SharpDX.D3DCompiler Values that identify the indended use of a constant-data buffer. D3D_SHADER_CBUFFER_FLAGS-typed values are specified in the uFlags member of the structure. D3D_SHADER_CBUFFER_FLAGS Bind the constant buffer to an input slot defined in HLSL code (instead of letting the compiler choose the input slot). D3D_CBF_USERPACKED None. None Values that identify the intended use of constant-buffer data. D3D_CBUFFER_TYPE A buffer containing scalar constants. D3D_CT_CBUFFER A buffer containing texture data. D3D_CT_TBUFFER A buffer containing interface references. D3D_CT_INTERFACE_POINTERS A buffer containing binding information. D3D_CT_RESOURCE_BIND_INFO No documentation. D3DCOMPILE_DISASM_FLAGS No documentation. D3D_DISASM_ENABLE_COLOR_CODE No documentation. D3D_DISASM_ENABLE_DEFAULT_VALUE_PRINTS No documentation. D3D_DISASM_ENABLE_INSTRUCTION_NUMBERING No documentation. D3D_DISASM_ENABLE_INSTRUCTION_CYCLE No documentation. D3D_DISASM_DISABLE_DEBUG_INFO No documentation. D3D_DISASM_ENABLE_INSTRUCTION_OFFSET No documentation. D3D_DISASM_INSTRUCTION_ONLY None. None No documentation. D3DCOMPILE_EFFECT_FLAGS No documentation. D3DCOMPILE_EFFECT_CHILD_EFFECT No documentation. D3DCOMPILE_EFFECT_ALLOW_SLOW_OPS None. None Values that indicate the location of a shader #include file. You pass a -typed value to the IncludeType parameter in a call to the method to indicate the location of the #include file. D3D_INCLUDE_TYPE The local directory. D3D_INCLUDE_LOCAL The system directory. D3D_INCLUDE_SYSTEM Values that indicate how the pipeline interprets vertex data that is bound to the input-assembler stage. These primitive topology values determine how the vertex data is rendered on screen. Use the method and a value from to bind a primitive topology to the input-assembler stage. Use the method to retrieve the primitive topology for the input-assembler stage.The following diagram shows the various primitive types for a geometry shader object. D3D_PRIMITIVE No documentation. D3D_PRIMITIVE_UNDEFINED No documentation. D3D_PRIMITIVE_POINT No documentation. D3D_PRIMITIVE_LINE No documentation. D3D_PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLE No documentation. D3D_PRIMITIVE_LINE_ADJ No documentation. D3D_PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLE_ADJ No documentation. D3D_PRIMITIVE_1_CONTROL_POINT_PATCH No documentation. D3D_PRIMITIVE_2_CONTROL_POINT_PATCH No documentation. D3D_PRIMITIVE_3_CONTROL_POINT_PATCH No documentation. D3D_PRIMITIVE_4_CONTROL_POINT_PATCH No documentation. D3D_PRIMITIVE_5_CONTROL_POINT_PATCH No documentation. D3D_PRIMITIVE_6_CONTROL_POINT_PATCH No documentation. D3D_PRIMITIVE_7_CONTROL_POINT_PATCH No documentation. D3D_PRIMITIVE_8_CONTROL_POINT_PATCH No documentation. D3D_PRIMITIVE_9_CONTROL_POINT_PATCH No documentation. D3D_PRIMITIVE_10_CONTROL_POINT_PATCH No documentation. D3D_PRIMITIVE_11_CONTROL_POINT_PATCH No documentation. D3D_PRIMITIVE_12_CONTROL_POINT_PATCH No documentation. D3D_PRIMITIVE_13_CONTROL_POINT_PATCH No documentation. D3D_PRIMITIVE_14_CONTROL_POINT_PATCH No documentation. D3D_PRIMITIVE_15_CONTROL_POINT_PATCH No documentation. D3D_PRIMITIVE_16_CONTROL_POINT_PATCH No documentation. D3D_PRIMITIVE_17_CONTROL_POINT_PATCH No documentation. D3D_PRIMITIVE_18_CONTROL_POINT_PATCH No documentation. D3D_PRIMITIVE_19_CONTROL_POINT_PATCH No documentation. D3D_PRIMITIVE_20_CONTROL_POINT_PATCH No documentation. D3D_PRIMITIVE_21_CONTROL_POINT_PATCH No documentation. D3D_PRIMITIVE_22_CONTROL_POINT_PATCH No documentation. D3D_PRIMITIVE_23_CONTROL_POINT_PATCH No documentation. D3D_PRIMITIVE_24_CONTROL_POINT_PATCH No documentation. D3D_PRIMITIVE_25_CONTROL_POINT_PATCH No documentation. D3D_PRIMITIVE_26_CONTROL_POINT_PATCH No documentation. D3D_PRIMITIVE_27_CONTROL_POINT_PATCH No documentation. D3D_PRIMITIVE_28_CONTROL_POINT_PATCH No documentation. D3D_PRIMITIVE_29_CONTROL_POINT_PATCH No documentation. D3D_PRIMITIVE_30_CONTROL_POINT_PATCH No documentation. D3D_PRIMITIVE_31_CONTROL_POINT_PATCH No documentation. D3D_PRIMITIVE_32_CONTROL_POINT_PATCH Values that identify the data types that can be stored in a register. A register component type is specified in the ComponentType member of the structure. D3D_REGISTER_COMPONENT_TYPE The data type is unknown. D3D_REGISTER_COMPONENT_UNKNOWN 32-bit unsigned integer. D3D_REGISTER_COMPONENT_UINT32 32-bit signed integer. D3D_REGISTER_COMPONENT_SINT32 32-bit floating-point number. D3D_REGISTER_COMPONENT_FLOAT32 Values that identify the return type of a resource. A resource return type is specified in the ReturnType member of the structure. D3D_RESOURCE_RETURN_TYPE Return type is an unsigned integer value normalized to a value between 0 and 1. D3D_RETURN_TYPE_UNORM Return type is a signed integer value normalized to a value between -1 and 1. D3D_RETURN_TYPE_SNORM Return type is a signed integer. D3D_RETURN_TYPE_SINT Return type is an unsigned integer. D3D_RETURN_TYPE_UINT Return type is a floating-point number. D3D_RETURN_TYPE_FLOAT Return type is unknown. D3D_RETURN_TYPE_MIXED Return type is a double-precision value. D3D_RETURN_TYPE_DOUBLE Return type is a multiple-dword type, such as a double or uint64, and the component is continued from the previous component that was declared. The first component represents the lower bits. D3D_RETURN_TYPE_CONTINUED No documentation. D3DCOMPILE_SECDATA_FLAGS No documentation. D3DCOMPILE_SECDATA_MERGE_UAV_SLOTS No documentation. D3DCOMPILE_SECDATA_PRESERVE_TEMPLATE_SLOTS No documentation. D3DCOMPILE_SECDATA_REQUIRE_TEMPLATE_MATCH None. None Values that identify parts of the content of an arbitrary length data buffer. These values are passed to the function. D3D_BLOB_PART The blob part is an input signature. D3D_BLOB_INPUT_SIGNATURE_BLOB The blob part is an output signature. D3D_BLOB_OUTPUT_SIGNATURE_BLOB The blob part is an input and output signature. D3D_BLOB_INPUT_AND_OUTPUT_SIGNATURE_BLOB The blob part is a patch constant signature. D3D_BLOB_PATCH_CONSTANT_SIGNATURE_BLOB The blob part is all signature. D3D_BLOB_ALL_SIGNATURE_BLOB The blob part is debug information. D3D_BLOB_DEBUG_INFO The blob part is a legacy shader. D3D_BLOB_LEGACY_SHADER The blob part is an XNA prepass shader. D3D_BLOB_XNA_PREPASS_SHADER The blob part is an XNA shader. D3D_BLOB_XNA_SHADER The blob part is a test alternate shader. Note??This value identifies a test part and is only produced by special compiler versions. Therefore, this part type is typically not present in shaders. D3D_BLOB_PDB The blob part is test compilation details. Note??This value identifies a test part and is only produced by special compiler versions. Therefore, this part type is typically not present in shaders. D3D_BLOB_PRIVATE_DATA The blob part is test compilation performance. Note??This value identifies a test part and is only produced by special compiler versions. Therefore, this part type is typically not present in shaders. D3D_BLOB_TEST_ALTERNATE_SHADER No documentation. D3D_BLOB_TEST_COMPILE_DETAILS No documentation. D3D_BLOB_TEST_COMPILE_PERF No documentation. D3D_BLOB_TEST_COMPILE_REPORT No documentation. D3DCOMPILE_SHADER_FLAGS No documentation. D3DCOMPILE_DEBUG No documentation. D3DCOMPILE_SKIP_VALIDATION No documentation. D3DCOMPILE_SKIP_OPTIMIZATION No documentation. D3DCOMPILE_PACK_MATRIX_ROW_MAJOR No documentation. D3DCOMPILE_PACK_MATRIX_COLUMN_MAJOR No documentation. D3DCOMPILE_PARTIAL_PRECISION No documentation. D3DCOMPILE_FORCE_VS_SOFTWARE_NO_OPT No documentation. D3DCOMPILE_FORCE_PS_SOFTWARE_NO_OPT No documentation. D3DCOMPILE_NO_PRESHADER No documentation. D3DCOMPILE_AVOID_FLOW_CONTROL No documentation. D3DCOMPILE_PREFER_FLOW_CONTROL No documentation. D3DCOMPILE_ENABLE_STRICTNESS No documentation. D3DCOMPILE_ENABLE_BACKWARDS_COMPATIBILITY No documentation. D3DCOMPILE_IEEE_STRICTNESS No documentation. D3DCOMPILE_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL0 No documentation. D3DCOMPILE_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL1 No documentation. D3DCOMPILE_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL2 No documentation. D3DCOMPILE_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL3 No documentation. D3DCOMPILE_RESERVED16 No documentation. D3DCOMPILE_RESERVED17 No documentation. D3DCOMPILE_WARNINGS_ARE_ERRORS None. None Values that identify shader-input options. D3D_SHADER_INPUT_FLAGS-typed values are specified in the uFlags member of the structure. D3D_SHADER_INPUT_FLAGS Assign a shader input to a register based on the register assignment in the HLSL code (instead of letting the compiler choose the register). D3D_SIF_USERPACKED Use a comparison sampler, which uses the SampleCmp (DirectX HLSL Texture Object) and SampleCmpLevelZero (DirectX HLSL Texture Object) sampling functions. D3D_SIF_COMPARISON_SAMPLER A 2-bit value for encoding texture components. D3D_SIF_TEXTURE_COMPONENT_0 A 2-bit value for encoding texture components. D3D_SIF_TEXTURE_COMPONENT_1 A 2-bit value for encoding texture components. D3D_SIF_TEXTURE_COMPONENTS This value is reserved. D3D_SIF_UNUSED None. None Values that identify resource types that can be bound to a shader and that are reflected as part of the resource description for the shader. D3D_SHADER_INPUT_TYPE-typed values are specified in the Type member of the structure. D3D_SHADER_INPUT_TYPE The shader resource is a constant buffer. D3D_SIT_CBUFFER The shader resource is a texture buffer. D3D_SIT_TBUFFER The shader resource is a texture. D3D_SIT_TEXTURE The shader resource is a sampler. D3D_SIT_SAMPLER The shader resource is a read-and-write buffer. D3D_SIT_UAV_RWTYPED The shader resource is a structured buffer. For more information about structured buffer, see the Remarks section. D3D_SIT_STRUCTURED The shader resource is a read-and-write structured buffer. D3D_SIT_UAV_RWSTRUCTURED The shader resource is a byte-address buffer. D3D_SIT_BYTEADDRESS The shader resource is a read-and-write byte-address buffer. D3D_SIT_UAV_RWBYTEADDRESS The shader resource is an append-structured buffer. D3D_SIT_UAV_APPEND_STRUCTURED The shader resource is a consume-structured buffer. D3D_SIT_UAV_CONSUME_STRUCTURED The shader resource is a read-and-write structured buffer that uses the built-in counter to append or consume. D3D_SIT_UAV_RWSTRUCTURED_WITH_COUNTER Values that identify the class of a shader variable. The class of a shader variable