SharpDX.Toolkit.Graphics The assembly provides a high level Direct3D11 API. BlendState is equivalent to . This class provides default stock blend states and easier constructors. It is also associating the and into the same object. Base class for all . GraphicsDevice used to create this instance. The attached Direct3D11 resource to this instance. Initializes the specified device local. The resource. Implicit casting operator to The GraphicsResource to convert from. Gets the CPU access flags from the . The usage. The CPU access flags Called when name changed for this component. Gets the description of this blend state. RGBA component. This requires a blend state object that specifies the .

Blend state is used by the output-merger stage to determine how to blend together two pixel values. The two values are commonly the current pixel value and the pixel value already in the output render target. Use the blend operation to control where the two pixel values come from and how they are mathematically combined.

To create a blend-state interface, call .

Passing in null for the blend-state interface indicates to the runtime to set a default blending state. The following table indicates the default blending parameters.

StateDefault Value


A sample mask determines which samples get updated in all the active render targets. The mapping of bits in a sample mask to samples in a multisample render target is the responsibility of an individual application. A sample mask is always applied; it is independent of whether multisampling is enabled, and does not depend on whether an application uses multisample render targets.

The method will hold a reference to the interfaces passed in. This differs from the device state behavior in Direct3D 10.

Initializes a new instance of the class. The device local. The description. The blend factor. The mask. Initializes a new instance of the class. The device local. State of the native. The blend factor. The mask.

Create a blend-state object that encapsules blend state for the output-merger stage.

The . The render target blend description for the first render target. The blend factor. The mask. A new instance. ff476500 HRESULT ID3D11Device::CreateBlendState([In] const D3D11_BLEND_DESC* pBlendStateDesc,[Out, Fast] ID3D11BlendState** ppBlendState) ID3D11Device::CreateBlendState

An application can create up to 4096 unique blend-state objects. For each object created, the runtime checks to see if a previous object has the same state. If such a previous object exists, the runtime will return a reference to previous instance instead of creating a duplicate object.

Create a blend-state object that encapsules blend state for the output-merger stage.

The . The render target blend description for the first render target. The mask. A new instance. ff476500 HRESULT ID3D11Device::CreateBlendState([In] const D3D11_BLEND_DESC* pBlendStateDesc,[Out, Fast] ID3D11BlendState** ppBlendState) ID3D11Device::CreateBlendState

An application can create up to 4096 unique blend-state objects. For each object created, the runtime checks to see if a previous object has the same state. If such a previous object exists, the runtime will return a reference to previous instance instead of creating a duplicate object.

Create a blend-state object that encapsules blend state for the output-merger stage.

The . The source blend. The destination blend. The blend operation. The source alpha blend. The destination alpha blend. The alpha blend operation. The render target write mask. The mask. A new instance. ff476500 HRESULT ID3D11Device::CreateBlendState([In] const D3D11_BLEND_DESC* pBlendStateDesc,[Out, Fast] ID3D11BlendState** ppBlendState) ID3D11Device::CreateBlendState

An application can create up to 4096 unique blend-state objects. For each object created, the runtime checks to see if a previous object has the same state. If such a previous object exists, the runtime will return a reference to previous instance instead of creating a duplicate object.

Create a blend-state object that encapsules blend state for the output-merger stage.

The . The source blend. The destination blend. The blend operation. The source alpha blend. The destination alpha blend. The alpha blend operation. The render target write mask. The blend factor. The mask. A new instance. ff476500 HRESULT ID3D11Device::CreateBlendState([In] const D3D11_BLEND_DESC* pBlendStateDesc,[Out, Fast] ID3D11BlendState** ppBlendState) ID3D11Device::CreateBlendState

An application can create up to 4096 unique blend-state objects. For each object created, the runtime checks to see if a previous object has the same state. If such a previous object exists, the runtime will return a reference to previous instance instead of creating a duplicate object.

Create a blend-state object that encapsules blend state for the output-merger stage.

The .

Pointer to a blend-state description (see ).

The mask. A new instance. ff476500 HRESULT ID3D11Device::CreateBlendState([In] const D3D11_BLEND_DESC* pBlendStateDesc,[Out, Fast] ID3D11BlendState** ppBlendState) ID3D11Device::CreateBlendState

An application can create up to 4096 unique blend-state objects. For each object created, the runtime checks to see if a previous object has the same state. If such a previous object exists, the runtime will return a reference to previous instance instead of creating a duplicate object.

Create a blend-state object that encapsules blend state for the output-merger stage.

The . Name of this blend state.

Pointer to a blend-state description (see ).

The mask. A new instance. ff476500 HRESULT ID3D11Device::CreateBlendState([In] const D3D11_BLEND_DESC* pBlendStateDesc,[Out, Fast] ID3D11BlendState** ppBlendState) ID3D11Device::CreateBlendState

An application can create up to 4096 unique blend-state objects. For each object created, the runtime checks to see if a previous object has the same state. If such a previous object exists, the runtime will return a reference to previous instance instead of creating a duplicate object.

Create a blend-state object that encapsules blend state for the output-merger stage.

The .

Pointer to a blend-state description (see ).

The blend factor. The mask. A new instance. ff476500 HRESULT ID3D11Device::CreateBlendState([In] const D3D11_BLEND_DESC* pBlendStateDesc,[Out, Fast] ID3D11BlendState** ppBlendState) ID3D11Device::CreateBlendState

An application can create up to 4096 unique blend-state objects. For each object created, the runtime checks to see if a previous object has the same state. If such a previous object exists, the runtime will return a reference to previous instance instead of creating a duplicate object.

