// This file is part of the ANX.Framework created by the // "ANX.Framework developer group" and released under the Ms-PL license. // For details see: http://anxframework.codeplex.com/license namespace ANX.Framework.Input { public enum Keys : byte { None = 0, Back = 8, Tab = 9, Enter = 13, Pause = 19, CapsLock = 20, Kana = 21, Kanji = 25, Escape = 27, ImeConvert = 28, ImeNoConvert = 29, Space = 32, PageUp = 33, PageDown = 34, End = 35, Home = 36, Left = 37, Up = 38, Right = 39, Down = 40, Select = 41, Print = 42, Execute = 43, PrintScreen = 44, Insert = 45, Delete = 46, Help = 47, D0 = 48, D1 = 49, D2 = 50, D3 = 51, D4 = 52, D5 = 53, D6 = 54, D7 = 55, D8 = 56, D9 = 57, A = 65, B = 66, C = 67, D = 68, E = 69, F = 70, G = 71, H = 72, I = 73, J = 74, K = 75, L = 76, M = 77, N = 78, O = 79, P = 80, Q = 81, R = 82, S = 83, T = 84, U = 85, V = 86, W = 87, X = 88, Y = 89, Z = 90, LeftWindows = 91, RightWindows = 92, Apps = 93, Sleep = 95, NumPad0 = 96, NumPad1 = 97, NumPad2 = 98, NumPad3 = 99, NumPad4 = 100, NumPad5 = 101, NumPad6 = 102, NumPad7 = 103, NumPad8 = 104, NumPad9 = 105, Multiply = 106, Add = 107, Separator = 108, Subtract = 109, Decimal = 110, Divide = 111, F1 = 112, F2 = 113, F3 = 114, F4 = 115, F5 = 116, F6 = 117, F7 = 118, F8 = 119, F9 = 120, F10 = 121, F11 = 122, F12 = 123, F13 = 124, F14 = 125, F15 = 126, F16 = 127, F17 = 128, F18 = 129, F19 = 130, F20 = 131, F21 = 132, F22 = 133, F23 = 134, F24 = 135, NumLock = 144, Scroll = 145, LeftShift = 160, RightShift = 161, LeftControl = 162, RightControl = 163, LeftAlt = 164, RightAlt = 165, BrowserBack = 166, BrowserForward = 167, BrowserRefresh = 168, BrowserStop = 169, BrowserSearch = 170, BrowserFavorites = 171, BrowserHome = 172, VolumeMute = 173, VolumeDown = 174, VolumeUp = 175, MediaNextTrack = 176, MediaPreviousTrack = 177, MediaStop = 178, MediaPlayPause = 179, LaunchMail = 180, SelectMedia = 181, LaunchApplication1 = 182, LaunchApplication2 = 183, OemSemicolon = 186, OemPlus = 187, OemComma = 188, OemMinus = 189, OemPeriod = 190, OemQuestion = 191, OemTilde = 192, ChatPadGreen = 202, ChatPadOrange = 203, OemOpenBrackets = 219, OemPipe = 220, OemCloseBrackets = 221, OemQuotes = 222, Oem8 = 223, OemBackslash = 226, ProcessKey = 229, OemCopy = 242, OemAuto = 243, OemEnlW = 244, Attn = 246, Crsel = 247, Exsel = 248, EraseEof = 249, Play = 250, Zoom = 251, Pa1 = 253, OemClear = 254 } }