is not a programming class; the class identifies the variable class such as scalar, vector, object, and so on. -typed values are specified in the Class member of the structure. D3D_SHADER_VARIABLE_CLASS The shader variable is a scalar. D3D_SVC_SCALAR The shader variable is a vector. D3D_SVC_VECTOR The shader variable is a row-major matrix. D3D_SVC_MATRIX_ROWS The shader variable is a column-major matrix. D3D_SVC_MATRIX_COLUMNS The shader variable is an object. D3D_SVC_OBJECT The shader variable is a structure. D3D_SVC_STRUCT The shader variable is a class. D3D_SVC_INTERFACE_CLASS The shader variable is an interface. D3D_SVC_INTERFACE_POINTER Values that identify information about a shader variable. A call to the method returns values in the uFlags member of a structure. D3D_SHADER_VARIABLE_FLAGS Indicates that the registers assigned to this shader variable were explicitly declared in shader code (instead of automatically assigned by the compiler). D3D_SVF_USERPACKED Indicates that this variable is used by this shader. This value confirms that a particular shader variable (which can be common to many different shaders) is indeed used by a particular shader. D3D_SVF_USED Indicates that this variable is an interface. D3D_SVF_INTERFACE_POINTER Indicates that this variable is a parameter of an interface. D3D_SVF_INTERFACE_PARAMETER None. None Values that identify various data, texture, and buffer types that can be assigned to a shader variable. A call to the method returns a value in the Type member of a structure.The types in a structured buffer describe the structure of the elements in the buffer. The layout of these types generally match their C++ struct counterparts. The following examples show structured buffers: struct mystruct {float4 val; uint ind;}; RWStructuredBuffer<mystruct> rwbuf; RWStructuredBuffer<float3> rwbuf2; D3D_SHADER_VARIABLE_TYPE The variable is a void reference. D3D_SVT_VOID The variable is a boolean. D3D_SVT_BOOL The variable is an integer. D3D_SVT_INT The variable is a floating-point number. D3D_SVT_FLOAT The variable is a string. D3D_SVT_STRING The variable is a texture. D3D_SVT_TEXTURE The variable is a 1D texture. D3D_SVT_TEXTURE1D The variable is a 2D texture. D3D_SVT_TEXTURE2D The variable is a 3D texture. D3D_SVT_TEXTURE3D The variable is a texture cube. D3D_SVT_TEXTURECUBE The variable is a sampler. D3D_SVT_SAMPLER The variable is a pixel shader. D3D_SVT_SAMPLER1D The variable is a vertex shader. D3D_SVT_SAMPLER2D The variable is an unsigned integer. D3D_SVT_SAMPLER3D The variable is an 8-bit unsigned integer. D3D_SVT_SAMPLERCUBE The variable is a geometry shader. D3D_SVT_PIXELSHADER The variable is a rasterizer-state object. D3D_SVT_VERTEXSHADER The variable is a depth-stencil-state object. D3D_SVT_PIXELFRAGMENT The variable is a blend-state object. D3D_SVT_VERTEXFRAGMENT The variable is a buffer. D3D_SVT_UINT The variable is a constant buffer. D3D_SVT_UINT8 The variable is a texture buffer. D3D_SVT_GEOMETRYSHADER The variable is a 1D-texture array. D3D_SVT_RASTERIZER The variable is a 2D-texture array. D3D_SVT_DEPTHSTENCIL The variable is a render-target view. D3D_SVT_BLEND The variable is a depth-stencil view. D3D_SVT_BUFFER The variable is a 2D-multisampled texture. D3D_SVT_CBUFFER The variable is a 2D-multisampled-texture array. D3D_SVT_TBUFFER The variable is a texture-cube array. D3D_SVT_TEXTURE1DARRAY The variable holds a compiled hull-shader binary. D3D_SVT_TEXTURE2DARRAY The variable holds a compiled domain-shader binary. D3D_SVT_RENDERTARGETVIEW The variable is an interface. D3D_SVT_DEPTHSTENCILVIEW The variable holds a compiled compute-shader binary. D3D_SVT_TEXTURE2DMS The variable is a double precision (64-bit) floating-point number. D3D_SVT_TEXTURE2DMSARRAY The variable is a 1D read-and-write texture. D3D_SVT_TEXTURECUBEARRAY The variable is an array of 1D read-and-write textures. D3D_SVT_HULLSHADER The variable is a 2D read-and-write texture. D3D_SVT_DOMAINSHADER The variable is an array of 2D read-and-write textures. D3D_SVT_INTERFACE_POINTER The variable is a 3D read-and-write texture. D3D_SVT_COMPUTESHADER The variable is a read-and-write buffer. D3D_SVT_DOUBLE The variable is a byte-address buffer. D3D_SVT_RWTEXTURE1D The variable is a read-and-write byte-address buffer. D3D_SVT_RWTEXTURE1DARRAY The variable is a structured buffer. For more information about structured buffer, see the Remarks section. D3D_SVT_RWTEXTURE2D The variable is a read-and-write structured buffer. D3D_SVT_RWTEXTURE2DARRAY The variable is an append structured buffer. D3D_SVT_RWTEXTURE3D The variable is a consume structured buffer. D3D_SVT_RWBUFFER The variable is a void reference. D3D_SVT_BYTEADDRESS_BUFFER The variable is a boolean. D3D_SVT_RWBYTEADDRESS_BUFFER The variable is an integer. D3D_SVT_STRUCTURED_BUFFER The variable is a floating-point number. D3D_SVT_RWSTRUCTURED_BUFFER The variable is a string. D3D_SVT_APPEND_STRUCTURED_BUFFER The variable is a texture. D3D_SVT_CONSUME_STRUCTURED_BUFFER The variable is a 1D texture. D3D_SVT_MIN8FLOAT The variable is a 2D texture. D3D_SVT_MIN10FLOAT The variable is a 3D texture. D3D_SVT_MIN16FLOAT The variable is a texture cube. D3D_SVT_MIN12INT The variable is a sampler. D3D_SVT_MIN16INT The variable is a pixel shader. D3D_SVT_MIN16UINT Indicates shader type. D3D11_SHADER_VERSION_TYPE Pixel shader. D3D11_SHVER_PIXEL_SHADER Vertex shader. D3D11_SHVER_VERTEX_SHADER Geometry shader. D3D11_SHVER_GEOMETRY_SHADER Hull shader. D3D11_SHVER_HULL_SHADER Domain shader. D3D11_SHVER_DOMAIN_SHADER Compute shader. D3D11_SHVER_COMPUTE_SHADER Strip flag options. These flags are used by . D3DCOMPILER_STRIP_FLAGS Remove reflection data. D3DCOMPILER_STRIP_REFLECTION_DATA Remove debug information. D3DCOMPILER_STRIP_DEBUG_INFO Remove test blob data. D3DCOMPILER_STRIP_TEST_BLOBS Forces this enumeration to compile to 32 bits in size. Without this value, some compilers would allow this enumeration to compile to a size other than 32 bits. This value is not used. D3DCOMPILER_STRIP_PRIVATE_DATA None. None Values that identify shader parameters that use system-value semantics. The values identify shader parameters that have predefined system-value semantics. These values are used in a shader-signature description. For more information about shader-signature description, see . D3D_NAME This parameter does not use a predefined system-value semantic. D3D_NAME_UNDEFINED This parameter contains position data. D3D_NAME_POSITION This parameter contains clip-distance data. D3D_NAME_CLIP_DISTANCE This parameter contains cull-distance data. D3D_NAME_CULL_DISTANCE This parameter contains a render-target-array index. D3D_NAME_RENDER_TARGET_ARRAY_INDEX This parameter contains a viewport-array index. D3D_NAME_VIEWPORT_ARRAY_INDEX This parameter contains a vertex ID. D3D_NAME_VERTEX_ID This parameter contains a primitive ID. D3D_NAME_PRIMITIVE_ID This parameter contains an instance ID. D3D_NAME_INSTANCE_ID This parameter contains data that identifies whether or not the primitive faces the camera. D3D_NAME_IS_FRONT_FACE This parameter contains a sampler-array index. D3D_NAME_SAMPLE_INDEX This parameter contains one of four tessellation factors that correspond to the amount of parts that a quad patch is broken into along the given edge. This flag is used to tessellate a quad patch. D3D_NAME_FINAL_QUAD_EDGE_TESSFACTOR This parameter contains one of two tessellation factors that correspond to the amount of parts that a quad patch is broken into vertically and horizontally within the patch. This flag is used to tessellate a quad patch. D3D_NAME_FINAL_QUAD_INSIDE_TESSFACTOR This parameter contains one of three tessellation factors that correspond to the amount of parts that a tri patch is broken into along the given edge. This flag is used to tessellate a tri patch. D3D_NAME_FINAL_TRI_EDGE_TESSFACTOR This parameter contains the tessellation factor that corresponds to the amount of parts that a tri patch is broken into within the patch. This flag is used to tessellate a tri patch. D3D_NAME_FINAL_TRI_INSIDE_TESSFACTOR This parameter contains the tessellation factor that corresponds to the number of lines broken into within the patch. This flag is used to tessellate an isolines patch. D3D_NAME_FINAL_LINE_DETAIL_TESSFACTOR This parameter contains the tessellation factor that corresponds to the number of lines that are created within the patch. This flag is used to tessellate an isolines patch. D3D_NAME_FINAL_LINE_DENSITY_TESSFACTOR This parameter contains render-target data. D3D_NAME_TARGET This parameter contains depth data. D3D_NAME_DEPTH This parameter contains alpha-coverage data. D3D_NAME_COVERAGE This parameter signifies that the value is greater than or equal to a reference value. This flag is used to specify conservative depth for a pixel shader. D3D_NAME_DEPTH_GREATER_EQUAL This parameter signifies that the value is less than or equal to a reference value. This flag is used to specify conservative depth for a pixel shader. D3D_NAME_DEPTH_LESS_EQUAL Values that identify domain options for tessellator data. The data domain defines the type of data. This enumeration is used by . D3D_TESSELLATOR_DOMAIN The data type is undefined. D3D_TESSELLATOR_DOMAIN_UNDEFINED Isoline data. D3D_TESSELLATOR_DOMAIN_ISOLINE Triangle data. D3D_TESSELLATOR_DOMAIN_TRI Quad data. D3D_TESSELLATOR_DOMAIN_QUAD Values that identify output primitive types. The output primitive type determines how the tessellator output data is organized; this enumeration is used by . D3D_TESSELLATOR_OUTPUT_PRIMITIVE The output primitive type is undefined. D3D_TESSELLATOR_OUTPUT_UNDEFINED The output primitive type is a point. D3D_TESSELLATOR_OUTPUT_POINT The output primitive type is a line. D3D_TESSELLATOR_OUTPUT_LINE The output primitive type is a clockwise triangle. D3D_TESSELLATOR_OUTPUT_TRIANGLE_CW The output primitive type is a counter clockwise triangle. D3D_TESSELLATOR_OUTPUT_TRIANGLE_CCW Values that identify partitioning options. During tessellation, the partition option helps to determine how the algorithm chooses the next partition value; this enumeration is used by . D3D_TESSELLATOR_PARTITIONING The partitioning type is undefined. D3D_TESSELLATOR_PARTITIONING_UNDEFINED Partition with integers only. D3D_TESSELLATOR_PARTITIONING_INTEGER Partition with a power-of-two number