Implicit casting operator to The GraphicsState to convert from. Blend state collection Base collection for Graphics device states (BlendState, DepthStencilState, RasterizerState). Type of the state. A generic collection for effect framework. Type of the collection Adds the specified item. The item. Adds the specified item with a prefix name (used for techniques inside pool). Name will be added to collection with "PrefixName|ItemName" unless prefixname is empty ("ItemName"). The name. The item. Determines whether this collection contains an element with the specified name. The name. true if [contains] an element with the specified name; otherwise, false. Gets the number of objects in the collection. Gets a specific element in the collection by using an index value. Index of the EffectTechnique to get. Gets a specific element in the collection by using a name. Name of the EffectTechnique to get. Gets the graphics device associated with this collection. Initializes a new instance of the class. The device. Sets this callback to create a state when a state with a particular name is not found. Registers the specified state. The state. The name of the state must be defined. An allocator of state. The device. The name of the state to create. An instsance of T or null if not supported. A built-in state object with settings for additive blend, that is adding the destination data to the source data without using alpha. A built-in state object with settings for alpha blend, that is blending the source and destination data using alpha. A built-in state object with settings for blending with non-premultipled alpha, that is blending source and destination data using alpha while assuming the color data contains no alpha information. A built-in state object with settings for opaque blend, that is overwriting the source with the destination data. A built-in default state object (no blending). Initializes a new instance of the class. The device. Specifies the buffer to use when using Clears the depth buffer. Clears the stencil buffer. Clears the render target buffer. The namespace provides a high level Direct3D11 Graphics API. Primitive batch implementation using generic. Type of a Vertex element Primitive batch base class. Size in bytes of a vertex. Initializes a new instance of the class. The device. The max indices. The max vertices. Size of the vertex. Begin a batch of primitive drawing operations. Cannot nest Begin calls Ends batch of primitive drawing operations. Begin must be called before End Draws the specified topology. The topology. if set to true [is indexed]. The indices. The index count. The vertex count. IntPtr. Indices cannot be null Too many indices;indexCount Begin must be called before Draw Flushes the batch. Locks a vertex or index buffer. The buffer. The current position. A DataBox. Gets the graphics device. The graphics device. The quad indices Initializes a new instance of the class. The device. The max indices. The max vertices. Draws vertices for the specified topology. The topology. The vertices. Draws the indexed vertices with the specified toplogy. The topology. The indices. The vertices. Draws a line. The v1 starting point. The v2 end point. Draws a triangle (points must be ordered in CW or CCW depending on rasterizer settings). The v1. The v2. The v3. Draws a quad (points must be ordered in CW or CCW depending on rasterizer settings). The v1. The v2. The v3. The v4. Graphics presenter for SwapChain. This class is a frontend to and . In order to create a new , a should have been initialized first. bb174569 IDXGISwapChain IDXGISwapChain Initializes a new instance of the class. The device. Presents the Backbuffer to the screen. bb174576 HRESULT IDXGISwapChain::Present([In] unsigned int SyncInterval,[In] DXGI_PRESENT_FLAGS Flags) IDXGISwapChain::Present Resizes the current presenter, by resizing the back buffer and the depth stencil buffer. Creates the depth stencil buffer. Gets the graphics device. The graphics device. Gets the description of this presenter. Gets the default back buffer for this presenter. Gets the default depth stencil buffer for this presenter. Gets the underlying native presenter (can be a or or null, depending on the platform). The native presenter. Gets or sets fullscreen mode for this presenter. true if this instance is full screen; otherwise, false. bb174579 HRESULT IDXGISwapChain::SetFullscreenState([In] BOOL Fullscreen,[In, Optional] IDXGIOutput* pTarget) IDXGISwapChain::SetFullscreenState This method is only valid on Windows Desktop and has no effect on Windows Metro. Gets or sets the . Default is to wait for one vertical blanking. The present interval. Internal class to load a Effect. Base class for all GraphicsResource content reader. Describes the current status of a . The device is running fine. bb509553 S_OK S_OK The video card has been physically removed from the system, or a driver upgrade for the video card has occurred. The application should destroy and recreate the device. bb509553 DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED The application's device failed due to badly formed commands sent by the application. This is an design-time issue that should be investigated and fixed. bb509553 DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_HUNG DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_HUNG The device failed due to a badly formed command. This is a run-time issue; The application should destroy and recreate the device. bb509553 DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_RESET DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_RESET The driver encountered a problem and was put into the device removed state. bb509553 DXGI_ERROR_DRIVER_INTERNAL_ERROR DXGI_ERROR_DRIVER_INTERNAL_ERROR The application provided invalid parameter data; this must be debugged and fixed before the application is released. bb509553 DXGI_ERROR_INVALID_CALL DXGI_ERROR_INVALID_CALL Primitive quad use to draw an effect on a quad (fullscreen by default). This is directly accessible from the method. Initializes a new instance of the class. The graphics device. Draws a quad. The effect must have been applied before calling this method with pixel shader having the signature float2:TEXCOORD. Draws the specified effect onto the quad. The effect must have a pixel shader with the signature float2:TEXCOORD. The effect. Draws the specified effect pass onto the quad. The effect pass must have a pixel shader with the signature float2:TEXCOORD. The effect pass. Gets the graphics device. The graphics device. Gets or sets the transform. Default is . The transform. Internal structure used to store VertexBuffer and VertexInputLayout. The vertex buffer The vertex input layout Graphics presenter for SwapChain. Service providing method to access GraphicsDevice life-cycle. Occurs when a device is created. Occurs when a device is disposing. Occurs when a device is reseted. Occurs when a device is resetting. Gets the current graphcs device. The graphics device. Content reader for an image. Exposes an array as readonly with readonly elements with support for improved performance for equality. Initializes a new instance of the class. The elements. Implements the operator ==. The left. The right. The result of the operator. Implements the operator !=. The left. The right. The result of the operator. Gets number of elements. The number of elements. Gets a specific element in the collection by using an index value. Index of the value to get. Rasterizer state collection. Built-in raterizer state object with settings for culling primitives with clockwise winding order (front facing). Built-in raterizer state object with settings for culling primitives with counter-clockwise winding order (back facing). Built-in raterizer state object with settings for not culling any primitives. Built-in default raterizer state object is back facing (see ). Initializes a new instance of the class. The device. Sampler state collection. Default state is using linear filtering with texture coordinate clamping. Point filtering with texture coordinate wrapping. Point filtering with texture coordinate clamping. Linear filtering with texture coordinate wrapping. Linear filtering with texture coordinate clamping. Anisotropic filtering with texture coordinate wrapping. Anisotropic filtering with texture coordinate clamping. Initializes a new instance of the class. The device. Depth-stencil state collection. A built-in state object with default settings for using a depth stencil buffer. A built-in state object with settings for enabling a read-only depth stencil buffer. A built-in state object with settings for not using a depth stencil buffer. Initializes a new instance of the class. The device. Describes whether existing vertex or index buffer data will be overwritten or discarded during a SetData operation. Portions of existing data in the buffer may be overwritten during this operation. The SetData operation will discard the entire buffer. A pointer to a new memory area is returned so that the direct memory access (DMA) and rendering from the previous area do not stall. The SetData operation will not overwrite existing data in the vertex and index buffers. Specifying this option allows the driver to return immediately from a SetData operation and continue rendering. Type of shared data. Data is shared within a . Data is shared within a Renders a group of sprites. Initializes a new instance of the class. The graphics device. Begins a sprite batch operation using deferred sort and default state objects (BlendState.AlphaBlend, SamplerState.LinearClamp, DepthStencilState.None, RasterizerState.CullCounterClockwise). Begins a sprite batch rendering using the specified sorting mode and blend state. Other states are sets to default (DepthStencilState.None, SamplerState.LinearClamp, RasterizerState.CullCounterClockwise). If you pass a null blend state, the default is BlendState.AlphaBlend. Sprite drawing order. Blending options. Begins a sprite batch rendering using the specified sorting mode and blend state, sampler, depth stencil and rasterizer state objects. Passing null for any of the state objects selects the default default state objects (BlendState.AlphaBlend, SamplerState.LinearClamp, DepthStencilState.None, RasterizerState.CullCounterClockwise). Sprite drawing order. Blending options. Texture sampling options. Depth and stencil options. Rasterization options. Begins a sprite batch rendering using the specified sorting mode and blend state, sampler, depth stencil and rasterizer state objects, plus a custom effect. Passing null for any of the state objects selects the default default state objects (BlendState.AlphaBlend, DepthStencilState.None, RasterizerState.CullCounterClockwise, SamplerState.LinearClamp). Passing a null effect selects the default SpriteBatch Class shader. Sprite drawing order. Blending options. Texture sampling options. Depth and stencil options. Rasterization options. Effect state options. Begins a sprite batch rendering using the specified sorting mode and blend state, sampler, depth stencil, rasterizer state objects, plus a custom effect and a 2D transformation matrix. Passing null for any of the state objects selects the default default state objects (BlendState.AlphaBlend, DepthStencilState.None, RasterizerState.CullCounterClockwise, SamplerState.LinearClamp). Passing a null effect selects the default SpriteBatch Class shader. Sprite drawing order. Blending options. Texture sampling options. Depth and stencil options. Rasterization options. Effect state options. Transformation matrix for scale, rotate, translate options. Adds a sprite to a batch of sprites for rendering using the specified texture, destination rectangle, and color. A texture. A rectangle that specifies (in screen coordinates) the destination for drawing the sprite. The color to tint a sprite. Use Color.White for full color with no tinting. Before making any calls to Draw, you must call Begin. Once all calls to Draw are complete, call End. Adds a sprite to a batch of sprites for rendering using the specified texture, position and color. A texture. The location (in screen coordinates) to draw the sprite. The color to tint a sprite. Use Color.White for full color with no tinting. Adds a sprite to a batch of sprites for rendering using the specified texture, destination rectangle, source rectangle, color, rotation, origin, effects and layer. A texture. A rectangle that specifies (in screen coordinates) the destination for drawing the sprite. If this rectangle is not the same size as the source rectangle, the sprite will be scaled to fit. A rectangle that specifies (in texels) the source texels from a texture. Use null to draw the entire texture. The color to tint a sprite. Use Color.White for full color with no tinting. Specifies the angle (in radians) to rotate the sprite about its center. The sprite origin; the default is (0,0) which represents the upper-left corner. Effects to apply. The depth of a layer. By default, 0 represents the front layer and 1 represents a back layer. Use SpriteSortMode if you want sprites to be sorted during drawing. Adds a sprite to a batch of sprites for rendering using the specified texture, position, source rectangle, and color. A texture. The location (in screen coordinates) to draw the sprite. A rectangle that specifies (in texels) the source texels from a texture. Use null to draw the entire texture. The color to tint a sprite. Use Color.White for full color with no tinting. Adds a sprite to a batch of sprites for rendering using the specified texture, position, source rectangle, color, rotation, origin, scale, effects, and layer. A texture. The location (in screen coordinates) to draw the sprite. A rectangle that specifies (in texels) the source texels from a texture. Use null to draw the entire texture. The color to tint a sprite. Use Color.White for full color with no tinting. Specifies the angle (in radians) to rotate the sprite about its center. The sprite origin; the default is (0,0) which represents the upper-left corner. Scale factor. Effects to apply. The depth of a layer. By default, 0 represents the front layer and 1 represents a back layer. Use SpriteSortMode if you want sprites to be sorted during drawing. Adds a sprite to a batch of sprites for rendering using the specified texture, position, source rectangle, color, rotation, origin, scale, effects, and layer. A texture. The location (in screen coordinates) to draw the sprite. A rectangle that specifies (in texels) the source texels from a texture. Use null to draw the entire texture. The color to tint a sprite. Use Color.White for full color with no tinting. Specifies the angle (in radians) to rotate the sprite about its center. The sprite origin; the default is (0,0) which represents the upper-left corner. Scale factor. Effects to apply. The depth of a layer. By default, 0 represents the front layer and 1 represents a back layer. Use SpriteSortMode if you want sprites to be sorted during drawing. Adds a string to a batch of sprites for rendering using the specified font, text, position, and color. A font for diplaying text. A text string. The location (in screen coordinates) to draw the sprite. The color to tint a sprite. Use Color.White for full color with no tinting. Adds a string to a batch of sprites for rendering using the specified font, text, position, and color. A font for diplaying text. Text string. The location (in screen coordinates) to draw the sprite. The color to tint a sprite. Use Color.White for full color with no tinting. Adds a string to a batch of sprites for rendering using the specified font, text, position, color, rotation, origin, scale, effects and layer. A font for diplaying text. A text string. The location (in screen coordinates) to draw the sprite. The color to tint a sprite. Use Color.White for full color with no tinting. Specifies the angle (in radians) to rotate the sprite about its center. The sprite origin; the default is (0,0) which represents the upper-left corner. Scale factor. Effects to apply. The depth of a layer. By default, 0 represents the front layer and 1 represents a back layer. Use SpriteSortMode if you want sprites to be sorted during drawing. Adds a string to a batch of sprites for rendering using the specified font, text, position, color, rotation, origin, scale, effects and layer. A font for diplaying text. A text string. The location (in screen coordinates) to draw the sprite. The color to tint a sprite. Use Color.White for full color with no tinting. Specifies the angle (in radians) to rotate the sprite about its center. The sprite origin; the default is (0,0) which represents the upper-left corner. Scale factor. Effects to apply. The depth of a layer. By default, 0 represents the front layer and 1 represents a back layer. Use SpriteSortMode if you want sprites to be sorted during drawing. Adds a string to a batch of sprites for rendering using the specified font, text, position, color, rotation, origin, scale, effects and layer. A font for diplaying text. Text string. The location (in screen coordinates) to draw the sprite. The color to tint a sprite. Use Color.White for full color with no tinting. Specifies the angle (in radians) to rotate the sprite about its center. The sprite origin; the default is (0,0) which represents the upper-left corner. Scale factor. Effects to apply. The depth of a layer. By default, 0 represents the front layer and 1 represents a back layer. Use SpriteSortMode if you want sprites to be sorted during drawing. Adds a string to a batch of sprites for rendering using the specified font, text, position, color, rotation, origin, scale, effects and layer. A font for diplaying text. Text string. The location (in screen coordinates) to draw the sprite. The color to tint a sprite. Use Color.White for full color with no tinting. Specifies the angle (in radians) to rotate the sprite about its center. The sprite origin; the default is (0,0) which represents the upper-left corner. Scale factor. Effects to apply. The depth of a layer. By default, 0 represents the front layer and 1 represents a back layer. Use SpriteSortMode if you want sprites to be sorted during drawing. Flushes the sprite batch and restores the device state to how it was before Begin was called. Use a ResourceContext per GraphicsDevice (DeviceContext) Internal structure used to store texture information. Defines sprite mirroring options. Description is taken from original XNA SpriteEffects class. No rotations specified. Rotate 180 degrees around the Y axis before rendering. Rotate 180 degrees around the X axis before rendering. Rotate 180 degress around both the X and Y axis before rendering. Represents a font texture. Loads an from the specified stream. The graphics device The stream. A delegate to load bitmap data that are not stored in the buffer. An . Null if the stream is not a serialized . Loads an from the specified buffer. The graphics device The buffer. A delegate to load bitmap data that are not stored in the buffer. An Loads an from the specified file. The graphics device The filename. An Returns the width and height of a string as a Vector2. The string to measure. Returns the width and height of a string as a Vector2. The string to measure. Gets a collection of all the characters that are included in the font. Gets or sets the default character for the font. Gets or sets the vertical distance (in pixels) between the base lines of two consecutive lines of text. Line spacing includes the blank space between lines as well as the height of the characters. Gets or sets the spacing of the font characters. Internal class to load a SpriteFont. Defines sprite sort-rendering options. Description is taken from original XNA SpriteBatch class. Sprites are not drawn until End is called. End will apply graphics device settings and draw all the sprites in one batch, in the same order calls to Draw were received. This mode allows Draw calls to two or more instances of SpriteBatch without introducing conflicting graphics device settings. SpriteBatch defaults to Deferred mode. Begin will apply new graphics device settings, and sprites will be drawn within each Draw call. In Immediate mode there can only be one active SpriteBatch instance without introducing conflicting device settings. Same as Deferred mode, except sprites are sorted by texture prior to drawing. This can improve performance when drawing non-overlapping sprites of uniform depth. Same as Deferred mode, except sprites are sorted by depth in back-to-front order prior to drawing. This procedure is recommended when drawing transparent sprites of varying depths. Same as Deferred mode, except sprites are sorted by depth in front-to-back order prior to drawing. This procedure is recommended when drawing opaque sprites of varying depths. All-in-One Buffer class linked . This class is able to create constant buffers, index buffers, vertex buffers, structured buffer, raw buffers, argument buffers. ff476351 ID3D11Buffer ID3D11Buffer Gets the description of this buffer. Gets the number of elements. This value is valid for structured buffers, raw buffers and index buffers that are used as a SharedResourceView. Gets the size of element T. Gets the type of this buffer. Gets the default view format of this buffer. Initializes a new instance of the class. The . The description. Type of the buffer. The view format. The data pointer. Initializes a new instance of the class. The . The native buffer. Type of the buffer. The view format. Return an equivalent staging texture CPU read-writable from this instance. A new instance of this buffer as a staging resource Clones this instance. A clone of this instance This method will not copy the content of the buffer to the clone Gets a for a particular . The view format. The first element of the view. The number of elements accessible from the view. A for the particular view format. The buffer must have been declared with . The ShaderResourceView instance is kept by this buffer and will be disposed when this buffer is disposed. ff476519 HRESULT ID3D11Device::CreateShaderResourceView([In] ID3D11Resource* pResource,[In, Optional] const D3D11_SHADER_RESOURCE_VIEW_DESC* pDesc,[Out, Fast] ID3D11ShaderResourceView** ppSRView) ID3D11Device::CreateShaderResourceView Gets a for a particular . The view format. The width in pixels of the render target. A for the particular view format. The buffer must have been declared with . The RenderTargetView instance is kept by this buffer and will be disposed when this buffer is disposed. Gets the content of this buffer to an array of data. The type of the T data. This method is only working when called from the main thread that is accessing the main . This method creates internally a stagging resource if this texture is not already a stagging resouce, copies to it and map it to memory. Use method with explicit staging resource for optimal performances. ff476457 HRESULT ID3D11DeviceContext::Map([In] ID3D11Resource* pResource,[In] unsigned int Subresource,[In] D3D11_MAP MapType,[In] D3D11_MAP_FLAG MapFlags,[Out] D3D11_MAPPED_SUBRESOURCE* pMappedResource) ID3D11DeviceContext::Map Copies the content of this buffer to an array of data. The type of the T data. The destination buffer to receive a copy of the texture datas. This method is only working when called from the main thread that is accessing the main . This method creates internally a stagging resource if this texture is not already a stagging resouce, copies to it and map it to memory. Use method with explicit staging resource for optimal performances. ff476457 HRESULT ID3D11DeviceContext::Map([In] ID3D11Resource* pResource,[In] unsigned int Subresource,[In] D3D11_MAP MapType,[In] D3D11_MAP_FLAG MapFlags,[Out] D3D11_MAPPED_SUBRESOURCE* pMappedResource) ID3D11DeviceContext::Map Copies the content of this buffer to an array of data. The type of the T data. The destination buffer to receive a copy of the texture datas. This method is only working when called from the main thread that is accessing the main . This method creates internally a stagging resource if this texture is not already a stagging resouce, copies to it and map it to memory. Use method with explicit staging resource for optimal performances. ff476457 HRESULT ID3D11DeviceContext::Map([In] ID3D11Resource* pResource,[In] unsigned int Subresource,[In] D3D11_MAP MapType,[In] D3D11_MAP_FLAG MapFlags,[Out] D3D11_MAPPED_SUBRESOURCE* pMappedResource) ID3D11DeviceContext::Map Copies the content of this buffer from GPU memory to an array of data on CPU memory using a specific staging resource. The type of the T data. The staging buffer used to transfer the buffer. To data. When strides is different from optimal strides, and TData is not the same size as the pixel format, or Width * Height != toData.Length This method is only working when called from the main thread that is accessing the main . ff476457 HRESULT ID3D11DeviceContext::Map([In] ID3D11Resource* pResource,[In] unsigned int Subresource,[In] D3D11_MAP MapType,[In] D3D11_MAP_FLAG MapFlags,[Out] D3D11_MAPPED_SUBRESOURCE* pMappedResource) ID3D11DeviceContext::Map Copies the content of this buffer from GPU memory to an array of data on CPU memory using a specific staging resource. The type of the T data. The staging buffer used to transfer the buffer. To data. When strides is different from optimal strides, and TData is not the same size as the pixel format, or Width * Height != toData.Length This method is only working when called from the main thread that is accessing the main . ff476457 HRESULT ID3D11DeviceContext::Map([In] ID3D11Resource* pResource,[In] unsigned int Subresource,[In] D3D11_MAP MapType,[In] D3D11_MAP_FLAG MapFlags,[Out] D3D11_MAPPED_SUBRESOURCE* pMappedResource) ID3D11DeviceContext::Map Copies the content of this buffer from GPU memory to a CPU memory using a specific staging resource. The staging buffer used to transfer the buffer. To data pointer. When strides is different from optimal strides, and TData is not the same size as the pixel format, or Width * Height != toData.Length This method is only working when called from the main thread that is accessing the main . ff476457 HRESULT ID3D11DeviceContext::Map([In] ID3D11Resource* pResource,[In] unsigned int Subresource,[In] D3D11_MAP MapType,[In] D3D11_MAP_FLAG MapFlags,[Out] D3D11_MAPPED_SUBRESOURCE* pMappedResource) ID3D11DeviceContext::Map Copies the content of a single structure data from CPU memory to this buffer into GPU memory. The type of the T data. The data to copy from. The offset in bytes to write to. This method is only working when called from the main thread that is accessing the main . See the unmanaged documentation about Map/UnMap for usage and restrictions. ff476457 HRESULT ID3D11DeviceContext::Map([In] ID3D11Resource* pResource,[In] unsigned int Subresource,[In] D3D11_MAP MapType,[In] D3D11_MAP_FLAG MapFlags,[Out] D3D11_MAPPED_SUBRESOURCE* pMappedResource) ID3D11DeviceContext::Map Copies the content an array of data from CPU memory to this buffer into GPU memory. The type of the T data. The data to copy from. The offset in bytes to write to. This method is only working when called from the main thread that is accessing the main . See the unmanaged documentation about Map/UnMap for usage and restrictions. ff476457 HRESULT ID3D11DeviceContext::Map([In] ID3D11Resource* pResource,[In] unsigned int Subresource,[In] D3D11_MAP MapType,[In] D3D11_MAP_FLAG MapFlags,[Out] D3D11_MAPPED_SUBRESOURCE* pMappedResource) ID3D11DeviceContext::Map Copies the content an array of data on CPU memory to this buffer into GPU memory. A data pointer. The offset in bytes to write to. ff476457 HRESULT ID3D11DeviceContext::Map([In] ID3D11Resource* pResource,[In] unsigned int Subresource,[In] D3D11_MAP MapType,[In] D3D11_MAP_FLAG MapFlags,[Out] D3D11_MAPPED_SUBRESOURCE* pMappedResource) ID3D11DeviceContext::Map This method is only working when called from the main thread that is accessing the main . See the unmanaged documentation about Map/UnMap for usage and restrictions. Copies the content an array of data on CPU memory to this buffer into GPU memory. The type of the T data. The . The data to copy from. The offset in bytes to write to. See the unmanaged documentation about Map/UnMap for usage and restrictions. ff476457 HRESULT ID3D11DeviceContext::Map([In] ID3D11Resource* pResource,[In] unsigned int Subresource,[In] D3D11_MAP MapType,[In] D3D11_MAP_FLAG MapFlags,[Out] D3D11_MAPPED_SUBRESOURCE* pMappedResource) ID3D11DeviceContext::Map Copies the content an array of data on CPU memory to this buffer into GPU memory. The type of the T data. The . The data to copy from. The offset in bytes to write to. See the unmanaged documentation about Map/UnMap for usage and restrictions. ff476457 HRESULT ID3D11DeviceContext::Map([In] ID3D11Resource* pResource,[In] unsigned int Subresource,[In] D3D11_MAP MapType,[In] D3D11_MAP_FLAG MapFlags,[Out] D3D11_MAPPED_SUBRESOURCE* pMappedResource) ID3D11DeviceContext::Map Copies the content an array of data on CPU memory to this buffer into GPU memory. The . A data pointer. The offset in bytes to write to. ff476457 HRESULT ID3D11DeviceContext::Map([In] ID3D11Resource* pResource,[In] unsigned int Subresource,[In] D3D11_MAP MapType,[In] D3D11_MAP_FLAG MapFlags,[Out] D3D11_MAPPED_SUBRESOURCE* pMappedResource) ID3D11DeviceContext::Map See the unmanaged documentation about Map/UnMap for usage and restrictions. Directly sets a CPU memory region. The . A data pointer. The offset in bytes to write to. ff476457 HRESULT ID3D11DeviceContext::Map([In] ID3D11Resource* pResource,[In] unsigned int Subresource,[In] D3D11_MAP MapType,[In] D3D11_MAP_FLAG MapFlags,[Out] D3D11_MAPPED_SUBRESOURCE* pMappedResource) ID3D11DeviceContext::Map See the unmanaged documentation about Map/UnMap for usage and restrictions. Creates a new instance. The . The original buffer to duplicate the definition from. The view format must be specified if the buffer is declared as a shared resource view. An instance of a new ff476501 HRESULT ID3D11Device::CreateBuffer([In] const D3D11_BUFFER_DESC* pDesc,[In, Optional] const D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA* pInitialData,[Out, Fast] ID3D11Buffer** ppBuffer) ID3D11Device::CreateBuffer Creates a new instance. The . The description of the buffer. View format used if the buffer is used as a shared resource view. An instance of a new ff476501 HRESULT ID3D11Device::CreateBuffer([In] const D3D11_BUFFER_DESC* pDesc,[In, Optional] const D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA* pInitialData,[Out, Fast] ID3D11Buffer** ppBuffer) ID3D11Device::CreateBuffer Creates a new instance. The . Size of the buffer in bytes. The buffer flags to specify the type of buffer. The usage. An instance of a new ff476501 HRESULT ID3D11Device::CreateBuffer([In] const D3D11_BUFFER_DESC* pDesc,[In, Optional] const D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA* pInitialData,[Out, Fast] ID3D11Buffer** ppBuffer) ID3D11Device::CreateBuffer Creates a new instance. The . Number of T elment in this buffer. The buffer flags to specify the type of buffer. The usage. An instance of a new ff476501 HRESULT ID3D11Device::CreateBuffer([In] const D3D11_BUFFER_DESC* pDesc,[In, Optional] const D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA* pInitialData,[Out, Fast] ID3D11Buffer** ppBuffer) ID3D11Device::CreateBuffer Creates a new instance. The . Size of the buffer in bytes. The buffer flags to specify the type of buffer. The view format must be specified if the buffer is declared as a shared resource view. The usage. An instance of a new ff476501 HRESULT ID3D11Device::CreateBuffer([In] const D3D11_BUFFER_DESC* pDesc,[In, Optional] const D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA* pInitialData,[Out, Fast] ID3D11Buffer** ppBuffer) ID3D11Device::CreateBuffer Creates a new instance. The . Size of the buffer in bytes. Size of an element in the buffer. The buffer flags to specify the type of buffer. The usage. An instance of a new ff476501 HRESULT ID3D11Device::CreateBuffer([In] const D3D11_BUFFER_DESC* pDesc,[In, Optional] const D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA* pInitialData,[Out, Fast] ID3D11Buffer** ppBuffer) ID3D11Device::CreateBuffer Creates a new instance. The . Size of the buffer in bytes. Size of an element in the buffer. The buffer flags to specify the type of buffer. The view format must be specified if the buffer is declared as a shared resource view. The usage. An instance of a new ff476501 HRESULT ID3D11Device::CreateBuffer([In] const D3D11_BUFFER_DESC* pDesc,[In, Optional] const D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA* pInitialData,[Out, Fast] ID3D11Buffer** ppBuffer) ID3D11Device::CreateBuffer Creates a new instance. The . Type of the buffer, to get the sizeof from. The initial value of this buffer. The buffer flags to specify the type of buffer. The usage. An instance of a new ff476501 HRESULT ID3D11Device::CreateBuffer([In] const D3D11_BUFFER_DESC* pDesc,[In, Optional] const D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA* pInitialData,[Out, Fast] ID3D11Buffer** ppBuffer) ID3D11Device::CreateBuffer Creates a new instance. The . Type of the buffer, to get the sizeof from. The initial value of this buffer. The buffer flags to specify the type of buffer. The view format must be specified if the buffer is declared as a shared resource view. The usage. An instance of a new ff476501 HRESULT ID3D11Device::CreateBuffer([In] const D3D11_BUFFER_DESC* pDesc,[In, Optional] const D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA* pInitialData,[Out, Fast] ID3D11Buffer** ppBuffer) ID3D11Device::CreateBuffer Creates a new instance. Type of the buffer, to get the sizeof from. The . The initial value of this buffer. The buffer flags to specify the type of buffer. The usage. An instance of a new ff476501 HRESULT ID3D11Device::CreateBuffer([In] const D3D11_BUFFER_DESC* pDesc,[In, Optional] const D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA* pInitialData,[Out, Fast] ID3D11Buffer** ppBuffer) ID3D11Device::CreateBuffer Creates a new instance. Type of the buffer, to get the sizeof from. The . The initial value of this buffer. The buffer flags to specify the type of buffer. The view format must be specified if the buffer is declared as a shared resource view. The usage. An instance of a new ff476501 HRESULT ID3D11Device::CreateBuffer([In] const D3D11_BUFFER_DESC* pDesc,[In, Optional] const D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA* pInitialData,[Out, Fast] ID3D11Buffer** ppBuffer) ID3D11Device::CreateBuffer Creates a new instance from a byte array. The . The initial value of this buffer. Size of an element. Must be equal to 2 or 4 for an index buffer, or to the size of a struct for a structured/typed buffer. Can be set to 0 for other buffers. The buffer flags to specify the type of buffer. The view format must be specified if the buffer is declared as a shared resource view. The usage. An instance of a new ff476501 HRESULT ID3D11Device::CreateBuffer([In] const D3D11_BUFFER_DESC* pDesc,[In, Optional] const D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA* pInitialData,[Out, Fast] ID3D11Buffer** ppBuffer) ID3D11Device::CreateBuffer Creates a new instance. The . The data pointer. Size of the element. The buffer flags to specify the type of buffer. The usage. An instance of a new ff476501 HRESULT ID3D11Device::CreateBuffer([In] const D3D11_BUFFER_DESC* pDesc,[In, Optional] const D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA* pInitialData,[Out, Fast] ID3D11Buffer** ppBuffer) ID3D11Device::CreateBuffer Creates a new instance. The . The data pointer. Size of the element. The buffer flags to specify the type of buffer. The view format must be specified if the buffer is declared as a shared resource view. The usage. An instance of a new ff476501 HRESULT ID3D11Device::CreateBuffer([In] const D3D11_BUFFER_DESC* pDesc,[In, Optional] const D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA* pInitialData,[Out, Fast] ID3D11Buffer** ppBuffer) ID3D11Device::CreateBuffer Initializes the specified device arg. The resource. Initializes the views. Implicit casting operator to The GraphicsResource to convert from. Implicit casting operator to From. The result of the operator. Implicit casting operator to From. The result of the operator. Implicit casting operator to From. The result of the operator. Constant buffer helper methods. Creates a new constant buffer with usage. The . The size in bytes. A constant buffer Creates a new constant buffer with usage. Type of the constant buffer to get the sizeof from The . A constant buffer Creates a new constant buffer with usage. Type of the constant buffer to get the sizeof from The . The value to initialize the constant buffer. The usage of this resource. A constant buffer Creates a new constant buffer with usage. Type of the constant buffer to get the sizeof from The . The value to initialize the constant buffer. The usage of this resource. A constant buffer Creates a new constant buffer with usage. The . The value to initialize the constant buffer. The usage of this resource. A constant buffer Index buffer helper methods. Creates a new index buffer with uasge by default. The . The size in bytes. The usage. A index buffer Creates a new index buffer with uasge by default. Type of the index buffer to get the sizeof from The . Number of indices. The usage. A index buffer Creates a new index buffer with uasge by default. Type of the index buffer to get the sizeof from The . The value to initialize the index buffer. The usage of this resource. A index buffer Creates a new index buffer with uasge by default. Type of the index buffer to get the sizeof from The . The value to initialize the index buffer. The usage of this resource. A index buffer Creates a new index buffer with uasge by default. The . The value to initialize the index buffer. Set to true if the buffer is using a 32 bit index or false for 16 bit index. The usage of this resource. A index buffer Creates a new index buffer with uasge by default. The . The value to initialize the index buffer. The usage of this resource. A index buffer Vertex buffer helper methods. Creates a new Vertex buffer with uasge by default. The . The size in bytes. The usage. A Vertex buffer Creates a new Vertex buffer with uasge by default. Type of the Vertex buffer to get the sizeof from The . Number of vertex in this buffer with the sizeof(T). The usage. A Vertex buffer Creates a new Vertex buffer with uasge by default. Type of the Vertex buffer to get the sizeof from The . The value to initialize the Vertex buffer. The usage of this resource. A Vertex buffer Creates a new Vertex buffer with uasge by default. The . The value to initialize the Vertex buffer. The usage of this resource. A Vertex buffer Creates a new Structured buffer accessible as a and optionaly as a . The . The number of element in this buffer. Size of the struct. if set to true this buffer supports unordered access (RW in HLSL). A Structured buffer Creates a new Structured buffer accessible as a and optionaly as a . Type of the element in the structured buffer The . The number of element in this buffer. if set to true this buffer supports unordered access (RW in HLSL). A Structured buffer Creates a new Structured buffer uasge. The . Type of the Structured buffer to get the sizeof from The value to initialize the Structured buffer. if set to true this buffer supports unordered access (RW in HLSL). A Structured buffer Creates a new Structured buffer uasge. The . The value to initialize the Structured buffer. Size of the element. if set to true this buffer supports unordered access (RW in HLSL). A Structured buffer Creates a new StructuredAppend buffer accessible as a and as a . The . The number of element in this buffer. Size of the struct. A StructuredAppend buffer Creates a new StructuredAppend buffer accessible as a and optionaly as a . The . Type of the element in the structured buffer The number of element in this buffer. A Structured buffer Creates a new StructuredAppend buffer uasge. The . Type of the StructuredAppend buffer to get the sizeof from The value to initialize the StructuredAppend buffer. A StructuredAppend buffer Creates a new StructuredAppend buffer uasge. The . The value to initialize the StructuredAppend buffer. Size of the element. A StructuredAppend buffer Creates a new StructuredCounter buffer accessible as a and as a . The . The number of element in this buffer. Size of the struct. A StructuredCounter buffer Creates a new StructuredCounter buffer accessible as a and optionaly as a . Type of the element in the structured buffer The . The number of element in this buffer. A Structured buffer Creates a new StructuredCounter buffer uasge. Type of the StructuredCounter buffer to get the sizeof from The . The value to initialize the StructuredCounter buffer. A StructuredCounter buffer Creates a new StructuredCounter buffer uasge. The . The value to initialize the StructuredCounter buffer. Size of the element. A StructuredCounter buffer Raw buffer helper methods. Example in HLSL: ByteAddressBuffer or RWByteAddressBuffer for raw buffers supporting unordered access. Creates a new Raw buffer uasge. The . The size in bytes. The additional bindings (for example, to create a combined raw/index buffer, pass ) The usage. A Raw buffer Creates a new Raw buffer uasge. Type of the Raw buffer to get the sizeof from The . The additional bindings (for example, to create a combined raw/index buffer, pass ) The usage. A Raw buffer Creates a new Raw buffer uasge. Type of the Raw buffer to get the sizeof from The . The value to initialize the Raw buffer. The additional bindings (for example, to create a combined raw/index buffer, pass ) The usage of this resource. A Raw buffer Creates a new Raw buffer uasge. Type of the Raw buffer to get the sizeof from The . The value to initialize the Raw buffer. The additional bindings (for example, to create a combined raw/index buffer, pass ) The usage of this resource. A Raw buffer Creates a new Raw buffer uasge. The . The value to initialize the Raw buffer. The additional bindings (for example, to create a combined raw/index buffer, pass ) The usage of this resource. A Raw buffer Argument buffer helper methods. Creates a new Argument buffer uasge. The . The size in bytes. The usage. A Argument buffer Creates a new Argument buffer uasge. Type of the Argument buffer to get the sizeof from The . The usage. A Argument buffer Creates a new Argument buffer uasge. Type of the Argument buffer to get the sizeof from The . The value to initialize the Argument buffer. The usage of this resource. A Argument buffer Typed buffer helper methods. Example in HLSL: Buffer<float4>. Creates a new Typed buffer uasge. The . The number of data with the following viewFormat. The view format of the buffer. if set to true this buffer supports unordered access (RW in HLSL). The usage. A Typed buffer Creates a new Typed buffer uasge. Type of the Typed buffer to get the sizeof from The . The value to initialize the Typed buffer. The view format of the buffer. if set to true this buffer supports unordered access (RW in HLSL). The usage of this resource. A Typed buffer Creates a new Typed buffer uasge. The . The value to initialize the Typed buffer. The view format of the buffer. if set to true this buffer supports unordered access (RW in HLSL). The usage of this resource. A Typed buffer A buffer with typed information. Type of an element of this buffer. Gets the content of this texture to an array of data. An array of data. ff476457 HRESULT ID3D11DeviceContext::Map([In] ID3D11Resource* pResource,[In] unsigned int Subresource,[In] D3D11_MAP MapType,[In] D3D11_MAP_FLAG MapFlags,[Out] D3D11_MAPPED_SUBRESOURCE* pMappedResource) ID3D11DeviceContext::Map This method is only working when called from the main thread that is accessing the main . This method creates internally a stagging resource if this texture is not already a stagging resouce, copies to it and map it to memory. Use method with explicit staging resource for optimal performances. Copies the content of a single structure data from CPU memory to this buffer into GPU memory. The data to copy from. The offset in bytes to write to. This method is only working when called from the main thread that is accessing the main . See the unmanaged documentation about Map/UnMap for usage and restrictions. ff476457 HRESULT ID3D11DeviceContext::Map([In] ID3D11Resource* pResource,[In] unsigned int Subresource,[In] D3D11_MAP MapType,[In] D3D11_MAP_FLAG MapFlags,[Out] D3D11_MAPPED_SUBRESOURCE* pMappedResource) ID3D11DeviceContext::Map Copies the content an array of data from CPU memory to this buffer into GPU memory. The data to copy from. The offset in bytes to write to. This method is only working when called from the main thread that is accessing the main . See the unmanaged documentation about Map/UnMap for usage and restrictions. ff476457 HRESULT ID3D11DeviceContext::Map([In] ID3D11Resource* pResource,[In] unsigned int Subresource,[In] D3D11_MAP MapType,[In] D3D11_MAP_FLAG MapFlags,[Out] D3D11_MAPPED_SUBRESOURCE* pMappedResource) ID3D11DeviceContext::Map Copies the content of a single structure data from CPU memory to this buffer into GPU memory. The . The data to copy from. The offset in bytes to write to. This method is only working when called from the main thread that is accessing the main . See the unmanaged documentation about Map/UnMap for usage and restrictions. ff476457 HRESULT ID3D11DeviceContext::Map([In] ID3D11Resource* pResource,[In] unsigned int Subresource,[In] D3D11_MAP MapType,[In] D3D11_MAP_FLAG MapFlags,[Out] D3D11_MAPPED_SUBRESOURCE* pMappedResource) ID3D11DeviceContext::Map Copies the content an array of data from CPU memory to this buffer into GPU memory. The . The data to copy from. The offset in bytes to write to. This method is only working when called from the main thread that is accessing the main . See the unmanaged documentation about Map/UnMap for usage and restrictions. ff476457 HRESULT ID3D11DeviceContext::Map([In] ID3D11Resource* pResource,[In] unsigned int Subresource,[In] D3D11_MAP MapType,[In] D3D11_MAP_FLAG MapFlags,[Out] D3D11_MAPPED_SUBRESOURCE* pMappedResource) ID3D11DeviceContext::Map Flags of a buffer. Creates a none buffer. This is equivalent to . Creates a constant buffer. This is equivalent to . ff476085 D3D11_BIND_CONSTANT_BUFFER D3D11_BIND_CONSTANT_BUFFER Creates an index buffer. This is equivalent to . ff476085 D3D11_BIND_INDEX_BUFFER D3D11_BIND_INDEX_BUFFER Creates a vertex buffer. This is equivalent to . ff476085 D3D11_BIND_VERTEX_BUFFER D3D11_BIND_VERTEX_BUFFER Creates a render target buffer. This is equivalent to . ff476085 D3D11_BIND_RENDER_TARGET D3D11_BIND_RENDER_TARGET Creates a buffer usable as a . This is equivalent to . ff476085 D3D11_BIND_SHADER_RESOURCE D3D11_BIND_SHADER_RESOURCE Creates an unordered access buffer. This is equivalent to . ff476085 D3D11_BIND_UNORDERED_ACCESS D3D11_BIND_UNORDERED_ACCESS Creates a structured buffer. This is equivalent to . ff476203 D3D11_RESOURCE_MISC_BUFFER_STRUCTURED D3D11_RESOURCE_MISC_BUFFER_STRUCTURED Creates a structured buffer that supports unordered acccess and append. This is equivalent to . ff476203 D3D11_RESOURCE_MISC_BUFFER_STRUCTURED D3D11_RESOURCE_MISC_BUFFER_STRUCTURED Creates a structured buffer that supports unordered acccess and counter. This is equivalent to . ff476203 D3D11_RESOURCE_MISC_BUFFER_STRUCTURED D3D11_RESOURCE_MISC_BUFFER_STRUCTURED Creates a raw buffer. This is equivalent to and . ff476203 D3D11_RESOURCE_MISC_BUFFER_ALLOW_RAW_VIEWS D3D11_RESOURCE_MISC_BUFFER_ALLOW_RAW_VIEWS Creates an indirect arguments buffer. This is equivalent to . ff476203 D3D11_RESOURCE_MISC_DRAWINDIRECT_ARGS D3D11_RESOURCE_MISC_DRAWINDIRECT_ARGS A collection of . Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The capacity. A collection of attributes. Gets a specific element in the collection by using a name. The name. The value of the attribute. Null if not found. Gets the number of attributes. The count of attributes. Gets the keys. The keys. Gets the values. The values. A constant buffer exposed by an effect. Constant buffers are created and shared inside a same . The creation of the underlying GPU buffer can be overriden using . Set this flag to true to notify that the buffer was changed When using Set(value) methods on this buffer, this property must be set to true to ensure that the bufer will be uploaded. Gets the parameters registered for this constant buffer. This class manages a pool of . This class is responsible to store all EffectData, create shareable constant buffers betwen effects and reuse shader EffectData instances. Registers a EffectData to this pool. The datas to register. Creates a new effect pool from a specified list of . The device. The datas. An instance of . Creates a new named effect pool from a specified list of . The device. The name of this effect pool. The datas. An instance of . Gets or sets the constant buffer allocator used to allocate a GPU constant buffer declared in an Effect. This delegate must be overriden when you want to control the creation of the GPU Constant buffer. By default, the allocator is just allocating the buffer using "Buffer.Constant.New(size)" but It is sometimes needed to create a constant buffer with different usage scenarios (using for example a RawBuffer with multiple usages). Setting this property to null will revert the default allocator. Gets the current merged EffectData for this pool. See remarks. The EffectData. This EffectData must not be modified at runtime. A parameter of an effect. A parameter can be a value type that will be set to a constant buffer, or a resource type (SRV, UAV, SamplerState). Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets the parameter class. The parameter class. Gets the resource type. Gets the type of the parameter. The type of the parameter. Gets a boolean indicating if this parameter is a value type (true) or a resource type (false). Number of rows in a matrix. Otherwise a numeric type returns 1, any other type returns 0. int Rows Number of columns in a matrix. Otherwise a numeric type returns 1, any other type returns 0. int Columns Gets the collection of effect parameters. Size in bytes of the element, only valid for value types. Offset of this parameter. For a value type, this offset is the offset in bytes inside the constant buffer. For a resource type, this offset is an index to the resource linker. Gets a single value to the associated parameter in the constant buffer. The type of the value to read from the buffer. The value of this parameter. Gets an array of values to the associated parameter in the constant buffer. The type of the value to read from the buffer. The value of this parameter. Gets a single value to the associated parameter in the constant buffer. The value of this parameter. Gets a single value to the associated parameter in the constant buffer. The value of this parameter. Gets an array of matrices to the associated parameter in the constant buffer. The count. Matrix[][]. The value of this parameter. Gets a single value to the associated parameter in the constant buffer. The type of the value to read from the buffer. The value of this parameter. Sets a single value to the associated parameter in the constant buffer. The type of the value to be written to the buffer. The value to write to the buffer. Sets a single value to the associated parameter in the constant buffer. The type of the value to be written to the buffer. The value to write to the buffer. Sets a single matrix value to the associated parameter in the constant buffer. The matrix to write to the buffer. Sets a single matrix value to the associated parameter in the constant buffer. The matrix to write to the buffer. Sets an array of matrices to the associated parameter in the constant buffer. An array of matrices to be written to the current buffer. Sets a single matrix at the specified index for the associated parameter in the constant buffer. Index of the matrix to write in element count. The matrix to write to the buffer. Sets an array of matrices to at the specified index for the associated parameter in the constant buffer. Index of the matrix to write in element count. An array of matrices to be written to the current buffer. Sets an array of values to the associated parameter in the constant buffer. The type of the value to be written to the buffer. An array of values to be written to the current buffer. Sets a single value at the specified index for the associated parameter in the constant buffer. The type of the value to be written to the buffer. Index of the value to write in typeof(T) element count. The value to write to the buffer. Sets a single value at the specified index for the associated parameter in the constant buffer. The type of the value to be written to the buffer. Index of the value to write in typeof(T) element count. The value to write to the buffer. Sets an array of values to at the specified index for the associated parameter in the constant buffer. The type of the value to be written to the buffer. Index of the value to write in typeof(T) element count. An array of values to be written to the current buffer. Direct access to the resource pointer in order to Copy matrix in row major order. The source matrix. The offset in bytes to write to Copy matrix in column major order. The source matrix. The offset in bytes to write to Straight Matrix copy, no conversion. The source matrix. The offset in bytes to write to Copy matrix in row major order. The offset in bytes to write to Copy matrix in column major order. The offset in bytes to write to Straight Matrix copy, no conversion. The offset in bytes to write to A unique index of this parameter instance inside the of an effect. See remarks. This unique index can be used between different instance of the effect with different deferred . CopyMatrix delegate used to reorder matrix when copying from . The source matrix. The offset in bytes to write to CopyMatrix delegate used to reorder matrix when copying from . The offset in bytes to write to A collection of . Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The capacity. Contains rendering state for drawing with an effect; an effect can contain one or more passes. Declared 128 UAV counters for SetUnordere Gets the attributes associated with this pass. The attributes. The parent effect of this pass. Initializes a new instance of the class. The logger used to log errors. The effect. The pass. The name. Gets the sub-pass attached to a global pass. As a subpass cannot have subpass, if this pass is already a subpass, this field is null. Gets a boolean indicating if this pass is a subpass. Applies this pass to the device pipeline. This method is responsible to:
  • Setup the shader on each stage.
  • Upload constant buffers with dirty flag
  • Set all input constant buffers, shader resource view, unordered access views and sampler states to the stage.
Internal apply. Initializes this pass. The logger. Initializes the stage block. The stage block. The logger. Optimizes the slot links. The stage block. Computes the slot links. Gets or sets the state of the blend. The state of the blend. Gets or sets the color of the blend state. The color of the blend state. Gets or sets the blend state sample mask. The blend state sample mask. Gets or sets the state of the depth stencil. The state of the depth stencil. Gets or sets the depth stencil reference. The depth stencil reference. Gets or sets the state of the rasterizer. The state of the rasterizer. Number of SlotLinks. SlotLink* ptr; A collection of . Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The capacity. A class used to shader input resource parameters and prepare them (i.e. take their NativePointer asap). Real object resources, as they were set on the parameter. Real object resources, as they were set on the parameter. Total number of resources. Pointer to native pointers. Initializes this instance. Type of a resource for an . This is not a resource. A Constant Buffer. A . An . A . Parameter type to resource type converter. Converts a to an . The type. A resource type. Represents an effect technique. Gets the collection of EffectPass objects this rendering technique requires. A collection of . Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The capacity. Describes a mipmap. Initializes a new instance of the class. The width. The height. The depth. The row stride. The depth stride. Width of this mipmap. Height of this mipmap. Width of this mipmap. Height of this mipmap. Depth of this mipmap. RowStride of this mipmap (number of bytes per row). DepthStride of this mipmap (number of bytes per depth slice). Size in bytes of this whole mipmap. Implements the ==. The left. The right. The result of the operator. Implements the !=. The left. The right. The result of the operator. Used by to provide a selector to a . Gets the pixel buffer. A . Gets the total number of pixel buffers. The total number of pixel buffers. Gets the pixel buffer for the specified array/z slice and mipmap level. For 3D image, the parameter is the Z slice, otherwise it is an index into the texture array. The mip map slice index. A . Gets the pixel buffer for the specified array/z slice and mipmap level. Index into the texture array. Must be set to 0 for 3D images. Z index for 3D image. Must be set to 0 for all 1D/2D images. The mip map slice index. A . A description for . The dimension of a texture.

