Release Notes (2012-06-10)
SharpDX 2.2.0 

This is a maintenance release, mainly to support new Windows 8 Release Preview. Starting with 2.2 version, SharpDX for Metro App is only compatible with Windows 8 Release Preview.

Lots of improvements and bug fixes, check the following details:

    Fix issue with Reflection.Emit not compatible with Win8 Release Preview. Using Linq.Expressions instead.

    All samples have been ported to use new Windows 8 RP. Lots of small breaking changes
    Add property DrawingPosition to CommonDX.SurfaceImageSourceTarget

Sound API
    The project/assembly X3DAudio is removed and is now part of XAudio2. In order to use X3DAudio, you only have to reference XAudio2.

Graphics API
    New constants for ComputeShaderStage and PixelShaderStage
    New UpdateSubresourceSafe method to support workaround for deferred context with non null resource region (see http://blogs.msdn.com/b/chuckw/archive/2010/07/28/known-issue-direct3d-11-updatesubresource-and-deferred-contexts.aspx)
    Fix issue #195. DeviceContext.UpdateSubresource is now public
    Update MiniCube to demonstrate how to handle resize and fullscreen

    Project started. Not yet available but a MediaPlayer will be available soon for Windows 8 Metro App.

    Fix bug in ComStreamShadow.Seek, newPosition can be null

    Add support for building all desktop with Windows SDK 7.1 (http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=8279) with Visual Studio 2010 installed