only. D3D_TESSELLATOR_PARTITIONING_POW2 Partition with an odd, fractional number. D3D_TESSELLATOR_PARTITIONING_FRACTIONAL_ODD Partition with an even, fractional number. D3D_TESSELLATOR_PARTITIONING_FRACTIONAL_EVEN Functions Compresses a set of shaders into a more compact form. The number of shaders to compress. An array of structures that describe the set of shaders to compress. Flags that indicate how to compress the shaders. Currently, only the D3D_COMPRESS_SHADER_KEEP_ALL_PARTS (0x00000001) flag is defined. The address of a reference to the ID3DBlob interface that is used to retrieve the compressed shader data. Returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes. HRESULT D3DCompressShaders([In] unsigned int uNumShaders,[In, Buffer] D3D_SHADER_DATA* pShaderData,[In] unsigned int uFlags,[Out] ID3D10Blob** ppCompressedData) No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. HRESULT D3DDisassembleRegion([In, Buffer] const void* pSrcData,[In] SIZE_T SrcDataSize,[In] unsigned int Flags,[In, Optional] const char* szComments,[In] SIZE_T StartByteOffset,[In] SIZE_T NumInsts,[Out, Optional] SIZE_T* pFinishByteOffset,[Out] ID3D10Blob** ppDisassembly) Removes unwanted blobs from a compilation result. A reference to source data as compiled HLSL code. Length of pSrcData. Strip flag options, represented by . A reference to a variable that receives a reference to the ID3DBlob interface that you can use to access the unwanted stripped out shader code. Returns one of the Direct3D 10 Return Codes. HRESULT D3DStripShader([In, Buffer] const void* pShaderBytecode,[In] SIZE_T BytecodeLength,[In] D3DCOMPILER_STRIP_FLAGS uStripFlags,[Out] ID3D10Blob** ppStrippedBlob) [This documentation is preliminary and is subject to change.] A reference to the compiled shader data. The size, in bytes, of the block of memory that pSrcData points to. A combination of the following flags that are combined by using a bitwise OR operation. The resulting value specifies how retrieves the instruction offsets. FlagDescription D3D_GET_INST_OFFSETS_INCLUDE_NON_EXECUTABLE (0x01)Include non-executable code in the retrieved information. ? The index of the instruction in the compiled shader data for which starts to retrieve the byte offsets. The number of instructions for which retrieves the byte offsets. A reference to a variable that receives the total number of instructions in the section of shader code. A reference to a variable that receives the actual number of offsets. A new kind of Microsoft High Level Shader Language (HLSL) debugging information from a program database (PDB) file uses instruction-byte offsets within a shader blob (arbitrary-length data buffer). You use to translate to and from instruction indexes. HRESULT D3DGetTraceInstructionOffsets([In, Buffer] const void* pSrcData,[In] SIZE_T SrcDataSize,[In] unsigned int Flags,[In] SIZE_T StartInstIndex,[In] SIZE_T NumInsts,[Out] SIZE_T* pOffsets,[Out] SIZE_T* pTotalInsts) Compile HLSL code or an effect file into bytecode for a given target. A reference to uncompiled shader data; either ASCII HLSL code or a compiled effect. Length of pSrcData. Optional. You can use this parameter for strings that specify error messages. If not used, set to null. Optional. An array of null-terminated macro definitions (see ). Optional. A reference to an for handling include files. Setting this to null will cause a compile error if a shader contains a #include. You can pass the D3D_COMPILE_STANDARD_FILE_INCLUDE macro, which is a reference to a default include handler. This default include handler includes files that are relative to the current directory and files that are relative to the directory of the initial source file. When you use D3D_COMPILE_STANDARD_FILE_INCLUDE, you must specify the source file name in the pSourceName parameter; the compiler will derive the initial relative directory from pSourceName. #define D3D_COMPILE_STANDARD_FILE_INCLUDE ((*)()1) The name of the shader entry point function where shader execution begins. When you compile an effect, ignores pEntrypoint; we recommend that you set pEntrypoint to null because it is good programming practice to set a reference parameter to null if the called function will not use it. A string that specifies the shader target or set of shader features to compile against. The shader target can be shader model 2, shader model 3, shader model 4, or shader model 5. The target can also be an effect type (for example, fx_4_1). Shader compile options. Effect compile options. When you compile a shader and not an effect file, ignores Flags2; we recommend that you set Flags2 to zero because it is good programming practice to set a nonreference parameter to zero if the called function will not use it. The address of a ID3DBlob that contains the compiled code. Optional. A reference to an ID3DBlob that contains compiler error messages, or null if there were no errors. Returns one of the Direct3D 10 Return Codes. HRESULT D3DCompile([In, Buffer] const void* pSrcData,[In] SIZE_T SrcDataSize,[In, Optional] const char* pSourceName,[In, Buffer, Optional] const D3D_SHADER_MACRO* pDefines,[In, Optional] ID3DInclude* pInclude,[In] const char* pEntrypoint,[In] const char* pTarget,[In] D3DCOMPILE_SHADER_FLAGS Flags1,[In] D3DCOMPILE_EFFECT_FLAGS Flags2,[Out] ID3D10Blob** ppCode,[Out, Optional] ID3D10Blob** ppErrorMsgs) Gets the input signature from a compilation result. A reference to source data as compiled HLSL code. Length of pSrcData. Optional. A reference to an that contains a compiled shader. Returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes. HRESULT D3DGetInputSignatureBlob([In, Buffer] const void* pSrcData,[In] SIZE_T SrcDataSize,[Out] ID3D10Blob** ppSignatureBlob) [This documentation is preliminary and is subject to change.] A reference to a constant null-terminated string that contains the name of the file that contains the shader code. An optional array of structures that define shader macros. Each macro definition contains a name and a null-terminated definition. If not used, set to null. An optional reference to an interface that the compiler uses to handle include files. If you set this parameter to null and the shader contains a #include, a compile error occurs. You can pass the D3D_COMPILE_STANDARD_FILE_INCLUDE macro, which is a reference to a default include handler. This default include handler includes files that are relative to the current directory. #define D3D_COMPILE_STANDARD_FILE_INCLUDE ((*)()1) A reference to a constant null-terminated string that contains the name of the shader entry point function where shader execution begins. When you compile an effect, ignores pEntrypoint; we recommend that you set pEntrypoint to null because it is good programming practice to set a reference parameter to null if the called function will not use it. A reference to a constant null-terminated string that specifies the shader target or set of shader features to compile against. The shader target can be a shader model (for example, shader model 2, shader model 3, shader model 4, or shader model 5 and later). The target can also be an effect type (for example, fx_4_1). A combination of shader compile options that are combined by using a bitwise OR operation. The resulting value specifies how the compiler compiles the HLSL code. A combination of effect compile options that are combined by using a bitwise OR operation. The resulting value specifies how the compiler compiles the effect. When you compile a shader and not an effect file, ignores Flags2; we recommend that you set Flags2 to zero because it is good programming practice to set a nonreference parameter to zero if the called function will not use it. A reference to a variable that receives a reference to the ID3DBlob interface that you can use to access the compiled code. An optional reference to a variable that receives a reference to the ID3DBlob interface that you can use to access compiler error messages, or null if there are no errors. Returns one of the Direct3D 11 return codes. HRESULT D3DCompileFromFile([In] const wchar_t* pFileName,[In, Buffer, Optional] const D3D_SHADER_MACRO* pDefines,[In, Optional] ID3DInclude* pInclude,[In] const char* pEntrypoint,[In] const char* pTarget,[In] D3DCOMPILE_SHADER_FLAGS Flags1,[In] D3DCOMPILE_EFFECT_FLAGS Flags2,[Out] ID3D10Blob** ppCode,[Out, Optional] ID3D10Blob** ppErrorMsgs) [This documentation is preliminary and is subject to change.] A reference to uncompiled shader data (ASCII HLSL code). The size, in bytes, of the block of memory that pSrcData points to. An optional reference to a constant null-terminated string containing the name that identifies the source data to use in error messages. If not used, set to null. An optional array of structures that define shader macros. Each macro definition contains a name and a null-terminated definition. If not used, set to null. An optional reference to an interface that the compiler uses to handle include files. If you set this parameter to null and the shader contains a #include, a compile error occurs. You can pass the D3D_COMPILE_STANDARD_FILE_INCLUDE macro, which is a reference to a default include handler. This default include handler includes files that are relative to the current directory and files that are relative to the directory of the initial source file. When you use D3D_COMPILE_STANDARD_FILE_INCLUDE, you must specify the source file name in the pSourceName parameter; the compiler will derive the initial relative directory from pSourceName. #define D3D_COMPILE_STANDARD_FILE_INCLUDE ((*)()1) A reference to a constant null-terminated string that contains the name of the shader entry point function where shader execution begins. When you compile an effect, ignores pEntrypoint; we recommend that you set pEntrypoint to null because it is good programming practice to set a reference parameter to null if the called function will not use it. A reference to a constant null-terminated string that specifies the shader target or set of shader features to compile against. The shader target can be a shader model (for example, shader model 2, shader model 3, shader model 4, or shader model 5). The target can also be an effect type (for example, fx_4_1). A combination of shader compile options that are combined by using a bitwise OR operation. The