
The scope for all the delegate interfaces create by this mock repository.
Gets a type with an "Invoke" method suitable for use as a target of the
specified delegate type.
Raise events for all subscribers for an event
Raise events for all subscribers for an event
Raise the event
The most common form for the event handler signature
Create an event raiser for the specified event on this instance.
Creates a new instance of EventRaiser
Raise the event
The most common signature for events
Here to allow intellisense to make better guesses about how
it should suggest parameters.
Allows to define what would happen when a method
is called.
Allows to define what would happen when a method
is called.
Set the return value for the method.
The object the method will return
IRepeat that defines how many times the method will return this value
Allow to override this return value in the future
IRepeat that defines how many times the method will return this value
Throws the specified exception when the method is called.
Exception to throw
Ignores the arguments for this method. Any argument will be matched
againt this method.
Add constraints for the method's arguments.
Set a callback method for the last call
Set a delegate to be called when the expectation is matched.
The delegate return value will be returned from the expectation.
Set a delegate to be called when the expectation is matched.
The delegate return value will be returned from the expectation.
Set a delegate to be called when the expectation is matched.
The delegate return value will be returned from the expectation.
Set a delegate to be called when the expectation is matched.
The delegate return value will be returned from the expectation.
Set a delegate to be called when the expectation is matched.
The delegate return value will be returned from the expectation.
Set a delegate to be called when the expectation is matched.
The delegate return value will be returned from the expectation.
Set a delegate to be called when the expectation is matched.
The delegate return value will be returned from the expectation.
Set a delegate to be called when the expectation is matched.
The delegate return value will be returned from the expectation.
Set a delegate to be called when the expectation is matched.
The delegate return value will be returned from the expectation.
Set a delegate to be called when the expectation is matched.
The delegate return value will be returned from the expectation.
Set a delegate to be called when the expectation is matched.
The delegate return value will be returned from the expectation.
Set a delegate to be called when the expectation is matched.
The delegate return value will be returned from the expectation.
Set a delegate to be called when the expectation is matched
and allow to optionally modify the invocation as needed
Call the original method on the class, bypassing the mocking layers.
Call the original method on the class, optionally bypassing the mocking layers.
Use the property as a simple property, getting/setting the values without
causing mock expectations.
Expect last (property) call as property setting, ignore the argument given
Expect last (property) call as property setting with a given argument.
Get an event raiser for the last subscribed event.
Set the parameter values for out and ref parameters.
This is done using zero based indexing, and _ignoring_ any non out/ref parameter.
Documentation message for the expectation
Better syntax to define repeats.
Allows to specify the number of time for method calls
Repeat the method twice.
Repeat the method once.
Repeat the method at least once, then repeat as many time as it would like.
Repeat the method any number of times.
This has special affects in that this method would now ignore orderring.
Set the range to repeat an action.
Set the amount of times to repeat an action.
This method must not appear in the replay state.
This has special affects in that this method would now ignore orderring.
Creates a new instance.
the repository for this expectation
the recorder for this proxy
the proxy for this expectation
Add constraints for the method's arguments.
Set a callback method for the last call
Set a callback method for the last call
Set a callback method for the last call
Set a callback method for the last call
Set a callback method for the last call
Set a callback method for the last call
Set a callback method for the last call
Set a callback method for the last call
Set a callback method for the last call
Set a callback method for the last call
Set a callback method for the last call
Set a callback method for the last call
Set a delegate to be called when the expectation is matched.
The delegate return value will be returned from the expectation.
Set a delegate to be called when the expectation is matched.
The delegate return value will be returned from the expectation.
Set the return value for the method.
The object the method will return
IRepeat that defines how many times the method will return this value
Set the return value for the method, but allow to override this return value in the future
IRepeat that defines how many times the method will return this value
Throws the specified exception when the method is called.
Exception to throw
Ignores the arguments for this method. Any argument will be matched
againt this method.
Call the original method on the class, bypassing the mocking layers.
Call the original method on the class, optionally bypassing the mocking layers
Use the property as a simple property, getting/setting the values without
causing mock expectations.
Expect last (property) call as property setting, ignore the argument given
Expect last (property) call as property setting with a given argument.
Gets the event raiser for the last event
Set the parameter values for out and ref parameters.
This is done using zero based indexing, and _ignoring_ any non out/ref parameter.
Repeat the method twice.
Repeat the method once.
Repeat the method at least once, then repeat as many time as it would like.
This method must not appear in the replay state.
Documentation message for the expectation
Repeat the method any number of times.
Set the range to repeat an action.
Set the amount of times to repeat an action.
Better syntax to define repeats.
This class will provide hash code for hashtables without needing
to call the GetHashCode() on the object, which may very well be mocked.