Texture width (in texels). The range is from 1 to (16384). However, the range is actually constrained by the feature level at which you create the rendering device. For more information about restrictions, see Remarks.

This field is valid for all textures: , , and . ff476252 unsigned int Width unsigned int Width

Texture height (in texels). The range is from 1 to (2048). However, the range is actually constrained by the feature level at which you create the rendering device. For more information about restrictions, see Remarks.

This field is only valid for , and . ff476254 unsigned int Height unsigned int Height

Texture depth (in texels). The range is from 1 to (2048). However, the range is actually constrained by the feature level at which you create the rendering device. For more information about restrictions, see Remarks.

This field is only valid for . ff476254 unsigned int Depth unsigned int Depth

Number of textures in the array. The range is from 1 to (2048). However, the range is actually constrained by the feature level at which you create the rendering device. For more information about restrictions, see Remarks.

This field is only valid for , and This field is only valid for textures: , and . ff476252 unsigned int ArraySize unsigned int ArraySize

The maximum number of mipmap levels in the texture. See the remarks in . Use 1 for a multisampled texture; or 0 to generate a full set of subtextures.

ff476252 unsigned int MipLevels unsigned int MipLevels

Texture format (see ).

ff476252 DXGI_FORMAT Format DXGI_FORMAT Format
Magic code to identify DDS header Internal structure used to describe a DDS pixel format. Initializes a new instance of the struct. The flags. The four CC. The RGB bit count. The r bit mask. The g bit mask. The b bit mask. A bit mask. PixelFormat flags. DDS Header flags. DDS Surface flags. DDS Cubemap flags. Flags used by . Decodes DDS header including optional DX10 extended header Pointer to the DDS header. Size of the DDS content. Flags used for decoding the DDS header. Output texture description. Output conversion flags. If the argument headerPtr is null If the DDS header contains invalid datas. True if the decoding is successfull, false if this is not a DDS header. Encodes DDS file header (magic value, header, optional DX10 extended header) Flags used for decoding the DDS header. Output texture description. Pointer to the DDS output header. Can be set to IntPtr.Zero to calculated the required bytes. The maximum size of the destination buffer. Output the number of bytes required to write the DDS header. If the argument headerPtr is null If the DDS header contains invalid datas. True if the decoding is successfull, false if this is not a DDS header. Load a DDS file in memory Converts or copies image data from pPixels into scratch image data Converts an image row with optional clearing of alpha value to 1.0 Copies an image row with optional clearing of alpha value to 1.0. This method can be used in place as well, otherwise copies the image row unmodified. The destination buffer. The destination size. The source buffer. The source size. The of the source scanline. Scanline flags used when copying the scanline. Swizzles (RGB <-> BGR) an image row with optional clearing of alpha value to 1.0. The destination buffer. The destination size. The source buffer. The source size. The of the source scanline. Scanline flags used when copying the scanline. This method can be used in place as well, otherwise copies the image row unmodified. Initializes a new instance of the struct. The format. The conversion flags. The pixel format. Describes the display mode. This is equivalent to bb173064 DXGI_MODE_DESC DXGI_MODE_DESC Retrieves a string representation of this object. Gets the aspect ratio used by the graphics device. Gets a value indicating the surface format of the display mode. bb173064 DXGI_FORMAT Format DXGI_FORMAT Format Gets a value indicating the screen width, in pixels. bb173064 unsigned int Width unsigned int Width Gets a value indicating the screen height, in pixels. bb173064 unsigned int Height unsigned int Height Gets a value indicating the refresh rate bb173064 DXGI_RATIONAL RefreshRate DXGI_RATIONAL RefreshRate Provides methods to retrieve and manipulate graphics adapters. This is the equivalent to . ff471329 IDXGIAdapter1 IDXGIAdapter1 Default PixelFormat used. Initializes static members of the class. Initializes all adapters with the specified factory. The factory1. Initializes a new instance of the class. The adapter ordinal. Return the description of this adapter Tests to see if the adapter supports the requested profile. The graphics profile. true if the profile is supported Gets the description for this adapter. casting operator. Source for the. casting operator. Source for the. Disposes of all objects Returns a collection of supported display modes for a particular Format. a read-only collection of display modes Gets the used by all GraphicsAdapter. Gets the current display mode. The current display mode. Collection of available adapters on the system. Gets the default adapter. Returns a collection of supported display modes for the current adapter. Retrieves bounds of the desktop coordinates. bb173068 RECT DesktopCoordinates RECT DesktopCoordinates Determines if this instance of GraphicsAdapter is the default adapter. Retrieves the handle of the monitor associated with the Microsoft Direct3D object. bb173068 HMONITOR Monitor HMONITOR Monitor Provides method to instantiate an image 1D/2D/3D supporting TextureArray and mipmaps on the CPU or to load/save an image from the disk. Offset from the beginning of the buffer where pixel buffers are stored. This offset is used to keep data aligned on 16 bytes (if the original buffer is aligned on 16 bytes as well). Pixel buffers. Provides access to all pixel buffers. For Texture3D, each z slice of the Texture3D has a pixelBufferArray * by the number of mipmaps. For other textures, there is Description.MipLevels * Description.ArraySize pixel buffers. Gets the total number of bytes occupied by this image in memory. Pointer to the buffer. True if the buffer must be disposed. Handke != null if the buffer is a pinned managed object on the LOH (Large Object Heap). Description of this image. Initializes a new instance of the class. The image description. The pointer to the data buffer. The offset from the beginning of the data buffer. The handle (optionnal). if set to true [buffer is disposable]. If the format is invalid, or width/height/depth/arraysize is invalid with respect to the dimension. Gets the mipmap description of this instance for the specified mipmap level. The mipmap. A description of a particular mipmap for this texture. Gets the pixel buffer for the specified array/z slice and mipmap level. For 3D image, the parameter is the Z slice, otherwise it is an index into the texture array. The mipmap. A . If arrayOrZSliceIndex or mipmap are out of range. Gets the pixel buffer for the specified array/z slice and mipmap level. Index into the texture array. Must be set to 0 for 3D images. Z index for 3D image. Must be set to 0 for all 1D/2D images. The mipmap. A . If arrayIndex, zIndex or mipmap are out of range. Registers a loader/saver for a specified image file type. The file type (use integer and explicit casting to to register other fileformat. The loader delegate (can be null). The saver delegate (can be null). Gets the databox from this image. The databox of this image. Gets the databox from this image. The databox of this image. Creates a new instance of from an image description. The image description. A new image. Creates a new instance of a 1D . The width. The mip map count. The format. Size of the array. A new image. Creates a new instance of a 2D . The width. The height. The mip map count. The format. Size of the array. A new image. Creates a new instance of a Cube . The width. The mip map count. The format. A new image. Creates a new instance of a 3D . The width. The height. The depth. The mip map count. The format. A new image. Creates a new instance of from an image description. The image description. Pointer to an existing buffer. A new image. Creates a new instance of a 1D . The width. The mip map count. The format. Size of the array. Pointer to an existing buffer. A new image. Creates a new instance of a 2D . The width. The height. The mip map count. The format. Size of the array. Pointer to an existing buffer. A new image. Creates a new instance of a Cube . The width. The mip map count. The format. Pointer to an existing buffer. A new image. Creates a new instance of a 3D . The width. The height. The depth. The mip map count. The format. Pointer to an existing buffer. A new image. Loads an image from an unmanaged memory pointer. Pointer to an unmanaged memory. If is false, this buffer must be allocated with . True to copy the content of the buffer to a new allocated buffer, false otherwhise. An new image. If is set to false, the returned image is now the holder of the unmanaged pointer and will release it on Dispose. Loads an image from an unmanaged memory pointer. Pointer to an unmanaged memory. If is false, this buffer must be allocated with . Size of the unmanaged buffer. True to copy the content of the buffer to a new allocated buffer, false otherwise. An new image. If is set to false, the returned image is now the holder of the unmanaged pointer and will release it on Dispose. Loads an image from a managed buffer. Reference to a managed buffer. An new image. This method support the following format: dds, bmp, jpg, png, gif, tiff, wmp, tga. Loads the specified image from a stream. The image stream. An new image. This method support the following format: dds, bmp, jpg, png, gif, tiff, wmp, tga. Loads the specified image from a file. The filename. An new image. This method support the following format: dds, bmp, jpg, png, gif, tiff, wmp, tga. Saves this instance to a file. The destination file. Specify the output format. This method support the following format: dds, bmp, jpg, png, gif, tiff, wmp, tga. Saves this instance to a stream. The destination stream. Specify the output format. This method support the following format: dds, bmp, jpg, png, gif, tiff, wmp, tga. Loads an image from the specified pointer. The data pointer. Size of the data. if set to true [make A copy]. The handle. Saves this instance to a stream. The buffers to save. The number of buffers to save. Global description of the buffer. The destination stream. Specify the output format. This method support the following format: dds, bmp, jpg, png, gif, tiff, wmp, tga. Saves the specified pixel buffers in TKTX format. Saves the specified pixel buffers in TKTX format. The pixel buffers. The count. The description. The image stream. Determines number of image array entries and pixel size. Description of the image to create. Pitch flags. Output number of mipmap. Output total size to allocate pixel buffers for all images. Allocates PixelBuffers Gets a pointer to the image buffer in memory. A pointer to the image buffer in memory. Provides access to all pixel buffers. For Texture3D, each z slice of the Texture3D has a pixelBufferArray * by the number of mipmaps. For other textures, there is Description.MipLevels * Description.ArraySize pixel buffers. Gets the total number of bytes occupied by this image in memory. Image file format used by A DDS file. A PNG file. A GIF file. A JPG file. A BMP file. A TIFF file. A WMP file. A TGA File. A TKTX File. This is a format available with this toolkit, similar to DDS, but It doesn't require any conversion and is a straight dump of the memory pixel buffers. An unmanaged buffer of pixels. True when RowStride == sizeof(pixelformat) * width Initializes a new instance of the struct. The width. The height. The format. The row pitch. The slice pitch. The pixels. Copies this pixel buffer to a destination pixel buffer. The destination pixel buffer. The destination pixel buffer must have exactly the same dimensions (width, height) and format than this instance. Destination buffer can have different row stride. Saves this pixel buffer to a file. The destination file. Specify the output format. This method support the following format: dds, bmp, jpg, png, gif, tiff, wmp, tga. Saves this pixel buffer to a stream. The destination stream. Specify the output format. This method support the following format: dds, bmp, jpg, png, gif, tiff, wmp, tga. Gets the pixel value at a specified position. Type of the pixel data The x-coordinate. The y-coordinate. The pixel value. Caution, this method doesn't check bounding. Gets the pixel value at a specified position. Type of the pixel data The x-coordinate. The y-coordinate. The pixel value. Caution, this method doesn't check bounding. Gets scanline pixels from the buffer. Type of the pixel data The y line offset. Scanline pixels from the buffer If the sizeof(T) is an invalid size This method is working on a row basis. The is specifying the first row to get the pixels from. Gets scanline pixels from the buffer. Type of the pixel data An allocated scanline pixel buffer The y line offset. Scanline pixels from the buffer If the sizeof(T) is an invalid size This method is working on a row basis. The is specifying the first row to get the pixels from. Gets scanline pixels from the buffer. Type of the pixel data An allocated scanline pixel buffer The y line offset. Offset into the destination buffer. Number of pixels to write into the destination buffer. If the sizeof(T) is an invalid size This method is working on a row basis. The is specifying the first row to get the pixels from. Sets scanline pixels to the buffer. Type of the pixel data Source pixel buffer The y line offset. If the sizeof(T) is an invalid size This method is working on a row basis. The is specifying the first row to get the pixels from. Sets scanline pixels to the buffer. Type of the pixel data Source pixel buffer The y line offset. Offset into the source buffer. Number of pixels to write into the source buffer. If the sizeof(T) is an invalid size This method is working on a row basis. The is specifying the first row to get the pixels from. Gets the width. The width. Gets the height. The height. Gets the format. The format. Gets the pixel size in bytes. The pixel size in bytes. Gets the row stride in number of bytes. The row stride in number of bytes. Gets the total size in bytes of this pixel buffer. The size in bytes of the pixel buffer. Gets the pointer to the pixel buffer. The pointer to the pixel buffer. Describess how data will be displayed to the screen. bb173075 DXGI_SWAP_CHAIN_DESC DXGI_SWAP_CHAIN_DESC A structure describing the display format. bb173075 DXGI_MODE_DESC BufferDesc DXGI_MODE_DESC BufferDesc A value that describes the resolution height. bb173075 DXGI_MODE_DESC BufferDesc DXGI_MODE_DESC BufferDesc A value that describes the resolution width. bb173075 DXGI_MODE_DESC BufferDesc DXGI_MODE_DESC BufferDesc Gets or sets the depth stencil format A Window object. See remarks. A window object is platform dependent:
  • On Windows Desktop: This could a low level window/control handle (IntPtr), or directly a Winform Control object.
  • On Windows Metro: This could be SwapChainBackgroundPanel object.
A member of the enumerated type that describes options for swap-chain behavior. bb173075 DXGI_SWAP_CHAIN_FLAG Flags DXGI_SWAP_CHAIN_FLAG Flags Gets or sets a value indicating whether the application is in full screen mode. Gets or sets a value indicating the number of sample locations during multisampling. Gets or sets the maximum rate at which the swap chain's back buffers can be presented to the front buffer. A structure describing the refresh rate in hertz bb173064 DXGI_RATIONAL RefreshRate DXGI_RATIONAL RefreshRate

A member of the DXGI_USAGE enumerated type that describes the surface usage and CPU access options for the back buffer. The back buffer can be used for shader input or render-target output.