resulting value specifies how the compiler compiles the HLSL code. A combination of effect compile options that are combined by using a bitwise OR operation. The resulting value specifies how the compiler compiles the effect. When you compile a shader and not an effect file, ignores Flags2; we recommend that you set Flags2 to zero because it is good programming practice to set a nonreference parameter to zero if the called function will not use it. A combination of the following flags that are combined by using a bitwise OR operation. The resulting value specifies how the compiler compiles the HLSL code. FlagDescription (0x01)Merge unordered access view (UAV) slots in the secondary data that the pSecondaryData parameter points to. (0x02)Preserve template slots in the secondary data that the pSecondaryData parameter points to. (0x04)Require that templates in the secondary data that the pSecondaryData parameter points to match when the compiler compiles the HLSL code. ? If pSecondaryData is null, set to zero. An optional reference to secondary data. If you do not pass secondary data, set to null. The size, in bytes, of the block of memory that pSecondaryData points to. If pSecondaryData is null, set to zero. A reference to a variable that receives a reference to the ID3DBlob interface that you can use to access the compiled code. An optional reference to a variable that receives a reference to the ID3DBlob interface that you can use to access compiler error messages, or null if there are no errors. Returns one of the Direct3D 11 return codes. The latest D3dcompiler_nn.dll contains the compiler function. HRESULT D3DCompile2([In, Buffer] const void* pSrcData,[In] SIZE_T SrcDataSize,[In, Optional] const char* pSourceName,[In, Buffer, Optional] const D3D_SHADER_MACRO* pDefines,[In, Optional] ID3DInclude* pInclude,[In] const char* pEntrypoint,[In] const char* pTarget,[In] D3DCOMPILE_SHADER_FLAGS Flags1,[In] D3DCOMPILE_EFFECT_FLAGS Flags2,[In] D3DCOMPILE_SECDATA_FLAGS SecondaryDataFlags,[In, Buffer, Optional] const void* pSecondaryData,[In] SIZE_T SecondaryDataSize,[Out] ID3D10Blob** ppCode,[Out, Optional] ID3D10Blob** ppErrorMsgs) [This documentation is preliminary and is subject to change.] A reference to a constant null-terminated string that contains the name of the file to read into memory. A reference to a variable that receives a reference to the ID3DBlob interface that contains information that read from the pFileName file. You can use this ID3DBlob interface to access the file information and pass it to other compiler functions. Returns one of the Direct3D 11 return codes. HRESULT D3DReadFileToBlob([In] const wchar_t* pFileName,[Out] ID3D10Blob** ppContents) Gets shader debug information. A reference to source data; either uncompiled or compiled HLSL code. Length of pSrcData. Optional. A reference to an that contains debug information. Returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes. Debug information is embedded in the body of the shader after calling . HRESULT D3DGetDebugInfo([In, Buffer] const void* pSrcData,[In] SIZE_T SrcDataSize,[Out] ID3D10Blob** ppDebugInfo) Retrieves a specific part from a compilation result. A reference to uncompiled shader data; either ASCII HLSL code or a compiled effect. Length of uncompiled shader data that pSrcData points to. A -typed value that specifies the part of the buffer to retrieve. Flags that indicate how to retrieve the blob part. Currently, no flags are defined. The address of a reference to the ID3DBlob interface that is used to retrieve the specified part of the buffer. Returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes. D3DGetBlobPart retrieves the part of a blob (arbitrary length data buffer) that contains the type of data that the Part parameter specifies. HRESULT D3DGetBlobPart([In, Buffer] const void* pSrcData,[In] SIZE_T SrcDataSize,[In] D3D_BLOB_PART Part,[In] unsigned int Flags,[Out] ID3D10Blob** ppPart) Gets a reference to a reflection interface. A reference to source data as compiled HLSL code. Length of pSrcData. The reference of the COM interface to use. For example, IID_ID3D11ShaderReflection or IID_ID3D10ShaderReflection. A reference to a reflection interface. Returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes. Shader code contains metadata that can be inspected using the reflection APIs.The following code illustrates retrieving a Interface from a shader. pd3dDevice->CreatePixelShader( pPixelShaderBuffer->GetBufferPointer(), pPixelShaderBuffer->GetBufferSize(), g_pPSClassLinkage, &g_pPixelShader ); * pReflector = null; ( pPixelShaderBuffer->GetBufferPointer(), pPixelShaderBuffer->GetBufferSize(), IID_ID3D11ShaderReflection, (void**) &pReflector); HRESULT D3DReflect([In, Buffer] const void* pSrcData,[In] SIZE_T SrcDataSize,[In] const GUID& pInterface,[Out] void** ppReflector) Gets the input and output signatures from a compilation result. A reference to source data as compiled HLSL code. Length of pSrcData. Optional. A reference to an that contains a compiled shader. Returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes. HRESULT D3DGetInputAndOutputSignatureBlob([In, Buffer] const void* pSrcData,[In] SIZE_T SrcDataSize,[Out] ID3D10Blob** ppSignatureBlob) Decompresses one or more shaders from a compressed set. A reference to uncompiled shader data; either ASCII HLSL code or a compiled effect. Length of uncompiled shader data that pSrcData points to. The number of shaders to decompress. The index of the first shader to decompress. An array of indexes that represent the shaders to decompress. Flags that indicate how to decompress. Currently, no flags are defined. The address of a reference to the ID3DBlob interface that is used to retrieve the decompressed shader data. A reference to a variable that receives the total number of shaders that decompressed. Returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes. HRESULT D3DDecompressShaders([In, Buffer] const void* pSrcData,[In] SIZE_T SrcDataSize,[In] unsigned int uNumShaders,[In] unsigned int uStartIndex,[In, Buffer, Optional] unsigned int* pIndices,[In] unsigned int uFlags,[Out, Buffer] ID3D10Blob** ppShaders,[Out, Optional] unsigned int* pTotalShaders) Disassembles compiled HLSL code. A reference to source data as compiled HLSL code. Length of pSrcData. Flags affecting the behavior of . Flags can be a combination of zero or more of the following values. FlagDescription D3D_DISASM_ENABLE_COLOR_CODEEnable the output of color codes. D3D_DISASM_ENABLE_DEFAULT_VALUE_PRINTSEnable the output of default values. D3D_DISASM_ENABLE_INSTRUCTION_NUMBERINGEnable instruction numbering. D3D_DISASM_ENABLE_INSTRUCTION_CYCLENo effect. ? The optional comment string at the top of the shader that identifies the shader constants and variables. A reference to a buffer that receives the interface that accesses assembly text. Returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes. HRESULT D3DDisassemble([In, Buffer] const void* pSrcData,[In] SIZE_T SrcDataSize,[In] D3DCOMPILE_DISASM_FLAGS Flags,[In, Optional] const char* szComments,[Out] ID3D10Blob** ppDisassembly) Preprocesses uncompiled HLSL code. A reference to uncompiled shader data; either ASCII HLSL code or a compiled effect. Length of pSrcData. Optional. The name of the file that contains the uncompiled HLSL code. Optional. An array of null-terminated macro definitions (see ). Optional. A reference to an for handling include files. Setting this to null will cause a compile error if a shader contains a #include. You can pass the D3D_COMPILE_STANDARD_FILE_INCLUDE macro, which is a reference to a default include handler. This default include handler includes files that are relative to the current directory and files that are relative to the directory of the initial source file. When you use D3D_COMPILE_STANDARD_FILE_INCLUDE, you must specify the source file name in the pSourceName parameter; the compiler will derive the initial relative directory from pSourceName. #define D3D_COMPILE_STANDARD_FILE_INCLUDE ((*)()1) The address of a ID3DBlob that contains the compiled code. Optional. A reference to an ID3DBlob that contains compiler error messages, or null if there were no errors. Returns one of the Direct3D 10 Return Codes. D3DPreprocess outputs #line directives and preserves line numbering of source input so that output line numbering can be properly related to the input source. HRESULT D3DPreprocess([In, Buffer] const void* pSrcData,[In] SIZE_T SrcDataSize,[In, Optional] const char* pSourceName,[In, Buffer, Optional] const D3D_SHADER_MACRO* pDefines,[In, Optional] ID3DInclude* pInclude,[Out] ID3D10Blob** ppCodeText,[Out, Optional] ID3D10Blob** ppErrorMsgs) Gets the output signature from a compilation result. A reference to source data as compiled HLSL code. Length of pSrcData. Optional. A reference to an that contains a compiled shader. Returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes. HRESULT D3DGetOutputSignatureBlob([In, Buffer] const void* pSrcData,[In] SIZE_T SrcDataSize,[Out] ID3D10Blob** ppSignatureBlob) [This documentation is preliminary and is subject to change.] A reference to compiled shader data. The length of the compiled shader data that pSrcData points to. A -typed value that specifies the part to set. Currently, you can update only private data; that is, currently only supports the value. Flags that indicate how to set the blob part. Currently, no flags are defined; therefore, set to zero. A reference to data to set in the compilation result. The length of the data that pPart points to. A reference to a buffer that receives the ID3DBlob interface for the new shader in which the new part data is set. Returns one of the Direct3D 11 return codes. D3DSetBlobPart modifies data in a compiled shader. Currently, can update only the private data in a compiled shader. You can use to attach arbitrary uninterpreted data to a compiled shader. HRESULT D3DSetBlobPart([In, Buffer] const void* pSrcData,[In] SIZE_T SrcDataSize,[In] D3D_BLOB_PART Part,[In] unsigned int Flags,[In, Buffer] const void* pPart,[In] SIZE_T PartSize,[Out] ID3D10Blob** ppNewShader) [This documentation is preliminary and is subject to change.] A reference to a ID3DBlob interface that contains the memory blob to write to the file that the pFileName parameter specifies. A reference to a