This class has no state so it is a singelton to avoid creating a lot of objects
that does the exact same thing. See flyweight patterns.
Get the hash code for a proxy object without calling GetHashCode()
on the object.
Compares two instances of mocked objects
Compare two mocked objects
The next hash code value for a mock object.
This is safe for multi threading.
The sole instance of
This is a dummy type that is used merely to give DynamicProxy the proxy instance that
it needs to create IProxy's types.
Interface to find the repository of a mocked object
Return true if it should call the original method on the object
instead of pass it to the message chain.
The method to call
Register a method to be called on the object directly
Register a property on the object that will behave as a simple property
Check if the method was registered as a property method.
Do get/set on the property, according to need.
Do add/remove on the event
Get the subscribers of a spesific event
Gets the declaring type of the method, taking into acccount the possible generic
parameters that it was created with.
Clears the state of the object, remove original calls, property behavior, subscribed events, etc.
Get all the method calls arguments that were made against this object with the specificed
Only method calls in replay mode are counted
Records the method call
Mocks that are tied to this mock lifestyle
The unique hash code of this mock, which is not related
to the value of the GetHashCode() call on the object.
Gets the repository.
Gets the implemented types by this mocked object
The implemented.
Gets or sets the constructor arguments.
The constructor arguments.
The mocked instance that this is representing
Create a new instance of
Return true if it should call the original method on the object
instead of pass it to the message chain.
The method to call
Register a method to be called on the object directly
Register a property on the object that will behave as a simple property
Return true if there is already a value for the property
Check if the method was registered as a property method.
Do get/set on the property, according to need.
Do add/remove on the event
Get the subscribers of a spesific event
Gets the declaring type of the method, taking into acccount the possible generic
parameters that it was created with.
Get all the method calls arguments that were made against this object with the specificed
Only method calls in replay mode are counted
Records the method call
Clears the state of the object, remove original calls, property behavior, subscribed events, etc.
Mocks that are tied to this mock lifestyle
The unique hash code of this proxy, which is not related
to the value of the GetHashCode() call on the object.
Gets the repository.
Gets or sets the constructor arguments.
The constructor arguments.
The mocked instance that this is representing
Gets the implemented types by this mocked object
The implemented.
Range for expected method calls
Creates a new instance.
Return the string representation of this range.
Gets or sets the min.
Gets or sets the max.
Records all the expectations for a mock and
return a ReplayDynamicMockState when Replay()
is called.
Creates a new instance.
The proxy that generates the method calls
Verify that we can move to replay state and move
to the reply state.
Get the default call count range expectation
Gets a mock state that match the original mock state of the object.
Records all the expectations for a mock and
return a ReplayPartialMockState when Replay()
is called.
Creates a new instance.
The proxy that generates the method calls
Verify that we can move to replay state and move
to the reply state.
Gets a mock state that matches the original mock state of the object.
Options for special repeat option
This method can be called only as many times as the IMethodOptions.Expect allows.
This method should never be called
This method can be call any number of times
This method will call the original method
This method will call the original method, bypassing the mocking layer
This method will simulate simple property behavior
Validate all expectations on a mock and ignores calls to
any method that was not setup properly.
Creates a new instance.
The previous state for this method
Add a method call for this state' mock.
The invocation for this method
The method that was called
The arguments this method was called with
Gets a mock state that match the original mock state of the object.
Validate all expectations on a mock and ignores calls to
any method that was not setup properly.
Creates a new instance.
The previous state for this method
Add a method call for this state' mock.
The invocation for this method
The method that was called
The arguments this method was called with
Gets a mock state that match the original mock state of the object.
Summary description for RhinoInterceptor.
Creates a new instance.
Intercept a method call and direct it to the repository.
Validate arguments for methods
Validate that the passed argument is not null.
The object to validate
The name of the argument
If the obj is null, an ArgumentNullException with the passed name
is thrown.
Validate that the arguments are equal.
Expected args.
Actual Args.
Validate that the two arguments are equals, including validation for
when the arguments are collections, in which case it will validate their values.
This method is safe for use even if any of the objects is a mocked object
that override equals.
Throw an object already verified when accessed
Create a new instance of VerifiedMockState
The previous mock state, used to get the initial record state
Add a method call for this state' mock.
The invocation for this method
The method that was called
The arguments this method was called with
Verify that this mock expectations have passed.
Verify that we can move to replay state and move
to the reply state.
Gets a mock state that match the original mock state of the object.
Get the options for the last method call
Set the exception to throw when Verify is called.
This is used to report exception that may have happened but where caught in the code.