bb173075 DXGI_USAGE_ENUM BufferUsage DXGI_USAGE_ENUM BufferUsage
Initializes a new instance of the class with default values. Initializes a new instance of the class with . Width of the back buffer. Height of the back buffer. The device window handle. Initializes a new instance of the class. Width of the back buffer. Height of the back buffer. The device window handle. The back buffer format. Defines flags that describe the relationship between the adapter refresh rate and the rate at which Present operations are completed. The runtime updates the window client area immediately, and might do so more than once during the adapter refresh period. Present operations might be affected immediately. This option is always available for both windowed and full-screen swap chains. The driver waits for the vertical retrace period (the runtime will beam trace to prevent tearing). Present operations are not affected more frequently than the screen refresh rate; the runtime completes one Present operation per adapter refresh period, at most. This option is always available for both windowed and full-screen swap chains. The driver waits for the vertical retrace period. Present operations are not affected more frequently than every second screen refresh. Equivalent to setting . Built-in effect that supports alpha testing. Main class to apply shader effects. Gets a collection of constant buffers that are defined for this effect. Gets a collection of parameters that are defined for this effect. Gets a collection of techniques that are defined for this effect. Set to true to force all constant shaders to be shared between other effects within a common . Default is false. This value can also be set in the TKFX file directly by setting ShareConstantBuffers = true; in a pass. Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified bytecode effect. See remarks. The device. The bytecode to add to . This bytecode must contain only one effect. If the bytecode doesn't contain a single effect. The effect bytecode must contain only a single effect and will be registered into the . Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified bytecode effect. See remarks. The device. The bytecode to add to . This bytecode must contain only one effect. If the bytecode doesn't contain a single effect. The effect bytecode must contain only a single effect and will be registered into the . Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified effect. See remarks. The device. Name of the effect. The effect must have been loaded and registered into the . Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified effect loaded from an effect pool. The device. The effect pool. Name of the effect. Gets the pool this effect attached to. The pool. Initializes the specified effect bytecode. The effect bytecode. Occurs when the on apply is applied on a pass. This external hook provides a way to pre-configure a pipeline when a pass is applied. Subclass of this class can override the method . Gets or sets the current technique. By default, it is set to the first available technique in this effect. The current technique. Creates a new AlphaTestEffect with default parameter settings. Creates a new AlphaTestEffect with default parameter settings from a specified . Looks up shortcut references to our effect parameters. Lazily computes derived parameter values immediately before applying the effect. Gets or sets the world matrix. Gets or sets the view matrix. Gets or sets the projection matrix. Gets or sets the material diffuse color (range 0 to 1). Gets or sets the material alpha. Gets or sets the fog enable flag. Gets or sets the fog start distance. Gets or sets the fog end distance. Gets or sets the fog color. Gets or sets the current texture. Gets or sets whether vertex color is enabled. Gets or sets the alpha compare function (default Greater). Gets or sets the reference alpha value (default 0). Built-in effect that supports optional texturing, vertex coloring, fog, and lighting. Initializes a new instance of the class. The device. Initializes a new instance of the class from a specified . The device. The pool. Sets up the standard key/fill/back lighting rig. Looks up shortcut references to our effect parameters. Lazily computes derived parameter values immediately before applying the effect. Gets or sets the world matrix. Gets or sets the view matrix. Gets or sets the projection matrix. Gets or sets the material diffuse color (range 0 to 1). Gets or sets the material emissive color (range 0 to 1). Gets or sets the material specular color (range 0 to 1). Gets or sets the material specular power. Gets or sets the material alpha. Gets or sets the lighting enable flag. Gets or sets the per-pixel lighting prefer flag. Gets or sets the ambient light color (range 0 to 1). Gets the first directional light. Gets the second directional light. Gets the third directional light. Gets or sets the fog enable flag. Gets or sets the fog start distance. Gets or sets the fog end distance. Gets or sets the fog color. Gets or sets whether texturing is enabled. Gets or sets the current texture. Either use this property or but not both at the same time. Gets or sets the current texture view. Either use this property or but not both at the same time. Gets or sets whether vertex color is enabled. Built-in effect that supports two-layer multitexturing. Creates a new DualTextureEffect with default parameter settings. Creates a new DualTextureEffect with default parameter settings from a specified . Looks up shortcut references to our effect parameters. Lazily computes derived parameter values immediately before applying the effect. Gets or sets the world matrix. Gets or sets the view matrix. Gets or sets the projection matrix. Gets or sets the material diffuse color (range 0 to 1). Gets or sets the material alpha. Gets or sets the fog enable flag. Gets or sets the fog start distance. Gets or sets the fog end distance. Gets or sets the fog color. Gets or sets the current base texture. Gets or sets the current overlay texture. Gets or sets whether vertex color is enabled. Built-in effect that supports environment mapping. Creates a new EnvironmentMapEffect with default parameter settings. Creates a new EnvironmentMapEffect with default parameter settings from a specified . Sets up the standard key/fill/back lighting rig. Looks up shortcut references to our effect parameters. Lazily computes derived parameter values immediately before applying the effect. Gets or sets the world matrix. Gets or sets the view matrix. Gets or sets the projection matrix. Gets or sets the material diffuse color (range 0 to 1). Gets or sets the material emissive color (range 0 to 1). Gets or sets the material alpha. Gets or sets the ambient light color (range 0 to 1). Gets the first directional light. Gets the second directional light. Gets the third directional light. Gets or sets the fog enable flag. Gets or sets the fog start distance. Gets or sets the fog end distance. Gets or sets the fog color. Gets or sets the current texture. Gets or sets the current environment map texture. Gets or sets the amount of the environment map RGB that will be blended over the base texture. Range 0 to 1, default 1. If set to zero, the RGB channels of the environment map will completely ignored (but the environment map alpha may still be visible if EnvironmentMapSpecular is greater than zero). Gets or sets the amount of the environment map alpha channel that will be added to the base texture. Range 0 to 1, default 0. This can be used to implement cheap specular lighting, by encoding one or more specular highlight patterns into the environment map alpha channel, then setting EnvironmentMapSpecular to the desired specular light color. Gets or sets the Fresnel factor used for the environment map blending. Higher values make the environment map only visible around the silhouette edges of the object, while lower values make it visible everywhere. Setting this property to 0 disables Fresnel entirely, making the environment map equally visible regardless of view angle. The default is 1. Fresnel only affects the environment map RGB (the intensity of which is controlled by EnvironmentMapAmount). The alpha contribution (controlled by EnvironmentMapSpecular) is not affected by the Fresnel setting. This effect requires lighting, so we explicitly implement IEffectLights.LightingEnabled, and do not allow turning it off. Track which effect parameters need to be recomputed during the next OnApply. Helper code shared between the various built-in effects. Sets up the standard key/fill/back lighting rig. Lazily recomputes the world+view+projection matrix and fog vector based on the current effect parameter settings. Sets a vector which can be dotted with the object space vertex position to compute fog amount. Lazily recomputes the world inverse transpose matrix and eye position based on the current effect parameter settings. Sets the diffuse/emissive/alpha material color parameters. Built-in effect for rendering skinned character models. Sets an array of skinning bone transform matrices. Gets a copy of the current skinning bone transform matrices. Creates a new SkinnedEffect with default parameter settings. Creates a new SkinnedEffect with default parameter settings from a specified . Sets up the standard key/fill/back lighting rig. Looks up shortcut references to our effect parameters. Lazily computes derived parameter values immediately before applying the effect. Gets or sets the world matrix. Gets or sets the view matrix. Gets or sets the projection matrix. Gets or sets the material diffuse color (range 0 to 1). Gets or sets the material emissive color (range 0 to 1). Gets or sets the material specular color (range 0 to 1). Gets or sets the material specular power. Gets or sets the material alpha. Gets or sets the per-pixel lighting prefer flag. Gets or sets the ambient light color (range 0 to 1). Gets the first directional light. Gets the second directional light. Gets the third directional light. Gets or sets the fog enable flag. Gets or sets the fog start distance. Gets or sets the fog end distance. Gets or sets the fog color. Gets or sets the current texture. Gets or sets the number of skinning weights to evaluate for each vertex (1, 2, or 4). This effect requires lighting, so we explicitly implement IEffectLights.LightingEnabled, and do not allow turning it off. Internal class to load Texture. Defines the dimension of a texture. The texture dimension is 1D. The texture dimension is 2D. The texture dimension is 3D. The texture dimension is a CubeMap. Specifies usage of a texture. None. The texture will be used as a . The texture will be used as a . The texture will be used as an . Used by to provide a selector to a . Gets a specific from this texture. The texture array slice index. The mip map slice index. An Used by to provide a selector to a . Gets a specific from this texture. Type of the view slice. The texture array slice index. The mip map slice index. An Used by to provide a selector to a . Gets a specific from this texture. Type of the view slice. The texture array slice index. The mip map slice index. An Defines the layout of all vertex buffers that will be bound to the input-assembler stage. This structure is related to .

Because requires to have the same , , this structure encapsulates a set of .

This class is caching to improve performance. The same description set of will return the same instance.

Gets a unique identifier of this VertexInputLayout configuration. Gets the buffer layout. Initializes a new instance of the class. The id. The vertex buffer layouts. Implements the operator ==. The left. The right. The result of the operator. Implements the operator !=. The left. The right. The result of the operator. Initializes a new instance of the with a single slot from a structure that is using . The slot index in the input-assembler stage. Type of a structure that is using . A new instance of . Initializes a new instance of the with a single slot from a structure that is using . Type of a structure that is using . The slot index in the input-assembler stage. A new instance of . Initializes a new instance of the with a single slot from a structure that is using . Type of a structure that is using . The slot index in the input-assembler stage. A new instance of . Initializes a new instance of the with a single slot. The slot index in the input-assembler stage. Description of vertex elements. A new instance of . Initializes a new instance of the . A set of description of input layout for each slots in input-assembler stage. A new instance of . An attribute to use on a field in a structure, to describe a single vertex element for the input-assembler stage. ff476180 D3D11_INPUT_ELEMENT_DESC D3D11_INPUT_ELEMENT_DESC Initializes a new instance of the struct. Name of the semantic. If the semantic name contains a postfix number, this number will be used as a semantic index. The will be mapped from the field type. Initializes a new instance of the struct. Name of the semantic. The format. If the semantic name contains a postfix number, this number will be used as a semantic index. Initializes a new instance of the struct. Name of the semantic. Index of the semantic. The format. The aligned byte offset.

The HLSL semantic associated with this element in a shader input-signature.

ff476180 const char* SemanticName char SemanticName

The semantic index for the element. A semantic index modifies a semantic, with an integer index number. A semantic index is only needed in a case where there is more than one element with the same semantic. For example, a 4x4 matrix would have four components each with the semantic name


, however each of the four component would have different semantic indices (0, 1, 2, and 3).

ff476180 unsigned int SemanticIndex unsigned int SemanticIndex

The data type of the element data. See .

ff476180 DXGI_FORMAT Format DXGI_FORMAT Format

Optional. Offset (in bytes) between each element. Use D3D11_APPEND_ALIGNED_ELEMENT for convenience to define the current element directly after the previous one, including any packing if necessary.

ff476180 unsigned int AlignedByteOffset unsigned int AlignedByteOffset
A description of a vertex elements for particular slot for the input-assembler stage. This structure is related to . Because requires to have the same , , this structure encapsulates a set of for a particular slot, instance count. ff476180 D3D11_INPUT_ELEMENT_DESC D3D11_INPUT_ELEMENT_DESC Vertex buffer slot index. The number of instances to draw using the same per-instance data before advancing in the buffer by one element. This value must be 0 for an element that contains per-vertex data (the slot class is set to ). ff476180 unsigned int InstanceDataStepRate unsigned int InstanceDataStepRate Vertex elements describing this declaration. Precalculate hashcode for faster comparison. Initializes a new instance of the struct. The slot to bind this vertex buffer to. The elements. The instance data step rate. Initializes a new instance of the struct. The slot to bind this vertex buffer to. Type of a structure that is using . Specify the instancing count. Set to 0 for no instancing. A new instance of . Initializes a new instance of the struct. Type of a structure that is using . The slot to bind this vertex buffer to. Specify the instancing count. Set to 0 for no instancing. A new instance of . Initializes a new instance of the struct. The slot to bind this vertex buffer to. The elements. A new instance of . Initializes a new instance of the struct with instantiated data. The slot to bind this vertex buffer to. The elements. Specify the instancing count. Set to 0 for no instancing. A new instance of . A description of a single element for the input-assembler stage. This structure is related to . Because requires to have the same , and , the structure encapsulates a set of for a particular slot, classification and instance data step rate. Unlike the default , this structure accepts a semantic name with a postfix number that will be automatically extracted to the semantic index. ff476180 D3D11_INPUT_ELEMENT_DESC D3D11_INPUT_ELEMENT_DESC Returns a value that can be used for the offset parameter of an InputElement to indicate that the element should be aligned directly after the previous element, including any packing if neccessary. A value used to align input elements. D3D11_APPEND_ALIGNED_ELEMENT Initializes a new instance of the struct. Name of the semantic. The format. If the semantic name contains a postfix number, this number will be used as a semantic index. Initializes a new instance of the struct. Name of the semantic. Index of the semantic. The format. The aligned byte offset. Declares a VertexElement with the semantic "COLOR". Type of the Color semantic. The semantic index. The offset in bytes of this element. Use to compute automatically the offset from previous elements. A new instance of that represents this semantic. Declares a VertexElement with the semantic "COLOR". Format of this element. The offset in bytes of this element. Use to compute automatically the offset from previous elements. A new instance of that represents this semantic. Declares a VertexElement with the semantic "COLOR". The semantic index. Format of this element. The offset in bytes of this element. Use to compute automatically the offset from previous elements. A new instance of that represents this semantic. Declares a VertexElement with the semantic "NORMAL". Type of the Normal semantic. The semantic index. The offset in bytes of this element. Use to compute automatically the offset from previous elements. A new instance of that represents this semantic. Declares a VertexElement with the semantic "NORMAL". Format of this element. The offset in bytes of this element. Use to compute automatically the offset from previous elements. A new instance of that represents this semantic. Declares a VertexElement with the semantic "NORMAL". The semantic index. Format of this element. The offset in bytes of this element. Use to compute automatically the offset from previous elements. A new instance of that represents this semantic. Declares a VertexElement with the semantic "POSITION". Type of the Position semantic. The semantic index. The offset in bytes of this element. Use to compute automatically the offset from previous elements. A new instance of that represents this semantic. Declares a VertexElement with the semantic "POSITION". Format of this element. The offset in bytes of this element. Use to compute automatically the offset from previous elements. A new instance of that represents this semantic. Declares a VertexElement with the semantic "POSITION". The semantic index. Format of this element. The offset in bytes of this element. Use to compute automatically the offset from previous elements. A new instance of that represents this semantic. Declares a VertexElement with the semantic "SV_POSITION". Type of the PositionTransformed semantic. The semantic index. The offset in bytes of this element. Use to compute automatically the offset from previous elements. A new instance of that represents this semantic. Declares a VertexElement with the semantic "SV_POSITION". Format of this element. The offset in bytes of this element. Use to compute automatically the offset from previous elements. A new instance of that represents this semantic. Declares a VertexElement with the semantic "SV_POSITION". The semantic index. Format of this element. The offset in bytes of this element. Use to compute automatically the offset from previous elements. A new instance of that represents this semantic. Declares a VertexElement with the semantic "TEXCOORD". Type of the TextureCoordinate semantic. The semantic index. The offset in bytes of this element. Use to compute automatically the offset from previous elements. A new instance of that represents this semantic. Declares a VertexElement with the semantic "TEXCOORD". Format of this element. The offset in bytes of this element. Use to compute automatically the offset from previous elements. A new instance of that represents this semantic. Declares a VertexElement with the semantic "TEXCOORD". The semantic index. Format of this element. The offset in bytes of this element. Use to compute automatically the offset from previous elements. A new instance of that represents this semantic. Declares a VertexElement with the semantic "TANGENT". Type of the Tangent semantic. The semantic index. The offset in bytes of this element. Use to compute automatically the offset from previous elements. A new instance of that represents this semantic. Declares a VertexElement with the semantic "TANGENT". Format of this element. The offset in bytes of this element. Use to compute automatically the offset from previous elements. A new instance of that represents this semantic. Declares a VertexElement with the semantic "TANGENT". The semantic index. Format of this element. The offset in bytes of this element. Use to compute automatically the offset from previous elements. A new instance of that represents this semantic. Declares a VertexElement with the semantic "BITANGENT". Type of the BiTangent semantic. The semantic index. The offset in bytes of this element. Use to compute automatically the offset from previous elements. A new instance of that represents this semantic. Declares a VertexElement with the semantic "BITANGENT". Format of this element. The offset in bytes of this element. Use to compute automatically the offset from previous elements. A new instance of that represents this semantic. Declares a VertexElement with the semantic "BITANGENT". The semantic index. Format of this element. The offset in bytes of this element. Use to compute automatically the offset from previous elements. A new instance of that represents this semantic. Extracts a set of defined from a type that is using . Type of the class to inspect for . An array of . Extracts a set of defined from a type that is using . The Type of the class to inspect for . An array of . If type is null. If type doesn't contain any Converts a type to a . The type T. The equivalent Format. If the convertion for this type is not supported.

The HLSL semantic associated with this element in a shader input-signature.

ff476180 const char* SemanticName char SemanticName

The semantic index for the element. A semantic index modifies a semantic, with an integer index number. A semantic index is only needed in a case where there is more than one element with the same semantic. For example, a 4x4 matrix would have four components each with the semantic name


, however each of the four component would have different semantic indices (0, 1, 2, and 3).

ff476180 unsigned int SemanticIndex unsigned int SemanticIndex

The data type of the element data. See .

ff476180 DXGI_FORMAT Format DXGI_FORMAT Format

Optional. Offset (in bytes) between each element. Use D3D11_APPEND_ALIGNED_ELEMENT for convenience to define the current element directly after the previous one, including any packing if necessary.

ff476180 unsigned int AlignedByteOffset unsigned int AlignedByteOffset
Describes a custom vertex format structure that contains position and color information. Initializes a new instance. The position of this vertex. UV texture coordinates. XYZ position. UV texture coordinates. Describes a custom vertex format structure that contains position and color information. Initializes a new instance. The position of this vertex. The vertex normal. UV texture coordinates. XYZ position. The vertex normal. UV texture coordinates. Describes a custom vertex format structure that contains position and color information. Initializes a new instance. The position of this vertex. The color of this vertex. UV texture coordinates. XYZ position. The vertex color. UV texture coordinates. SamplerState is equivalent to . ff476588 ID3D11SamplerState ID3D11SamplerState Gets the description of this sampler state. Initializes a new instance of the class. The . The description. Initializes a new instance of the class. The . State of the native.

Create a sampler-state object that encapsulates sampling information for a texture.

The . An existing instance. A new instance

4096 unique sampler state objects can be created on a device at a time.

If an application attempts to create a sampler-state interface with the same state as an existing interface, the same interface will be returned and the total number of unique sampler state objects will stay the same.

ff476518 HRESULT ID3D11Device::CreateSamplerState([In] const D3D11_SAMPLER_DESC* pSamplerDesc,[Out, Fast] ID3D11SamplerState** ppSamplerState) ID3D11Device::CreateSamplerState

Create a sampler-state object that encapsulates sampling information for a texture.

The . A sampler state description A new instance

4096 unique sampler state objects can be created on a device at a time.

If an application attempts to create a sampler-state interface with the same state as an existing interface, the same interface will be returned and the total number of unique sampler state objects will stay the same.

ff476518 HRESULT ID3D11Device::CreateSamplerState([In] const D3D11_SAMPLER_DESC* pSamplerDesc,[Out, Fast] ID3D11SamplerState** ppSamplerState) ID3D11Device::CreateSamplerState

Create a sampler-state object that encapsulates sampling information for a texture.

The . Name of this sampler state. A sampler state description A new instance

4096 unique sampler state objects can be created on a device at a time.

If an application attempts to create a sampler-state interface with the same state as an existing interface, the same interface will be returned and the total number of unique sampler state objects will stay the same.

ff476518 HRESULT ID3D11Device::CreateSamplerState([In] const D3D11_SAMPLER_DESC* pSamplerDesc,[Out, Fast] ID3D11SamplerState** ppSamplerState) ID3D11Device::CreateSamplerState
Implicit casting operator to The GraphicsState to convert from. Values that indicate how the pipeline interprets vertex data that is bound to the input-assembler stage. These primitive topology values determine how the vertex data is rendered on screen. PrimitiveType is equivalent to . This structure is implicitly castable to and from , you can use it inplace where is required and vice-versa. ff728726 D3D_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY D3D_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY Gets the value as a enum. Internal constructor. The IA stage has not been initialized with a primitive topology. The IA stage will not function properly unless a primitive topology is defined. D3D_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY_UNDEFINED D3D_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY_UNDEFINED Interpret the vertex data as a list of points. D3D_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY_POINTLIST D3D_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY_POINTLIST Interpret the vertex data as a list of lines. D3D_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY_LINELIST D3D_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY_LINELIST Interpret the vertex data as a line strip. D3D_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY_LINESTRIP D3D_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY_LINESTRIP Interpret the vertex data as a list of triangles. D3D_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY_TRIANGLELIST D3D_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY_TRIANGLELIST Interpret the vertex data as a triangle strip. D3D_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY_TRIANGLESTRIP D3D_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY_TRIANGLESTRIP Interpret the vertex data as a list of lines with adjacency data. D3D_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY_LINELIST_ADJ D3D_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY_LINELIST_ADJ Interpret the vertex data as a line strip with adjacency data. D3D_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY_LINESTRIP_ADJ D3D_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY_LINESTRIP_ADJ Interpret the vertex data as a list of triangles with adjacency data. D3D_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY_TRIANGLELIST_ADJ D3D_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY_TRIANGLELIST_ADJ Interpret the vertex data as a triangle strip with adjacency data. D3D_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY_TRIANGLESTRIP_ADJ D3D_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY_TRIANGLESTRIP_ADJ Interpret the vertex data as a patch list. Number of control points. Value must be in the range 1 to 32. D3D_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY_TRIANGLESTRIP_ADJ D3D_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY_TRIANGLESTRIP_ADJ RasterizerState is equivalent to . ff476580 ID3D11RasterizerState ID3D11RasterizerState Gets the description of this blend state. Initializes a new instance of the class. The . The description. Initializes a new instance of the class. The . State of the native.

Create a rasterizer state object that tells the rasterizer stage how to behave.

The . An existing instance.

4096 unique rasterizer state objects can be created on a device at a time.

If an application attempts to create a rasterizer-state interface with the same state as an existing interface, the same interface will be returned and the total number of unique rasterizer state objects will stay the same.

ff476516 HRESULT ID3D11Device::CreateRasterizerState([In] const D3D11_RASTERIZER_DESC* pRasterizerDesc,[Out, Fast] ID3D11RasterizerState** ppRasterizerState) ID3D11Device::CreateRasterizerState

Create a rasterizer state object that tells the rasterizer stage how to behave.

The . A rasterizer state description

4096 unique rasterizer state objects can be created on a device at a time.

If an application attempts to create a rasterizer-state interface with the same state as an existing interface, the same interface will be returned and the total number of unique rasterizer state objects will stay the same.

ff476516 HRESULT ID3D11Device::CreateRasterizerState([In] const D3D11_RASTERIZER_DESC* pRasterizerDesc,[Out, Fast] ID3D11RasterizerState** ppRasterizerState) ID3D11Device::CreateRasterizerState

Create a rasterizer state object that tells the rasterizer stage how to behave.

The . Name of this depth stencil state. A rasterizer state description

4096 unique rasterizer state objects can be created on a device at a time.