constant null-terminated string that contains the name of the file to which to write. A Boolean value that specifies whether to overwrite information in the pFileName file. TRUE specifies to overwrite information and specifies not to overwrite information. Returns one of the Direct3D 11 return codes. HRESULT D3DWriteBlobToFile([In] ID3D10Blob* pBlob,[In] const wchar_t* pFileName,[In] BOOL bOverwrite) This shader-reflection interface provides access to a constant buffer. ID3D11ShaderReflectionConstantBuffer Initializes a new instance of the class. The native pointer. Get a constant-buffer description. A reference to a , which represents a shader-buffer description. Returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes. This method's interface is hosted in the out-of-box DLL D3DCompiler_xx.dll. HRESULT ID3D11ShaderReflectionConstantBuffer::GetDesc([Out] D3D11_SHADER_BUFFER_DESC* pDesc) Get a shader-reflection variable by index. Zero-based index. A reference to a shader-reflection variable interface (see Interface). This method's interface is hosted in the out-of-box DLL D3DCompiler_xx.dll. ID3D11ShaderReflectionVariable* ID3D11ShaderReflectionConstantBuffer::GetVariableByIndex([In] unsigned int Index) Get a shader-reflection variable by name. Variable name. Returns a sentinel object (end of list marker). To determine if GetVariableByName successfully completed, call and check the returned ; any return value other than success means that GetVariableByName failed. This method's interface is hosted in the out-of-box DLL D3DCompiler_xx.dll. ID3D11ShaderReflectionVariable* ID3D11ShaderReflectionConstantBuffer::GetVariableByName([In] const char* Name) Get a constant-buffer description. This method's interface is hosted in the out-of-box DLL D3DCompiler_xx.dll. GetDesc HRESULT ID3D11ShaderReflectionConstantBuffer::GetDesc([Out] D3D11_SHADER_BUFFER_DESC* pDesc) ID3DInclude is an include interface that the user implements to allow an application to call user-overridable methods for opening and closing shader #include files. ID3DInclude A user-implemented method for opening and reading the contents of a shader #include file. A -typed value that indicates the location of the #include file. Name of the #include file. Pointer to the container that includes the #include file. Stream that is associated with fileName to be read. This reference remains valid until is called. HRESULT Open([None] D3D_INCLUDE_TYPE IncludeType,[None] const char* pFileName,[None] LPCVOID pParentData,[None] LPCVOID* ppData,[None] UINT* pBytes) A user-implemented method for closing a shader #include file. If was successful, Close is guaranteed to be called before the API using the interface returns. This is a reference that was returned by the corresponding call. HRESULT Close([None] LPCVOID pData) A shader-reflection interface accesses shader information. ID3D11ShaderReflection Initializes a new instance of the class. The native pointer. Get a shader description. A reference to a shader description. See . Returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes. This method's interface is hosted in the out-of-box DLL D3DCompiler_xx.dll. HRESULT ID3D11ShaderReflection::GetDesc([Out] D3D11_SHADER_DESC* pDesc) Get a constant buffer by index. Zero-based index. A reference to a constant buffer (see Interface). A constant buffer supplies either scalar constants or texture constants to a shader. A shader can use one or more constant buffers. For best performance, separate constants into buffers based on the frequency they are updated.This method's interface is hosted in the out-of-box DLL D3DCompiler_xx.dll. ID3D11ShaderReflectionConstantBuffer* ID3D11ShaderReflection::GetConstantBufferByIndex([In] unsigned int Index) Get a constant buffer by name. The constant-buffer name. A reference to a constant buffer (see Interface). A constant buffer supplies either scalar constants or texture constants to a shader. A shader can use one or more constant buffers. For best performance, separate constants into buffers based on the frequency they are updated.This method's interface is hosted in the out-of-box DLL D3DCompiler_xx.dll. ID3D11ShaderReflectionConstantBuffer* ID3D11ShaderReflection::GetConstantBufferByName([In] const char* Name) Get a description of how a resource is bound to a shader. A zero-based resource index. A reference to an input-binding description. See . A shader consists of executable code (the compiled HLSL functions) and a set of resources that supply the shader with input data. GetResourceBindingDesc gets information about how one resource in the set is bound as an input to the shader. The ResourceIndex parameter specifies the index for the resource.This method's interface is hosted in the out-of-box DLL D3DCompiler_xx.dll. HRESULT ID3D11ShaderReflection::GetResourceBindingDesc([In] unsigned int ResourceIndex,[Out] D3D11_SHADER_INPUT_BIND_DESC* pDesc) Get an input-parameter description for a shader. A zero-based parameter index. A reference to a shader-input-signature description. See . An input-parameter description is also called a shader signature. The shader signature contains information about the input parameters such as the order or parameters, their data type, and a parameter semantic.This method's interface is hosted in the out-of-box DLL D3DCompiler_xx.dll. HRESULT ID3D11ShaderReflection::GetInputParameterDesc([In] unsigned int ParameterIndex,[Out] D3D11_SIGNATURE_PARAMETER_DESC* pDesc) Get an output-parameter description for a shader. A zero-based parameter index. A reference to a shader-output-parameter description. See . An output-parameter description is also called a shader signature. The shader signature contains information about the output parameters such as the order or parameters, their data type, and a parameter semantic.This method's interface is hosted in the out-of-box DLL D3DCompiler_xx.dll. HRESULT ID3D11ShaderReflection::GetOutputParameterDesc([In] unsigned int ParameterIndex,[Out] D3D11_SIGNATURE_PARAMETER_DESC* pDesc) Get a patch-constant parameter description for a shader. A zero-based parameter index. A reference to a shader-input-signature description. See . This method's interface is hosted in the out-of-box DLL D3DCompiler_xx.dll. HRESULT ID3D11ShaderReflection::GetPatchConstantParameterDesc([In] unsigned int ParameterIndex,[Out] D3D11_SIGNATURE_PARAMETER_DESC* pDesc) Gets a variable by name. A reference to a string containing the variable name. Returns a Interface interface. This method's interface is hosted in the out-of-box DLL D3DCompiler_xx.dll. ID3D11ShaderReflectionVariable* ID3D11ShaderReflection::GetVariableByName([In] const char* Name) Get a description of how a resource is bound to a shader. The constant-buffer name of the resource. A reference to an input-binding description. See . A shader consists of executable code (the compiled HLSL functions) and a set of resources that supply the shader with input data. GetResourceBindingDescByName gets information about how one resource in the set is bound as an input to the shader. The Name parameter specifies the name of the resource.This method's interface is hosted in the out-of-box DLL D3DCompiler_xx.dll. HRESULT ID3D11ShaderReflection::GetResourceBindingDescByName([In] const char* Name,[Out] D3D11_SHADER_INPUT_BIND_DESC* pDesc) Gets the number of Mov instructions. Returns the number of Mov instructions. This method's interface is hosted in the out-of-box DLL D3DCompiler_xx.dll. unsigned int ID3D11ShaderReflection::GetMovInstructionCount() Gets the number of Movc instructions. Returns the number of Movc instructions. This method's interface is hosted in the out-of-box DLL D3DCompiler_xx.dll. unsigned int ID3D11ShaderReflection::GetMovcInstructionCount() Gets the number of conversion instructions. Returns the number of conversion instructions. This method's interface is hosted in the out-of-box DLL D3DCompiler_xx.dll. unsigned int ID3D11ShaderReflection::GetConversionInstructionCount() Gets the number of bitwise instructions. The number of bitwise instructions. This method's interface is hosted in the out-of-box DLL D3DCompiler_xx.dll. unsigned int ID3D11ShaderReflection::GetBitwiseInstructionCount() Gets the geometry-shader input-primitive description. The input-primitive description, see D3D10_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY. This method's interface is hosted in the out-of-box DLL D3DCompiler_xx.dll. D3D_PRIMITIVE ID3D11ShaderReflection::GetGSInputPrimitive() Indicates whether a shader is a sample frequency shader. Returns true if the shader is a sample frequency shader; otherwise returns false. This method's interface is hosted in the out-of-box DLL D3DCompiler_xx.dll. BOOL ID3D11ShaderReflection::IsSampleFrequencyShader() Gets the number of interface slots in a shader. The number of interface slots in the shader. This method's interface is hosted in the out-of-box DLL D3DCompiler_xx.dll. unsigned int ID3D11ShaderReflection::GetNumInterfaceSlots() Gets the minimum feature level. A reference to one of the enumerated values in , which represents the minimum feature level. Returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes. This method's interface is hosted in the out-of-box DLL D3DCompiler_xx.dll. HRESULT ID3D11ShaderReflection::GetMinFeatureLevel([Out] D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL* pLevel) Retrieves the sizes, in thread groups, of the X, Y, and Z dimensions of the shader's thread-group grid. A reference to the size, in thread groups, of the x-dimension of the thread-group grid. The maximum size is 65535. A reference to the size, in thread groups, of the y-dimension of the thread-group grid. The maximum size is 65535. A reference to the size, in thread groups, of the z-dimension of the thread-group grid. The maximum size is 65535. Returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes. This method's interface is hosted in the out-of-box DLL D3DCompiler_xx.dll. unsigned int ID3D11ShaderReflection::GetThreadGroupSize([Out, Optional] unsigned int* pSizeX,[Out, Optional] unsigned int* pSizeY,[Out, Optional] unsigned int* pSizeZ) No documentation. No documentation. unsigned longlong ID3D11ShaderReflection::GetRequiresFlags() Initializes a new instance of the class from a . Get a shader description. This method's interface is hosted in