This way, they are reported anyway when Verify() is called.
not relevant
Gets the matching verify state for this state
Get the options for the last method call
Records the actions on all the mocks created by a repository.
Records the specified call with the specified args on the mocked object.
Get the expectation for this method on this object with this arguments
This check the methods that were setup using the SetupResult.For()
or LastCall.Repeat.Any() and that bypass the whole expectation model.
Gets the all expectations for a mocked object and method combination,
regardless of the expected arguments / callbacks / contraints.
Mocked object.
List of all relevant expectation
Gets the all expectations for proxy.
Mocked object.
List of all relevant expectation
Removes all the repeatable expectations for proxy.
Mocked object.
Replaces the old expectation with the new expectation for the specified proxy/method pair.
This replace ALL expectations that equal to old expectations.
Old expectation.
New expectation.
Adds the recorder and turn it into the active recorder.
Moves to previous recorder.
Gets the recorded expectation or null.
Gets the next expected calls string.
Moves to parent recorder.
Set the expectation so it can repeat any number of times.
Removes the expectation from the recorder
Clear the replayer to call (and all its chain of replayers)
This also removes it from the list of expectations, so it will never be considered again
Get the expectation for this method on this object with this arguments
Gets a value indicating whether this instance has expectations that weren't satisfied yet.
true if this instance has expectations; otherwise, false.
Allows to set various options for the last method call on
a specified object.
If the method has a return value, it's recommended to use Expect
Allows to get an interface to work on the last call.
The mocked object
Interface that allows to set options for the last method call on this object
Set the return value for the method.
The object the method will return
IRepeat that defines how many times the method will return this value
Set the return value for the method. This overload is needed for LastCall.Return(null)
The object the method will return
IRepeat that defines how many times the method will return this value
Throws the specified exception when the method is called.
Exception to throw
Ignores the arguments for this method. Any argument will be matched
againt this method.
Add constraints for the method's arguments.
Set a callback method for the last call
Set a callback method for the last call
Set a callback method for the last call
Set a callback method for the last call
Set a callback method for the last call
Set a callback method for the last call
Set a callback method for the last call
Set a callback method for the last call
Set a callback method for the last call
Set a callback method for the last call
Set a callback method for the last call
Set a callback method for the last call
Call the original method on the class, bypassing the mocking layers, for the last call.
Call the original method on the class, optionally bypassing the mocking layers, for the last call.
Set a delegate to be called when the expectation is matched.
The delegate return value will be returned from the expectation.
Gets an interface that will raise the last event when called.
Set the parameter values for out and ref parameters.
This is done using zero based indexing, and _ignoring_ any non out/ref parameter.
Documentation message for the expectation
Use the property as a simple property, getting/setting the values without
causing mock expectations.
Better syntax to define repeats.
Base class for method recorders, handle delegating to inner recorder if needed.
List of the expected actions on for this recorder
The legal values are:
* Expectations
* Method Recorders
The current recorder.
The current replayer;
The parent recorder of this one, may be null.
This contains a list of all the replayers that should be ignored
for a spesific method call. A replayer gets into this list by calling
ClearReplayerToCall() on its parent. This list is Clear()ed on each new invocation.
All the repeatable methods calls.
Counts the recursion depth of the current expectation search stack
Creates a new instance.
Creates a new instance.
Parent recorder.
Repeatable methods
Records the specified call with the specified args on the mocked object.
Get the expectation for this method on this object with this arguments
Gets the all expectations for a mocked object and method combination,
regardless of the expected arguments / callbacks / contraints.
Mocked object.
List of all relevant expectation
Gets the all expectations for proxy.
Mocked object.
List of all relevant expectation
Replaces the old expectation with the new expectation for the specified proxy/method pair.
This replace ALL expectations that equal to old expectations.
Old expectation.
New expectation.
Remove the all repeatable expectations for proxy.
Mocked object.
Set the expectation so it can repeat any number of times.
Removes the expectation from the recorder
Adds the recorder and turn it into the active recorder.
Moves to previous recorder.
Moves to parent recorder.
Gets the recorded expectation or null.
Clear the replayer to call (and all its chain of replayers).
This also removes it from the list of expectations, so it will never be considered again
Get the expectation for this method on this object with this arguments
Gets the next expected calls string.
Handles the real getting of the recorded expectation or null.
Handle the real execution of this method for the derived class
Handle the real execution of this method for the derived class
Handle the real execution of this method for the derived class
Handle the real execution of this method for the derived class
Handle the real execution of this method for the derived class
Handle the real execution of this method for the derived class
Should this replayer be considered valid for this call?
This check the methods that were setup using the SetupResult.For()
or LastCall.Repeat.Any() and that bypass the whole expectation model.