If an application attempts to create a rasterizer-state interface with the same state as an existing interface, the same interface will be returned and the total number of unique rasterizer state objects will stay the same.

ff476516 HRESULT ID3D11Device::CreateRasterizerState([In] const D3D11_RASTERIZER_DESC* pRasterizerDesc,[Out, Fast] ID3D11RasterizerState** ppRasterizerState) ID3D11Device::CreateRasterizerState
Implicit casting operator to The GraphicsState to convert from. DepthStencilState is equivalent to . ff476375 ID3D11DepthStencilState ID3D11DepthStencilState Gets the description of this blend state. Initializes a new instance of the class. The device local. The description. Initializes a new instance of the class. The device local. State of the native. Create a depth-stencil state object that encapsulates depth-stencil test information for the output-merger stage. The . An existing instance. A new instance of

4096 unique depth-stencil state objects can be created on a device at a time.

If an application attempts to create a depth-stencil-state interface with the same state as an existing interface, the same interface will be returned and the total number of unique depth-stencil state objects will stay the same.

ff476506 HRESULT ID3D11Device::CreateDepthStencilState([In] const D3D11_DEPTH_STENCIL_DESC* pDepthStencilDesc,[Out, Fast] ID3D11DepthStencilState** ppDepthStencilState) ID3D11Device::CreateDepthStencilState
Create a depth-stencil state object that encapsulates depth-stencil test information for the output-merger stage. The . A depth-stencil state description A new instance of

4096 unique depth-stencil state objects can be created on a device at a time.

If an application attempts to create a depth-stencil-state interface with the same state as an existing interface, the same interface will be returned and the total number of unique depth-stencil state objects will stay the same.

ff476506 HRESULT ID3D11Device::CreateDepthStencilState([In] const D3D11_DEPTH_STENCIL_DESC* pDepthStencilDesc,[Out, Fast] ID3D11DepthStencilState** ppDepthStencilState) ID3D11Device::CreateDepthStencilState
Create a depth-stencil state object that encapsulates depth-stencil test information for the output-merger stage. The . Name of this depth stencil state. A depth-stencil state description A new instance of

4096 unique depth-stencil state objects can be created on a device at a time.

If an application attempts to create a depth-stencil-state interface with the same state as an existing interface, the same interface will be returned and the total number of unique depth-stencil state objects will stay the same.

ff476506 HRESULT ID3D11Device::CreateDepthStencilState([In] const D3D11_DEPTH_STENCIL_DESC* pDepthStencilDesc,[Out, Fast] ID3D11DepthStencilState** ppDepthStencilState) ID3D11Device::CreateDepthStencilState
Implicit casting operator to The GraphicsState to convert from. Defines the format of data in a depth-stencil buffer. No depth stencil buffer. A buffer that contains 16-bits of depth data. bb173059 DXGI_FORMAT_D16_UNORM DXGI_FORMAT_D16_UNORM A 32 bit buffer that contains 24 bits of depth data and 8 bits of stencil data. bb173059 DXGI_FORMAT_D24_UNORM_S8_UINT DXGI_FORMAT_D24_UNORM_S8_UINT A buffer that contains 32-bits of depth data. bb173059 DXGI_FORMAT_D32_FLOAT DXGI_FORMAT_D32_FLOAT A double 32 bit buffer that contains 32 bits of depth data and 8 bits padded with 24 zero bits of stencil data. bb173059 DXGI_FORMAT_D32_FLOAT_S8X24_UINT DXGI_FORMAT_D32_FLOAT_S8X24_UINT A DepthStencilBuffer frontend to . This class instantiates a with the binding flags . Abstract class frontend to . Base class for texture resources. Common description for this texture. Gets the selector for a Gets the selector for a Gets the selector for a Gets a boolean indicating whether this is a using a block compress format (BC1, BC2, BC3, BC4, BC5, BC6H, BC7). The width stride in bytes (number of bytes per row). The depth stride in bytes (number of bytes per depth slice). Initializes the views provided by this texture. Gets the mipmap description of this instance for the specified mipmap level. The mipmap. A description of a particular mipmap for this texture. Generates the mip maps for this texture. See remarks. Cannot generate mipmaps for this texture (Must be RenderTarget and ShaderResource and MipLevels > 1 This method is only working for texture that are RenderTarget and ShaderResource and with MipLevels > 1 Generates the mip maps for this texture. See remarks. The device. Cannot generate mipmaps for this texture (Must be RenderTarget and ShaderResource and MipLevels > 1 This method is only working for texture that are RenderTarget and ShaderResource and with MipLevels > 1 Calculates the number of miplevels for a Texture 1D. The width of the texture. A , set to true to calculates all mipmaps, to false to calculate only 1 miplevel, or > 1 to calculate a specific amount of levels. The number of miplevels. Calculates the number of miplevels for a Texture 2D. The width of the texture. The height of the texture. A , set to true to calculates all mipmaps, to false to calculate only 1 miplevel, or > 1 to calculate a specific amount of levels. The number of miplevels. Calculates the number of miplevels for a Texture 2D. The width of the texture. The height of the texture. The depth of the texture. A , set to true to calculates all mipmaps, to false to calculate only 1 miplevel, or > 1 to calculate a specific amount of levels. The number of miplevels. Gets the absolute sub-resource index from the array and mip slice. The array slice index. The mip slice index. A value equals to arraySlice * Description.MipLevels + mipSlice. Calculates the expected width of a texture using a specified type. The type of the T pixel data. The expected width If the size is invalid Calculates the number of pixel data this texture is requiring for a particular mip level. The type of the T pixel data. The mip level. The number of pixel data. This method is used to allocated a texture data buffer to hold pixel datas: var textureData = new T[ texture.CalculatePixelCount<T>() ] ;. Makes a copy of this texture. This method doesn't copy the content of the texture. A copy of this texture. Makes a copy of this texture with type casting. This method doesn't copy the content of the texture. A copy of this texture. Gets the content of this texture to an array of data. The type of the T data. The array slice index. This value must be set to 0 for Texture 3D. The mip slice index. The texture data. ff476457 HRESULT ID3D11DeviceContext::Map([In] ID3D11Resource* pResource,[In] unsigned int Subresource,[In] D3D11_MAP MapType,[In] D3D11_MAP_FLAG MapFlags,[Out] D3D11_MAPPED_SUBRESOURCE* pMappedResource) ID3D11DeviceContext::Map This method is only working when called from the main thread that is accessing the main . This method creates internally a stagging resource, copies to it and map it to memory. Use method with explicit staging resource for optimal performances. Copies the content of this texture to an array of data. The type of the T data. The destination buffer to receive a copy of the texture datas. The array slice index. This value must be set to 0 for Texture 3D. The mip slice index. ff476457 HRESULT ID3D11DeviceContext::Map([In] ID3D11Resource* pResource,[In] unsigned int Subresource,[In] D3D11_MAP MapType,[In] D3D11_MAP_FLAG MapFlags,[Out] D3D11_MAPPED_SUBRESOURCE* pMappedResource) ID3D11DeviceContext::Map This method is only working when called from the main thread that is accessing the main . This method creates internally a stagging resource if this texture is not already a stagging resouce, copies to it and map it to memory. Use method with explicit staging resource for optimal performances. Creates a new texture with the specified generic texture description. The graphics device. The description. A Texture instance, either a RenderTarget or DepthStencilBuffer or Texture, depending on Binding flags. Copies the content of this texture from GPU memory to an array of data on CPU memory using a specific staging resource. The type of the T data. The staging texture used to transfer the texture to. To data. The array slice index. This value must be set to 0 for Texture 3D. The mip slice index. When strides is different from optimal strides, and TData is not the same size as the pixel format, or Width * Height != toData.Length ff476457 HRESULT ID3D11DeviceContext::Map([In] ID3D11Resource* pResource,[In] unsigned int Subresource,[In] D3D11_MAP MapType,[In] D3D11_MAP_FLAG MapFlags,[Out] D3D11_MAPPED_SUBRESOURCE* pMappedResource) ID3D11DeviceContext::Map This method is only working when called from the main thread that is accessing the main . Copies the content of this texture from GPU memory to a pointer on CPU memory using a specific staging resource. The staging texture used to transfer the texture to. The pointer to data in CPU memory. The array slice index. This value must be set to 0 for Texture 3D. The mip slice index. When strides is different from optimal strides, and TData is not the same size as the pixel format, or Width * Height != toData.Length ff476457 HRESULT ID3D11DeviceContext::Map([In] ID3D11Resource* pResource,[In] unsigned int Subresource,[In] D3D11_MAP MapType,[In] D3D11_MAP_FLAG MapFlags,[Out] D3D11_MAPPED_SUBRESOURCE* pMappedResource) ID3D11DeviceContext::Map This method is only working when called from the main thread that is accessing the main . Copies the content an array of data on CPU memory to this texture into GPU memory. The type of the T data. The data to copy from. The array slice index. This value must be set to 0 for Texture 3D. The mip slice index. Destination region When strides is different from optimal strides, and TData is not the same size as the pixel format, or Width * Height != toData.Length ff476457 HRESULT ID3D11DeviceContext::Map([In] ID3D11Resource* pResource,[In] unsigned int Subresource,[In] D3D11_MAP MapType,[In] D3D11_MAP_FLAG MapFlags,[Out] D3D11_MAPPED_SUBRESOURCE* pMappedResource) ID3D11DeviceContext::Map This method is only working on the main graphics device. Use method with explicit graphics device to set data on a deferred context. See also unmanaged documentation about Map/UnMap for usage and restrictions. Copies the content an data on CPU memory to this texture into GPU memory using the specified (The graphics device could be deffered). The data to copy from. The array slice index. This value must be set to 0 for Texture 3D. The mip slice index. Destination region When strides is different from optimal strides, and TData is not the same size as the pixel format, or Width * Height != toData.Length ff476457 HRESULT ID3D11DeviceContext::Map([In] ID3D11Resource* pResource,[In] unsigned int Subresource,[In] D3D11_MAP MapType,[In] D3D11_MAP_FLAG MapFlags,[Out] D3D11_MAPPED_SUBRESOURCE* pMappedResource) ID3D11DeviceContext::Map This method is only working on the main graphics device. Use method with explicit graphics device to set data on a deferred context. See also unmanaged documentation about Map/UnMap for usage and restrictions. Copies the content an array of data on CPU memory to this texture into GPU memory using the specified (The graphics device could be deffered). The type of the T data. The . The data to copy from. The array slice index. This value must be set to 0 for Texture 3D. The mip slice index. Destination region When strides is different from optimal strides, and TData is not the same size as the pixel format, or Width * Height != toData.Length ff476457 HRESULT ID3D11DeviceContext::Map([In] ID3D11Resource* pResource,[In] unsigned int Subresource,[In] D3D11_MAP MapType,[In] D3D11_MAP_FLAG MapFlags,[Out] D3D11_MAPPED_SUBRESOURCE* pMappedResource) ID3D11DeviceContext::Map See unmanaged documentation for usage and restrictions. Copies the content an data on CPU memory to this texture into GPU memory. The . The data to copy from. The array slice index. This value must be set to 0 for Texture 3D. The mip slice index. Destination region When strides is different from optimal strides, and TData is not the same size as the pixel format, or Width * Height != toData.Length ff476457 HRESULT ID3D11DeviceContext::Map([In] ID3D11Resource* pResource,[In] unsigned int Subresource,[In] D3D11_MAP MapType,[In] D3D11_MAP_FLAG MapFlags,[Out] D3D11_MAPPED_SUBRESOURCE* pMappedResource) ID3D11DeviceContext::Map See unmanaged documentation for usage and restrictions. Return an equivalent staging texture CPU read-writable from this instance. Gets a specific from this texture. Type of the view slice. The texture array slice index. The mip map slice index. An Gets a specific from this texture. Type of the view slice. The texture array slice index. The mip map slice index. An Gets a specific from this texture. The texture array slice index. The mip map slice index. An ShaderResourceView casting operator. Source for the. UnorderedAccessView casting operator. Source for the. Loads a texture from a stream. The . The stream to load the texture from. Sets the texture flags (for unordered access...etc.) Usage of the resource. Default is A texture Loads a texture from a file. Specify the used to load and create a texture from a file. The file to load the texture from. Sets the texture flags (for unordered access...etc.) Usage of the resource. Default is A texture Saves this texture to a stream with a specified format. The stream. Type of the image file. Gets the GPU content of this texture as an on the CPU. Gets the GPU content of this texture to an on the CPU. The staging texture used to temporary transfer the image from the GPU to CPU. If stagingTexture is not a staging texture. Saves this texture to a stream with a specified format. The stream. The staging texture used to temporary transfer the image from the GPU to CPU. Type of the image file. If stagingTexture is not a staging texture. Saves this texture to a file with a specified format. The filepath to save the texture to. Type of the image file. Saves this texture to a stream with a specified format. The filepath to save the texture to. The staging texture used to temporary transfer the image from the GPU to CPU. Type of the image file. If stagingTexture is not a staging texture. Calculates the mip map count from a requested level. The requested level. The width. The height. The depth. The resulting mipmap count (clamp to [1, maxMipMapCount] for this texture)

Texture width (in texels). The range is from 1 to (16384). However, the range is actually constrained by the feature level at which you create the rendering device. For more information about restrictions, see Remarks.

This field is valid for all textures: , , and .

Texture height (in texels). The range is from 1 to (2048). However, the range is actually constrained by the feature level at which you create the rendering device. For more information about restrictions, see Remarks.

This field is only valid for , and .

Texture depth (in texels). The range is from 1 to (2048). However, the range is actually constrained by the feature level at which you create the rendering device. For more information about restrictions, see Remarks.