the out-of-box DLL D3DCompiler_xx.dll. GetDesc HRESULT ID3D11ShaderReflection::GetDesc([Out] D3D11_SHADER_DESC* pDesc) Gets the number of Mov instructions. This method's interface is hosted in the out-of-box DLL D3DCompiler_xx.dll. GetMovInstructionCount unsigned int ID3D11ShaderReflection::GetMovInstructionCount() Gets the number of Movc instructions. This method's interface is hosted in the out-of-box DLL D3DCompiler_xx.dll. GetMovcInstructionCount unsigned int ID3D11ShaderReflection::GetMovcInstructionCount() Gets the number of conversion instructions. This method's interface is hosted in the out-of-box DLL D3DCompiler_xx.dll. GetConversionInstructionCount unsigned int ID3D11ShaderReflection::GetConversionInstructionCount() Gets the number of bitwise instructions. This method's interface is hosted in the out-of-box DLL D3DCompiler_xx.dll. GetBitwiseInstructionCount unsigned int ID3D11ShaderReflection::GetBitwiseInstructionCount() Gets the geometry-shader input-primitive description. This method's interface is hosted in the out-of-box DLL D3DCompiler_xx.dll. GetGSInputPrimitive D3D_PRIMITIVE ID3D11ShaderReflection::GetGSInputPrimitive() Indicates whether a shader is a sample frequency shader. This method's interface is hosted in the out-of-box DLL D3DCompiler_xx.dll. IsSampleFrequencyShader BOOL ID3D11ShaderReflection::IsSampleFrequencyShader() Gets the number of interface slots in a shader. This method's interface is hosted in the out-of-box DLL D3DCompiler_xx.dll. GetNumInterfaceSlots unsigned int ID3D11ShaderReflection::GetNumInterfaceSlots() Gets the minimum feature level. This method's interface is hosted in the out-of-box DLL D3DCompiler_xx.dll. GetMinFeatureLevel HRESULT ID3D11ShaderReflection::GetMinFeatureLevel([Out] D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL* pLevel) No documentation. GetRequiresFlags unsigned longlong ID3D11ShaderReflection::GetRequiresFlags() This shader-reflection interface provides access to variable type. ID3D11ShaderReflectionType Initializes a new instance of the class. The native pointer. Get the description of a shader-reflection-variable type. A reference to a shader-type description (see ). Returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes. This method's interface is hosted in the out-of-box DLL D3DCompiler_xx.dll. HRESULT ID3D11ShaderReflectionType::GetDesc([Out] D3D11_SHADER_TYPE_DESC* pDesc) Get a shader-reflection-variable type by index. Zero-based index. A reference to a Interface. This method's interface is hosted in the out-of-box DLL D3DCompiler_xx.dll. ID3D11ShaderReflectionType* ID3D11ShaderReflectionType::GetMemberTypeByIndex([In] unsigned int Index) Get a shader-reflection-variable type by name. Member name. A reference to a Interface. This method's interface is hosted in the out-of-box DLL D3DCompiler_xx.dll. ID3D11ShaderReflectionType* ID3D11ShaderReflectionType::GetMemberTypeByName([In] const char* Name) Get a shader-reflection-variable type. Zero-based index. The variable type. This method's interface is hosted in the out-of-box DLL D3DCompiler_xx.dll. const char* ID3D11ShaderReflectionType::GetMemberTypeName([In] unsigned int Index) Indicates whether two Interface references have the same underlying type. No documentation. Returns if the references have the same underlying type; otherwise returns S_FALSE. IsEqual indicates whether the sources of the Interface references have the same underlying type. For example, if two Interface references were retrieved from variables, IsEqual can be used to see if the variables have the same type.This method's interface is hosted in the out-of-box DLL D3DCompiler_xx.dll. HRESULT ID3D11ShaderReflectionType::IsEqual([In] ID3D11ShaderReflectionType* pType) Gets the base class of a class. Returns a reference to a Interface containing the base class type. Returns null if the class does not have a base class. This method's interface is hosted in the out-of-box DLL D3DCompiler_xx.dll. ID3D11ShaderReflectionType* ID3D11ShaderReflectionType::GetSubType() Gets an Interface interface containing the variable base class type. Returns A reference to a Interface. This method's interface is hosted in the out-of-box DLL D3DCompiler_xx.dll. ID3D11ShaderReflectionType* ID3D11ShaderReflectionType::GetBaseClass() Gets the number of interfaces. Returns the number of interfaces. This method's interface is hosted in the out-of-box DLL D3DCompiler_xx.dll. unsigned int ID3D11ShaderReflectionType::GetNumInterfaces() Get an interface by index. Zero-based index. A reference to a Interface. This method's interface is hosted in the out-of-box DLL D3DCompiler_xx.dll. ID3D11ShaderReflectionType* ID3D11ShaderReflectionType::GetInterfaceByIndex([In] unsigned int uIndex) Indicates whether a variable is of the specified type. A reference to a Interface. Returns if object being queried is equal to or inherits from the type in the pType parameter; otherwise returns S_FALSE. This method's interface is hosted in the out-of-box DLL D3DCompiler_xx.dll. HRESULT ID3D11ShaderReflectionType::IsOfType([In] ID3D11ShaderReflectionType* pType) Indicates whether a class type implements an interface. A reference to a Interface. Returns if the interface is implemented; otherwise return S_FALSE. This method's interface is hosted in the out-of-box DLL D3DCompiler_xx.dll. HRESULT ID3D11ShaderReflectionType::ImplementsInterface([In] ID3D11ShaderReflectionType* pBase) Indicates whether two references have the same underlying type. IsEqual indicates whether the sources of the references have the same underlying type. For example, if two ID3D11ShaderReflectionType Interface references were retrieved from variables, IsEqual can be used to see if the variables have the same type. This method's interface is hosted in the out-of-box DLL D3DCompiler_xx.dll. A reference to a . Returns true if the references have the same underlying type; otherwise returns false. HRESULT ID3D11ShaderReflectionType::IsEqual([In] ID3D11ShaderReflectionType* pType) Indicates whether a variable is of the specified type. This method's interface is hosted in the out-of-box DLL D3DCompiler_xx.dll. A reference to a . Returns true if object being queried is equal to or inherits from the type in the pType parameter; otherwise returns false. HRESULT ID3D11ShaderReflectionType::IsOfType([In] ID3D11ShaderReflectionType* pType) Indicates whether a class type implements an interface. This method's interface is hosted in the out-of-box DLL D3DCompiler_xx.dll. A reference to a . Returns true if the interface is implemented; otherwise return false. HRESULT ID3D11ShaderReflectionType::ImplementsInterface([In] ID3D11ShaderReflectionType* pBase) Get the description of a shader-reflection-variable type. This method's interface is hosted in the out-of-box DLL D3DCompiler_xx.dll. GetDesc HRESULT ID3D11ShaderReflectionType::GetDesc([Out] D3D11_SHADER_TYPE_DESC* pDesc) Gets the base class of a class. This method's interface is hosted in the out-of-box DLL D3DCompiler_xx.dll. GetSubType ID3D11ShaderReflectionType* ID3D11ShaderReflectionType::GetSubType() Gets an Interface interface containing the variable base class type. This method's interface is hosted in the out-of-box DLL D3DCompiler_xx.dll. GetBaseClass ID3D11ShaderReflectionType* ID3D11ShaderReflectionType::GetBaseClass() Gets the number of interfaces. This method's interface is hosted in the out-of-box DLL D3DCompiler_xx.dll. GetNumInterfaces unsigned int ID3D11ShaderReflectionType::GetNumInterfaces() This shader-reflection interface provides access to a variable. ID3D11ShaderReflectionVariable Initializes a new instance of the class. The native pointer. Get a shader-variable description. A reference to a shader-variable description (see ). Returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes. This method can be used to determine if the Interface is valid, the method returns E_FAIL when the variable is not valid.This method's interface is hosted in the out-of-box DLL D3DCompiler_xx.dll. HRESULT ID3D11ShaderReflectionVariable::GetDesc([Out] D3D11_SHADER_VARIABLE_DESC* pDesc) Get a shader-variable type. A reference to a Interface. This method's interface is hosted in the out-of-box DLL D3DCompiler_xx.dll. ID3D11ShaderReflectionType* ID3D11ShaderReflectionVariable::GetType() No documentation. No documentation. ID3D11ShaderReflectionConstantBuffer* ID3D11ShaderReflectionVariable::GetBuffer() Gets the corresponding interface slot for a variable that represents an interface reference. Index of the array element to get the slot number for. For a non-array variable this value will be zero. Returns the index of the interface in the interface array. GetInterfaceSlot gets the corresponding slot in an dynamic linkage array for an interface instance. The returned slot number is used to set an interface instance to a particular class instance. See the HLSL Interfaces and Classes overview for additional information.This method's interface is hosted in the out-of-box DLL D3DCompiler_xx.dll. unsigned int ID3D11ShaderReflectionVariable::GetInterfaceSlot([In] unsigned int uArrayIndex) Get a shader-variable description. This method can be used to determine if the Interface is valid, the method returns E_FAIL when the variable is not valid.This method's interface is hosted in the out-of-box DLL D3DCompiler_xx.dll. GetDesc HRESULT ID3D11ShaderReflectionVariable::GetDesc([Out] D3D11_SHADER_VARIABLE_DESC* pDesc) No documentation. GetBuffer ID3D11ShaderReflectionConstantBuffer* ID3D11ShaderReflectionVariable::GetBuffer() Shadow callback for . Return a pointer to the unamanged version of this callback. The callback. A pointer to a shadow c++ callback Internal Include Callback A user-implemented method for opening and reading the contents of a shader #include file. This pointer A -typed value that indicates the location of the #include file. Name of the #include file. Pointer to the container that includes the #include file. Pointer to the buffer that Open returns that contains the include directives. This pointer remains valid until is called. Pointer to the number of bytes that Open returns in ppData. The user-implemented method should return S_OK. If Open fails when reading the #include file, the application programming interface (API) that caused Open to be called fails. This failure can occur in one of the