using System; using System.Xml.Linq; // This file is part of the ANX.Framework created by the // "ANX.Framework developer group" and released under the Ms-PL license. // For details see: namespace ProjectConverter.Platforms { public class PsVitaConverter : Converter { public override string Postfix { get { return "PSVita"; } } public override string Name { get { return "PSVita"; } } #region ConvertImport protected override void ConvertImport(XElement element, XAttribute projectAttribute) { if (projectAttribute != null) { if (projectAttribute.Value.EndsWith("Microsoft.CSharp.targets")) { projectAttribute.Value = @"$(MSBuildExtensionsPath)\Sce\Sce.Psm.CSharp.targets"; } else if (projectAttribute.Value.EndsWith(XnaGameStudioTarget) || projectAttribute.Value.EndsWith(XnaPipelineExtensionTarget)) { element.Remove(); } } } #endregion #region ConvertItemGroup protected override void ConvertItemGroup(XElement element) { if (element.Element(GetXName("Reference")) != null) { var systemCoreReference = new XElement(GetXName("Reference")); systemCoreReference.Add(new XAttribute("Include", "System.Core")); element.Add(systemCoreReference); } } #endregion #region ConvertReference protected override void ConvertReference(XElement element) { XAttribute includeAttribute = element.Attribute("Include"); if (includeAttribute != null) { string value = includeAttribute.Value; if (value == "System.Net") element.Remove(); } } #endregion #region ConvertMainPropertyGroup protected override void ConvertMainPropertyGroup(XElement element) { ChangeOrCreateNodeValue(element, "ProjectTypeGuids", "{69878862-DA7D-4DC6-B0A1-50D8FAB4242F};" + "{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}"); ChangeOrCreateNodeValue(element, "ProductVersion", "10.0.0"); ChangeOrCreateNodeValue(element, "SchemaVersion", "2.0"); DeleteNodeIfExists(element, "TargetFrameworkVersion"); DeleteNodeIfExists(element, "TargetFrameworkProfile"); XElement outputTypeNode = GetOrCreateNode(element, "OutputType"); if (outputTypeNode.Value == "WinExe" || outputTypeNode.Value == "appcontainerexe") { outputTypeNode.Value = "Exe"; } else if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(outputTypeNode.Value)) { outputTypeNode.Value = "Library"; } } #endregion } }