This field is only valid for .
Initializes a new instance of the class. The . The description. ff476521 HRESULT ID3D11Device::CreateTexture2D([In] const D3D11_TEXTURE2D_DESC* pDesc,[In, Buffer, Optional] const D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA* pInitialData,[Out, Fast] ID3D11Texture2D** ppTexture2D) ID3D11Device::CreateTexture2D Initializes a new instance of the class. The . The description. A variable-length parameters list containing data rectangles. ff476521 HRESULT ID3D11Device::CreateTexture2D([In] const D3D11_TEXTURE2D_DESC* pDesc,[In, Buffer, Optional] const D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA* pInitialData,[Out, Fast] ID3D11Texture2D** ppTexture2D) ID3D11Device::CreateTexture2D Specialised constructor for use only by derived classes. The . The texture. ff476521 HRESULT ID3D11Device::CreateTexture2D([In] const D3D11_TEXTURE2D_DESC* pDesc,[In, Buffer, Optional] const D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA* pInitialData,[Out, Fast] ID3D11Texture2D** ppTexture2D) ID3D11Device::CreateTexture2D Return an equivalent staging texture CPU read-writable from this instance. casting operator. From the Texture1D. Gets the of this depth stencil buffer. Gets a boolean value indicating if this buffer is supporting stencil. Gets a boolean value indicating if this buffer is supporting read-only view. Gets a a read-only . This value can be null if not supported by hardware (minimum features level is 11.0) DepthStencilView casting operator. Source for the. Creates a new from a . The . The description. A new instance of class. ff476521 HRESULT ID3D11Device::CreateTexture2D([In] const D3D11_TEXTURE2D_DESC* pDesc,[In, Buffer, Optional] const D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA* pInitialData,[Out, Fast] ID3D11Texture2D** ppTexture2D) ID3D11Device::CreateTexture2D Creates a new from a . The . The native texture . A new instance of class. ff476521 HRESULT ID3D11Device::CreateTexture2D([In] const D3D11_TEXTURE2D_DESC* pDesc,[In, Buffer, Optional] const D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA* pInitialData,[Out, Fast] ID3D11Texture2D** ppTexture2D) ID3D11Device::CreateTexture2D Creates a new . The . The width. The height. Describes the format to use. Size of the texture 2D array, default to 1. A new instance of class. ff476521 HRESULT ID3D11Device::CreateTexture2D([In] const D3D11_TEXTURE2D_DESC* pDesc,[In, Buffer, Optional] const D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA* pInitialData,[Out, Fast] ID3D11Texture2D** ppTexture2D) ID3D11Device::CreateTexture2D Creates a new using multisampling. The . The width. The height. Describes the format to use. Size of the texture 2D array, default to 1. The multisample count. A new instance of class. ff476521 HRESULT ID3D11Device::CreateTexture2D([In] const D3D11_TEXTURE2D_DESC* pDesc,[In, Buffer, Optional] const D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA* pInitialData,[Out, Fast] ID3D11Texture2D** ppTexture2D) ID3D11Device::CreateTexture2D A RenderTargetCube frontend to . This class instantiates a with the binding flags . This class is also castable to . RenderTargetView casting operator. Source for the. Creates a new from a . The . The description. A new instance of class. ff476521 HRESULT ID3D11Device::CreateTexture2D([In] const D3D11_TEXTURE2D_DESC* pDesc,[In, Buffer, Optional] const D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA* pInitialData,[Out, Fast] ID3D11Texture2D** ppTexture2D) ID3D11Device::CreateTexture2D Creates a new from a . The . The native texture . A new instance of class. ff476521 HRESULT ID3D11Device::CreateTexture2D([In] const D3D11_TEXTURE2D_DESC* pDesc,[In, Buffer, Optional] const D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA* pInitialData,[Out, Fast] ID3D11Texture2D** ppTexture2D) ID3D11Device::CreateTexture2D Creates a new with a single mipmap. The . The size (in pixels) of the top-level faces of the cube texture. Describes the format to use. Sets the texture flags (for unordered access...etc.) A new instance of class. ff476521 HRESULT ID3D11Device::CreateTexture2D([In] const D3D11_TEXTURE2D_DESC* pDesc,[In, Buffer, Optional] const D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA* pInitialData,[Out, Fast] ID3D11Texture2D** ppTexture2D) ID3D11Device::CreateTexture2D Creates a new . The . The size (in pixels) of the top-level faces of the cube texture. Number of mipmaps, set to true to have all mipmaps, set to an int >=1 for a particular mipmap count. Describes the format to use. Sets the texture flags (for unordered access...etc.) A new instance of class. ff476521 HRESULT ID3D11Device::CreateTexture2D([In] const D3D11_TEXTURE2D_DESC* pDesc,[In, Buffer, Optional] const D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA* pInitialData,[Out, Fast] ID3D11Texture2D** ppTexture2D) ID3D11Device::CreateTexture2D A simple wrapper to specify number of mipmaps. Set to true to specify all mipmaps or sets an integer value >= 1 to specify the exact number of mipmaps. This structure use implicit conversion:
  • Set to true to specify all mipmaps.
  • Set to false to specify a single mipmap.
  • Set to an integer value >=1 to specify an exact count of mipmaps.
Automatic mipmap level based on texture size. Initializes a new instance of the struct. if set to true generates all mip maps. Initializes a new instance of the struct. The count. Number of mipmaps. Zero(0) means generate all mipmaps. One(1) generates a single mipmap... etc. Performs an explicit conversion from to . The value. The result of the conversion. Performs an explicit conversion from to . True to generate all mipmaps, false to use a single mipmap. The result of the conversion. Performs an explicit conversion from to . The value. The count of mipmap (0 means all mipmaps). Performs an explicit conversion from to . True to generate all mipmaps, false to use a single mipmap. The result of the conversion. Multisample count level. No multisample. Multisample count of 2 pixels. Multisample count of 4 pixels. Multisample count of 8 pixels. A Texture 2D frontend to . Makes a copy of this texture. This method doesn't copy the content of the texture. A copy of this texture. Creates a new texture from a . The . The description. A new instance of class. ff476521 HRESULT ID3D11Device::CreateTexture2D([In] const D3D11_TEXTURE2D_DESC* pDesc,[In, Buffer, Optional] const D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA* pInitialData,[Out, Fast] ID3D11Texture2D** ppTexture2D) ID3D11Device::CreateTexture2D Creates a new texture from a . The . The native texture . A new instance of class. ff476521 HRESULT ID3D11Device::CreateTexture2D([In] const D3D11_TEXTURE2D_DESC* pDesc,[In, Buffer, Optional] const D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA* pInitialData,[Out, Fast] ID3D11Texture2D** ppTexture2D) ID3D11Device::CreateTexture2D Creates a new with a single mipmap. The . The width. The height. Describes the format to use. Sets the texture flags (for unordered access...etc.) Size of the texture 2D array, default to 1. The usage. A new instance of class. ff476521 HRESULT ID3D11Device::CreateTexture2D([In] const D3D11_TEXTURE2D_DESC* pDesc,[In, Buffer, Optional] const D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA* pInitialData,[Out, Fast] ID3D11Texture2D** ppTexture2D) ID3D11Device::CreateTexture2D Creates a new . The . The width. The height. Describes the format to use. Number of mipmaps, set to true to have all mipmaps, set to an int >=1 for a particular mipmap count. Sets the texture flags (for unordered access...etc.) Size of the texture 2D array, default to 1. The usage. A new instance of class. ff476521 HRESULT ID3D11Device::CreateTexture2D([In] const D3D11_TEXTURE2D_DESC* pDesc,[In, Buffer, Optional] const D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA* pInitialData,[Out, Fast] ID3D11Texture2D** ppTexture2D) ID3D11Device::CreateTexture2D Creates a new with a single level of mipmap. Type of the pixel data to upload to the texture. The . The width. The height. Describes the format to use. The usage. Sets the texture flags (for unordered access...etc.) The texture data for a single mipmap and a single array slice. See remarks A new instance of class. ff476521 HRESULT ID3D11Device::CreateTexture2D([In] const D3D11_TEXTURE2D_DESC* pDesc,[In, Buffer, Optional] const D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA* pInitialData,[Out, Fast] ID3D11Texture2D** ppTexture2D) ID3D11Device::CreateTexture2D Each value in textureData is a pixel in the destination texture. Creates a new . The . The width. The height. Describes the format to use. Number of mipmaps, set to true to have all mipmaps, set to an int >=1 for a particular mipmap count. Texture datas through an array of Sets the texture flags (for unordered access...etc.) Size of the texture 2D array, default to 1. The usage. A new instance of class. ff476521 HRESULT ID3D11Device::CreateTexture2D([In] const D3D11_TEXTURE2D_DESC* pDesc,[In, Buffer, Optional] const D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA* pInitialData,[Out, Fast] ID3D11Texture2D** ppTexture2D) ID3D11Device::CreateTexture2D Creates a new directly from an . The . An image in CPU memory. Sets the texture flags (for unordered access...etc.) The usage. A new instance of class. ff476521 HRESULT ID3D11Device::CreateTexture2D([In] const D3D11_TEXTURE2D_DESC* pDesc,[In, Buffer, Optional] const D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA* pInitialData,[Out, Fast] ID3D11Texture2D** ppTexture2D) ID3D11Device::CreateTexture2D Loads a 2D texture from a stream. The . The stream to load the texture from. Sets the texture flags (for unordered access...etc.) Usage of the resource. Default is If the texture is not of type 2D A texture Loads a 2D texture from a stream. The . The file to load the texture from. Sets the texture flags (for unordered access...etc.) Usage of the resource. Default is If the texture is not of type 2D A texture A RenderTarget3D frontend to . This class instantiates a with the binding flags . This class is also castable to . Abstract class frontend to . Initializes a new instance of the class. The . The description. ff476522 HRESULT ID3D11Device::CreateTexture3D([In] const D3D11_TEXTURE3D_DESC* pDesc,[In, Buffer, Optional] const D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA* pInitialData,[Out, Fast] ID3D11Texture3D** ppTexture3D) ID3D11Device::CreateTexture3D Initializes a new instance of the class. The . The description. A variable-length parameters list containing data rectangles. ff476522 HRESULT ID3D11Device::CreateTexture3D([In] const D3D11_TEXTURE3D_DESC* pDesc,[In, Buffer, Optional] const D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA* pInitialData,[Out, Fast] ID3D11Texture3D** ppTexture3D) ID3D11Device::CreateTexture3D Specialised constructor for use only by derived classes. The device. The texture. ff476522 HRESULT ID3D11Device::CreateTexture3D([In] const D3D11_TEXTURE3D_DESC* pDesc,[In, Buffer, Optional] const D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA* pInitialData,[Out, Fast] ID3D11Texture3D** ppTexture3D) ID3D11Device::CreateTexture3D Return an equivalent staging texture CPU read-writable from this instance. RenderTargetView casting operator. Source for the. Creates a new from a . The . The description. A new instance of class. ff476521 HRESULT ID3D11Device::CreateTexture3D([In] const D3D11_TEXTURE3D_DESC* pDesc,[In, Buffer, Optional] const D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA* pInitialData,[Out, Fast] ID3D11Texture3D** ppTexture3D) ID3D11Device::CreateTexture3D Creates a new from a . The . The native texture . A new instance of class. ff476521 HRESULT ID3D11Device::CreateTexture3D([In] const D3D11_TEXTURE3D_DESC* pDesc,[In, Buffer, Optional] const D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA* pInitialData,[Out, Fast] ID3D11Texture3D** ppTexture3D) ID3D11Device::CreateTexture3D Creates a new with a single mipmap. The . The width. The height. The depth. Describes the format to use. Sets the texture flags (for unordered access...etc.) Size of the texture 3D array, default to 1. A new instance of class. ff476521 HRESULT ID3D11Device::CreateTexture3D([In] const D3D11_TEXTURE3D_DESC* pDesc,[In, Buffer, Optional] const D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA* pInitialData,[Out, Fast] ID3D11Texture3D** ppTexture3D) ID3D11Device::CreateTexture3D Creates a new . The . The width. The height. The depth. Number of mipmaps, set to true to have all mipmaps, set to an int >=1 for a particular mipmap count. Describes the format to use. Sets the texture flags (for unordered access...etc.) Size of the texture 3D array, default to 1. A new instance of class. ff476521 HRESULT ID3D11Device::CreateTexture3D([In] const D3D11_TEXTURE3D_DESC* pDesc,[In, Buffer, Optional] const D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA* pInitialData,[Out, Fast] ID3D11Texture3D** ppTexture3D) ID3D11Device::CreateTexture3D Features supported by a . This class gives also features for a particular format, using the operator this[dxgiFormat] on this structure. to exclude from the features test. Features level of the current device. ff476528 GetFeatureLevel GetFeatureLevel D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL ID3D11Device::GetFeatureLevel() Boolean indicating if this device supports compute shaders, unordered access on structured buffers and raw structured buffers. Boolean indicating if this device supports shaders double precision calculations. Boolean indicating if this device supports concurrent resources in multithreading scenarios. Boolean indicating if this device supports command lists in multithreading scenarios. Gets the maximum MSAA sample count for a particular . The device. The pixelFormat. The maximum multisample count for this pixel pixelFormat ff476499 HRESULT ID3D11Device::CheckMultisampleQualityLevels([In] DXGI_FORMAT Format,[In] unsigned int SampleCount,[Out] unsigned int* pNumQualityLevels) ID3D11Device::CheckMultisampleQualityLevels Gets the for the specified . The dxgi format. Features for the specific format. The features exposed for a particular format. The . Gets the maximum MSAA sample count for a particular . Gets the unordered resource support options for a compute shader resource. ff476135 D3D11_FORMAT_SUPPORT2 D3D11_FORMAT_SUPPORT2 Support of a given format on the installed video device. A RenderTarget1D frontend to . This class instantiates a with the binding flags . This class is also castable to . Abstract class frontend to . Initializes a new instance of the class. The . The description. ff476520 HRESULT ID3D11Device::CreateTexture1D([In] const D3D11_TEXTURE1D_DESC* pDesc,[In, Buffer, Optional] const D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA* pInitialData,[Out, Fast] ID3D11Texture1D** ppTexture1D) ID3D11Device::CreateTexture1D Initializes a new instance of the class. The . The description. A variable-length parameters list containing data rectangles. ff476520 HRESULT ID3D11Device::CreateTexture1D([In] const D3D11_TEXTURE1D_DESC* pDesc,[In, Buffer, Optional] const D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA* pInitialData,[Out, Fast] ID3D11Texture1D** ppTexture1D) ID3D11Device::CreateTexture1D Specialised constructor for use only by derived classes. The device. The texture. ff476520 HRESULT ID3D11Device::CreateTexture1D([In] const D3D11_TEXTURE1D_DESC* pDesc,[In, Buffer, Optional] const D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA* pInitialData,[Out, Fast] ID3D11Texture1D** ppTexture1D) ID3D11Device::CreateTexture1D Return an equivalent staging texture CPU read-writable from this instance. casting operator. From the Texture1D. RenderTargetView casting operator. Source for the. Creates a new from a . The . The description. A new instance of class. ff476520 HRESULT ID3D11Device::CreateTexture1D([In] const D3D11_TEXTURE1D_DESC* pDesc,[In, Buffer, Optional] const D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA* pInitialData,[Out, Fast] ID3D11Texture1D** ppTexture1D) ID3D11Device::CreateTexture1D Creates a new from a . The . The native texture . A new instance of class. ff476520 HRESULT ID3D11Device::CreateTexture1D([In] const D3D11_TEXTURE1D_DESC* pDesc,[In, Buffer, Optional] const D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA* pInitialData,[Out, Fast] ID3D11Texture1D** ppTexture1D) ID3D11Device::CreateTexture1D Creates a new with a single mipmap. The . The width. Describes the format to use. Sets the texture flags (for unordered access...etc.) Size of the texture 1D array, default to 1. A new instance of class. ff476520 HRESULT ID3D11Device::CreateTexture1D([In] const D3D11_TEXTURE1D_DESC* pDesc,[In, Buffer, Optional] const D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA* pInitialData,[Out, Fast] ID3D11Texture1D** ppTexture1D) ID3D11Device::CreateTexture1D Creates a new . The . The width. Number of mipmaps, set to true to have all mipmaps, set to an int >=1 for a particular mipmap count. Describes the format to use. Sets the texture flags (for unordered access...etc.) Size of the texture 1D array, default to 1. A new instance of class. ff476520 HRESULT ID3D11Device::CreateTexture1D([In] const D3D11_TEXTURE1D_DESC* pDesc,[In, Buffer, Optional] const D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA* pInitialData,[Out, Fast] ID3D11Texture1D** ppTexture1D) ID3D11Device::CreateTexture1D A Texture 3D frontend to . Makes a copy of this texture. This method doesn't copy the content of the texture. A copy of this texture. Creates a new texture from a . The . The description. A new instance of class. ff476522 HRESULT ID3D11Device::CreateTexture3D([In] const D3D11_TEXTURE3D_DESC* pDesc,[In, Buffer, Optional] const D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA* pInitialData,[Out, Fast] ID3D11Texture3D** ppTexture3D) ID3D11Device::CreateTexture3D Creates a new texture from a . The . The native texture . A new instance of class. ff476522 HRESULT ID3D11Device::CreateTexture3D([In] const D3D11_TEXTURE3D_DESC* pDesc,[In, Buffer, Optional] const D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA* pInitialData,[Out, Fast] ID3D11Texture3D** ppTexture3D) ID3D11Device::CreateTexture3D Creates a new with a single mipmap. The . The width. The height. The depth. Describes the format to use. The usage. Sets the texture flags (for unordered access...etc.) A new instance of class. ff476522 HRESULT ID3D11Device::CreateTexture3D([In] const D3D11_TEXTURE3D_DESC* pDesc,[In, Buffer, Optional] const D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA* pInitialData,[Out, Fast] ID3D11Texture3D** ppTexture3D) ID3D11Device::CreateTexture3D Creates a new . The . The width. The height. The depth. Number of mipmaps, set to true to have all mipmaps, set to an int >=1 for a particular mipmap count. Describes the format to use. The usage. Sets the texture flags (for unordered access...etc.) A new instance of class. ff476522 HRESULT ID3D11Device::CreateTexture3D([In] const D3D11_TEXTURE3D_DESC* pDesc,[In, Buffer, Optional] const D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA* pInitialData,[Out, Fast] ID3D11Texture3D** ppTexture3D) ID3D11Device::CreateTexture3D Creates a new with texture data for the firs map. Type of the data to upload to the texture The . The width. The height. The depth. Describes the format to use. The usage. The texture data, width * height * depth datas Sets the texture flags (for unordered access...etc.) A new instance of class. The first dimension of mipMapTextures describes the number of is an array ot Texture3D Array ff476522 HRESULT ID3D11Device::CreateTexture3D([In] const D3D11_TEXTURE3D_DESC* pDesc,[In, Buffer, Optional] const D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA* pInitialData,[Out, Fast] ID3D11Texture3D** ppTexture3D) ID3D11Device::CreateTexture3D Creates a new . The . The width. The height. The depth. Number of mipmaps, set to true to have all mipmaps, set to an int >=1 for a particular mipmap count. Describes the format to use. The usage. DataBox used to fill texture data. Sets the texture flags (for unordered access...etc.) A new instance of class. ff476522 HRESULT ID3D11Device::CreateTexture3D([In] const D3D11_TEXTURE3D_DESC* pDesc,[In, Buffer, Optional] const D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA* pInitialData,[Out, Fast] ID3D11Texture3D** ppTexture3D) ID3D11Device::CreateTexture3D Creates a new directly from an . The . An image in CPU memory. Sets the texture flags (for unordered access...etc.) The usage. A new instance of class. ff476522 HRESULT ID3D11Device::CreateTexture3D([In] const D3D11_TEXTURE3D_DESC* pDesc,[In, Buffer, Optional] const D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA* pInitialData,[Out, Fast] ID3D11Texture3D** ppTexture3D) ID3D11Device::CreateTexture3D Loads a 3D texture from a stream. The . The stream to load the texture from. Sets the texture flags (for unordered access...etc.) Usage of the resource. Default is If the texture is not of type 3D A texture Loads a 3D texture from a stream. The . The file to load the texture from. Sets the texture flags (for unordered access...etc.) Usage of the resource. Default is If the texture is not of type 3D A texture A Texture 1D frontend to . Makes a copy of this texture. This method doesn't copy the content of the texture. A copy of this texture. Creates a new texture from a . The . The description. A new instance of class. ff476520 HRESULT ID3D11Device::CreateTexture1D([In] const D3D11_TEXTURE1D_DESC* pDesc,[In, Buffer, Optional] const D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA* pInitialData,[Out, Fast] ID3D11Texture1D** ppTexture1D) ID3D11Device::CreateTexture1D Creates a new texture from a . The . The native texture . A new instance of class. ff476520 HRESULT ID3D11Device::CreateTexture1D([In] const D3D11_TEXTURE1D_DESC* pDesc,[In, Buffer, Optional] const D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA* pInitialData,[Out, Fast] ID3D11Texture1D** ppTexture1D) ID3D11Device::CreateTexture1D Creates a new with a single mipmap. The . The width. Describes the format to use. The usage. Sets the texture flags (for unordered access...etc.) Size of the texture 2D array, default to 1. A new instance of class. ff476520 HRESULT ID3D11Device::CreateTexture1D([In] const D3D11_TEXTURE1D_DESC* pDesc,[In, Buffer, Optional] const D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA* pInitialData,[Out, Fast] ID3D11Texture1D** ppTexture1D) ID3D11Device::CreateTexture1D Creates a new . The . The width. Number of mipmaps, set to true to have all mipmaps, set to an int >=1 for a particular mipmap count. Describes the format to use. The usage. Sets the texture flags (for unordered access...etc.) Size of the texture 2D array, default to 1. A new instance of class. ff476520 HRESULT ID3D11Device::CreateTexture1D([In] const D3D11_TEXTURE1D_DESC* pDesc,[In, Buffer, Optional] const D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA* pInitialData,[Out, Fast] ID3D11Texture1D** ppTexture1D) ID3D11Device::CreateTexture1D Creates a new with a single level of mipmap. Type of the initial data to upload to the texture The . The width. Describes the format to use. The usage. Texture data. Size of must be equal to sizeof(Format) * width Sets the texture flags (for unordered access...etc.) A new instance of class. ff476521 HRESULT ID3D11Device::CreateTexture1D([In] const D3D11_Texture1D_DESC* pDesc,[In, Buffer, Optional] const D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA* pInitialData,[Out, Fast] ID3D11Texture1D** ppTexture1D) ID3D11Device::CreateTexture1D The first dimension of mipMapTextures describes the number of array (Texture1D Array), second dimension is the mipmap, the third is the texture data for a particular mipmap. Creates a new directly from an . The . An image in CPU memory. Sets the texture flags (for unordered access...etc.) The usage. A new instance of class. ff476521 HRESULT ID3D11Device::CreateTexture1D([In] const D3D11_TEXTURE1D_DESC* pDesc,[In, Buffer, Optional] const D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA* pInitialData,[Out, Fast] ID3D11Texture1D** ppTexture1D) ID3D11Device::CreateTexture1D Loads a 1D texture from a stream. The . The stream to load the texture from. Sets the texture flags (for unordered access...etc.) Usage of the resource. Default is If the texture is not of type 1D A texture Loads a 1D texture from a stream. The . The file to load the texture from. Sets the texture flags (for unordered access...etc.) Usage of the resource. Default is If the texture is not of type 1D A texture This class is a frontend to and Gets the features supported by this . Default effect pool shared between all deferred GraphicsDevice instances. Gets the for immediate rendering. Gets whether this is running in debug. Gets whether this is a deferred context. Gets the registered for this graphics device. Gets the registered for this graphics device. Gets the registered for this graphics device. Gets the registered for this graphics device. Gets the adapter associated with this device. Clears the default render target and depth stencil buffer attached to the current . Set this color value in all buffers. Cannot clear without a Presenter set on this instance Clears the default render target and depth stencil buffer attached to the current . Options for clearing a buffer. Set this four-component color value in the buffer. Set this depth value in the buffer. Set this stencil value in the buffer. Clears the default render target and depth stencil buffer attached to the current . Options for clearing a buffer. Set this four-component color value in the buffer. Set this depth value in the buffer. Set this stencil value in the buffer. Clears a render target view by setting all the elements in a render target to one value. The render target view. A 4-component array that represents the color to fill the render target with.

Applications that wish to clear a render target to a specific integer value bit pattern should render a screen-aligned quad instead of using this method. The reason for this is because this method accepts as input a floating point value, which may not have the same bit pattern as the original integer.

Differences between Direct3D 9 and Direct3D 11/10:

Unlike Direct3D 9, the full extent of the resource view is always cleared. Viewport and scissor settings are not applied.


ff476388 void ID3D11DeviceContext::ClearRenderTargetView([In] ID3D11RenderTargetView* pRenderTargetView,[In] const SHARPDX_COLOR4* ColorRGBA) ID3D11DeviceContext::ClearRenderTargetView
Clears the depth-stencil resource.

Pointer to the depth stencil to be cleared.

Identify the type of data to clear (see ).

Clear the depth buffer with this value. This value will be clamped between 0 and 1.

Clear the stencil buffer with this value.

Differences between Direct3D 9 and Direct3D 11/10:

Unlike Direct3D 9, the full extent of the resource view is always cleared. Viewport and scissor settings are not applied.


ff476387 void ID3D11DeviceContext::ClearDepthStencilView([In] ID3D11DepthStencilView* pDepthStencilView,[In] D3D11_CLEAR_FLAG ClearFlags,[In] float Depth,[In] unsigned char Stencil) ID3D11DeviceContext::ClearDepthStencilView
Clears an unordered access resource with bit-precise values. The buffer to clear. The value used to clear.

This API copies the lower ni bits from each array element i to the corresponding channel, where ni is the number of bits in the ith channel of the resource format (for example, R8G8B8_FLOAT has 8 bits for the first 3 channels). This works on any UAV with no format conversion. For a raw or structured buffer view, only the first array element value is used.

ff476391 void ID3D11DeviceContext::ClearUnorderedAccessViewUint([In] ID3D11UnorderedAccessView* pUnorderedAccessView,[In] const unsigned int* Values) ID3D11DeviceContext::ClearUnorderedAccessViewUint
Clears an unordered access resource with a float value. The buffer to clear. The value used to clear.

This API works on FLOAT, UNORM, and SNORM unordered access views (UAVs), with format conversion from FLOAT to *NORM where appropriate. On other UAVs, the operation is invalid and the call will not reach the driver.

ff476390 void ID3D11DeviceContext::ClearUnorderedAccessViewFloat([In] ID3D11UnorderedAccessView* pUnorderedAccessView,[In] const float* Values) ID3D11DeviceContext::ClearUnorderedAccessViewFloat
Copies the content of this resource to another . The resource to copy from. The resource to copy to. See the unmanaged documentation for usage and restrictions. ff476392 void ID3D11DeviceContext::CopyResource([In] ID3D11Resource* pDstResource,[In] ID3D11Resource* pSrcResource) ID3D11DeviceContext::CopyResource Copy a region from a source resource to a destination resource. The source box must be within the size of the source resource. The destination offsets, (x, y, and z) allow the source box to be offset when writing into the destination resource; however, the dimensions of the source box and the offsets must be within the size of the resource. If the resources are buffers, all coordinates are in bytes; if the resources are textures, all coordinates are in texels. {{D3D11CalcSubresource}} is a helper function for calculating subresource indexes. CopySubresourceRegion performs the copy on the GPU (similar to a memcpy by the CPU). As a consequence, the source and destination resources: Must be different subresources (although they can be from the same resource). Must be the same type. Must have compatible DXGI formats (identical or from the same type group). For example, a DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32B32_FLOAT texture can be copied to an DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32B32_UINT texture since both of these formats are in the DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32B32_TYPELESS group. May not be currently mapped. CopySubresourceRegion only supports copy; it does not support any stretch, color key, blend, or format conversions. An application that needs to copy an entire resource should use instead. CopySubresourceRegion is an asynchronous call which may be added to the command-buffer queue, this attempts to remove pipeline stalls that may occur when copying data. See performance considerations for more details. Note??If you use CopySubresourceRegion with a depth-stencil buffer or a multisampled resource, you must copy the whole subresource. In this situation, you must pass 0 to the DstX, DstY, and DstZ parameters and NULL to the pSrcBox parameter. In addition, source and destination resources, which are represented by the pSrcResource and pDstResource parameters, should have identical sample count values. Example The following code snippet copies a box (located at (120,100),(200,220)) from a source texture into a reqion (10,20),(90,140) in a destination texture. D3D11_BOX sourceRegion; sourceRegion.left = 120; sourceRegion.right = 200; = 100; sourceRegion.bottom = 220; sourceRegion.front = 0; sourceRegion.back = 1; pd3dDeviceContext->CopySubresourceRegion( pDestTexture, 0, 10, 20, 0, pSourceTexture, 0, &sourceRegion ); Notice, that for a 2D texture, front and back are set to 0 and 1 respectively. A reference to the source resource (see ). Source subresource index. A reference to the destination resource (see ). Destination subresource index. The x-coordinate of the upper left corner of the destination region. The y-coordinate of the upper left corner of the destination region. For a 1D subresource, this must be zero. The z-coordinate of the upper left corner of the destination region. For a 1D or 2D subresource, this must be zero. ff476394 void ID3D11DeviceContext::CopySubresourceRegion([In] ID3D11Resource* pDstResource,[In] unsigned int DstSubresource,[In] unsigned int DstX,[In] unsigned int DstY,[In] unsigned int DstZ,[In] ID3D11Resource* pSrcResource,[In] unsigned int SrcSubresource,[In, Optional] const D3D11_BOX* pSrcBox) ID3D11DeviceContext::CopySubresourceRegion Copy a region from a source resource to a destination resource. The source box must be within the size of the source resource. The destination offsets, (x, y, and z) allow the source box to be offset when writing into the destination resource; however, the dimensions of the source box and the offsets must be within the size of the resource. If the resources are buffers, all coordinates are in bytes; if the resources are textures, all coordinates are in texels. {{D3D11CalcSubresource}} is a helper function for calculating subresource indexes. CopySubresourceRegion performs the copy on the GPU (similar to a memcpy by the CPU). As a consequence, the source and destination resources: Must be different subresources (although they can be from the same resource). Must be the same type. Must have compatible DXGI formats (identical or from the same type group). For example, a DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32B32_FLOAT texture can be copied to an DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32B32_UINT texture since both of these formats are in the DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32B32_TYPELESS group. May not be currently mapped. CopySubresourceRegion only supports copy; it does not support any stretch, color key, blend, or format conversions. An application that needs to copy an entire resource should use instead. CopySubresourceRegion is an asynchronous call which may be added to the command-buffer queue, this attempts to remove pipeline stalls that may occur when copying data. See performance considerations for more details. Note??If you use CopySubresourceRegion with a depth-stencil buffer or a multisampled resource, you must copy the whole subresource. In this situation, you must pass 0 to the DstX, DstY, and DstZ parameters and NULL to the pSrcBox parameter. In addition, source and destination resources, which are represented by the pSrcResource and pDstResource parameters, should have identical sample count values. Example The following code snippet copies a box (located at (120,100),(200,220)) from a source texture into a reqion (10,20),(90,140) in a destination texture. D3D11_BOX sourceRegion; sourceRegion.left = 120; sourceRegion.right = 200; = 100; sourceRegion.bottom = 220; sourceRegion.front = 0; sourceRegion.back = 1; pd3dDeviceContext->CopySubresourceRegion( pDestTexture, 0, 10, 20, 0, pSourceTexture, 0, &sourceRegion ); Notice, that for a 2D texture, front and back are set to 0 and 1 respectively. A reference to the source resource (see ). Source subresource index. A reference to a 3D box (see ) that defines the source subresources that can be copied. If NULL, the entire source subresource is copied. The box must fit within the source resource. A reference to the destination resource (see ). Destination subresource index. The x-coordinate of the upper left corner of the destination region. The y-coordinate of the upper left corner of the destination region. For a 1D subresource, this must be zero. The z-coordinate of the upper left corner of the destination region. For a 1D or 2D subresource, this must be zero. ff476394 void ID3D11DeviceContext::CopySubresourceRegion([In] ID3D11Resource* pDstResource,[In] unsigned int DstSubresource,[In] unsigned int DstX,[In] unsigned int DstY,[In] unsigned int DstZ,[In] ID3D11Resource* pSrcResource,[In] unsigned int SrcSubresource,[In, Optional] const D3D11_BOX* pSrcBox) ID3D11DeviceContext::CopySubresourceRegion Copy a multisampled resource into a non-multisampled resource. This API is most useful when re-using the resulting rendertarget of one render pass as an input to a second render pass. The source and destination resources must be the same resource type and have the same dimensions. In addition, they must have compatible formats. There are three scenarios for this: ScenarioRequirements Source and destination are prestructured and typedBoth the source and destination must have identical formats and that format must be specified in the Format parameter. One resource is prestructured and typed and the other is prestructured and typelessThe typed resource must have a format that is compatible with the typeless resource (i.e. the typed resource is DXGI_FORMAT_R32_FLOAT and the typeless resource is DXGI_FORMAT_R32_TYPELESS). The format of the typed resource must be specified in the Format parameter. Source and destination are prestructured and typelessBoth the source and desintation must have the same typeless format (i.e. both must have DXGI_FORMAT_R32_TYPELESS), and the Format parameter must specify a format that is compatible with the source and destination (i.e. if both are DXGI_FORMAT_R32_TYPELESS then DXGI_FORMAT_R32_FLOAT could be specified in the Format parameter). For example, given the DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_TYPELESS format: The source (or dest) format could be DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_UNORM The dest (or source) format could be DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_FLOAT ? Source resource. Must be multisampled. >The source subresource of the source resource. Destination resource. Must be a created with the flag and be single-sampled. See . A zero-based index, that identifies the destination subresource. Use {{D3D11CalcSubresource}} to calculate the index. A that indicates how the multisampled resource will be resolved to a single-sampled resource. See remarks. void ID3D11DeviceContext::ResolveSubresource([In] ID3D11Resource* pDstResource,[In] int DstSubresource,[In] ID3D11Resource* pSrcResource,[In] int SrcSubresource,[In] DXGI_FORMAT Format)

Copies data from a buffer holding variable length data.