following situations:The high-level shader language (HLSL) shader fails one of the D3D10CompileShader*** functions.The effect fails one of the D3D10CreateEffect*** functions. HRESULT Open([None] D3D_INCLUDE_TYPE IncludeType,[None] const char* pFileName,[None] LPCVOID pParentData,[None] LPCVOID* ppData,[None] UINT* pBytes) A user-implemented method for closing a shader #include file. If was successful, Close is guaranteed to be called before the API using the interface returns. This pointer Pointer to the buffer that contains the include directives. This is the pointer that was returned by the corresponding call. The user-implemented Close method should return S_OK. If Close fails when it closes the #include file, the application programming interface (API) that caused Close to be called fails. This failure can occur in one of the following situations:The high-level shader language (HLSL) shader fails one of the D3D10CompileShader*** functions.The effect fails one of the D3D10CreateEffect*** functions. HRESULT Close([None] LPCVOID pData) No documentation. D3D11_REGISTER_COMPONENT_MASK_FLAG No documentation. D3D11_REGISTER_COMPONENT_MASK_ALL No documentation. D3D11_REGISTER_COMPONENT_MASK_COMPONENT_W No documentation. D3D11_REGISTER_COMPONENT_MASK_COMPONENT_X No documentation. D3D11_REGISTER_COMPONENT_MASK_COMPONENT_Y No documentation. D3D11_REGISTER_COMPONENT_MASK_COMPONENT_Z None. None Describes a shader constant-buffer. Constants are supplied to shaders in a shader-constant buffer. Get the description of a shader-constant-buffer by calling . D3D11_SHADER_BUFFER_DESC The name of the buffer. const char* Name The intended use of the constant data. D3D_CBUFFER_TYPE Type The number of unique variables. unsigned int Variables Buffer size (in bytes). unsigned int Size Shader buffer properties. D3D_SHADER_CBUFFER_FLAGS uFlags Describes how a shader resource is bound to a shader input. Get a shader-input-signature description by calling or . D3D11_SHADER_INPUT_BIND_DESC Name of the shader resource. const char* Name Identifies the type of data in the resource. See D3D10_SHADER_INPUT_TYPE. D3D_SHADER_INPUT_TYPE Type Starting bind point. unsigned int BindPoint Number of contiguous bind points for arrays. unsigned int BindCount Shader input-parameter options. See D3D10_SHADER_INPUT_FLAGS. D3D_SHADER_INPUT_FLAGS uFlags If the input is a texture, the return type. See D3D11_RESOURCE_RETURN_TYPE. D3D_RESOURCE_RETURN_TYPE ReturnType Identifies the dimensions of the bound resource. For a list of values that or can return, see D3D11_SRV_DIMENSION. D3D_SRV_DIMENSION Dimension The number of samples for a multisampled texture; otherwise 0. unsigned int NumSamples Describes shader data. An array of structures is passed to to compress the shader data into a more compact form. D3D_SHADER_DATA A reference to shader data. const void* pBytecode Length of shader data that pBytecode points to. SIZE_T BytecodeLength Describes a shader. A shader is written in HLSL and compiled into an intermediate language by the HLSL compiler. The shader description returns information about the compiled shader. Get a shader description by calling . D3D11_SHADER_DESC Shader version. unsigned int Version The name of the originator of the shader. const char* Creator Shader compilation/parse flags. D3DCOMPILE_SHADER_FLAGS Flags The number of shader-constant buffers. unsigned int ConstantBuffers The number of resource (textures and buffers) bound to a shader. unsigned int BoundResources The number of parameters in the input signature. unsigned int InputParameters The number of parameters in the output signature. unsigned int OutputParameters The number of intermediate-language instructions in the compiled shader. unsigned int InstructionCount The number of temporary registers in the compiled shader. unsigned int TempRegisterCount Number of temporary arrays used. unsigned int TempArrayCount Number of constant defines. unsigned int DefCount Number of declarations (input + output). unsigned int DclCount Number of non-categorized texture instructions. unsigned int TextureNormalInstructions Number of texture load instructions unsigned int TextureLoadInstructions Number of texture comparison instructions unsigned int TextureCompInstructions Number of texture bias instructions unsigned int TextureBiasInstructions Number of texture gradient instructions. unsigned int TextureGradientInstructions Number of floating point arithmetic instructions used. unsigned int FloatInstructionCount Number of signed integer arithmetic instructions used. unsigned int IntInstructionCount Number of unsigned integer arithmetic instructions used. unsigned int UintInstructionCount Number of static flow control instructions used. unsigned int StaticFlowControlCount Number of dynamic flow control instructions used. unsigned int DynamicFlowControlCount Number of macro instructions used. unsigned int MacroInstructionCount Number of array instructions used. unsigned int ArrayInstructionCount Number of cut instructions used. unsigned int CutInstructionCount Number of emit instructions used. unsigned int EmitInstructionCount The D3D10_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY, which represents the shader output topology. D3D_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY GSOutputTopology Geometry shader maximum output vertex count. unsigned int GSMaxOutputVertexCount The D3D11_PRIMITIVE-typed value that represents the input primitive for a geometry shader or hull shader. D3D_PRIMITIVE InputPrimitive Number of parameters in the patch-constant signature. unsigned int PatchConstantParameters Number of geometry shader instances. unsigned int cGSInstanceCount Number of control points in the hull shader and domain shader. unsigned int cControlPoints The D3D11_TESSELLATOR_OUTPUT_PRIMITIVE, which represents the tessellator output-primitive type. D3D_TESSELLATOR_OUTPUT_PRIMITIVE HSOutputPrimitive The D3D11_TESSELLATOR_PARTITIONING, which represents the tessellator partitioning mode. D3D_TESSELLATOR_PARTITIONING HSPartitioning The D3D11_TESSELLATOR_DOMAIN, which represents the tessellator domain. D3D_TESSELLATOR_DOMAIN TessellatorDomain Number of barrier instructions in a compute shader. unsigned int cBarrierInstructions Number of interlocked instructions in a compute shader. unsigned int cInterlockedInstructions Number of texture writes in a compute shader. unsigned int cTextureStoreInstructions Describes a shader signature. A shader can take n inputs and can produce m outputs. The order of the input (or output) parameters, their associated types, and any attached semantics make up the shader signature. Each shader has an input and an output signature.When compiling a shader or an effect, some API calls validate shader signatures That is, they compare the output signature of one shader (like a vertex shader) with the input signature of another shader (like a pixel shader). This ensures that a shader outputs data that is compatible with a downstream shader that is consuming that data. Compatible means that a shader signature is a exact-match subset of the preceding shader stage. Exact match means parameter types and semantics must exactly match. Subset means that a parameter that is not required by a downstream stage, does not need to include that parameter in its shader signature.Get a shader-signature from a shader or an effect by calling APIs such as . D3D11_SIGNATURE_PARAMETER_DESC A per-parameter string that identifies how the data will be used. const char* SemanticName Semantic index that modifies the semantic. Used to differentiate different parameters that use the same semantic. unsigned int SemanticIndex The register that will contain this variable's data. unsigned int Register A predefined string that determines the functionality of certain pipeline stages. See D3D10_NAME. D3D_NAME SystemValueType The per-component-data type that is stored in a register. See D3D10_REGISTER_COMPONENT_TYPE. Each register can store up to four-components of data. D3D_REGISTER_COMPONENT_TYPE ComponentType Mask which indicates which components of a register are used. D3D11_REGISTER_COMPONENT_MASK_FLAG Mask Mask which indicates whether a given component is never written (if the signature is an output signature) or always read (if the signature is an input signature). D3D11_REGISTER_COMPONENT_MASK_FLAG ReadWriteMask Indicates which stream the geometry shader is using for the signature parameter. unsigned int Stream No documentation. D3D_MIN_PRECISION MinPrecision Describes a shader-variable type. Get a shader-variable-type description by calling . D3D11_SHADER_TYPE_DESC Identifies the variable class as one of scalar, vector, matrix or object. See D3D10_SHADER_VARIABLE_CLASS. D3D_SHADER_VARIABLE_CLASS Class The variable type. See D3D10_SHADER_VARIABLE_TYPE. D3D_SHADER_VARIABLE_TYPE Type Number of rows in a matrix. Otherwise a numeric type returns 1, any other type returns 0. unsigned int Rows Number of columns in a matrix. Otherwise a numeric type returns 1, any other type returns 0. unsigned int Columns Number of elements in an array; otherwise 0. unsigned int Elements Number of members in the structure; otherwise 0. unsigned int Members Offset, in bytes, between the start of the parent structure and this variable. unsigned int Offset No documentation. const char* Name Describes a shader variable. Get a shader-variable description using reflection by calling .As of the June 2010 update, DefaultValue emits default values for reflection. D3D11_SHADER_VARIABLE_DESC The variable name. const char* Name Offset from the start of the parent structure to the beginning of the variable. unsigned int StartOffset Size of the variable (in bytes). unsigned int Size A combination of -typed values that are combined by using a bitwise OR operation. The resulting value identifies shader-variable properties. D3D_SHADER_VARIABLE_FLAGS uFlags The default value for initializing the variable. void* DefaultValue No documentation. unsigned int StartTexture No documentation. unsigned int TextureSize No documentation. unsigned int StartSampler No documentation. unsigned int SamplerSize Represents the compiled bytecode of a shader or effect. Blob Use this ShaderFlags constant in order to compile an effect with old D3D10CompileEffectFromMemory. Initializes a new instance of the