Gets a value indicating whether this instance has expectations that weren't satisfied yet.
true if this instance has expectations; otherwise, false.
Handle the real execution of this method for the derived class
Ordered collection of methods, methods must arrive in specified order
in order to pass.
Unordered collection of method records, any expectation that exist
will be matched.
The parent recorder we have redirected to.
Useful for certain edge cases in orderring.
See: FieldProblem_Entropy for the details.
Creates a new instance.
Parent recorder.
Repeatable methods
Creates a new instance.
Records the specified call with the specified args on the mocked object.
Mocked object.
Get the expectation for this method on this object with this arguments
Invocation for this method
Mocked object.
True is the call was recorded, false otherwise
Gets the all expectations for a mocked object and method combination,
regardless of the expected arguments / callbacks / contraints.
Mocked object.
List of all relevant expectation
Gets the all expectations for proxy.
Mocked object.
List of all relevant expectation
Replaces the old expectation with the new expectation for the specified proxy/method pair.
This replace ALL expectations that equal to old expectations.
Old expectation.
New expectation.
Handle the real execution of this method for the derived class
Handles the real getting of the recorded expectation or null.
Handle the real execution of this method for the derived class
Gets the next expected calls string.
Create an exception for an unexpected method call.
Gets a value indicating whether this instance has expectations that weren't satisfied yet.
true if this instance has expectations; otherwise, false.
Creates a new instance.
Parent recorder.
Repetable methods
Creates a new instance.
Handles the real getting of the recorded expectation or null.
Get the expectation for this method on this object with this arguments
Gets the next expected calls string.
Hold an expectation for a method call on an object
Creates a new instance.
Determines if the object equal to this instance
Gets the hash code.
Gets the proxy.
Gets the method.
Gets the expectation.
Holds a pair of mocked object and a method
and allows to compare them against each other.
This allows us to have a distinction between mockOne.MyMethod() and
Creates a new instance.
Determines whatever obj equals to this instance.
ProxyMethodPairs are equal when they point to the same /instance/ of
an object, and to the same method.
Gets the hash code.
Gets the proxy.
Gets the method.
Change the recorder from ordered to unordered and vice versa
Creates a new instance.
Disposes this instance.
Accessor for the current mocker
The current mocker
Used for [assembly: InternalsVisibleTo(RhinoMocks.StrongName)]
Used for [assembly: InternalsVisibleTo(RhinoMocks.NormalName)]
Strong name for the Dynamic Proxy assemblies. Used for InternalsVisibleTo specification.
Normal name for dynamic proxy assemblies. Used for InternalsVisibleTo specification.
Logs all method calls for methods
Setup method calls to repeat any number of times.
Get the method options and set the last method call to repeat
any number of times.
This also means that the method would transcend ordering
Get the method options for the last method call on the mockInstance and set it
to repeat any number of times.
This also means that the method would transcend ordering
Utility class for working with method calls.
Return the string representation of a method call and its arguments.
The method
The method arguments
Invocation of the method, used to get the generics arguments
Delegate to format the parameter
The string representation of this method call
Return the string representation of a method call and its arguments.
The invocation of the method, used to get the generic parameters
The method
The method arguments
The string representation of this method call
Delegate to format the argument for the string representation of
the method call.
Utility to get the default value for a type
The default value for a type.
Null for reference types and void
0 for value types.
First element for enums
Note that we need to get the value even for opened generic types, such as those from
generic methods.
The invocation.
the default value
Allows easier access to MockRepository, works closely with Mocker.Current to
allow access to a context where the mock repository is automatially verified at
the end of the code block.
Initialize a code block where Mocker.Current is initialized.
At the end of the code block, all the expectation will be verified.
This overload will create a new MockRepository.
The code that will be executed under the mock context
Initialize a code block where Mocker.Current is initialized.
At the end of the code block, all the expectation will be verified.
This overload will create a new MockRepository.
The mock repository to use, at the end of the code block, VerifyAll() will be called on the repository.
The code that will be executed under the mock context
Create a FluentMocker
The mock repository to use.
A method with no arguments and no return value that will be called under the mock context.
FluentMocker implements some kind of fluent interface attempt
for saying "With the Mocks [mocks], Expecting (in same order) [things] verify [that]."
Interface to verify previously defined expectations
Verifies if a piece of code
Defines unordered expectations
A delegate describing the expectations
an IMockVerifier
Defines ordered expectations
A delegate describing the expectations
an IMockVerifier
Verifies previously defined expectations
This delegate is compatible with the System.Func{T,R} signature
We have to define our own to get compatability with 2.0
This attribute is here so we can get better Pex integration
Using this means that Pex will not try to inspect the work of
the actual proxies being generated by Rhino Mocks