Pointer to an of a Structured Buffer resource created with either or specified when the UAV was created. These types of resources have hidden counters tracking "how many" records have been written.

Pointer to . This can be any buffer resource that other copy commands, such as or , are able to write to.

Offset from the start of pDstBuffer to write 32-bit UINT structure (vertex) count from pSrcView.

ff476393 void ID3D11DeviceContext::CopyStructureCount([In] ID3D11Buffer* pDstBuffer,[In] unsigned int DstAlignedByteOffset,[In] ID3D11UnorderedAccessView* pSrcView) ID3D11DeviceContext::CopyStructureCount

Restore all default settings.

This method resets any device context to the default settings. This sets all input/output resource slots, shaders, input layouts, predications, scissor rectangles, depth-stencil state, rasterizer state, blend state, sampler state, and viewports to null. The primitive topology is set to UNDEFINED.

For a scenario where you would like to clear a list of commands recorded so far, call and throw away the resulting .

ff476389 void ID3D11DeviceContext::ClearState() ID3D11DeviceContext::ClearState

Draw indexed, non-instanced primitives.

Type of the primitive to draw.

Number of indices to draw.

The location of the first index read by the GPU from the index buffer.

A value added to each index before reading a vertex from the vertex buffer.

A draw API submits work to the rendering pipeline.

If the sum of both indices is negative, the result of the function call is undefined.

ff476409 void ID3D11DeviceContext::DrawIndexed([In] unsigned int IndexCount,[In] unsigned int StartIndexLocation,[In] int BaseVertexLocation) ID3D11DeviceContext::DrawIndexed

Draw non-indexed, non-instanced primitives.

Type of the primitive to draw.

Number of vertices to draw.

Index of the first vertex, which is usually an offset in a vertex buffer; it could also be used as the first vertex id generated for a shader parameter marked with the SV_TargetId system-value semantic.

A draw API submits work to the rendering pipeline.

The vertex data for a draw call normally comes from a vertex buffer that is bound to the pipeline. However, you could also provide the vertex data from a shader that has vertex data marked with the SV_VertexId system-value semantic.

ff476407 void ID3D11DeviceContext::Draw([In] unsigned int VertexCount,[In] unsigned int StartVertexLocation) ID3D11DeviceContext::Draw

Draw indexed, instanced primitives.

Type of the primitive to draw.

Number of indices read from the index buffer for each instance.

Number of instances to draw.

The location of the first index read by the GPU from the index buffer.

A value added to each index before reading a vertex from the vertex buffer.

A value added to each index before reading per-instance data from a vertex buffer.

A draw API submits work to the rendering pipeline.

Instancing may extend performance by reusing the same geometry to draw multiple objects in a scene. One example of instancing could be to draw the same object with different positions and colors. Indexing requires multiple vertex buffers: at least one for per-vertex data and a second buffer for per-instance data.

ff476410 void ID3D11DeviceContext::DrawIndexedInstanced([In] unsigned int IndexCountPerInstance,[In] unsigned int InstanceCount,[In] unsigned int StartIndexLocation,[In] int BaseVertexLocation,[In] unsigned int StartInstanceLocation) ID3D11DeviceContext::DrawIndexedInstanced

Draw non-indexed, instanced primitives.

Type of the primitive to draw.

Number of vertices to draw.

Number of instances to draw.

Index of the first vertex.

A value added to each index before reading per-instance data from a vertex buffer.

A draw API submits work to the rendering pipeline.

Instancing may extend performance by reusing the same geometry to draw multiple objects in a scene. One example of instancing could be to draw the same object with different positions and colors.

The vertex data for an instanced draw call normally comes from a vertex buffer that is bound to the pipeline. However, you could also provide the vertex data from a shader that has instanced data identified with a system-value semantic (SV_InstanceID).

ff476412 void ID3D11DeviceContext::DrawInstanced([In] unsigned int VertexCountPerInstance,[In] unsigned int InstanceCount,[In] unsigned int StartVertexLocation,[In] unsigned int StartInstanceLocation) ID3D11DeviceContext::DrawInstanced

Draw geometry of an unknown size.

Type of the primitive to draw.

A draw API submits work to the rendering pipeline. This API submits work of an unknown size that was processed by the input assembler, vertex shader, and stream-output stages; the work may or may not have gone through the geometry-shader stage.

After data has been streamed out to stream-output stage buffers, those buffers can be again bound to the Input Assembler stage at input slot 0 and DrawAuto will draw them without the application needing to know the amount of data that was written to the buffers. A measurement of the amount of data written to the SO stage buffers is maintained internally when the data is streamed out. This means that the CPU does not need to fetch the measurement before re-binding the data that was streamed as input data. Although this amount is tracked internally, it is still the responsibility of applications to use input layouts to describe the format of the data in the SO stage buffers so that the layouts are available when the buffers are again bound to the input assembler.

The following diagram shows the DrawAuto process.

Calling DrawAuto does not change the state of the streaming-output buffers that were bound again as inputs.

DrawAuto only works when drawing with one input buffer bound as an input to the IA stage at slot 0. Applications must create the SO buffer resource with both binding flags, and .

This API does not support indexing or instancing.

If an application needs to retrieve the size of the streaming-output buffer, it can query for statistics on streaming output by using .

ff476408 void ID3D11DeviceContext::DrawAuto() ID3D11DeviceContext::DrawAuto

Draw indexed, instanced, GPU-generated primitives.

Type of the primitive to draw.

A reference to an , which is a buffer containing the GPU generated primitives.

Offset in pBufferForArgs to the start of the GPU generated primitives.

When an application creates a buffer that is associated with the interface that pBufferForArgs points to, the application must set the flag in the MiscFlags member of the structure that describes the buffer. To create the buffer, the application calls the method and in this call passes a reference to in the pDesc parameter.

ff476411 void ID3D11DeviceContext::DrawIndexedInstancedIndirect([In] ID3D11Buffer* pBufferForArgs,[In] unsigned int AlignedByteOffsetForArgs) ID3D11DeviceContext::DrawIndexedInstancedIndirect

Draw instanced, GPU-generated primitives.

Type of the primitive to draw.

A reference to an , which is a buffer containing the GPU generated primitives.

Offset in pBufferForArgs to the start of the GPU generated primitives.

When an application creates a buffer that is associated with the interface that pBufferForArgs points to, the application must set the flag in the MiscFlags member of the structure that describes the buffer. To create the buffer, the application calls the method and in this call passes a reference to in the pDesc parameter.

ff476413 void ID3D11DeviceContext::DrawInstancedIndirect([In] ID3D11Buffer* pBufferForArgs,[In] unsigned int AlignedByteOffsetForArgs) ID3D11DeviceContext::DrawInstancedIndirect
Draws a fullscreen quad. An effect with at least a pixel shader (with the expected signature - float2:TEXCOORD) must have been applied before using this method. Draws a fullscreen quad. An effect with at least a pixel shader (with the expected signature - float2:TEXCOORD) must have been applied before using this method. The tranform. Draws a fullscreen quad with the specified effect (with the expected signature - float2:TEXCOORD) The effect. Draws a fullscreen quad with the specified effect (with the expected signature - float2:TEXCOORD) The effect. The transform. Draws a fullscreen quad with the specified effect (with the expected signature - float2:TEXCOORD) The effect. The transform. Draws a fullscreen quad with the specified effect pass (with the expected signature - float2:TEXCOORD) The effect pass. Draws a fullscreen quad with the specified effect pass (with the expected signature - float2:TEXCOORD) The effect pass. The transform. Draws a fullscreen quad with the specified effect pass (with the expected signature - float2:TEXCOORD) The effect pass. The transform.

Execute a command list from a thread group.

The number of groups dispatched in the x direction. ThreadGroupCountX must be less than (65535).

The number of groups dispatched in the y direction. ThreadGroupCountY must be less than (65535).

The number of groups dispatched in the z direction. ThreadGroupCountZ must be less than (65535). In feature level 10 the value for ThreadGroupCountZ must be 1.

You call the Dispatch method to execute commands in a compute shader. A compute shader can be run on many threads in parallel, within a thread group. Index a particular thread, within a thread group using a 3D vector given by (x,y,z).

In the following illustration, assume a thread group with 50 threads where the size of the group is given by (5,5,2). A single thread is identified from a thread group with 50 threads in it, using the vector (4,1,1).

The following illustration shows the relationship between the parameters passed to , Dispatch(5,3,2), the values specified in the numthreads attribute, numthreads(10,8,3), and values that will passed to the compute shader for the thread-related system values (SV_GroupIndex,SV_DispatchThreadID,SV_GroupThreadID,SV_GroupID).

ff476405 void ID3D11DeviceContext::Dispatch([In] unsigned int ThreadGroupCountX,[In] unsigned int ThreadGroupCountY,[In] unsigned int ThreadGroupCountZ) ID3D11DeviceContext::Dispatch

Execute a command list over one or more thread groups.

A reference to an , which must be loaded with data that matches the argument list for .

A byte-aligned offset between the start of the buffer and the arguments.

You call the DispatchIndirect method to execute commands in a compute shader.

When an application creates a buffer that is associated with the interface that pBufferForArgs points to, the application must set the flag in the MiscFlags member of the structure that describes the buffer. To create the buffer, the application calls the method and in this call passes a reference to in the pDesc parameter.

ff476406 void ID3D11DeviceContext::DispatchIndirect([In] ID3D11Buffer* pBufferForArgs,[In] unsigned int AlignedByteOffsetForArgs) ID3D11DeviceContext::DispatchIndirect

Sends queued-up commands in the command buffer to the graphics processing unit (GPU).

Most applications don't need to call this method. If an application calls this method when not necessary, it incurs a performance penalty. Each call to Flush incurs a significant amount of overhead.

When Microsoft Direct3D state-setting, present, or draw commands are called by an application, those commands are queued into an internal command buffer. Flush sends those commands to the GPU for processing. Typically, the Direct3D runtime sends these commands to the GPU automatically whenever the runtime determines that they need to be sent, such as when the command buffer is full or when an application maps a resource. Flush sends the commands manually.

We recommend that you use Flush when the CPU waits for an arbitrary amount of time (such as when you call the Sleep function).

Because Flush operates asynchronously, it can return either before or after the GPU finishes executing the queued graphics commands. However, the graphics commands eventually always complete. You can call the method with the value to create an event query; you can then use that event query in a call to the method to determine when the GPU is finished processing the graphics commands.

Microsoft Direct3D?11 defers the destruction of objects. Therefore, an application can't rely upon objects immediately being destroyed. By calling Flush, you destroy any objects whose destruction was deferred. If an application requires synchronous destruction of an object, we recommend that the application release all its references, call , and then call Flush.

Deferred Destruction Issues with Flip Presentation Swap Chains

Direct3D?11 defers the destruction of objects like views and resources until it can efficiently destroy them. This deferred destruction can cause problems with flip presentation model swap chains. Flip presentation model swap chains have the DXGI_SWAP_EFFECT_FLIP_SEQUENTIAL flag set. When you create a flip presentation model swap chain, you can associate only one swap chain at a time with an , IWindow, or composition surface. If an application attempts to destroy a flip presentation model swap chain and replace it with another swap chain, the original swap chain is not destroyed when the application immediately frees all of the original swap chain's references.

Most applications typically use the method for the majority of scenarios where they replace new swap chain buffers for old swap chain buffers. However, if an application must actually destroy an old swap chain and create a new swap chain, the application must force the destruction of all objects that the application freed. To force the destruction, call (or otherwise ensure no views are bound to pipeline state), and then call Flush on the immediate context. You must force destruction before you call IDXGIFactory2::CreateSwapChainForHwnd, IDXGIFactory2::CreateSwapChainForImmersiveWindow, or IDXGIFactory2::CreateSwapChainForCompositionSurface again to create a new swap chain.

ff476425 void ID3D11DeviceContext::Flush() ID3D11DeviceContext::Flush
Creates a new from an existing . An existing device. A new instance of Creates a new using . The flags. The feature levels. A new instance of Creates a new . The type. The flags. The feature levels. A new instance of Creates a new . The graphics adapter to use. The flags. The feature levels. A new instance of Creates a new deferred . A deferred

Set the blend state of the output-merger stage.

Pointer to a blend-state interface (see ). Passing in null implies a default blend state. See remarks for further details.

Blend state is used by the output-merger stage to determine how to blend together two pixel values. The two values are commonly the current pixel value and the pixel value already in the output render target. Use the blend operation to control where the two pixel values come from and how they are mathematically combined.

To create a blend-state interface, call .

Passing in null for the blend-state interface indicates to the runtime to set a default blending state. The following table indicates the default blending parameters.

StateDefault Value


A sample mask determines which samples get updated in all the active render targets. The mapping of bits in a sample mask to samples in a multisample render target is the responsibility of an individual application. A sample mask is always applied; it is independent of whether multisampling is enabled, and does not depend on whether an application uses multisample render targets.

The method will hold a reference to the interfaces passed in. This differs from the device state behavior in Direct3D 10.

ff476462 void ID3D11DeviceContext::OMSetBlendState([In, Optional] ID3D11BlendState* pBlendState,[In, Optional] const SHARPDX_COLOR4* BlendFactor,[In] unsigned int SampleMask) ID3D11DeviceContext::OMSetBlendState

Set the blend state of the output-merger stage.

Pointer to a blend-state interface (see ). Passing in null implies a default blend state. See remarks for further details.

Array of blend factors, one for each RGBA component. This requires a blend state object that specifies the option.

32-bit sample coverage. The default value is 0xffffffff. See remarks.

Blend state is used by the output-merger stage to determine how to blend together two pixel values. The two values are commonly the current pixel value and the pixel value already in the output render target. Use the blend operation to control where the two pixel values come from and how they are mathematically combined.

To create a blend-state interface, call .

Passing in null for the blend-state interface indicates to the runtime to set a default blending state. The following table indicates the default blending parameters.

StateDefault Value


A sample mask determines which samples get updated in all the active render targets. The mapping of bits in a sample mask to samples in a multisample render target is the responsibility of an individual application. A sample mask is always applied; it is independent of whether multisampling is enabled, and does not depend on whether an application uses multisample render targets.

The method will hold a reference to the interfaces passed in. This differs from the device state behavior in Direct3D 10.

ff476462 void ID3D11DeviceContext::OMSetBlendState([In, Optional] ID3D11BlendState* pBlendState,[In, Optional] const SHARPDX_COLOR4* BlendFactor,[In] unsigned int SampleMask) ID3D11DeviceContext::OMSetBlendState

Set the blend state of the output-merger stage.

Pointer to a blend-state interface (see ). Passing in null implies a default blend state. See remarks for further details.

Array of blend factors, one for each RGBA component. This requires a blend state object that specifies the option.

32-bit sample coverage. The default value is 0xffffffff. See remarks.

Blend state is used by the output-merger stage to determine how to blend together two pixel values. The two values are commonly the current pixel value and the pixel value already in the output render target. Use the blend operation to control where the two pixel values come from and how they are mathematically combined.

To create a blend-state interface, call .

Passing in null for the blend-state interface indicates to the runtime to set a default blending state. The following table indicates the default blending parameters.

StateDefault Value


A sample mask determines which samples get updated in all the active render targets. The mapping of bits in a sample mask to samples in a multisample render target is the responsibility of an individual application. A sample mask is always applied; it is independent of whether multisampling is enabled, and does not depend on whether an application uses multisample render targets.

The method will hold a reference to the interfaces passed in. This differs from the device state behavior in Direct3D 10.

ff476462 void ID3D11DeviceContext::OMSetBlendState([In, Optional] ID3D11BlendState* pBlendState,[In, Optional] const SHARPDX_COLOR4* BlendFactor,[In] unsigned int SampleMask) ID3D11DeviceContext::OMSetBlendState
Sets the depth-stencil state of the output-merger stage.

Pointer to a depth-stencil state interface (see ) to bind to the device. Set this to null to use the default state listed in .

Reference value to perform against when doing a depth-stencil test. See remarks.

To create a depth-stencil state interface, call .

The method will hold a reference to the interfaces passed in. This differs from the device state behavior in Direct3D 10.

ff476463 void ID3D11DeviceContext::OMSetDepthStencilState([In, Optional] ID3D11DepthStencilState* pDepthStencilState,[In] unsigned int StencilRef) ID3D11DeviceContext::OMSetDepthStencilState

Set the rasterizer state for the rasterizer stage of the pipeline.

The rasterizser state to set on this device. ff476479 void ID3D11DeviceContext::RSSetState([In, Optional] ID3D11RasterizerState* pRasterizerState) ID3D11DeviceContext::RSSetState
Binds a single scissor rectangle to the rasterizer stage. The left. The top. The right. The bottom.

All scissor rects must be set atomically as one operation. Any scissor rects not defined by the call are disabled.

The scissor rectangles will only be used if ScissorEnable is set to true in the rasterizer state (see ).

Which scissor rectangle to use is determined by the SV_ViewportArrayIndex semantic output by a geometry shader (see shader semantic syntax). If a geometry shader does not make use of the SV_ViewportArrayIndex semantic then Direct3D will use the first scissor rectangle in the array.

Each scissor rectangle in the array corresponds to a viewport in an array of viewports (see ).

ff476478 void ID3D11DeviceContext::RSSetScissorRects([In] unsigned int NumRects,[In, Buffer, Optional] const void* pRects) ID3D11DeviceContext::RSSetScissorRects
Binds a set of scissor rectangles to the rasterizer stage. The set of scissor rectangles to bind.

All scissor rects must be set atomically as one operation. Any scissor rects not defined by the call are disabled.

The scissor rectangles will only be used if ScissorEnable is set to true in the rasterizer state (see ).

Which scissor rectangle to use is determined by the SV_ViewportArrayIndex semantic output by a geometry shader (see shader semantic syntax). If a geometry shader does not make use of the SV_ViewportArrayIndex semantic then Direct3D will use the first scissor rectangle in the array.

Each scissor rectangle in the array corresponds to a viewport in an array of viewports (see ).

ff476478 void ID3D11DeviceContext::RSSetScissorRects([In] unsigned int NumRects,[In, Buffer, Optional] const void* pRects) ID3D11DeviceContext::RSSetScissorRects
Gets the viewport. The index. Returns a viewport bind on a specified mulrendertarget Binds a single viewport to the rasterizer stage. The x coord of the viewport. The x coord of the viewport. The width. The height. The min Z. The max Z.

All viewports must be set atomically as one operation. Any viewports not defined by the call are disabled.

Which viewport to use is determined by the SV_ViewportArrayIndex semantic output by a geometry shader; if a geometry shader does not specify the semantic, Direct3D will use the first viewport in the array.

ff476480 void ID3D11DeviceContext::RSSetViewports([In] unsigned int NumViewports,[In, Buffer, Optional] const void* pViewports) ID3D11DeviceContext::RSSetViewports
Binds a single viewport to the rasterizer stage. The viewport.

All viewports must be set atomically as one operation. Any viewports not defined by the call are disabled.

Which viewport to use is determined by the SV_ViewportArrayIndex semantic output by a geometry shader; if a geometry shader does not specify the semantic, Direct3D will use the first viewport in the array.

ff476480 void ID3D11DeviceContext::RSSetViewports([In] unsigned int NumViewports,[In, Buffer, Optional] const void* pViewports) ID3D11DeviceContext::RSSetViewports
Binds a set of viewports to the rasterizer stage. The set of viewports to bind.

All viewports must be set atomically as one operation. Any viewports not defined by the call are disabled.

Which viewport to use is determined by the SV_ViewportArrayIndex semantic output by a geometry shader; if a geometry shader does not specify the semantic, Direct3D will use the first viewport in the array.

ff476480 void ID3D11DeviceContext::RSSetViewports([In] unsigned int NumViewports,[In, Buffer, Optional] const void* pViewports) ID3D11DeviceContext::RSSetViewports
Unbinds all depth-stencil buffer and render targets from the output-merger stage. ff476464 void ID3D11DeviceContext::OMSetRenderTargets([In] unsigned int NumViews,[In] const void** ppRenderTargetViews,[In, Optional] ID3D11DepthStencilView* pDepthStencilView) ID3D11DeviceContext::OMSetRenderTargets

Bind one or more render targets atomically and the depth-stencil buffer to the output-merger stage.

A set of render target views to bind.

The maximum number of active render targets a device can have active at any given time is set by a #define in D3D11.h called D3D11_SIMULTANEOUS_RENDER_TARGET_COUNT. It is invalid to try to set the same subresource to multiple render target slots. Any render targets not defined by this call are set to null.

If any subresources are also currently bound for reading in a different stage or writing (perhaps in a different part of the pipeline), those bind points will be set to null, in order to prevent the same subresource from being read and written simultaneously in a single rendering operation.

The method will hold a reference to the interfaces passed in. This differs from the device state behavior in Direct3D 10.

If the render-target views were created from an array resource type, then all of the render-target views must have the same array size. This restriction also applies to the depth-stencil view, its array size must match that of the render-target views being bound.

The pixel shader must be able to simultaneously render to at least eight separate render targets. All of these render targets must access the same type of resource: Buffer, Texture1D, Texture1DArray, Texture2D, Texture2DArray, Texture3D, or TextureCube. All render targets must have the same size in all dimensions (width and height, and depth for 3D or array size for *Array types). If render targets use multisample anti-aliasing, all bound render targets and depth buffer must be the same form of multisample resource (that is, the sample counts must be the same). Each render target can have a different data format. These render target formats are not required to have identical bit-per-element counts.

Any combination of the eight slots for render targets can have a render target set or not set.

The same resource view cannot be bound to multiple render target slots simultaneously. However, you can set multiple non-overlapping resource views of a single resource as simultaneous multiple render targets.

ff476464 void ID3D11DeviceContext::OMSetRenderTargets([In] unsigned int NumViews,[In] const void** ppRenderTargetViews,[In, Optional] ID3D11DepthStencilView* pDepthStencilView) ID3D11DeviceContext::OMSetRenderTargets
Binds a single render target to the output-merger stage. A view of the render target to bind.

The maximum number of active render targets a device can have active at any given time is set by a #define in D3D11.h called D3D11_SIMULTANEOUS_RENDER_TARGET_COUNT. It is invalid to try to set the same subresource to multiple render target slots. Any render targets not defined by this call are set to null.