class. A containing the compiled bytecode. Initializes a new instance of the class. A containing the compiled bytecode. Initializes a new instance of the class. The buffer. Initializes a new instance of the class. a pointer to a compiler bytecode size of the bytecode Initializes a new instance of the class. The BLOB. Compiles the provided shader or effect source. A string containing the source of the shader or effect to compile. The shader target or set of shader features to compile against. Shader compilation options. Effect compilation options. Name of the source file. The secondary data flags. The secondary data. The compiled shader bytecode, or null if the method fails. Compiles the provided shader or effect source. A string containing the source of the shader or effect to compile. The name of the shader entry-point function, or null for an effect file. The shader target or set of shader features to compile against. Shader compilation options. Effect compilation options. Name of the source file. The secondary data flags. The secondary data. The compiled shader bytecode, or null if the method fails. Compiles the provided shader or effect source. A string containing the source of the shader or effect to compile. The shader target or set of shader features to compile against. Shader compilation options. Effect compilation options. A set of macros to define during compilation. An interface for handling include files. Name of the source file. The secondary data flags. The secondary data. The compiled shader bytecode, or null if the method fails. Compiles the provided shader or effect source. An array of bytes containing the raw source of the shader or effect to compile. The shader target or set of shader features to compile against. Shader compilation options. Effect compilation options. A set of macros to define during compilation. An interface for handling include files. Name of the source file. The secondary data flags. The secondary data. The compiled shader bytecode, or null if the method fails. Compiles the provided shader or effect source. A string containing the source of the shader or effect to compile. The name of the shader entry-point function, or null for an effect file. The shader target or set of shader features to compile against. Shader compilation options. Effect compilation options. A set of macros to define during compilation. An interface for handling include files. Name of the source file. The secondary data flags. The secondary data. The compiled shader bytecode, or null if the method fails. Compiles the provided shader or effect source. An array of bytes containing the raw source of the shader or effect to compile. The name of the shader entry-point function, or null for an effect file. The shader target or set of shader features to compile against. Shader compilation options. Effect compilation options. A set of macros to define during compilation. An interface for handling include files. Name of the source file used for reporting errors. Default is "unknown" The secondary data flags. The secondary data. The compiled shader bytecode, or null if the method fails. Compiles the provided shader or effect source. The shader data. Size of the shader. The name of the shader entry-point function, or null for an effect file. The shader target or set of shader features to compile against. Shader compilation options. Effect compilation options. A set of macros to define during compilation. An interface for handling include files. Name of the source file used for reporting errors. Default is "unknown" The secondary data flags. The secondary data. The compiled shader bytecode, or null if the method fails. Compresses a set of shaders into a more compact form. An array of structures that describe the set of shaders to compress. A compressed . HRESULT D3DCompressShaders([In] int uNumShaders,[In, Buffer] D3D_SHADER_DATA* pShaderData,[In] int uFlags,[Out] ID3DBlob** ppCompressedData) Decompresses all shaders from a compressed set. Returns an array of decompresss shader bytecode. HRESULT D3DDecompressShaders([In, Buffer] const void* pSrcData,[In] SIZE_T SrcDataSize,[In] unsigned int uNumShaders,[In] unsigned int uStartIndex,[In, Buffer, Optional] unsigned int* pIndices,[In] unsigned int uFlags,[Out, Buffer] ID3D10Blob** ppShaders,[Out, Optional] unsigned int* pTotalShaders) Decompresses one or more shaders from a compressed set. The number of shaders to decompress. The index of the first shader to decompress. Returns an array of decompresss shader bytecode. HRESULT D3DDecompressShaders([In, Buffer] const void* pSrcData,[In] SIZE_T SrcDataSize,[In] unsigned int uNumShaders,[In] unsigned int uStartIndex,[In, Buffer, Optional] unsigned int* pIndices,[In] unsigned int uFlags,[Out, Buffer] ID3D10Blob** ppShaders,[Out, Optional] unsigned int* pTotalShaders) Decompresses one or more shaders from a compressed set. An array of indexes that represent the shaders to decompress. Returns an array of decompresss shader bytecode. HRESULT D3DDecompressShaders([In, Buffer] const void* pSrcData,[In] SIZE_T SrcDataSize,[In] unsigned int uNumShaders,[In] unsigned int uStartIndex,[In, Buffer, Optional] unsigned int* pIndices,[In] unsigned int uFlags,[Out, Buffer] ID3D10Blob** ppShaders,[Out, Optional] unsigned int* pTotalShaders) Disassembles compiled HLSL code back into textual source. The textual source of the shader or effect. Disassembles compiled HLSL code back into textual source. Flags affecting the output of the disassembly. The textual source of the shader or effect. Disassembles compiled HLSL code back into textual source. Flags affecting the output of the disassembly. Commenting information to embed in the disassembly. The textual source of the shader or effect. Disassembles a region of a compiled HLSL code back into textual source. The flags. The comments. The start byte offset. The number of instructions. The finish byte offset ref. The textual source of the shader or effect. HRESULT D3DDisassembleRegion([In, Buffer] const void* pSrcData,[In] SIZE_T SrcDataSize,[In] unsigned int Flags,[In, Optional] const char* szComments,[In] SIZE_T StartByteOffset,[In] SIZE_T NumInsts,[Out, Optional] SIZE_T* pFinishByteOffset,[Out] ID3D10Blob** ppDisassembly) Gets the trace instruction offsets. if set to true [is including non executable code]. Start index of the inst. The num insts. The total insts ref. An offset HRESULT D3DGetTraceInstructionOffsets([In, Buffer] const void* pSrcData,[In] SIZE_T SrcDataSize,[In] unsigned int Flags,[In] SIZE_T StartInstIndex,[In] SIZE_T NumInsts,[Out, Buffer, Optional] SIZE_T* pOffsets,[Out, Optional] SIZE_T* pTotalInsts) Retrieves a specific part from a compilation result. D3DGetBlobPart retrieves the part of a blob (arbitrary length data buffer) that contains the type of data that the Part parameter specifies. A -typed value that specifies the part of the buffer to retrieve. Returns the extracted part. HRESULT D3DGetBlobPart([In, Buffer] const void* pSrcData,[In] SIZE_T SrcDataSize,[In] D3D_BLOB_PART Part,[In] int Flags,[Out] ID3DBlob** ppPart) Sets information in a compilation result. The part. The part data. The new shader in which the new part data is set. HRESULT D3DSetBlobPart([In, Buffer] const void* pSrcData,[In] SIZE_T SrcDataSize,[In] D3D_BLOB_PART Part,[In] unsigned int Flags,[In, Buffer] const void* pPart,[In] SIZE_T PartSize,[Out] ID3D10Blob** ppNewShader) Loads from the specified stream. The stream. A shader bytecode Saves this bycode to the specified stream. The stream. Froms the pointer. The pointer. Preprocesses the provided shader or effect source. A string containing the source of the shader or effect to preprocess. A set of macros to define during preprocessing. An interface for handling include files. The preprocessed shader source. Preprocesses the provided shader or effect source. An array of bytes containing the raw source of the shader or effect to preprocess. A set of macros to define during preprocessing. An interface for handling include files. The preprocessed shader source. Preprocesses the provided shader or effect source. An array of bytes containing the raw source of the shader or effect to preprocess. A set of macros to define during preprocessing. An interface for handling include files. When the method completes, contains a string of compilation errors, or an empty string if preprocessing succeeded. The preprocessed shader source. Preprocesses the provided shader or effect source. An array of bytes containing the raw source of the shader or effect to preprocess. A set of macros to define during preprocessing. An interface for handling include files. When the method completes, contains a string of compilation errors, or an empty string if preprocessing succeeded. The preprocessed shader source. Preprocesses the provided shader or effect source. A string containing the source of the shader or effect to preprocess. A set of macros to define during preprocessing. An interface for handling include files. When the method completes, contains a string of compilation errors, or an empty string if preprocessing succeeded. The preprocessed shader source. Strips extraneous information from a compiled shader or effect. Options specifying what to remove from the shader. A string containing any errors that may have occurred. Read a compiled shader bytecode from a Stream and return a ShaderBytecode Gets the buffer pointer. Gets or sets the size of the buffer. The size of the buffer. Gets this instance is composed of compressed shaders. true if this instance is compressed; otherwise, false. Gets the raw data of the compiled bytecode. Represents a shader signature. Initializes a new instance of the class. A pointer to a Blob object. Initializes a new instance of the class. A pointer to a Blob object. Extracts the input and output signatures from a compiled shader or effect. The bytecode of the compiled shader or effect. The input and output signatures of the shader or effect. Extracts the input signature from a compiled shader or effect. The bytecode of the compiled shader or effect. The input signature of the shader or effect. Extracts the output signature from a compiled shader or effect. The bytecode of the compiled shader or effect. The output signature of the shader or effect. Gets the raw data of the shader signature.