If any subresources are also currently bound for reading in a different stage or writing (perhaps in a different part of the pipeline), those bind points will be set to null, in order to prevent the same subresource from being read and written simultaneously in a single rendering operation.

The method will hold a reference to the interfaces passed in. This differs from the device state behavior in Direct3D 10.

If the render-target views were created from an array resource type, then all of the render-target views must have the same array size. This restriction also applies to the depth-stencil view, its array size must match that of the render-target views being bound.

The pixel shader must be able to simultaneously render to at least eight separate render targets. All of these render targets must access the same type of resource: Buffer, Texture1D, Texture1DArray, Texture2D, Texture2DArray, Texture3D, or TextureCube. All render targets must have the same size in all dimensions (width and height, and depth for 3D or array size for *Array types). If render targets use multisample anti-aliasing, all bound render targets and depth buffer must be the same form of multisample resource (that is, the sample counts must be the same). Each render target can have a different data format. These render target formats are not required to have identical bit-per-element counts.

Any combination of the eight slots for render targets can have a render target set or not set.

The same resource view cannot be bound to multiple render target slots simultaneously. However, you can set multiple non-overlapping resource views of a single resource as simultaneous multiple render targets.

ff476464 void ID3D11DeviceContext::OMSetRenderTargets([In] unsigned int NumViews,[In] const void** ppRenderTargetViews,[In, Optional] ID3D11DepthStencilView* pDepthStencilView) ID3D11DeviceContext::OMSetRenderTargets
Binds a depth-stencil buffer and a set of render targets to the output-merger stage. A view of the depth-stencil buffer to bind. A set of render target views to bind.

The maximum number of active render targets a device can have active at any given time is set by a #define in D3D11.h called D3D11_SIMULTANEOUS_RENDER_TARGET_COUNT. It is invalid to try to set the same subresource to multiple render target slots. Any render targets not defined by this call are set to null.

If any subresources are also currently bound for reading in a different stage or writing (perhaps in a different part of the pipeline), those bind points will be set to null, in order to prevent the same subresource from being read and written simultaneously in a single rendering operation.

The method will hold a reference to the interfaces passed in. This differs from the device state behavior in Direct3D 10.

If the render-target views were created from an array resource type, then all of the render-target views must have the same array size. This restriction also applies to the depth-stencil view, its array size must match that of the render-target views being bound.

The pixel shader must be able to simultaneously render to at least eight separate render targets. All of these render targets must access the same type of resource: Buffer, Texture1D, Texture1DArray, Texture2D, Texture2DArray, Texture3D, or TextureCube. All render targets must have the same size in all dimensions (width and height, and depth for 3D or array size for *Array types). If render targets use multisample anti-aliasing, all bound render targets and depth buffer must be the same form of multisample resource (that is, the sample counts must be the same). Each render target can have a different data format. These render target formats are not required to have identical bit-per-element counts.

Any combination of the eight slots for render targets can have a render target set or not set.

The same resource view cannot be bound to multiple render target slots simultaneously. However, you can set multiple non-overlapping resource views of a single resource as simultaneous multiple render targets.

ff476464 void ID3D11DeviceContext::OMSetRenderTargets([In] unsigned int NumViews,[In] const void** ppRenderTargetViews,[In, Optional] ID3D11DepthStencilView* pDepthStencilView) ID3D11DeviceContext::OMSetRenderTargets
Binds a depth-stencil buffer and a single render target to the output-merger stage. A view of the depth-stencil buffer to bind. A view of the render target to bind.

The maximum number of active render targets a device can have active at any given time is set by a #define in D3D11.h called D3D11_SIMULTANEOUS_RENDER_TARGET_COUNT. It is invalid to try to set the same subresource to multiple render target slots. Any render targets not defined by this call are set to null.

If any subresources are also currently bound for reading in a different stage or writing (perhaps in a different part of the pipeline), those bind points will be set to null, in order to prevent the same subresource from being read and written simultaneously in a single rendering operation.

The method will hold a reference to the interfaces passed in. This differs from the device state behavior in Direct3D 10.

If the render-target views were created from an array resource type, then all of the render-target views must have the same array size. This restriction also applies to the depth-stencil view, its array size must match that of the render-target views being bound.

The pixel shader must be able to simultaneously render to at least eight separate render targets. All of these render targets must access the same type of resource: Buffer, Texture1D, Texture1DArray, Texture2D, Texture2DArray, Texture3D, or TextureCube. All render targets must have the same size in all dimensions (width and height, and depth for 3D or array size for *Array types). If render targets use multisample anti-aliasing, all bound render targets and depth buffer must be the same form of multisample resource (that is, the sample counts must be the same). Each render target can have a different data format. These render target formats are not required to have identical bit-per-element counts.

Any combination of the eight slots for render targets can have a render target set or not set.

The same resource view cannot be bound to multiple render target slots simultaneously. However, you can set multiple non-overlapping resource views of a single resource as simultaneous multiple render targets.

ff476464 void ID3D11DeviceContext::OMSetRenderTargets([In] unsigned int NumViews,[In] const void** ppRenderTargetViews,[In, Optional] ID3D11DepthStencilView* pDepthStencilView) ID3D11DeviceContext::OMSetRenderTargets

Bind an index buffer to the input-assembler stage.

A reference to an object, that contains indices. The index buffer must have been created with the flag.

Set to true if indices are 32-bit values (integer size) or false if they are 16-bit values (short size) Offset (in bytes) from the start of the index buffer to the first index to use. Default to 0

For information about creating index buffers, see How to: Create an Index Buffer.

Calling this method using a buffer that is currently bound for writing (i.e. bound to the stream output pipeline stage) will effectively bind null instead because a buffer cannot be bound as both an input and an output at the same time.

The debug layer will generate a warning whenever a resource is prevented from being bound simultaneously as an input and an output, but this will not prevent invalid data from being used by the runtime.

The method will hold a reference to the interfaces passed in. This differs from the device state behavior in Direct3D 10.

ff476453 void ID3D11DeviceContext::IASetIndexBuffer([In, Optional] ID3D11Buffer* pIndexBuffer,[In] DXGI_FORMAT Format,[In] unsigned int Offset) ID3D11DeviceContext::IASetIndexBuffer
Sets the vertex input layout. The input layout. ff476454 void ID3D11DeviceContext::IASetInputLayout([In, Optional] ID3D11InputLayout* pInputLayout) ID3D11DeviceContext::IASetInputLayout Bind a vertex buffer on the slot #0 of the input-assembler stage. The vertex buffer to bind to this slot. This vertex buffer must have been created with the flag. The index is the number of vertex element between the first element of a vertex buffer and the first element that will be used.

For information about creating vertex buffers, see Create a Vertex Buffer.

Calling this method using a buffer that is currently bound for writing (i.e. bound to the stream output pipeline stage) will effectively bind null instead because a buffer cannot be bound as both an input and an output at the same time.

The debug layer will generate a warning whenever a resource is prevented from being bound simultaneously as an input and an output, but this will not prevent invalid data from being used by the runtime.

The method will hold a reference to the interfaces passed in. This differs from the device state behavior in Direct3D 10.

ff476456 void ID3D11DeviceContext::IASetVertexBuffers([In] unsigned int StartSlot,[In] unsigned int NumBuffers,[In, Buffer] const void* ppVertexBuffers,[In, Buffer] const void* pStrides,[In, Buffer] const void* pOffsets) ID3D11DeviceContext::IASetVertexBuffers
Bind a verte buffer to the input-assembler stage. The first input slot for binding. The vertex buffer to bind to this slot. This vertex buffer must have been created with the flag. The index is the number of vertex element between the first element of a vertex buffer and the first element that will be used.

For information about creating vertex buffers, see Create a Vertex Buffer.

Calling this method using a buffer that is currently bound for writing (i.e. bound to the stream output pipeline stage) will effectively bind null instead because a buffer cannot be bound as both an input and an output at the same time.

The debug layer will generate a warning whenever a resource is prevented from being bound simultaneously as an input and an output, but this will not prevent invalid data from being used by the runtime.

The method will hold a reference to the interfaces passed in. This differs from the device state behavior in Direct3D 10.

ff476456 void ID3D11DeviceContext::IASetVertexBuffers([In] unsigned int StartSlot,[In] unsigned int NumBuffers,[In, Buffer] const void* ppVertexBuffers,[In, Buffer] const void* pStrides,[In, Buffer] const void* pOffsets) ID3D11DeviceContext::IASetVertexBuffers

Bind a verte buffer to the input-assembler stage.

The first input slot for binding. The vertex buffer to bind to this slot. This vertex buffer must have been created with the flag. The vertexStride is the size (in bytes) of the elements that are to be used from that vertex buffer. The offset is the number of bytes between the first element of a vertex buffer and the first element that will be used.

For information about creating vertex buffers, see Create a Vertex Buffer.

Calling this method using a buffer that is currently bound for writing (i.e. bound to the stream output pipeline stage) will effectively bind null instead because a buffer cannot be bound as both an input and an output at the same time.

The debug layer will generate a warning whenever a resource is prevented from being bound simultaneously as an input and an output, but this will not prevent invalid data from being used by the runtime.

The method will hold a reference to the interfaces passed in. This differs from the device state behavior in Direct3D 10.

ff476456 void ID3D11DeviceContext::IASetVertexBuffers([In] unsigned int StartSlot,[In] unsigned int NumBuffers,[In, Buffer] const void* ppVertexBuffers,[In, Buffer] const void* pStrides,[In, Buffer] const void* pOffsets) ID3D11DeviceContext::IASetVertexBuffers
Resets all vertex buffers bounded to a slot range. By default, It clears all the bounded buffers. See remarks. This is sometimes required to unding explicitly vertex buffers bounding to the input shader assembly, when a vertex buffer is used as the output of the pipeline. ff476456 void ID3D11DeviceContext::IASetVertexBuffers([In] unsigned int StartSlot,[In] unsigned int NumBuffers,[In, Buffer] const void* ppVertexBuffers,[In, Buffer] const void* pStrides,[In, Buffer] const void* pOffsets) ID3D11DeviceContext::IASetVertexBuffers Presents the Backbuffer to the screen. This method is only working if a is set on this device using property. bb174576 HRESULT IDXGISwapChain::Present([In] unsigned int SyncInterval,[In] DXGI_PRESENT_FLAGS Flags) IDXGISwapChain::Present Gets a shared data for this device context with a delegate to create the shared data if it is not present. Type of the shared data to get/create. Type of the data to share. The key of the shared data. The shared data creator. An instance of the shared data. The shared data will be disposed by this instance. Gets or create an input signature manager for a particular signature. The signature bytecode. The signature hashcode. Gets the back buffer sets by the current setup on this device. The back buffer. The returned value may be null if no are setup on this device. Gets the depth stencil buffer sets by the current setup on this device. The depth stencil buffer. The returned value may be null if no are setup on this device or no depth buffer was allocated. Gets or sets the current presenter use by the method. The current presenter. Occurs when the device is going to be lost (for example before a reset). Occurs when a device is reset and an application needs to recreate all dependent resources. Occurs when a device is resetting. Gets the status of this device. Gets the main viewport. The main viewport. A delegate called to create shareable data. See remarks. Type of the data to create. A new instance of the data to share. Because this method is being called from a lock region, this method should not be time consuming. Interface used to write to an arbitrary pixel data structure. Gets the associated . Gets or sets the color on this pixel data as a HDR (128 bit, 4 x floats) . Gets or sets the color on this pixel data as a LDR (32 bit, 1 x int) . Provides typed structure to read and write to some . Pixel format associated to . Pixel format associated to . Pixel format associated to . Pixel format associated to . Pixel format associated to . Pixel format associated to . PixelFormat is equivalent to . This structure is implicitly castable to and from , you can use it inplace where is required and vice-versa. Usage is slightly different from , as you have to select the type of the pixel format first (, ...etc) and then access the available pixel formats for this type. Example: PixelFormat.UNorm.R8. bb173059 DXGI_FORMAT DXGI_FORMAT Gets the value as a enum. Internal constructor. A RenderTarget2D frontend to . This class instantiates a with the binding flags . This class is also castable to . RenderTargetView casting operator. Source for the. Creates a new from a . The . The description. A new instance of class. ff476521 HRESULT ID3D11Device::CreateTexture2D([In] const D3D11_TEXTURE2D_DESC* pDesc,[In, Buffer, Optional] const D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA* pInitialData,[Out, Fast] ID3D11Texture2D** ppTexture2D) ID3D11Device::CreateTexture2D Creates a new from a . The . The native texture . A new instance of class. ff476521 HRESULT ID3D11Device::CreateTexture2D([In] const D3D11_TEXTURE2D_DESC* pDesc,[In, Buffer, Optional] const D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA* pInitialData,[Out, Fast] ID3D11Texture2D** ppTexture2D) ID3D11Device::CreateTexture2D Creates a new from a . The . The native texture . A new instance of class. ff476521 HRESULT ID3D11Device::CreateTexture2D([In] const D3D11_TEXTURE2D_DESC* pDesc,[In, Buffer, Optional] const D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA* pInitialData,[Out, Fast] ID3D11Texture2D** ppTexture2D) ID3D11Device::CreateTexture2D Creates a new with a single mipmap. The . The width. The height. Describes the format to use. Sets the texture flags (for unordered access...etc.) Size of the texture 2D array, default to 1. A new instance of class. ff476521 HRESULT ID3D11Device::CreateTexture2D([In] const D3D11_TEXTURE2D_DESC* pDesc,[In, Buffer, Optional] const D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA* pInitialData,[Out, Fast] ID3D11Texture2D** ppTexture2D) ID3D11Device::CreateTexture2D Creates a new . The . The width. The height. Number of mipmaps, set to true to have all mipmaps, set to an int >=1 for a particular mipmap count. Describes the format to use. Sets the texture flags (for unordered access...etc.) Size of the texture 2D array, default to 1. A new instance of class. ff476521 HRESULT ID3D11Device::CreateTexture2D([In] const D3D11_TEXTURE2D_DESC* pDesc,[In, Buffer, Optional] const D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA* pInitialData,[Out, Fast] ID3D11Texture2D** ppTexture2D) ID3D11Device::CreateTexture2D Creates a new using multisampling. The . The width. The height. Describes the format to use. Size of the texture 2D array, default to 1. The multisample count. A new instance of class. ff476521 HRESULT ID3D11Device::CreateTexture2D([In] const D3D11_TEXTURE2D_DESC* pDesc,[In, Buffer, Optional] const D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA* pInitialData,[Out, Fast] ID3D11Texture2D** ppTexture2D) ID3D11Device::CreateTexture2D A TextureCube frontend to . Makes a copy of this texture. This method doesn't copy the content of the texture. A copy of this texture. Creates a new texture from a . The . The description. A new instance of class. ff476521 HRESULT ID3D11Device::CreateTexture2D([In] const D3D11_TEXTURE2D_DESC* pDesc,[In, Buffer, Optional] const D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA* pInitialData,[Out, Fast] ID3D11Texture2D** ppTexture2D) ID3D11Device::CreateTexture2D Creates a new texture from a . The . The native texture . A new instance of class. ff476521 HRESULT ID3D11Device::CreateTexture2D([In] const D3D11_TEXTURE2D_DESC* pDesc,[In, Buffer, Optional] const D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA* pInitialData,[Out, Fast] ID3D11Texture2D** ppTexture2D) ID3D11Device::CreateTexture2D Creates a new . The . The size (in pixels) of the top-level faces of the cube texture. Describes the format to use. The usage. Sets the texture flags (for unordered access...etc.) A new instance of class. ff476521 HRESULT ID3D11Device::CreateTexture2D([In] const D3D11_TEXTURE2D_DESC* pDesc,[In, Buffer, Optional] const D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA* pInitialData,[Out, Fast] ID3D11Texture2D** ppTexture2D) ID3D11Device::CreateTexture2D Creates a new . The . The size (in pixels) of the top-level faces of the cube texture. Number of mipmaps, set to true to have all mipmaps, set to an int >=1 for a particular mipmap count. Describes the format to use. The usage. Sets the texture flags (for unordered access...etc.) A new instance of class. ff476521 HRESULT ID3D11Device::CreateTexture2D([In] const D3D11_TEXTURE2D_DESC* pDesc,[In, Buffer, Optional] const D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA* pInitialData,[Out, Fast] ID3D11Texture2D** ppTexture2D) ID3D11Device::CreateTexture2D Creates a new from a initial data.. Type of a pixel data The . The size (in pixels) of the top-level faces of the cube texture. Describes the format to use. The usage. Sets the texture flags (for unordered access...etc.) an array of 6 textures. See remarks A new instance of class. ff476521 HRESULT ID3D11Device::CreateTexture2D([In] const D3D11_TEXTURE2D_DESC* pDesc,[In, Buffer, Optional] const D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA* pInitialData,[Out, Fast] ID3D11Texture2D** ppTexture2D) ID3D11Device::CreateTexture2D The first dimension of mipMapTextures describes the number of array (TextureCube Array), the second is the texture data for a particular cube face. Creates a new from a initial data.. The . The size (in pixels) of the top-level faces of the cube texture. Describes the format to use. The usage. Sets the texture flags (for unordered access...etc.) an array of 6 textures. See remarks A new instance of class. ff476521 HRESULT ID3D11Device::CreateTexture2D([In] const D3D11_TEXTURE2D_DESC* pDesc,[In, Buffer, Optional] const D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA* pInitialData,[Out, Fast] ID3D11Texture2D** ppTexture2D) ID3D11Device::CreateTexture2D The first dimension of mipMapTextures describes the number of array (TextureCube Array), the second is the texture data for a particular cube face. Creates a new directly from an . The . An image in CPU memory. Sets the texture flags (for unordered access...etc.) The usage. A new instance of class. ff476521 HRESULT ID3D11Device::CreateTexture2D([In] const D3D11_TEXTURE2D_DESC* pDesc,[In, Buffer, Optional] const D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA* pInitialData,[Out, Fast] ID3D11Texture2D** ppTexture2D) ID3D11Device::CreateTexture2D Loads a Cube texture from a stream. The . The stream to load the texture from. Sets the texture flags (for unordered access...etc.) Usage of the resource. Default is If the texture is not of type Cube A texture Loads a Cube texture from a stream. The . The file to load the texture from. Sets the texture flags (for unordered access...etc.) Usage of the resource. Default is If the texture is not of type Cube A texture A Common description for all textures. This class exposes the union of all fields exposed by fields in , , . It provides also 2-way implicit conversions for 1D, 2D, 3D textures descriptions. The dimension of a texture.

Texture width (in texels). The range is from 1 to (16384). However, the range is actually constrained by the feature level at which you create the rendering device. For more information about restrictions, see Remarks.

This field is valid for all textures: , , and . ff476252 unsigned int Width unsigned int Width

Texture height (in texels). The range is from 1 to (2048). However, the range is actually constrained by the feature level at which you create the rendering device. For more information about restrictions, see Remarks.

This field is only valid for , and . ff476254 unsigned int Height unsigned int Height

Texture depth (in texels). The range is from 1 to (2048). However, the range is actually constrained by the feature level at which you create the rendering device. For more information about restrictions, see Remarks.

This field is only valid for . ff476254 unsigned int Depth unsigned int Depth

Number of textures in the array. The range is from 1 to (2048). However, the range is actually constrained by the feature level at which you create the rendering device. For more information about restrictions, see Remarks.

This field is only valid for , and This field is only valid for textures: , and . ff476252 unsigned int ArraySize unsigned int ArraySize

The maximum number of mipmap levels in the texture. See the remarks in . Use 1 for a multisampled texture; or 0 to generate a full set of subtextures.

ff476252 unsigned int MipLevels unsigned int MipLevels

Texture format (see ).

ff476252 DXGI_FORMAT Format DXGI_FORMAT Format

Structure that specifies multisampling parameters for the texture. See .

This field is only valid for . ff476253 DXGI_SAMPLE_DESC SampleDesc DXGI_SAMPLE_DESC SampleDesc

Value that identifies how the texture is to be read from and written to. The most common value is ; see for all possible values.

ff476252 D3D11_USAGE Usage D3D11_USAGE Usage

Flags (see ) for binding to pipeline stages. The flags can be combined by a logical OR. For a 1D texture, the allowable values are: , and .

ff476252 D3D11_BIND_FLAG BindFlags D3D11_BIND_FLAG BindFlags

Flags (see ) to specify the types of CPU access allowed. Use 0 if CPU access is not required. These flags can be combined with a logical OR.

ff476252 D3D11_CPU_ACCESS_FLAG CPUAccessFlags D3D11_CPU_ACCESS_FLAG CPUAccessFlags

Flags (see ) that identify other, less common resource options. Use 0 if none of these flags apply. These flags can be combined with a logical OR.

Gets the staging description for this instance.. A Staging description Performs an explicit conversion from to . The texture description. The result of the conversion. Performs an explicit conversion from to . The texture description. The result of the conversion. Performs an explicit conversion from to . The texture description. The result of the conversion. Performs an explicit conversion from to . The texture description. The result of the conversion. Performs an explicit conversion from to . The texture description. The result of the conversion. Performs an explicit conversion from to . The texture description. The result of the conversion. Performs an explicit conversion from to . The image description. The result of the conversion. Performs an explicit conversion from to . The image description. The result of the conversion. Describes a custom vertex format structure that contains position and color information. Initializes a new instance. The position of this vertex. The color of this vertex. XYZ position. The vertex color. Defines how a view is selected from a resource. This selection model is taken from Nuaj by Patapom ( Gets a texture view for the whole texture for all mips/arrays dimensions. Here is what the view covers with whatever mipLevelIndex/arrayIndex Array0 Array1 Array2 ______________________ Mip0 | X | X | X | |------+------+------| Mip1 | X | X | X | |------+------+------| Mip2 | X | X | X | ---------------------- Gets a single texture view at the specified index in the mip hierarchy and in the array of textures The texture view contains a single texture element at the specified mip level and array index Here is what the view covers with mipLevelIndex=1 and mrrayIndex=1 Array0 Array1 Array2 ______________________ Mip0 | | | | |------+------+------| Mip1 | | X | | |------+------+------| Mip2 | | | | ---------------------- Gets a band texture view at the specified index in the mip hierarchy and in the array of textures The texture view contains all the mip level texture elements from the specified mip level and array index Here is what the view covers with mipLevelIndex=1 and mrrayIndex=1 Array0 Array1 Array2 ______________________ Mip0 | | | | |------+------+------| Mip1 | | X | | |------+------+------| Mip2 | | X | | ---------------------- Gets a band texture view at the specified index in the mip hierarchy and in the array of textures The texture view contains all the array texture elements from the specified mip level and array index Here is what the view covers with mipLevelIndex=1 and mrrayIndex=1 Array0 Array1 Array2 ______________________ Mip0 | | | | |------+------+------| Mip1 | | X | X | |------+------+------| Mip2 | | | | ---------------------- Converts a WIC to a . A WIC A Converts a to a a WIC . A A WIC Guid. True if conversion succeed, false otherwise. Gets the number of bits per pixels for a WIC Guid. A WIC Guid. The number of bits per pixels for a WIC. If this method is failing to calculate the number of pixels, return 0. Determines metadata for image The flags. The decoder. The frame. The pixel format. If pixel format is not supported.